How to germinate wheat at home safely and quickly. Rules for selecting raw materials and technology for germinating wheat at home

The valuable properties of sprouted wheat have been known since ancient times. It was used as a medicine for many ailments, and also as a miracle cure for preserving youth. Today, sprouted wheat sprouts are considered the most useful food product for improving human health.

Wheat grains have three components:

  • germ - the central part of the grain, enriched with fats and vitamins;
  • grain shell - the hard covering layer of the wheat fruit, which consists of fibers and is called bran;
  • core (endosperm) - a voluminous starch layer between the germ and the shell saturated with carbon.

Wheat sprouts differ from ordinary wheat in their properties. During germination, the proportions of nutrients in the grain change. The sprouts produce a large amount of protein, and the grain reduces the amount of carbon that is used during the growth process.

Wheat germ contains vitamins A, B, E and D, and also contains eighteen amino acids. In sprouted grains, active breakdown of all nutritional components found in wheat germ occurs. This process makes it easier for the body to absorb nutrients.

Sprouted wheat is valued for its beneficial constituent elements:

  • vegetable protein mass;
  • vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals.

Sprouts contain a significant proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Sprouted seeds contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and many other trace elements. Wheat is also a source of fiber.

Wheat germ contains germ oil - octcosanol, which is a source of vitamin E and helps remove cholesterol from the body. In medicine, wheat grains with sprouts are used as an additional remedy in the complex treatment of many diseases. Doctors advise using sprouted grains, as they help:

  • normalize metabolism;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • remove cholesterol;
  • increase immune system protection;
  • stabilize intestinal microflora;
  • increase the body's resistance to cold;
  • improve vision;
  • prevent the formation of toxins in the body;
  • saturate the blood with oxygen;
  • stop inflammatory processes;
  • fight infections;
  • heal wounds.

Wheat germ helps restore many vital functions of the human body. By regularly taking such a nutritious product, you can significantly strengthen your nail plates, improve your hair structure and significantly rejuvenate your skin.

Research by scientists has led to the conclusion that eating sprouted wheat prevents the occurrence of tumors and forms a protective reaction in the body against cancer.

For men, wheat germ is an essential source of zinc. Thanks to a sufficient amount of this element in the embryos, male reproductive cells have the opportunity to fully realize the function of fertilization.

Despite the beneficial and amazing properties of sprouted grains, sprouted wheat is not beneficial for everyone. Before consuming the product, you need to know that taking wheat germ is contraindicated:

  • children's age category up to twelve years;
  • for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if you have an allergic reaction to gluten;
  • during the postoperative period;
  • with stomach ulcers.

Before introducing sprouted wheat grains into your daily diet for the treatment of various diseases, you should first consult with your doctor.

Properly germinating wheat at home is not at all difficult. To do this, you must initially select high-quality selected material, which can be purchased in the store. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the integrity of the grain.

To form sprouts you need to prepare:

  • deep glass or enamel container;
  • gauze cloth;
  • purified water at room temperature;
  • sieve;
  • flat tray

The germination process consists of several step-by-step actions:

  1. The grains are washed under running water. All debris and floating unusable seeds are removed.
  2. The raw materials are placed in a prepared container and filled with water. The seeds should soak for eight hours.
  3. After a set time, the water is drained and the grains are washed again.
  4. Clean material for germination is placed again in the container and covered with gauze soaked in water, which is folded several times.
  5. At room temperature, seeds usually germinate in less than ten hours. The appearance of small white sprouts indicates the final result of the preparation of the product. The grains are washed again before use.

If there are no sprouts after two days, the grains become unfit for consumption. There should be wheat seeds with sprouts up to one millimeter in length. The finished product must be kept in the refrigerator for a maximum shelf life of two days.

If the sprout has reached three millimeters, then the healing properties of the product are significantly reduced, since a significant part of the nutritional components goes into the sprouts themselves. Wheat shoots acquire a greenish tint and a sweet taste.

Ten-centimeter sprouts are separated from the already unnecessary seed and used as healthy greens for making salads. Nutritious juice is often made from long shoots using a blender. The crushed pulp is used as a wrinkle-smoothing face mask.

