How does anorexia differ from bulimia? Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

Many girls dream of having the same parameters as the representatives modeling business. To achieve their goals, they begin to limit their food consumption. When a thin beauty ceases to control the process and further restrains her appetite, exhaustion sets in - anorexia nervosa. This pathology is more of a psychological problem, although there are other sources of its occurrence. You will learn more detailed information about this by reading the article.

Most often the disease occurs in girls adolescence. Although less common, this disease also occurs in young men, men, and women. This happens due to obsessive thoughts that a person has an unattractive appearance due to excessive accumulation of fat. A careless word from a friend or someone else you know can have negative reaction on the psyche. Thanks to this, patients begin to strictly control their food intake. After lunch they can simply get rid of it by gastric lavage, vomiting or laxatives, enemas.

Teenagers with such abuse of the body lose weight. Within a year or two, young people change dramatically in appearance. They have no subcutaneous fat left, and dystrophic growths of skin and muscles appear. Even after such transformations, the patient thinks that he is fat.

With anorexia, there is a decrease in body temperature balance, hypotension, and the patient freezes even on a hot day. The man is in depressed state, moves little, loses interest in life.

Anorexia nervosa - signs

Pathology can not only harm your health, but also become a threat to life. However, patients rarely consider themselves sick. They deceive others, saying that they eat normally. However, at the same time they lose weight. Therefore, if relatives notice the first signs of this disease, then treatment should be started immediately.

Anorexia nervosa syndrome is characterized by:

  • increased weakness, fatigue, apathy
  • the condition of nails, hair, teeth deteriorates sharply
  • the patient is constantly freezing, blood pressure drops
  • Over time, girls' periods disappear
  • diseases of the food tract develop
  • muscle mass loses its function
  • fat layer disappears
  • the skin loses elasticity, bedsores appear

Anorexia nervosa - causes

It's hard to name common reasons such disorders, because this happens differently for each patient. The primary sources include a combination of psycho-emotional, biological, and social factors.

Those who suffer from the disease are primarily perfectionists. That is, positive characters who have reputations good sons, daughters. They always try to be perfect, and if something doesn’t work out for them, then they collapse. Such people consider themselves complete nonentities and lose faith in their own strength.

Play a major role in the development of anorexia social reasons . What matters is who a person communicates with and is friends with. Family also has a huge component in this process. After all, an ill-considered word dropped by chance can sometimes turn the whole life of a receptive child upside down.

If you constantly discuss a teenager, saying that it would not hurt to lose weight, then this can become a direct primary source of the manifestation of a nervous disorder.

This disease also occurs in patients with mental disorders- schizophrenia. Sometimes diseases of the food tract They initially cause a lack of appetite in the patient, and then the development of anorexia.

Important: to provoke nervous disease may hereditary inclinations. Thanks to genes, characteristics are transmitted neural system to a person. An elevated level of cortisol makes the patient often susceptible to stress, even because of all sorts of little things, appetite may disappear.

Stages of anorexia nervosa

If a patient has anorexia, he will not go to the doctor himself. It rarely happens that patients have a desire to get rid of pathology. In this case, it is important that others take care of the person. Measures were taken until he reached the third, practically incurable stage of the disease. As a rule, there are several of them:

  1. Dysmorphomanic- this is when the patient experiences obsessive ideas about his inferiority. He feels like he's too fat. There are various ideas about losing weight through diets, physical exercise. As a result, the mood worsens, complaints arise that he is being ridiculed, so there is no desire to appear in public. A person tries by any means to fulfill his plans. Trying rational systems nutrition and, as a result, begins to deny himself normal food intake.
  2. Anorectic. Not reaching positive result, patients mercilessly begin to starve themselves. It is during this period that happens visible loss body weight. A person loses weight by 20-45%. In this case, young people cannot stop. It still seems to them that the fatness has not gone away. In addition to everything else (artificial vomiting, enemas, laxative tablets), debilitating physical activities. Changes occur inside the body: appetite completely disappears, girls’ periods disappear, immune system and other vital organs.
  3. Cachectic— comes in two years, maybe earlier. At this stage, weight loss becomes even faster. It is already difficult to stop the process. Internal organs completely exhausted. Constipation appears. Patients do not have the strength to get out of bed for a long time. Oddly enough, even at this stage of the disease, patients consider themselves overweight and refuse to eat normally.

