How does allergic asthma manifest? What are the symptoms of atopic asthma? Mechanism of development and causes of allergic asthma

Allergic bronchial asthma is an inflammatory process in upper tracks breathing as a result of bronchial obstruction, manifested in the form of asthma attacks.

Allergic asthma causes asthma attacks

Description of the disease

The disease was detected in 6% of the population, of which a quarter of diagnoses were confirmed in children. The danger of asthma lies in the fact that some forms are difficult to diagnose and treatment does not begin on time. Often the symptoms are easily confused with chronic bronchitis.

Causes of the disease

The reasons why allergic bronchial asthma may occur are as follows:

  • Genetic predisposition. Medical scientists have proven that asthma itself cannot be inherited, but a predisposition to development is transmitted. If one of the parents is sick, then the possibility of development childhood disease will be 45%. If both parents are sick, then in 70% of cases the child experiences immediate hypersensitivity.
  • Frequent relapses of diseases of the bronchial tree resulting from infections. As a result inflammatory process a hypersensitive environment develops in the bronchial cavity.

Repeatedly recurring diseases of the bronchopulmonary system can provoke the development allergic asthma

  • Long-term tobacco abuse. Even passive smoking increases the risk of developing asthma. Smoking during pregnancy increases the likelihood of developing the disease by 68%.
  • Spending a long time in a room with fungus, mites, mold or dust.
  • Eating food with preservatives, dyes, GMOs.
  • Long-term use of medications that irritate the body's immune function.
  • Harmful working conditions.
  • Disturbed ecology in the place of residence.

Sometimes the reasons that influenced the occurrence of pathology are complex.

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of allergic asthma in the child

Forms of the disease

According to the principle of occurrence, allergic asthma is:

  • Household form of asthma. Occurs as a result of the formation of hypersensitivity to dust. Most often it worsens in winter, when there is not enough air humidification. The attack is prolonged and goes away after changing the home environment. Often, household asthma is accompanied by bronchitis, which arises from an allergic reaction of the body.
  • Fungal atopic form of asthma. Depending on the formation, the dispute can be either year-round or seasonal. The attack worsens at night, in rainy weather when fungal spores grow. The body is sensitive to the seasonal formation of fungi, so the patient feels better in winter when snow falls.
  • Pollen form of asthma. It worsens when plants bloom. First, the patient develops a runny nose due to allergies, then an attack of suffocation appears. Pollen asthma can occur from eating grains or seeds.

Allergic asthma may be the body's reaction to infectious pathogens

  • Infectious-allergic asthma. This form occurs if chronic foci of inflammation develop in the respiratory system.
  • Epidermal-atopic form of asthma. Occurs when there is an irritant present in the skin, saliva or fur of animals.

According to the level of progression of the disease, they are divided into:

  • Mild intermittent degree. An attack of suffocation occurs rarely, about a couple of times a month. There are no attacks at night.
  • Mild persistent degree. The attack occurs 4-6 times a month, night attacks are possible a couple of times a month.

In severe allergic asthma, asthma attacks bother the patient at night

  • Average degree. The attack worries me every day, night suffocation occurs at least 4 times a week. The attack interferes with physical activity.
  • Severe degree. The attack appears 4-5 times a day, the same number at night.

Symptoms of the disease

As you come into contact with the allergen, symptoms may appear several at once or one at a time. Allergic bronchial asthma has the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing. The attack blocks both inhalation and exhalation. Shortness of breath appears immediately after contact with the allergen.
  • Whistling and wheezing. It occurs because the airways are greatly narrowed and air passes slowly. Whistles or wheezes are heard in long distance from a patient.

The main symptom of asthma is difficulty breathing

  • Taking a certain position when suffocating. When there is a lack of air, the patient rests against a wall or horizontal surface with his hands, freeing up additional muscle groups for the respiratory process.
  • Cough. It can occur with other symptoms or independently. Sometimes a paroxysmal cough is ignored, thinking that it is not associated with signs of asthma.
  • Thick sputum produced when coughing.

Diagnosis of the disease

Often, when diagnosing bronchial asthma, symptoms are confused with other diseases. respiratory system. That's why diagnostic measures require careful examination of the body.

During the diagnosis of allergic bronchial asthma, an x-ray is taken chest

Diagnosis begins with obtaining an anamnesis: the pulmonologist finds out what symptoms and how often they appear, during what period the symptoms worsen, and whether there is a connection between an attack of suffocation and contact with an allergen. Then the pulmonologist prescribes a number of diagnostic measures:

  • taking tests for allergens from an allergist to determine the type and form of allergens that provoke the disease;
  • biochemical blood test to establish the level of immunoglobulins and to exclude an inflammatory process;
  • Carrying out a chest x-ray to rule out other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • conducting spirometry to determine the volume of air in the lungs and the rate of air exit;
  • conducting electrocardiography to exclude cardiac asthma;
  • sputum analysis.

Spirometry allows you to estimate the volume of air in the lungs

Treatment of the disease

The effectiveness of treatment of allergic asthma is achieved in a complex manner. The attending physician prescribes the following means to relieve an attack of suffocation and other symptoms:

  • Aerosols. The drug does not provide treatment, but only relieves the attack. A popular drug is Terbutaline.
  • Inhalation drugs. They carry out treatment - relieve swelling and inflammation. A popular medicine is Tailed.
  • Antihistamine. Take off mild attack forms of allergic asthma are helped by Zyrtec and other drugs.

Drug treatments aimed at treating allergic asthma include the following:

  • Taking glucocorticoids. Taking medications for on an ongoing basis, it is possible to control the attack for a long time.

