How to distinguish residual cough. Why does the cough not go away for a long time?

Many parents are concerned: how to treat residual cough? ARVI has been cured and the sick leave is closed, we need to go to kindergarten, but the baby is still coughing. What is this? How dangerous is it for a child? Why does it appear and is it necessary to fight it? Read about all this further.

After suffering from colds, respiratory tract infections (laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis), flu and bronchitis, a residual cough may occur. At the same time, the main symptoms of the disease: high body temperature, sore throat, weakness have already passed. At this point, pediatricians usually allow visits to kindergarten or school and close the sick leave. But at the same time the child coughs (often quite strongly). The cough is called residual and is no longer a sign of illness.

In fact, by the time the cough becomes residual, the baby’s body has already overcome the infection. The disease has subsided and the child can, in fact, attend the children's group.

However, with colds, flu, bronchitis, irritation, redness, and sometimes microscopic cracks appear on the mucous membranes of the bronchi and respiratory tract.

If the baby suffered from bronchitis, then mucus accumulated in the bronchi (sometimes in the lungs), as well as waste products and decay of microbes (which have already been eliminated). It takes some time for the bronchi to clear this unwanted plaque.

Why does a child develop a residual cough?

In fact, there are two reasons for residual cough: external irritation and ridding the child’s body of waste products of harmful microorganisms.

If there is phlegm in the bronchi, a cough will help to drain it. When the bronchi are cleared, the cough will go away on its own.
It will also appear with the slightest irritation factors: cold or dry air, rapid movement, etc. After all, all these factors irritate the bronchi, they have not yet returned to normal and the epithelium has not taken on its usual appearance - it is very sensitive. After the mucous membranes of the bronchi and respiratory tract are restored, the cough will also go away on its own.

Pediatricians associate the appearance of such a cough with the child’s immunity. If the immune system is strong, it may not appear at all. It is considered normal if the cough does not go away for 10 days to 2 weeks. In some cases, coughing for up to 6 weeks is considered normal.
Most often this happens if the baby is often older and has a weak immune system.

How to distinguish residual effects after diseases from complications?

However, in some cases, a cough can be caused by the appearance of complications after an illness, and then this should be the reason for consulting a doctor.

Symptoms of complications will be the following:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Renewal of runny nose.
  3. Increased cough.
  4. The child complains of pain in the side.
  5. Difficulty breathing.
  6. Audible wheezing.

Sometimes several signs of complications may appear at once, but it also happens that apart from a cough (which does not go away, but does not get worse), there are no other manifestations. However, there are complications, they are progressing. This happens when the baby’s weakened body cannot cope with a new infection. And now the disease will progress faster (the body is weakened), less noticeably.

Symptoms of residual cough in a child

However, residual cough also has a number of characteristic signs. Among them will be the following.

  1. Gradual reduction in frequency and intensity.
  2. Absence of other symptoms characteristic of colds.
  3. The child will cough when going outside or when exposed to passive smoking (when people smoke nearby).
  4. The baby will also cough in a room with too dry air or under heavy loads (running, sports training).

All symptoms may occur, or only some may occur. We'll tell you how in more detail.

Traditional methods of treating residual cough in a child

The residual cough will go away on its own if left untreated. However, treatment will significantly speed up its disappearance.
So, among the general recommendations (for all adults and children) there will be the following.

  1. Healthy lifestyle. No bad habits. The child must be protected from smokers, the correct alternation of sleep and wakefulness must be observed, and sleep time must be increased.
  2. A gentle lifestyle during the recovery period. If the baby has additional loads (sections, classes), they should be postponed.
  3. Proper nutrition, with an increased amount of vitamins and protein (protein is needed to restore the bronchial epithelium, and vitamins will strengthen the immune system and help protein be absorbed faster). Give your child plenty of warm drinks.
  4. Providing comfortable conditions for recovery: air humidification, room ventilation, wet cleaning of the room.

To humidify the air, it is good to use ordinary towels soaked under the tap and placed on heating radiators. If possible, you can buy a special humidifier.

It will go away faster if you use inhalations. Add saline solution or mineral water to the tray. Inhalations will thin sputum, moisturize mucous membranes, and relieve irritation.

If you need to add a few drops of essential oil: eucalyptus, sage, mint.
It's good if you have an inhaler. If you don't have it, you can heat the solution in a small bowl. After making sure that it is not too hot (40-50 C), let the child breathe over it.

It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. If you need to go outside after it, instead of benefiting, you may end up with a complication of the disease. After the procedure, you should stay in a warm room for at least 1 hour. The duration of the procedure is 5-15 minutes.

Traditional methods of treating residual cough in a child

If a child has a residual cough, numerous methods of traditional healers will tell you how to treat it.

