Frequent urge to urinate in men. What are the causes of frequent urination? What happens when men urinate frequently?

Removing urine from the body is an important physiological process that must be carried out several times a day. Any healthy man should produce about 1.5 liters of urine per day. This volume corresponds to 3/4 of the liquid that was drunk during the day. The number of trips to the toilet ranges from 4 to 6. These figures are averages and do not take into account a number of factors that can affect daily urine output. Such factors could be:

  • The amount of fluid you drink per day;
  • Sweating during the day;
  • Food eaten;
  • Frequency of respiratory movements per minute throughout the day.

All this can significantly affect a man’s daily urination. In medicine, the amount of urine excreted within 24 hours has a name - daily diuresis.

It is worth remembering that it is not only through the kidneys that fluid can be released from our body. The excretory organs are also the lungs and skin. But more than half of the liquid still comes out in the urine.

Frequent urination can be called in cases where it is observed more often than 12 times within 24 hours. In parallel, the intervals between visits to the toilet are no more than 2 hours. Urine becomes lighter than usual, and its amount can vary - from normal (about 200 ml per trip to the toilet) to a reduced or increased amount of fluid excreted.

Regardless of the fact that frequent urination in men can be a manifestation of a serious illness, the occurrence of such a condition is not uncommon in healthy men. This type of frequent urination is usually observed in men without pain or other associated symptoms.

This is due to the ingestion of a large amount of fluid into the body. As a result, a lot of urine comes out. In medicine, this condition is called -. Causes of frequent urination in men:

  1. Drink a large amount of liquid per day;
  2. Frequent consumption of meat and foods containing hot spices, which increases the acidity of the urine and irritates the bladder wall;
  3. Foods containing large amounts of liquid (watermelon, cucumber) or drinks that have diuretic properties (compote, herbal tea);
  4. Stress or emotional tension;
  5. Frequently drinking coffee or caffeinated drinks;
  6. Alcohol consumption;
  7. Diuretic drugs.

If a man, after exposure to such factors, notices frequent urination, the cause should simply be removed and the condition will improve. In this case, there is no need to panic - the man is absolutely healthy. But to make sure of this, go to urologist Still worth a consultation.

Associated symptoms

Not many diseases of the male reproductive system or other organs cause frequent urination in men without pain. Often the pathological condition is accompanied by a number of symptoms, in addition to the constant desire to urinate. Additional signs may include:

  • Pain in the groin no matter what the man does;
  • or the entire penis;
  • Burning sensation;
  • genital organs or its appearance, if not previously observed;
  • The color of urine becomes darker, or vice versa, lighter;
  • Mucus, pus or blood come out along with the urine.

If a person notices the occurrence of such symptoms and the presence of a frequent urge to urinate, the man most likely has some kind of disease. It is not necessarily located in the urinary organs or reproductive system.

The pathology can affect many organs and manifest itself as an increased desire to go to the toilet. In such cases, you should not hesitate and you should contact the clinic for advice on this issue.

Frequent urge and diseases of the genitourinary system

If a representative of the stronger sex notices frequent urination, the causes of such disorders are infections or non-infectious diseases. The causative factor tends to be located in the genitourinary system, or in any other organ. Regarding the genital organs and urinary system, the most common infectious diseases are:

  1. . Due to the fact that the prostate, which is located near the neck of the bladder, becomes inflamed, the pathological process spreads to it too. With this disease, a man will be bothered by a frequent urge to urinate and a small amount of urine released. Typical for older men.
  2. . The main symptom of cystitis is a frequent desire to urinate, which is accompanied by pain and small urine output. The frequency of urges can reach 6-8 times within an hour. This disease must be treated together with a urologist to prevent it from becoming chronic. It is most common in young people who have an active sex life.
  3. . It is usually accompanied by lower back pain. If at the onset of the disease proper attention was not paid to treatment, then pyelonephritis can become chronic, in which frequent urination is noted.