Allergic asthma is treated with inhaled medications

  • Taking leukotriene modifiers. The drugs narrow the airways, fight phlegm production, and reduce other symptoms. Popular remedy this group: Zileuton.
  • The use of adrenaline oral glucocorticoids during the period of exacerbation.
  • Antiallergenic therapy. It consists of introducing the allergen under the skin, gradually increasing its amount. This reduces hypersensitivity to the allergen.

Almost any drug that blocks an attack and treats allergic asthma is used in the form of acupunctures and sprays, since it quickly enters the respiratory tract and has an immediate effect.

Early treatment gives a favorable prognosis. Asthma medications and a bronchodilator must be taken on an ongoing basis.

Therapy that involves subcutaneous injection of the allergen is also highly effective.

Allergic bronchial asthma during pregnancy

Approximately 9% of pregnant women show signs of asthma. During pregnancy, asthma tends to light current. The disease worsens at the 6th month of pregnancy and continues until the 8th month. After childbirth, asthma returns to its prenatal form. Treatment boils down to taking approved antihistamines.

Allergic asthma during pregnancy affects the fetus - development immune function baby slows down.

Disease prevention

The following recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of allergic asthma:

  • Take antihistamines twice a year.

To prevent the development of asthma if you are prone to allergic reactions, you must take antihistamines

  • Ventilate the room several times a day.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Try to stick healthy image life.
  • Monitor your vitamin D levels and take complex products containing different vitamins and minerals.
  • News active image life, play sports.
  • Perform daily breathing exercises.
  • In spring and summer during the flowering period, additionally use anti-allergy medications and keep the windows closed.

It is important to constantly maintain optimal levels of vitamin D in the body.

  • Wash clothes in boiling water.
  • Wear clothes made from hypoallergenic natural materials.
  • Install a humidifier in the bedroom.
  • Get rid of carpets, feather pillows, toys.

It must be remembered that preventive measures do not guarantee that an asthma attack will not occur if there is a hereditary predisposition. However, with their help, the number of asthma attacks can be reduced. There is no medicine that can prevent asthma.

A humidifier in the room will help prevent asthma attacks

Complications of the disease

When an attack develops immediately, there is a risk of complications:

  • A person loses consciousness from a sudden stop in breathing. Developing pulmonary failure. If measures are not taken in time to relieve symptoms, status asthmaticus can be fatal.
  • The alveoli of the lungs rupture, requiring urgent intubation.

If the symptoms of the disease are not controlled, heart failure develops.

The following video will introduce you in more detail to the causes and methods of treating allergic asthma:

Allergic asthma– a serious illness associated with an aggressive reaction of the immune system to specific allergen, which is not recognized by him as a safe body for the body. When an allergen enters the airways, an alarm “signal” is triggered about the presence of a foreign antigen. Due to stimulation of the production of immunoglobulins, work starts histamine receptors what causes pathogenic process in the respiratory system - sudden spasm smooth muscle, narrowing of the lumen and the appearance acute inflammation in the respiratory tract with the formation of edema and increased secretion of thick mucus.

The atopic form of asthma is similar in clinical symptoms to other types of asthmatic pathologies. Thus, patients with allergic asthma will experience problems with the respiratory organs when inhaling cigarette smoke, frosty air, especially strong odors, dust microparticles and other irritants, as well as during physical activity. The nature of the origin of allergens is quite diverse, so it is important to identify the ill-fated antigen as soon as possible in order to counter the development of severe pathogenesis in the respiratory region, which is dangerous due to its complications.

Functions immune system aimed at ensuring protective barrier, limiting the penetration of pathogenic organisms into natural biological environment body. But, unfortunately, the production of antibodies does not always have a beneficial effect on a person’s health. So, with allergies, the immune system produces too much immune cells, which promotes the activation of histamine and its release into the blood. Histamine in active form dangerous for humans, as it provokes damage mainly to the respiratory organs and skin.

What are the symptoms of atopic asthma?

Atopic asthma is characterized by damage to the respiratory tract located in thoracic region organism, with the following clinical symptoms:

  • the occurrence of coughing attacks;
  • respiratory center oppressed, compressed;
  • inhalations and exhalations are accompanied by wheezing and whistling;
  • the appearance of a feeling of critical lack of air (shortness of breath);
  • a short inhalation quickly gives way to a heavy, long exhalation;
  • the act of breathing becomes frequent and intense;
  • painful manifestations occur in the chest.

The above symptoms are inherent in allergic asthma; they can be triggered by any substances foreign to the body, mainly of an exogenous type, for example:

  • pollen or specific plant substances;
  • mold spores;
  • dandruff and salivation of pets;
  • waste products of household mites.

In addition to the main allergens, other irritants that are not the main cause of asthma can also aggravate an existing disease, trigger an asthmatic crisis:

  • gas emissions from the explosion of firecrackers and fireworks;
  • dust microparticles flying in the air;
  • aromatic vapors from candles, perfumes, etc.;
  • chemical composition household chemicals;
  • automobile exhaust gases;
  • smoke coming from a burning fire;
  • some medications;
  • active physical exercise;
  • cold air and neuro-emotional shocks.

Allergic asthma in childhood

Children are most vulnerable to the disease due to imperfect immune and respiratory systems. Especially allergic asthmatic diseases attack children in the first 3-4 years. Children are more likely to suffer from mixed type pathology – infectious-allergic asthma. This disease is caused by two factors:

  • the first is an allergic predisposition (reactions to food, medications, etc.);
  • the second is a non-immunological factor (respiratory tract infections, stress, cold, dirty air, etc.).

