How stone oil works on the body. stone oil

Most often, the phrase causes slight bewilderment in people, and when you look at a small bag of nondescript powder or small pebbles, bewilderment is replaced by distrust. “Another panacea for all troubles invented by charlatans” - skeptical citizens will wave their hands and ... they will be absolutely wrong.

To give even the most stubborn skeptics the opportunity to improve their health simply and without big expenses, this material appeared. From it you will learn about what stone oil is, what it consists of, and also for what and how long it has been used.

Stone oil, of course, is not oil at all. The name is purely metaphorical, as well as "white mumiyo". In fact, stone oil is natural substance, formed in the crevices of rocks, mountain ranges and caves. It represents potassium alum containing in its composition magnesium sulfate and water-soluble salts, resulting from the leaching of rocks, on the surface of which the formation of stone oil occurs. The color of stone oil can be different and depends on the rock in which it was formed, and on the chemical composition. It is called stone oil in the mountainous regions of Altai and Siberia, and in other countries it is called differently. In Tibet and Mongolia it is "brakshun" (rock juice), in Burma - "chao-tui" (mountain's blood), In ancient Egypt - "Illyrian resin". It should be noted that the most ancient medicines use stone oil for about 4 thousand years, and in Russia it has been used relatively recently, since 1777. It was in this year that Peter was the first to issue a decree on organizing the extraction and delivery of stone oil to St. Petersburg from Siberia, and also ordered its sale in state pharmacies in St. Petersburg.

Composition of stone oil

The composition includes about 50 macro- and microelements necessary for the human body (among which are sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, silicon, chromium, selenium, iodine, cobalt, nickel). The mineral composition of stone oil in to a large extent depends on the age of the substance and on the geological features of its deposit.

The role of only a few micro and macro elements in the human body is described below, but even this one is not big list allows us to understand their importance to us.

Potassium plays important role in the regulation of water - salt metabolism and acid - alkaline balance blood, renders beneficial effect on the functional state of the heart, contributes to the normalization blood pressure with hypertension

Magnesium like potassium is necessary for full-fledged work hearts. it essential component bones and tooth enamel, he takes part in the transmission nerve impulses and in the regulation of blood sugar, has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, sedative, antispasmodic and choleretic action. Magnesium deficiency in the human body is often the cause of constipation, frequent headaches, insomnia, irritability or apathy, and also provokes the development of gallstone and urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, prostate diseases.

Calcium- a macronutrient necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue, plays an important role in blood clotting, the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, has an anti-stress effect, and also helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Zinc- a trace element that plays an important role in many processes occurring in the human body (in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, in the processes of insulin synthesis and digestive enzymes, in the processes of hematopoiesis, spermatogenesis and embryonic development). Zinc is necessary for the full functioning of the reproductive system, brain and musculoskeletal system, takes part in the formation of immunity. Zinc deficiency often leads to brain disorders, memory impairment and decreased mental abilities, to depression and delayed sexual development in children, to the development of diseases of the organs of vision, diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland, is often the cause of male and female infertility.

The impact of stone oil on our body

Stone oil activates the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues, has an immunomodulatory, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiviral, antitumor, antispasmodic, choleretic and analgesic effect. Increases the body's resistance, improves protein, carbohydrate, lipid and water-salt metabolism.

Effective for treatment and prevention:

Organ diseases digestive system(gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, viral and alcoholic hepatitis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, gastritis, pancreatitis), food poisoning and diarrhea.

With regular use, stone oil helps to accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines affected by the inflammatory or erosive-ulcerative process. Magnesium contained in stone oil, improving the processes of bile formation and bile secretion, prevents the formation of stones in gallbladder, liver and bile ducts.

Dermatological diseases and traumatic skin injuries (cuts, burns, purulent wounds and ulcers, insect bites, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, acne, boils, urticaria, bedsores, trophic ulcers and other issues).

Stone oil contains a complex of macro- and microelements, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to eliminate itching and pain, activates the processes of granulation and epithelization of damaged skin areas.

Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, bruises, dislocations, osteochondrosis, arthritis, gout, arthrosis), as well as neuralgia associated with these diseases.

Stone oil is a source of substances necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage tissues. present in significant amount in stone oil, potassium contributes to the improvement water-salt metabolism, and thereby prevents the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. In the treatment of injuries and diseases of the spine, muscles and joints (as well as in the treatment of injuries and diseases of the skin), the combination of external use of stone oil with its regular internal use is most effective.

diseases urinary system(urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelocystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, nephrosis)

Cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis, ischemic disease hearts, arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy, heart attack, stroke, diabetic angiopathy, varicose veins, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels (vasculitis, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis).

Stone oil helps to increase elasticity and strength blood vessels, reducing the permeability and fragility of capillaries, and also prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system and reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the arteries. Magnesium present in stone oil helps to eliminate spasms of blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure in hypertension. The potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus that are part of the stone oil are necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle.

Diseases of the thyroid gland.

Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems (poliomyelitis, polyneuropathy, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, epilepsy, paralysis), as well as frequent headaches.

Magnesium contained in stone oil, providing sedative effect, helps to reduce the increased excitability of the central nervous system. Zinc and iodine present in stone oil have an antidepressant effect, improve memory and mental abilities. The copper, magnesium and manganese included in the composition are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (substances through which electrical impulses are transmitted between the cells of the central nervous system (neurons).

Respiratory diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory infections)

iron deficiency anemia. Stone oil contains iron, manganese, copper, zinc, silicon, sulfur, cobalt, nickel and other macro- and microelements that stimulate the natural production of hemoglobin erythrocyte protein.

The combination of internal and external use in complex treatment is very effective.

Diseases of the female genital area (uterine fibroids, cervical erosion, colpitis, cervicitis, endometriosis, adnexitis, cyst or polycystic ovaries, polyps of the female genital organs, female infertility and other diseases).

Diseases of the male reproductive system (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, male infertility, oligospermia, hypoaspermia, impotence and other diseases).

Stone oil is a rich source of zinc, manganese and selenium - substances that improve the process of spermatogenesis and increase the sexual activity of a man.

Proctological diseases (hemorrhoids, rectal fissures)

Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity (periodontitis, periodontal disease, caries, gingivitis, stomatitis, pulpitis, periodontitis)

ENT diseases (otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis)

Eye diseases (cataract, diabetic retinopathy)

oncological diseases (for early stages, only in agreement with the attending physician and only in combination with those necessary for the treatment of such diseases medicines and procedures).

