Everything about human teeth for children. Color and shape

What do we know about teeth? Most of us only know that teeth need to be brushed regularly, and it is advisable to undergo periodic examinations by the dentist. To learn more, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most interesting facts about teeth.

Why are the first teeth called baby teeth?

Modern science knows for certain that the rudiments of teeth begin to form in the womb. In the first weeks of a baby’s life, of course, there can be no question of full-fledged molars - he doesn’t need them yet. But why did the first teeth come to be called baby teeth? It turns out that this is what the well-known Hippocrates called them, whose oath is still taken by medical students. It was he who proposed the theory according to which the first teeth begin to form from mother's milk, because they erupt during the period breastfeeding. Since then, our first 20 teeth are called milk teeth, although milk has nothing to do with their growth.

Teeth are not restored!

A popular proverb warns against excessive nervousness, because “ nerve cells are not restored." In fact, neurons are capable of regenerating, although this process occurs very slowly. But in our body there is the only organ, which really “cannot be restored” are teeth. From the moment baby teeth are replaced by molars, they remain with us for life. And they cannot overcome the problems that arise “on their own.” Therefore, the last thing you should save on is visits to the dentist.

Stronger than steel

It is precisely because teeth cannot be restored that they consist of the hardest tissue in the human body. Tooth enamel It is slightly inferior in strength to diamond, but can easily be compared with some types of steel. Enamel - protective barrier, which ensures the safety of the tooth, prevents destruction from mechanical impact and influence food acids. Numerous attempts by scientists to create a similar material with the same properties were in vain. A crown - similar to tooth enamel - can withstand a maximum of 15 years, while enamel can maintain its “working” condition for 60 years.

Calcium reserves

Almost all the calcium in our body accumulates... no, not in the bones. 99% of this required substance found in teeth. That is why stories about dental problems occurring in pregnant women are passed down from generation to generation. Teeth can indeed deteriorate during pregnancy, but only if the body does not receive enough calcium “from the outside.” The baby's growing body will take from the mother everything it needs. Therefore, teeth, as the main “reserve” of calcium, suffer first.

Freshen your breath... with a fan

Paying attention to historical facts, you can find a lot of surprising things related to ideas about teeth, ways to care for them and the fight against unpleasant consequences lack of proper treatment. For example, unsightly teeth or unpleasant smell from the mouth. Both problems, at a time when toothpaste was not common, were solved simply - with the help of a fan. The fan served not only as salvation in the stuffy court halls. They often covered their mouths flirtatiously to hide the lack of teeth in the mouth. And if they were still there, but not healthy, they fanned away the inevitable bad smell.

Wrinkles due to chewing?

During the reign of Louis XI widespread got the myth that chewing thoroughly food leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles. Therefore, those who wanted to maintain the elasticity of their facial skin for as long as possible preferred food that did not need to be chewed, but simply “drinked.” Surely it was this prejudice that gave impetus to the development of such a direction of French cooking as the preparation of cream soups. Their ground consistency closely resembles the “thin” food favored by 15th-century French dandies.

Dental drill training

Aesculapians, resembling dentists, existed back in Ancient Egypt. However certified specialists appeared for the first time only in 1699 - it was a limited edition of the French medical college. However, removing a damaged tooth is still for a long time remained an undesirable procedure that was used only in the most as a last resort. There wasn’t much that was pleasant about it, and tooth-cutting dentists trained for several hours every day, pulling out nails driven into boards.

Jewels in teeth - antique decoration

The fashion of decorating teeth with all kinds of semi- and precious stones dates back to ancient times. The South American peoples have achieved particular mastery in this. The Incas, for example, made dental implants from the shells of sea mussels - this is confirmed by a fragment of a skull found by archaeologists in what is now Honduras. Based on other Incan skulls found, it can be said that implants made of amethyst and quartz were also considered popular. A Peruvian museum houses a skull in which all 32 teeth have been replaced.
And the ancient Mayans, on the contrary, preferred only to decorate, and not replace them with stone products. 2500 years ago they encrusted their teeth with precious and semiprecious stones. Such jewelry, just like today, demonstrated the wealth and prosperity of their owner.
Fashion for “dental” jewelry throughout human history came back several times. So, during the time of pirate sea dominance, the favorite “ sea ​​wolves» flaunted teeth made of the purest diamonds. Unfortunately, there is no information left about how comfortable such teeth were. Today, dental inlay is experiencing a new round of popularity. Show business stars especially love to “show off” their teeth. Britney Spears, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and many others insert small “stones” into their teeth.

