How to get rid of wen using folk remedies at home on different parts of the body. Effective and safe ways to remove wen at home

As statistics show, lipoma is a very common disease, and almost any person can sooner or later encounter it. Lipoma, often referred to in common parlance as a wen, is a benign tumor of adipose tissue, the causes of which still remain unknown to official medicine.

A wen can form in any person, in any part of the body. And you should not believe the popular myth that only obese people are susceptible to wen. This myth has nothing to do with reality. How to detect a wen if it suddenly appears? It’s very simple: this subcutaneous defect is very difficult to miss. And even if you don’t notice it right away, after a while it will definitely catch your attention.

Despite the fact that a wen at its initial stage (the first months after its occurrence) does not cause absolutely any painful sensations in a person, it is usually noticed immediately - a kind of compaction forms under the skin, most often about 1-1.5 cm in diameter. When palpating this place, a person feels a fairly soft and plastic “ball” under his skin, which does not cause any pain when pressed.

Most people don't think anything of it when they first discover they have a lump. But in vain. Because although a wen is a benign tumor and does not threaten a person’s health with anything particularly serious, nevertheless, if you continue to ignore it, it can soon cause a person a lot of inconvenience.

The thing is that the wen tends to grow and is constantly increasing in size. This process is quite long. For example, a wen with a diameter of about 2 cm can grow to 3-4 cm in about 6 months. And in people who let their wen grow for several years, they sometimes grew to monstrous sizes. It is enough to google a photo for the query “wen” or “lipoma” to understand that a wen the size of a tennis ball is still far from the largest size to which this tumor can grow.

Wen not only disfigures a person’s appearance. Growing to impressive sizes, it begins to compress all the tissues surrounding it. And then everything depends on the location of the wen. For example, if it is formed in an area of ​​the body with an abundance of nerve endings, then even at a size of 3-4 cm it can cause very painful sensations, as it will compress the nerves located nearby. All this means one thing - despite all its harmlessness from the point of view of official medicine, under no circumstances should a lipoma be allowed to progress. At a minimum, it can greatly disfigure a person externally. But most often, over time, it still has to be removed surgically, as it begins to bring suffering to its owner. Therefore, it is wisest to get rid of it at the very beginning: better sooner than later.

Official medicine offers only one way to get rid of the disease - surgery. To the question: “Is it possible any other way?” Most dermatologists unanimously answer sharply negatively. However, if the wen is either up to 1 or 2 cm in size, dermatologists advise removing it with a special injection. A special medical solution is injected into the wen using a needle, which is designed to dissolve the tumor over a period of time. But such injections can only be used at the very initial stage, when the tumor has just been discovered and is small in size. Anything larger than 2 cm, doctors recommend either surgically removing it or “leave it and ignore it” if the tumor does not cause pain. The last advice is quite strange to hear from dermatologists, who seem to be called upon to fight for human skin to always be healthy and beautiful, but as practice shows, they actually advise this. And they add that, if something happens, the wen can always be removed as soon as it begins to cause pain. This is such a strange logic.

And yet, if nature has blessed you with a wen, and it has now reached medium size, in addition to surgical intervention, there is another effective and very effective method. On the Internet you can find many sites offering traditional methods of treatment, and there, of course, you can also find many recipes. But who knows who wrote everything there, where the information was taken from and whether it should be trusted? In this same article, you will be offered one and only method, but one that has been tested in practice and has given wonderful results.

Removing lipoma using egg film

All you need are ordinary raw chicken eggs, which can be bought at any grocery store. We will only need a thin shell film from the egg. And the method itself is very simple: break a raw egg in half, carefully separate the thin film from the shell and simply glue it onto the wen.

Many people doubt the effectiveness of this method (until they try it themselves) due to the fact that they simply do not believe that “some kind of egg film can have healing properties.” But all these people themselves can search for information on the same Internet, and find out that, for example, some pharmaceutical companies make creams and ointments based on egg shell film, designed to fight various diseases of the skin and joints. This only proves that the healing properties of egg film have been scientifically proven and there is no reason to doubt it.