Sprouted wheat is used for food not only in its raw form. Various dishes are prepared from this healthy product - porridge, jelly, soups and salads.

Wheat sprouts should be consumed before lunch, as the body needs considerable time to digest this product. Sprouted wheat is introduced into the menu little by little, otherwise stomach upset may occur.

  • The first portions of the product should consist of two teaspoons.
  • The volume of sprouts consumed gradually increases over three months.
  • The maximum daily dose consists of eighty grams of wheat raw material.

You can prepare various baked goods from crushed grains with sprouts, but during heat treatment a significant proportion of valuable substances disappears. To obtain all the beneficial components contained in sprouted wheat, it is best to consume it raw.

Often wheat seeds with sprouts are poured with dairy products. Before combining food ingredients in this way, you should first eat a small portion and check for stomach tolerance of this combination.

Initially, taking wheat seeds with sprouts may cause weakness, dizziness and diarrhea, but after a couple of days such symptoms will disappear. The first results of wheat nutrition begin to appear after a couple of weeks.

For weight loss

Sprouted grains are taken in their natural form as a means of weight loss. To combat excess weight, you need to eat no more than three tablespoons of the product in the morning. This morning portion of sprouted wheat saturates the body for the whole day, relieving the feeling of hunger for a long time. The kilograms do not disappear quickly, but the result remains for a long time.

Oatmeal porridge with sprouted wheat:

Hot boiled milk is poured over oatmeal and left to swell for five minutes. Raisins, nuts, honey and one spoon of ground sprouted wheat grains are added to the finished porridge.

Sprouted wheat jelly:

Add crushed grains with sprouts to a pan of water and cook for three minutes. Then cover with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Before use, the finished jelly is filtered.

Wheat flatbreads:

Ground sprouted wheat is mixed with a small amount of water, chopped seaweed, salt and sautéed onions. These components are formed into flat cakes, which are fried in olive or sunflower oil on both sides. You can add nuts to the dough.

Avocado salad:

In a plate, put a few raisins pre-soaked in water, a handful of sprouted wheat grains and peeled, grated avocado. Mix all ingredients. Adding vegetable oil. This salad is very healthy, as it contains many essential vitamins.

Salad with apples and cucumbers:

Cut the washed cucumbers and apples into cubes without peeling them. Pour sour cream over everything, adding a couple of tablespoons of sprouted wheat and chopped garlic. Mix the salad, pour honey on top and garnish with fresh berries.

Cutlets made from sprouted crushed grains:

Grains, zucchini, salt and pepper are passed through a meat grinder. Add an egg to the vegetable mince and mix. The cutlets are fried in a frying pan greased with olive or sunflower oil.


Shredded sprouted wheat is mixed with nuts and dried fruits. Balls are made from the resulting dough and rolled in sesame and poppy seeds. The cookies are baked in the oven for twenty minutes over medium heat.

Wheat milk:

Sprouted grains and water are mixed in a blender in a ratio of 1:4. During the process, nuts and raisins are gradually added. The resulting milk mixture is filtered. This milk can be stored in a cold place for two days.


Add half a glass of ground wheat grains with sprouts to one and a half liters of water and cover the container with a piece of gauze. This kvass should steep for three days, after which it is filtered. To prepare the next portion of the drink, you can use the same grains.

Sprouted grain soup:

Pour four hundred milligrams of water into a saucepan, add finely chopped vegetables - carrots, potatoes and onions. Boil the soup mixture and remove from heat and let cool for ten minutes. Afterwards you need to add three tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains, pepper and bay leaf. No salt is added to wheat soup. Bring the soup to a boil and remove from heat, let it steep for ten minutes. By adding this soup to your daily diet, you can significantly improve your immunity.

Dessert of sprouted grains with yogurt:

Add peeled and diced apples to slightly salted sprouted wheat grains. Mix the ingredients and pour over the yogurt. This dessert is great for a light diet breakfast.