Regular use of stone oil will bring significant relief and benefits in the following diseases:

With diabetes and obesity. Stone oil is rich in macro- and microelements that regulate blood glucose levels and play an important role in the natural production of insulin (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc, manganese, chromium, selenium).

With beriberi and lack of micro and macro elements.

During the climax.

With intense mental, physical, stressful and psycho-emotional stress

At constant fatigue and reduced performance.

During the rehabilitation period after suffering surgical operations or long term illness.

To protect the period of epidemics of SARS and influenza.

Those who live in ecologically unfavorable areas or work in unfavorable climatic conditions(in conditions of cold, heat, high humidity), works in highlands or is engaged in underwater or underground work.

The use of stone oil in cosmetology

Stone oil has antioxidant activity, prevents premature aging skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin. This is the ideal tool for cosmetic care for dry, aging and problematic skin.

With regular use in hair care, stone oil prevents the appearance of gray hair, improves hair structure, stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Ways to use stone oil

As part of the prevention and complex treatment of diseases, stone oil is most often taken orally according to the following scheme: 3 grams of stone oil powder is dissolved in 2-3 liters of boiled water (not higher than 60 degrees) and taken 200 ml each. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The recommended duration of treatment according to this scheme is 4 weeks, if necessary, the course of taking stone oil can be repeated after 1 month (4 courses of stone oil treatment are recommended per year).

For a good adaptation of the body, it is better to start treatment with small doses. In this case, to prepare the solution, take not 3 grams, but 1 gram per 3 liters of water, and then gradually increase the concentration.

Store the prepared solution for no more than 10 days in a dark place at room temperature. The precipitate formed during the preparation of a solution of stone oil can be used as part of lotions and compresses, as well as for cosmetic purposes.

Before starting treatment with stone oil and during treatment with this product (about every 10 days), it is necessary to do general urine and blood tests (during treatment with stone oil, blood clotting must be monitored). Also, before and after treatment with stone oil, it is necessary to check the acidity. gastric juice.


Treatment with stone oil is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, obstructive jaundice, chronic constipation. Use with caution in combination with hormonal drugs, with arterial hypotension, heart defects, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, cholelithiasis, increased blood clotting.

During the course of taking stone oil, it is forbidden to use antibacterial drugs, alcohol, as well as foods that provoke the development or exacerbation of gout or urolithiasis (fatty meat, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea, radish).

Recipes for the therapeutic and prophylactic use of stone oil

The use of stone oil in various diseases is very wide, here are some examples.


*At hyperacidity gastric juice stone oil should be taken orally one hour before meals!

**3 grams is just under half a teaspoon!

Diseases and injuries of the skin


Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 300 ml. boiled water. soak in this solution. gauze swab and periodically irrigate the burn site with it. Such irrigation helps to relieve pain and accelerate the regeneration of damaged skin.


Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 300 ml. boiled water and the resulting solution moisten the cut site. A fresh cut can also be sprinkled with finely ground stone oil powder.

Insect bites

Apply a piece of stone oil to the bite site for a few minutes.


Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in two liters of water. Take the resulting solution inside for 10-12 days in half a glass, and then for another 12 days take a solution prepared from the calculation: 3 grams of stone oil per liter of water. Such a course of treatment, if necessary, can be repeated 2 or 3 times with a break of 1 month.

Malignant neoplasm of the skin

In case of a malignant neoplasm of the skin, a solution should be prepared at the rate of 1 gram of stone oil per 100 ml. purified water. Leave for 12 hours before use. Use this solution for lotions and washings of ulcers as often as possible. The same solution can be used to wash festering wounds and trophic ulcers.

Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system

Gout (salt deposits)

Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in two liters of boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals* for 10-12 days. Such a course of treatment can be repeated 2-3 times a year with a break of 1 month.

Bruises, arthritis, sciatica

Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water and add one tablespoon of honey. Moisten gauze in the resulting solution, squeeze lightly and apply to the site of the bruise or to the site of localization of arthritis or sciatica.


Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in two liters of boiled water and take 200 ml. 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals*.

Proctological diseases

Fissures in the rectum

Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in half a liter of cooled boiled water. Cleanse the intestines and introduce a solution of stone oil into the rectum with a microclyster. Such external use for rectal fissures is recommended to be combined with the internal use of stone oil according to the following scheme: 200 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals* (3 grams per liter of water**). The course of treatment is 5-6 months.


Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 600 ml. warm boiled water. Enter into the rectum using microclysters of 30-40 ml. The recommended course of treatment is from 2 weeks to a month.

Malignant neoplasm of the rectum

Dissolve 3 grams** of rock oil in 500 ml. cooled boiled water. Drink 200 ml. 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals*. It is recommended to use at least 4.5 grams of stone oil per day for such treatment. Within 3-4 months, make microclysters from a solution prepared from three grams of stone oil, 600 ml of boiled water and 2 tablespoons of honey. The introduction of stone oil into the complex treatment of any oncological diseases is possible only after agreement with the attending physician!

Respiratory diseases

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), bronchi

Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in one liter of boiled cooled water. Drink a tablespoon 2 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. * For compresses, prepare a solution of 3 grams of stone oil and 200 ml of boiled water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey. Wet the gauze in the compress solution, wring it out and apply it alternately on the back and chest.

Bronchial asthma

For inhalation, prepare a solution of 3 grams** of stone oil and 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 20-30 minutes before meals. To make compresses: dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 150 ml of boiled water and add 100 ml of medical alcohol to the solution. Moisten the gauze folded several times with a water-alcohol solution of stone oil, then wring it out and apply it to the area chest at night, covered with cellophane on top. The course of treatment of bronchial asthma consists of 12-15 such compresses.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 2 liters of boiled water and take 200 ml (1 cup) 3 times a day half an hour before meals.


First make a warm bath, and then - a lotion from a solution of stone oil (prepared at the rate of 3 grams of stone oil per 300 ml of boiled water). Moisten the gauze in the solution and apply it to the bridge of the nose once every 2 days. The course of treatment consists of 12 lotions.