So, in order for the wen to disappear, you need to glue an egg film onto it. How often should this be done? Experience shows that once a day is sufficient. Although some patients did this even less often - once every 2-3 days - and in about a month they managed to completely get rid of a wen measuring about 4 cm.

Now about the subtleties. To make it easier for you to separate the film from the shell, try waiting 2-3 minutes after breaking the egg. In this case, the inner surface of the egg dries out a little, and the film separates from the shell much more easily. It is not necessary to glue the film onto the wen using auxiliary means. If you carefully and tightly apply it to the skin, after about 10 minutes, when it dries and turns white, it will stick to the skin quite confidently and is unlikely to come off. Although, for additional fixation, you can use a patch. Just before applying the patch, wait 3-4 minutes for the film to dry - the patch may not stick to a wet film. Naturally, the film should be glued with the inner (sticky) side to the skin.

How does the healing process work?

After the very first procedures, you will most likely feel a slight burning sensation in the wen area. This is good and means that the healing processes have already begun. After several procedures, the area around the wen will begin to swell greatly, swelling will appear, and the skin in this area will turn red. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is how it should be. The egg film, as it were, pulls the wen closer to the surface of the skin and the substances that the skin has absorbed from the egg film begin to have an effect on the adipose tissue that makes up the tumor. Fat tissue begins to burn quickly, and swelling and swelling of this area is a consequence of this process.

The disappearance of the tumor occurs very quickly: for example, a lipoma measuring about 4 cm completely disappears in about 10 procedures. During treatment, it is also better to avoid fatty foods. This can be explained simply: the adipose tissue of the wen burns, which puts a strain on the liver (the liver is responsible for cleansing the body of toxins that will be formed during the combustion of fat), and if you consume fatty foods or alcohol during treatment, this can create an overly strong load on the liver. Therefore, it is better to refrain from consuming such things during treatment.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to treat a wen without surgery? Doctors unanimously argue that surgical intervention in this case is inevitable, and self-administered treatment will entail a number of complications and unpleasant health consequences. Is this true in practice? In what cases can you defy doctors and carry out therapy at home?

You can eliminate a wen without harm to health at home, knowing the rules for this procedure.

What is it and should it be removed?

Lipoma, commonly known as a wen, is a loose, even soft formation under the skin, consisting of adipose tissue. They are often found in people and are localized on any part of the body:

  • on your feet;
  • hands;
  • stomach;
  • back;
  • face.

Treatment of a small lipoma is not necessary, since it often does not harm the person. The danger of a neoplasm is that it can grow to gigantic sizes, putting pressure on nearby organs and interfering with a person’s daily life. In medical practice, there have been cases when surgeons removed a lipoma weighing up to 10 kg. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of such complications, it is advisable to still remove the wen. Moreover, modern medicine offers a lot of methods to choose from against lipoma.


There are cases when a convex formation on the body is immediately mistaken for a wen. It is often confused with a malignant tumor, sarcoma, because they are similar in appearance. Only diagnostic studies will be able to accurately determine the type and nature of the formation. The doctor will conduct a visual examination and palpation of the tumor, and refer the patient for diagnosis. Diagnostic measures include:

  • blood test;
  • sampling of a portion of tissue for histological examination;
  • X-ray examination;
  • computed tomography.

When is surgery inevitable?

When the wen has increased in size and is a serious nuisance for a person, it urgently needs to be removed. The procedure is carried out using various methods (laser, radio wave, surgical). Doctors have differing opinions regarding the surgical removal of lipomas. The pros and cons of surgery are presented in the table:

Treatment and removal of lipomas without surgery

Needle treatment

At home, you can try to remove the wen using an ordinary sewing needle. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • hold the needle over the fire, letting it become hot;
  • treat the problem area with an antiseptic;
  • use a needle to pry the upper part of the dermis above the lipoma;
  • squeeze out the wen;
  • treat the damaged area with an antiseptic;
  • repeat treatment 4-5 times a day;
  • after 6–7 days, not a trace of the lipoma will remain.

