How to properly dilute pure alcohol with water. How to make excellent vodka from alcohol at home

Every happy owner of a rectified food product has at least once wondered how best to dilute alcohol with water to make vodka. Despite the huge assortment of vodka boutiques, many drink lovers want to make their own exclusive. Moreover, the production of alcohol for personal use is not prohibited by law. Homemade vodka is a product that is obviously of higher quality than purchased vodka, provided that proven raw materials and the correct technology are used.



The basic material for producing vodka is alcohol. The final result primarily depends on its characteristics. To make vodka from alcohol, you can use ethyl food rectified or its medical analogue. They are often equated, but some differences exist:

  • Feedstock. Medical ethanol is produced only from potatoes and grain crops characterized by a high starch content. While food - from almost any agricultural crop;
  • Fortress. Commercially produced food grade ethanol has a strength of 96–96.3°. The strength of the medicinal product may vary and depends on the final purpose of use. The most common strength is 95°, but it can also be found lower, for example, 70°;
  • Cleaning. In terms of the degree of purification, medical alcohol has no equal; there are practically no impurities in it. With regard to the food subspecies, everything again depends on the category.

With a medical product, everything is clear and transparent, just like the product itself. It can differ only in strength. Accordingly, the finished vodka from such raw materials can be a little more or a little less. Food rectification has an internal classification that is worth familiarizing yourself with.

1. Highly purified alcohol 96.2°

  • Potatoes, sugar beets, black molasses, and grain crops are used. Any proportions;
  • fusel oils 6 mg/dm;
  • esters 13 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.03%.
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 13 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.05%.
  • grain crops and potatoes are used, the content of the latter should not exceed 60%;
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 10 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.02%.
  • grain crops and potatoes are used, the content of the latter should not exceed 30%;
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 5 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.02%.
  • only grain crops are used, mainly rye and wheat;
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 10 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.003%.

When preparing vodka from home-made alcohol, the values ​​of impurities are not known at all. But there are no questions about the composition.


The second component necessary to dilute alcohol is water. A lot also depends on its good quality. Industrial brands of premium vodka, in addition to degrees and methods of purification, prioritize the use of spring water. This marketing ploy increases customer loyalty and trust.

In a metropolitan area, it is difficult to obtain such a product. Therefore, bottled water from wells is quite suitable. Mandatory rule: you cannot use boiled and distilled water. These processes change the chemical composition of water. Substances and trace elements necessary when mixed with alcohol molecules disappear.

It is worth paying attention to the content of mineral salts. There should be as few of them as possible. We give preference to soft and clear water. Information on salt content and hardness level can be found on the label. Just study several samples and choose the best option.


Glucose is an ingredient that doesn't always get enough attention. And it’s completely in vain. It is glucose that helps eliminate the characteristic alcohol odor that remains even after various cleanings. It really makes the drink soft and drinkable.

You can buy glucose at the pharmacy, but it’s not difficult to make it yourself. To prepare it you will need to mix 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture thoroughly over low heat, skimming off the white foam that appears. As soon as foam stops forming, you can turn off the heat. The result is a kind of sugar syrup familiar to homemade liqueur producers. This is glucose.

Fact or Fiction

Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can proceed to mixing alcohol and water. This seemingly simple process has its own subtleties and myths passed on from generation to generation.

It is important to strictly follow the proportions

There are many recipes where the ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2 parts ethanol to 3 parts water. To properly dilute alcohol and achieve an accurate strength, it is better to use a special table with ready-made calculations.

Dilution table for 100 ml ethanol with water

° 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50
90 6,4
85 13,3 6,6
80 20,9 13,8 6,8
75 29,5 21,8 14,5 7,2
70 39,1 31,0 23,1 15,4 7,6
65 50,1 41,4 33,0 24,7 16,4 8,2
60 67,9 53,7 44,5 35,4 26,5 17,6 8,8
55 78,0 67,8 57,9 48,1 38,3 28,6 19,0 9,5
50 96,0 84,7 73,9 63,0 52,4 41,7 31,3 20,5 10,4
45 117,2 105,3 93,3 81,2 69,5 57,8 46,0 34,5 22,9 11,4
40 144,4 130,8 117,3 104,0 90,8 77,6 64,5 51,4 38,5 25,6
35 178,7 163,3 148,0 132,9 117,8 102,8 87,9 73,1 58,3 43,6
30 224,1 206,2 188,6 171,1 153,6 136,0 118,9 101,7 84,5 67,5
25 278,1 266,1 245,2 224,3 203,5 182,8 162,2 141,7 121,2 100,7
20 382,0 355,8 329,8 304,0 278,3 252,6 227,0 201,4 176,0 150,6
15 540,0 505,3 471,0 436,9 402,8 368,8 334,9 301,1 267,3 233,6

In the first line we find the initial strength of the existing rectificate. The first column shows the strength of the already diluted alcohol. At the intersection - the amount of water that needs to be diluted with 0.1 liters of alcohol.