If there are complaints of frequent urination in a man, the reasons may be not only infections of the genitourinary system, but also non-infectious diseases. The most common are:

  • . With this pathology, the prostate enlarges, and the first clinical manifestation of the pathology is a frequent desire to go to the toilet. This is due to the fact that such a prostate gland begins to irritate the neck of the bladder or even its body, which forces a man to frequently go to the toilet in small portions, regardless of the time of day. Adenoma appears mainly in men after 40 years of age.
  • . Given the differences in the size of the urethra, stones appear much more often in the stronger sex than in women due to the narrow and long urethra. Stones manifest themselves primarily as pain along with a frequent urge to urinate due to irritation of the bladder and ureter.
  • Cystitis, which was caused by exposure to radiation. Often observed in cancer patients who receive radiation therapy.
  • Congenital or acquired. Strictures impede the outflow of fluid, the man feels the bladder is not completely empty and constantly wants to go to the toilet.

Frequent urination due to endocrine pathologies

Currently, when the industry is developing every day, the incidence of diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus, one of the symptoms of which is frequent urination, is constantly increasing. With diabetes insipidus, frequent urination is observed (a man may up to 15 liters urine per day) along with constant thirst.

This pathology is associated with disruption of the activity of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. As a result, the concentration of antidiuretic hormone in the body changes, and a constant desire to visit the toilet appears. More often this disease affects young people. If you examine urine, its density will be very low.

Diabetes mellitus also causes frequent urination, which is accompanied by constant thirst. If you make such a man clinical, you can detect the presence of glucose and ketone bodies. Blood sugar also rises, which is associated with a constant desire to drink and, as a result, a constant desire to go to the toilet.

Diseases that cause frequent urination

In addition to endocrine pathologies and lesions of the genitourinary system, frequent urge to go to the toilet can be a symptom of diseases of other organs. In this case, the question of how to treat frequent urination in a man should be addressed urologist together with a therapist and other specialists. Diseases accompanied by frequent urination:

  1. Autoimmune joint disease – rheumatoid arthritis;
  2. Anemia caused by a lack of iron in the body;
  3. Brain injuries (head and spinal);
  4. Neoplasms of the spinal cord.

Night trips to the toilet

A man who has no health problems has a frequent desire to urinate only during the day. If this condition continues at night, the trigger factor is definitely some disease. When a man often begins to wake up at night and go to the toilet, regardless of the amount of urine excreted, he should immediately consult a doctor to carry out diagnostic measures, identify the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The most common cause of frequent urination at night is a benign prostate tumor (adenoma), which can become malignant if left untreated.


In medicine, there is no single cure for frequent urination in men. The reason for this is that the constant desire to go to the toilet is only a symptom, and not the disease itself. To prescribe adequate therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the disease. Only after this can treatment begin.

For infections of the genitourinary system, men most often use broad-spectrum antibiotics. This is due to the fact that such diseases are mainly caused by bacteria. If the causative agent is a virus, it is advisable to use antiviral drugs.

Prostate adenoma can be cured with surgery. In modern urology, the safest and most effective method is the transurethral method. Symptomatic treatment is used along with the operation.

Stones in the urinary system can only be cured by removing, crushing or dissolving them (if the stone is small). As for endocrine pathologies, the decision on treatment can only be made by an endocrinologist. Most often he prescribes hormonal drugs. Without his consultation, self-medication is prohibited so as not to aggravate the condition.

Frequent urination brings discomfort to any man and disrupts his psychological state. In order to avoid such a pathology, it is worth taking into account several recommendations:

  • If you suspect an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system, consult a doctor immediately;
  • Sexual contacts should be protected;
  • Maintain personal hygiene;
  • Stop drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Do not overuse meat and fried fish;
  • Drink exactly as much fluid as your body requires.

If a person already has a frequent urge to urinate, the main recommendation for this condition is to stop using folk remedies for frequent urination in men and immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the causative disease may worsen, even leading to the formation of malignant tumors or death.

Pain, regular urge and frequent urination in men require timely treatment, but first it is necessary to identify the main cause of the pathology and promptly eliminate it. Such an unpleasant symptom can be observed with inflammation of the kidneys or prostate adenoma, so differential diagnosis and timely referral to a specialist for qualified help are required. Frequent urge to urinate in men is an obvious deviation from the norm; timely correction is necessary.

