What happens if you drink a lot of cola? Your lethal dose: how much cola do you need to drink to throw off your skates?

Drinking Coca-Cola is harmful - this has been known for a long time. But is there a safe dose of sweet soda that will not harm the body, and what will happen if this dose is exceeded? What is the danger of drinking Coca-Cola in excessive quantities for children and adults?

  1. You unconsciously change your food choices

When parents said that milk is a health product, they were absolutely right, since milk is a source of protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin A. As for sweet soda, a large number of studies have proven that drinking Coca-Cola in large quantities are associated with disruption of healthy food and drink choices. That is, if you drink cola regularly (every or almost every day), most likely, there is a lack of vitamins, minerals and fiber in the body.

Conclusion: Replacing milk with sugary soda and consuming small amounts of calcium resulted in an impact on the bone health of our generation. Therefore, try to drink Coca-Cola as little as possible.

  1. Dental caries and enamel erosion will become commonplace for you

Regular consumption of soda is also associated with enamel erosion and dental caries due to the high sugar content and high acidity of drinks such as Coca-Cola. WHO conducted studies that revealed a close connection between the consumption of sweet soda and erosion of tooth enamel and caries. The reason: the low pH balance of such drinks and the high sugar content, which is absorbed by microorganisms living in the oral cavity.

  1. Your bones will become more fragile

Drinking Coca-Cola and other sugary carbonated drinks is also associated with decreased bone density and increased fractures in both children and adults. Coca-Cola and other similar drinks, due to their high caffeine content, reduce bone mineral density because caffeine promotes the excretion of calcium through urine, which is a potential cause of osteoporosis.

  1. Your chances of developing chronic diseases will increase

According to the Framingham Heart Study, drinking more than 1 ounce of soda per day increases your risk of:

  • obesity;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • increased pressure;
  • increased levels of lipoprotein cholesterol;
  • heart attack as a result of blood clot formation;
  • hypertriglyceridymia;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  1. Side effects due to consuming large amounts of caffeine

Drinks such as Coca-Cola contain 40-50 mg of caffeine per 375 ml can, which is equivalent to one cup of strong coffee. This is why such amounts of caffeine are contraindicated for children with fragile bones, and several studies have confirmed a link between Coca-Cola and kidney stones (Rodgers 1999; Massey and Sutton 2004).

Caffeine intolerance is also a side effect of consuming excessive amounts of caffeine, along with sleep disturbances, enuresis and anxiety, as well as headaches, fatigue or irritability (Juliano and Griffiths 2004).

  1. Benzene in Coca-Cola increases the risk of cancer

The presence of benzoic acid in soda is not properly regulated, which is a concern. Benzoic acid is so dangerous because it acts as a catalyst when it comes into contact with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and metal ions (such as iron and copper), resulting in the formation of benzene, a well-known carcinogen. A chemical reaction usually occurs under the influence of light or heat. Therefore, if you drink more than 1 can of Coca-Cola per week, you, of course, will not necessarily get cancer, but the risk of such a disease will increase.

What conclusions can be drawn from the above? Fans of Coca-Cola and similar drinks, be careful and try to drink Coca-Cola as little as possible to avoid health problems.

A similar drink no longer exists in the world, because “Things are better with Coca-Cola!” If you agree with this slogan, then most likely you are a real fan of this legendary drink!

In fact, if Coca-Cola produced in all countries of the world is poured into 225 ml bottles and made in length, they will cover the distance to the moon and back 2,000 times. If you love Coca-Cola so much that you would go to the moon for it, then we have some bad news for you!

All the latest scientific research shows that daily consumption of carbonated drinks causes an irreparable blow to your health. And the worst thing is that you will pay attention to this only when everything is already completely bad.

The news portal “site” in this article has prepared for you 10 reasons why you don’t need to drink Coca-Cola every day. For example, such as heart problems and cancer risk. You don't want this to happen to you, do you?


Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid, which is added to the drink to give it a characteristic taste and also to protect against bacteria and fungi. But what is phosphoric acid? As you might have guessed, it is made from phosphorus. For example, phosphorus helps to recover better after heavy physical activity and even participate in the formation of DNA. However, everything should be in moderation! Like caffeine, phosphoric acid is a diuretic, which means it washes away beneficial substances and vitamins from the human body within 60 minutes after its consumption. And if you drink Coca-Cola every day, then you get real vitamin deficiency!