  1. Radish with honey.
    This is one of the most popular recipes. It helps to quickly get rid of coughs, both dry and wet.
    You should get the medicine like this: take a medium-sized radish and cut off the top so that it resembles a lid. Then you need to make a depression inside the fruit; to do this, take out part of the core. Honey is placed in the resulting cavity. The hole is closed from above with the cut part and placed in a container so that the juice flows out from below (from the tail). After a day, the juice inside the fruit will react with the sucrose of honey
    and a useful medicine is formed. You need to drink it 1 tbsp. l. 3 times/day. The cough should go away in 6-7 days.
  2. Herbal decoction.
    For inhalation, you can also use a decoction of herbs. It is prepared from the following herbs: coltsfoot, licorice, marshmallow, sage, mint. You can’t take everything, but only those that are available. They need to be mixed and finely chopped with a knife. Brew 1 spoon of the mixture per 1 cup of boiling water. The decoction can be poured into the inhaler tray.
  3. Boiled potatoes.
    Using hot, boiled potatoes in their skins, you can also perform inhalations. Boiled potatoes need to be mashed, sprinkled with soda or sea salt, cooled to the desired temperature and allowed to breathe over them. Potato vapors will lubricate the airways and improve coughing.
  4. Green pine cones.
    Green pine cone jam helps get rid of residual cough. They are collected in the summer (May-June), when they are young and can still be easily cut with a knife. Cover the cones with sugar (1:1), add a little water (50g/1kg). Let it sit for a day, and then boil for about 1 hour (until the buds become soft).
    Children should be given 1 tsp. 2 times/day. This method is good for treating residual cough after ARVI, other viral infections, as well as after acute bronchitis.
  5. Compresses.
    It is good to make warm compresses at night. They should be placed on the collar area (back and chest).
    For the compress you will need the following ingredients: table mustard and vodka, 1 tbsp. l. flour and honey 2 tbsp. l., 40 drops of regular pharmaceutical iodine. All this needs to be mixed (the slurry will have an ugly black color) and applied to parchment. It should be applied to the back, chest, and cellophane should be placed on top, then fixed well and wrapped (grandmothers used a warm shawl for this).
    The compress is applied in the evening, and the clean parchment is removed in the morning. The entire composition was absorbed into the skin.

Warning! When using honey and other remedies, you should be careful so that the child does not experience allergic reactions. If itching or tingling occurs, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

Get treatment and be healthy!

A cough can bother a person who has already recovered from the illness for about two months. This is due to the increased sensitivity of the bronchi, which react sharply to any changes in temperature and humidity. It needs to be cured completely.

You will need

  1. - saline solution or herbal decoction (chamomile, St. John's wort, linden);
  2. - sage, chamomile, licorice root, marshmallow, etc.;
  3. - pork lard or badger fat;
  4. - milk and honey;
  5. - honey and apple cider vinegar;
  6. - sea buckthorn or sterile vaseline oil.


  1. Do inhalations. To restore normal functioning of the bronchi, it is necessary to provide them with appropriate conditions - sufficient hydration. The easiest way to achieve this is by doing daily inhalations - moist steam enters the mucous membrane and stimulates the work of the cilia. As an inhalation agent, you can use saline solution or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, linden). Immediately after inhalation, you should not go outside; you should sit in a room at room temperature.
  2. Drink herbal teas. Specially selected compositions of several herbs help normalize the functioning of the bronchi, but the duration of such therapy can be impressive - up to several weeks. Typically, sage, chamomile, licorice root, marshmallow, etc. are used to treat residual cough.
  3. Apply warm compresses. Rub the chest and feet with lard, wrap in wax paper and cover with a woolen cloth (wear warm socks and a scarf). Instead of lard, you can use badger fat, warming ointments based on essential oils, warm dry compresses, and mustard plasters.
  4. Use traditional medicine methods. The traditional way to get rid of cough is hot milk with different ingredients. Usually honey, soda, butter, onion juice are added to milk - all these combinations ease coughs, relieve spasms and promote recovery. It is better to take medicinal formulations before bedtime to provide rest to the bronchi and additional warming.
  5. Prepare an antitussive remedy from honey and apple cider vinegar - mix half a glass of honey and 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. During a coughing attack, you need to eat one tablespoon of the mixture, and during the day, take 4 teaspoons every 3 hours.
  6. Boost your immunity. Take vitamin C tablets, eat nutritiously, and do exercise - you will help your body cope with cough faster.
  7. Soften the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Often the cough remains and persists for a long time due to the dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx - in addition to daily moisturizing, it is necessary to soften the tissues. Place sea buckthorn or sterile Vaseline oil into your nose.

How can you treat residual cough in a child?