Example: the starting product is 1 liter of rectified ethyl 95°, the desired result is vodka 40°. You will need 1444 ml of water (144.4 ml for every 100 ml of alcohol).

You can't pour water into alcohol - fiction

It is a very common belief that you can only add alcohol to water and never the other way around. This theory is based on a lot of pseudoscientific research about the structure of water and how it breaks down. Ethanol that becomes cloudy after pouring water is often confirmed as confirmation.

This statement does not find a response among professional chemists. From a chemical point of view, there is no difference between water mixed with ethanol and ethanol diluted with water. And the cloudiness of the alcohol solution after adding water is explained by the precipitation of mineral salts. That is why when choosing water it is advised to pay attention to their content.

>And if chemists have no questions, the physical side of the ongoing process has its own peculiarities. When water is poured into a solvent, a thermal reaction occurs, releasing heat. This is due to the different densities of liquids. Mixing something like this can only be flammable in very large volumes. Vodka from alcohol at home is usually not made in such quantities as to lead to a significant release of heat. Quite acceptable warming of the aqueous-alcohol solution is observed.

Vodka needs to be kept for at least 2 days, or better yet, kept in the cold for 2 weeks - a fiction

When making homemade alcohol, long-term aging in a cool, dark place is practiced. The goal is to wait for the maximum possible amount of impurities to precipitate. In the case of vodka, 99% of the salts fall out within the first few hours. Further aging only takes time, but usually does not affect the quality level.

Vodka recipe from alcohol

To make your own vodka from alcohol you will need:

  • alcohol 95° - 1 liter;
  • bottled water - 1.444 liters;
  • glucose - 30 ml.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the required amount of ingredients. When using alcohol of a different strength, look at the table and recalculate the amount of water.
  • Mix alcohol with water. The sequence of actions is not important here. But practicing moonshiners recommend diluting water with ethanol, pouring it in a thin stream into pre-measured water.
  • Add glucose to mixed alcohol. Mix and even shake as thoroughly as possible.
  • To make vodka from alcohol purer, we will carry out simple but effective carbon filtration. To do this you will need activated carbon. The brands KAU-A, KAU-SORB, BAU-A, BAU-LV are suitable. The amount of coal needed to clean will depend on the type. Exact information can be found in the instructions for each drug.
  • The coal can be crushed, added to vodka and strained after 2-3 hours. Another way: make a coal column. To do this, take a funnel and alternate layers of crushed coal and cotton or special filter disks. We pass the vodka through this filter several times.

The drink is ready to drink immediately after cooling to the desired temperature. There are no restrictions on shelf life.

Attention, TODAY only!

Alcohol is a serious liquid. But drink it in its pure form dangerous, and even treating wounds with it or rubbing the skin can cause serious consequences in the form of burns. Still, it will be better for use if the alcohol is diluted, for example, to the state of vodka (40 degrees).

Moreover, it is advisable to do this competently. In this article we will look at the correct method of diluting alcohol with water, it is also called the “cold” method. This technology is used not only at home, but and in distilleries.

Preparing the ingredients

At first glance, diluting alcohol is the simplest thing. But no. There are many special points here, without which it is impossible to prepare good quality vodka. Currently, ethyl alcohol is found in categories:

  • first grade (96%);
  • highest purification (96.2%);
  • extra class (96.5%);
  • luxury (96.3%);
  • anhydrous;
  • medical.

The variety of species differs in the grain from which the product was originally obtained. Each of these types can be used to mix it with water, but the best is the Lux class; the highest purity alcohol is considered less suitable. The most important - don't confuse such deceptive names.


The quality of the water that will be used in the process also plays an important role. Any reader understands that the water must be drinkable, clean and transparent. But no, that's not enough.

Water hardness plays a key role in dilution. It is desirable that the hardness values ​​be as low as possible, that is, the water should be soft.

To dilute alcohol at home, it will be more convenient to buy distilled water, and do not use regular, unpurified water from the tap. If you use low-quality water, the solution will not be clear or tasty.

