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What is fear and how is it different from fear? Fear is a reflex reaction to a sudden stimulus, on the basis of which neurosis is formed. The baby may be frightened by a loud noise, a dog, or a nightmare. The mother needs to detect the symptoms of fear in time and understand what is happening to the child. From right actions parents depend on the consequences of a neurotic reaction.

How can a mother recognize fear in her child?

The nervous system of a newborn is at the stage of formation. In the first months of life, millions are formed neural connections. During this period, the baby’s mental activity is unstable and subject to stress. Fear is a neurosis in young children that develops after severe stress.

Neurotic fear in a baby should not be confused with fear. Fear is a normal emotional reaction to the unknown. The baby may be afraid of strangers, animals, and if this emotion does not prevail over the others, it is absolutely normal.

How can you tell if your baby is scared? The main signs of fear are:

  • restless night sleep, nightmares;
  • bed-wetting;
  • stuttering if the baby already knows how to speak;
  • anxiety, restlessness, capricious behavior;
  • causeless crying;
  • loss of appetite.

The baby is afraid to be left alone, he grabs his mother and refuses to let her go, screams when she leaves. If the fright occurs at a time when the baby is just learning to speak, he may remain silent for a long time.

Main causes of fear

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Infants in the first month of life are at risk. They adapt to their environment and are not used to loud sounds or bright lights. The peak development of neurosis occurs at the age of 2–3 years - during this period there is an active development of higher nervous activity, the child’s psyche is the most vulnerable.

Anything can scare a small child. The provoking factor must be eliminated immediately. However, if an older baby can explain what scared him, the parents will have to closely monitor the baby to find out the reason.

Common causes of fear:

  • natural phenomena: thunderstorm, thunder, lightning;
  • sudden sounds or flashes of light;
  • animal attack;
  • screaming, quarrel with an adult;
  • conflicts in the family.

Children under one year of age are most often afraid loud sounds or animals. Children aged 3–4 years are more sensitive to social situations. They experience a lot of stress when an adult yells at them. Constant conflicts and quarrels between parents, even if the child is just an observer and not a participant, have a negative impact on his psyche.

How to treat fear?

Neuroses and their consequences are treated comprehensively. The child undergoes psychotherapy, and a stable condition is maintained with the help of medications. Some parents prefer to treat their baby at home with soothing herbs and walks in the fresh air. Which method of therapy is best to choose depends on the degree of neurosis and its manifestations. It is necessary to select treatment after consultation with a neurologist and child psychologist.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy is prescribed only in extreme cases. Indications for such treatment may be:

Medicines are prescribed by a neurologist or child psychiatrist. Basically they contain herbal ingredients, but for neurosis bordering on psychosis, the doctor can prescribe tranquilizers and anticonvulsants.

Game therapy and fairy tale therapy

Most effective method The treatment for fright is psychotherapy. For children under 6 years of age, leading mental activity is a game. In the game they live out their emotions, fears, expectations. A child, when writing an object game or telling a fairy tale, models a problem and finds a solution himself.

Conversational methods of psychotherapy are practically not used in working with children. This format is not possible when working with infants. Child psychologists use the methods of art therapy, play therapy, and fairy tale therapy.

During a consultation with a psychologist, the child is in a safe space. He feels comfortable, which means he is not afraid to look inside himself and face his fears. Under the guidance of a specialist, the child will be able to draw what scared him, and then tear the sheet to destroy the danger.

Another psychotherapy technique is object play. As a rule, in a psychologist’s office there are figures of people and animals. The child models a frightening situation and finds a way out of it in a playful way.

Fairytale therapy can be active or passive. Passive is used with those children who do not yet know how to speak. An adult tells a story in which main character finds himself in the same situation as a child and copes with it successfully. Children from 3 years old can compose such fairy tales themselves.

Breathing exercises

In order to cope with the emotional state, reduce anxiety, and get rid of fear, psychologists recommend doing breathing exercises. They are especially necessary if, as a result of fright, the baby develops a stutter.

Breathing practices allow you to remove throat constrictions and relax the diaphragm. They are an element of meditation, so they will help not only get rid of stuttering, but also calm nervous system.

Some breathing exercises:

Herbal treatment

Some herbs have a good sedative effect. It is not recommended to give herbal decoctions infants– it is difficult for them to choose a dosage, and plants can provoke allergic reaction. Starting from three years old, you can safely feed herbal infusions.

How can a mother cure fear herself without turning to doctors? Decoction recipes:

  • St. John's wort, angelica root, chamomile, hops, nettle leaves, heather, and lemon balm are mixed in equal proportions. A teaspoon of dried plants is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Twice a day you need to drink half a glass of the decoction.
  • To prepare the infusion, take 1 part valerian, 3 parts each of motherwort and cudweed, and 4 parts heather. Pour 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink five teaspoons every hour throughout the day.
  • You can give decoctions of chamomile or valerian. Dried plants are sold in every pharmacy and brewed according to the instructions.

Infants can take baths with medicinal herbs. IN warm water for bathing, add pine needles, chamomile, and lemon balm. It is enough to add a few tablespoons to the bath or a couple of drops essential oil mint and lemon balm.

