Games for a large number of children indoors. Card file (senior group) on the topic: indoor games with children

Changing positions

Target. Development of attention, memory and observation.

Age. 8-12.

Number of participants. 6-25.

Material support.Absent.

Rules. A driver and coordinator are selected from among the participants. The rest of the players disperse around the room and take some poses. The driver tries to remember the location and poses of all the players for several minutes. After this, the driver turns his back to the other players, and they make several changes in their positions. The coordinator's job is to keep track of how many changes have been made (the total number of changes must be agreed upon before the start of the game) and remember these changes. After the players' movements are completed, the driver turns around to face the players and tries to name all the changes. If you choose not one, but two or three drivers, you can hold a competition “who will find the most differences.” To do this, after changing positions, the drivers take turns calling out the changes that have occurred. For each correct answer they receive 10 bonus points, for each incorrect answer five points are deducted. In addition, the driver who indicated the last correct change receives an additional 15 points. The winner is the one who scores the most points.

To change positions, you can use the movement of players around the hall, changing their posture.

Recommendations. The difficulty of the game can be varied by changing the number of players from 5 to 20 and the number of changes from 3 to 10. In order for the game to be interesting, it is necessary to select a difficulty that matches the level of the participants.

Princess Nesmeyana

Category. Game.

Target. Entertainment, psychological release.

Age. 7-14.

Number of participants. 6-20.

Material support.Absent.

Rules. The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team of “Princess Nesmeyana” sit on chairs and look as serious or sad as possible. The task of the players of the other team is to take turns

or make the “non-laughers” laugh together. Each smiling “non-laugher” moves to another corner of the room or joins the team of mixers (depending on the rules agreed upon at the beginning). If, within a certain period of time, it is possible to make all the “non-laughers” laugh, the team of mixers is declared the winner; if not, the team of “non-laughers” is declared the winner. After this, the teams can switch roles.

Examples and additional material. To make the “non-laughers” laugh, players can show pantomime, tell jokes, make faces, but they are not allowed to touch the “non-laughers”.

Recommendations. Since after changing roles it will be much easier for the second team to make the “non-laughers” laugh, for the fairness of the competition it will be better to play a serious, calm game in the interval.

Captain, ship, reefs

Target. Teamwork skills training.

Age. 8-12.

Number of participants. 6-20.

Material support.Absent.

Rules. A “captain” and a “ship” are selected from among the players. The rest of the participants disperse around the room, pretending to be riffs. The “ship” is blindfolded and begins to move continuously. The goal of the “captain” is to guide the “ship” between the reefs to the opposite side of the room (to complicate the task, you can also select a player representing the pier to which the ship should moor). To do this, the “captain” gives the “ship” commands: “right” and “left”. The "ship" must turn in accordance with these commands while continuing to move continuously. If the “ship” hits one of the “reefs”, the game is lost and a new pair of “captain” and “ship” is selected.

Examples and additional material. During the game, a problem arises due to the fact that almost all participants want to play key roles (“captain” and “ship”). To do this, you can invite each of them to come up with a special role for a marine inhabitant or object (for example, an underwater rock, a lighthouse, a submarine, a shark). At the same time, the roles and tasks of the “captain” and the “ship” are preserved.

Recommendations. The game requires a large free space. You can try to play the game simultaneously for 2-3 pairs of “captains” and “ships” (in this case, for each of them it is better to designate its own pier).

We all have ears

Category Game, entertainment.

Target. Psychophysical relaxation.

Age. 8-12

Number of participants. 6-30.

Material support. Absent.

Rules. The players stand in a circle. The presenter says: “We all have hands.” After this, each participant takes his neighbor on the right by the left hand, and shouting “We all have hands,” the players move in a circle until they make a full turn. After this, the presenter says: “We all have necks” and the game is repeated, only now the participants hold their right neighbor by the neck. Next, the leader lists the various parts of the body and the players move in a circle, holding their right neighbor by the named part and shouting or singing: “We all have...”

Examples and additional material. The body parts listed depend on the presenter’s imagination and, for example, can be the following: arms (separately right and left), waist, neck, shoulder, ears (separately right and left), elbows, hair, nose. They usually end the game with the phrase “We all have heels.”Recommendations The game is good to use as a small psychophysical release after hard work. When playing the game, make sure that it does not cause inconvenience to anyone.

Crossing the Chasm

Category. Game, competition.

Target. Movement coordination training.

Age. 8-12.

Number of participants. 2 -20.

Material support. Rope (3-5 m).

Rules. A rope is laid out on the ground. All participants are divided into two teams. Players of one team stand in a row, sideways to each other, and join hands. Each team moves along the rope in an extended step (the teams start moving from opposite ends of the rope). The hardest part is to separate the rope when the teams meet (facing each other). The team whose players come off the rope is considered the loser. In order to win, you are allowed to push the players of the opposing team off the rope.

Examples and additional material. No.

Recommendations. If the game takes place outside, you can use a chalk line instead of a rope.

Pop the ball

Category. Game, competition.

Target. Training agility and coordination of movements.

Age.8 - 12 .

Number of participants. 2 -20.

Material support. Balloons (one for each participant).

Rules. Each player has a balloon tied to his right leg (ankle). After the starting signal, all participants try to burst the balloons of other players and protect their own balloon. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The last person remaining in the game is declared the winner.

Examples and additional material. No.

Recommendations. The game requires a large free space. The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Touch yellow

Target. Reaction speed training.

Age. 8-13.