What is frequent urination in men?

This is a symptom that is expressed in frequent urge to go to the toilet, which is especially aggravated at night. When urinating, the patient experiences pain, burning or internal discomfort; over time, other signs of a progressive illness may appear. Ideally, 6-10 trips to the toilet may prevail per day, but this is a purely individual process, determined by a number of factors (diet, daily doses of fluid, kidney pathologies). There is no specific indicator of the norm, so a man does not immediately contact a urologist with a characteristic symptom.


A constant urge to urinate in men is an alarming signal about an internal imbalance in the male body. Such an unpleasant sign of the disease does not appear on its own; more often a detailed clinical picture with pronounced and intense symptoms predominates. The causes of frequent urination in men without pain can be determined after a detailed diagnosis. If you refuse the prescribed examination, the therapeutic effect will be temporary or completely absent. Pathogenic factors that predominate with frequent urine output are presented below.

No pain

If there is no pain, but the urge to go to the toilet does not stop, non-dangerous physiological factors are at play. Among these is an increased volume of fluid consumed per day. For example, characteristic changes in the usual routine of life prevail in the summer, with intense physical activity and sports. A man drinks more fluids, so trips to the toilet become more frequent, but remain painless. Other benign causes of frequent urination are listed below:

  • drinking alcoholic beverages, beer;
  • consumption of fatty, spicy, salty and smoked foods in the diet;
  • taking diuretics;
  • excessive consumption of sugar;
  • regular consumption of plant foods.

Painful urination

The presence of an acute attack of pain is considered a characteristic sign of cystitis in women; the presence and increased activity of genitourinary infections in the male body cannot be ruled out. Pathogenic flora in the urethra irritates the mucous membrane, promotes inflammation, and the desire to relieve oneself becomes an obsession for a man with a relatively small portion of urine. If trips to the toilet are accompanied by pain, here are the potential pathogenic factors:

  • prostatitis;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • overactive bladder;
  • pollakiuria;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • urethritis;
  • diabetes insipidus.

At night

If a man refuses to drink excessive fluids before bed, the prostate gland can cause frequent urination. Its inflammation is accompanied by an increase in the size of this organ. As a result, there is increased pressure on the urinary system, and the urge to go to the toilet becomes noticeably more frequent. This also happens with kidney diseases, chronic prostatitis, and inflammation of the urethra. The desire to constantly visit the toilet makes a man's nights sleepless, and his daytime behavior - nervous and irritable. Symptoms often worsen at night.

Complications and consequences

Since a man does not immediately pay attention to such a symptom, he consults a doctor only when the clinical picture is complicated. The main thing is to correctly differentiate the disease and determine effective treatment. Otherwise, the consequences for a man’s health are not the most favorable. Potential complications of frequent urination are listed below:

  • progressive pyelonephritis;
  • modification of prostate adenoma into a malignant neoplasm;
  • urolithiasis;
  • attacks of renal colic;
  • erectile dysfunction.


This symptom may have a physiological or pathological nature, but, in any case, requires timely and adequate diagnosis. First, the doctor asks about the time the complaints appeared and the circumstances accompanying them, and additionally examines other changes in the patient’s general well-being. It is important to correctly determine the diagnosis, since frequent urination is characteristic of many chronic diseases. The following laboratory tests must be performed:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • urine analysis to detect protein and pH of biological fluid.
  • Among the instrumental examinations, the man will have to undergo:
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvic organs;
  • bacterial culture from the urethra;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland;
  • CT and MRI of the kidneys.

Treating Frequent Urination

To completely cure a characteristic illness, it is necessary to identify and quickly eliminate the pathogenic factor and take medications prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication is excluded. Intensive therapy methods can be conservative and surgical, and doctors place special emphasis on the following recommendations for the clinical patient:

  1. regularly perform a special set of exercises to reduce bladder overactivity;
  2. in case of pathologies of an infectious nature, it is allowed to use the prescribed antibacterial drugs in full;
  3. To improve local blood circulation in the pelvic organs, do not forget about the benefits of physiotherapy.