The most expensive tooth in the world

Still recognized as the most valuable in history natural tooth. Its fabulous price is explained outstanding achievements its original owner was Isaac Newton. This tooth was sold at auction for more than three thousand dollars by a certain aristocrat who wished not to reveal his name. The lord planned to insert the acquired “artifact” into a ring so that he would never part with it.
Therefore, it makes sense to take care of your teeth; it is quite possible that someday they will cost a fortune!

A person receives teeth a few months after birth and, if lucky, keeps them for life. Such a common thing! They are cared for, they are proud of them, they are embarrassed. However, few people know what they are capable of.

Today in fashion Hollywood smile. Has it always been like this? How has the fashion for teeth changed, and, most importantly, which ones are stronger - white or yellow?

About human teeth: interesting facts

Is it good or bad to have dentures in your mouth? Which teeth are the most beautiful, which are the strongest? What people have not done with their teeth throughout human history: ink, put on gold crowns, paint different colors. Today fashionistas decorate them with rhinestones and sometimes with precious stones.

However, before improving, it’s good to understand what they really are. What is good for them and what is harmful? Are they durable or will they crack if a bone gets into the food?

The condition of teeth is directly related to the health of their owner. Since everything interacts in the human body, the condition of the teeth can be used to judge which organs are susceptible to disease:

  1. The upper and lower incisors reflect the condition genitourinary system. Their diseases signal kidney disease. Our ears are also connected to them.
  2. Sick fangs warn of problems in the biliary tract.
  3. Premolars show the condition of the lungs, bronchi, and signal the appearance of polyps. They are also affected by disruptions in the functioning of the large intestine.
  4. Molars suffer if the spleen is naughty, with diseases digestive tract and excretory system.
  5. The last of the molars, wisdom teeth, reflect the work of the heart. If they are in trouble, it is useful to check whether coronary disease or other cardiac problems.

Chewing organs are essential to humans and have been treated, decorated, replaced and, of course, cleaned throughout history. Many interesting facts are known about them. The oldest toothpaste was found in Egypt. She is 5 thousand years old. Toothpaste consisted of wine and pumice, sometimes urine was added to it to use the cleansing agents of the ammonia it contained.

Teeth are sold at special auctions. The only one extracted tooth Isaac Newton sold for $3,240, and John Lennon's tooth cost the buyer at £19,500. What does the health of our teeth depend on?

Enamel: fragile or durable?

The health of teeth is determined by the enamel. Toothpastes contain substances that make it whiter and promise to strengthen it. However, few people know that enamel itself is very hard, it is the most hard fabric in the human body. The content of inorganic substances in enamel reaches 97%, but water is only 3%.

Different parts of the tooth are covered with enamel of different thicknesses. The surface intended for chewing is not thick at all; the layer on the sides is much larger. The least amount of enamel is at the base of the tooth, near the gums.

We need it not only for protection internal parts tooth Enamel protects us from discomfort when we eat hot or cold, sour, spicy, sweet. Thinning enamel causes a lot of trouble, but it makes you understand how important it is to take care of it. Thin enamel cracks easily and is at risk of caries.

The composition of the enamel is constantly changing, it is influenced by what is going on in the body. metabolic processes, and foods consumed. In addition to the fact that it wears off over time, minerals are washed out of it when frequent use sparkling water and packaged juices. However, it can be helped by including calcium-rich foods in your diet.

Color and shape

Smooth white teeth are an ideal that you want to achieve. However, natural coloring is rare. Only in youth, when the enamel layer is thick enough and has a pronounced microrelief, do the teeth look snow-white. In reality, even during this period their color is uneven. The cutting surfaces are slightly lighter than the side surfaces, and the teeth themselves have different colors. The canines, for example, are darker than the incisors.

Over the years, the enamel becomes thinner, dentin appears through it, which is darker in older people. Older people's smiles no longer shine white. Excessive bleaching, which thins the enamel, can have the same effect.

Color also depends on heredity (see also:). In people with different colors skin related to different races, the color of the enamel also differs. The most common shade is red-brown. This does not mean that people have red or brown teeth. It’s just that the enamel has a slight difference from the standard white. The Slavs are distinguished by their yellow-red hue. Africans have the whitest teeth, but this effect occurs in contrast to their dark skin.