Number of participants. 5-25.

Material support. Absent.

Rules. The host tells the players the color or characteristic of the object they must touch. Players search for an object in the room as quickly as possibleWith This characteristic concerns him. Participants who fail to complete the task within a certain time give away a forfeit. At the end of the game there is a draw for forfeits.

Examples and additional material. Examples of instructions from the presenter: Touch yellow (blue, white...).

Touch the living (not the living).

Touch the cold (hot).

Touch the ribbed one (smooth, rough, sharp).

Recommendations. The presenter needs to orientate himself in the room in advance and come up with instructions for the players. At the same time, the complexity of the tasks (prevalence of objects in the roomWith given characteristic) must vary.

After the words “I’ll hold my breath,” children take a breath and hold their breath.I breathe through my nose, I breathe freely, deeply and quietly, however I like. I'll do it

task, I’ll hold my breath... One, two, three, four - Breathe again: Deeper, wider.

    Breathing meditation

Sit up straight. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are inhaling the aroma of a flower... The delicate aroma of a flower... Try to inhale it not only with your nose, but with your whole body. Inhale. Exhalation. The body turns into a sponge: when you inhale, it absorbs air through the pores of the skin, and when you exhale, the air leaks out. Inhale. Exhalation


Children close their eyes. Hunters must determine by smell what kind of object is in front of them (orange, perfume, jam, etc.).

4 Diving

You need to inhale and exhale deeply twice, and then, after the third deep breath, “dive under the water” and not breathe, while holding your nose with your fingers. As soon as the child feels that he can no longer “sit under water,” he emerges. It is recommended to perform the exercise between different breathing complexes to avoid dizziness.

5- Ball

Teacherinvites children to imagine that they are balloons. On even: one, two, three, four, - children take four deep breaths and hold their breath. Then slowly exhale on the count of 1-8.

    Locomotive Option 1

Teachersuggests first taking a breath after each line, then every other line and gradually learning to speak while exhaling.

The locomotive shouts: “Doo-doo-oo!

I I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming!”

And the wheels are knocking

And the wheels say:

“Well, well, well, well. Chuff-chuff, chuff-chuff.

Shhhh, oooh!

We've arrived!

Option 2

Accelerate the recitative to maximum tempo, accompanying it with walking in place, turning into running. Then go to a slow pace, and at the end stop with the sound “ph” and relax your whole body.

I can breathe like a locomotive, chug, chug, chug.

I puff and puff to the sound of the wheels, chug, chug, chug.

I puff, puff, puff, puff, chug, chug, chug.

“Walking enlivens and inspires my thoughts. Left alone, I can hardly think; it is necessary for my body to be in motion, and then the mind also begins to move,” confession of the great French thinker J.J. Rousseau perfectly shows the relationship between the brain and movement. Sufficient physical activity is a necessary condition for the harmonious development of the individual. Physical exercise promotes good functioning of the digestive organs, helping to digest and assimilate food, activates the activity of the liver and kidneys, improves the functioning of the endocrine glands: thyroid, genital, adrenal glands, which play a huge role in the growth and development of the young body. Under the influence of physical activity, the heart rate increases, the heart muscle contracts more strongly, and the heart releases blood into the great vessels. Constant training of the circulatory system leads to its functional improvement. In addition, during work, the blood that does not circulate through the vessels in a calm state is included in the bloodstream. Involving a larger mass of blood in the circulation not only trains the heart and blood vessels, but also stimulates hematopoiesis.

Having worked with children this school year, I got to know them very well. Children love physical education lessons and go to classes with great desire. They run, jump, squeal in the heat of competition, worry about each other, support each other in the fight against an opponent. They help weak children overcome their fear of the lesson task set by the teacher. And such children do not lose interest in lessons, follow other children, and also acquire, albeit more slowly, motor skills and abilities. I consider this love of children for physical education lessons, even if a small one, a victory. It is very important to preserve this love of movement for as long as possible, to instill the desire for a healthy lifestyle, for perfection of body and spirit.

Movements are a source of health and high performance. For those who realize this, any business will evoke only positive emotions.

By instilling in children the need to move daily and do physical exercise from an early age, you can lay a solid foundation for good health and harmonious development of the child.

Interesting games for children's development. The games are aimed at developing: communication skills, freedom, hand motor skills, memory, attentive thinking. Games for kindergarten and school.

Fight for the ball

Choose a flat area for the game. Draw circles with a diameter of approximately 1 meter. These circles should be located at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from each other.

Choose 3 - 4 drivers who stand between the circles. All other players take their places in circles and begin tossing the ball to each other. The driver's task is to catch this ball. If they succeed, they shout: “Change!” Players must change places. The drivers try to occupy the vacated circles. The one who is left without a circle becomes the driver next time. The winner is the one who has never been a driver during the entire game.

A few mandatory rules:

1. Players cannot leave the circles, and drivers cannot enter the circles.

2. The ball can be passed in various ways.

3. After the command: “Change!” no one should remain in their own circles.

Place of play: street

Items needed: ball

Mobility of the game: mobile

Siamese twins

Siamese Twins is a game for introverted kids who want to fix that.

Purpose of the game: to teach children flexibility in communicating with each other, to promote trust between them.

Participants are divided into pairs. Pairs of players stand sideways to each other and hug each other's shoulders with one arm. It turns out that the one on the right has only his right hand free, and the one on the left has only his left. Together they are a Siamese twin.

