How to quickly and gradually recover from gastritis. Annoying factors of weight loss

Today, human difficulties in terms of obesity and the fight against overweight. Moreover, the phenomenon concerns a person’s appearance and indicates disorders in the functioning of the body. For many fat people, this really makes life difficult.

But there is a known category of people with difficulties of opposite nature. Their trouble is underweight, and a lack of mass is observed among the male population and among the fair sex. An interesting fact is that sometimes gaining weight is more difficult than losing weight.

This situation more often occurs in the absence of appetite and is explained by diseases, mainly disorders digestive tract. For example, gastritis.

With the development of gastritis, inflammation is observed in the mucous tissues of the stomach, which occurs due to a number of reasons: Helicobacter, dietary errors, bad habits, stress. Inflammation occurs in an acute stage or becomes chronic. At chronic form During the course of the disease, inadequate absorption of nutrients and breakdown occurs, a fact that contributes to a decrease in the patient’s appetite.

If observed acute stage gastritis, in addition negative influence on appetite, a period characterized by painful sensations in epigastric region, heaviness in the stomach. In the absence of appropriate treatment acute gastritis always becomes chronic.

The unfavorable sensations accompanying gastritis lead to a decrease and even loss of appetite, causing weight loss.


With gastritis, the process of absorption of elements important for the body is disrupted, the result is acute shortage vitamins and nutrients, proteins and carbohydrates. Consequently, the patient’s weight decreases, especially if the person periodically suffers from nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.

As a result, a patient with exacerbation of gastritis has to exclude from the menu many foods containing an abundance of calories:

  • Baked goods, baked goods, especially fresh ones.
  • Fried and smoked products.
  • Sausage, sausages.
  • Products with a lot of fat.
  • Highly carbonated, alcoholic drinks.
  • Chocolate.
  • Selected cereals.

Not brought far full list foods prohibited for gastritis.

There are cases when the patient managed to overcome the disease and return to to the usual way life and nutrition, but weight loss continues. This happens if the patient, even after recovery, continues to refuse high-calorie foods, realizing the importance of proper and balanced nutrition.

In a similar way, they try to find out the reasons that explain the reason for weight loss rather than weight gain.

How to make up for weight loss

In an alarming situation, you need to think about how to create conditions for improving appetite so as not to harm your health. In other words, how to gain weight with gastritis. If a person continues to lose weight, the body is likely to become exhausted, exacerbating health difficulties.

It is possible to achieve body weight growth in several ways: by measures to increase muscle or fat tissue, by strengthening bones.

If there are health difficulties that affect loss of appetite, first try to eliminate them. Treatment for gastritis is required. The fight is not easy, it may take a lot of time, but if you follow the doctor’s recommendations, the desire is quite feasible. When the main symptoms of the disease are eliminated, attempts are made to gain weight.

A useful addition to drug treatment gastritis – special diet, without which medications will not help. It is necessary to develop a diet that has a gentle and protective effect on the mucous membrane that delivers maximum benefit body, replenishing the deficiency important elements. When compiling a list of permitted and prohibited foods, it is recommended to take into account the type of disease and its characteristics. In such a case, it will be possible to gradually replenish required quantity kilograms.

An important component healthy diet counts proper preparation dishes, produced by steaming or boiling.

Folk remedies

To effectively combat weight loss due to gastritis, you will need to eradicate the cause of the problem - the disease itself. Known mass healthy recipes from traditional medicine that can relieve symptoms of the disease and improve the patient’s condition. Using ancient methods, it will be possible to stimulate appetite in order to avoid exhaustion of the body. Home therapy must be discussed with the attending physician in order to avoid side effects or complications.

  • To relieve inflammation in the stomach, try preparing a decoction of calamus root with the addition of honey. It is useful to drink the decoction 30 minutes before meals. Calamus has antibacterial, antispasmodic effect, stimulates appetite.
  • Herbs help increase appetite and relieve inflammation in the stomach: calamus, watch leaves, wormwood, cumin. Take the ingredients in equal proportions and pour boiling water. Take a spoon half an hour before meals. Composition shown at elevated level acidic environment of the stomach, also with low
  • Recipe for quick and healthy weight gain: grate a few green apples and mix with finely chopped lard. Place the resulting mass in the oven for four hours at low heat. Take twelve egg whites, beat with a glass of sugar, mix with the apple mixture and add a crushed dark chocolate bar. Eat the prepared mixture three times a day with bread and milk. The recipe will help.