Residual cough is a very common occurrence in children. Therefore, many mothers have a question: how to treat residual cough in a child? What is this and what should be done in this case?

Features of residual cough

Most often, the disease does not go away quickly. It seems that the symptoms have disappeared, the temperature is normal, but the baby sometimes coughs without sputum. This is the child’s residual cough.

It lasts for 2-3 weeks - it all depends on the child’s immunity and the type of infection.

If the baby often suffered from acute respiratory viral infections, then, naturally, residual coughing may take longer to manifest itself. This is due to the fact that in respiratory diseases the virus infects the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, namely the trachea and bronchi. Therefore, after treatment, the mucous membrane takes a long time to recover (the duration of the period is 14-20 days). Because of this, it is during this time of recovery that children experience a residual cough.

Post-infectious cough may not occur in all children. This phenomenon depends on the individual characteristics of the child, namely:

  • his immune system;
  • personal environment;
  • correct hardening conditions.

Therefore, the process of restoration of the mucous membrane and the body’s reaction can be varied. This is important to consider when prescribing procedures.

Treatment of residual cough

All diseases are treated with certain drugs and procedures prescribed by a specialized doctor. No special treatment is required for residual cough. In this case, the body can recover on its own after a cold, and it just needs help.

To cure residual cough in children, you need to comply with some requirements:

  1. The main task of recovery is to restore the normal functioning of the respiratory organs - the bronchi. And for this they should be moistened. A compressor or ultrasonic (not steam) nebulizer, which can be used at home, will help you with this. For inhalation, take pure saline solution or a mixture of saline solution and a medicinal drug. Thanks to it, wet steam has a positive effect on the inflamed mucous membrane.
  2. To make sputum better expectorated, you can use different syrups that will relieve spasms and help thin the sputum.
  3. To alleviate the child’s condition, it is necessary to have another home device, namely an air humidifier, because dry air can aggravate the child’s condition and cause a dry, spasmodic cough. Thanks to the humidifier, a comfortable microclimate will be created, which will contribute to the rapid recovery of the body.
  4. If the child is small, then his back can be rubbed with various warming ointments. It is advisable to do this procedure before bedtime so that the baby sleeps peacefully.
  5. For older children, warming compresses can be applied. They are made from fat, ointment or mustard plasters. They rub it on the chest and feet, after which it is imperative to put on warm clothes in these places.
  6. A classic remedy for coughing is hot milk, to which various healthy ingredients are added, for example, onion juice, honey, butter.
  7. Use traditional medicine methods. For residual cough, you cannot do without medicinal herbs. You can make syrups and decoctions from them. Thanks to them, the child will quickly recover.
  8. Raising immunity is considered positive for recovery. To do this, you should take vitamins, eat healthy foods, and exercise. The main thing is not to overdo it.

When a child develops a residual cough after a cold, they need to be monitored very closely.

If the cough does not go away for a long period, then you should urgently consult a doctor to find out the cause of the cough.

Health to you and your children!

Complications can occur after any illness. In order to avoid them, you need to complete the course of treatment and take various preventive medications. Residual cough is difficult to clear. It often occurs after a person has had bronchitis. If the illness has passed and the cough does not subside within three weeks, you need to go to the doctor. Most often, in such cases, medications that strengthen the immune system are prescribed. After all, after an illness the body becomes weakened, it needs to be helped to get into a working rhythm. It is advisable to get tested to understand the exact cause of the residual cough.

How to treat?

The bronchi react very strongly to air humidity and temperature. Therefore, you need to take care of your respiratory system and treat it correctly.

In order to get rid of residual cough, you need to do inhalations. The bronchi will begin to work normally if they are well moisturized. Daily inhalations restore the function of the cilia and put the mucous membrane in order. You can pour decoctions of linden, chamomile or St. John's wort into the inhaler. After the procedure, you should never go outside. Therefore, it is better to do them before bed. Just to be sure.

Herbal teas help a lot. At the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made mixture or herbs separately. The most commonly recommended are chamomile, sage, marshmallow or licorice root. The only drawback of this method is that it can take a long time. But traditional medicine always requires patience and perseverance from patients.

Traditional medicine to protect health

Warm compresses help with coughs. You need to rub your feet and chest with goat, lamb, pork, badger or bear lard and apply wax paper. After this, you can wrap yourself in a shawl and put woolen socks on your feet. If there is no such lard in the house, you can use essential oils, mustard plasters or dry compresses.

Everyone, both adults and children, can benefit from milk with various additives, such as honey, soda, butter, and onion juice. This drink relieves spasms and eases cough. In order to better warm the bronchi, you need to drink this milk before bed.