The presenter gives a task, and the “Siamese twin” needs to complete this task (for example, tie shoelaces, cut a circle out of paper, comb his hair).

Players age: from six years old

The game develops: communication skills, flexibility

Number of players: 4 or more.

Damaged fax

This children's game resembles a broken telephone, but unlike that game, it develops children's sense of touch rather than hearing.

The players sit next to each other and look at the back of each other's heads. The first and last player are given a pen and paper. The last player draws a simple figure on the sheet, and then the exact same one with his finger on the back of the neighbor in front.

Each subsequent player draws on the back of the person in front what he felt on his back.

The first player redraws on paper what he felt on his back.

After all, they compare the resulting pictures and have fun.

The last player moves to the beginning of the column and the game starts again.

Players age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, hand motor skills, memory

Mobility of the game: sedentary

Number of players: 4 or more

Things needed: paper, pencil

Copy of the monument

A copy of the monument is a game that develops attentiveness in children and adolescents and helps overcome shyness.

The game is suitable for children of primary and senior school age to play during the holidays.

Also suitable for adults, for parties.

Two players are selected from those present. One of them (the copyist) is taken out of the room

and blindfolded, the second (monument) at this time must take some interesting pose and freeze in it. A blindfolded copy player is introduced.

He must, without removing the bandage, determine by touch the pose of the monument and take exactly the same one. Once the copyist has assumed a pose, the blindfold is removed. Everyone compares the original monument and what the copyist produced.

The copyist becomes a monument, and someone from those present is chosen to take the place of the copyist

Notes The game has no losers or winners.

Players age: from six to fifteen years

The game develops: mindfulness, senses, emancipation

Mobility of the game: sedentary

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: indoors

Items needed: bandage

Hot and cold

With the help of this game, it is good to give a child a surprise/gift hidden in advance, because during the search process, the child’s interest in the gift increases (just as a delicious smell from the kitchen increases the appetite before dinner).

A surprise/gift is hidden in advance from the child. He must find it according to the presenter's prompts:

Completely frozen - means that the surprise is very far away and the child is looking in completely the wrong direction. Cold - means that the child is looking in the wrong place.

Winter has come again - it means that the child is going in the wrong direction, after the right direction.

Already warmer - means that the child has turned in the right direction

Warmer means that the child continues to walk/search in the right direction

Hot - the child is already close to a surprise

It's hot - the child is close to a surprise

There's a fire! - the child is a few centimeters away from his gift

The child is looking for a hidden surprise, according to the presenter’s tips described above.

The child enjoys the found gift. Obviously, the child's reward is the gift he finds.

Notes If there is not one child, but several of them, then all children are engaged in the search at once. For this occasion, the gift must be appropriate!

Players age: from six years old

The game develops: mindfulness, thinking

Mobility of the game: sedentary

Number of players: 2 or more

Snow duel

A snow duel is almost a real duel, but with snowballs. The game develops well the coordination of movements and the reaction of playing children.

The game follows the rules of a duel, but with some changes. Namely:

The duel takes place not with pistols, but with snowballs, you can dodge being hit and no one kills anyone. The most you can get is a black eye and a slight concussion.

Two players stand 10 meters apart. Each duelist draws a 1-meter circle around himself - within this circle he can dodge his opponent’s snowball.

After the conditional signal, the first duelist throws a snowball at the opponent. After this, the second duelist throws a snowball at the first.

If one duelist hits and the other misses, then the one who hit is considered to have won the duel.

If both miss or hit, the duel is replayed.

The duelist who is being “shot” can dodge the snowball within the circle outlined around him.

If there are still players, then a new player takes the place of the loser and everything starts all over again.

Notes To reduce the likelihood of injury, you should aim for the torso, not the head. Also, avoid making icy or very hard snowballs.

Players age: from six years old

The game develops: coordination, reaction

Mobility of the game: sedentary

Number of players: 2 or more

Place of play: street

Things needed: snow

Marine figures

For this game you need to choose one driver. The rest of the players are at some distance from him. The driver says: “The sea is worried - one, the Sea is worried - two, the Sea is worried - three, Sea figure, freeze in place!” After these words, all participants in the game must freeze in place, depicting some motionless sea figure, for example, a fish, crab, seahorse or other inhabitants of the seas and oceans. The driver approaches some player and insults him. The player must show how the figure he depicts moves. For example, a fish swims, a crab crawls, a frog jumps. The rest of the participants must guess who the player is portraying.

Next time, the driver can choose the participant in the game who depicted the most mysterious sea figure, that is, one that no one could guess. Or, on the contrary, you can choose as driver the one who depicted the simplest figure that everyone immediately recognized.

Players age: from six years old

Place of play: street, indoors

Mobility of the game: sedentary


Participants are divided into two equal teams. The players of each team line up in a chain, hold hands and disperse so that the distance between the chains is approximately 7 - 8 meters. The teams agree in advance who will start the game.

The team starting the game (the first), without releasing their hands, walks towards the opponents (the second team) and shouts: “Chains, chains are forged, Who are you not unchained by?”

After that, she returns to her place. The opponents, after consulting, name one of the players of the first team. This player runs up and runs into the second team’s chain with all his might, trying to break it.

If the chain can be broken, then the player who did this takes the one who is to his right into his team. In this case, the first team retains the right to break the chain.

If he fails to break the chain, he joins the enemy’s chain. The right to break the chain passes to the second team.

The game continues until only one player remains on one of the teams. Or the team that has more players after a certain time wins.