At the third stage of disease development, you can do without medical care impossible. Patients develop seizures, hospitalization and compulsory treatment are necessary. Although it is rarely possible to save such people. It should not be delayed until such a state of health occurs.

Anorexia nervosa in adolescents

Unfortunately, this disease is most often observed in girls adolescence. Treating the pathology is quite difficult. But you can prevent its manifestation. Parents should pay attention to their children and maintain normal relationships with them.

  • Don’t try to control your child’s appetite, cook him his favorite dishes, don’t remind him about losing weight.
  • Learn to hear about your child’s problems, help solve them, don’t make them worse difficult situations especially during the transition period.
  • Never criticize a teenager’s appearance; at that age, he already has a poor perception of his body.
  • Try not to constantly conflict - this exacerbates problems. Young people have a hard time with quarrels, even if only adults are involved in the scandals.

Anorexia nervosa in children

Childhood illness is not associated with beauty parameters imposed by society. In children this happens due to nervous disorders, overfeeding, stomach problems, monotony, tasteless food and feeding disorders.

It is difficult to feed such children. And if the baby even refuses sweets, then you should consult a specialist doctor.

The sooner you solve this problem, the better. After all, force feeding in such cases will not bring results. In the future, the baby will experience discomfort at the time of eating. A competent specialist will tell you how to find a solution to this issue.

Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa

It is very difficult to cure the disease. Required comprehensive measures. The patient will need to be re-evaluated life values, implement a number of the following measures:

  • undergo psychological adjustments regarding proper nutrition
  • accept dosage forms to improve general condition
  • start eating according to a schedule
  • increase the patient’s psychological self-esteem.

The family plays a huge role in the recovery of the patient. All family members must support him, ensure peace, protect him from scandals and proceedings, and establish good relations.

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia

Bulimia associated with anorexia nervosa. But with bulimia, patients do not lose many kilograms of weight. Therefore, the disease is difficult to detect. They cannot control their overeating. The patient is eating nutritious food, cannot deny himself. In order not to gain weight after this, he induces artificial vomiting, does enemas and drinks diuretics.

Such patients do not require hospitalization unless they have depression or anorexia. Treatment of the disease is possible at home.

Bulimia - symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of the disease are reduced to the following manifestations:

  • eating a lot of food in secret
  • patient's fear of becoming fat
  • excessive exercise, large physical activity
  • depressive disorders
  • sometimes a manifestation of anorexia

Depending on the manifestation of the disease, treatment is prescribed for the patient. As a rule, the doctor can prescribe a course of antidepressants and psychotherapy sessions. It will be difficult to get rid of the disease without support from family and friends.

It is good that most people turn to doctors even before the onset of critical stages of these ailments. That is why their treatment is successful. It is important to involve the patient’s loved ones in the treatment process. Family therapy simply necessary in such cases.

Video: “How to treat anorexia nervosa?”

There is no greater joy for a woman than when choosing clothes in a store and asking the seller to bring the most small size. Clothing size, the arrow on the scale, a measuring tape indicating body volume - all these are symbolic signs that are of great importance for women. It’s very easy to get caught up in these numbers and indicators. Starting with regular weight loss, women can develop diseases such as bulimia and anorexia. Let’s try to understand the causes and consequences of these diseases in more detail.

The desire to be slim, to wear clothes that you like, and not those that hide body flaws, to proudly show off a flat tummy on the beach - this is what drives women in an attempt to lose weight at any cost. And the loss of health, although it remains significant reason, but fades into the background compared to the indicator on the scale arrow.