Ointments and pharmaceutical preparations

Pharmacy medications, which are available without a doctor’s prescription, will help in self-treatment of lipomas. They are mainly produced in the form of ointments and solutions. The most common disintegrating medications include:

  • Vishnevsky ointment. A well-known antiseptic for lipomas, used for opening and then resolving them without surgery.
  • Ichthyol ointment. Resolves the wen at the initial stage of formation. The drug has an antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory effect on problematic formation.
  • Dimexide solution. Used to treat dermatitis, purulent wounds, and large lipomas. "Dimexide" is applied to the problem area in the form of a compress 2-3 times a day.

In rare cases, when the lump becomes inflamed and subcutaneous accumulation of pus occurs, in order for treatment to help get rid of the lump as quickly as possible, the doctor prescribes an antibacterial treatment course to the patient. Frequently prescribed medications: Amoxiclav tablets, Lincomycin injection solution. Antibiotics are administered under the skin in the form of intravenous and intramuscular injections. At the same time, oral administration is carried out - the antibiotic is taken in the form of tablets. The patient independently visits the treatment room, where he is given injections 3 times a day. If there is a person in the house who can independently inject a patient, you do not need to visit the hospital.

Therapy oil

Natural oils can cure lipoma on any part of the body. Oils with healing properties:

  • vegetable and olive;
  • tea tree oil;
  • castor oil for wen.

For example, curing a wen with castor oil is very simple. Just mix it with a mixture of fresh chopped onion and apply it to the problem area. The same procedure is done with tea tree oil. This will help open the lipoma and subsequently remove it from the surface of the skin. Sunflower and olive oils are mixed with strawberry soap shavings and applied in the form of a cake to the wen.

People have accumulated a lot of “homemade” safe methods of dealing with wen.

It is not possible to get rid of large-sized wen at home. But you can try to remove a small tumor. Let's see how.

How to distinguish a wen from other types of skin tumors?

Before choosing one or another treatment method, you need to make sure that it is a wen and not something else. How to distinguish it?

  • A fatty tissue (also known as a lipoma) is formed in a closed capsule and consists of homogeneous adipose tissue. This is expressed in a clear round shape of the formation and its structure that is dense to the touch.
  • The wen, unlike a dense subcutaneous pimple in the ripening stage, does not have a tapering tip; its shape is smooth and round. There is no ripening center in the middle.
  • Touching the wen does not cause pain.

Here we will tell you exactly how to get rid of it at home.

The first thing a person sees when they see a wen is that the easiest way to remove it is to squeeze it out. However, you should not do this - a new one may appear in place of an existing lump.

Getting rid of wen at home

So, you are convinced that the ball on the skin is, indeed, a wen. If it is very small, you can try to remove it yourself without going to the hospital.

Medication methods

Vishnevsky ointment, “Zvezdochka” or ichthyol ointment

You can try to remove the wen using a remedy that has been proven for decades - Vishnevsky ointment. It is applied to the skin in the form of a compress, which is changed every 9-10 hours. To completely eliminate the problem, treatment of several days will be required.
Please note: if you don’t have Vishnevsky’s ointment on hand, “Zvezdochka” and ichthyol ointment can be used in the same way.

Iodine, which everyone probably has at home, can help remove the wen. It must be mixed with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is applied with a cotton swab to the body of the lipoma. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day every day until the wen disappears.

The easiest way to get rid of wen is to systematically treat it with iodine

Hydrogen peroxide

You can try to remove a lipoma with another inexpensive pharmaceutical product - hydrogen peroxide. It can be used as a compress or lubricated with it on the tubercle several times a day.
Please note: to make the wound heal faster, lubricate it with Levomekol ointment or tetracycline ointment.

Using products


Some people believe that garlic helps get rid of wen better. The slice is cut and applied with a cut to the skin, and sealed with a plaster on top. If there is no discomfort, this compress can be left overnight. However, this is unlikely to work for people with sensitive skin.