There is a game similar to this one - “Ali Baba”. Its essence is the same as in “Chains”, only the players shout different words. One of the teams starts the game with the words: “Ali Baba!” The second team answers in unison: “About what, servant?” The first team speaks again, calling the name of one of the players on the opposing team, for example: “Fifth, tenth, Sasha is here for us!”

Mobility of the game: mobile.


This is an ancient and beloved Russian game. It requires a large platform, a ball and a lapta (bat or board). Two lines are drawn on the site. Behind one of them there is a “house”, behind the other there is a “city”, and between them there is a “field”.

The players are divided into two teams. The teams disperse: one goes to the “field”, and the other goes beyond the “city” line. One player from the “city” team hits the ball with his rounder, runs to the “house” and runs back to his place.

Selected field players try to intercept the ball and throw it at the runner. If the “city” player understands that he will not have time to reach the “house” unsalted, he can stop and then run to the “city” together with the next player on his team. If the player managed to run to the “house” and return to the “city” unharmed, the team gets a point. If the ball is caught by a “field” player on the fly or if a “city” player is hit while running, the “city” team receives a penalty point.

The game takes place in two stages of 20 minutes each. At the end of each period, the teams switch places.

Then the points are counted and the winner is determined based on their number.

Players age: from ten years

Place of play: street, spacious room

Things needed: ball, rounders

Mobility of the game: mobile

Sea king

This game should be played on the shore, near the water. Choose one driver. He will be the "king of the sea."

The “Sea King” lives in the water, and the rest of the participants go swimming and tease him. He must catch up and make fun of one of the players. The “sea king” cannot go ashore.

If the “sea king” insults one of the players, then next time the driver, that is, the “sea king,” will be another player.

Players age: from ten years

Place of play: shore of a pond

Mobility of the game: mobile

Live target

You need a flat area and pre-prepared snowballs. In addition, there must be enough players to be divided into two teams. The essence of the game is to run across the area under the enemy's snowball fire and at the same time dodge the blows.

A large rectangle 20 meters long is drawn across the snow on the site. One team, which will run, stands at the starting line (in front of the transverse side of the rectangle), and the other, which will fire, stands along the site.

The first player of the “defectors” takes off and rushes along the court to its opposite border. At this time, the players of the second team must throw snowballs at him, trying to hit him. The running player can weave, weave, and dodge, but mostly moves in a straight line. If he reaches unharmed, his team gets a point. And if he gets hit with a snowball, he is out of the game.

As soon as the first player reaches, the second takes off, and so on. When the whole team has completed the distance, points are counted and the runners become attackers.

The team with the most points wins.

Players age: from ten years

Place of play: street

Things needed: snow

Mobility of the game: mobile

Cossack robbers

The participants of the game must be divided into two teams: the team of “robbers” and the team of “Cossacks”. The “Cossacks” find a place for the captured “robbers” - a “dungeon”, and meanwhile the “robbers” are hiding.

Then the “Cossacks” begin the search, and the “robber” must be caught up and touched. A “robber” who has been captured has no right to escape. All prisoners are in the “dungeon”, they are guarded by a “Cossack”. "Robbers" can free a comrade from the "dungeon", but to do this they must touch the "prisoner". And if he doesn’t manage to escape right away, the “Cossack” guard can catch him again. The “Cossack” can also catch the “robber” who has come to the rescue.

The game is considered over when all the “robbers” are in the “dungeon”. Then the game can be started over, and the participants can switch roles.

Players age: from ten years

Place of play: street

Items needed: crayons

Mobility of the game: mobile


A large circle is drawn on a flat area. Two players enter it and kneel in front of each other, each with a scarf or “tail” attached to the back of their belt. The players’ task is to approach the opponent from behind without getting up from their knees and snatch the handkerchief with their teeth. You can't help yourself with your hands.

Players age: from eight years old

Things needed: two scarves; something that can be used to draw or mark a circle

Place of play: any

Mobility of the game: sedentary


The participants of the game stand in a circle. The driver chosen by lot or with the help of a counting rhyme enters the circle. The players pass the ball to each other so that the driver does not get it. The player through whose fault the ball is caught becomes the next driver.

This game has some rules.

1. You cannot hold the ball in your hands for a long time.

2. You can pass the ball in different ways: throw it through the air, roll it on the ground, bounce it off the ground. You can agree in advance and choose only one way to pass the ball.

3. Players are allowed to make deceptive movements, false passes, throws, turns, etc.

4. Any player, including the driver, can intercept the ball flying out of the circle.

If desired, the game can be somewhat complicated. For example, agree that during the game everyone moves in a circle to the right or left, or everyone who missed the ball joins the driver and also tries to take possession of the ball.

It's boring to sit like this

There are chairs along the opposite walls of the hall. Children sit on chairs near one wall and read the poem:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,

Everyone looks at each other.

Isn't it time to go for a run?

And change places?

As soon as the poem is read, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to occupy the free chairs, which are one less than the participants in the game. The one who remains without a chair is eliminated. Then two chairs are removed. Everything is repeated until the winner takes the last remaining chair.

Bears and cones

Cones are scattered on the floor. Two players are asked to collect them with the paws of large toy bears. The one who collects the most wins.

Chair, come to me!

Parallel to the wall, 5 steps from it, draw a line on the floor. Having retreated a few steps further from the wall, they place two hoops, at a distance of several steps from one another.

Opposite the hoops, two identical chairs are placed close to the wall. A string of such length is tied to each chair that if it is pulled, the other end will be in the center of the hoop. A piece of fabric rolled into a rope is attached to the free end of the twine.

