Individual production of contact lenses. Contact lenses


American company CooperVision more than 45 years. Over the past decade, it has firmly maintained its status as one of the world's leading contact lens companies.

The company was founded in 1958 in Rochester, New York by Dr. Stanley Gordon. Initially, it consisted of two small enterprises: a research laboratory (Cooper Laboratories) and a modest workshop for the production of hard contact lenses (The Contact Lens Guild), which at that time were just coming into fashion as an alternative to glasses. The demand for the workshop's products steadily increased, so the workshop itself expanded, and 7 years after its founding it was renamed Gordon Contact Lenses, Inc. Dr. Gordon himself had by that time become widely known as a public lecturer who actively promoted contact lenses.

Since the beginning of the 70s. The 20th century marks a historical turn in the fate of the company. In 1970, Stanley Gordon created tetrafilcon, a hydrophilic polymer for soft contact lenses. Six years later, the company began producing Aquaflex lenses made from tetrafilcone. It was the third US brand of soft lenses officially approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). medical drugs) for production and sale. In 1979, Cooper Laboratories became CooperVision. Later, this name was assigned to that part of the company that was engaged in the development and production of contact lenses. Precisely partly - since the range of the company's activities gradually expanded. By the mid-1980s. CooperVision was already a well-established and extensive enterprise, producing not only lenses and lens care products, but also a whole series medicines, as well as some surgical materials. The company has grown so much, and its specializations have become so diverse, that they had to be formalized legally. In 1986, the name Cooper Companies was registered - it now belonged to the company entirely, and the name CooperVision was given to a branch engaged only in the production of contact lenses and accessories for them.

At that time, CooperVision produced three lines of soft lenses: Aquaflex, Permalens (“permanent lenses” - the first FDA-registered soft lenses for continuous 30-day wear in the United States) and Permaflex.

In the second half of the 1980s. The situation on the global market has changed somewhat, and CooperVision management responded to the changes late. As a result, the company began to lose its leading position, and production and business decline began. A crisis was brewing. CooperVision's prospects, in the opinion of its management and prominent specialists, are associated primarily with the production of contact lenses and, in addition, with surgical gynecology. The activities of the former “Dr. Gordon Contact Lens Guild,” and now one of the world’s largest medical industry corporations, concentrated on these two areas. Its main goal for the near future is to satisfy the demand of all categories of people in need of contact correction vision.

Products: Color Tones colored lenses. Replacement period: 1 month; Cooper Clear FW. Contact lenses long-term wearing. Replacement period: 9-12 months; Cooper Flex Premium. Contact lenses monthly. Replacement period: 1 month; Cooper Flex UV. Contact lenses monthly. Replacement period: 1 month; Crazy. Colored lenses with a pattern. Replacement period: 3 months; Expressions Accents. Tinted colored lenses. Replacement period: 1 month; High Time 55 UV. Contact lenses monthly. Replacement period: 1 month; Images. Colored lenses. Replacement period: 1 month; Silver 07. Long-term wear contact lenses. Replacement period: 6-12 months.

The main share of the optics market in Russia is made up of products foreign manufacturers, and this fact is quite understandable. Global companies producing ophthalmic products were founded a long time ago (for example, Johnson & Johnson dates back to 1886, Bausch & Lomb - since 1853) and have managed to gain vast experience.

Domestic manufacturers began work only in 1991. A pioneer in this area is the Vologda company “ConCor” (short for CONTACT CORRECTION). In total, there are four companies on the market, including the one named: the Ufa-based Optimedservice, Octopus (Samara), and Doctor Optik (Moscow), which produces products under the Svetlenz brand. Today, the percentage of contact lenses from Russian manufacturers is approximately 10-15% of the total number of products sold in this segment.

"KonKor" (Vologda)

It is a leader in the production of domestic contact lenses. The work uses imported raw materials (British and American polymers of the highest quality), optical products are machined on high-precision equipment (USA). The ConCor line includes lenses for the correction of several types of vision impairments.

Clear corrective contact lenses

1. Rigid gas-permeable models for the correction of astigmatism and presbyopia, as well as orthokeratological night models for patients with a high degree of myopia. The polymers used in the development of this optics have high ability allows oxygen to pass through and holds its shape well.
2. Soft lenses of toric design for astigmatists. They have a spherocylindrical shape and two optical zones.
3. Keratoconus models. Keratoconus is a deformation of the cornea, due to which the work visual system crashes begin. Specially developed design helps restore visual acuity and quality.

All products are made only to order according to the individual parameters of the patient, and the refractive range ranges from +30 to - 30 diopters. Such values ​​are very rare among contact lenses, so ConCor is a real salvation for users with severe violations vision.