I know a grandmother and grandfather who have been eating wheat all their lives; they look like their grandfather is 65 years old, but they’re still walking, so try to catch up and estimate that they are both already over 90 and practically don’t go to doctors, so draw your own conclusions: eat sprouted wheat now or take pills later

I have been eating wheat for a couple of months and I have felt a great surge of energy and my mood has become much better. I am 25 years old. Previously, every winter I had lethargy, fatigue, weakness, I wanted to sleep all the time. Everything was attributed to dystonia. It is difficult to say exactly what has changed. General vigor and tone appeared. My nails really started to look better, my hair also improved, I don’t have gray hair, so I don’t know if it helps or not. Myopia has decreased by 0.5. I don’t know whether it’s related to wheat or not, but for the last 5 years my vision has not changed (I check it once a year). I am not overweight. Every morning I cook oatmeal in water and add wheat.

Sprouted wheat - benefits and harm. Recipes and tips: video

Sprouted wheat grains can be used as a breading for meat dishes and as a seasoning for side dishes. Such a valuable product can be taken regardless of the time of year, filling the body with valuable life-giving substances.

These days, more and more people are thinking about their health: what they eat and how they live. Diseases and excess weight attack a person due to poor nutrition. In search of truth, people come to eat living plant foods. One of these is sprouted wheat (read:). But how to properly sprout wheat for food? Anyone who wants to get the maximum benefit from this grain should know this. How to properly germinate wheat for food, how to choose grain, where to buy, store and what to do with it when it has sprouted?

We have already talked about the benefits and harms of this product in one of the articles; we will not dwell on this again. Those interested can read it.

Sprouted wheat - how to germinate?

There are several ways to germinate wheat. They depend on the goals. If you want to eat the germs in their original form or add them to cereals and salads, then you need to sprout them according to the same scheme. If you need stems for making juices, the recipes for preparation and consumption will be different.

The same can be said about losing weight with the help of sprouted wheat. The weight will not come off only if you add wheat to your diet. It is necessary to set up your entire diet in the right way and consume wheat according to the plan.

How to choose the right grain for germination?

A very important point before starting germination is the choice of grain. It must be whole, not broken. Only whole grains will be able to germinate, and those that are broken will need to be thrown away during washing. Therefore, it is better to buy more whole wheat in advance.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to distinguish good grain from GMOs by visual inspection. Know that GMOs do not germinate. Wheat heavily impregnated with chemicals will also not be able to germinate for a long time, if at all.

If you soaked grain in the evening, and the next morning it does not begin to germinate, it is an unusable grain;
If you buy from the market, take a small amount to test;
Did a film appear on the water when soaking? Sign of chemical treatment;
Buy wheat grain from one bag, if you see that the bag has been changed, take a little again for testing;
Be sure to choose this year's wheat. If she's older, don't take her.

Where to buy and how to choose wheat for germination?

The place of purchase of grain is not particularly important. Now this can be done in different places:

Can be ordered online;
It is best to buy in the village from people who sow for themselves.

At the market or in the village you can buy wheat that is not entirely pure. Other grains and bird poop may also be found there. But in stores and on the Internet you can order branded grain, purified, which was specially packaged for germination. The price of such grain will be 5-10 times more expensive.

Suppose the price on the market can be 15 rubles per kilogram. In the online store you can buy 1 kg of wheat for germination for 100 - 150 rubles, but you won’t have to go anywhere, the courier will bring it straight to your home.

Decide for yourself where to buy wheat for food. The budget option is the market, which is also dirtier. If you like VIP service, the online store is for you!

How to cook (instructions)

Now we have reached the most interesting stage. How to properly sprout wheat for food? There are several methods of germination:

For immediate consumption;
For making juices.

Basically, everything is sprouted for food, but each of these methods has its own characteristics. The main task is to make the sprouts correctly.

How to properly germinate wheat at home.

To properly germinate wheat at home, you need to choose good grain and follow simple instructions. If this is your first time sprouting wheat, take some to experiment with.