Malignant neoplasm of the lungs

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink the resulting solution 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Compresses: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 200 ml. with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze in this solution and apply it to the area of ​​​​the lungs, chest and back alternately. The duration of treatment is 5 months. Malignant neoplasm of throat

Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink the resulting solution 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals in small sips. Also make compresses from a solution prepared from 3 grams of stone oil, 200 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of honey. The introduction of stone oil into the complex treatment of any oncological diseases is possible only after agreement with the attending physician!

Diseases of the digestive system

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink the resulting solution in a glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. * This treatment is recommended to be combined with external use of stone oil in the form of enemas: after a cleansing enema, do an enema 1-2 times a week from a solution prepared from 3 grams oil and a liter of water (stone oil enemas should be alternated with herbal enemas). The course of such a combined treatment of peptic ulcer is 1 month.

cholecystitis, hepatitis

Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water and take a glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals*


Dissolve 5 grams of stone oil in 3 liters of water. Drink the resulting solution 1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals*.

Malignant neoplasm of the stomach

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled cooled water. Drink the resulting solution 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is from 3 to 12 months.

Diseases of the endocrine system


Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 2 liters of water. Drink the resulting solution in 150 ml. 3 times a day before meals for 80 days. The course of treatment requires 72 grams of stone oil. Take insulin as prescribed by your doctor and follow a diet appropriate for diabetes. Do a blood sugar test every 7 days.

Diseases of the organs of vision


Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Drink the resulting solution in a tablespoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals*. Also instill a well-filtered solution prepared from 3 grams of stone oil and 150 ml of cooled boiled water into the eyes.

Diseases of the male genitourinary system


Within a month, do microclysters of 30-40 ml from a warm solution of 3 grams of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water (do microclysters after a preliminary cleansing of the intestines). Such external use of stone oil in the treatment of prostatitis should be combined with its internal use according to the following scheme: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 3 liters of water and drink a glass 3 times a day.

Diseases of the female genital area

Myoma, erosion of the cervix

Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in a liter of boiled water. Take a solution of 200 ml 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals*. Insert a tampon soaked in a solution prepared from 3 grams of stone oil and 500 ml into the vagina at night. cooled boiled water. You can also douche at bedtime using 100 ml. a warm solution prepared from 5 grams of stone oil and 500 ml of a decoction of bergenia thick-leaved (to prepare such a decoction, pour 1 tablespoon of bergenia roots with 500 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes, then strain). The course of treatment of fibroids and cervical erosion according to the described scheme is 15 days.


Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 200 ml of water, add 1 teaspoon of honey to the solution. Moisten gauze in the resulting solution and apply to the sore spot 2 times a day.


Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 3 liters of water, drink a glass 3 times a day.

Diseases of the urinary system

Urolithiasis disease

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in a liter of boiled water. Drink the resulting solution in 100 ml. 3 times a day before meals. It is useful to combine such treatment with regular intake of infusion of madder root infusion. For infusion, 1 teaspoon of crushed madder root should be poured with a glass of cold water and let it brew for one night, then boil the infusion for 20 minutes. Then strain and add 2 more cups of boiling water, stir and take this solution throughout the day.


Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil** in a liter of boiled water. Take the resulting solution in a glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals

Malignant neoplasm of the kidneys

Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in a liter of boiled water. Take the solution in a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of taking stone oil is 5-6 months.

Oral diseases

Bleeding gums, gingivitis, stomatitis

Dissolve 2 grams of stone oil in half a liter of boiled water and add 2 tablespoons of glycerin to the solution. After eating, rinse your mouth first with clean water, and then with the resulting solution. Repeat this procedure 3 times a day.

Diseases of the nervous system


Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 2 liters of water and take 1 glass 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. This course of treatment is recommended to be carried out annually.


Dissolve 3 grams** of stone oil in 150 ml. warm boiled water and add 100 ml. medical alcohol. Moisten gauze folded in several layers in the prepared solution, wring out and apply to the forehead and temples.

Nature often gives man amazing opportunities and means for the treatment of many diseases. Stone oil has different names and known for thousands of years. What properties do the bitter tears of stones have and what ailments can you get rid of with their help. But apparently it is possible, because the ancient emperors treated the oil as if it were divine power.

History of the healing potion

The first mention of stone oil was 4 centuries ago. The Chinese rulers used it alone and did not allow even their children and wives to touch the oil. Anyone who violated the ban was threatened with imminent death.

The benefits of stone oil were considered invaluable. It was used for healing and rejuvenation. Many traditional medicine recipes included a precious and rare ingredient.
Stone oil was called tears of mountains and stones, brakshun and white stone. Under different names hidden meaning. People believed that oil can give immortality. Of course, this is nothing more than a legend. A person needs a beautiful fairy tale, but emperors and high-ranking officials are not our contemporaries, which means immortal life just a fantasy. However wide application stone oil in folk medicine proves the popularity of the elixir of health.
The path of white stone in Russia began in the time of Peter. He ordered to extract the oil in Siberia and deliver it to the counters of drugstores.
Since then, the mysterious medicine has been haunting and the controversy around it is still going on.

What is stone oil?

Stone oil - what is it? This mineral substance is formed on the surface of mountains and boulders. It looks like a kind of build-up or powder, which is mined in gorges or hard-to-reach mountainous areas. Fixed and frozen drops are collected with great difficulty.
What does stone oil look like? After purification, it is a powder or even dust of a very fine fraction. The taste of the oil varies from sour to bitter. The color palette is also different, it can be red, yellow or white shades.
Due to the lack of accuracy of information, stone oil is often confused with mummy. But the two substances have significant differences. Firstly, the mummy is almost completely composed of organic matter, which cannot be said about the white stone of the emperors. Secondly, the two products have a different range of effects on the body. The only similarity can be called difficult prey. Both mummy and stone oil are mined on high slopes or in deep gorges of mountainous areas.

Chemical composition of stone oil

More than 30 trace elements and compounds useful for human health have been found in the composition of the oil. Speaking of the most famous components, we can name magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine and chromium.

This is far from full list, but only a small part of the components healing product.
Anyone interested detailed information about stone oil: its medicinal properties, reviews and price. But the first thing you should pay attention to is that stone oil has benefits and harms. Whatever the magical idea of ​​​​the elixir, it is worth considering the nuances of its effects.