There comes a moment when you can no longer stop, everything seems to be far from ideal, and for some reason everyone around you insists that you no longer need to lose weight. But what can these envious people know? And you begin to hide the fact that a glass of water replaces your breakfast and dinner. Or you ostentatiously eat three portions of dessert in a cafe, and then sneak to the toilet to get rid of what you ate. And the worst thing is that you don’t want to talk about it, it’s your choice to eat the way you want. But this is the crux of the problem. If the very thought of telling someone about your eating habits terrifies you, this is a sure sign of illness.

The main cause of both bulimia and anorexia is a rejection of one's body. And not so much the body, but yourself in this body. This is a problem of a psychological nature: no matter how much you lose weight or gain weight, no matter how much you do plastic surgery, don’t change your appearance, you will always be dissatisfied with yourself if you don’t accept, love and don’t want to love yourself. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of all kinds of ailments, you need to work first on your internal state, and through proper nutrition and moderate physical activity, keep the body in shape.

There are a number of factors predisposing to disorders eating behavior. Firstly, it is heredity. If someone close to you suffered from mental disorders, depression or addictions (alcohol, drugs, food), the likelihood of getting sick is much higher. The second factor is social. Society has formed the opinion that behind a beautiful appearance there is necessarily success, fame and pleasure, which is not always true. Peculiarities of upbringing also have an impact: as a rule, girls suffering from eating disorders are united by the desire for perfection, perfectionism, and “excellent student syndrome.” The desire to be the best of all is triggered - that is, the thinnest of all.

A woman with eating disorders cannot and does not want to see the problem. Below are the symptoms and signs of diseases such as bulimia and anorexia. Take this short test, noting the signs that you may observe in yourself or your loved ones. Perhaps this will be a reason to think about whether everything is okay with you.


A victim of bulimia may not be immediately recognizable in a crowd. As a rule, the weight of a patient with bulimia is either normal, or the person may be prone to obesity.


Constant preoccupation with food (constant conversations about weight, calories and diets).

Gluttony, compulsive eating, tendency to hide food.

Fear of getting better.

Avoiding places such as restaurants or events where there is a social obligation to eat.

Visiting the toilet immediately after eating.

Artificially induced vomiting, use of laxatives.

Usage pharmacological agents for weight loss.

Strict constant diets.

Addiction to sweeteners.

Physiological signs

Swelling of the parotid gland.

Rare small hemorrhages blood vessels on the face and under the eyes.

Chronic irritation in the throat area.

Fatigue and muscle pain.

Teeth falling out.

Fluctuation of body weight (5-10 kg up and down).

Character change

Depression, feelings of guilt and self-loathing, depression and a feeling of lack of self-control.

Unjustifiably harsh self-criticism.

The constant need for approval from others of the actions he performs.

Change of opinion regarding your own weight.


The excessive thinness of people with anorexia is always striking. If you yourself are not able to adequately evaluate yourself, let people close to you do this.


Restricted food intake (eating in small quantities) or strict diets.

Rituals associated with food, such as counting calories, cutting food into small pieces, preparing food for others and then eating it.

Strong fear of getting better constant struggle for maintaining weight below normal.

Fear of being required to eat in public (at parties, in restaurants, etc.).

Hyperactivity (playing sports and going to gyms in large quantities).

The desire to hide the body under loose hanging clothing.

Physiological signs

Progressive weight loss (often occurring over a short period of time).

Absence of menstruation or delay without a physiological reason.

Paleness, hair loss, feeling cold, blue fingers.

Character change

Irritability, anger.

Depressive state.

Lack of self-confidence.

Feelings of guilt when fasting and eating.