The instructions for germinating wheat at home are quite simple:

Prepare the required amount of wheat;
Clean it of debris and broken grains;
Rinse with running water;
Grains that float after washing can be safely thrown away - they will not be able to germinate;
Fill the wheat with drinking water, cover it with gauze or close it with a lid with holes to allow oxygen access;
Let the wheat swell for 8-9 hours at room temperature;
If the weather is too hot, it is necessary to wash the wheat a couple of times during the entire 8 hours to prevent it from rotting;
After swelling, rinse the wheat and place evenly in a glass or plastic bowl;
Cover with damp gauze;
Make sure that the wheat is constantly in a moist environment. To do this, periodically add a little water to the gauze.
After 10-12 hours, the wheat will begin to germinate. During this time, you need to rinse it with water at least once, more if the weather is hot.

There is a simpler method that does not involve different gauze and sauces.

Take a regular plastic jar, for example, a mayonnaise jar, and make several small holes in the lid;
Place a handful of wheat in a jar and rinse;
Next, fill with water, close the lid and leave for 8 hours;
After 8 hours, rinse again and leave the wheat in the jar without water. Distribute it evenly throughout the jar. Leave for another 8 hours.

Note! However, if the weather is hot, it is necessary to wash the wheat more often to prevent it from spoiling. The most useful grains have sprouts up to 2 mm. These are the ones that should be eaten.

Wheat sprouts: how to sprout to get green sprouts.

Sprouting into green sprouts can be used for making smoothies or eating the green stems themselves as salad greens. To get green sprouts, you first need to follow the entire procedure described above.

Next, prepare a special container. Place several napkins on the bottom if the tray has holes. This must be done so that the wheat does not take root in the holes in the pan;
Now pour literally 5 cm of soil into the pan and water it with water to moisten it;
Lightly press the embryos into the soil and sprinkle water on them;
Cover with a damp cloth.

Everything is ready, all that remains is to maintain a moist environment by periodically adding water to your pot. And after 4 days, the top napkins can be removed and the wheat can be placed on the windowsill, but not in direct sunlight.

The first harvest of green wheat can be cut 9-10 days after planting. Use regular scissors to cut off the green sprouts, above the root, so that the wheat can continue to grow.

These green leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for about 7 days, or eaten immediately in salads or as juice.

How to sprout wheat for juice?

If you decide to make vitamin juice from sprouts, then it is better to germinate the green leaves longer. For example, sprouts up to 10 cm are suitable for salad, and 12 cm for juice. Such long wheat can no longer be eaten; use it only for making juice.

Cut the greens with scissors and put them through a blender, adding a little water. You can add a couple of bananas for taste. Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass and discard the remaining greens.

Eat and drink green sprouts in concentrated form, then only about 30 ml per day, on an empty stomach.

Be sure to monitor your body. If painful conditions begin, it means that the body begins cleansing. Don't be afraid, everything will pass. However, if you have serious medical conditions or organ stones, consult a specialist before starting wheat germ treatment.

Errors in wheat germination

Can there be mistakes when sprouting wheat for food? Of course, that's why it's best to avoid them. Forewarned is forearmed.

1. Do not eat wheat that has fermented or become stinky;
2. Between swelling and germination of wheat, be sure to rinse it with running water;
3. If you have overexposed the wheat and sprouts of more than 2 mm appear, it is better not to eat it;
4. It is also better not to consume grains that have not sprouted;
5. Wash the wheat carefully; if the sprout or grain is injured, mold will appear.

These simple rules must be followed and mistakes avoided in order to obtain high-quality grain for food.

How and where to store sprouted grains?

Store sprouted wheat for eating in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Any glass or plastic jar with a lid with holes will do for this. Before eating the wheat the next day, rinse it again in running water.

If they are green stems, store for no more than 7 days.

How to properly germinate wheat for food - video.

As a conclusion.

To properly germinate wheat for food, follow the recommendations. Some people recommend eating grains before lunch. Try to eat grains before lunch on one day, and after lunch on another. Look at the state of your body, how it feels better for you, do it further.

Chew the sprouted wheat well and remember that during heat treatment, if you want to cook it or add it to hot soup, all the beneficial properties are lost. Wheat should be eaten in its usual cool form.