Healing properties of stone oil

The healing properties of stone oil extend to almost all departments. human body. Such a scale is really surprising and amazing.
Indications for the use of stone oil are based on failures in cardiovascular system. It could be high blood pressure or weak blood vessels.
Stone oil can be helpful in kidney disorders. Inflammatory processes or stones in them can be cured with the help of oil.
It is often used as an external remedy for joint ailmentswhen there is not enough natural lubrication and cartilage partitions are erased.
Stone oil will help to cope with diseases of the stomach and intestines. It has a beneficial effect on the course of female diseases genitourinary system. This applies to inflammation of the uterus and ovaries. Men also use stone oil to treat prostatitis and reduce libido.
Stone oil will strengthen the immune system and help with frequent colds and problems with tonsillitis and tonsillitis.
Surprisingly, when treated with oil, a certain and right amount useful substances.

The product cannot be regarded as a momentary remedy. This is a method of treatment that involves a certain scheme for the use and contraindications of stone oil, as well as the timing of a phased recovery.

Indications and contraindications

Any disease associated with the above list of body parts can serve as an indication for use.
Stone oil contraindications refer to the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Childhood;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Before using the oil, you should consult your doctor. The fact is that, like any remedy, stone oil has a number of restrictions for admission.
Do not use while taking heavy food and alcoholic drinks. The healing properties of stone oil border on negative reviews due to violation of the admission rules.

Side effects

Stone oil can cause side effects. They may start due to irregular stools. It is very important to monitor the condition of the intestines during the reception. Otherwise, constipation can cause the opposite effect of stone oil absorption.
Well, in general, you should observe and control general well-being, to avoid allergic reactions. Still, the product is complex and ambiguous, so extra care will not hurt.

The use of stone oil in traditional medicine has its own specific rules and dosages.
Harm from stone oil can be caused by a violation of the recommendations for admission.
How to take stone oil? It all depends on how it will be used: externally or for oral administration.
Instructions for the use of stone oil says that 3 gr. the product is dissolved in 3 liters of water.
This dosage refers to internal use. The resulting solution must be infused for several years. The output will be a liquid with a precipitate. The liquid must be poured into a clean container, and the cake should be discarded.
At the beginning of therapy, the solution should be taken in small portions and after meals. Further, the scheme changes and you need to drink a glass before eating. In the early stages, you need to listen to the body and observe its reaction.
Not always stone oil is used for treatment specific disease. For prevention, stone oil is drunk in an amount of 1 g. per liter of water. You need to drink half a glass. In this case, the course can be a month or a little more.
Ready solution can be stored for no more than 10 days at room light and temperature.
For external use, completely different dosages are provided. 3 gr. oils are dissolved in 300 ml. water. A cloth or gauze is moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the skin. Thus wounds and burns.
For a rejuvenating effect, stone oil powder is added to your favorite creams and serums.

The subtleties of acquiring stone oil

Having dealt with the instructions for the use of stone oil, the price is the second most popular issue.
The cost of oil starts from 200 rubles. for a few grams of the product. This is not cheap, but given the wide range of effects, it turns out not more expensive than drugs.
A photo of stone oil will help to avoid fakes from unscrupulous sellers who pass off incomprehensible mixtures of strange origin as a valuable product.

Stone oil cannot be bought in a regular pharmacy. It can be found in stores healthy eating and non-traditional therapies.

Stone oil is a strange and at the same time amazing remedy. Centuries-old history and a list of subservient diseases, which is striking in scale. A medicine from folk practice worthy of attention.

6 020 0 Hello dear readers! In this article we want to talk about stone oil, what it is and what it is used for.

general characteristics

stone oil- this is a storehouse of useful substances that can cope with a huge list of ailments. Stone oil has many names, among which the most famous is white mummy . In the Tuvan dialect, stone oil is called bardin, in Mongolian - brakshun. People call it mountain tears or wax, as well as the stone of immortality. Russian scientists called it magic oil geomaline.

Stone oil is extracted manually, by percolation from rocks. Oil extraction sites are usually difficult to access. White Shilajit is a hard mineral that is yellow, white or yellowish white in color. Depending on the predominance of chemicals in the composition of the oil, its color can be cream, red-white or with a brown tint.

The composition of geomaline includes almost all elements of the periodic system chemical elements. As a percentage, the composition includes magnesium sulfate and aluminum sulfate (90%), the remaining 10% of the composition includes other minerals, macroelements, trace elements and inorganic compounds: ferum, argentum, aurum, vanadium, iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, manganese, selenium, zinc, sodium and others. At the same time, 10% of the composition depends on the place where the oil is extracted, as well as the type of rock.

It is important to know that in addition to useful components, stone oil may contain compounds that are harmful to health in small quantities: lead, arsenic, mercury and others.

Healing properties of stone oil

Thanks to the rich natural composition Stone oil is widely used in medicine and cosmetology for the treatment and prevention of many ailments.

White stone oil is able to increase the resistance of the immune system and its resistance to negative external influences, which makes the oil unique.

The benefits of stone oil are invaluable due to the high concentration of useful organic and inorganic substances. This allows you to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. As a result, the internal processes of self-regulation and metabolism are normalized, which allows the use of white mummy for weight loss.

White stone oil is able to cope with enzyme deficiency, thanks to its stimulating properties, it normalizes the process of hormone synthesis. Improves general condition.

When taken, means:

  • has an immunostimulating effect;
  • restores tissues at the cellular level;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves pain and spasm;
  • has an antipruritic effect;
  • is bactericidal and antiseptic;
  • can stop hemorrhages;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • stimulates the production of bile;
  • tones;
  • copes with intoxication of the body of various origins.

Therefore, stone oil is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system, endocrine disorders, problems with the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the nervous system, as well as the fight against dermatological problems.

Medical indications

Stone oil treatment is integral part complex therapy together with drugs. White stone oil can also be used alone as a preventive measure. From a medical point of view, the rich composition of the white mummy is able to cope with pathological conditions all human organs.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The benefits of white mummy in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system are invaluable. Due to its regenerating, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antiseptic, antispasmodic and choleretic effect, it can cope with:

  • gastritis of various etymologies;
  • ulcers of various localization;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • intoxication, as a result of food poisoning.

The value of stone oil also lies in the ability to normalize the functioning of the liver and bile ducts, thereby reducing the risk of cirrhosis, oncology.

For dermatological problems

In dermatology, stone oil treatment is widely used due to its ability to relieve inflammation, pain, eliminate itching, fight viral and fungal infections. As a result of regular use, white mummy helps to cope with:

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis different nature origin;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • stop fungus;
  • acne and furunculosis.