To get rid of residual effects after an illness, you need to work on strengthening your immune system. A nutritious diet, taking vitamins and physical activity will quickly get anyone back on their feet. A sick and recovering person should have walks, fruits, meat and dairy products every day.

Cough. How long does a cough last after bronchitis? does it need to be treated? what to treat?


Man - you are the World, you are Eternity.

Just not chemistry. Do not stop the cleansing process, do not interfere with the immune system to cleanse the body. Plenty of warm drink with ginger, honey, lemon, lingonberries, 2 liters of clean warm structured water. The body is autopilot, the processes in the body are natural. Treat the throat with colloidal silver.
Tea with echinocea, licorice, aloe. Sorbents - protecting the kidneys from intoxication
1t Ensoral, any other sorbents.
Be strong, cleanse yourself enough and strengthen your immune system regularly.
The body must be cleansed of poisons and toxins 2 times a year. Then, to strengthen the immune system, there is a unique product that models immunity: Colostrum, Shark liver oil, Ant tree bark. Mega acidophilus-friendly

Salaam Aleikum

maybe 1-4 weeks, it is better to treat, but with folk remedies
Mix grated black radish with honey and leave for several hours - as a result you will get a healing drink that perfectly copes with dry cough.
A folk recipe from Brazil: rub a couple of overripe bananas through a sieve, stir with a glass of warm water or milk, add a spoonful of honey.
Take 2-3 figs, maybe dried, wash them, pour a glass of milk and cook over low heat until the milk turns brown. Drink milk and eat figs boiled in it 2-3 times a day in between meals for 10-15 days.
Milk with honey. Boil a medium-sized onion in 0.5 liters of milk and add a spoonful of honey. This mixture should be consumed at night. The milk is very tasty, does not smell of onions at all, and even children drink it easily. A dry cough after it becomes softer and goes away faster.
You can drink sweetened onion juice (2-3 spoons per day) or a mixture of freshly squeezed carrot juice with warm milk (1:1).
Warm milk with soda (a quarter teaspoon of soda per glass) or milk in half with mineral water (Essentuki No. 4) - two to three times a day - helps to separate phlegm.
Agave-aloe (you can buy aloe juice at the pharmacy) - 250 g, vintage Cahors - 0.5 l, uncandied honey - 350 g. Wipe the leaves of the agave from dust (do not wash), chop finely, put in a glass jar. Pour in Cahors and honey. Mix well. Leave for 9-14 days in a cool place. Then strain and squeeze. Take 1 tbsp for the first two days. spoon 3 times a day, and then 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.


Residual cough, if the sputum clears well, there is no wheezing or whistling, should be left alone. The duration depends on the severity of the disease and on individual qualities. After bronchitis, my son’s cough prevailed for 2 weeks, then subsided and stopped. Don’t get sick!


can last up to 2 weeks, you need to do breathing exercises and drainage (such as massage) of the chest


It is necessary to treat with natural herbs. Pharmacies sell some herbal cigarettes, they say that if you smoke them, your breathing improves, even asthma goes away.

A residual cough is observed in a child after suffering from bronchitis, pneumonia and tracheitis. It is observed after all the symptoms have gone away, the temperature has returned to normal, and all the main signs of the disease have passed. In this case, the child periodically coughs without spitting out sputum. Such manifestations are called residual cough.

A residual cough may appear for up to two weeks. In this case, children's immunity becomes decisive. If a child has ARVI for the sixth time a year, a residual cough can be observed for up to three weeks.

The causative agent of an infectious disease causes a residual cough. The mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea is damaged by the virus, and it does not recover too quickly. A certain amount of time must pass for its complete recovery. This is what constitutes the period of observation of residual cough.

Residual cough after bronchitis in a child

A residual cough after bronchitis causes a lot of trouble for the child and requires appropriate treatment. Despite the fact that coughing after bronchitis does not pose any immediate danger, there are two circumstances that force you to take it seriously.

First of all, it is often confused with the symptoms of bronchitis itself or its complications. In this case, the duration of the cough and the nature of its course matter. After bronchitis, it makes sense to periodically show the child to the doctor. If a child has been coughing for more than three weeks, and the cough is dry and occurs in attacks, the possibility of whooping cough should be excluded.

The duration of a cough after bronchitis indicates that there are problems with the immune system. The pathogenic microbes that cause the disease are perfectly deposited on the irritated bronchi of the child. He could catch the infection again if it is present in his team, be it a kindergarten group or a class. It is better to keep the child at home until his cough is completely eliminated.

Residual cough in a child after ARVI

A cough can be a residual phenomenon after an acute respiratory viral infection suffered by a child. It is observed because there is a disruption in the normal functioning of the child’s respiratory system and sputum in the form of mucus is formed in his bronchi. It is the presence of a residual cough after an acute respiratory viral infection that guarantees the protection of the bronchi and trachea from sputum.