Now you know almost everything about wheat sprouts. How to germinate and how much wheat grain to consume depends on a number of factors. For consumption in small portions, it is best to sprout the grain separately for each day to keep it fresh. On an industrial scale, the germination system looks a little different.

Remember, if you germinate wheat incorrectly, it will not only not help with weight loss or a healthy lifestyle, but will also cause harm. Be extremely careful not to turn this miracle product into junk food!

One of the recognized superfoods for raw foodists is sprouted seeds. Young sprouts of wheat, buckwheat or any other grain contain an incredible amount of vitamins and microelements, which is why they are so in demand in a raw food diet.

Sprouted grains seem to be simple to prepare, and yet both the sprouting technique and the methods of consuming and storing sprouts have their own nuances.

Before starting such a diet, you need to understand all the advantages that such “meals” provide:

  • Cleansing the body and removing toxins. Perhaps a stamp for benefits, and yet it is the removal of harmful substances that helps rejuvenate the body and improve cell protection. Many medicinal and cosmetic products contain sprouted grains, which means this product can be consumed in its pure, concentrated form.
  • An insane amount of useful and nutritious substances that ensure the normal existence of the human body. During the war and the famine-stricken post-war period, people often used wheat sprouts not for baking such precious bread, but specifically for sprouting. And this allowed us not only to overcome the time of hunger, but also to gain strength after all the hardships and improve our health.
  • Normalization of intestinal microflora. Regardless of the type of diet, every person has putrefactive processes in the intestines, and it is the sprouts that can suppress them.

Germination methods

You can germinate seeds either at a simple, amateur level or do it professionally. For professional germination, special seed germinators are used, which have types and classifications.

If germination is carried out for the first time and at home, a little instruction, patience and available items are enough:

  1. It is necessary to select seeds suitable for germination, pour them into a deep bowl, fill with water and leave for 8–10 hours.
  2. After the specified time, the water should be drained and the seeds should be rinsed thoroughly.
  3. The washed seeds should be placed in a shallow, wide dish (dish), leveling them.
  4. Now you should prepare the gauze - it needs to be folded in several layers and moistened. It should be wide enough to cover the entire dish. Cover the seeds with this gauze.
  5. To maintain moisture, the gauze must be constantly moistened. On average, grains should be kept under gauze for 12 to 24 hours.
  6. As soon as white sprouted sprouts are detected, the grains must be thoroughly washed and can be eaten.

How to choose seeds?

The general “pliability” of seeds for germination can be distinguished as follows:

  • Cereal grains - rye, wheat - germinate quickly and without much hassle. On average, it will take from 10 to 20 hours for sprouts to appear;
  • Legumes - lentils, soybeans, peas, beans - require a little more time to germinate;
  • Green buckwheat - can germinate quickly and easily, but at the same time produces harmful mucus, which must be dealt with;
  • Oily grains - sesame, sunflower, flax - are difficult to germinate and may simply rot in the process;
  • Black or brown rice (never white) is a troublesome sprouting process that requires constant attention and control.

Lentil sprouts are extremely rich in vitamin C, which makes them excellent companions during postoperative periods or as a cold prevention.

Before choosing grains for germination, you should listen carefully to the problems of your body. You can germinate even the simplest grains, but each has a number of indications and contraindications.

Before you start experimenting with seed germination, you need to understand that not every grain is ready for this. In addition to the fact that you can waste time and not get a sprouted “harvest,” there is a risk of harming your health.

Seeds for sprouting cannot be purchased in regular grocery stores or markets as cereal.

As a rule, such grain goes through several stages of processing - from pests and just from germination. Consequently, all functions in the seeds are killed, they are “dead” and will not be able to germinate. The chemical treatment is removed during cooking, so consuming these grains raw is extremely dangerous.

In the spring, a lot of sowing seeds are offered, and this offer may tempt a novice raw foodist. You should also beware of such seeds - they are processed for planting in the soil and protected with chemicals from harmful insects. Using such seeds for germination is life-threatening.