Folk remedies and conspiracies

Since ancient times, fear in a child was treated with prayers and spells. To this day, mothers turn to knowledgeable older women to take the fear away from their children. Common traditional methods, the effectiveness of which is rather doubtful:

What could be the consequences of fright?

It is rare, but it happens that the consequences of fright go away on their own. Then they say that the child has outgrown his fear. However, it should be remembered that fear is a neurosis, and if it is not treated, the disease will progress. Gradually, it will resemble less and less the original cause of fear, but may manifest itself in different areas child's life. Childhood neuroses turn into adult life, and as an adult you will have to deal with mental problems in a psychotherapist’s office.

If you do nothing about fear, the following consequences may occur:

  • nocturnal enuresis;
  • stuttering;
  • retardation in mental and physical development;
  • sociopathy.

The child will begin to avoid peers, and it will be more difficult for him to study. Fear suffered at an early age can cause depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence.

Childhood problems are imprinted on the brain and make themselves felt after several decades; the symptoms of neuroses are very stable. It is much easier to find the cause and eliminate it immediately after the fear occurs than 10 to 20 years later.

Is it possible to prevent fear? A few recommendations:

  • Talk to your newborn in a calm, gentle voice, and never scream in his presence. Make sure that during infancy he is not frightened by strangers.
  • Support favorable atmosphere in the family, do not quarrel in the presence of a child. Young children are very sensitive to conflicts between parents. They tend to attribute blame for what is happening to themselves.
  • Tell us about the world around us. Explain what sounds cars make, natural phenomena, say that they should not be afraid of this.
  • Instill a love for animals. Show that there is no need to be afraid of animals, but you should not touch them, because they do not like it. Get a small pet that will teach your child how to handle animals.

Parents' fears are passed on to children. Do not cultivate your own anxieties and fears in your child; there is no need to discuss in his presence how afraid you are of something.

Some parents use fear as a method of education and a way to achieve what they want. You can often hear the phrase from mothers: “If you don’t obey, your uncle will take you away, the dog will bite you.” Such words will not force the child to be obedient, but they can create irrational fear.

Komarovsky's opinion on childhood fear

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that children who are surrounded by excessive attention or, conversely, left to their own devices, are most susceptible to fear. Overcontrol is just as harmful as neglecting a child.

Overly caring mothers and grandmothers instill in the baby their own anxieties and fears. The child grows up “in a vacuum”, separately from the world around him. When faced with natural manifestations environment he doesn't know how to react to them. This causes severe stress and, as a result, neurosis.

If neglected, the opposite situation occurs. For full development, a child needs an adult who will provide him with psychological and physical security. In conditions of deprivation, children lag behind in development, they are diagnosed mental disorders. The child grows up anxious; any stressful situation can provoke neurosis, because he does not feel protected.

It is difficult for a person to cope with the unexpected panic attack. The presence of a feeling of fear for a long time may have no effect on positive influence on fate, as well as health. Not only adults, but also small children are often susceptible to fear. If you do not cope with such an illness in time, you may face unpleasant consequences. If medicine is powerless, you can try to remove panic state independently: reading prayers and conspiracies for fear.

All rituals are performed only on baptized people.

Conspiracy to scare an adult

A chair or stool is placed in the center of the room, on which a frightened person sits. The conductor of the ceremony stands behind him, puts his hands on the crown of his head and says the words:

“Fright, fear, come out of the hands, from the head, from the legs, from the eyes, from the shoulders, from the stomach, from the veins, from the veins, from the 70 joints, from the whole body (name). You, fright - fright, black eyes, you will not be, your head will not turn, your bones will not dry. Come out, fear - commotion, painful, prickly, watery, windy, from a bad hour, from the black evil eye. Get out of (name). Baptized, received communion, prayed. It is not I who is kicking you out, but the Mother of God, the ambulance. Amen".

After the ritual, the “sick” must be sent to the shower and the room sprinkled with holy water. The plot is read once a day for the next week.

Spell against frightening a baby

Not only adults, but also newly born babies suffer from feelings of fear. cure similar illness You can also do it at home. The mother must exclude other factors that may bother the baby.

During the ceremony, the mother gently strokes the baby’s crown. The fear spell should be read quietly and calmly:

“Great fear, go away, from children’s hands, from infant eyes, from the head and shoulders. Come out, bad, terrible and evil fear, from an envious eye or from a bad hour. Go away, leave (name) for good, it’s not I who drive you away from (name), but Holy Mother of God, my permanent assistant. Leave forever the baptized, praying and receiving communion. Amen".

A similar plot for a baby out of fear is read 3 times in a row. It will be better if the mother puts a scarf on her head and lights a candle bought in church at the head of the crib.

Water spell against fright for a baby

The following words are read above a bowl of water (preferably holy):

“John the Baptist, our savior, stood over the holy water and sanctified this water with the spirit. (Name) I will wash and wipe with holy water, take away the fear, take it away. Amen".

Wash and give the baby water with the charmed water. Pour the rest onto the street.

Conspiracy against fright during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are more susceptible to anxiety and severe stress than anyone else. To prevent the feeling of fear from being passed on to the baby, you can resort to some ritual actions.