Since most often an attack is provoked by respiratory infections, therefore, its manifestations will occur either at the end past illness, or after a short period of time after the outbreak of infection has subsided - after about 3 weeks. Often, the appearance of a bronchial crisis can be influenced by an emotional outburst of the child, for example, stress, fear, hysteria, severe crying or laughter. In addition to the emotional factor, bronchial spasm is often caused by physical activity of the child and by inhalation of smoke, frosty air, dust, etc.

Quite often, parents do not suspect, until the child has an attack of suffocation, that the baby does not just have bronchitis, but an atopic form of asthma. It is not difficult to suspect a true pathology of the allergic type: if bronchitis occurs more than 4 times a year, and the child has any allergy, even a dermatological one, the likelihood of having atopic asthma is quite high. Therefore, to confirm or rule out a dangerous disease, you should show the child to a pediatric allergist, who will prescribe a special allergy test with a stress test, an immunological examination to determine the presence of an infectious allergen, and other important tests.

To treat allergic asthma, children are prescribed inhalation procedures that will help improve drainage and protective function bronchi. In most cases, the prescription of special aerosols is required to relieve swelling and spasm in the respiratory tract, as well as certain cough medications and antihistamines. Only a pediatric allergy and immunology specialist is involved in selecting and determining the dosage of anti-asthmatic drugs for children!

Atopic asthma attack

Most dangerous symptom which is provoked by respiratory allergens is an attack of suffocation. When an irritating antigen enters the airways, it comes into contact with immunoglobulin E, as a result of which the mucous membranes respiratory organs quickly become inflamed, and, as a result of the pathological reaction, bronchospasm occurs. The attack is accompanied by depression of the respiratory act, the appearance of extraneous sounds at the time of difficult inhalation and exhalation (wheezing, wheezing), a painful cough with difficult to separate white sputum.

At the time of an attack, the first thing you should do is call an ambulance. While she is driving, it is important to provide the body with psychological calm, since increased anxiety and fear will only complicate the situation. If the attack is triggered by blooming pollen, it is necessary to bring the person into the room. In other cases, it is extremely important to limit contact with the pathological allergen, open the windows in the room to enrich the air with oxygen, and you can help the patient go outside. Inhaling cold air is prohibited if you have allergic asthma! They will help you remove nervous tension and reduce allergic manifestations in the respiratory system, soothing and antihistamines.

In the future, doctors will provide specialized assistance in restoring the respiratory tract. If suffocation occurs for the first time, it is necessary to undergo examination by appropriate specialists and carry out the therapy recommended by them in order to prevent the occurrence in the future. severe symptom. People with atopic asthma should always keep with them medicine inhaler, which will help to avoid the progression of suffocation at any time.

How to treat allergic asthma?

Any pathology of the asthmatic type should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. It is unacceptable to prescribe medications against asthma on your own, since an unskilled approach to therapy can cost a person his life. The allergic type of pathology is treated according to the same principle as bronchial asthma, but taking into account the main provoking factor - the allergen.

To combat allergic attacks in respiratory tract Drug treatment is used primarily. As an additional therapy, it is allowed to resort to effective folk remedies. Regarding healing recipes from folk sources, the possibility of their use must be agreed upon with a doctor so as not to harm your well-being.

Drug treatment includes taking the main allergy remedy – an antihistamine. Thanks to its biological composition, the activity of histamine is suppressed, which becomes main reason development of a sudden inflammatory process in the human respiratory system. Active substances Such drugs have an inhibitory effect on the production of histamine and help neutralize it in the blood.

The next main drug that is extremely necessary for a patient with allergic asthma is a bronchodilator, which will help eliminate swelling and severe spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and quickly stop an attack of suffocation. This medicine is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, but only as prescribed by a doctor. Bronchodilators are available in various forms– solutions for injections, inhalation aerosols, tablets, rectal suppositories.

Enough effective method immunotherapy is considered, the goal of which is to promote the development of immunity to the main antigen by administering microdoses of a solution containing an irritating substance, with a gradual increase in the dosage of the administered drug. The treatment is quite long, it can last for a couple of years, but the effect is impressive - the patient completely gets rid of allergies.

Prevention of asthma attacks due to allergies

Every person suffering from atopic asthma must follow simple rules to rid their body of clinical stress - recurrent asthma attacks. Let's consider the basic preventive measures that must be strictly followed if you have allergic asthma.

  1. In the spring, when plants bloom vigorously, it is necessary to reduce walking outside to a minimum, and close the windows in the living room. You cannot keep pets in the house - dogs, cats, parrots, etc.
  2. Do not use air conditioners for cooling, or set them to a gentle mode, with the air flow directed upward. The use of ozone air purifiers can have a negative impact on health, since ozone gas ions provoke attacks.
  3. Get rid of unnecessary things in the rooms - carpets, rugs, curtains, old books, soft toys etc. It is these items that are the main dust absorbers and breeding grounds for household mites.
  4. Buy a barometer to help measure the humidity in your home. If the device shows humidity more than 50%, it is necessary to take immediate action, since at high moisture values, mold, house ticks and cockroaches appear. In order to restore humidity to normal (40-50%), use a special device in the room - a moisture absorber. Ventilation on a sunny, dry day will also help achieve a favorable indoor environment.
  5. Do not dry washed items in the apartment, as this again increases humidity. In addition, rooms where water vapor is constantly present (kitchen, bath) must be equipped with special hoods.
  6. When working in the country, planting plants or harvesting crops, it is better to use a protective mask that will prevent dust, mold spores, pollen and specific substances released by plants from entering the respiratory tract.

The work of the immune system is aimed, first of all, at protecting the human body from various kinds pathogens. But sometimes malfunctions occur in it, it begins to perceive even harmless factors environment How . Then there arises pathological condition– allergies.