Stone oil helps to cope with various injuries: burns, cuts, frostbite, bedsores and more.

For the musculoskeletal system

In case of problems with the human musculoskeletal system, doctors recommend using white mummy as part of complex therapy, which, due to its natural and rich composition, is used to treat:

  • bruises;
  • dislocations;
  • arthritis
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • fractures.

The mineral composition of the oil stimulates the production of collagen, which is the basis of cartilage, joint and muscle tissues, without which the human musculoskeletal system loses flexibility and elasticity. Also, mummy is a prophylactic agent for the deposition of salts.

For the urinary system

It is used for the treatment and prevention of acute and chronic diseases of the urinary system. Due to the anti-inflammatory effect, it helps to cope with infectious and inflammatory pathologies (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis and others). Antibacterial effect oil destroys pathogenic microorganisms, which led to the development of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system.

To combat urolithiasis, stone oil is valuable due to its extensive mineral composition, which helps restore water and electrolyte balance. As a result, the acidity of urine is normalized, which is independently capable of dissolving calculi in itself.

For the heart and blood vessels

The mineral composition of stone oil is able to restore the elasticity and firmness of blood vessels, as well as reduce their permeability. This in turn is preventive measure formation of cholesterol, atherosclerotic plaques. Due to the antispasmodic effect, white mummy is used to restore the lumen of blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. Useful material provide therapeutic and preventive action at:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke
  • myocarditis.

For the central nervous system

White stone oil, due to its calming, antidepressant and restorative effect, is used for the treatment and prevention of:

  • poliomyelitis;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • paralysis;
  • neuritis;
  • headaches.

In addition, barakshun improves concentration, the process of memorization and improves the neural relationship between organs and systems.

For the respiratory system and eyes

White stone oil helps speed up the healing process and prevents complications from:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angina;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • otitis;
  • SARS;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • cataract.

For the genitals

AT gynecological practice white mummy is used for treatment and prevention inflammatory diseases uterus and its walls, ovaries and fallopian tubes. It is also used in complex therapy for cervical erosion, myoma, cystic and polyposis neoplasms of a benign and malignant nature. During menopause, taking Bardin helps to reduce the severity of symptoms. And during the period of menstruation, it normalizes the cycle and relieves pain.

AT urological practice used to treat male genital organs that are affected by inflammatory processes (prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis and others). It also helps restore male potency and cure infertility caused by decreased sperm count or motility.

With endocrine disorders

Due to the ability to improve metabolic processes, stone oil helps to cope with problems excess weight, diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, which ultimately normalizes general clinical blood counts and creates a hormonal balance.


Stone oil is used to treat a large number of ailments, as well as their prevention. It is worth adding that white oil is used for the rehabilitation of the oral cavity. at stomatitis, caries, periodontal disease, pulpitis and others.

In combination with other medicines, white mummy is used in oncology. Natural mineral composition helps to prevent the development of a tumor, prevents the formation of metastases and helps to restore the vitality and energy of the patient during the rehabilitation period.


Stone oil, for all its benefits, has contraindications, the neglect of which can lead to a violation of the stool, which will negate the entire positive effect of taking the remedy. It is not recommended to take white mummy:

  • during breastfeeding;
  • during pregnancy;
  • children under 10 years old;
  • with chronic jaundice;
  • with constipation and impaired digestibility;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions.

In addition to these contraindications, there will be no benefit from taking white stone oil if you combine it with alcohol, antibacterial drugs, coffee, duck and goose meat, pork and lamb, as well as radishes and radishes. Therefore, at the time of the therapeutic or prophylactic course, you should give up bad habits and follow the recommendations regarding nutrition.

How to drink stone oil

In medicine and cosmetology, stone oil in powder is used, on the basis of which ointments, balms, creams, and solutions are prepared.

Depending on the purpose of use, a solution of stone oil is taken orally for the treatment of pathologies of internal organs. For treatment dermatological problems, for cosmetic purposes, they take ointments, creams, solutions of white mummy.

Before use, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the oil. Therefore, at the first application, dilute the product with water and, in the absence of adverse reactions during the day, you can safely continue treatment with stone oil.

The standard way to use white shilajit is to dilute powdered stone oil in water.

To prepare, take 1 tsp of powder and dilute in 3 liters of water, insist for 48 hours. After 2 days, drain the water without affecting the sediment, which can be used as compresses for external use.

Drink the resulting remedy in a glass before each meal. The course of treatment is six months according to the scheme: take the solution for 30 days, break for 30 days, then repeat the course several times.

Instructions for the use of stone oil

The duration of the course, methods of application and the concentration of the oil depends on the purpose of the reception.

1. For the prevention of inflammation of the genital organs and other male problems, including erectile dysfunction , dissolve in 2 liters of water 2 g of bardine. Use this solution before meals three to four times a day for 1 glass or use for compresses. To prepare the application, dip the gauze into the solution and apply to the perineum and lower abdomen for an hour.

For the treatment of epididymitis, orchitis, prostatitis and other infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the male genital organs, as well as a decrease in the quality of sperm, prepare a solution with herbs according to the recipe below:

  • 3 liters of water at room temperature;
  • 0.5 tsp geomalin;
  • 100 g of lungwort herb;
  • 100 g of nettle herb.

In half the water, prepare a decoction of herbs: pour water medicinal herbs, bring to a boil and simmer covered over low heat for 7 minutes. In the remaining liquid, dilute the stone oil in powder. Strain the broth and mix with the solution. Drink 200 ml before meals.

2. In infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs in women moisten a swab in a solution of white mummy and insert it into the vagina overnight. To prepare a solution for applications, dissolve 4 g of white mummy in 0.5 l of water.

For oral administration, dilute 3 g of geomaline powder in 1 liter of water. Take the resulting remedy, one glass three times a day, shortly before meals. Such a tool is used for oncology and inflammatory pathologies of the female genital organs.

3. For the treatment of respiratory organs stone oil is recommended for children over 10 years old and adults. During the treatment of patients under 18 years of age, reduce the dosage of the powder by half. For oral administration, mix 5 g of stone oil powdered with 1 liter of water. Take 250 ml twice a day. We recommend combining this recipe with topical stone oil applications, which are applied to the chest before bedtime. To prepare a solution for lotions, dilute 1 tsp in 200 ml of water.