Colors Aqua and Violet

Painted models

This type of optics is available in four categories. Lenses are also made to order and can have diopters in the same range. You can order “zero” optical products, that is, use them only for decorative purposes (to change eye color):

  • tinted models will give the eyes more bright color, without blocking the natural one;
  • iridescent lenses have a pattern that imitates the natural pattern of the iris, making them look completely natural;
  • iridescent Colors can cover the darkest eyes. The palette includes more than 30 shades;
  • cosmetic optical products are designed to conceal birth defects eyes or resulting from injuries.

The optics of the domestic manufacturer "KonKor" have quarterly and traditional wearing modes. The lenses are produced in a glass bottle in the amount of one piece. The production time for a pair is 30-40 days. In addition to Russia, products are also available for purchase in the CIS countries.

"Optimedservice" (Ufa)

Domestic manufacturer of soft contact lenses for the correction of myopia with a traditional wearing period with a moisture content of 38%. Ophthalmic products are manufactured on the City Crown (Great Britain) production line and are of high quality. Optimedservice also represents several categories of related products. In addition to contact lenses, these include universal eye solutions OPTIMED, moisturizers, which Russian consumers leave positive reviews. The range also includes a vitamin complex for the eyes with lutein and blueberries. For eye clinics the company produces ophthalmic surgical equipment - devices for performing operations and consumables- for example, intraocular implants for lens replacement. Medical specialists highly appreciate the products of this company.

Vision correction center "Octopus" (Samara)

The company was founded in 1993 in Samara and is the largest vision correction center in Russia. In addition to providing services, it also supplies high-diopter products up to plus or minus 25 D. In addition, Octopus produces its own brand of optics, Elite. Lenses are produced by turning on Gfeller equipment (Switzerland) from Contamac material. Another area of ​​activity is cosmetic optical products that hide various eye defects.

"Doctor Optic" (Moscow)

Laboratory for the production of tinted contact lenses for light eyes. The Svetlenz 55 model with a traditional replacement period is very popular among consumers. The products have a high moisture content (55%), so your eyes feel great in them all day long. Affordable price and a variety of shades (aqua, blue, olive, blue, green, brown, purple), the ability to correct myopia down to minus 10 diopters - these parameters are especially important to consumers. In addition, the company's product range includes cosmetic lenses designed to disguise various eye defects.

Svetlenz 55, colors Green and Blue

Domestic manufacturers of contact lenses present high-quality products that are in considerable demand in the domestic market and in neighboring countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others. Low cost, long service life, the opportunity to purchase optics that will be made exactly to the parameters of the eyes - these conditions make Russian contact lenses so attractive.

You can purchase these products in large online stores with delivery. Call hotline on the website and ask the operators for details. We wish you good vision and successful shopping!

Today there are many ways to correct vision. Very often, contact lenses are used to improve its severity and eliminate other problems. Depending on the type of material, there are soft and rigid gas-permeable contact lenses. Of course, the first type is most often used, however, the latter also have many advantages.

Materials for making hard lenses

Hard lenses purchased widespread at the end of the twentieth century. Then the main material for their manufacture was polymethyl methacrylate. The lens itself was relatively small in size. The disadvantage of such lenses was the lack of gas exchange. Access of oxygen to the cornea was achieved only due to the mobility and small size of such a correction device. However, today more modern and high-quality materials are used. Rigid gas permeable contact lenses are made from fluoro-silicone compounds. Thanks to this, the lenses have good oxygen permeability. It is worth noting that they are quite comfortable, they are made individually, and an exact fit is made for a specific patient.

Indications for the use of hard lenses

Soft contact lenses have limitations in their optical power range. They are often prescribed for myopia up to -12 diopters, myopia no higher than 8 diopters. A more severe degree of myopia requires specific correction. Soft lenses with high optical powers will have considerable thickness in this case. This, in turn, increases the risk of complications (tight fit can lead to eye hypoxia). You can, of course, use glasses, but today experts offer modern rigid gas-permeable contact lenses. They have a wide range of refraction - from -25 diopters to +25 units. Usage modern material ensures sufficient oxygen supply to the eye. Moreover, the thickness of such lenses is not much different from the corresponding parameters of soft products for vision correction.

Hard Lens Design

Modern hard lenses have an optical zone that is located in the center of the product. Its diameter does not exceed 8 mm. Thanks to the sliding zone, which has a specific structure, the lens is securely fixed on eyeball. The marginal region has the smallest dimensions. It is she who is responsible for comfortable wearing of the product, provides normal exchange tear fluid under the lens.

The main advantages of these lenses

Many patients note that rigid gas-permeable rigid lenses are less susceptible to deformation and creasing. Due to the fact that their diameter is slightly smaller than that of soft lenses, such products leave the peripheral zone of the cornea open. This, in turn, does not disrupt the tear exchange process. They are also more resistant to protein deposits, so the period of safe operation increases. Since the composition is completely free of water, hard lenses cannot dry out, the patient does not need to use special moisturizing drops. It is important to note their cost-effectiveness: the indication for replacement is only a change in visual acuity. For astigmatism, hard patients also indicate that correction soft lenses In this case, it is quite difficult; the only option is to use rigid products. Orthokeratological correction is also widespread. It involves the use of hard lenses only at night.

