Vietnamese balm “Golden Star. Balm Zvezdochka: description and instructions for use for children


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A popular drug, “Zvezdochka” ointment, has been known since the 70s of the 20th century. Then it was considered almost a panacea for all diseases. She was treated for a simple cold, a headache, and joint diseases. And she successfully coped with all ailments. Only over time it disappeared from sale and returned to the shelves not so long ago.

The legendary Vietnamese star... She is recognized not only here, but throughout the world. Is it as simple as it seems? It's worth looking into this.

The Vietnamese “Golden Star” is produced by the Danafa company. The composition of the ointment was developed thanks to deep knowledge of oriental medicine. It was here that the medicinal properties of plants and the healing powers of nature were always fully used.

For some, the composition of the ointment is still a secret, but there is nothing secret there. It consists entirely of medicinal plants and does not contain chemicals. The composition of essential oils is selected so carefully that it has no harmful effects on the body. And the effect is truly magical.

The star has the following effects and properties:

  • painkiller;
  • antiviral,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antiseptic,
  • cooling,
  • calming.

In addition, the ointment contains camphor oil, menthol, beeswax and petroleum jelly. Now a few words about the medicinal properties of the essential oils included in the composition.

Clove oil

It has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and general strengthening properties. Used to treat colds and viral diseases, and joint diseases.

Relieves toothache, improves blood circulation. Can have a beneficial effect on the skin with furunculosis and acne.

Cinnamon oil

Helps get rid of depressive disorders, inspires optimism. It has a calming, antispasmodic effect, treats skin diseases, and in combination with other oils is used to treat colds.

Peppermint oil

Has tonic, relaxing, calming effects. Peppermint oil relieves tension, eliminates anxiety and negative emotions, and relieves emotional stress. Used for pain in the heart and muscles, to relieve toothache. Peppermint oil soothes skin irritations, including acne.

Rosehip oil

It has regenerative, restorative, and immunostimulating properties. Used to treat cracks in the skin, dermatoses, irritation and peeling, and colds.

Eucalyptus oil

Effectively relieves fatigue and drowsiness, promotes composure and active thinking. It is very helpful for colds as an expectorant, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and immunological agent. Eliminates headaches and swelling. Used for inflammatory skin diseases.]

What does asterisk ointment help with?

Due to the fact that the “Zvezdochka” ointment contains oils with multidirectional effects, it can be used to treat diseases with completely different symptoms.

Note! The balm should be applied in a thin layer to avoid burns.

Where to buy asterisk (ointment)

Asterisk ointment can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. All you have to do is come to any of them and ask the pharmacist about the availability of ointment. In addition to the ointment, produced in a small tin package of 4 g, you can purchase the star in other forms of release: in the form of a pencil for inhalation and in liquid form. However, it is the ointment that is most popular.

How much does star ointment cost - price at the pharmacy

The price of ointment in Russia varies slightly depending on the region. The ointment is quite affordable for the average buyer. The cost of the star ointment will be about 100 rubles.

Instructions for using asterisk ointment for colds and flu

Asterisk is used to treat colds and is also used for prevention. They lubricate the skin with it, rub it with massage movements or do inhalations with it. Acupressure is effective, in which the ointment is applied to biologically active points.

Star ointment for coughs

The asterisk is used to lubricate the places where the respiratory tract passes: the chest, neck, top of the back, and is also applied under the collarbones. Rub in circular movements.

It works on the principle of mustard plasters, that is, it gives a distracting, warming and irritating effect. After applying the ointment, you need to cover yourself with a blanket. And for some time, while the ointment is working, remain covered. It is better to carry out such a procedure before going to bed.

Star ointment for a runny nose

The asterisk will help reduce nasal congestion and a feeling of fullness and improve your general condition. The ointment is applied to the wings of the nose, bridge of the nose, earlobes, active points on the hands, located between the index and thumb, in a thin layer, rubbed in a little.

It is important to know! To find active points, you need to click on the expected location. There should be noticeable but tolerable pain.

Another way is to breathe in the vapors of the composition, simply opening the lid and bringing the product to your nose.

Another option is inhalation. They are made like this:

1. Pour 1 liter of water into an enamel container.
2. Place on the fire and wait until the water boils.
3. Add a small amount of star on the tip of the knife (about the size of a pea) and 1 tbsp. l. salt (regular or sea).

At home, you can simply place the container on the table, cover your head with a towel or blanket and inhale the healing vapors. It is recommended to do inhalations in the morning and evening.

A foot massage with an asterisk has a positive effect on a runny nose. Nasal congestion, as is known, is determined by swelling of the mucous membrane, which in turn is caused by blood flow. The ointment causes blood to flow to the legs, i.e. The redistribution of blood in the body begins, and the nose begins to breathe freely.

Important to remember! It is forbidden to apply ointment to the feet if you have high blood pressure.

As a preventive measure, to prevent infection from entering the body through the nose, apply the product to the area above the upper lip. The vapors of the product enter directly into the nose when breathing and have an antimicrobial effect.

Star ointment for flu

The ointment has the greatest effect at the very beginning of the disease. At the first signs of the flu, apply the product to the temples, wings of the nose, and on the back between the shoulder blades.