The participants of the game enter into the competition in pairs. Each of them stands in a hoop, is tightly belted with a tourniquet, like a sash, and moves his arms to the sides. After the signal, the player begins to turn in place without leaving the hoop. The twine wraps around the waist, the chair gradually approaches the line. At the moment when all four legs of the chair are beyond the line, the player runs out of the circle and sits on a chair. The first child to occupy his chair wins.

Collect the spikelets

To bake new bread,

magnificent and tall,

We need to save it in the field

every spikelet!

Blindfolded participants in the game must collect as many “spikelets” as possible within a certain time (one minute). Skittles are used as “spikelets” and are collected in a small plastic bucket.


One of the guys pretends to be a bear and lies down on the ground. The rest of the players walk around him, pretend to pick berries and mushrooms, and sing:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

But the bear doesn't sleep,

Everything is looking at us!

The basket overturned

The bear rushed after us!

At the end of the song, the “bear” jumps up and runs after the fleeing guys. Whoever he catches first becomes the new “bear”, and the game repeats.

Fishermen and fish

Two “fishermen” are selected, the rest are “fish”. They lead a round dance and sing:

Fish live in water

There is no beak, but they peck.

There are wings but they don't fly,

There are no legs, but they are walking.

They don't make nests

And the children are taken out.

The “fish” scatter, the “fishermen” join hands and catch the “fish”. The caught “fish” join the “fishermen”, causing the “net” to become longer, and catch the remaining “fish”.

Children choose a “grandfather”, then step aside and agree on what they will show, after which they approach the “grandfather”.

- Hello, grandfather!

- Hello, children! Where were you, what were you doing?

- We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did...

Children make movements depicting some kind of work, and the “grandfather” must guess what kind of work it is. If he guesses right, everyone runs away and he must catch someone. If he doesn’t guess, the children agree again and pretend to do another job.


Children stand in a circle. Two people go out into the middle - one with a bell or bell, the other with a blindfold. Everyone sings:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,

The daredevils called:


Guess where the ringing comes from!

After these words, the “blind man’s buff” catches the dodging player.

Cossack robbers

Children are divided into two teams: a team of “Cossacks” and a team of “robbers”. The “robbers” need to hide themselves in a specified territory within a certain time and hide the “treasure”: some kind of toy, object, candy. After this, the “Cossacks” scatter around the yard in search of all the “robbers” and the “treasure”.

To confuse and confuse the “Cossacks,” the “robbers” are allowed to draw arrows on fences, asphalt and walls.

After a successful search, the teams change places.

Grandma's suitcase

You can play together: for example, mother and daughter.

Mom says: “Grandma is coming to us and in her suitcase she will bring... (names an item, for example, “slippers”).

The daughter repeats what her mother said and adds one more thing to the suitcase. For example: “My grandmother is coming to us, and in her suitcase she will bring slippers and a dress.”

Mom repeats the same thing and adds one more thing to the suitcase. And so on.

This game develops a child's memory.

Treasure Hunt

You can play in a group or alone. One person hides something the child loves, such as a stuffed toy or candy. You need to post cards around the apartment with hints, such as “Look for me in the bedroom”, “You will find me near the sofa” and so on.

Pass the parcel

This game can be played at any holiday.

Before you play, you need to prepare a “parcel” - take a piece of candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper (you can use adhesive tape, but not too much, otherwise it will be difficult for children to unwrap).

The children sit in a circle, and the leader says: “We received a package, but I don’t know who it’s for. Let's find out! "

Children begin to pass the parcel to each other in a circle, unfolding one piece of paper at a time. Whoever unwraps it last gets the package. This game teaches children to share.

Simon says

They play in a group.

Leading. Simon says... (names any movement, for example, “jump”, “raise your arms up”, “sit on the floor”).

Children must perform the movement.

If the leader simply says: “Jump!”, then the children should notice that there are no words “Simon says,” and not perform the movement, but tell the leader: “Simon didn’t tell us!”


Leading. Simon says: “Turn around in one place!”

The kids are all spinning.

Leading. Run in circles!

Children. Simon didn't tell us!

The one who ran leaves the game or must freeze in place and miss a turn. You have to play quickly.

This game develops attention.


The players stand a few steps in front of some wall, with the leader opposite them. The players hold their palms in a “boat” in front of them, and the leader hides the ring in his palms, which are also cupped. Approaching each player, he pretends that he is placing the ring in his hands - he slowly passes his “boat” between the player’s hands.

The presenter goes around all the players, steps aside and says:

"Ring, ring,

Come out onto the porch!”

The one with the ring must run out to avoid being grabbed and touch the wall with his hand. If he can, then he becomes the leader, and the leader becomes a player.

School events and school holidays


61. Competition Crossing

Target: entertainment.

Age: 8-14 years.

Number of participants: 8-30 people.

Material support: absent.

Rules. Several pairs of players are called. The first player in each pair - the “shepherd” - needs to move the second player in the pair - the “cow” - across the bridge. The presenter tells each “cow” three secret words. The "shepherd" persuades the "cow" to go, and if he says one of the secret words, the "cow" goes a third of the way. The “shepherd” who is the first to move his “cow” across the bridge wins.