What to do?

get out of it yourself vicious circle almost impossible - there must be long-term support from doctors and relatives. If we're talking about about anorexia and observed great loss weight, then you should contact a psychologist, preferably one who specializes in eating disorders. The same goes for bulimia. Therapists and gastroenterologists are the next step; the psychotherapist will definitely refer you to them if necessary.

If anorexia is in an unadvanced stage, then also see a psychotherapist/psychologist. Both of these disorders are treated with psychotherapy; pills alone, which a psychiatrist can prescribe, anorexia or bulimia cannot be cured.

Therapy may take from several months to several years. Recovery is not consistent: “breakdowns” occur from time to time. But if treatment continues, the patient has every chance of returning to normal life.

Expert opinion

Olga Sushko, psychologist

Anorexia and bulimia, along with binge eating, are the most common eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is a disease of adolescents, and in lately not only girls, but also boys. It most often begins at 11-12 years of age. Bulimia most often affects older girls and adult women. Both of these disorders have a complex genesis: it cannot be said that any one factor leads to their occurrence. Both genetics and social aspects, And psychological characteristics person, and stereotypes of the family system.

Anorexia is accompanied strong fear gain weight: a girl (or boy) makes efforts to maintain weight significantly below normal, refusing food or greatly reducing its amount, and, for example, doing intense exercise physical training. With anorexia, the body image is very distorted: despite all the efforts made, it seems not thin enough. Thoughts about weight and food occupy almost all the time and are obsessive.

Over time, if a girl’s weight continues to decrease, her menstruation stops, and other disruptions in the functioning of the hormonal, cardiovascular and other body systems begin. Of all mental disorders Anorexia is the “leader” in mortality. That is why this disease must be treated as early as possible.

Since people suffering from anorexia almost never treat their condition critically, they alarming symptoms It is necessary to pay attention to loved ones and family members. For example, such symptoms may be sharp decline body weight, refusal to eat, excessive exercise, isolation and low mood. If you suspect anorexia in a teenager, you should contact a specialist (psychotherapist, psychiatrist) as soon as possible and get advice.

Bulimia nervosa, unlike anorexia, begins later (at about 17-18 years of age and later), and is characterized by a sudden feeling of extreme hunger, which leads to overeating and subsequent vomiting. Bulimia is not so dangerous in terms of mortality, although it also has an extremely negative impact on physical health. In addition, it is often accompanied social isolation(as a result of an attempt to hide one’s behavior), depression, high level anxiety. Like anorexia, bulimia requires literacy professional help. The challenge for bulimia is to get out of the vicious circle of food restrictions and negative body image that lead to eating disorders, and also to learn to regulate your psychological state without resorting to food.

Bulimia- this is “wolf hunger”, a sharp increase in appetite. People suffering from bulimia eat at night, or sudden attacks, or constantly, without leaving the cash register at all. It is clear that this behavior leads to obesity.

This is bad not only for a young girl who is “actively searching”, but for any person in general - it causes problems with the heart, joints, cholesterol, diabetes... Therefore, cunning people struggle with their bulimia. And it would seem to be easier to fight here - you just need to induce vomiting. Oil painting: you eat, eat, get high, and then five minutes in the toilet - and again you’re ready for the next change of dishes.

The main thing here is not to overdo it. A bulimic patient who struggles with obesity too seriously throws out everything he has eaten along with vomiting. But the body needs to eat! This is not far from bulimia to anorexia!

Anorexia- This mental illness, in which a person considers himself too fat and does everything to lose weight. An anorexic girl declares her body’s completely legitimate desire to eat bulimia (an unhealthy, “wolfish” appetite) and fights it to the fullest extent of her character: she causes vomiting, or diarrhea, or simply refuses to eat.

Why do girls do this

Bulimia can be caused by very real organic disorders- diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems. Or it may also have a psychological nature - people “eat stress.” Taking antidepressants helps with bulimia, it's proven.