The choice of appropriate medications depends entirely on the nature of the progressive pathology and the etiology of the pathogenic factor. For example, with increased activity of infectious flora, antibiotics are appropriate, with viruses - antiviral agents, with progressive prostatitis or adenoma - α-adrenergic receptor blockers. When the cause of frequent urination is chlamydia or ureaplasma, you cannot do without purchasing and using antiprotozoal drugs. Below are effective tablets in a given direction:

  1. Carbamazepine. These tablets should be taken 200 mg 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Prescribed for diabetes insipidus, they reduce the volume of urine excretion. Advantages - high efficiency, disadvantages - a lot of side effects.
  2. Minirin. An antidiuretic drug that can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor in an individual course. In general, you need to drink 1 - 2 tablets 3 times a day for a week. Advantage - quick results, disadvantages - seizures, migraines.
  3. Vesicare. The drug reduces bladder overactivity. Take a single dose only in the morning - 5 mg at a time. The duration of treatment is individual. Advantage - reduction in the dose of urine excreted, disadvantages - dry mouth, signs of dyspepsia.


If the cause of difficulty emptying the bladder is increased activity of pathogenic flora, doctors prescribe an antibacterial course. Most often these are fluoroquinolone and penicillin antibiotics, cephalosporins, intended for oral administration. In complicated clinical situations, it is appropriate to prescribe representatives of the nitrofuran series. The duration of antibacterial therapy is 5–10 days, the average dose is 1 tablet three times a day. The following systemic antibiotics have proven themselves to be effective in the body:

  • Nitrofurantoin;
  • Augmentin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Moxifloxacin;
  • Levofloxacin.


If you have an infection, you can get rid of urinary incontinence with herbal preparations that act quickly, but without side effects and potential health complications. They can also be prescribed by the attending physician during individual visits. Oral administration of homeopathic remedies helps reduce urine volume and control urination day and night. It is recommended to use the following medications:

  1. Argentum nitricum. It is convenient to take in tablet form until the anxiety symptoms completely disappear. Take 1 pill 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Advantages - natural composition, disadvantages - selective action.
  2. Cantharis. Prescribed if frequent urination is associated with pathologies of the prostate gland, and attacks provoke problems during sexual intercourse. The tablets should be taken regardless of meals for a course of 7–14 days with a further break.
  3. Medorrhinum. The drug is recommended if frequent urination is associated with severe pain or prostate swelling. The purpose is effective, but auxiliary, and can be used for healthy organisms as a preventive measure. The disadvantage is the high price.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

After increasing the frequency of trips to the toilet, it is important to contact a urologist in a timely manner. Treatment has an integrated approach, including not only the use of medications and folk remedies, but also the use of physiotherapeutic procedures. This is necessary to normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs, reduce foci of pathology, and regulate the functioning of the urinary system in men. Electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor and myostimulation, which is performed using urethral and rectal sensors, are prescribed against the growth of the endometrium.

Treatment with folk remedies

For large amounts of urine and frequent urination, doctors recommend alternative medicine recipes. Caution when prescribing should be exercised by patients with diabetes mellitus and other chronic diagnoses. The same applies to elderly patients. Below are effective folk remedies for frequent urination in men:

  1. You need to steam 1 tbsp. l. dried sage in 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave. Take the decoction orally, chilled, half a glass at a time in between meals. Course – 7 – 10 days.
  2. It is necessary to dry the cherry leaves and chop them. 1 tbsp. l. steam raw materials 1 tbsp. boiling water It is necessary to insist and strain the composition and take it throughout the day for up to 10 days. Cherries can be replaced with currant leaves.


Men must take timely precautions, otherwise frequent urination will become a real problem in everyday life. Here are the preventive measures doctors place special emphasis on:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • promptly treat chronic genitourinary diseases;
  • avoid using diuretics;
  • train the prostate;
  • strengthen the immune system.