Bone fractures

Excessive levels of phosphoric acid in the body can also lead to bone fractures. The recommended dose of phosphorus per day is 700 mg. You usually get it from foods that are rich in proteins - meat, fish, eggs, etc. And it’s better to eat them rather than drink Coca-Cola!

If you drink Coca-Cola daily, it upsets the balance of phosphorus and calcium. In simple words, your body receives more phosphorus and less calcium, and this, you see, is not very good! The result is osteoporosis, thinning of bone tissue, and therefore bone fractures.

Erosion of tooth enamel

The high acidity and sugar content of Coca-Cola leads to erosion of tooth enamel and caries. Laboratory tests also prove this. Low PH of Coca-Cola, and even low calcium levels due to vitamin deficiency, and you will get complete destruction of dental tissue inside and out. And it won't take much time. So, if you don't want your snow-white teeth to become the color of Coca-Cola, you should reconsider your diet.


You may ask what is the relationship between drinking Coca-Cola and anxiety? After all, it is she who helps us relax by drinking it in good company.

Anxiety is a consequence of taking caffeine! Each can of Coca-Cola contains the same amount of caffeine as a cup of strong coffee. Caffeine begins to affect your body immediately and reaches its peak after 30-60 minutes. It has also been proven that caffeine is addictive, so when the dose is reduced, headaches, irritability, fatigue and even depression may appear. It also disrupts sleep and the biological clock.


Do you know how many calories a half liter bottle of Coca-Cola contains? It contains 240 kilocalories, which is equal to 17 teaspoons of sugar! Liquid sugar is very dangerous because it does not send signals to your brain that you are full. And when you also eat it with cola, you get a whole bunch of unnecessary calories.

If you proudly drink Diet Coke because you care about your health, then we want to upset you, there is nothing good in it either. The more you drink it, the sooner you will gain weight. And when we talk about being overweight, we mean not only how you look, but also how you feel. Excess weight in itself is not so dangerous, but it impairs the functioning of the immune and circulatory systems, and also puts pressure on joints and bones, which are already weakened by a lack of calcium.

Skin problems

Coca-Cola is as damaging to your skin as smoking. You may ask, how can this be? It's all about the sugar! Drinking soda has an inflammatory effect on your body due to its high sugar content. It dehydrates the skin, causing wrinkles to become more noticeable. It also accelerates skin aging, making it saggy and dull. Sugar worsens eczema and the skin becomes dry and inflamed.

Problems with the heart and blood vessels

High levels of bad cholesterol increase your risk of heart attack. Even if you drink just one can of Coca-Cola a day, you may already be suffering from high blood pressure. And the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 20%. It has long been known that excessive sugar consumption leads to heart problems. Women who drink Coca-Cola every day are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Are you sure you need this?!

Risk of cancer

This point is probably the most terrible, because cancer has taken the lives of so many people. We do not want to say that if you drink Coca-Cola every day, you will certainly get cancer. However, because Coca-Cola and plastic bottles contain benzene molecules, doctors do not recommend drinking more than one can of Coca-Cola per week.

Soda contains sodium bicarbonate and vitamin C. Benzene acid acts as a catalyst and, in combination with vitamin C, forms a carcinogen, which is responsible for the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

Insulin resistance

You've all heard about insulin. This is a hormone that is responsible for the delivery of glucose from the circulatory system to cells. But soda changes the life of our cells; they stop responding to the effects of insulin. When this happens, insulin levels rise because the pancreas produces more of it than needed to remove sugar from the blood. This is what is called insulin resistance.

What does this threaten you with? Metabolic syndrome, which ultimately leads to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Kidney failure

If you think that Diet Coke is less harmful than regular Coke, then we are in a hurry to upset you. Diet Coke may not contain sugar, but it is full of artificial substitutes that cause a painful blow to your kidneys. Especially if you drink it every day. In women with this addiction, kidney function deteriorates by 30%.

Harm of Coca Cola video:

In 40 minutes

Within 40 minutes, the caffeine contained in cola will be completely absorbed. This will cause the pupils to dilate and blood pressure to increase. At the same time, glycogen reserves (a form of glucose storage) in the liver are mobilized, turning into glucose, which is released into the blood. This leads to the production of a new portion of insulin. After a while, it drops sharply, which can lead to dizziness and a feeling of hunger. It also blocks adenosine receptors, which prevents drowsiness.