Orthokeratology. What is the essence of the technique

This type of vision correction allows you to maintain visual acuity during the daytime, but at night you need to wear special lenses. During sleep, the cornea of ​​the eye changes; its optical zone becomes flatter. This form remains for the next day. As a rule, the effect of such a correction can last two days. good for children, patients with a progressive form of myopia, if there are contraindications for the procedure. Also, this method is often chosen by people of certain professions: athletes, military personnel, builders, etc. Contraindications to orthokeratological therapy are diseases of the cornea, eyelids, all kinds inflammatory processes, dry eye syndrome.

Disadvantages of using hard lenses

In addition to the above advantages, hard lenses also have their disadvantages. First of all, a certain period of adaptation is required (about a week). After getting used to it, the discomfort disappears, but even a short break in wearing requires new getting used to the products. Some degree of corneal deformation is observed if rigid gas permeable contact lenses have been used. Reviews from patients indicate that using glasses after such lenses does not bring the desired result: the image becomes blurry and the sharpness decreases. However, this is a temporary effect. After the cornea has been restored, you can safely use glasses without losing the quality of your vision. Also, the process of selecting products is quite lengthy; their initial cost will also be an order of magnitude higher than that of soft lenses.

How to choose the right gas permeable lenses

In order to choose hard lenses wisely, you first need to contact a specialist. It determines visual acuity and the maximum degree of correction. Using special equipment, the ophthalmologist measures the necessary parameters of the patient’s cornea. What follows is trying on several pairs. All these manipulations are necessary for perfect lens fit. Manufacturing of rigid contact lens testing is carried out purely individually, taking into account more than 20 eye parameters. The engineer models the required design (optical zone, sliding zone, edge region). Next, the product is turned on a special machine in full accordance with the layout. Most famous manufacturer in this area - the German company Wohlk. This manufacturer provides high quality products. As a rule, after 14 days you can receive a ready-made set of lenses.

Daily care of hard contact lenses

First of all, any lenses require proper personal hygiene. Hands should be washed with soap and water before removing or putting on. It is best to wipe them with a waffle towel to avoid getting various lint on the lens. Storage containers must be kept clean. For women there are special rules. Makeup should only be applied after the lens is in place. Accordingly, remove it after removing the product from the eye. It is also necessary daily cleaner for rigid gas permeable contact lenses. With its help, dirt is removed, and deeper cleaning is carried out once a week. It is worth noting that you cannot rub the lenses too much, so as not to damage the optical properties. Today, a multifunctional cleaner for hard contact lenses is widely used. It allows you to effectively remove protein deposits (for example, Boston Simplus solution) and does not require additional enzymatic purification. It also perfectly disinfects and softens contact lenses. Over time, the product becomes more difficult to clean. In this case, hard lenses can be polished in a special laboratory.

Special requirements for owners of hard lenses

Wearing hard lenses imposes certain responsibilities on the patient. Visits to the ophthalmologist should be regular. This will enable the specialist to assess the condition of the eyes. If there is the slightest change in the condition of the eyes, you should consult a specialist. Timely treatment will help avoid conditions such as corneal edema, microbial keratitis, conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, and allergic reactions. Rigid gas permeable contact lenses - excellent remedy for vision correction in many cases, but they require proper and careful care.

Contact lenses are becoming more and more popular every year both around the world and in Russia: the percentage of selection of contact lenses of complex design - toric and multifocal - is increasing, and the age range of contact correction users is expanding.

The contact correction market in Russia is comparable to the world market - the dominant position is occupied by four largest companies: almost half of the volume (more than 40%) is made up of Johnson & Johnson products.

The share of CIBA Vision and Cooper Vision (with Ocular Sciences joining it) is approximately 15-18% each. Bausch & Lomb - only about 10%. All other companies, including the Russian manufacturer, account for less than 20% of contact lens supplies.

Largest contact lens companies

Johnson & Johnson is an American company founded in 1886. It is the largest manufacturer medicines, body care products, and contact lenses.

Johnson & Johnson products are sold in more than 175 countries. Famous trademarks companies are: Clean&Clear, Johnson’s baby, Johnson’s pH5.5, Nizoral, Reach.

In 1987, Johnson & Johnson introduced Acuvue contact lenses for seven-day wear. To date, more than 2 billion contact lenses have been produced under the Acuvue brand.

Most Acuvue contact lenses shipped to Russian market, are produced in Ireland at the largest plant in Limerick.


New: Johnson & Johnson announced the creation of Acuvue Oasys for Presbyopia lenses for the correction age-related farsightedness.