Additional components

If you decide to turn alcohol into vodka, then the following ingredients are added to improve its taste:

  • acetic and citric acid;
  • sugar;
  • honey;
  • glucose;
  • flavorings.

The use of such auxiliary ingredients is not such an important task. However, many people like it. It's all a matter of taste, as they say.

We dilute

To correctly understand the dilution scheme, let’s break everything down point by point. All points are equally important and it is not recommended to neglect them.

  1. Important! When we dilute alcohol, it is into it(read alcohol) is added to water, but not in a different way!
  2. By mixing alcohol with water by eye (without certain proportions) you will not get vodka, but, to put it mildly, a simple swill. It is necessary to observe the proportion, the optimal one (which Mendeleev came to) is 2:3. To mix, take 2 parts alcohol and 3 parts water. But it is always wiser to mix not the volumes of liquids, but their weights; this will lead to a more accurate calculation of the strength of the future drink. Also, to bring vodka to 40 degrees, a good helper when diluting will be Fertman table.
  3. Shake the mixture already in a closed bottle, after turning it over.


To improve the quality properties of the prepared vodka, add 3-4 tablets of activated carbon to it and wait 2-3 hours at a temperature of 22C. Afterwards everything is passed through 2-3 layers of gauze.

Improving the taste

As we already said, ingredients such as honey, sugar, glucose, citrus fruit juice soften the taste alcoholic drink. There are no longer any specific proportions for adding them. It all depends on your taste preferences, but don’t overdo it, because your vodka can turn into a tincture.

We endure

Well, the alcohol has been diluted, what next? It is not advisable to use it right away, but it is better to give it to him stand up for at least seven days. By this time, all chemical processes have stopped, and the prepared drink will acquire good taste.

For such a procedure, it is best to use a dark, cool room (possibly a cellar). After the allotted week, the vodka is poured into smaller containers, the preparation technology is completed.

What if there is no time to defend?

It happens when you need vodka urgently. and there is no time to endure it. In such circumstances, a recipe for quickly diluting alcohol, in which the resulting drink will have a more or less pleasant taste, comes in handy.

You need:

  • 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice;
  • 1 glass of alcohol;
  • water – 1.5 cups.

Easy to cook! Mix the ingredients and shake vigorously and cool. With this method, the juice plays the main role; it will drown out the unpleasant taste of alcohol, and the vitamin C contained in the juice will help prevent the consequences of a hangover the next day.

Concluding the article, I would like to say that drinking diluted alcohol is not harmful, but we should not forget about reasonable doses that do not cause loss of health to the body.

Making alcohol at home has always been a sensitive topic, but every respectable person should know how to dilute alcohol with water to make vodka. You never know what life situation you will find yourself in and what exactly will be at hand, so it is better to acquire useful skills in advance. And the manufacturing process itself is quite interesting, a sort of “weekend hobby.”

Making alcohol from a legal point of view

It should be understood that from the point of view of the law, by producing alcoholic beverages, you are not breaking anything. There is no longer an article for “moonshine making” in any of the codes. But attempt to sell finished products- it's a completely different matter.

Therefore, if you want to start making liqueur and vodka, brew mash:

  • Feel free to talk about this to anyone.
  • Use the finished product only for personal purposes, not for sale.
  • There is nothing criminal about treating someone with the result of your labors.

It just doesn’t hurt to take into account that:

  1. Alcohol addiction is one of the most terrible problems of the 21st century.
  2. Female alcoholism is even worse, because it cannot be treated.
  3. Must be used only high quality raw materials.
  4. Methyl alcohol, even in small doses, can deprive vision and even kill.

You can devote a little free time to a new hobby, but it’s important “ don't go too far" A kind of indicator can be the reaction of others, sharp disapproval of any actions on their part.

How to properly dilute alcohol?

To make good vodka, you need two simple ingredients:



Only bottled ones from the nearest supermarket will do.

You should take care in advance about high-quality raw materials.

The lower its hardness, the better the taste of the finished product.

First grade alcohol, ethyl and medical, will do.

Do not boil water under any circumstances, otherwise the whole meaning will be lost.

It is best to use 95% or 95% alcohol.

Make sure there are no salts in the water. They will interfere with the normal dissolution of alcohol.

Do not use methyl alcohol under any circumstances, it is toxic and even 50 grams can make a person disabled.

Now it is important to remember one very simple rule that will help you not to spoil the entire simple process of making vodka. Should be added alcohol into water, nothing else. If you accidentally mix up and dilute alcohol with water, the solution will immediately begin to turn white. Use this mixture internally not recommended .