Applying ointment to active points located on the hands helps: on the middle phalanx of the thumb, between the thumb and index finger, on the wrist. The ointment is rubbed, pressing on the active points.

Instructions for using star ointment for sore throat

The ointment is applied to the indentation area at the base of the neck. In addition, rub the active points on the hands. Massaging the active points on the legs helps well - in front of the ankle in the center, at the base of the middle toe.

Using asterisk ointment for pain (in muscles, bruises, sprains, headaches)

Thanks to the local irritant effect, the asterisk distracts from pain, including in muscles and joints:

  1. If the pain is localized in the spine, the ointment is rubbed on both sides of the spinal column.
  2. If your knee or elbow joint hurts, rub the joints along the contour with an asterisk twice a day. Then a warming bandage is applied.
  3. For toothache distribute the product in the area of ​​the chin and lower jaw, the occipital region of the head.
  4. Headache calms down if you apply a star with rubbing movements to the temples, crown, back of the head and the active point on the hand between the index and thumb.

Asterisk ointment instructions for use for children

It must be remembered that the skin of children is more delicate than that of adults, so the sensations in the child will be more pronounced. In addition, you can easily get burned.

If the star is still used, you must first apply it to a small area of ​​the body to determine if there is an allergy.

In addition, it is applied in minimal quantities.

Be careful! The asterisk cannot be used to treat very young children.

Instructions for using asterisk (ointment) in cosmetology

It is known that star ointment is also used in cosmetology. It is used to tighten facial contours, eliminate bags under the eyes and smooth out wrinkles. When applying, precautions must be taken:

1. To prevent product vapors from getting into your eyes and did not cause irritation, it is necessary to apply the ointment in a lying position with your eyes closed and lie down during the procedure (about 20 minutes).
2. Avoid irritation to sensitive skin It will help to apply a thin layer of cream first as a layer.

Using starfish as a sedative

A massage with a star helps relieve stress and fatigue. The ointment is applied to the ear area, to the back of the neck, temples and rubbed in a circular motion.

This method of using an asterisk also helps with depression and generally has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Contraindications to the use of asterisk ointment

Despite its versatility and numerous positive reviews, asterisk ointment is still a medicine, which means , it has contraindications:

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Balm “Golden Star” belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of locally irritating agents of plant origin. It has a local irritant, distracting and antiseptic effect.

The balm contains formic acid, menthol, rose hip extract, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, camphor, pharmaceutical petroleum jelly, Soyuz product, kemaben-2.

The balm was created by Vietnamese scientists who used a composition of essential oils of several medicinal plants, as well as some other substances.

The healing and preventive properties of the “Zvezdochka” balm are recognized by official medicine. As a result of the studies, it was proven that the substances included in the “Zvezdochka” balm do not have a negative effect on human skin.

There are reviews that the “Vietnamese star” helps with seasickness, and that it has a tonic effect on the muscles.

The balm is beneficial in the initial stages of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is also beneficial for the blood vessel system.

The balm penetrates the skin very quickly thanks to its oil base, tones, stimulates, increases blood circulation in the periphery of the skin, reduces body temperature in local areas of the skin. The balm removes toxins from the skin and tightens the skin.


Vietnamese healers have been using “Asterisk” for centuries. They use it to treat serious illnesses, while simultaneously using other methods of oriental medicine.

This is especially effective when used correctly, through acupuncture points.

A small amount of balm is applied to the point and massaged clockwise until the skin turns red. You can apply the balm several times a day.

For insect bites The balm is applied to the bite site. In case of severe itching, also apply the balm to the skin near the bite site, lubricate every 2-3 hours.

For toothache use these points.

For the flu Apply the balm to the temples, to the areas near the wings of the nose, chin, as well as to the earlobes and to the point located between the thumb and forefinger of both hands.

For severe cough Apply the balm to the subclavian fossae, to points on the back under the shoulder blades, on both sides of the spine, under the chin, and on the temples.

For flu and severe runny nose The balm can be applied to the upper lip, on both sides of the wings of the nose, to the place of the pulse on the wrist, to the temples.

For cough and malaise, if there is no elevated body temperature, you can do inhalations with the balm: boil 1 liter of water, pour 1 tablespoon into a bowl table salt(if you have it, you can use sea salt), a piece of balm the size of a small pea. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes, closing your eyes, then immediately go to bed and drink a cup of tea (can be herbal) with lemon.

For joint pain Rub the balm into the joint area twice a day, not over the entire surface, but along the perimeter of the joint. It is better to tie the joint with a linen cloth or cover it with a towel.

For pain in the spine balm Apply pointwise on both sides of the spinal column.

Balm can soften dry calluses, after which it is easily removed. Rub the balm into the callus every night after hot foot baths.

Balm “Star” will relieve swelling and relieve pain in the legs, if you rub it in the evening, after contrasting foot baths, into the area of ​​the ankle joint, the sole.

The balm can also be used in aroma lamps. To do this, place a piece of balm the size of a match head into the aroma lamp. It is better not to add other oils to the balm. Light the candle. Place the aroma lamp in the room where the whole family gathers - this is an excellent prevention of influenza and respiratory viral diseases. Do not use in areas where there are children under 5 years of age, pregnant women, patients with bronchial asthma, and people with allergies.