Residual cough after a respiratory infection can be either dry or with sputum. In this case, the sputum released is thick and viscous, with mucus admixtures.

A child's cough can manifest itself in different ways. Coughing can be either inconspicuous or develop into a strong, persistent cough. In the latter case, the child may develop a fever and feel worse. Residual cough after acute respiratory viral infection most often occurs in preschool children.

Residual cough in a child after tracheitis

The main symptoms of tracheitis in a child are fatigue, weakness, and fever. In their outward absence, the child may experience a cough, which is one of the residual symptoms of the disease. This is observed in almost every second case. Residual cough in a child after tracheitis occurs due to weakened immunity or the individual characteristics of the child’s body. Once on the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi, the virus begins to actively multiply. Residual cough does not require any additional treatment, but recovery time is necessary.

How long does a child's residual cough last?

A residual cough after illness in a child is considered normal. In approximately half of the reported cases, it lasts up to a month or longer. It all depends on the condition of the child’s body and the disease he suffered. If it is observed after bronchitis, special attention should be paid to the nature of the discharge when coughing. They should be light, body temperature should not rise, and in general, the cough itself should tend to decrease.

Children of preschool age themselves cannot monitor the frequency of sputum secretion and spit it out normally. In addition, they need more time to restore the bronchial mucosa. If you do not resort to additional treatment methods, the sputum disappears in about a month.

Children of primary school age are characterized by a shorter amount of time required to eliminate the symptoms of residual cough. If no additional treatment is used, their cough goes away within ten days on average. Treatment can reduce this period by half.

Residual cough in a child: how to treat?

To treat residual cough in a child, a number of preventive procedures are required to facilitate the treatment process itself. Often this is enough for the residual cough to stop, especially if it occurs after bronchitis. Preventive measures include ventilating the room in which the child lives, preventing exposure to acute allergens, protecting the child from smoking in his presence, maintaining the temperature in the child’s living space at a certain level, without changes.

In residential premises, it is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning and monitor the general condition of the microclimate. It is recommended to use an air humidifier, the operating principle of which is based on the use of ultrasound. This is more effective than hanging wet towels in the room and placing containers of water on the floor. An air humidifier is capable of not only maintaining air humidity at a given level, but also purifying it of harmful impurities.

A dry cough is one of the types of residual cough that occurs in a child after he has suffered from various diseases. Like any type of cough, it requires the use of a certain method of treatment.

First of all, it is necessary to place the child in a comfortable and calm state. Most often, parents are well aware that a dry cough is often caused by the child’s exposure to noise or strong light.

  • a teaspoon of fresh honey without adding anything else;
  • a glass of boiled milk with the addition of a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • using tea with raspberry jam to water the child before going to bed.

Steam inhalations can significantly alleviate a child’s dry cough. To do this, use drinking water with a baking soda concentration of four tablespoons per liter.

If self-administered treatment does not produce any desired results, you should seek help from a doctor. He will be able to correctly determine the cause of a dry cough in a child and prescribe adequate treatment.

How to remove residual wet cough in a child

A child's residual cough is most often explained by phlegm accumulated in his lungs. In such cases, pediatricians generally advise first of all to ensure the child’s room is ventilated. In addition, you can rinse his nose with saline solution placed in a jar. This measure is more suitable for prevention so that sputum does not dry out in the child’s nasopharynx.

Be sure to give your child plenty to drink. Rosehip decoction is best suited for this; it contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. For example, it contains more vitamin C than all mineral and vitamin complexes. When preparing the solution, you should follow the dosage of its use. One tablespoon of rose hips is poured into a glass of water, after which the entire volume must be brought to a boil. After boiling for an hour, all the liquid must be cooled for two hours. After this, approximately a tenth of the solution is diluted with water to a volume of 200 milliliters. Should be used every other day. After about a week and a half, a weakening of the dry cough is observed, and by the end of the month it completely stops.

How to treat residual cough according to Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky’s main recommendations boil down to the following: the child’s residual cough should not be suppressed by using various cough suppressants. This is dangerous, since coughing is nothing more than the consequences of previously suffered seasonal illnesses. In this way, the child’s body cleanses itself. If the cough stops, the lungs will not produce enough mucus. This entails impaired ventilation of the lungs and increases the risk of pneumonia and bronchitis.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that a child’s body needs a cough. Of course, it needs to be treated, but treatment should not be based on eliminating the cough, but on relieving it. The alleviating effect on the child’s lungs should be quite effective. The use of medications should be primarily aimed at eliminating sputum. Everyone knows that the thicker the sputum, the harder it is to leave the child’s body.