In 45 minutes

About 45 minutes after drinking Coca-Cola, the body begins to produce the hormone dopamine, which stimulates the reward centers in the brain. The same principle applies to drugs (for example, heroin).

In 60 minutes

60 minutes after drinking Coca-Cola, several effects from the components contained in the drink appear at once.

Phosphoric acid begins to bind with calcium, magnesium and zinc in the lower intestine, which leads to increased metabolism. In turn, bound minerals are washed out of the body, and large doses of sugar and artificial ones only increase the excretion of macro- and microelements in the urine. As you know, caffeine has a diuretic effect, the peak of which occurs 60 minutes after consuming the drink. Therefore, an hour after a can of cola, forced diuresis may occur.

And finally, after such a commotion in the body, you will feel tired, irritated and inhibited. And all because of the lack of sugar caused by the high production of insulin in the pancreas. In addition, your body will lose water (due to the diuretic effect of caffeine), and with it many beneficial minerals. An hour after drinking Coca-Cola, you will probably want to drink another glass of this drink.

On TV they often talk about the dangers of alcohol, Coca-Cola and burgers. TV heralds claim that we are slowly but surely killing ourselves when we eat something unhealthy or unspiritual. Now society has a clear view of a lot of popular products – they are harmful. However, how dangerous are they? Are there any studies on this? We have studied this issue in detail and collected data for you that relates to the most common things you eat. We think it will be useful for you to learn something new about them.


The problem with chocolate is not its sweetness, but rather its bitterness. This is why he is dangerous for you. But don't be scared! The substance that makes chocolate bitter is called theobromine. This, by the way, is an alkaloid, like cocaine and morphine. Cocoa beans typically contain 1.2% theobromine. In small quantities, it only helps a person, for example, it stimulates the heart and dilates blood vessels. However, if you overdo it, you will experience nausea, convulsions, internal bleeding, a heart attack and, as a result, death. But how much theobramine does it take to cause such horror? Ross Pomeroy, editor of the popular science publication RealClearScince, calculated the lethal dose. According to Pomeroy, in order for a person to die from chocolates, he needs to bring the amount of theobramine to one gram per kilogram of body weight. Essentially, it's thousands and thousands of bars. For example, a 10-year-old child needs to eat about 1.9 thousand chocolates weighing about 70 grams. If a kid likes dark chocolate, then he can get by with six hundred chocolate bars.


No, in fact, Coca-Cola does not corrode your internal organs, it is not made from cockroaches or bugs. But it has lots and lots of sugar. And it is sugar that is the most disgusting component of any soda. But if it did not exist, then who would drink this drink of the gods? In general, the situation is as follows. The lethal dose of sugar, according to the latest data, is 29.7 grams per kilogram of human body weight. One liter of cola contains about one hundred grams of sugar. Thus, if you weigh 80 kilograms, then you need to drink 23.2 liters to commit cola suicide.


But don’t flatter yourself, you’re unlikely to be able to drink that much cola, because the water will finish you off much sooner. The fact is that water is generally a bastard, a dangerous substance. Everyone recommends drinking 2 liters of clean water a day at a minimum. And maybe that's right. However, if you drink 3 times more, you will most likely get poisoned. Yes, you'll get poisoned by the damn water. Technically, it looks like this: the kidneys do not have time to remove fluid from the body, the salt concentration drops, water begins to fill the intracellular environment, then - swelling of the brain, lungs, other organs and, yes, my friend, death. If you don't believe me, google the young lady Jennifer Strange. She wanted to win a console for her children in the "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" competition, where you had to drink 7.5 liters of water. In general, it’s a complete bummer for children - no console, no mother.


A very useful product, isn't it? All vegetarians smear themselves with it, and Popeye the sailor absolutely adores it. But don’t forget that spinach contains oxalic acid, which, in our opinion, is a very controversial thing. High doses of oxalic acid in your body guarantee you kidney and bladder stones due to poor calcium processing. And there is still a lethal dose of oxalic acid. If you transfer it to spinach, it weighs 2.3 kilograms. An overdose of spinach is an unenviable end.