. For example, the secret words “dear”, “carry”, “hurray” are hidden. The “shepherd’s” persuasion can be as follows:

  • “Dear Burenochka, come with me. An expensive prize awaits us there” (“the cow” is coming).
  • "Hooray! She moved!” (“the cow” is coming).
  • “How much do I have to persuade you! Well, if you want, I’ll carry you in my arms!” (“the cow” reaches the finish line).

To ensure that the competition does not drag on unnecessarily, it is necessary to limit the duration of the competition. If by the end of the agreed time not a single “shepherd” has completed the task, the winner is declared the one whose “cow” has completed the longest.

62. Discus Throwers Competition

Target: entertainment.

Age: 8-14 years.

Number of participants: 3-20 people.

Material support: paper discs (one for each player) are cut out of tracing paper or napkin. Disc diameter - 15-20 cm.

Rules. Each player receives a paper disc. All participants stand on the same line and, at the command of the leader, throw their disc. The player whose disc flies farthest wins.

63. Raffle “Tackers”

Target: entertainment.

Age: 12-17 years.

Number of participants: 3-25 people.

Material support: 3-5 glass or plastic bottles.

Rules. Several bottles are placed on the floor. One of the players is asked to walk between the bottles blindfolded. While the “victim” is blindfolded and pointed in the right direction, the bottles are removed. Amid laughter and advice from the audience, the “victim” weaves along the flat floor.

64. Game (competition) Crocodile 1

Target: entertainment.

Age: 8-17 years.

Number of participants: 2-30 people.

Material support: absent.

Rules. The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses a concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words or sounds. The second team tries, after three attempts, to guess which concept is being shown. Then the teams change roles. The game is played for fun, but you can score points for guessing the words.

Examples and additional material. You can make a wish:

  • individual words;
  • phrases from famous songs and poems;
  • proverbs and sayings;
  • popular expressions;
  • fairy tales;
  • famous (real or fictional) people.

65. Tra-ta-ta prank

Target: entertainment.

Age: 12-17 years.

Number of participants: 5-30 people.

Material support: absent.

Rules. Two players are asked to perform a collective pantomime. They can only pronounce the sounds “tra-ta-ta.” The players think that they are portraying one scene, but in fact, each of them is being told their own story.

Examples and additional material. One of the best examples of this game: the first player is asked to pretend to be a man asking a woman to dance. The second player is told that his partner is the driver of the car, because of which he was hospitalized and now cannot walk.

More examples:

  • The first player is a monkey who has escaped from the cage and does not want to come back (his partner is the trainer). The second player is a polite host, inviting the guest into the house (his partner is the guest).
  • The first player (sitting on a chair) is shipwrecked and saved on the wreck of a ship (his partner is the waves that can wash him into the ocean). The second player is a rescuer trying to remove a cat from a tree (chair) (his partner is the cat).
  • The first player is a parent who is trying to feed a naughty child porridge (his partner is the child). The second player is a dentist's visitor who is afraid to open his mouth (his partner is a dentist).

66. Competition Test with a box

Target: Agility training.

Age: 8-17 years.

Number of participants: 1-30 people.

Material support: matchboxes (for each participant).

Rules. The test taker should bend his arm at the elbow and raise his elbow slightly. A matchbox is placed on the elbow, his task is to catch the box with the same hand.

67. Game I see a bear

Target: entertainment.

Age: 8-14 years.

Number of participants: 5-25 people.

Material support: absent.

Rules. All participants stand in a line sideways to each other as closely as possible. The leader (the first in the line) says: “I see Mishka” and points his hand forward. All players must repeat the actions of the leader. Then the presenter again says: “I see Mishka,” squats down and points his hand forward. Players also squat. For the third time, the presenter shouts: “I see Mishka,” points his hand towards his neighbor and pushes him. As a result, the players fall to the ground one after another, and it turns out to be a fun dump.

68. Game Alyonushka, Ivanushka

Target: entertainment.

Age: 8-12 years.

Number of participants: 10-30 people.

Material support: two blindfolds.

Rules. From the participants in the game, “Ivanushka” and “Alyonushka” are selected or appointed. The remaining players stand in a circle. “Ivanushka” and “Alyonushka” run blindfolded in the center of the circle. The goal of “Ivanushka” is to catch “Alyonushka”. Some of the participants who make up the circle (for example, all the girls) help “Alyonushka” with advice, the other part (boys) help “Ivanushka”. If “Ivanushka” catches “Alyonushka”, they change roles. Then new “Ivanushka” and “Alyonushka” are selected.

69. Game Where-where

Target: development of reaction speed.

Age: 8-14 years.

Number of participants: 10-25 people.

Material support: absent.

Rules. Each player receives his own number. Numbers must not be repeated. All players stand in a circle in random order. The driver is in the center of the circle. He names any two player numbers. The players whose numbers were named by the driver must change places. Target the driver - have time to take the place of one of the players. If he succeeds, the player remaining in the circle becomes the driver.

70. Game Santa-candy wrappers

Target: entertainment.

Age: 8-14 years.

Number of participants: 10-25 people.

Material support: absent.

Rules. The driver leaves the room for a while. A “santik” is selected from among the other players, and all participants stand in a circle. When the driver returns, the “santik” begins to show various movements, and the rest of the players repeat after him. Target The driver is to guess which of the players is the “santik”. If he manages to do this after two attempts, the “santik” becomes the driver; if not, the driver leaves the room again, and the players choose another “santik”.

Beast unknown to science

This game will unite children by creating a common work of art. Although, of course, this is said loudly in relation to the picture that is obtained by the end of the game.