Residual cough in a child, how to treat with folk remedies?

Pine buds in water or milk give a good effect when used to treat residual cough in a child. Preparing a medicinal infusion involves adding a tablespoon of pine buds to half a liter of boiling milk. The fire is turned off and the infusion is carried out for an hour. To solder the child, a warm infusion is used once every two hours in a volume of 50 milliliters. In this case, milk can be replaced with water, and pine cones with spruce shoots.

Badger fat is considered a good traditional medicine for treating residual cough in a child. For preschoolers, only external use is recommended. The fat is rubbed onto the skin on the child’s back, stomach, shoulders, chest and legs. After this, the child must be covered warmly and put to bed. After he has sweated well, you need to change his underwear.

For children over seven years old, badger fat can be recommended for oral use, a teaspoon three times a day. You can dissolve it in warm milk and give it to your child with honey, it will be healthy and tasty. If your child is allergic to such drinking components, you can buy him badger fat at the pharmacy.

In addition to badger fat, you can also use sheep fat, as well as goose fat. The intake of such fats follows the same principle as the use of badger fat for medicinal purposes.

Tell me how to cure a residual cough after a cold! I've been coughing for three weeks, I'm sick of it...


Igor Proff

Why are you spouting some kind of nonsense, they advise the devil! First of all, the Ceprolet tablet (available without a doctor’s prescription) has basic pharmacological properties and is the main, strong, fast-acting anti-inflammatory drug. I advise that first of all you need to drink it, then a chest pack - a packet in a mug in boiling water, drink it, don’t eat anything at night - it helps right away. At least it helps, and I myself have caught a cold many times - chronic bronchitis, so I use it often.

Andrey Tkachenko

go to the doctor

Gandalf the White

see a doctor, otherwise it may become chronic. maybe you are allergic to something

Elena Larionova

Imudon helped me a lot.


Honey helps me, I smear it on my chest at night. The most interesting thing is that by morning it is completely absorbed

Masha Zhuk

You need to go to the doctor - it’s either tracheitis, or bronchitis, or something else that only a doctor can determine


Physical blocking

Coughing is a reflex action, an attempt to clear the airways of mucus or foreign objects that irritate them. The description below applies to coughs that occur for no apparent reason, but not to coughs caused by asthma, influenza, laryngitis, etc.

Emotional blockage

A more or less frequent cough for no apparent reason may occur in a person who is easily irritated. Such a person has an overdeveloped inner critic. He should show greater tolerance, especially towards himself. Even if the cause of irritation is some external situation or another person, the internal critic still attacks him. If sneezing is associated with what is happening in the outside world, then coughing is associated with what is happening inside the person.

Mental block

Every time you start coughing for no apparent reason, try to stop and analyze what is going on in your head. Your thoughts replace each other automatically and so quickly that you don’t even have time to notice how you criticize yourself every now and then. This criticism prevents you from living life to the fullest, the way you want. YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU THINK TO YOURSELF. YOU ARE MUCH BETTER. Once you become aware of your inner irritation, become more tolerant of yourself. Treat yourself the way you would like others to treat you.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

In order to understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from satisfying the important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given in the section [link blocked by decision of the project administration]. The answers to these questions will allow you not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

Why is residual cough dangerous after bronchitis?

Often, people who have had a respiratory disease experience a residual cough after bronchitis. As a rule, such a cough does not appear for long and disappears after a certain time from the onset of the disease.

There are cases when a residual cough means the development of a complication or the onset of a new disease. In this regard, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and identify the true cause of the cough.

The mechanism of development of bronchitis

In the development of any type of bronchitis, the main role is played by harmful substances contained in the air in huge quantities. These substances irritate the bronchial mucosa and usually lead to respiratory diseases. Climate also plays a huge role. A greater risk of developing bronchitis occurs in spring and autumn.

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory tract in which the bronchi are damaged and the natural normal activity of the lungs is disrupted. The reason for its occurrence is the penetration of various types of infections, as well as bacteria and viruses, into the human body.

In the case of a significant accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, a person begins to suffer from a dry cough, and sometimes with sputum production.

The inflammatory process developing in the bronchi causes a cough, which is a protective reaction of the human body.

As a result, all accumulated microbes, as well as toxins and dead cells, come out of the bronchi.

After bronchitis, the cough remains even if all the previously accompanying signs of a serious illness have completely disappeared. The presence of cough is observed in 50% of people who previously suffered from bronchitis. To eliminate it, it is necessary to determine what stage the disease is at and identify the main cause of cough development. An additional reason for the appearance of cough is the abuse of tobacco and alcohol products.

Types and causes of residual cough

In medical practice, the following types of cough are distinguished:

  • dry;
  • wet.