Others believe that garlic works better in tandem with lard. Grind 1 clove of garlic in a blender with two teaspoons of lard. This mixture is applied to the skin daily until the bump on the skin disappears.


Roast the whole onion in the oven. Grate, add laundry soap shavings, mix. Apply to skin as a compress and leave overnight. Do the procedure every day, morning and evening. Prepare a new mixture each time.

Please note: There is an opinion that you can get rid of wen by eating one onion every day.

Onions and garlic have helped many people get rid of wen

Fresh beets

The root vegetable is grated, the pulp is applied to the wen, the top is covered with polyethylene, and a plaster is glued on top of it. Keep this compress all night and change it to a fresh one in the morning.

Vegetable oil

The oil is mixed with vodka in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to the skin in the form of a compress and wrap something warm on top. You can put a warm towel, you can wrap a scarf around this area.

Raw egg film

You can try to cure the wen with film from a raw chicken egg. The film is separated from the shell and glued to the wen. In principle, it should stick on its own, but for greater stability it can be glued to the skin with a band-aid. The film is changed every day.

This treatment will be quite long. Reviews indicate that this will take about a month. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the wen. As treatment progresses, the skin at the site of the wen may become red and appear swollen. There is no need to be afraid of this. This signals that the body of the lipoma is moving closer to the surface of the skin and will soon come out.

Please note: Separating the film from the shell can be problematic. To make the process easier, do not peel off the film immediately after breaking the egg. Wait a few minutes for the inside of the shell to dry. This will make the film come off much easier.

Salt + sour cream + honey

All components are taken in equal quantities. The mixture is applied to the wen for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with water. With this treatment, the lipoma does not open, but resolves.

Black pepper, cinnamon, honey, various ointments and even chestnut fruits - this is not a complete list of ingredients used to remove wen at home

Kefir + red clay + salt

The components are mixed in such proportions as to form a thick paste. A cake is formed from it, which is placed on the lipoma, covered with a plastic bag and, to increase efficiency, wrapped on top with a warm towel or cloth. Repeat until the wen disappears.


To get rid of lipomas with the help of this spice, you need to eat one teaspoon of it daily.

Ground black pepper

Another spice that is used to remove wen. This is black pepper. 1 teaspoon of spice is poured onto a cloth moistened with alcohol or vodka, and a compress is applied to the lipoma for 15 minutes. The procedure is done 2 times a day, morning and evening. Reviews from those who have tried this treatment indicate that after 2 weeks the contents of the neoplasm will gradually come out in the form of white clots.

Using indoor plants


Surely everyone has aloe at home. This healing plant can also help get rid of wen. Take a leaf of the plant and cut it along its entire length so that it opens like a book. Apply the pulp to the skin and stick it with a band-aid. This compress can be left on all night - it will not cause any harm to the skin. Reviews from those who have tried this treatment on themselves indicate that the lipoma should come out after 4-5 days. A rod will appear on the skin - gently squeeze it out, after treating the skin with an antiseptic.

Please note: To make aloe juice more effective, you can put a torn leaf of the plant in the refrigerator and keep it there for 3 days.

You can fight wen using aloe juice and pulp.


In a similar way, you can use the leaves of Kalanchoe, which is called a living tree for its beneficial properties. Its leaves are glossy, so to gain access to the pulp, you need to carefully remove the top film. There is no need to keep it in the refrigerator for several days. The duration of treatment is at least a week.

Using other herbal remedies


You can use the juice of a fresh plant, or you can buy a ready-made product at the pharmacy - some believe that it is more effective. You can brew celandine as tea. Whatever option you choose to prepare the plant for use, the treatment procedure is the same - a cloth soaked in liquid is applied to the lipoma, thus creating a compress. It must be left overnight. The celandine will open the wound (as a rule, this happens on the 10th day of treatment), after which it will need to be treated with Vishnevsky ointment so that everything unnecessary comes out of it and it heals faster.

Golden mustache

The plant is crushed (the amount of raw material is determined based on the size of the neoplasm) and applied as a compress overnight.