CIBA Vision is the ophthalmology division of the multinational pharmaceutical corporation Novartis. The company's head office is located in Basel (Switzerland). The company operates in 140 countries.

CIBA Vision is one of the world leaders in the production and sale of soft contact lenses, contact lens care products, and ophthalmic drugs.

Famous brands: AIR OPTIX, Focus Dailies. In 2001, CibaVision merged with Wesley Jessen, a world leader in colored lenses, to add FreshLook colored contact lenses to its product line.

The CIBA Vision company also produces the most famous, one of the best, brand of contact lens solutions Solo Care.

One of the company's latest developments is premium lenses Air Optix Night&Day Aqua - silicone hydrogel contact lenses with a built-in Aqua Moist moisturizing system. Lenses that can be worn around the clock for up to 30 days.

CooperVision is an American company founded in 1958 in Rochester, New York. During this time, it included several large companies producing contact lenses, which allowed it to enter the global market.

Cooper Vision's contact lens manufacturing facilities are located in Hampshire (England), Rochester and Huntington Beach (USA), with the company's headquarters located in Irvine, California (USA). Soft spherical and toric contact lenses are produced in the USA, and soft contact lenses for routine replacement are produced in England.

Cooper Vision is a leader in the development of soft contact lenses for routine replacement based on the unique tetrafilcon material.

Famous brands: Biomedics 55, Proclear, Crazy.

New: In 2010, the release of Biofinity Toric lenses was announced in the range of spheres from +6 to -8 D with four cylinders for astigmatism correction.

Bausch & Lomb is another one of largest companies engaged in the production of contact lenses.

The company was founded in 1853 in America by an emigrant from Germany J. Bausch and his friend H. Lomb. The newly formed company began to specialize in the production of high-precision and special optics: microscopes, binoculars, telescopes, night vision devices. 1971 - Bausch & Lomb became the first company to receive FDA approval to sell soft contact lenses.

In addition to contact vision correction products, Bausch & Lomb produces a wide range of ophthalmic pharmaceutical products, as well as surgical equipment and instruments, previously produced under the Stortz and Chiron brands.

Bausch & Lomb has production and sales facilities in 25 countries.

Well-known brands: PureVision, SofLens, Optima, 1 Day Biotrue.

New items: SofLens® daily disposable aspherical contact lenses with an anti-reflective component. Recommended for patients prone to allergic reactions.

In the last few years, several Korean companies have appeared on the contact correction market, such as OKVision, Bescon, G&G Contact Lens. The most popular among their products are colored contact lenses due to their bright colors and affordable prices.

Russian manufacturers of contact lenses

Russian companies producing contact lenses and care products occupy a very modest place in the contact correction market, which is explained by their predominant focus on traditional contact lenses, while throughout the world there is a transition from traditional lenses to frequent replacement lenses and daily contact lenses. However, the products of domestic manufacturers are certainly in demand:

Firstly, the price of domestic lenses is quite low.

Secondly, Russian companies offer lenses of large diopters from -20 to +20; lenses of such large refractions are simply not available in the product line of Western companies.

Thirdly, product quality control in Russian companies is more stringent, which makes it possible to timely identify and eliminate defective products and ultimately obtain high-quality contact lenses.

Concor is the largest domestic company producing contact lenses. The company appeared in 1991 in the city of Vologda. Today, the company supplies products to more than 400 cities in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Bulgaria.

Today the company produces soft contact lenses from imported and domestic materials, including silicone hydrogel, tint and color.

A three-stage quality control system is used, which allows us to produce high-quality lenses in accordance with the specified parameters. In 2009, soft contact lenses from Concor were recognized as a winner of the “100 Best Products of Russia” program.

Octopus - the company was founded in 1993 in Samara. It produces soft contact lenses “Elite” using the turning method from material from the company “Contamac” (Great Britain) on equipment from the company “Gfeller” (Switzerland) using computer controls, as well as hard gas-permeable contact lenses.

Octopus is a supplier of high diopter soft contact lenses up to +/-25 Diopters. In addition, the Octopus company produces cosmetic contact lenses to eliminate various defects - absence of a pupil, iris, etc.

Optimedservice is a scientific and medical association created in 1993 in Bashkortostan, which occupies a stable position in the ophthalmological market of the Ural region. Since 1994, the company has been producing soft contact lenses under the Optimed brand on a computerized production line from City Crown (UK).

One type of Optimed lenses is produced - traditional lenses with a wear period of 6 months and with a 38% moisture content. The company also produces a line of contact lens care products under the Optimed and ProActive brands.

Doctor Optician – Russian company(Moscow) for the production of tinted contact lenses of the Svetlenz series. Among these products there are both regular tint contact lenses “Svetlenz 55” recommended for light eyes, and cosmetic lenses “Svetlenz Carnival” designed to mask all kinds of eye defects.