4. With bronchial asthma , as well as inflammatory lesion lung inhalation with a nebulizer. To prepare the solution, follow the instructions for the inhaler, while observing the proportions of powder and liquid 1:50.

5. With liver diseases and for the normalization of its work Prepare a solution of stone oil: dilute 3 g of Braxun in 1 liter of water. Take a glass 4 times a day. For best results, combine internal intake with cleansing enemas and diet.

6. To normalize the work of the secretory function and clinical indicators dilute blood in 2 liters of water 1 tsp of mountain tears powder and take 10 ml 4 times a day.

7. In diseases of the digestive tract Prepare a solution of stone oil: dilute 3 g of Braxun in 600 ml of water. Drink during the day the entire prepared volume, divided into three doses.

8. As a restorative therapy for oncology of various localization together with drugs, prepare a solution for oral intake and conducting enemas: dilute 5 g of geomalin powder in 1 liter of water. Take the solution twice a day, 300 ml.

To prepare lotions for local application at malignant tumors: Dilute 1 g of stone oil in 70 ml of water. Moisten a swab and insert into the vagina, or moisten gauze and apply to the sore spot. Enemas, tampons and external applications are recommended to be used at night.

9. With dermatosis, psoriasis, eczema, burns, insect bites use outdoor applications. To do this, in a solution of geomalin (5 g of powder per 500 ml of water), moisten gauze or a cotton swab and apply to the affected areas.

Application in cosmetology

In the beauty industry, white mummy is used due to a large number micro and macro elements that are part of. The ability to stimulate the production of collagen, anti-inflammatory, soothing effects make the oil indispensable for restoring the skin, giving it beauty and youth.

  1. If your skin is prone to dryness and wrinkles in the solution prepared in the standard way, moisten cotton pads and apply to problem areas. Such applications will help to cope with swelling of the eyelids.
  2. skin prone to oiliness and the appearance of rashes and acne a white mummy scrub will be useful. To prepare, mix 5 g of stone oil with 50 g of oat bran. With the resulting product, apply the scrub to problem areas with massage movements.
  3. For dry, problematic and oily skin will be useful washing in a solution prepared on the basis of stone oil powder: dilute 1 tsp of powder in 3 liters of water.

White stone oil is used against hair loss, dandruff and for hair growth. For best results, massage the powder onto the scalp for a month before washing your hair.

Useful articles:

Stone oil is mineral matter, has a whitish-yellow color and is formed during the leaching of rocks. It is widely distributed in the Eastern and Western Sayan Mountains and other mountainous regions. Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and China.

Stone oil is widely used in folk medicine in Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China, Tibet, Burma for the treatment of inflammatory processes, bleeding, burns, gastrointestinal disorders and bone fractures.

Tibetan lamas prepared it and used it for treatment gastric diseases. In Chinese mythology, stone oil is the food of the immortals. In China, there is a village located at the foot of a large mountain, where white stone is mined for food. In this village average duration life of 83 years, which is above the average for China, the residents are famous for good health.

The collection of stone oil consists in scraping off the healing substance from the rocks, therefore, pieces of stones, limestone and other rocks often turn out to be in the medicine. Therefore, the assembled product in without fail needs cleaning.

The very collection of stone oil is very difficult due to the fact that it is still unknown how and why it is formed in this particular place. There are very few exit points and they are dispersed over a huge sparsely populated mountainous territory without any visible system. There it is found in hard-to-reach grottoes and crevices of rocks in the form of a thin film, less often growths on rock and in small quantities.

Depending on the place and time of collection, stone oil can be very heterogeneous in its qualitative and quantitative composition.

By the way, wild animals and birds eat stone oil with great pleasure.

Stone Oil Purification

Both refined and unrefined stone oil are on sale. Purified has a color from white-yellow to green and is sold in the form of amorphous pieces, small pebbles or powder.

The operation for cleaning stone oil cannot be called simple, especially at home, so it is better to purchase an already purified product.

Who bought unrefined stone oil can use the following methodology for cleaning it.

Stone oil is readily soluble in water and moderately or slightly soluble in other liquids. The cleaning method is based on good solubility in water.

The collected raw materials are poured into enameled dishes and poured with warm (up to 60 C) water. Then it is insisted for 10-20 hours, stirring occasionally. Next, the first portion of the solution is poured through a sieve into a glass or enameled container, and water is again added to the rest of the thick, which is drained in the same way after 10 hours.

The first and second solutions differ only in the concentration of stone oil and the content of lime dust: in the second solution it is more. You can pour the thick for the third time, but do not stretch the dissolution process in time: the "waste rock" quickly ferments, spreading an unpleasant odor.

The next stage of purification is the separation of the solution from insoluble impurities. For this, filtering is used. The simplest but long way- upholding. Cleaning solution settling can take up to a month. When the solution is purified, it is evaporated.

The water evaporates from the solution in the following way. Take two basins, one smaller than the other. AT large pelvis pour water into the smaller one - a solution of stone oil. This design is placed on a slow fire and a fan is placed next to it. It is important that the air stream is directed to the surface of the solution. The heated solution must be stirred all the time and the temperature checked - stone oil loses its qualities when heated to temperatures above 60 C.

The most tedious stage of dehydrating stone oil begins from the moment when it acquires the consistency of sour cream. At this time, there is a danger of overheating of the extract, it is necessary to mix the contents constantly and quite intensively, because a layer of a thicker extract is formed on the surface, which prevents the evaporation of moisture. When the solution begins to resemble thick syrup, the heating stops, and the stone oil is poured onto durable polyethylene, laid in bowl-shaped forms. Now your task is to protect the stone oil from moisture so that the final drying continues.

Stone oil can be stored indefinitely. It is best to store it in a container wrapped in foil.

Application in medicine

  • Liver diseases (including viral and intoxication cirrhosis);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases(colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  • Burn and wound therapy;
  • Trophic and purulent ulcers;
  • Prevents metastasis;
  • Stops tumor growth (by forming a connective tissue capsule), destroys the tumor with direct contact;
  • Endocrinology (in particular diseases of the pancreas);
  • Gerontology (prolongation of physiological activity in general and sexual activity in particular).

It has been approved for use in Russia since 1971.