It is important to remember that no seed seeds can be used for germination, especially the seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, etc. Only food crops are used for sprouts.

Seeds suitable for germination are sold in special online health food stores or pharmacies.

How to use sprouts?

The main recommendation for starting use is to do it gradually, in small portions. Possessing a lot of useful components, such grains start their processes immediately when they enter the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat sprouts at night.

Sprouts are consumed in different ways, but here are the most popular:

  • Add them to food when cooking. In this case, it is important to ensure the compatibility of the ingredients. For example, vegetable salad and sprouts go together perfectly;
  • Use sprouts in their pure form. In this case, the highest degree of concentration of useful substances is achieved, but the seeds must be chewed for a long time and thoroughly;
  • Using a blender, grind the sprouts and make them into porridge, a side dish, or the basis of dishes;
  • Make bread from them;
  • If you have an auger juicer, you can make your own juice - both from the grains themselves and from sprouts.

It is noteworthy that you can simultaneously consume 2 types of sprouted grains, thereby creating some variety. Sesame, for example, goes well with wheat sprouts, and oats with buckwheat.

When and in what quantity?

Sprouts are not a completely familiar food for the human body. And therefore, a gradual introduction of sprouted grains into the diet is needed. Despite all the “usefulness” of the product, its excessive use can cause discomfort.

You can start using it by adding it to salads - the dish will receive an additional interesting ingredient. True, you need to chew the sprouts thoroughly. If the first steps of consuming sprouts are successful, you can carefully increase the dose.

There are a number of products that are completely incompatible with sprouted grains, including dairy products. Despite numerous recommendations from nutritionists, you should not add sprouts there, because... the product will lose its beneficial substances. It is also not permissible to put grains in hot dishes - the heat will destroy some elements and eating sprouts will become pointless.

Storage rules

Sprouted seeds are living and growing food. Therefore, their long-term storage is not permissible - a maximum of 5-7 days on the top shelf of the refrigerator. The optimal temperature is from +2 to -5 degrees. To get the most from the grains, it is better to consume them in the first 2 days after sprouting.

The sprouted seeds are transferred to a jar and loosely closed with a lid. A moderate closing density makes sense - if the grains are blocked from receiving oxygen, they will “suffocate.”

The sprouts must be washed before each use. To do this, use ordinary running water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. And in order not to have to carry out so many manipulations, it is enough to germinate such a quantity of grains that is enough for only 1-2 meals.

With regular consumption of sprouted grains, within a month you can notice a lot of positive changes: the skin will become tightened and even in color, an influx of energy will be felt, and the immune system will be significantly strengthened.

Your feedback on the article:

Among the numerous diets, nutritional systems and simply useful recommendations, methods that prescribe the use of natural products have always occupied a special place. Fresh vegetables and fruits, not subjected to culinary processing, according to nutritionists, retain and transfer to the human body the maximum amount of natural nutrients. Vitamins, macro- and microelements are easily destroyed under the influence of high temperatures or during cutting, but in whole fruits they remain a single, balanced system of nutrients.

In addition, a juicy apple or peach is not only healthy, but also very tasty, so this approach to choosing foods is easy not only to explain, but also to understand. And yet, there are adherents of a healthy lifestyle who are ready to go even further. In pursuit of naturalness, they compose their diet not only from traditionally ready-to-eat products, but also from quite unexpected products. In particular, sprouted grains are among the popular “dishes” of such a fresh menu. You cannot cook porridge from it or even pour boiling water over it, because this would negate the entire healing effect of the sprouts. They are supposed to be consumed just as if you had dug up a seed from a garden bed.