Allergic bronchial asthma is one of the most severe diseases associated with immune reactions in the body. According to statistics, 6% of the world's population suffers from bronchial asthma, and 80% of all cases are of allergic origin.

Manifestation of the disease, severity

Allergic (or atopic) bronchial asthma is chronic disease upper respiratory tract, resulting from the action of allergens, which, in turn, cause an inflammatory process. The mechanism of development of this pathology is associated with the hyperreactivity of the body in relation to any environmental agent. These agents, in fact, are called “allergens”: they cause the production of immunoglobulins (antibodies), which leads to the release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators from mast cells.

Determination of the degree of disease is based on symptoms, as well as the results of a respiratory function test, namely peak speed exhalation (EPV). To do this, they conduct a study called peak flowmetry. Depending on the above data, there are 4 main degrees of severity:

  1. Mild form (intermittent atopic asthma). Manifestations of the disease are recorded no more than once every 7 days, night attacks - no more than 2 times a month. PSV over 80-85% of normal indicator(the PEF rate depends on age). Fluctuations in morning and evening PSV are no more than 20-25%. The patient's general condition is usually not affected.
  2. Mild persistent atopic form. Symptoms of the disease appear once every 2-6 days, night attacks - more than 2 times a month. PSV is more than 80%, fluctuations in PSV during the day do not exceed 25-30%. If the attacks are prolonged, they can disrupt physical activity and sleep.
  3. Moderate form. Manifestations of the pathological condition are observed daily, night attacks – once a week or more often. PEF is within 65-80% of the norm, fluctuations in the indicator exceed 30%. Significant disturbances in a person’s daily activity are often noted, and the quality of sleep becomes significantly worse.
  4. Severe form of the disease. At this stage, the disease worsens 3-5 times a day, night attacks occur 3 or more times a week. PSV is below 60-65%, daily fluctuations are more than 30-35%. The person cannot exercise everyday affairs, especially related to physical activity, neurotic disorders and disorders of other organs and systems are also observed.

The consequence of severe forms if left untreated can be status asthmaticus, a condition that can be fatal and requires immediate medical attention. Status asthmaticus is characterized by a persistent, severe and prolonged attack of suffocation that cannot be relieved with the help of pocket inhalers. To avoid this state, you need to contact medical institution when the first symptoms appear.

Concomitant pathologies

Quite often allergic rhinitis registered as a concomitant pathology. This is due, first of all, to the characteristics of the immune system, which are transmitted hereditarily. It has been proven that if one of the parents suffers from allergic diseases, then the likelihood of hypersensitivity in the child is about 50%.

If the allergy history is burdened on both the mother’s and the father’s sides, then the likelihood of hyperreactivity reactions increases up to 80%.

But you need to understand that it is not genetically programmed specific disease, but only excessive reactivity of the immune system. That is why not only cases of bronchial asthma are taken into account, but also other allergic diseases of family members (for example, hay fever, atopic dermatitis).

To date, it has been proven that there is a connection between 3 diseases: atopic dermatitis(often registered at 1 year of life), allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. It is in this sequence that these diseases often arise - doctors call this condition “atopic march.” Therefore, if atopic dermatitis or allergic rhinitis is detected, everything must be done necessary measures to avoid the manifestation of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Often this pathological condition does not manifest itself in any way outside of an attack, and it is the first paroxysm of the disease that forces a person to turn to a specialist. Patients with this disease most often present the following complaints:

  • dry, barking, nonproductive cough(sputum is released only at the end of the attack, it is transparent and very viscous, but there is little of it);
  • severe expiratory shortness of breath (a person cannot exhale);
  • wheezing and whistling sounds during breathing;
  • sensations of chest compression, sometimes pain;
  • increased respiratory rate.

Also, an attack of this disease is characterized by a forced position of the patient - orthopnea (a person sits with his hands resting on the edge of a bed or chair). It is in this position that it is easier for a person to inhale - the shoulder girdle rises, the chest expands.

What allergens most often provoke an attack in adults and children?

As mentioned above, a predisposition to this pathology may be due to family history, but an attack is provoked by specific allergen. Scientists have identified several thousand agents that cause exacerbation of this disease. The most common causes of attacks in adults are the following allergens:

  1. Biological agents(plant pollen, bird down and feathers, wool and biological fluids animals, dust mites, fungal spores).
  2. Physical agents(cold or hot air).
  3. Chemical agents(components of cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals, car exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, medicines, food allergens).

IN childhood Allergic disease can be provoked not only by these allergens, but also by food products. Allergy manifestations occur especially often when complementary foods are introduced incorrectly. But, according to statistics, allergic type asthma is registered in adolescence, young and mature age, and is caused by the allergens described above.

Typically, these agents enter the body in one of 3 ways: through the skin, through the upper respiratory tract, and through the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract. The first 2 routes of entry are considered the most dangerous, since in these cases the allergen quickly enters the bloodstream and causes symptoms of the disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

Bronchial asthma– a dangerous condition, so in no case should you take any medications on your own without consulting a specialist. Immunologists, allergists, therapists and pulmonologists are involved in making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment - only through joint efforts qualified specialists can be achieved good result and alleviate the course of the disease as much as possible.

At the initial visit to a medical institution, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient, which includes collecting complaints, anamnesis of the disease and life, as well as family and allergy history. After this, the specialist conducts an inspection of the systems, special attention devotes attention to the respiratory organs. At this stage, we can talk about making a preliminary diagnosis, but this is not enough to prescribe therapy - it is also necessary to conduct other studies that will confirm the doctor’s assumptions and help determine the stage of the pathological process.