Tuna rolls

Sea reptiles are full of mercury, have you heard of that? If not, then read the FDA report on this unpleasant fact. Unfortunately, this is all due to human activity. Traces of mercury were found in every fish tested, even in fish from isolated rural waterways. Even worse, 25% of the tested fish contained mercury above the safe level, which is very bad for us, who like to fry fish in the evening or order rolls. However, you will have to eat about 130,000 thousand rolls to experience all the charm of mercury. So you can continue to consume fish in excessive quantities.

Polar bear liver

If you are reading us somewhere at the North Pole and are already frying the liver of a polar bear, then come to your senses, you fool! Throw away this crap - it will destroy you!

“I can say from my experience that polar bear liver is harmful. Everyone's headache is so bad that you'd think we'd gone crazy or worse. In addition, I have severe aches all over my body, and many people have an upset stomach.”
– from the diary of navigator V. Albanov, 1926 –

It’s strange, but it’s about retinol, or, as health food lovers say, vitamin A. One gram of bear liver contains up to 20 thousand IU of retinol. If you eat a portion of 200-300 grams of bear liver, you will get a monstrous portion of this vitamin. Let's tell you more tasty details: in the first three hours there is a headache, nausea, pain in the stomach and intestines, the temperature rises to 40 degrees; after 36-72 hours the skin begins to peel off profusely and come off in layers. In most cases, the disease goes away on the third day, but it is, without a doubt, possible to die from such poisoning.


You say apples are healthy? Yes, that's true. But not the seeds contained in these delicious fruits. When digested, the seeds release hydrogen cyanide and hydrocyanic acid, which is very unpleasant for humans. There are dry and boring facts: an apple contains 700 mg of hydrogen cyanide per kilogram of dry weight, and if a person has 1.5 mg of cyanide per kilogram of body weight, then that person will most likely be dead. Where can I get so much cyanide? You peel about 30 apples, pour the seeds into a separate glass and eat it all at once. And yet it is extremely difficult to die from apples; for this you need to have a special talent.


Everything is simple here: the sausages sold in our stores contain a lot of salt. For example, 100 grams of sausage contains about 2 grams of salt. The daily human need, meanwhile, is about 1.5-4 grams. How much salt do you have to eat to see the pasta monster? The data varies, but the most common answer is 250 grams. Death is not easy: numerous edema, dehydration, tissue necrosis and brain death. In general, this cannot be called tricky mathematics, but you need to eat 22 kilograms of sausage to get your lethal dose. However, Malysheva thinks differently and puts the figure at 3 kilograms.


We love coffee, but it doesn’t love us very much, especially if we drink 10-15 liters at once. This is exactly how much, according to some scientists, an adult man must drink to reach the gates of heaven. Tachycardia, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, circulatory problems – many different joys await you on your coffee journey. At some point, ventricular fibrillation occurs, and then death. The British Coffee Association believes that death occurs after 200 cups of instant coffee per day (about 90 mg of coffee per liter). But, of course, a lot depends on your body weight and sensitivity to caffeine.

It has already been proven that consuming Coca-Cola and other sweet sodas every day is very harmful to our health. We have compiled a list of the most very true facts that should make you stop abusing Coke on a daily basis.


1. Vitamin deficiency.

Phosphoric acid and caffeine are what is contained in Cola. Together they are an excellent diuretic and flush vitamins from the body an hour after taking the drink. If you drink Cola every day, you can easily develop vitamin deficiency. Have you ever noticed how quickly after a bottle of cola you want to go to the toilet?

2. Dental problems.

High acidity and the abundance of sugar contained in Cola have a bad effect on tooth enamel. They just destroy it. And if you take a factor such as a lack of vitamins, then in the end your teeth can simply rot in a short time.

3. Anxiety.

Insomnia and anxiety are side effects of caffeine consumption. What does Cola have to do with it, you say? The fact is that Cola contains as much caffeine as a cup of strong espresso. At the same time, scientists have already proven that caffeine is addictive and if you decide to reduce your dose, you will most likely get a headache, lethargy, irritability and depression.

4. Obesity.
5. Skin problems.

If you drink Cola every day, it is equivalent to smoking. Sweet soda has an inflammatory effect due to its high level of sugars. Your skin will be dehydrated and you will soon develop wrinkles. All this will accelerate aging and make the skin sagging.

6. Problems with the heart and blood.

High levels of bad cholesterol adversely affect our heart and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. If you drink a bottle of Cola every day, then after some time you can become hypertensive. And for women there is also a danger of developing type 2 diabetes.



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