Contact lenses are a medical product that allows for the correction of various abnormalities resulting from eye diseases. Most often, you can find products on sale that are made with people in mind who suffer from myopia (myopia), that is, those who have difficulty seeing at a distance. For patients with farsightedness (hyperopia) there are also models, it’s just that there are much fewer people with such a vision defect. Yes, and myopic people actually have to more spend time wearing glasses/lenses so as not to experience inconvenience in everyday life. There are also options for correcting astigmatism.

You can select lenses for yourself only after visiting a specialist who will conduct a full examination and write out a prescription. Even if you have been a user for many years, before changing one brand to another, do not be lazy to visit an ophthalmologist. Contact lenses from different manufacturers and different lines differ in “design” from each other. This concept usually includes parameters of the shape of the front and back surfaces, diameter, thickness at the center, base radius, and so on. It is also wrong to select lenses according to your glasses prescription, since their optical powers are different. Our rating will tell you about the best contact lenses in their categories.

The best daily contact lenses

IN present moment Daily contact lenses are considered the safest. They are made from the most permeable and comfortable materials. Such lenses are sold at retail in boxes of 10 to 180 lenses. Every day the user puts on a fresh pair in the morning and throws it away in the evening. This guarantees better protection of the eyes from infection and simplifies the wearing process, as the need for care is eliminated. The use of daily lenses significantly reduces the risk of complications due to more comfortable and modern materials.

4 Dailies (Alcon) Total1 (30 lenses)

The most comfortable feeling
Country: USA
Average price: 1,590 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

High-quality and expensive silicone hydrogel lenses, extremely comfortable for constant wearing. They correct both myopia up to -12 and farsightedness up to +6. The model has excellent oxygen permeability of 156 Dk/t, which will provide oxygen flow to the eyes at almost the same level as in conventional glasses. With a moisture content of 80%, the lenses become comfortable for those suffering from dry eye syndrome. Judging by the reviews, some customers find the very thin lens material uncomfortable, but this is a matter of habit. A significant disadvantage can be called high cost– these are the most expensive lenses in the section. However, with such characteristics, such a price is not surprising.


  • high level of moisture content;
  • are not felt when wearing.


  • very high price.

3 CooperVision Proclear 1 Day (30 lenses)

Good level of moisture retention
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 1,199.
Rating (2018): 4.6

A good one-day lens is Proclear 1 Day from CooperVision. Each lens is molded from hydrogel material and has an excellent moisture content of 60%, which is very convenient due to its good ability to retain moisture. They are perfect for people who often suffer from a feeling of “sandiness” or redness in their eyes while wearing lenses. The retention of water molecules occurs through the use of patented technology – PC Technology™. These lenses are recognized by experts as providing increased comfort for those users who previously often experienced discomfort caused by dryness. Even after many hours spent in them, hydration remains at 96%.


  • correct myopia and farsightedness;
  • high level of moisture content;
  • no need to buy storage solution.


  • price.

2 Acuvue 1-Day Moist (30 lenses)

Country: USA/Ireland
Average price: RUB 1,406.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Acuvue 1-Day Moist daily contact lenses are designed for 15 days, available in quantities of 30 pieces per package. These lenses are suitable not only for people with farsightedness or nearsightedness, but also with astigmatism. Throughout the day, they provide not only vision correction, but also wearing comfort. Lens hydration level – 58%. Thanks to a special formula that retains moisture inside, your eyes do not experience fatigue or irritation from morning to evening. Flexibility and thinness allow more oxygen to be carried through. These lenses are perfect for people with sensitive corneas and allergies.


  • correct astigmatism;
  • are not felt before the eyes;
  • invisible;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • do not require maintenance.


  • price.

1 Acuvue 1-Day TruEye (30 lenses)

The best breathable lenses
Country: USA/Ireland
Average price: 1,330 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Acuvue 1-Day TruEye contact lenses are the best breathable lenses in this category. Made from a modern material, silicone hydrogel, they provide the eyes with up to 100% oxygen when worn, almost the same as they receive without them. Their softness and imperceptibility provide comfort throughout the day. Moisturizing components allow you to forget about dryness and redness. Acuvue 1-Day TruEye also boasts the highest possible level of UV protection. Daily lenses are sold in packs of 30 pieces. Thanks to this, they are more convenient and hygienic, because they do not need to be stored in solution or cleaned.


  • high level of hydration;
  • good protection against UV rays;
  • no need for maintenance or storage.


  • price.

The best contact lenses for a month

Monthly contact lenses are slightly inferior to daily ones. Their service life is longer, but the responsibility for care increases. It is important to clean your lenses on time and use a high-quality lens “preservation” solution at night. If a pair designed for 30 days is worn longer than the prescribed time, pain, burning and itching in the eyes are likely to occur. Even with proper care. It is better not to experiment and wear lenses according to their expiration date.