Instrumental and laboratory studies include:

  1. Complete blood count (eosinophil levels are increased, indicating an allergic reaction).
  2. Biochemical blood test (increased concentration of seromucoids, sialic acid and gamma globulins).
  3. Sputum analysis (increased eosinophil content, Charcot-Leyden crystals are detected, Kurshman spirals may also be present).
  4. ELISA ( enzyme immunoassay) for the content of class E immunoglobulins (increased several times).
  5. Scarification tests, skin prick test. During these studies, possible allergens that triggered the attack are applied to the skin (if the test is positive, redness and swelling are present).
  6. Chest X-ray (as a rule, no changes, but it is necessary to do it to exclude other lung diseases).
  7. Spirometry (decrease in vital capacity of the lungs, increase in functional residual capacity, the expiratory reserve volume and average volume flow also decrease).
  8. Peak flowmetry (decreased PEF, increased difference between morning and evening PEF).
  9. ECG (increased heart rate, carried out to exclude heart pathologies that cause shortness of breath).

A number of these studies make it possible to accurately determine not only the presence of the disease, but also the severity of the disease.

Remember that treatment should be prescribed only after.

Treatment process: pharmacological drugs used for the disease

To date, many medications have been developed that can stop an attack of this disease. There are also a number of medications used as additional therapy (during periods without attacks):

  1. M-anticholinergics. Used to relieve seizures pocket inhalers with M-anticholinergics (Atrovent, Spiriva) - they are safe and can be used by the patient independently. For severe paroxysms of the disease, use injectable drugs from this group: atropine sulfate and ammonium. However, they have a large number side effects, therefore used only in emergency cases.
  2. Cromony. Drugs from this group reduce the production of mast cells, which helps reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks. The advantage of cromones is that they can be used to treat allergic disease in childhood. The most commonly used drugs are Nedocromil, Intal, Kromglicate, Cromolyn.
  3. Antileukotriene drugs. Reduce the production of leukotrienes, which are formed during an allergic reaction. Drugs in this group, mainly tablets, are prescribed outside of an exacerbation of the disease. Formoterol, Montelukast, Salmeterol are used.
  4. Glucocorticoids systemic use . Prescribed only in cases of severe disease, as well as in the relief of asthmatic status. Anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect these drugs are very pronounced, they are extremely effective, because significantly reduce the body's reactivity to various allergens. IN clinical practice the most commonly used are Metypred, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, as well as inhaled drugs: Aldecin, Pulmicort.
  5. β 2 -adrenergic agonists. The mechanism of action of drugs from this pharmacological group based on increasing the sensitivity of receptors to adrenaline. This leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, a decrease in swelling and mucus secretion, as well as an expansion of the lumen of the bronchi. They are produced mainly in the form of inhalations; drugs such as Ventolin, Salbutamol, Seretide are most often used.
  6. Methylxanthines. These drugs, through sequential chemical reactions inhibit the interaction between actin and myosin proteins muscle tissue, which leads to relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles, also sharply reduces the destruction of mast cells, which leads to less release of inflammatory mediators. Used for severe attacks and status asthmaticus. Drugs from the methylxanthine group: Euphylline, Theophylline, Theotard.
  7. Expectorants. During an attack, a large amount of viscous mucus accumulates in the bronchi, which clogs the airways, aggravating general condition patient. In order for sputum to clear better, the following drugs are prescribed: Lazolvan, ACC, Bromhexine, Solvil.
  8. Antihistamines. They attach to cell receptors, making them less sensitive to histamine, the main mediator of the allergic reaction. As a result, they decrease clinical manifestations diseases. These drugs are used systematically, especially if contact with the allergen cannot be avoided. Today, Zodak, Cetrin, Eden, Loratadine are most often used.

Remember, in order for treatment to be effective, it must, first of all, be comprehensive, and it must be prescribed by a highly qualified specialist.

Do I need to follow a diet?

Since any factor can be an allergen, then food product may provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, doctors recommend that patients with this pathology limit highly allergenic foods. These include:

  • nuts;
  • seafood;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus;
  • mushrooms;
  • raspberries and strawberries.

It is also necessary to give up alcohol, spices, coffee, fatty and fried foods. In addition to all of the above, it is better to limit your salt intake - nutritionists recommend adding no more than 6 g of salt per day to your food.

Lifestyle during illness

Like all other allergic diseases, this type of asthma can become more severe when in the wrong way life. In order for this to happen, doctors recommend establishing a sleep-wake schedule and engaging in regular physical activity (for example, doing breathing exercises and specialized exercises from the exercise therapy complex).

It is also necessary to ensure that contact with the allergen is limited as much as possible, and it is recommended to visit the fresh air, undergo regular examinations with a doctor, and also give up bad habits. Sanitary resort treatment and hardening will be beneficial.

In addition, it is necessary to eliminate or minimize stressful situations in everyday life, because it is this factor that most often provokes exacerbations. If you follow these recommendations in combination with the prescribed treatment, you can achieve excellent results and put the disease into remission.

Possible complications of the disease

Long-term course of bronchial asthma with allergic component can lead to complications such as status asthmaticus, pulmonary emphysema, cardiac and respiratory failure, closed pneumothorax, atelectasis, pneumomediastinum.

Most of these conditions can become a threat to human life and health, some of them lead to disability of the patient. That is why experts insist on timely access of the population to medical institutions.