Anorexia is more difficult; it is a disease of girls with a will of steel and powerful self-hypnosis. They don’t have any depression, but they have a frantic desire to succeed in this life, and they know what this success looks like: all channels of television, cinema and fashion magazines I'm constantly being told to lose weight. Whoever has been the main character of a Hollywood film - black women, Chinese women, lesbians, and God knows who - but not a single fat one! - Why is that?

Because the problem of obesity and related diseases is very acute in America. A third of the US population is obese, causing an epidemic diabetes mellitus, up to 10% of all healthcare spending is spent on combating obesity and its consequences.

Accordingly, Hollywood is doing what it is supposed to do - promoting. It doesn't matter who the actress plays - a policewoman, or a victim of a serial killer, or himself. serial killer- she will definitely be fit, fresh from fitness, or yoga, or from the pool. - Distortion of American reality? - This is the American dream, fuck off.

Anorexia and bulimia - you've probably heard something about these diseases. But you hardly know that there are hundreds and thousands of girls who dream of getting these diseases.

When you see an overly thin representative of the fair sex, you can casually throw under your breath “anorexic, probably doesn’t eat anything!” But in 50% of cases you will be wrong - this skinny girl can eat much more than you. She just suffers, or provokes attacks of bulimia.

Psychological isolation. For example, pathological change appetite may develop when a child is placed in a boarding school. For such a child, food is a source positive emotions and the only possible pleasure, as well as a defense mechanism against depression, a cure for fear.

An adult may develop bulimia due to feelings of dissatisfaction. own life, in the background constant feeling failures, arrest in development, and also due to a decrease in interest in life, when food becomes the only incentive for physical activity.

Psychological causes of anorexia

Anorexia mostly affects girls and women. As a rule, refusal to eat is motivated by the desire to become slim, graceful and beautiful. But most often, behind the desire to become slimmer is the desire to be loved, to be in demand in personal relationships with parents, boys, and men. The causes of anorexia are usually hidden in deep psychological problems. The feeling of “being unloved” in childhood, growing up and the associated severance of close relationships with the mother, perceived as a betrayal, a feeling of inferiority due to failures in social environment. All this can be a reason to take strict control of your diet and change yourself externally.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello! I had constant delays menstruation and became very scanty. I went to the gynecologist and he said that it was because of my very low weight (46.5 kg) and prescribed me Tri-Regol. Drink until I gain the desired body weight. I drank for 6 months, but I didn’t gain any weight, I even lost even more weight. I stopped drinking. Was the treatment prescribed to me correctly? The pills were prescribed without tests.

Ask a question
What do anorexia and bulimia have in common?

What both anorexia and bulimia sufferers have in common is that they have a distorted image of their own body. Those suffering from anorexia always see themselves as too fat, they always think that they are not slim enough, not beautiful enough.

As a rule, diseases develop according to following diagram: self-doubt - obsession about the need to lose weight - extremes in achieving the goal - health problems - hospital. Despite the fact that the fear of gaining weight is associated with unsafe actions for health, victims of anorexia and bulimia refuse to admit the obvious. As the disease progresses, they cease to adequately perceive own body: unnatural thinness seems beautiful to them, and this is what prevents them from asking for help.

How to help someone with anorexia or bulimia

And it is necessary to help, since patients suffering from these diseases, in almost 100% of cases, do not realize that they are sick. On the contrary, many girls feel happy in the body of a “skeleton covered in skin.”

They are unable to adequately assess the current situation and independently return to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Moreover, it often happens that a person has both anorexia and bulimia at the same time.

For recovery, it is necessary, first of all, for the patient to realize that there is a problem. Sometimes hospitalization of such patients is required. Treatment should be carried out not only under the mandatory supervision of a psychotherapist and psychiatrist, but also with the support of loved ones. After all, for such patients the most important thing is to realize that they are not alone, they are loved and cared for.

If you don't give these people timely assistance, the disease may develop into more severe form, and in some cases - turn into tragedy.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Dmitry Belov



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