Clinical Application

Clinical researches showed amazing results. In one of the Siberian regional hospitals (in surgical department) selected a group of 12 people with particularly complex fractures tubular bones and damage to vascular and nerve tissues. Each of the patients was given an elixir of stone oil 3 times a day. Soon the X-ray showed that in all patients, without exception, there is a powerful increase in bone tissue. They recovered three weeks earlier than the control group, which was treated traditional methods. There were no side effects.

There is good clinical experience in the treatment of gastric ulcers with stone oil. Washing the ulcer gives healing in 6-16 days, instead of 40.


The time required to evaluate the effectiveness is from 30 to 95 days. Efficiency (analysis 237 clinical cases) exceeds 85%.


Contraindicated in obstructive jaundice, tk. has a pronounced choleretic activity.

Possible Complications

The drug requires the gastrointestinal tract to work regularly, i. daily, otherwise the detoxifying function of the drug will be wasted due to reabsorption. The use of stone oil in persons suffering from constipation can aggravate these constipations. In this case, it is necessary to take appropriate measures (diet + laxatives, enemas) to still ensure the daily stool.

Healing properties of stone oil solution

In its pure form, this substance is rarely used, mainly in the form of solutions of various concentrations. Sometimes infusions or decoctions of herbs are added to such a solution.

Solutions of stone oil, by their physicochemical nature, are such that they allow each tissue to take as many microelements from the tissue fluid and blood as is required to saturate the active centers of the corresponding enzymes. Nature itself took care of people by creating a compound containing a significant part of the elements known on Earth and the vast majority of vital macro- and microelements, which, which is very important, are easily dissolved in water.

Dissolving in water, the trace elements of stone oil acquire special qualities, as they are in ionic form, that is active form, ready for use by the body as cations, enter the enzymatic systems, where they show their effect. At internal application in certain quantities, absorption occurs in the oral cavity instantly. In other words, microelement ions are sent along the shortest path to the point of their application, bypassing complex and lengthy transformations into gastrointestinal tract that undergo micronutrients in foods and supplements.

Furthermore, ionic forms trace elements in aqueous solutions of stone oil are incomparably more active in their microdoses (mcg) than the same metals found in food products in many times large quantities (mg).

Any pathological process in the body is very diverse and for its treatment requires the simultaneous use of several microelements of selective action in biotic doses. Medical advances have been made in the treatment of certain diseases using aqueous solutions of salts of several metals at once. When a person suffers from a whole "bouquet" of diseases, then when implementing this approach, it is necessary to create and apply for treatment much more complex microelement solutions that act according to the biotic principle. Science is not yet ready to create such compositions. The reason is that the phenomena of antagonism and synergism (friendliness) of microelements in the sense of their regulatory influence on normal physiological functions organisms have not been studied enough.

The main internal force that drives a multifaceted and complex mechanism human body, is in his biochemical boiler, where metabolic processes continuously occur, which provide energy for the body and predetermine the course of further chemical transformations that underlie its functions. This activity is based on enzymatic processes, in which negligible amounts of a microelement-biocatalyst produce an enormous amount of work.

Trace elements introduced in biotic doses in stone oil solutions in qualitative and quantitative terms are natural agents for the body, increase general level its bioenergetic processes and enhance the activity of protective mechanisms.

Preparation and use of preparations from stone oil

As a rule, refined stone oil is poured boiled water room temperature. After 2-3 days, the liquid is drained. The sediment can be used for compresses and lotions. The solution is made at the rate of 3 g of the product per 3 liters of water, taking into account the patient's well-being.

Before treatment, it is necessary to know the body's reaction to stone oil (for any disease), for which at the beginning of treatment it is better to use it in small doses (1 cup during the day) and low concentration (1 g per 3 liters of water) for several days in a row after meals. Then before meals, constantly increasing the dose and concentration of the solution. Procedures such as compresses, plugging, microclysters, and douching speed up the treatment and save the consumption of stone oil.

People with oncological diseases in this case form a special group of patients. They can immediately prescribe the drug at a higher concentration, but not higher than 3 g per 500 ml of water.

Occasionally, in the treatment of chronic diseases, a strong effect of stone oil biotics on the body is observed: for example, it increases inflammatory process, joint pain, discharge from the lungs and other organs (for example, female genital organs). This phenomenon is indicative of positive action biotics, reflects the body's struggle with the disease. Sometimes such a struggle (reaction of the body) is too violent and painful for the patient, in these cases the dosage of the stone oil solution can be reduced or taken less frequently - after 1, sometimes 2-3 days. With increased discharge, not accompanied by severe pain, the course should not be changed.

Treatment for various diseases

Injury, surgery

3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Moisten a rag or gauze and apply to the wound, instead of all the ointments that exist. If you still give it inside, then the treatment will proceed faster, it will speed up healing two to three times.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in boiled water (200 ml) and add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, moisten a rag or gauze, wring it out well and put it on the site of the bruise.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten a gauze pad and irrigate the burn area.

Salt deposits

3 g. Dissolve stone oil in two liters of boiled water (cooled down). Drink one glass three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes. If increased acidity, then in one hour. The course of treatment is from three months to one year.


Take a warm bath. After the bath, dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten gauze and put on the bridge of the nose for 2-3 hours. Do this in a day. The course of treatment is 12 treatments.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and instill into the nose 3-4 times a day.

Purulent endobronchitis

3 g. Dissolve stone oil in boiled water (1 l). Drink one glass three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes.

Inhalation: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 3-4 times a day.

Compresses: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, moisten a rag or gauze, squeeze well and apply to the bronchus area, alternating back and chest.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled cooled water. Drink one glass three times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals. If hyperacidity - one hour before meals.

Make compresses: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply alternating back and chest.

Bronchial asthma

Inhalation: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 20-30 minutes before meals, if high acidity, then an hour before meals.

Compresses: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply.

The cost is 60 rubles per 1 gr.

Stone oil is very rare. In appearance, it is a piece of scale or a yellowish influx. They walk in crevices of rocks, rocks.

Only knowledgeable people can prepare white stone oil. The gathering places are kept secret and passed down from father to son. It is still unknown for what reason healing stone oil is formed.

H then heals stone oil

  • treats inflammation of the bladder
  • gets rid of kidney stones
  • stone her bladder
  • treats diseases of the male genital organs
  • female diseases - fibroma, and others
  • any colds
  • helps with duodenal ulcer, stomach
  • recommended for pancreatic disease
  • deposits and salts
  • diabetes e
  • heals rectal fissures
  • at constant use vision gets better
  • weight loss
  • strengthens hair well
  • treats any skin disease
  • has a strong antitumor property
  • helps with internal bleeding
  • improves the composition, quality of blood
  • helps with injuries

stone oil ways of application

Dilute only with warm, boiled water. concentration may vary. For each disease, there is a certain dosage, which is diluted with water.