Fresh nettle

The plant is crushed (you will need about 3 tablespoons of raw materials), poured with half a liter of vodka or alcohol, and infused for 22 days. The resulting tincture is applied to the skin as a compress.


If you find 5 chestnut fruits anywhere, you can prepare an effective mask from them. They are crushed, a tablespoon of honey and 3 crushed aloe leaves are added to them. The mass is applied to the wen and bandaged. The bandage needs to be changed twice a day.

This is what a lipoma looks like after opening. Tumors of this size should not be removed on your own - it is better to trust the medical staff so as not to introduce an infection into the body and prevent the development of complications

Pine pollen + honey

Pine pollen is mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture should be taken every day an hour after meals, 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to wash it down with oregano, brewed as herbal tea. Even if this method of treating a wen turns out to be ineffective and the lipoma will have to be eliminated using another method, such a procedure will have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and help strengthen the immune system, so it’s definitely worth a try.


The use of fresh coltsfoot leaves has a good effect. They can be applied to the lipoma as a compress (the bandage is changed 2-3 times a day) or used in the same way, after being crushed.

Diet against fatty acids

There is an opinion that the reason for the appearance of lipoma is excessive slagging in the body. Some admit that they managed to get rid of wen by observing strict fasting. You can try to get rid of the bump by limiting your consumption of fatty, smoked and other unhealthy foods. It is recommended to avoid smoking, alcohol, excessive coffee consumption, and drink more water. Many managed to eliminate the problem by starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, in which proper nutrition and exercise played an important role.

Many people believe that leading a healthy lifestyle helps fight fat.

The most unusual ways to treat wen

Bee stings

The magazine “Healthy Lifestyle” (issue No. 18, 2010) provides data on how one man managed to get rid of a wen using bee stings. First, the bee bit him on the bump that had been on his head for many years, completely by accident. He noticed that the tumor had become smaller. Then he went to the beekeeper, and he planted two bees on the sore spot. After their bites, the wen disappeared.


There is evidence that some people were helped by compresses made from sheep's wool mixed with grated laundry soap.

What not to do

Some people believe that since the lipoma is located shallow under the skin, you can try to pull it out with a disinfected syringe needle. This should not be done, because you will not be able to remove the capsule in which the tumor has formed completely. At this point it may arise again. In addition, it is so easy to provoke the development of complications, and the new wen may turn out to be much larger.

At home, you cannot remove wen or any other tumors located near the eyes.

For the same reasons, you should not squeeze out the wen. Remember that although this is a benign neoplasm, it can still acquire a malignant nature, and its trauma is the main risk factor.

Also, you should not remove wen at home that is located on the face, especially in the area around the eyes and on the eyelid itself. This can lead to serious problems, including loss of vision.

Getting rid of wen is quite possible, and many people prefer to do it at home, using various means. Alcohol pharmaceutical tinctures, ointments, herbal remedies, spices, alcohol and much more are used. In some cases this treatment helps, in others it does not. The characteristics of the body are individual, so it is impossible to say whether this or that method of treatment will help you. You can try, but be careful not to hurt yourself. Remember that you should not take risks if the wen is on the skin around the eyes. This is fraught with vision problems. It is also very important to carry out treatment under sterile conditions and not to introduce any infection into the open wound.

Lipomas are benign growths under the skin in the connective tissue. Regardless of the reason for their appearance, the formations are a cosmetic defect that creates inconvenience. Therefore, patients increasingly decide to have them removed.

But some people want to figure out how to cure a wen without surgery. You can get rid of them in various parts of the body yourself using traditional methods. They are considered safe and help eliminate formation no less effectively. But this, unlike removal, will require more time.

Which doctor treats lipomas?

When lipomas appear, many do not even know which doctor treats the formations. After all, people do not eliminate tumors that do not cause any particular inconvenience right away.

Having discovered a formation on the surface of any part of the body, it is necessary to confirm its benignity and determine the causes of its occurrence. Since the disease is skin, first of all, consultation with a dermatologist is important.