4 Bausch & Lomb PureVision (6 lenses)

Country: USA
Average price: 1,100 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Quite popular silicone hydrogel lenses with a long history. The range offers optical power from -12 to +6 - quite standard. The good news is that there are two radii of curvature - 8.3 and 8.6, so the lenses are suitable for people with with different eyes. The moisture content is small - only 36%, but due to their good oxygen permeability of 112 Dk/t, they feel comfortable on the eyes, do not dry out or rub the cornea. In reviews, customers write that the lenses are very comfortable and breathable, despite the characteristics. At the same time, one box of lenses for three months will cost less than 1,500 rubles, which is very economical.


  • two radii of curvature;
  • high oxygen permeability;
  • good reviews.


  • low moisture content.

3 CooperVision Biofinity (6 lenses)

Flexible wearing mode
Country: USA/UK
Average price: 2,340 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Biofinity - monthly contact lenses from CooperVision can be used, like the previous ones, not only in daytime mode, but also in flexible mode. This allows them to be worn at any time of the day, depending on what each specific user needs. They are made from the same silicone hydrogel, which has excellent characteristics. The lenses correct nearsightedness and farsightedness, while providing comfort, even if used for up to seven days in a row. Sufficient hydration and oxygen permeation are ensured thanks to Aquaform® Comfort Science™ technology.


  • flexible wearing mode;
  • material with natural moisture;
  • You don’t need to use special drops;
  • high oxygen permeability.


  • high cost.

2 Maxima 55 UV (6 lenses)

Best affordability
Country: UK
Average price: 931 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Maxima 55 UV contact lenses have the best affordability. Offers for their sale start at a price of 750 rubles. They provide good vision by correcting farsightedness and nearsightedness. Have protection from ultraviolet rays and easy to use. Despite the protection from UV radiation, you cannot refuse full-fledged sunglasses. The lenses are processed using a special technology, so they are produced in a thinner profile. This guarantees better oxygen permeability to the ocular cornea. The smooth surface makes the wearing process comfortable, preventing dryness and redness. Contact lenses are lightly colored so that they are easy to see in the solution.


  • thin profile;
  • UV protection;
  • ease of use;
  • price.


  • need for care;
  • purchasing a storage solution.

1 Air Optix (Alcon) Aqua (6 lenses)

Better oxygen permeability
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 1,350 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The world-famous manufacturer, Alcon, presents monthly contact lenses - Air Optix Aqua. They are made from Lotrafilcon B, which is based on the proven silicone hydrogel material. This material is characterized by increased hydrophilicity and better oxygen permeability. These lenses are perfect for people with hypersensitivity eyes, as they provide an optimal level of hydration. Their surface is treated special composition, increasing the feeling of comfort while wearing. Due to the special treatment of the lenses, high protection is provided against lipid and protein deposits, as well as against ingress decorative cosmetics, dust and other contaminants.


  • fivefold increased oxygen permeability;
  • protection against deposits and contamination;
  • Suitable for flexible and extended wear.


  • discomfort may occur during night use.

The best colored contact lenses

Colored contact lenses can be either with or without diopters. Their difference from classic models is in the color of the lenses. It, in turn, comes in different intensities, densities and may contain different designs or patterns. Depending on this, such lenses are divided into tint, actual color and carnival.

Colored lenses work well with brown and green natural shades. They have a more intense color and a special reflective layer that does not allow the dark color of the eyes to break through from under the lens. Carnival lenses have a pattern that is completely different from the natural one - for example, a spiral or a web. They are used at parties and similar events where shocking rather than naturalness is more important.

4 Ophthalmix Butterfly Tri-tone (2 lenses)

Bright and exotic colors
Country: Russia
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

Domestic colored lenses that have taken a worthy position in the budget segment. They create a bright, unusual shade with any “native” eye color. Each lens has three tones applied to create a natural iris pattern. Of course, there is no talk of naturalness - Ophthalmix, as a budget brand, is not capable of it. But this is not critical, since the exoticism and brightness of the look compensates for this. As for the characteristics, 15.8 Dk/t and a moisture content of 42% create a comfortable “union”, so you can easily wear the lenses all day, and your eyes will begin to get tired only in the evening. Optical power varies from 0 to -7.


  • bright shades of lenses;
  • low cost;
  • can be worn for three months.


  • unnatural colors;
  • low oxygen permeability.

3 Air Optix (Alcon) Colors (2 lenses)

The first "breathable" colored lenses
Country: USA
Average price: 1,188 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Air Optix Colors from the American company Alcon are colored contact lenses, one of the first “breathable”. Their material is silicone hydrogel (Lotrafilcon B), which provides extraordinary convenience during use. They have a beautiful and natural color thanks to a special technology of applying pigment inside the lens in three layers. Due to this, the shade on the natural overlap looks natural. The inner ring of pigment adds depth to the look, the middle one gives the main color, and the outer one emphasizes expressiveness. A high oxygen permeability rate and a polished smooth surface guarantee cleanliness of the lenses, and the preservation of health and a feeling of comfort for the eye.