Dilution proportions: 2 parts alcohol/3 parts water.

If you don’t remember or aren’t sure how to do it correctly, try it on small volumes, although you don’t want to waste even 100 ml of high-quality alcohol.

How to dilute alcohol 95% to 40%

If you remember the mathematics course at school, you can try to calculate:

  • In 1 liter of 95% alcohol there should be 950 ml of alcohol itself and 50 ml of water or other impurities.
  • In the final product, 1 liter of vodka should contain only 400 ml of alcohol.
  • Since the degree must be reduced by 2.4 times, it means that you need to add about one and a half liters of water.
  • After spending a little time with the calculator, you can come to the conclusion that for every liter of 95% alcohol you will need 1400 ml of water.

And with the help of elementary mathematics, we calculated the required volume and can make sure that the calculations are absolutely correct. Chemistry is a complex science; it is also necessary to take into account the temperature of liquids and the rate of chemical reactions. That's why slight error may exist.

In order not to repeat a school or university chemistry course, covered to the brim with textbooks, you can use the most convenient tables. They were compiled for us by chemists of the past; in each such table there is a column in which the initial strength of the product is indicated and the top row in which the final strength is indicated.

It is enough to find the numbers that are indicated at the intersection of these indicators.

Do you have 95% alcohol, but do you need 40% vodka? We are looking for the number 95 on one side, and 40 on the other. We run our finger and find the treasured number - 1440 ml. As a result, the difference is 40 ml per thousand, something around 0.4%.

In this video, Stanislav Fotenko will tell and show how to dilute alcohol to get high-quality vodka, what products can be added to it to improve the taste:

How to dilute alcohol with water for consumption?

When we have prepared bottled water and rubbing alcohol in the required proportions, we can proceed to the step by step mixing process:

  1. Any container will do, the main thing to remember is that you will have to use it later.
  2. Pour all the water into the prepared container at once.
  3. There is no need to let it settle, stir or perform other manipulations.
  4. Take out the alcohol, measure the required volume using a measuring cup and pour into the container.
  5. Slowly add 95% alcohol, stirring the mixture constantly.
  6. Stir it again.

Now the resulting liquid needs to be poured somewhere to be stored in the future. Bottles need to be filled fully and close them as tightly as possible. The fact is that upon contact with air:

  • The alcohol evaporates.
  • Acetic acid forms on the surface itself.

It’s not even clear what’s worse - losing some of the vodka or “enjoying” the taste of vinegar.

Now it is better to move the vodka into the refrigerator and set the temperature to 4 degrees Celsius. Opinions are divided regarding the terms of defense, on average they say about 3-4 days.

And a few words about filtering- you can put a couple of tablets at the bottom of the bottle activated carbon, acting as an absorbent, it will cope with various small impurities. Afterwards, it is enough to strain the entire volume through gauze or any other artificial filter.

How to improve the taste of vodka?

Some people like vodka with additives, so after settling you can give the drink a unique taste:

  1. Most often, glucose is used for these purposes; 10-15 ml per liter will be enough.
  2. Honey is ideal; you will need 2-2.5 times more of it than glucose.
  3. Milk is a more specific component; here you should focus on your taste and experience of previous preparation.
  4. Adding spices will soften the taste of vodka, or rather the alcohol itself.

You can get much more pleasure from drinking a drink with such inclusions, especially if the process is more interesting than the final result. The drink will go faster and better.

As a result of chemical processes, contraction will occur, the volume of mixed water and alcohol will decrease, due to chemical reactions.

At the very beginning, we believed that 1400 ml of water was needed, according to all the rules of mathematics. But in fact, 1440. These same 40 ml are “compressed”, getting lost in the process. Not the biggest loss, but it’s better to know this at the beginning of your alcohol making journey.

Vodka preparation process

There is nothing easier than making high-quality vodka:

  • Take 1440 ml of bottled water from a nearby store.
  • Pour them into a large container.
  • Find 1 liter of high-quality medical alcohol.
  • Pour into prepared pan and stir.
  • The vodka is ready, all that remains is to infuse, filter and add additives. But that's up to taste.

There is no need to cook anything, wait for months, or prepare ingredients in advance. The whole process will take a couple of minutes, except that you will have to tinker a little with filtering.

If you know what to do with alcohol to make vodka, you will not be lost in any situation. The main thing to remember is that everything should be in moderation and that alcohol will not make you happy, even if it seems otherwise at first.