Frequent urination in men is a serious symptom indicating a pathology of the excretory system. During the day, the human body produces about 3 liters of primary urine, half of which is absorbed back. Therefore, for any healthy man, the urination rate should be about 1.5 liters of urine per day. Moreover, men should not urinate more than once at night. More frequent urges directly indicate pathological damage to the genitourinary system.


Frequent urge to urinate in men can also be associated with physiological reasons. For example, drinking large amounts of water during the day leads to frequent urination among men.

In addition to this, there are other reasons:

  • stressful effects on the body;
  • abuse of coffee drinks;
  • adding dangerous foods high in various hot spices to the diet;
  • taking diuretic medications;

These reasons cause men to urinate frequently without pain.

Pathological factors contributing to the appearance of this symptom are associated with damage to the urethra, genital organs, and endocrine pathology.

Among the causes of damage to the urinary system are:

  • Inflammation of the bladder - this pathology often occurs after 40 years of age and is accompanied by frequent urination at night in men.
  • Urolithiasis - stones passing through the urinary canal irritate the mucous membrane and cause frequent urge.

  • Nephritis - a change in the zona glomerulosa of the kidneys is accompanied by an increase in the amount of urine. This is due to dystrophic changes in the nephron system.
  • Narrowing in the area of ​​the urinary canal can be either congenital or acquired. In this case, a false urge to urinate occurs, and after emptying the bladder, there remains a feeling of incomplete emptying.

There are other reasons why men urinate frequently without pain. One of them is prostatitis or prostate adenoma, this is a common cause of the development of the symptom. Prostatitis is an inflammation in the prostate, the prostate gland is directly involved in the act of urination, its damage is manifested by night urination in men.

Prostate adenoma is always accompanied by the appearance of this particular symptom. The gland has an irritating effect on the stomach, and this is the condition for frequent urges.

Among diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes insipidus is a common cause.

It is also characterized by the presence of constant thirst, the level of antidiuretic hormone is disrupted, this leads to a frequent desire to go to the toilet.

Sexual infections

The male urinary system often suffers when infected with infections, especially sexually transmitted ones.

Trichomoniasis causes inflammatory changes and also stimulates the urinary tract, leading to frequent trips to the toilet. But urine, as a rule, is small and is combined with discharge in the form of white foam.

Chlamydia affects the organs of the urinary system, which is accompanied by severe pain. It is important to treat these infections promptly, as they can cause the development of prostatitis.

Main manifestations

Often urination leads to a change in the color of urine: in the morning it is concentrated, and in the evening in this situation the urine becomes completely light.

This is due to the fact that the body simply does not have time to filter urine normally.

When taking tests, the relative density will be reduced. Normally it is 4–6 times. At the same time, 90% of the total diuresis occurs during daylight hours. Often, in the absence of timely treatment, a feeling of thirst is added. Blood pressure rises compensatoryly, headaches begin to torment, and pain in the lumbar region also appears.


Always before prescribing medications, the doctor will refer you for laboratory and instrumental examination. It often includes:

  • general urinalysis;
  • digital prostate examination;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland;
  • blood on the prostate, and this is a specific antigen (after 40 years);
  • kidney ultrasound;
  • contrast study of the urinary system;
  • PPI smear;
  • bacterial urine test;
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko.

It is important to understand that if frequent urination occurs, it is important to find the cause. Treatment of the symptom will not have the desired effect and the disease will recur.

Traditional methods

Good results have been seen among folk remedies of plant origin. Among them are:

  • St. John's wort;
  • dill seeds;
  • parsley herb mixture;
  • yarrow;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile flowers.

Dill seeds have good anti-inflammatory agents, they also have an antispasmodic effect. This folk remedy also has a pronounced bactericidal effect.