Only a doctor can determine the treatment option

During the examination, the doctor will assess the nature and size of the tumor. Also, when collecting anamnesis, the cause of its occurrence will be established.

If a malignant tumor is suspected, consultation with an oncologist may be required. Additionally, the patient needs to visit doctors who will help eliminate the factor that provokes the appearance of lipoma.

Removal is performed by a surgeon. But, if a person wants to do without surgery, a dermatologist can recommend how to treat a wen. At home, you can use some medications to help cope with formations.

Drug treatment

Wen treatment can be carried out using pharmaceutical drugs. They will help draw out the contents of the formation or dissolve it from the inside.

  • Ichthyol ointment for wen has long been the most effective. It is applied to the surface of the formation, and then the affected area is covered with cling film. The top part of the body should be covered with a scarf or warm cloth. The procedure must be carried out before bed, leaving the compress on overnight. In the morning, the bandage is put on again. Treatment is carried out over several days.
  • Therapy can be carried out with Vishnevsky ointment. A product with a specific odor is applied to the wen under a compress for a period of eight to twelve hours. After a few days, the wen will open and the contents will be removed.
  • Simple iodine also helps to cope with education. It is recommended to mix it with vinegar, taking the components in equal proportions. The composition should be lubricated with lipomas three times a day. Treatment is carried out until the formation is completely eliminated.
  • Medicine involves the use of hydrogen peroxide to eliminate wen without surgery. It is applied to the formation in the morning and evening. Before going to bed, you can make a compress with the drug.
  • Some people squeeze out the wen themselves using a sterile needle. In this case, it is important to lubricate the formation with tetracycline ointment or Levomekol. They will not only speed up the healing process, but also eliminate the possibility of bacterial infection.

After mechanically squeezing out the wen, you need to lubricate the skin with Levomekol

Folk remedies

Treatment of wen with folk remedies is very popular. After all, many foods and medicinal plants help eliminate lipomas quickly and painlessly. Recipes for therapy may vary.

Food use

During treatment, you can use various available components, which especially affect the contents of lipomas. They help to resolve the formation without damaging its surface.

  • Traditionally, folk treatment is carried out using garlic. To perform the procedure, the lobule is cut into two parts, one of which is applied to the wen. You need to fix it with a plaster or bandage. It is useful to make a compress before going to bed.
  • If a person has sensitive skin, you can combine chopped garlic with lard (1 clove per two teaspoons). The product must be applied every day before bed until the lipoma is completely eliminated.
  • Baked onions have beneficial properties. One onion is cooked in the oven until completely softened. After this, the chopped vegetable is mixed with grated laundry soap. The mixture is applied to the formation overnight under a bandage. In the morning the compress is changed.
  • To get rid of lipoma, you can apply beet pulp to the affected area. The top is covered with cling film and secured with adhesive tape. The compress is made before going to bed, and in the morning a new composition is prepared for application.
  • Vegetable oil mixed in equal parts with vodka eliminates the formation.
  • An eggshell film can be applied to the lipoma. After gluing it needs to be secured with adhesive tape. New film is used every day. Treatment is carried out for a month. The effect can be assessed after the skin turns red and swells. This indicates the release of the lipoma.
  • A mask containing honey, sour cream and salt in equal parts is considered a useful remedy for wen. The composition is applied to the wen for 15 minutes and then washed off with water.
  • Traditional healers recommend using cakes made from kefir, salt and red clay. It is applied to the lipoma under a compress until the formation is completely eliminated.
  • You can use a compress made of cloth soaked in alcohol and apply a teaspoon of ground black pepper to it. Keep the composition on the skin for no longer than 15 minutes. The procedures are carried out in the morning and evening for two weeks.

Beet pulp can be applied to the surface of the formation

Medicinal plants

Many plants have special properties. Therefore, they are used to treat wen. Unlike food products, they have a gentler effect on formations. In this regard, they can be used when removing eye wen, where the skin is very delicate.