Take several sheets of paper in advance and fold each one several times, like an accordion, then unfold it again. Give a piece of paper with fold marks visible to all children sitting in a circle. Have each player start drawing the head of an animal at the top. This must be done in such a way that others do not see or know what the child is planning to depict. Having drawn the head on the upper part, you need to draw a line for the neck, going slightly beyond the fold line, fold the piece of paper and pass the drawing to the neighbor on the right. He, seeing only two lines indicating the end of the neck, continues to draw the body of the animal (which one he chooses himself), having reached the next fold line, he draws a contour line behind it, bends the piece of paper and passes it on again. So, depending on the number of fold lines you make, the design goes through the hands of three or four artists. The latter finishes drawing the feet (paws, claws, etc.). After this, the drawings are handed over to the leading adult, who unfolds them and shows the guests what they have created. Usually the result is a strange animal unknown to science.

Note. With such drawings you can decorate the room where the celebration is taking place.

Gift tree

Ask the guys if they know where the gifts come from. Where did they get the gifts for the birthday boy (if you are celebrating your child's birthday)? Of course, you will hear plausible explanations from kids and humorous ones from older children. And then you can tell them your version: they say, you don’t know where, but your souvenirs for guests grow on a tree. Don't believe me? Come on, let's show you!

Now feel free to lead the guys into the room where you hung various surprises on strings on a spreading branch attached to the closet. These can be ballpoint pens, small notebooks, chocolates, stickers, decorations - in a word, any pleasant little thing that the branch you have chosen will support the weight of.

Explain to the children that wood can only be used in a special way, so that the gift is always a surprise, a surprise. Therefore, now all the children will be blindfolded in turn, spun in place, and then given scissors, with which they will go to the generous plant and cut themselves some kind of gift

Note. With older kids, you can add some excitement to this game by hanging inflated balloons on the branches. Then, from time to time, players will accidentally burst the balls with scissors (this usually causes fear and joy at the same time).

Ha ha ha

This game is notable for the fact that it has simple rules and lifts the spirits of all those who play it, those who have already lost, and those who are simply watching it all.

Have the children sit in a circle. One of them will say the word “Ha!” with the most serious look. The player sitting to his right must say this twice already (“Ha-ha”), the person next to him on the right - three times (“Ha-ha-ha”) and so on, each time adding one extra “ha” " Anyone who cannot bear a serious face and laughs or smiles openly leaves the game. He moves outside the circle and gets the opportunity to make faces and grimace, amusing the players and thereby complicating their task. If there are winners in this game - those who were able to pronounce “ha” the longest without a shadow of a smile, and without making a mistake among them, deserve a reward - prepare some funny souvenirs for such an occasion.

Note. This game, although it seems very childish, is precisely why it can be enjoyed by teenagers. It will be funny for them that they, who are already adults and serious, say “ha” with the most ridiculous look, although for some time they can stay on a serious note, demonstrating their lack of involvement in all this tomfoolery.


Of course, it's not good to lie. But for general joy and also for the development of attention, it’s possible.

Children need to sit in a circle. One child will start the game: he will point to any part of his body and call it another part. For example, he will show his elbow and say, “This is my right ear.” The next player must show what is named, that is, the right ear, but say something else, for example, that this is the forehead. Then the next player will show his forehead, etc. Those who were caught (that is, believed the deceiver and showed not what he said, but what he demonstrated), leave the game. Thus, the most attentive players remain, who can then be awarded a comic prize, for example, a boy - a medal with the inscription “Best Cheater of the Year”, and a girl - powder (with the hint that she was great at “fooling the brains” of those around her, without getting caught herself). to their tricks!).

Note. To prevent children who drop out of the game from being offended or acting naughty, you can leave them in the game, but hand them some objects that symbolize their gullibility, such as floats (indicating that they have fallen into the hook of a deceiver). The one who does not receive a single such badge - the winner - in this case can be given a symbolic fishing rod (made from a strong branch with a fishing line and hook tied to it). By the way, if you see that there may be two winners, stop the game before one of them gets caught. Then children will be able to use two gift fishing rods in the game “Sweet Catch”, and the course of the holiday will be more logical and organized.

Massive games for children indoors

As already mentioned, you shouldn’t get carried away with competitions during the holiday, but if these are team competitions, the essence of which is not winning, but having fun participating, then it’s a different matter! Below you will find a description of such team games and entertainment for two groups of children.

Sometimes dividing children into two teams turns out to be a difficult task, as adults encounter whims (“I want to be with Sasha”) or tactless remarks (“I don’t want to be with this Petka”). To initially avoid such strife, use the following game method of dividing children into groups.

Picture made from pieces

Depending on the situation and age of the children, you can start the game right away or after telling them the legend.

“A long time ago, in the same kingdom, there lived friendly people who got along well with each other. Together they created wonderful things: paintings, stories, household utensils. Everything worked out for them, because they understood each other from half a word and half a glance and took care of each other. But one day an evil wizard was jealous of their harmony and, when people were painting a picture, he cast a spell, causing their creation to shatter into pieces and, along with these pieces, people scattered around the world. Those who once lived in perfect harmony now do not recognize each other and live separately. But if you put the picture together again, then maybe a miracle will happen, and everyone who contributed their piece to it will be able to find care and understanding from the other creators of the picture - they will become one friendly team.”