  • high oxygen permeability;
  • correction of myopia and farsightedness;
  • plasma surface treatment;


  • Daytime wear only.

2 ADRIA Glamorous (2 lenses)

Wide color palette
Country: Korea
Average price: RUB 1,036.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Adria Glamorous - colored contact lenses with the widest color palette, including 9 various shades. Many users note that these lenses visually enlarge their eyes, but do not look artificial. They also perfectly cover brown and green natural shades. Complex patterns make the look unusual, deep and expressive. Good protection from ultraviolet radiation, optimal oxygen permeability and moisture content maintain eye health. The lenses correct myopia and farsightedness. They can be used at night and for active sports activities.


  • wide color palette;
  • cover dark shades;
  • visually enlarge the eyes;
  • UV protection.


  • not identified.

1 OKVision Fusion (2 lenses)

Better color depth and brightness
Country: USA
Average price: 850 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

OKVision Fusion contact lenses have the best color depth and brightness among similar models. This is ensured by using unique technology layer-by-layer application of coloring matter to the inner surface. Thanks to this method, the natural depth of the look is preserved, and even dark eye color is guaranteed to be covered. In addition to changing the shade, the lenses make it possible to correct farsightedness or nearsightedness. The high moisture content gives the user comfort, relieving the eyes from dryness, fatigue and redness. Lenses are divided into two-tone regular and mixed. effect and three-tone.


  • high-quality coverage of the native eye color;
  • look natural;
  • optimal oxygen permeability;
  • are not felt when wearing.


  • not identified.

Best Astigmatic Contact Lenses

To correct astigmatism, there are special toric contact lenses. They have a special design, thanks to which they correct astigmatism. This type of visual impairment is characterized by the fact that it does not allow the rays entering the eye to converge, as a result of which the person lacks clarity visible image. Such lenses must have a cylinder.

3 Bausch & Lomb SofLens 66 Toric (6 lenses)

High moisture content (66%)
Country: USA/Ireland
Average price: RUB 1,321.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Bausch & Lomb SofLens 66 Toric astigmatic contact lenses have a fairly high moisture content (66%), which is retained inside the lens, providing comfort from morning to evening. The special non-ionic material used in the manufacture reduces protein deposits. The lenses are easy to put on due to their special strength. They are also difficult to damage or tear, but at the same time they are lightweight and not felt by the user. Visual acuity is improved by the unique dual-radius rear surface design. The rounded edges of the lenses ensure free sliding. The casting process used in manufacturing is computerized. This allows the lenses to have the widest possible range.


  • correction of astigmatism;
  • high moisture content;
  • convenience and accuracy of fit;
  • reduction of accumulations on the surface;
  • strength.


  • price.

2 Air Optix (Alcon) For Astigmatism (3 lenses)

Best price
Country: USA
Average price: 960 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Contact astigmatic lenses. Alcon's Air Optix For Astigmatism offers the best price among the competition. Their manufacturing material is based on silicone hydrogel, which has amazed world scientists with its excellent characteristics. These lenses are designed specifically for people with astigmatism. They allow oxygen to pass through perfectly, provide clear vision and provide ease of use and comfortable wearing throughout the day. The lenses are processed using a special patented technology, which is responsible for reducing protein deposits on the surface.


  • correction of astigmatism;
  • surface cleanliness for a long time;
  • comfort while wearing;
  • ease of use and precision fit;
  • price.


  • not identified.

1 Acuvue OASYS for Astigmatism with Hydraclear Plus (6 lenses)

Two-week scheduled replacement
Country: USA/Ireland
Average price: 1,190 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Acuvue's OASYS for Astigmatism with Hydraclear Plus contact lenses are safer for your eye health with a two-week replacement schedule. As we know, the shorter the period of wearing, the greater the chances of avoiding infection and discomfort. These lenses have a very smooth surface, which has a positive effect on the movement of the eyelids. Such lenses are practically not felt on the eyes. Made from silicone hydrogel-based material, they provide almost one hundred percent oxygen penetration to the iris, so you can forget about redness, burning and irritation of the mucous membrane. HYDRACLEAR ® PLUS is a technology responsible for moisturizing the eye throughout the day. Ultraviolet radiation blocked by lenses, protecting the retina and lens.


  • correction of farsightedness, myopia and astigmatism;
  • two-week scheduled replacement;
  • protection against fatigue.


  • not identified.