Video lesson: making vodka, diluting alcohol

In this video, Vyacheslav Tronev will tell you how and in what proportions you need to dilute alcohol to get 40% vodka:

Alcohol is a harsh drink: even when treating wounds and rubbing with undiluted alcohol, you can get burns, but in some situations it can be very useful. For example, on a hike, in nature - where, in addition to alcohol, you also need to carry a backpack with all sorts of things. And everyone’s natural desire is to reduce the weight they have to carry with them. In such situations, alcohol is simply ideal. Alcohol is also used not only for direct dilution and drinking in this form, but for preparing vodka, tinctures and liqueurs at home.

However, getting forty percent alcohol is not so difficult (as, indeed, any other concentration). The main thing is that you need to do it correctly.

How to dilute alcohol correctly

It would seem that it could be simpler than diluting alcohol - mix it with water - and you're done. But no. There are many nuances here.

Firstly, alcohols are different and with different strengths (first-class - 96%, highly purified - 96.2%, "extra" - 96.5%, "luxury" - 96.3%, medical and dry (anhydrous) ). The degree of alcohol purification directly depends on the type. And the variety of species is related to what exactly alcohol is obtained from (from what grain).

Secondly, water for breeding must be taken in the purest, completely transparent, so to speak - without color, taste or smell. In addition, it will be better if there are no salts in it. In addition, this water must be further purified, filtered and softened. The finished version is usually called “corrected water.” At home, to dilute alcohol, it is best to purchase distilled water at a pharmacy, but under no circumstances take regular water from the kitchen tap.

How should you dilute alcohol with water?

Several points are important here:

First point. When you dilute alcohol, this is what you should pour into the prepared water. Under no circumstances do it the other way around!

Second point. Do not try to mix alcohol and water “by eye” - you will just get swill. The ideal proportion was developed by Mendeleev, the “father” and creator of the periodic table of chemical elements and vodka as such. He came up with the ideal proportion - 2:3. Thus, you need to take 96% alcohol in “sizes” of two parts and water in “sizes” of three. These “dimensions” are best determined not by volume (two hundred to three hundred milliliters), but by weight (200 grams to 300 grams).

Third point. Shake the mixture of alcohol and water (other liquids) in a closed state, preferably turning the container upside down.

Fourth point. It is advisable to keep the diluted alcohol in the refrigerator for about a day.

How to properly dilute alcohol to 40 degrees?

The ideal proportions for diluting alcohol are indicated above, but if you need to get alcohol with a specific and precise strength - 40, 45 or 55 degrees, then the situation here is somewhat more complicated.

The whole problem is that when alcohol and water interact, the volume of the mixture resulting is less than the volumes of both liquids separately. That is, by mixing 2 glasses of alcohol and three glasses of water, you will not get five glasses of their mixture. The volume will be less.

However, this problem is completely solvable. To obtain alcohol of the required strength when diluting, you just need to use Fertman’s table. This is a special table that shows all the necessary proportions for precise dilution of alcohol.

How to quickly dilute alcohol

Sometimes there is a situation when there is simply no time for mandatory settling of vodka made from alcohol. Then a quick recipe for diluting alcohol will come to the rescue, and the resulting mixture will taste quite pleasant (at least not disgusting).

To do this, you will need everything - nothing: freshly squeezed juice from half an orange or lemon, 96% alcohol - 200 grams and water - 300 grams (you can take a 2:3 ratio in milliliters). Preparation is elementary - the listed components are mixed, shaken vigorously and cooled thoroughly. Citrus juice will eliminate the alcoholic taste, and the vitamin C it contains will help prevent morning hangovers and headaches from drinking.

To all of the above, we can only add that alcohol can be diluted not only with water. For this purpose, everyone can use recipes to their liking. For example, the following can act as “thinners”:

  • 10% glucose solution in a 1:1 ratio
  • citrus juice, cherry, raspberry, apple, cranberry, tea or coffee, lemonade or tonic (2:3 proportions, same as with water)
  • beer and champagne - all components 1:1:1 (the mixture, I think, is not for the faint of heart, but it’s better to keep silent about the morning)

Among the options How can you dilute alcohol? we did not indicate completely extreme ones, such as a mixture of alcohol with condensed milk and other, in our opinion, products that are poorly compatible with alcohol.

In principle, drinking alcohol is not harmful, and you can experiment with it endlessly, you just have to remember about the acceptable doses in which the body can accept it.

  • How many liters of alcohol should I dilute?