Traditional methods of treatment

There are several folk remedies that are effective for treatment:

  1. You need to take 800g of chopped garlic, put it in a jar and fill it with water, leave for 1 month in a dark place. Take 1 tsp. 20-30 minutes before meals, for 6-8 months.
  2. Dry ginger (400-500g) needs to be crushed using a coffee grinder, pour in 1 liter of alcohol, and leave for 7-10 days. Then it is recommended to strain the resulting tincture and drink 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 90 days.
  3. Mix propolis and alcohol in a ratio of 1:5 and leave for 5-7 days. You need to drink this remedy with milk, 25 drops 2-3 times a day (before meals).

Despite the fact that there are many methods of herbal treatment, doctors say that herbal medicine is contraindicated for patients, as it can aggravate the person’s condition.

Remember that not a single folk remedy should be used without consulting a doctor.


The disease is considered a chronic, severe pathology not only of the respiratory system, but of the entire body. However, this diagnosis is not a death sentence! All the efforts of the doctor and the patient should be aimed at achieving maximum effect in treating the disease. If you contact a specialist in time, he will carry out necessary examinations and will appoint effective treatment, which will make attacks of the disease less frequent and intense.

Unfortunately, every year the number of people suffering from allergic diseases. Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on why the body becomes hypersensitive to a particular substance (allergen). Most experts are inclined to believe that the main reasons for the occurrence of a sharp response of the immune system are environmental pollution and the consumption of harmful, low-quality food or food products, to which various synthetic substances are often added today. In particular, common chronic disease, characterized by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and accompanied by suffocation, is bronchial asthma. This pathology is very insidious because it can take mild forms and masquerade as chronic or obstructive bronchitis. But still, allergic bronchial asthma develops most often (in 80% of cases).

Reasons for development

For asthma allergic origin The so-called IgE immunoglobulins are directly involved in the body’s specific immune response. The danger is that these antibodies cause an immediate allergic reaction. Therefore, an attack of bronchial asthma usually begins suddenly, literally within a few minutes after the penetration of the allergen. The development of the disease, which is also called atopic bronchial asthma, can be influenced by various factors:

  • bad heredity;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • smoking;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • long-term use of medications.

And exacerbation and attack are most often caused by inhaled allergens:

  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • animal hair;
  • fungal spores;
  • household dust;
  • domestic tick secretions.

Symptoms and features of the disease

An attack of atopic bronchial asthma begins with difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, accompanied by whistling and wheezing in the chest and worsening with physical activity. After a minute or two, a strong contraction of the muscles of the bronchi occurs, their narrowing, bronchospasm develops and an attack of suffocation occurs.

An allergic inflammatory process in the respiratory tract can develop to a specific allergen, or be seasonal (for example, hypersensitivity to pollen). But in any case, a period of exacerbation begins, during which many asthmatics also react sharply to nonspecific irritants - the smell of tobacco smoke, perfume or cooking food, exhaust fumes, temperature changes. The duration of the exacerbation period accompanied by frequent attacks suffocation depends on the degree of sensitivity of the body (sensitization) to the effects of the allergen and can last from two hours to 3 – 4 weeks.

Symptom relief and treatment

As a rule, every person suffering from atopic bronchial asthma carries with him special inhaled medications. They effectively stop an asthma attack, but there is no universal cure for such an allergic reaction. Therefore, medications are selected individually for each asthmatic. Moreover, if the patient’s condition does not stabilize within 3 months, drugs from other drug groups are prescribed.

  • For mild forms of the disease, anti-inflammatory drugs containing cromoglycic acid (Tyled, Intal) or antihistamines (for example, Zyrtec) often help.
  • At medium degree allergic reactions are effectively relieved by beta-2-agonists (bronchodilators), which are short-acting (Berotek, Fenoterol, Salbutamol, etc.) and long-acting (Oxis, Foradil, Serevent, etc.).
  • In case of severe disease, they resort to inhaled glucocorticosteroids (Fluticasone, Budesonide, Beclomethasone), or use strong antiallergic combination drugs (for example, Symbicord, Seretide).

Since an asthmatic may be allergic to plants, folk remedies It is not recommended to use it to alleviate the condition of a sick person with this form of bronchial asthma.

Of course, if you follow all the instructions of your doctor and always have the prescribed inhalation medications with you, then periods of remission can be long. And you can completely get rid of this disease only by gradually introducing into the body substances that cause a sharp immune response. This method is called allergen-specific immunotherapy. Today allergic bronchial asthma is treatable!

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Treatment of allergic bronchial asthma

Cough, rhinitis, lacrimation and deterioration of well-being... It would seem that these types of symptoms can be as usual colds and allergic reactions.

But with the appearance of bronchospasm, there is no longer any doubt - we are talking about asthma, bronchial asthma of an atopic nature.

Statistics say that approximately 5-6% of the adult and child population suffers from this disease. However, in practice, this relatively small percentage is concentrated in large cities, where every second adult and more than 80% of children suffer from one or another type of allergy.

Whether it turns into asthma is an individual question. But everyone who has at least some relation to allergic manifestations should know about this disease and learn to live with it.

What is it?

It is chronic, but dangerous due to its frequent exacerbations. The target of the lesion is the upper respiratory tract, namely the bronchial tree. Its episodic obstruction causes fair fears for the patient’s life, although it can be eliminated with medication.

Many medical sources describe allergic bronchial asthma approximately this way, forgetting to mention the most important thing: the disease is always “activated” due to the body's immune response to a particular allergen. It may be different for everyone, but the point is not even in a specific “pathogen”, but in the hypersensitivity of the defense system and its immediate reaction.

Yes, in a fraction of a minute the body will respond to the pollen of a flowering tree, house or library dust, a nearby pet (more precisely, the presence of its fur/feathers/excrement), this or that food product (especially associated with the mentioned pollen). The reaction will appear in the form of a continuous painful cough or suffocation(bronchospasm).