At the beginning they use weak solution- 1 g is diluted with 3 liters of water. Drink 1/2 cup a month before meals.

Start with a small dose - 50 ml per meal. If you feel normal, you can go to half a glass three times a day. They are usually treated for a month, then the same break and the treatment is repeated. If there is chronic diseases, which are not treated for a long time a week after the start of administration, the dose is increased to a glass.

Regular with cooking method stone oil solution 3 g of stone oil powder (tea without top) is poured into 3 liters of water, kept for 2 days. Next, carefully so as not to raise the sediment is drained. The sediment is also useful for the treatment of skin diseases, wounds.

Stone oil treatment

Stone oil acts on the entire body, so the effectiveness of treatment depends on the concentration of the agent, the duration of treatment, and the characteristics of the body.

For external use use powder, solution. Non-healing wounds, cracks are sprinkled with powder, a napkin moistened with a solution is placed on top. Do it once a day for 3 hours.

For the treatment of purulent wounds, inflammation of the mucous membranes, a more concentrated composition is prepared - 3 g is dissolved in half a liter of water.To remove stretch marks, rejuvenate aging skin is added to the cream

Stone oil solution: 3 g of pure raw materials are diluted with boiled water (200 ml). An aqueous solution is used for compresses, applications (arthritis, other diseases of the joints), ingestion.

Stone oil for diabetes: 10 g of purified stone oil is poured into 10 liters of water in a glass container. The solution is completely used. Stir before use. The garden is also suitable for drinking. Drink daily 150 ml three times throughout the year. Once sugar will come normally drink twice as much as prophylactic. Stone oil of any color is suitable, the main thing is that it be cleaned of sand and small pebbles.

Prostatitis: 3g oil, 3l water. Take 1 tsp. three times before meals. At night, microclysters are made - 3 g, 0.5 l of water. 50 ml is enough for one procedure medicinal solution.

Bruises, injuries: discomfort after an injury can be quickly removed using stone oil. The use of this drug contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, large burns. A napkin soaked in a solution of stone oil relieves pain well. It is applied to the damaged area. Preparation - 3 g of powder is diluted with 200 ml of slightly heated water, 2 tablespoons are added. honey.

Sinusitis: inhalation will help relieve inflammation, reduce the symptoms of a dangerous disease. After steam inhalation, apply for 2 hours cloth soaked useful tool. Stone oil is used for 14 days, then a break.

Stone oil for the lungs - lEach of us has experienced colds and the flu. Per short term stone oil will help cure severe cough, avoid complications. Compresses help quite well - 3g per 200ml of boiling water. Apply in the morning - back, in the evening a compress on the chest area.

Bronchial asthma - for treatment severe disease - do inhalations 30 minutes before meals.If breathing is difficult, inhalation on an empty stomach will help to eat suffocation.

Flu1 tbsp honey is diluted with a glass of solution. Used for instillation into the nose.

Treatment of pneumonia - a glass of solution one hour before meals. If the acidity is increased, use after an hour.

White stone oil for cystitis: 3 g of powder is diluted with 1 liter of water. Consume three times before meals. Placed on the inflamed area dampened napkin.

stomach ulcer: 3 g of raw materials are diluted with 1/2 l of water. Consume with high acidity one hour before meals. If the acidity is normal for half an hour.

Fissures of the rectum: prepare an aqueous solution, make an enema for cleansing, then a therapeutic agent is administered.

Kidney diseases: you will need 3 g of raw materials, two liters of cooled boiling water. Drink a glass three times before half an hour. With increased acidity in an hour.

Cataract : use the solution as described in the previous recipe. At the same time, drops are prepared - 3 g of medicinal powder is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water. Used for instillation three times a day.

Throat cancer: three times a day, use a glass of solution with a spoonful of honey. A compress is applied to the inflamed area.

Cirrhosis, liver cancer: three times a day solution before meals for half an hour or an hour with high acidity. Make a compress on the area of ​​​​the inflamed liver, hold for three hours.

Treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis with stone oil: use in the manner described in the recipe above. At the same time, cleansing, herbal (chamomile flowers, string grass) enemas are made.

Stone oil for men - P helps to get rid of many male problems. Well treats prostatitis, adenoma, strengthens male power.

1. dilute 1 tsp. stone oil powder with three liters of cooled boiling water. Drink 200 ml daily 30 minutes before meals. The same tool is used for compresses - the lower abdomen, groin area or evening microclysters.

2. 1/2 tsp. stone oil is diluted with 2 liters of cooled, p boiled water. Next, prepare a decoction of (1/2 cup), lungwort grass (1/3 st). Herbs are brewed with a liter of water, allowed to boil for 6 minutes. As soon as the medicinal infusion cools down to 37 degrees, two compounds are connected. The tool is used only inside 200 ml before eating food for half an hour.

Stone oil for women: the use of a healing solution helps to avoid common female diseases. To maintain health, use a glass of medicinal solution half an hour before meals. At night, a medical swab moistened with the agent is introduced.

Oncology, chemotherapy : special value, stone oil is beneficial for cancer patients. The drug prevents tumor growth. If a the disease has just begun to develop will help you heal. Applied externally, inside - 200 ml three times a day. A more concentrated composition is used for stomach cancer - 3 g per glass of liquid. This remedy drink up to 1st.l. before eating.Outwardly - one enema will require a gram per 200 ml of boiled water. Concentrated solution for compresses - 1 g per third of a glass.

Stone oil contraindications

  • stone oil is not used for obstructive jaundice
  • harms with frequent constipation. All harmful substances are instantly absorbed by the intestines. Therefore, the first thing to do before use is to improve the functioning of the intestines.
  • low blood pressure as it contains magnesium sulfate
  • antibiotic treatment
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • thrombophlebitis
  • high blood clotting
  • during the reception do not drink any alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, fatty meat, cocoa, chocolate, spicy vegetables

Even from these recipes, it becomes clear how many benefits there are in stone oil. It helps a person to overcome many ailments, it is not for nothing that so many legends are dedicated to him. I hope at least part useful properties stone oil revealed.



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