The shape of teeth depends on the functions they perform. The incisors are thin, but have a sharp edge. The fangs are conical in shape and are designed to hold food. Premolars carefully process the foods they eat and prepare them for delivery to the stomach. Molars grind rough food and produce it primary processing. Everyone's teeth perform the same functions, and yet they are individual for everyone.

Since ancient times, the Chinese have tried to determine a person’s inclinations and character by their teeth. It was believed that they encrypted information about a person’s future, his personal qualities, relationships with the world and others.

Happiness and prosperity awaited people with straight white teeth. Those who had them evenly, but were yellow and diseased, especially if some had already been lost, were considered lazy and irresponsible. However, it was possible to determine the character and future of a person only by teeth that were not touched by the dentist.

Quantity: the more the better?

Over time, teeth begin to deteriorate and some have to be removed. It would probably be nice to have spare ones so that you don’t have to replace lost ones with prosthetics. However, is it good to have a lot of teeth?

There are facts in dentistry that call this statement into question. There is such a disease - hyperdontia. It consists in the fact that a person grows additional teeth. If there are 1 or 2 extra, you can still live with it. As a last resort, just delete it. However dental treatment at large quantities teeth represents serious problem. When there are a lot of them, you have to remove not just one or two, but dozens.

It turns out that there are not so few people who have supernumerary teeth. 2% of the world's population has encountered this problem. In 2014 alone, 2 records were set for the number of extracted teeth: a seven-year-old patient had 80 supernumerary units removed, and another, an Indian teenager, had as many as 232 removed!

Implants and prostheses: the well-forgotten old

Empty positions in the dentition are replaced with dentures. Bridges are attached to adjacent units and allow food to be chewed. IN recent years widespread received implants that are implanted into the bone and covered with a crown on top.

However, implants and prostheses are not a new invention at all. Teeth have long been inserted in place of lost ones, because without them a person would be unable to eat. The Etruscans are recognized as the founders of prosthetics. 6 centuries before the beginning of our era, they learned to make bridge prostheses by cutting them from animal teeth.

In the southern regions of the globe they were made from hard turtle shells. Making prosthetics was a real art, so not everyone could afford such luxury. The most magnificent of ancient teeth were found in South America. The Inca prosthesis included a complete set of 32 units, made of quartz and amethyst.

For other peoples, dentures were the teeth of soldiers killed in battle. In England in the Middle Ages, people sought to acquire dentures as early as possible. It was believed that we couldn’t do without them anyway, so it was better to do it as early as possible. They replaced their teeth with artificial ones in their youth, and the prosthesis was considered a wonderful wedding gift.

Healthy teeth – what are they?

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The first thing we often pay attention to when looking at a person is his smile, and the person with healthy teeth usually makes a good first impression. An adult has an average of 28 to 33 teeth, depending on the presence or absence of wisdom teeth.

Teeth not only play an aesthetic role, but also help in grinding food for its better digestion. But other than the fact that they need to be cleaned, we know little about this anatomical feature. Here are a number of interesting facts about our teeth.

1. Some babies are born with teeth.

About one in 2,000 babies are born with prenatal teeth—that is, teeth that erupt before birth. Typically, these teeth grow on the lower gum and have weak roots. Often these teeth are removed so that they do not interfere with breastfeeding and do not lead to accidental swallowing. In some cases, they may indicate the presence of certain medical problems, and in ancient physiognomy they were associated with evil forces. According to some statements, Julius Caesar and Napoleon were born with teeth.

2. Not all people lose their baby teeth.

Loss of baby teeth is natural stage in our lives. Usually, by the age of 3, children already have a full set of 20 temporary teeth, which then become loose and fall out, after which they begin to erupt permanent teeth at the age of 5-6 years. This process ends early adolescence. But there are cases when a person does not grow permanent teeth, which is often associated with a family predisposition; he remains with milk teeth.

3. Some people have too many teeth

About 2 percent of people experience hyperdontia, in which a person grows additional supernumerary teeth. Many of these teeth remain hidden under the gums, but sometimes they erupt and begin to crowd out other teeth. It is very rare for a person to lose a permanent set of teeth at an older age and grow another set. Everyone else will need dentures.

4. A tumor can also grow teeth.

In teratoma, a germ cell tumor that often occurs in the ovaries, testicles, and sacrococcygeal region, teeth, hair, eyes, hands, and other extremities can be found in the tumor tissue. Fortunately, such tumors are most often benign and can be removed surgically.