With the help of a wet cough, harmful microbes are eliminated from the human body much faster, thereby facilitating the healing process.

Cough after bronchitis usually lasts no more than 2 weeks. It all depends on the immune system of the child or adult, as well as on the characteristics of the body itself. Once in the body, the virus settles on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, as a result of which it begins to multiply at a high speed. Therefore, complete normalization of the functioning of the bronchi and trachea requires a certain time.

With weak immunity, systematic contact with irritants, poor climate, passive inhalation of tobacco, frequent cases of acute viral infections and bronchitis, all residual effects appear for quite a long time.

Among the features of residual cough are:

  • in the absence of symptoms of the disease, expressed by increased body temperature or intoxication, the cough remains;
  • may appear at certain intervals, with a mild cough without sputum production;
  • the duration of the cough is approximately 3 weeks, it all depends on the person’s immunity and the degree of the disease;
  • Over time, the cough weakens and becomes less pronounced even without the use of medications.

A persistent, painful cough may, on the contrary, worsen over time. In this case, a person has difficulty breathing, body temperature rises, and purulent sputum is released. These are symptoms of complicated bronchitis. Even in the absence of other signs and with a constant cough, a child and an adult require an urgent examination and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations.

What to do if you still have a cough after an illness

If more than 2 weeks have passed after the completion of appropriate treatment for bronchitis, and the cough has not gone away, then you should start to worry. Most likely, some kind of inflammatory process develops in the human body. You should undergo additional examination and receive proper treatment. There are several ways to treat residual cough. First of all, actions to strengthen the immune system, treatment with medicinal herbs, breathing exercises and wellness massage are necessary.

Carrying out simple gymnastic exercises allows you to remove accumulated phlegm much faster, thereby bringing the stage of a speedy recovery closer. The complex of physical exercises performed includes squats and bends. Massage procedures are performed with patting movements.

If there is a suspicion that bronchitis is becoming chronic, the patient should be treated by an experienced pulmonologist. At the appointment, the specialist will order the patient to undergo a full medical examination, and will also check for the presence of tuberculosis.

In some cases, if there is a cough after bronchitis, an x-ray of the lungs is done. Then both children and adults need to do a Mantoux test after the end of the illness.

For a quick recovery, the patient is recommended to eat a nutritious diet, which contains a complex of useful vitamins and minerals. Systematic exercise, breathing exercises, sanatorium therapy and walks in the fresh air will also benefit. The use of any medications is possible only after agreement with the attending physician and passing the necessary tests.

Excellent treatment results can be achieved through the use of herbal medicine. Based on wild rosemary and licorice, decoctions are made that relieve residual cough.

How to get rid of cough after bronchitis

When the patient has a predominantly wet cough, gradual coughing occurs. In this case, the doctor prescribes any expectorants for bronchitis. Of course, these are any mucolytic drugs that contain carbocisteine. Thanks to their safety and effectiveness, they are able to eliminate the residual effects of bronchitis even in a child.

Those mucolytic agents that contain Ambroxol can cause excessive thinning of sputum in people of any age. Carbocisteine ​​cannot lead to this situation, since it has a mucoregulatory effect. When taking medications containing carbocisteine, the sputum thins out and goes away after a while. These drugs are also effective when the patient takes them from the very beginning of the disease. Among them are: Fluditec, Libexin and Mucolytic syrup.

If a cough remains after bronchitis, the doctor prescribes drugs for adults that include Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine ​​and Ambroxol. When a person has a dry cough, it is initially necessary to transform it into a productive one, and then use medications that have an expectorant effect. It is allowed to use combined means, with which you can quickly get a double effect. Such means include:

  1. Sinekod.
  2. Gerbion.
  3. Bronchicum.
  4. Codelac Phyto.
  5. Libexin.
  6. Stoptussin.

In addition, inhalation can be considered an effective remedy to help get rid of the remaining manifestations of bronchitis.

To reduce the severity of cough remaining after bronchitis, it is recommended to use antihistamines, which reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, eliminate spasms in the bronchi and normalize the elasticity of muscle tissue. Therapeutic techniques should be aimed at cleansing the lungs of mucus and phlegm that have accumulated throughout the course of the disease. But if the residual cough was caused by tuberculosis, blood may appear when coughing up. Therefore, it is not recommended to take excessive amounts of expectorants.

In order to prevent the occurrence of chronic bronchitis and its relapse, it is recommended to take preventive measures. Initially, you need to direct all your efforts to strengthening the immune system, and regular hardening of the body will also be useful. All measures taken in a timely manner will help avoid the onset of the disease and its relapse.

How to treat a cough in a 3 year old child, residual effects.