Sprouting grains for nutrition
Of course, you won't have to mess around in the ground. The technology of germinating grains for nutrition has long been firmly established at home. This simple process can be implemented at almost any time, in any weather and at any time of the year. If you want to conduct such a naturalistic experiment and feel like a coordinator of natural processes, follow these instructions:

  1. Take 100 grams of fresh grains. You can buy them at the grocery market or in a special organic food store. In the first case, carefully inspect the purchase and make sure that the grains are clean and intact; in the second case, their quality is almost guaranteed a priori.
  2. Rinse the seeds under plenty of running water. In the process, look through them again and remove any grains that have become darkened by dampness or fungus, which are overdried or rotten.
  3. Pour clean drinking water over the grain and any remaining debris, fungal spores and dead seeds will float to the surface. There should be very few such foreign particles, otherwise this indicates the old age of the grain and its low energy potential.
  4. Prepare the dishes. Shallow containers made of porcelain, glass and metal, with a flat bottom and a smooth ceramic or enamel surface, are suitable for germinating grains.
  5. Distribute the washed and sorted grains evenly over the bottom of a plate or tray so that the layer height does not exceed a couple of centimeters. Fill them with drinking water at room temperature. The water should completely cover the seeds, but not rise above them.
  6. Cover the surface of the water with clean gauze and make sure that there are no drafts in the room, but there is enough air, and the temperature remains stable within 22-24 ° C.
  7. The first seedlings will appear within a day. They will have a whitish tint and a translucent structure. Carefully monitor their growth and do not miss the moment when the length reaches approximately 3 millimeters. Depending on the quality of the grain and environmental conditions, this will happen in a day or two.
  8. Carefully wash the hatched seeds. The tails sticking out of them are the sprouts, ready to eat.
  9. You can not stop there and grow full-fledged green shoots. Otherwise known as “sprouts,” they can be used as a salad component, added to any soups and cereals, or simply become a crunchy, vitamin-packed snack. It will take from a week to 10 days to grow sprouts. It can be planted separately or some of the sprouted grain can be left for further development.
What grain to germinate
Any organic grain accumulates a large charge of vital energy. The choice of a specific cereal crop depends on your capabilities and taste preferences. Each of them will supply the body with a supply of vitamins, minerals and light fiber, and will become an effective immunostimulant, especially in the off-season. But there are certain features:
  • wheat more often than other grains it is used for germination. Its grains contain B vitamins and tocopherols (fat-soluble vitamin E). Iron in wheat tends to increase massively during sprout formation. The same quality is inherent in phosphorus and calcium;
  • rye stimulates metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system. Accelerates the cleansing of the body from toxins and toxic substances. Regular consumption of rye sprouts helps curb allergic reactions to a variety of irritants;
  • flax valued mainly for its large amount of linolenic and linoleic fatty acids, thanks to which metabolism is normalized and the absorption of all nutritional components of food is improved;
  • buckwheat and its sprouts are a source of complete protein and carbohydrates. In addition, this culture is extremely rich in iron, calcium, magnesium and rare elements such as nickel, boron, cobalt and zinc. Together, these compounds have a positive effect on blood quality and hemoglobin levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the cardiovascular system as a whole. This allows the use of buckwheat sprouts as an effective therapeutic agent for anemia and anemia;
  • sunflower seeds very nutritious due to the content of fats, lecithin, carotene and biotin. These substances establish acid-base balance and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • sesame seeds contain more calcium than any other plant product. Accordingly, in its sprouted form it is extremely useful for strengthening bones, teeth and cartilage tissue during recovery from fractures and operations. Sprouted sesame plays a special role in the diet of pregnant and lactating women;
  • lentils It is not often sprouted, but when used correctly it can significantly alleviate bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. Copper, selenium and zinc in its composition strengthen the nervous system and help fight stress;
  • corn kernels and sprouts have long been known as a source of starch and phytohormones. In their natural form, they activate cell regeneration and stimulate reproductive function;
  • soybeans and other legumes germinate very easily and are very popular, especially in Asian countries. They are indispensable for vegetarians, whose menu contains very few sources of high-quality protein. But soybeans, peas, beans, beans, alfalfa contain them in large quantities in the form of a complete complex of amino acids. In combination with fiber and a large amount of minerals, amino acids provide the body's cells with “building material”.
Eating sprouts
We all know well what to do with a cutlet or soup, but not many people imagine how to eat sprouted grains. If you are a beginner and trying fresh sprouts for the first time, you can grind them in a fine-hole meat grinder or pound them in a mortar. Take the resulting mass into a teaspoon and chew thoroughly, trying not to swallow for as long as possible. Ideally, you should make at least 50 jaw movements and feel how the so-called “milk” is released from the shoots. Adherents of natural nutrition consider it a miraculous elixir that improves health, prolongs youth and gives strength and beauty. Such a powerful effect is achieved not only due to the nutritional value, but also due to the subtle energy structures that the sprouted grain gives to a person.