There are several popular recipes:

  • Mix cherry stems and corn silk in equal parts, pour hot water over them and let steep for 30 minutes. It should be drunk chilled several times a day.
  • Brew finely crushed and dried plantain leaves, as well as chamomile flowers. Let stand for two hours; consume three times a day.
  • Dill seeds and a mixture of parsley herbs should be chopped, pour boiling water over them and put in a dark place for an hour. The drink should be consumed warm, but regularly throughout the day.
  • Yarrow should be purchased at a pharmacy or you can prepare a decoction yourself. To do this, you need to dry it and then steam it in hot water. Drink twice a day.

But it is worth remembering that it helps as symptomatic therapy. They will not affect adenoma or urolithiasis in any way.

This is a reason to consult a urologist; only the attending physician will correctly tell you how to get rid of this symptom.


In terms of prevention, exercise is important for men. Physical activity in moderate volumes leads to increased blood circulation, and at this time nutrients enter the cells much faster. This leads to an increase in local immunity of the mucous membranes, to normalization, and a decrease in the risk of developing prostatitis, as a consequence, prostate adenoma.

It is important to follow the urologist's recommendations. You should visit a doctor once a year and take the necessary tests, this will help in time to suspect the causes of the development of frequent urination. When men experience frequent urination at night, this indicates serious pathology within the body.

Frequent urination in men without pain has become widespread among middle-aged people; the causes of these disorders are not fully understood. But you should not drink large amounts of liquid before bed, as this will increase the load on the filtration apparatus of the kidneys.

Night urination has become a common occurrence in men; its development must be stopped immediately. How to get rid of it? An important condition is to avoid hypothermia of the lower extremities, this leads to a decrease in local immunity and the development of prostatitis.

Frequent urination is a phenomenon that often forces men to see a doctor, but, unfortunately, not everyone gives this problem due importance. Usually, in addition to this complaint, there are other symptoms. There are many diseases in which men experience frequent urination, most often this is, of course, associated with disorders of the genitourinary system.

In healthy people, the average volume of urine excreted per day is about 1500 ml, urination occurs on average up to 6 times a day. Increased urination due to anxiety, hypothermia or excessive fluid intake is considered a physiological phenomenon. Below we will consider diseases that cause frequent urination in men.

Prostate pathologies

One of the common causes of frequent urination, especially in older people, is prostatitis.


This disease, which occurs in acute or chronic form, can force a man to visit the toilet more often. usually accompanied not only by a symptom such as frequent urination, but also by other equally pronounced symptoms. Moreover, the urge to urinate is unbearable and occurs suddenly, and when trying to urinate, a very small amount of urine is released. Also, men often complain of symptoms of this disease such as difficulty urinating, which gradually progresses, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and impaired sexual function.

In addition to these symptoms, patients may complain of pain and a burning sensation in the perineum, more pronounced in acute prostatitis, discomfort during bowel movements, and general fatigue.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult a urologist. Correct, timely treatment will help a man maintain a full sex life for many years. Therapy for this disease is complex; the treatment regimen includes antibacterial therapy, physiotherapy, prostate massage (not done in the acute stage of the disease), immunotherapy (giving up bad habits, following a diet). With proper treatment, chronic prostatitis goes into remission, and its duration directly depends on how the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations.

Prostate adenoma

Diabetes mellitus

This disease, associated with a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, can be asymptomatic for a long time, so it is often detected by chance when the patient donates blood for a biochemical test for another disease. One of the first symptoms may be frequent urination, especially at night, and the volume of urine will be increased (polyuria). In addition, patients are almost constantly thirsty and itchy skin, especially the genitals. In men, performance decreases, symptoms appear, and sexual dysfunction and infertility often occur.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult a therapist or endocrinologist; timely diagnosis and treatment will help to completely restore the usual rhythm of life. Treatment begins with lifestyle changes: weight loss, giving up bad habits, a strict diet (table No. 9), physical activity. If these measures are not enough to normalize blood glucose levels, your doctor may prescribe glucose-lowering medications.

Frequent urination in men is a symptom that can accompany many diseases, so you should not ignore it and should consult a doctor. Usually, with timely treatment, a man can avoid many health problems in the future.

Which doctor should I contact?