Olga Chechetka

There is a very good folk method: Take one lemon, put it in boiling water for two to three minutes, and then squeeze the juice from it into a glass. Pour two tablespoons of glycerin (sold at the pharmacy) into pure juice and stir well. The volume of liquid should be about 1/2 cup. And add honey until the glass is full. Stir well so that the liquid is homogeneous. The frequency of use depends on the cough itself. If the child coughs often, then give it a teaspoon every two hours; if he coughs at night, then give it once at night. and as the cough decreases, gradually reduce the dose to once a day. If the child is older, then you should give it a dessert spoon. This recipe even cures an old cough. And it helped my child get rid of a severe cough within 24 hours. With this recipe we managed without pills for a long time. Even now I prepare it for my 14th son, but he only drinks a tablespoon. The syrup tastes good, so it is easy to give to children.

Olga Svetlaya

Buy balls and soap bubbles - let him train his respiratory system.


Licorice root syrup, keep the legs warm, rub the back with turpentine ointment or Doctor Mom, tea from coltsfoot, chamomile, savory.... Or maybe you don’t need to give anything if there are residuals - if you’ve been taking cough medicine for a couple of weeks - It may be worth stopping treatment altogether. Lemon, cranberry, vitamins - and let him fight.


You can give aminophylline 1/2 tablet at night to prevent coughing. In general, such a cough takes a long time to cure - buy the cheapest cough tablets made from thermopsis grass. You can drink them for a whole month. They do not give a quick effect, but the result is good.


homemade mustard plasters with flour, black juice. radish with honey, a spoonful after meals, if you don’t have allergies. for honey

Irina Gorbacheva

I really like the breast elixir, 1 drop is given per year of life, it is licorice along with ammonia and anise drops, it helps a lot and is inexpensive.


milk and soda doctor mom - rubbing breasts


mix radish juice with honey and let it brew - one day is enough for us to get rid of the hated cough :-)
Another good drug is PROSPAN, absolutely harmless and sweet)

Despite the fact that a residual cough in an adult is, as a rule, the last symptom of a cold, it causes a lot of inconvenience. It turns out that a person, having already recovered and returned to his usual rhythm, still cannot lead a full active life - he continues to be bothered by a wet (in other words, “wet”) or dry cough, and, as often happens, in the most inappropriate situation: in the morning at work, on public transport, at important negotiations, at the cinema or at night in a dream. In this case, it would be much better to immediately begin to treat the residual cough than to leave things to chance.

Causes of residual cough

Residual cough is not uncommon. Many people who have had ARVI, tracheitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, pneumonia or bronchitis suffer from it. The fact is that the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract cannot recover from an illness in an instant, and a certain amount of sputum still remains in the bronchi and trachea, which the body reflexively tries to get rid of. After an acute respiratory viral infection, a residual cough can be provoked by physical exertion, inhalation of cold or polluted air; sometimes it even appears for no apparent reason.

How to treat residual cough

To completely cope with such a cough, an adult body will need from one to four weeks, and in some cases more, depending on the severity of the disease and the state of the person’s immune system. Therefore, when selecting medications for the treatment of residual cough after bronchitis or ARVI, it is important to pay attention to how long they are allowed to be used.

Smoking and alcoholic beverages can interfere with full recovery, but it is better to avoid them at least for a while, because during the recovery period the thinned mucous membrane of the respiratory tract becomes very susceptible to irritants.

Despite the inconvenience that a residual dry cough causes, there is no need to sound the alarm. If there are no other symptoms, then you need to be patient and calmly begin treatment, since a cough on its own, without help from the body, can go away for a very long time. In addition, if nothing is done, the recovery process may be delayed, and in addition there is a risk of complications. Irritated bronchi and trachea are a favorable environment for the development of a new infection that can be picked up anywhere. Therefore, the faster you cure a cough, the less chance the underlying disease will have.

To help the body cope with a dry or wet residual cough, you need to:

  • treat the disease that caused the cough;
  • drink plenty of fluids, especially water;
  • walk in the fresh air;
  • humidify the room by any available means: from wet cleaning and frequent ventilation to the use of humidifiers (especially at night);
  • drink warm milk with honey;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • eat well;
  • thin mucus and get rid of it using expectorants.

Modern cough syrups with strong chemicals can be used for up to 5-10 days, while residual cough usually lasts longer. Doctor MOM ® cough syrup, which contains extracts of 10 medicinal plants, unlike chemical syrups, can be safely taken for two to three weeks. It does not contain alcohol and has a complex effect: mucolytic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and also bronchodilator (the drug expands the airways, facilitating the flow of air into the lungs during bronchospasm). It is the "ideal ally" that helps you cure residual cough.

Important to know

If you are unsure how to deal with a residual cough that persists for a long time or is accompanied by other symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.



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