If you decide to improve your health, cleanse your body and get vitamins, in a word, take the righteous path of a healthy lifestyle, you simply cannot do without wheat sprouts. Sprouted wheat is a valuable bioproduct that can be grown at home. Some eat it straight with a spoon, others prepare original meat and vegetarian salads. In addition, green sprouts are a favorite treat for pets and a good base for a vitamin cocktail. If you are interested in knowing how to germinate wheat at home, we will be happy to help you with advice.

What you need for germination:

  • high-quality grains, preferably purchased from a reliable store or hand-selected by you;
  • a bowl or cuvette not made of metal alloys or plastic. It is best if the dishes for germination are made of glass to make it more convenient to monitor the process;
  • a piece of gauze or clean cotton non-fading fabric;
  • water;
  • a colander with a small mesh size; if you don’t have one, then the same gauze or cloth will do.

What to do

The first advice to those who are looking on the Internet for how to germinate wheat at home for food would be the following: pay close attention to the selection of grains. You should not take them at the market: they may sell pickled (treated with chemicals against pests) wheat, and you will simply get poisoned. It is better to purchase special ones specifically for germination.

If there are seeds of an unexpected color, immediately select and throw them away; if there are any foreign, non-wheat seeds, then we remove them too. Are you planning to eat some wormwood along with healthy sprouts?

The first method of germinating wheat

  1. Pour the grains into a bowl or cuvette so that they are approximately 1–2 centimeters high in it. Fill them with water, which should be at room temperature, preferably boiled or bottled drinking water.
  2. Cover with a cloth to keep out the light, leave until the next day in a warm room, preferably near the radiator.
  3. The next day we look at what happened to our future harvest. If any debris or seeds float to the surface, throw it away immediately.
  4. We wash the wheat seeds in water, wash them very well, then put them back into the bowl and pour in clean boiled or drinking water to cover them completely, but no more. Place damp gauze or cotton cloth on top and leave it overnight again.
  5. Now it's time to wait. The wheat will absorb water and germinate, the gauze will dry out - it must be moistened with water. It would also be a good idea to wash the grains, preferably once every 12 hours, so that the water does not have time to go rotten. Make sure that your future crop does not begin to sprout through the cells of the gauze.
  6. As soon as sprouts about 1–2 mm long appear, we can assume that we have completed the task
  7. Now we wash our grains with tender sprouts again, put them in the refrigerator to stop the growth and eat as needed. For medicinal purposes, you need to eat at least one tablespoon of wheat germ every day. It is better to use it with some vegetable oil for better absorption and preservation of vitamins. By the way, the water in which the seeds were soaked after the second washing is also suitable for consumption and contains useful substances.

If green sprouts appear in your bowl or cuvette, or they remain white but become longer than 5 mm, then such objects must be selected and planted in the ground. They will grow further and become raw materials for preparing natural juice from sprouts or vitamin supplements for your cat or dog.

The second method of germinating wheat

We repeat points 1–3 of the previous instructions. After this we do the following:

4. Wash the grains thoroughly.

5. Place cotton wool, abundantly moistened with water, in a bowl, and on top of it - damp gauze or cotton cloth folded several times. Pour the grains on top so that their layer is no more than 1.5 cm. The grains should not float in the water. Cover with the edges of gauze or fabric.

6. If the fabric dries out, add clean water. We wash the grains every 12 hours. In a day or two, you will have a harvest of sprouts 1–2 mm long, which we need for vitaminization. Do not forget to select unsprouted grains - they are unsuitable for food.

You will learn another way to germinate wheat from this short but very interesting video.



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