5. You can also see with your teeth

In 2000, one woman in the United States had unique operation. Sharon Thornton lost her vision due to Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which destroys cells on the surface of the eye. Doctors suggested restoring the woman’s vision using… a tooth. She had a fang removed, into which an artificial lens was inserted and implanted in her left eye. A day later, the blind woman was able to see the world again.

6. Not all countries consider straight teeth to be beautiful.

Do you think that straight white teeth are an ideal of beauty that is universally recognized? In Japan, crooked teeth called "yaeba" have become very popular. At the same time, many Japanese women deliberately bend their straight teeth, emphasizing their fangs, in order to look younger and prettier.

7. We won't have wisdom teeth in the future.

Third molars, or wisdom teeth, helped our larger-jawed ancestors grind roots, nuts, and leaves. But now about 35 percent of people are born without wisdom teeth. For the rest, dentists recommend removing them, since our oral cavity is too small for them. When our body no longer needs certain organs or parts, they become vestigial and eventually disappear. According to scientists, future generations will not have an appendix, wisdom teeth and perhaps even little toes.

8. Raisins are worse for teeth than chocolate.

Not all sweets are equally harmful to teeth. Sugar from different products is nutrient medium for bacteria that create acid that destroys teeth. Foods that get stuck in teeth, including bread, chips, and dried fruits, are often more harmful than those that dissolve quickly (chocolate, chewing candies). At the same time, it is better to eat sweets right away than to have many snacks throughout the day, constantly feeding bacteria.

Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body.

A person has an average of 32 teeth, including 8 incisors, 4 canines, 12 molars (including 4 wisdom teeth), and 8 molars. Each of them performs its own functions. The incisors help to bite off pieces of food, the canines hold and tear food, and the molars grind it.

There are no two identical rows of teeth. They are almost as unique as fingerprints.

According to legend, Buddha had 40 teeth in his mouth. And the first man - Adam - had 30 teeth. The number of days in a month is derived from this number.

As is known, ordinary person Throughout life, teeth change twice: first, 20 baby teeth appear, and then 32 true teeth. By the way, the name “baby teeth” was given by Hippocrates, who was convinced that a child’s very first teeth are formed from milk.

Oddly enough, scientists have proven that cocoa powder, which is part of chocolate, contains substances that prevent the formation of caries.

Thanks to modern technologies in dentistry, 46% of Russians are not at all afraid of dentists. However, the remaining 54% of citizens said that visiting the dentist causes them some hostility.

The most expensive tooth The most famous tooth in the world was Isaac Newton's tooth, sold in 1816 for $3,300. The aristocrat who bought it inserted this tooth into his ring.

History remembers such a case when one courtesan revealed the secret of white teeth to Dumas the son: “You need to lie more, because this makes your teeth wonderfully white.”

The natives of the Mayan tribe painted their teeth with turquoise and jade, inserted into their teeth expensive stones. And the favorite women of the pirates of the Caribbean sported teeth made of diamonds.

People who brush their teeth three times a day are less likely to suffer from overweight. Japanese scientists came to this conclusion. They reportedly studied the lifestyle of 14 thousand people.

Most dangerous sport For teeth it's hockey. 68 percent of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the field.

It has been proven by medicine that the presence of strong teeth directly affects a person’s memory.

99% of all calcium in the body is found in the teeth.

IN ancient Rome patricians hired special slaves to clean their teeth.

As it turned out, business managers are the most afraid of dentists (67% are afraid), as well as housewives (72%). And military personnel experience the least fear of the dentist (72% are not afraid).

Sugar was first added to chewing gum EXACTLY by the dentist (William Semple in 1869). By the way, the electric chair was also invented by a dentist.

Teeth can be stored for a very long time without being affected by water, alkalis, and can withstand temperatures of up to 1000 degrees.

Not long ago, dentures were a popular wedding gift in the British Isles. People expected that they would soon lose all their teeth and they themselves accelerated the process of tooth extraction in at a young age.

According to the law of the state of Vermont (USA), a woman has no right to wear dentures without the written permission of her husband.

There is even a national holiday in China: “Love Your Teeth Day”, which takes place on September 20th.

In 1999, the city of Phoenix (USA) held a campaign “For healthy smile" 1,300 American schoolchildren lined up in the shape of a toothbrush and simultaneously brushed their teeth for 3 minutes and 3 seconds.

German scientists have found that eating two grapefruits a day significantly reduces the risk of diseases in oral cavity.

In the Middle Ages, to strengthen loose teeth, dentists recommended tying a frog to the jaw.

Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue produced by the human body.

Toothpaste was invented by the Egyptians approximately 5,000 years ago and was a mixture of wine and pumice.

As statistics show, Russian men much bolder than women. 60% of women are afraid to visit the dentist's office. Among men, this figure is only 45%.

Due to the hardness of diamond, most of these stones are used to make dental burs. And only about 20% of diamonds are processed by jewelers.

American dentists use about 13 tons of gold per year to make gold crowns.

Ancient Japanese dentists removed teeth with their bare hands.

The tooth is the only part human body, which is incapable of self-healing. But elephants can grow new teeth up to 6 times.

In the Chinese city of Kulang, there are as many as 7 organizations that collect used toothpicks. For every kilogram of toothpicks, this organization pays $1.

If you are right-handed, you chew most of your food on your right side jaw, and vice versa, if you are left-handed, then on the left.

If one of identical twins One or another tooth is missing; as a rule, the other twin is also missing the same tooth.

Hard, skillful teeth are considered to be a sign of an energetic, warlike person. Small teeth are associated with pettiness and greed, while large teeth are associated with kindness and openness of character.

The modern world is full of different surprises. The more science develops, the more discoveries amazing facts which we had no idea about. In this sense, dentistry is no exception. In this article I decided to present 10 interesting dental facts, which you didn’t know... Unless, of course, you’ve come across this page before.

1. Toothbrushes with nylon bristles first appeared in 1938. However, brushes with bristles made from other materials existed long before this. So, in China, the first such brushes appeared in 1498. The materials for them were pig bristles, horse and badger hair.

2. The first orthodontic appliance was made by Pierre Fauchard in 1728. It was a flat strip of metal attached to the teeth with a thread. Technological progress does not stand still and this design was eventually replaced by braces, but now dentists recommend using it for better and comfortable treatment dental defects – dental veneers. GermanMedicalGroup offers one of the best dental veneers in the world. Trust the professionals.

3. Mao Zedong, like many Chinese at that time, refused to brush his teeth. Instead, he rinsed his mouth with tea and chewed tea leaves. “Why brush? Does a tiger ever brush his teeth?” he said.

4. Not long ago, dentures were a popular wedding gift in the British Isles because... people expected to lose all their teeth fairly quickly and sped up the process by having teeth removed at a relatively young age.

5. Absolute strength masticatory muscles on one side is 195 kg, and muscle contraction on both sides can reach a force of 390 kg. Of course, the periodontium cannot withstand such pressure, and therefore the usual chewing pressure is 9-15 kg (well, a maximum of 100 kg if you chew nuts).

6. Worldwide famous manufacturer toothpaste company Colgate™ faced an unexpected obstacle when promoting its products in the market of Spanish-speaking countries. Translated from Spanish, "colgate" means "go and get yourself."

7. According to the law of the state of Vermont, USA, a woman has no right to wear dentures without the written permission of her husband.

8. Before the technology for making artificial ceramic teeth was invented in the 19th century, the teeth of soldiers who died on the battlefield were used as the material for dentures. So, after civil war in the USA, English dentists received whole barrels of such cargo.

9. At court French king Louis XI aristocrats ate only soup, because... they were convinced that excessive chewing forces could cause premature facial wrinkles.

10. The first “dentists” were the Etruscans. They cut artificial teeth from the teeth of various mammals already in the 7th century BC, and also knew how to make bridges that were strong enough for chewing.

11. Dentures can be radioactive. Of the one million prosthetics, approximately half have a ceramic component with microscopic inclusions of uranium. Without the addition of uranium, the prostheses would have a matte green tint under artificial light.

12. George Washington, who had almost nothing own teeth, very carefully monitored the condition of the teeth of his six horses, ordering them to be examined and cleaned every day.

13. If one of the identical twins is missing one or another tooth, as a rule, the other twin is also missing the same tooth.

14. Stores in Providence, Rhode Island, USA, are prohibited by law from selling toothbrushes on Saturday.

15. Only 20% of diamonds are cut. Due to the hardness of the stone, most diamonds are used to make various tools, such as dental burs. American dentists use about 13 tons of gold per year to make crowns, bridges, inlays and dentures.

16. common diseases in the world are various diseases periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Few people on the entire planet manage to avoid one form or another.

17. In the Chinese city of Kulang there are 7 collection centers for used toothpicks. For every pound (approximately 454 g) of toothpicks, such a center pays 35 cents.



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