Parents of children suffering from atopic dermatitis from infancy should be especially vigilant. Unfortunately, very often it turns into allergic bronchial asthma, accompanying a person throughout his life.

Moreover, predisposition to the disease is hereditary, transmitted from mother to child, which explains the “family status” of the disease.

Infectious-allergic bronchial asthma

The key word in this diagnosis is “ infectious”, although this is often overlooked. Yes, the disease is a form of bronchial asthma, but it develops according to a slightly different principle:

  • Allergens are considered the “causative agents” of the disease microbial origin, which has nothing to do with pollen, dust or cats;
  • non-immunological mechanisms are involved in the formation of the body's response;
  • The middle-aged population is at risk, practically excluding young children;
  • allergic predisposition is monitored at a fairly low level, although it is present.

Main clinical sign Bronchial asthma of this type are diseases of the respiratory tract of an infectious-inflammatory nature. Bronchospasms are also present, although they are observed during periods of “quiet”/relapse of the disease or during the patient’s recovery phase. Their boundaries are not so clear, although they look like suffocation. Often the attack lasts for several days, exhausting the patient with a painful cough with the release of a small amount of purulent sputum.

No less important is the relationship of the disease to seasonal factor. Yes, in winter time years of exacerbation are observed most often, although this is temporary: gradually attacks begin to plague year-round, moving to new “complicated” stages (for example, the development of pulmonary emphysema).

Despite the fact that a number of allergens can provoke an exacerbation, the symptoms are often similar or similar in nature. Therefore, patient complaints are almost identical:

  • Continuous dry cough. In some cases, sputum may be discharged, but in small quantities.
  • Inhalation is easy for the patient, but exhalation requires effort. At the same time, a characteristic whistle is heard in the chest.
  • Periodically occur in the chest area painful sensations, feeling of discomfort.
  • Upon contact with an allergen, lacrimation, runny nose, headache, and shortness of breath may begin. To do this, it is enough to inhale, eat a pathogenic substance, or even scratch yourself slightly on it.
  • Choking often begins (bronchospasm - due to contraction of the muscles of the respiratory tract, their narrowing). This condition resembles asphyxia and can also lead to anaphylaxis, which is often fatal.

Depending on the severity of symptoms, experts mention the main 4 degrees of atopic asthma: mild intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent, severe persistent. Each differs in frequency of manifestation clinical picture and depends on treatment, living environment, time of year, and concomitant diseases.

It would be logical to assume that the absolute elimination of allergens will help get rid of the disease itself. This is also confirmed by long periods of “quiet”, during which the patient does not come into contact with this or that substance.

However, as practice shows, asthmatic attacks (as well as exacerbation of the disease) can be triggered by banal (including everyday) reasons: frequent illnesses/colds, smoking (active/passive), poor nutrition, polluted ecological environment.

For this reason, getting rid of the allergen does not always guarantee positive result. But you won’t be able to isolate yourself from the environment either. Especially considering the fact that a predisposition to hypersensitive airways is likely to be hereditary.

In that case, just can't do without:

  • taking medications regularly;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • special gymnastics;
  • “honing” the ability to block attacks in their initial stages.

Drug therapy

Regular intake of medications will help the body cope with asthmatic status, and also, in some cases, prevent it. All you need to have in your first aid kit is:

Treatment with folk remedies

The clinical picture of the disease is too serious for experiments with decoctions, tinctures and ointments homemade? To some extent - yes, since the disease is necessarily accompanied by drug therapy. But folk medicine also includes homeopathy. It is also prohibited to choose such means on your own, but the result of their use is often positive.

Don’t forget about the basic rules for asthma patients; they are often referred to as traditional methods of prevention period of exacerbations:

Clinical picture

What doctors say about allergy treatments

Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the occurrence of most fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

7 million people die every year due to allergies, and the scale of the damage is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

And most importantly: asthma is really very dangerous disease. But like any illness, it is better to prevent it, or at least avoid acute periods.

Treatment of allergic bronchial asthma

Allergic bronchial asthma is an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract as a result of bronchial obstruction, manifested in the form of asthma attacks.

Description of the disease

The disease was detected in 6% of the population, of which a quarter of diagnoses were confirmed in children. The danger of asthma lies in the fact that some forms are difficult to diagnose and treatment does not begin on time. Often the symptoms are easily confused with chronic bronchitis.

Causes of the disease

The reasons why allergic bronchial asthma may occur are as follows:

  • Genetic predisposition. Medical scientists have proven that asthma itself cannot be inherited, but a predisposition to development is transmitted. If one of the parents is sick, then the chance of developing a childhood disease will be 45%. If both parents are sick, then in 70% of cases the child experiences immediate hypersensitivity.
  • Frequent relapses of diseases of the bronchial tree resulting from infections. As a result of the inflammatory process, a hypersensitive environment develops in the bronchial cavity.

  • Long-term tobacco abuse. Even passive smoking increases the risk of developing asthma. Smoking during pregnancy increases the likelihood of developing the disease by 68%.
  • Spending a long time in a room with fungus, mites, mold or dust.
  • Eating food with preservatives, dyes, GMOs.
  • Long-term use of medications that irritate the body's immune function.
  • Harmful working conditions.
  • Disturbed ecology in the place of residence.

Sometimes the reasons that influenced the occurrence of pathology are complex.