Invite the children to check if this is really true? Have each of them come up to you and take one piece of the card, white side up (prepare two cards in advance and cut them so that the total number of pieces is equal to the number of invitees, including your own children). When each guest has a piece of the postcard in their hands, announce the conditions of the game: now you will say a magic phrase (for example: “Look for yours!”) and the children will begin to move around the room, showing each other the pieces. If they realize that they have parts of one postcard, then they unite and together look for the remaining parts.

Note. Thus, by the end of the game you will naturally form two teams, each of which collected the entire picture and showed the results to the rest of those present. Take advantage of the spirit of unity that arose during this task and announce to the teams that the tests of the strength of the spell will continue in the following relay races, where they will be one team.

Firefighter School

During this game, children will learn which team members are faster and more collected (literally and figuratively). Invite them to participate in the speed-of-dressing training that takes place during firefighter training (after all, a good firefighter should be able to get dressed in a short period while a match is burning!). Of course, such a workout at a children's party would be a joke.

Place a set of clothes in front of each team, for example a hat, jacket, trousers, boots. The first players of the two teams must approach these piles of things and, having figured out what’s what, put it all on themselves as quickly as possible. When dressing is finished, the player must spread his arms to the sides, and his team should support him with the exclamation “Beauty!” After this, he must quickly undress, and the next player on the team must repeat all these actions. The winner will be the team whose members are able to “dress up” and take off their “working clothes” faster, that is, finish the training first.

Note. To keep the emphasis of this game on fun rather than competition, prepare the most ridiculous clothes you can find. A moth-eaten earflap hat, a pink children's Panama hat, grandma's old jacket, and dad's hunting boots in combination with wide beach shorts will do (the main thing is that all this should be large for the convenience of the players). When festively dressed children pull all this on themselves, it will be impossible not to laugh. Don’t waste time and film the “mummers” on a video camera or camera - such pictures will capture the height of the fun and the memories of the holiday will acquire their own unique flavor.

North Pole

This game is similar to the previous one, but requires quick reaction and organization not of each individual, but of all players at once, that is, success in it is influenced by team cohesion.

Find out who in each team is the most curious and not afraid of any challenge. Once two daredevils have been selected, explain to the teams what they will be doing. And they will be busy preparing their curious comrade for the North Pole. As you know, this place is not hot, and they only have five minutes to get ready. Therefore, the task of each team during this time is to have time to put on as many items of clothing as possible on the would-be explorer. Where can I get it? For such a case, you will have to “give away your last shirt,” that is, take off some items of clothing from yourself.

The team that can dress their hero “warmer” will win (and it doesn’t matter if they decided to prepare him for the cold test by wearing an extra tie).

Note. It is better to play one such game so that the children do not have time to get used to it. However, if the previous game caused a lot of emotions in the children and they demand a continuation (“Let’s play this game again!”), then after several more games you can still send the teams to the North Pole again.

Hands up!

This team game can be played right at the table. Have members of one team sit on one side of the table and members of the other team sit on the opposite side. Give the end player of one of the teams a coin. He must pass it under the table to the next player on his team and so on down the chain. At this time, the commander of the other team (children can take turns playing this role) counts to ten. He can do this loudly or in a whisper, evenly or either speeding up or slowing down the count. As soon as he says “ten”, he can command: “Hands up!” Then all players, including the one who has the coin, must raise their clenched fists up. Then the commander gives the command “Hands down!”, and the players place their hands on the table, opening their palms. Naturally, the temporary owner of the coin tries to do this in such a way as to cover it with his palm. All this time, players of the opposing team carefully watch their opponents' hands, trying to guess who has the coin. After completing two commands, they confer and name the player who, in their opinion, keeps the coin. If their guesses are correct, then the coin goes into their piggy bank as a reward for their attention. If they make a mistake, the coin remains on the same team as a reward for sleight of hand.

Note. If there are not so many guests, then you can play another version of this game, when everyone present passes the coin, except for the driver - the commander. He alone is trying to determine the owner of the coin. By the way, this game serves both to entertain children and to develop attention and the ability to subordinate one’s behavior to rules.

Freight train

While the previous game required sleight of hand, players will now need sleight of foot!

Let the members of one team sit in a row on the sofa or on chairs, the second team will also sit opposite. On the side of each team, make a pile of the same number of items (it’s best to take small or medium-sized soft toys).

At the command “Start!” the guys on the same team must start passing toys to each other until they reach the last player - the “last carriage”, who will begin to put them next to him. Does the task seem simple? But there is one “but” here. You can only use your feet. If something slips out when passing from foot to foot, then it should be picked up
So that the bridge does not collapse down,
Let's take brick and mortar for construction,
My fair miss.


Playing with tied feet brings not only joy to children, but also a sense of cohesion. Therefore, you can safely offer them, for example, such a task.

Divide the guys into two teams and give each a rope about fifty centimeters long. With them, members of one team must tie their legs (at the ankles) with a comrade standing next to them. This way, you won’t end up with a bunch of scattered kids, but two centipedes (which is much easier to manage!).

Now have both centipedes stand at the starting line. Now they will compete in the dexterity of their legs! You can start with a simple task: have them try to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

Then the task can be complicated.

For example, in the middle of their path, place a small obstacle that the children must take turns carefully overcoming, remembering their “neighbor.” Or you can change the trajectory of movement by placing limiters that you have to go around. If the children want to show aerobatics, you can even require them to pass the toy from the first to the last team member as they move.

Note. It is better not to get carried away with complicating the rules when playing this game with young children (up to six years old), since their motor regulation, as well as the ability for joint organized activity, is still far from perfect and they will fall more than they will move forward.

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