  • Aloe is beneficial for many diseases. The plant leaf is cut into two parts and the pulp is applied to the affected area. The top needs to be sealed with adhesive tape. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. After a few days, you can notice the exit of the rod, which is easily removed. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the leaf is kept in the refrigerator for three days.
  • Kalanchoe is used in a similar way. Only you need to cut off the top layer to access the pulp. You can even apply the plant to a lipoma on the eyelid, as it has a non-aggressive effect on the formation.
  • In other parts of the body, for example, on the forearm, you can use celandine. To carry out the procedure, prepare a decoction of a dry plant, in which you need to moisten the fabric. It needs to be applied to the wen at night. Treatment is carried out for 10 days. After opening the tumor, you need to treat the affected area with Vishnevsky ointment.
  • When making compresses, you can use crushed golden mustache. It is applied to the lipoma before going to bed.
  • Nettle tincture effectively combats formation. Fresh grass in the amount of three tablespoons is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. You need to infuse the product for 3 weeks. After this, it is used to make compresses.
  • You can apply a mixture of crushed chestnut fruits (5 pieces), a tablespoon of honey and aloe leaves (3 pieces) to the wen. The composition should be used under a compress in the morning and evening.
  • You can use pine pollen mixed in equal proportions with honey. It should be taken orally an hour after meals three times a day.

The healing effect turns out to be a golden mustache


There are other non-traditional methods of treating lipomas. These include hirudotherapy.

Eliminating lipomas with leeches has recently been very effective. Living organisms attached to the affected area can not only eliminate the formation, but also heal organs and systems, cleanse the blood and improve the condition of the skin. This is especially important, since wen often occurs when there are problems in various systems.

It is important to know the correct placement of leeches for the procedure. Therefore, treatment should be carried out by a doctor who is familiar with hirudotherapy.

Hirudotherapy for fatty tissue is becoming increasingly popular

Lipoma (wen) is a benign subcutaneous formation of adipose tissue. Wen can be located on any part of the body: on the face, back, neck, eyelid, etc. Of course, in most cases, the appearance of this cosmetic defect is a serious reason to visit a surgeon, but sometimes it can be cured with the help of traditional medicine.

  • hereditary – a violation of the DNA structure;
  • metabolic – a violation of fat metabolism in the body;
  • symptomatic - wen can form as a consequence of diseases of the thyroid, pancreas, liver, kidneys, etc.

The causes of wen may also lie in diseases of the central nervous system, traumatic brain injuries, which again lead to metabolic disorders, and hormonal changes.

In folk medicine, it is believed that the cause of wen is clogging the body with toxins. Lipomas often go away with strict fasting.

Fatty tumors rarely turn into malignant tumors. They most often occur painlessly, but there are also painful lipomas that can compress the surrounding tissues, disrupting blood circulation in them.

Choosing a folk remedy to combat wen

Plant Based Recipes

Onions can be used both raw and as a paste.

Bake the onion until soft, grind, add 1 tbsp to the warm onion pulp. l. grated laundry soap, mix into a homogeneous mass. Place on a gauze napkin and attach the compress to the wen. Change 1-2 times a day, store the mixture in the refrigerator. After some time, the wen will soften, begin to tug and open.

Treatment can also be carried out with raw onions - apply a compress with grated plant every day at night. The woman had a lump on her neck and was offered surgery. But it opened on its own the next morning after the first compress. After repeating the procedure, the operation was no longer needed (recipe from Healthy Lifestyle 2005, No. 20, p. 3).


1 tbsp. l. melted lard mixed with 1 tsp. garlic juice. Rub the wen on the body or face with this mixture several times a day until completely cured.

Recipe using beets

Grate the beets, apply to the wen, covering the top with polyethylene and adhesive tape. Keep the compress on your face all night. After 3-5 days the wen should burst.


Coltsfoot will help the wen disappear in just 2 weeks

Take 2-3 leaves of a fresh plant, attach to the lipoma, change once a day. In 10-14 days the wen should go away.