  • Current % alcohol

  • Desired % alcohol

  • Calculate

    Need to add


    Liters of water

Important! All proportions are correct at a temperature of mixed liquids of 20 ° C. If you measure alcohol concentration with an alcohol meter (hydrometer), you should know that its readings change when the temperature changes.

Correction of alcoholometer (hydrometer) readings

The calculator is intended only for alcohol meters with a calibration of 20 °C.

To obtain current values, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the distillate and enter the hydrometer readings. Also, the calculator has errors; the further away the measured distillate temperature is from 20 °C, the higher the error.

  • Distillate temperature, °C

  • Hydrometer readings, %

  • Calculate

    Result % (vol.)

What water to use to dilute alcohol

Needless to say, water must be potable, clean and clear; all these are obvious and simple rules that underlie high-quality alcohol.

The main indicator of water is hardness. Hardness is the amount of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in water. It is measured in mEq/l. For dilution, it is necessary to use water with the lowest hardness levels, in other words, soft water. Otherwise, the solution will become cloudy and lose its taste.

According to the publication “Technology of Alcohol and Liquor Production” (M. “Food Industry”, 1973), for the preparation of alcoholic beverages, water with a hardness of less than 1 mEq/l for natural water and less than 0.36 mg- eq/l for softened water.

Briefly about water sources:

  1. Tap water

    The worst option. The hardness of such water can reach 7 mEq/l. In addition, it contains chlorine, which has its own distinct odor.

  2. Spring water

    Often recommended water for various types of alcohol. In reality, it's not that simple. As a rule, spring water is very tasty, but without special analysis it is impossible to determine its chemical properties. In addition, its indicators can vary greatly depending on the time of year, heavy rains or drought.

  3. Store-bought bottled water

    The chemical composition and hardness of the water are written on purchased bottles, so all we have to do is choose the water that is suitable for our purposes. Ideal for all types of alcohol.

  4. Distilled water

    Purified water, practically free of impurities and foreign inclusions. It is obtained by distillation in special apparatus - distillers.

    Such water is absolutely tasteless and cannot be used in alcohols, where the taste of water plays a key role, for example, vodka. At the same time, distilled water is suitable for various tinctures, liqueurs, in general, wherever the taste is determined primarily by the ingredients included in it.

How to measure water hardness

  1. The most accurate method

    Submit it to a laboratory for analysis. For example, to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. SES will check not only the concentration of hardness salts, but also record nitrates, pesticides, iron levels, hydrogen sulfide, organic impurities and other substances that are often found in groundwater.

  2. Fastest method

    Use test strips to determine water hardness. They are sold in a pet store or in a store with coffee machines, sometimes in branded household appliance stores. This test will show approximate hardness. A reagent is applied to the paper, which changes color upon contact with water. The strip is immersed in water for a while, and the intensity of its color will change depending on the concentration of the substance in the water.

    The main disadvantages of this method are low accuracy and the fact that it can be difficult to interpret the test result. You will first have to determine the intensity of the color by eye, comparing it with the “palette” of possible results. And then convert the numerical values ​​of hardness indicated on the palette from European degrees to Russian ones. High-quality test strips are usually foreign-made.

Technology of mixing alcohol and water

In various literature, and on many websites, they write that it is correct to pour alcohol into water. They say that it is necessary to pour a heavier liquid (density of water 1 g/ml) into a lighter one (density of alcohol 0.8 g/l), so they mix faster and the chemical reaction takes place correctly.

But at the same time, the opposite situation often occurs. And in some literature they also cite a technology by which water is added to alcohol.

For example, in the book “Technological instructions for alcoholic beverage production”, 1971. on page 65 it says:

“The calculated amount of alcohol is poured into the prepared sorting tank through a measuring cup, then water”

In the reference book “Recipes for Liquor and Vodka Products”, 1981 edition, on page 9 the following is stated about the preparation of vodka:

“Water is added to the blend and the volume specified in the measuring glass of the blending vat is adjusted.”

It turns out that both mixing options are correct, the main thing is to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The alcohol and water must be cooled before mixing. Alcohol can be placed in the freezer, and water in the refrigerator.
  2. You can pour alcohol into water, or vice versa, the main thing is to pour it in as quickly as possible and immediately mix thoroughly.

Alcohol diluted with water is called sorting. Freshly prepared sorting is not suitable for consumption. It needs some time for all the ongoing chemical reactions to complete. Therefore, before using it, you need to leave it for at least a couple of days, or preferably a week. Close the bottle tightly with a cork and hide it in the refrigerator or cellar.



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