Forms of the disease

According to the principle of occurrence, allergic asthma is:

  • Household form of asthma. Occurs as a result of the formation of hypersensitivity to dust. Most often it worsens in winter, when there is not enough air humidification. The attack is prolonged and goes away after changing the home environment. Often, household asthma is accompanied by bronchitis, which arises from an allergic reaction of the body.
  • Fungal atopic form of asthma. Depending on the formation, the dispute can be either year-round or seasonal. The attack worsens at night, in rainy weather, when fungal spores grow. The body is sensitive to the seasonal formation of fungi, so the patient feels better in winter when snow falls.
  • Pollen form of asthma. It worsens when plants bloom. First, the patient develops a runny nose due to allergies, then an attack of suffocation appears. Pollen asthma can occur from eating grains or seeds.

  • Infectious-allergic asthma. This form occurs if chronic foci of inflammation develop in the respiratory system.
  • Epidermal-atopic form of asthma. Occurs when there is an irritant present in the skin, saliva or fur of animals.

According to the level of progression of the disease, they are divided into:

  • Mild intermittent degree. An attack of suffocation occurs rarely, about a couple of times a month. There are no attacks at night.
  • Mild persistent degree. The attack occurs 4-6 times a month, night attacks are possible a couple of times a month.

  • Average degree. The attack worries me every day, night suffocation occurs at least 4 times a week. The attack interferes with physical activity.
  • Severe degree. The attack appears 4-5 times a day, the same number at night.

Symptoms of the disease

As you come into contact with the allergen, symptoms may appear several at once or one at a time. Allergic bronchial asthma has the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing. The attack blocks both inhalation and exhalation. Shortness of breath appears immediately after contact with the allergen.
  • Whistling and wheezing. It occurs because the airways are greatly narrowed and air passes slowly. Whistles or wheezing can be heard at a long distance from the patient.

  • Taking a certain position when suffocating. When there is a lack of air, the patient rests against a wall or horizontal surface with his hands, freeing up additional muscle groups for the respiratory process.
  • Cough. It can occur with other symptoms or independently. Sometimes a paroxysmal cough is ignored, thinking that it is not associated with signs of asthma.
  • Thick sputum produced when coughing.

Diagnosis of the disease

Often, when diagnosing bronchial asthma, symptoms are confused with other diseases of the respiratory system. Therefore, diagnostic measures require a thorough examination of the body.

Diagnosis begins with obtaining an anamnesis: the pulmonologist finds out what symptoms and how often they appear, during what period the symptoms worsen, and whether there is a connection between an attack of suffocation and contact with an allergen. Then the pulmonologist prescribes a number of diagnostic measures:

  • taking tests for allergens from an allergist to determine the type and form of allergens that provoke the disease;
  • biochemical blood test to establish the level of immunoglobulins and to exclude an inflammatory process;
  • Carrying out a chest x-ray to rule out other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • conducting spirometry to determine the volume of air in the lungs and the rate of air exit;
  • conducting electrocardiography to exclude cardiac asthma;
  • sputum analysis.

Treatment of the disease

The effectiveness of treatment of allergic asthma is achieved in a complex manner. The attending physician prescribes the following medications to relieve an attack of suffocation and other symptoms:

  • Aerosols. The drug does not provide treatment, but only relieves the attack. A popular drug is Terbutaline.
  • Inhalation drugs. They carry out treatment - relieve swelling and inflammation. A popular medicine is Tailed.
  • Antihistamine. Relieve attack light form Allergic asthma is helped by Zyrtec and other drugs.

Drug treatments aimed at treating allergic asthma include the following:

  • Taking glucocorticoids. By taking medications on a regular basis, it is possible to control the attack for a long time.
  • Taking leukotriene modifiers. The drugs narrow the airways, fight phlegm production, and reduce other symptoms. A popular remedy in this group: Zileuton.
  • The use of adrenaline and oral glucocorticoids during exacerbations.
  • Antiallergenic therapy. It consists of introducing the allergen under the skin, gradually increasing its amount. This reduces hypersensitivity to the allergen.

Almost any drug that blocks an attack and treats allergic asthma is used in the form of acupunctures and sprays, since it quickly enters the respiratory tract and has an immediate effect.

Early treatment gives a favorable prognosis. Asthma medications and a bronchodilator must be taken on an ongoing basis.

Allergic bronchial asthma during pregnancy

Approximately 9% of pregnant women show signs of asthma. During pregnancy, asthma tends to be mild. The disease worsens at the 6th month of pregnancy and continues until the 8th month. After childbirth, asthma returns to its prenatal form. Treatment boils down to taking approved antihistamines.

Allergic asthma during pregnancy affects the fetus - the development of the infant's immune function slows down.

Disease prevention

The following recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of allergic asthma:

  • Take antihistamines twice a year.

  • Ventilate the room several times a day.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Monitor your vitamin D levels and take complex products containing different vitamins and minerals.
  • Lead an active lifestyle and play sports.
  • Perform breathing exercises daily.
  • In spring and summer during the flowering period, additionally use anti-allergy medications and keep the windows closed.

  • Wash clothes in boiling water.
  • Wear clothes made from hypoallergenic natural materials.
  • Install a humidifier in the bedroom.
  • Get rid of carpets, feather pillows, toys.

It must be remembered that preventive measures do not guarantee that an asthma attack will not begin if there is a hereditary predisposition. However, with their help, the number of asthma attacks can be reduced. There is no medicine that can prevent asthma.

Complications of the disease

When an attack develops immediately, there is a risk of complications:

  • A person loses consciousness from a sudden stop in breathing. Pulmonary failure develops. If measures are not taken in time to relieve symptoms, status asthmaticus can be fatal.
  • The alveoli of the lungs rupture, requiring urgent intubation.

If the symptoms of the disease are not controlled, heart failure develops.



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