Moisten the bandage with a strong decoction of celandine and apply to the wen as a compress overnight. After 7-10 days it will look like a boil, and after another 2-3 days it will break through.


Squeeze the juice out of a Kalanchoe leaf using a garlic press and gauze, moisten a swab with juice and make a compress. Change once a day, squeezing out fresh juice each time. In a week the pain will go away, in another week the redness will disappear.

This healer lives on the windowsills of many housewives

Knead a sheet of golden mustache, apply it to the lipoma, put plastic film and cotton fabric on top. Secure the compress with a plaster or bandage. The bandage is changed every 12 hours using a new sheet. Course 10–20 days.

Burdock root infusion

Pour 300 g of crushed burdock root into half a liter of 70% ethyl alcohol and place in a dark place, periodically removing and shaking. The tincture “ripens” within a month. After this time, it should be filtered and taken twice a day, 20 minutes before meals. The tincture should be consumed until the bitter end, that is, until the lipoma completely disappears - as a rule, visible results appear within 10-14 days.

Healing ointments

The most effective remedy possible

Vishnevsky ointment is the simplest and most reliable remedy that helps remove lipoma, although it is quite odorous. It is used as a compress, which is changed after 8-12 hours. Very quickly the wen will open and disappear. Ichthyol ointment has the same property, but it is slightly weaker.

Aloe + chestnut

Pass 5 horse chestnut fruits through a meat grinder, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. mashed aloe leaves. Apply this ointment to a piece of gauze and fix it, change it 2 times a day.

You can also use just an aloe leaf. It is cut lengthwise and a compress is made at night, secured with a cloth and an adhesive plaster. After 2-3 weeks, the wen is opened and the rod comes out of it, after which the wound heals.

Other means

Honey and sour cream mask

This folk remedy is especially suitable for the treatment of multiple lipomas on the body. You need to warm up in a sauna or hot bath, and then cover your body with a mixture of sour cream, honey and salt, in a 1:1:1 ratio. You can lubricate the entire body, and not just the areas covered with wen - the condition of the skin will certainly not worsen. Keep the mixture for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Carry out the procedures every day or every other day until the wen disappears. This will require approximately 10-20 procedures.

Cinnamon treatment

Would you think that cinnamon is not just a seasoning, but also a treatment for fatty tissue?

Often in folk medicine there is a recipe for treatment with cinnamon - you need to eat 1 tbsp every day. l. cinnamon until completely cured.

Pine Pollen

Mix pine pollen and honey in a 1:1 ratio, take 3-4 times a day, 1 hour after meals, 1 tbsp. spoon, washed down with oregano tea.

Egg films

Films of eggs should be applied to the wen, then polyethylene, cloth and adhesive tape. The compress needs to be changed several times a day. There is no need to secure it - the egg films stick well anyway. If the wen turns red and enlarges, it means that the treatment process has begun.

Black pepper

Moisten a cloth with alcohol, pour 1 tsp onto it. ground black pepper and apply to the lipoma for 10-15 minutes. Apply a compress morning and evening. After 2-3 weeks, the lipoma will open and white clots will come out of it.

Hydrogen peroxide

Make compresses with a 3% peroxide solution for 10 days. After 3-4 weeks, the sore will disappear without pain and blood.

Removing wen with oil

Heat 1 tsp in a saucepan. sunflower oil, add a little salt, wrap a match with cotton wool, dip it in boiling oil and carefully apply to the sore so that it burns slightly. Dip the match into the oil 4 times, do the procedure once a day. After 4 days, a crust will form on the wen, which will fall off on its own.

Vinegar and iodine

Mix vinegar essence and iodine in equal proportions. Lubricate the wen on the body 2-3 times a day.

Lamb fat is not bad on its own, but with a cranberry compress it’s a real miracle mixture

1 tsp. Heat lamb fat in a water bath. Rub and knead the wen on the body with hot fat for 10-15 minutes daily. This folk remedy will be much more effective if you combine it with cranberry compresses and take 3 tbsp of cranberry orally. l. per day.



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