If men experience frequent urination, you should consult a urologist. If the cause is kidney disease, treatment will be carried out by a nephrologist. If diabetes is diagnosed, you should consult an endocrinologist.

Frequent urination in men is the most common reason for patients to visit a urologist-andrologist. To achieve relief and normalize the process of urination, you will need to undergo a full examination and find out the true cause of this phenomenon.

Medicine about urination in men

According to research, a person excretes most of the liquid he drinks per day through the kidneys - more than 75%, and the remaining 25% exits through the intestines and skin. Doctors say that the norm will be to urinate 3 times a day. But this is a very conditional norm, because if you drink 3-4 liters of liquid, the number of urinations will be clearly greater.

The place where urine accumulates is the bladder, which has a volume of 300 ml. Many people are quite capable of holding urine in the bladder even with a clear urge to urinate, and of controlling the degree of its filling.

The urine excretion cycle can be divided into 2 phases - storage and excretion. In the first phase, the bladder simply fills, which occurs with the upper sphincter completely closed. As soon as the volume is filled by 250-300 ml, the phase of urine excretion begins - the sphincter opens and the contents of the bladder are pushed towards the urethra. In men, the prostate gland is located just around the urethra (urethra), which, even if slightly enlarged, can disrupt the entire process of urination.

Types of frequent urination

In medicine, there are three different types of the phenomenon under consideration:

  1. Increased number of urinations during the daytime and against the background of high physical activity. This happens in men with diagnosed urolithiasis - the stone begins to move during high physical activity, which serves as an irritant to the walls of the urinary ducts.
  2. Frequent emptying of the bladder at night. This will indicate the development of pathology of the prostate gland, with its enlargement. But at the same time, frequent urination at night in men can also be observed when consuming large amounts of caffeine or specific medications with a side effect in the form of a diuretic effect.
  3. Frequent urination during the day and its complete absence at night. This will be a sign of a neurotic condition, which is extremely rare in men.

Causes of frequent urination in men

Most often, a constant urge to go to the toilet in men occurs against the background of the development of a genitourinary infection. Moreover, in this case, it does not matter at all which part is being attacked by bacteria, fungi or viruses - frequent urination will be present in any case.

Let's look at the most common causes of frequent urination in men:

  • – a special microorganism affects the urinary tract and genital organs, the main sign of infection is intense pain during urination, and an increase in the frequency of urge to go to the toilet in men is observed only in the acute stage of chlamydia;
  • – frequent urination is the result of the progression of the inflammatory process in the urethra and the walls of the bladder; men especially often experience a strong urge to urinate in the morning, but very little urine is released and contains white impurities;
  • – a sexually transmitted infection, which most often affects the rectum and urethra, is characterized by frequent urge with a small amount of urine released, cramps and pain during urination.
  1. . This is an inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder, which is diagnosed more often in women. But such an inflammatory process, which occurs in a chronic form, may well provoke frequent urination in men, even while drinking fluid within the daily norm.
  2. . The inflammatory process occurs in the urethra, the pathology is characterized by severe cuts and pains, and discharge from the urethra of a nonspecific type. Simultaneously with these symptoms of urethritis, the number of urinations per day begins to increase in men.
  3. Overactive bladder. Frequent urination in men with an overactive bladder occurs both day and night. This condition is not an inflammatory process or an infection, so the treatment will be too specific - you need to be examined by a psychotherapist and take sedatives.
  4. . This disease is considered an extremely rare cause of frequent urination in men, but it does occur. It’s just that pathologies of the endocrine system are often accompanied by a violation of the concentration function of the kidneys - the bladder fills too quickly and often, which leads to increased urination.

Treatment of frequent urination in men

To get rid of the phenomenon in question, a man must undergo examination at a medical institution, find out the true cause of frequent urination and receive prescriptions from a doctor. Specialists can take conservative and surgical measures.

Conservative treatment for frequent urination in men includes:

  • specially designed physical exercises that perfectly help cope with bladder overactivity;
  • treatment with drugs when diagnosing diseases of inflammatory and/or infectious origin;
  • physiotherapy to improve blood circulation in the genitourinary system.



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