It will be necessary to take into account factors that contribute to the healing and strengthening of the body during the disease in question. For example, it is useful to learn how to properly combine food consumption (meat not with potatoes, but with vegetables and vegetable oil, other features separate power supply). Use more fruit and vegetables included in the menu for gastritis, beneficial for human health and vital functions. It is recommended to drink more pure, also mineral water for correct and efficient work gastrointestinal tract. Remember to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, including daily walks, cycling or swimming in the pool, except bad habits. Physical activity is gentle and systematic.

Try to follow the recommendations and ensure control over the body so that gastritis does not cause exhaustion of the body and loss of the necessary kilograms. It is recommended to pass on time medical examinations see a doctor and carry out prescribed courses of treatment for diseases of the digestive system.

Gastritis is, essentially, inflammatory process, occurring in the stomach, or more precisely, in its mucous membrane. The following factors provoke it:

  • pathogens;
  • mechanical damage;
  • chemicals.

Just like any other type of inflammation, gastritis can be either chronic or acute. In the first case, a violation of the absorption and breakdown of nutrients by the walls of the stomach is recorded. As a result, there is a decrease in appetite.

The acute type of the disease is often accompanied by severe pain, in which it is basically impossible to eat, and doctors do not advise it.

Basic Concepts

In general, to the question “How to gain weight with gastritis or pancreatitis?” The answer should be this: strictly follow a diet and stimulate a healthy appetite with active physical activity.

At the same time, a whole list of unpleasant manifestations of gastritis, including its atrophic type, greatly complicates normal nutrition. Over time, a person, avoiding pain, refuses the extra piece, and then gets used to small portions, and as a result loses weight. At the same time, forceful eating usually does not bring any benefit, and often only aggravates the problem.

Weight gain occurs according to two main scenarios. In the first case, muscle mass increases. In the second, fat accumulates.

In addition, weight can also be increased by strengthening the bones of the skeleton.

However, without treating the root cause, that is, gastritis itself, the problem cannot be radically solved. Only after getting rid of the pathology or at least achieving a stable remission, you can start gaining weight.

How to eat correctly

It is a balanced diet that allows you to achieve maximum weight gain, without increasing the fat layer.

Approximate correct menu for one day

  • oatmeal cookies (four pieces);
  • cocoa with milk.
  • apple baked with honey;
  • a handful of almonds;
  • vegetable salad;
  • fish soup;
  • a piece of chicken with your choice of porridge.
  • oatmeal with dried apricots and milk;
  • fish fillet;
  • vegetable salad;
  • potatoes baked in the oven.

Before bed, one glass of kefir.

Physical activity

In general, the pace of life has great influence on a person's well-being. Frequent stress promote weight loss. For this reason, you should do everything possible to avoid worries.

Exercising allows you to quickly convert what you get from food nutrients into the muscles, which, as you might guess, leads to weight gain.

In this case, first of all, you should pay attention to strength training with machines and weights. To do this, it is best to register at gym. A local instructor will develop for you a set of exercises that will help you build muscle mass will happen as soon as possible.

You just have to remember that active sports activities lead to weight loss, therefore, during the period intensive training The diet must be adjusted accordingly.

In addition, giving up bad habits can be of significant help. To a smoking person it is very difficult to gain weight, since tobacco reduces appetite, which high loss energy leads to weight loss.


Currently, pharmaceutical companies produce a lot of products for those who want to gain weight. Available for sale:

  • special complexes based on plant raw materials;
  • dietary supplements;
  • appetite stimulants;
  • vitamins, etc.

Medicines containing enzymes necessary for weight gain will help you gain weight. proper digestion. They allow:

As a result, all this will allow you to more actively gain the missing kilograms.



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