A pregnant woman needs to find a dog with light spots under the eyes. After waiting for the dog to start barking, you need to give her some food and say the words:

“You will bark and howl a lot more,

And my baby will never be afraid.

The Virgin Mary in images

Let the fear remain dog eyes. Amen".

How to identify fear in a child

Until the age of seven, children are most susceptible to the evil eye and damage. Succumbing to fear, they become restless, disobedient, and capricious. Relying on some signs, a mother can easily understand that her child is afraid of something:

  • the baby does not sleep well at night;
  • cries for no reason;
  • is terrified of a dark room;
  • flinches at every unexpected sound;
  • eats poorly, even refuses her favorite foods.

This behavior may indicate to the mother that the child is scared and certain measures should be taken to get rid of this ailment. All manipulations should be carried out only by a blood relative without strangers. If there is no result after the ritual, then you should contact a professional and experienced healer.

A simple conspiracy to scare a child

The baby should sit in the mother’s arms facing the door, another blood relative conducts the ceremony. She holds a bowl of cool holy water over the child's head. The prayers “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” are read three times. The conspiracy to frighten a child sounds like this:

“Evil thought, get away from the servant of God (name), from his head, from his arms and legs. Fly away from the body into the wind, and the wind leaves us and does not return. Amen".

After the spoken words, the wax of a church candle is carefully poured into a container of water, and the words are pronounced:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The person conducting the ceremony should pay attention to the resulting wax figures.

Specks and spots really speak existing problem, if the figures are clean, then the fear is gone. The plot is read from 3 to 9 days. You cannot reuse water and wax after the ceremony. You can get rid of them by pouring them away from the house.

Cure fright with an egg

There is another famous conspiracy against frightening a child. You will need 1 chicken egg. The plot is read on the waning moon in the afternoon. The child sits facing west, his head covered with his mother's scarf. In each hand the patient holds one lit candle, purchased from the church.

The performer begins to roll the egg on the top of the baby's head clockwise and reads the fear spell:

“I roll an egg and send fear into an unborn chicken. I drive him out of the house and bury him in the damp ground. So be it! Amen".

Used candles and chicken eggs should be buried in a place with the least crowd of people. After the ceremony, all participants must drink holy water and rinse their hands and face with it. For maximum effect perform the ritual at least 3 times.

Conspiracy against fear of water

The child is given a lit church candle in his hands, the person conducting the ceremony reads “Our Father”, then “I Believe”. Afterwards, the candles are taken away, and the patient washes himself with holy water. Pour the used liquid into a separate container and christen it with a candle 3 times. Be careful not to let the wax get into the water. Next, read a conspiracy against fear for a child:

“John the Baptist blessed the water on his own behalf and took away the fear from the child. Deliver God's servant (name) from fear and anxiety. Amen".

After the words are spoken 3 times, put out the candle. This must be done with your fingers. The water is poured onto the street and the candle is buried. This ritual must be repeated at least 7 more times.

Cure fright with water, wax and a chicken egg

This combined ritual is one of the most effective and is suitable for both infants and adolescents.

Before the procedure, prepare a three-liter container. Take water from the well at night at 12 o'clock. The main thing is that no one drinks this water before the ceremony.

The child sits on a stool or chair, and the performer is located behind him. A bowl of water is placed next to the patient. The prayers “Our Father” and “I Believe” must be read, after which the performer rolls the egg clockwise throughout the body, starting from the head.

Next, pour a little wax into a container with water (melted wax must be prepared in advance). The resulting wax figures are examined for the presence of stains or inclusions. Afterwards, the manipulations are repeated again until the melted wax runs out.

Children are often terrified of dogs or any other animals. If you do not get rid of this problem in time, serious consequences will not take long to arrive. Any blood baptized relative performs the ceremony.

The child stands in the center of the room, the performer puts his hands on his crown and reads each prayer 3 times:

  • "Our Father";
  • "I believe";
  • “O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice”;
  • "May God rise again."

Waning moon spell

This conspiracy works effectively even in the most advanced cases. Three days after the full moon, you need to bring holy water and 13 candles from the church. At night, at exactly 12 o'clock, place a bowl of water on the table and light the candles with a wooden match. Next, the words of the conspiracy out of fear are pronounced:

“I speak to water, I speak to fire, I call for help against illnesses and fears. Heavenly Father, let the darling of your servant (name) not suffer, and let the anxiety disappear. So be it! Amen".

Such a fear spell can be read as many times as the child is old. After the spoken words, the performer extinguishes the candles with his fingers, collects the cinders and remains of wax and takes them out of the house. Holy water is subsequently used for treatment. You can sprinkle it on a baby's crib, give the baby a drink from a silver spoon and wash the baby's face with it.

An important rule: conspiracies against frightening a child should only be read by baptized relatives. Only then can you count on a positive outcome from treatment for this disease.

It is preferable to write out the words of the spells in a book or notebook and learn them by heart. Proper execution ritual, compliance with all rules and positive attitude will help remove damage and the evil eye from babies, children, adults and relieve them of the overwhelming feeling of fear.



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