The best contact lenses for three months

Long-term quarterly lenses are the best option in terms of price and convenience. The user does not need to look for a new pair of lenses for a long time and spend the budget on their purchase. They are more durable and, as a rule, of high quality. Therefore, the lens material may be thicker than that of monthly and, especially, one-day models. Therefore, some users who are not used to it may feel discomfort. Three-month lenses require careful care and periodic washing.

3 CooperVision Biomedics 38 (6 lenses)

Three pairs in a box
Country: USA
Average price: 900 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

A very popular contact lens model that has been on the market for many years. Despite not the best characteristics, these hydrogel lenses are almost not felt on the cornea and do not interfere in any way. Naturally, if you do not violate the wearing regime. Optical power varies from -0.5 to -10. The moisture content in the model is 38% at Dk/t 23.5, which is why it is not recommended to wear a pair for more than 8 hours without a break. But many users are happy to note that the lenses do not dry out or break prematurely - the material is quite thick and dense. With proper care, problems with irritation or damaged lenses should not arise. In addition, for a modest price you will receive not 4 lenses in a box, as with most manufacturers, but 6 at once, which will allow you to avoid going to stores for 9 months.


  • good reviews;
  • dense and reliable material;
  • six lenses in a box.


  • large thickness;
  • not for sensitive eyes.

2 OKVision Season (2 lenses)

Excellent lens performance
Country: USA
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Hydrogel lenses with high performance and excellent wearing comfort. The model can offer a moisture content of 45% and an oxygen permeability of 27.5 Dk/t. Due to this, contact lenses do not dry out and allow enough oxygen to pass through to the cornea to make them comfortable to wear. In reviews, many buyers write that they are comfortable to wear and do not interfere. On sale you can find optical power options from +12.5 to -15. But there is only one radius of curvature, so the set will not fit every eye. Unfortunately, the box contains only one pair of lenses, which at a price of 400-500 rubles (compared to other options) is quite expensive.


  • high moisture content and oxygen permeability;
  • large selection of optical powers;
  • comfortable to wear.


  • high price;
  • only two pairs included.

1 Bausch & Lomb Optima FW (4 lenses)

Amazing lens durability
Country: USA
Average price: 700 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Hydrogel lenses from a well-known company, designed for long-term wearing with comfort. They have a low moisture content - only 38.6%. But for hydrogel this is absolutely normal. Comfortable oxygen permeability – 24 Dk/t. Buyers write in reviews that the lenses are much more durable than stated - with high-quality care and a good storage solution, one pair instead of three months can last six months or even a year! Naturally, we do not recommend experiments, but such quality is already an indicator. There are three radii of curvature available - 8.4, 8.7 and 9. The inconvenient thing is that in model range few diopters - from +4 to -9. Besides, sensitive eyes there may be little oxygen that the lens allows through.


  • durability;
  • high quality material;
  • three radii of curvature.


  • few diopters;
  • not for sensitive eyes.

The best contact lenses for six months

Semi-annual long-wear lenses are indispensable when the user does not have the opportunity to constantly buy new sets. They are convenient due to their durability and strength - such models are convenient to take with you on long business trips, on shifts or to other places where there are not very many ophthalmology stores. In addition, they are the most cost-effective.

Naturally, such models are not as convenient as daily lenses - they need to be very well looked after and promptly washed to remove protein deposits. You also need to get used to them - durable hydrogel is not suitable for everyone.

2 Interojo Morning Q55 vial (1 lens)

Low price per pair
Country: South Korea
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Semi-annual dense lenses created using aspherical design using PolyVue technology. They are as comfortable as possible for constant wearing and are durable enough to withstand six months of “work.” The model offers optical power from -20 to +12. There are also two radii of curvature - 8.6 and 8.8, which allows you to choose the lens to suit your eye. Moisture content of 55% and oxygen permeability of 24 Dk/t provide quite comfortable wearing throughout the day. But in the reviews, some users write that in the evening their eyes begin to get tired, and the problem needs to be solved with drops. The lenses are quite cheap - a pair for six months will cost only 700 rubles.


  • two radii of curvature;
  • low price.


  • Your eyes may get tired from wearing it.

1 OKVision Infinity (1 lens)

Good value for money
Country: USA
Average price: 370 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

High-quality and quite popular long-wear lenses for a wide variety of users. They are comfortable to wear and accessible. The characteristics of the model are 55% moisture in the composition and oxygen permeability of 32.5 Dk/t. Users note that the lenses are thick and hard, as they are made of hydrogel thermopolymer, but do not cause discomfort when worn. The optical power of the model varies from -20 to +20. The radius of curvature is 8.4 and 8.7, which makes the lenses universal and very comfortable for non-standard eyes. There are also the same lenses, but colored and acting as tint lenses. But they have a very bright color that will not suit every eye.


  • two radii of curvature;
  • many optical power options;
  • low price.


  • The lenses are thick and not suitable for everyone.



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