For 10 ml. balm:

The basis

  • beeswax – 2 gr.
  • Shea butter – 2 gr.
  • jojoba oil – 3 ml.

Essential oils (30% of total):

  • peppermint (menta pepperita) – 20 drops
  • eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus globulus) – 10 drops
  • cinnamon leaves (cinnamomum zeylanicum) – 10 drops
  • camphor cinnamon (cinnamomum camphora) – 20 drops

Essential oils can be used instead of cinnamon and cinnamon oils

  • cloves – 10 drops
  • lavender – 10 drops
  • tea tree – 10 drops

Wipe dishes and tools with alcohol. Use either glass or stainless steel mixing containers, otherwise the essential oils will react with the walls of the container.

Melt beeswax and Shea butter in a water bath. Remove from the water bath and add jojoba oil. Add essential oils. Mix everything and pour into the prepared jar. Because beeswax hardens very quickly.

Note: You cannot add essential oils to a mixture that is too hot, otherwise they will lose their beneficial properties. Before adding aromatic oils, cool the mixture slightly.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the balm, which can cause various negative reactions, including allergies, skin damage, the presence of skin diseases in the areas where the drug is intended to be applied, as well as children under two years of age. The balm can harm delicate mucous membranes and if it gets into the eyes.

It is prohibited to use the balm for children under 5 years old (according to other sources - 2 years old), patients with bronchial asthma, and people who are allergic to the components of the product. Do not use on damaged skin, open wounds, ulcers, skin cracks, eczematous rashes.publ.

Oct 14, 2016 Olga

There are known medicines that do not lose their relevance for decades. New therapeutic drugs are being developed, and some of the old, proven ones remain at their best and are deservedly popular. Among them is Zvezdochka balm, also known under the names “Golden Star” and “Vietnamese Star”.

Composition of the balm

The product is considered effective because its composition, developed using Eastern technologies, is not only safe, but also contains a lot of useful substances.

  1. Instructions for use of Zvezdochka balm contain a list of the main components, which are mainly of plant origin:
  2. The lion's share consists of essential oils: camphor, eucalyptus, mint and others. Peppermint oil helps relieve pain and reduces the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Clove oil prevents germs from entering the body.
  3. Paraffin, beeswax and petroleum jelly are used to create a viscous consistency.
  4. Camphor is used as a disinfectant. It suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Menthol has a local cooling effect and analgesic properties. Relieves headaches.

Each component contributes its own beneficial properties, and in general the effectiveness of the balm is reduced to a local irritant, antiseptic and distracting effect. Its use is based on its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The product is available in several forms: as an ointment and a soft pencil for inhalation. Liquid balm Zvezdochka is also produced.

The medicine is more widely accepted in the form of an ointment, which is sold in aluminum jars of 4-5 g. It has a thick consistency, a yellowish tint and a slightly sharp, spicy smell. For external use.

The pencil has similar components and in appearance resembles a package of hygienic lipstick filled with viscous contents. The pencil is effective for nasal congestion. The procedure is carried out as follows: bring it to the nose and take 1-2 breaths at a time. The pencil helps with headaches caused by a cold or low blood pressure.

It is convenient to use in transport, at work, in public places. You can store and use as needed for a long time, since the shelf life is 4-5 years.

Therapeutic effect

  • Since the Vietnamese Star relieves inflammation and kills microorganisms, being a strong antiseptic, its spectrum of action covers various diseases:
  • prevention and treatment of influenza and colds;
  • preventive and therapeutic measures for problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • assistance in the treatment of radiculitis;
  • relief of muscle pain, positive effect on injuries and bruises;
  • help with toothaches;
  • treatment of fatigue and depression;
  • help with some skin problems;
  • relieving swelling of the feet and dry calluses;
  • relieving headaches.

The balm helps with insect bites and jellyfish touches, and treats seasickness. Aroma lamps with balm - prevention of colds and relaxation procedures.

Application rules and dosage

It is better to always keep an inhalation pencil with you. It is convenient to use it during the day as needed, since the effect is not very long-lasting. You need to inhale or sniff the product slowly, without bringing the stick to your nose (the smell is too strong). It helps treat a runny nose, which is important in the age of colds and allergies.

The balm is applied to the skin in a thin layer and gently rubbed in with massaging movements. Application 2-3 times a day will be sufficient. Excessive use of the product causes irritation. A reaction on the skin epidermis also occurs when it is used in large quantities, which can lead to burns.

In case of headache, the “oriental elixir” is applied to the temple and back of the head; during flu or colds - on the chest and back area; from rhinitis it rubs into the wings of the nose; applied to the area of ​​the insect bite. But these are only general recommendations.

Vietnamese balm works effectively when applied correctly - through acupuncture points. There are certain treatment points to which ointment is applied. They are massaged clockwise until the skin turns red. You need to know the locations of the points by reading the relevant literature or by contacting a chiropractor.

When relieving minor pain symptoms, you can cope on your own. But if you are undergoing complex treatment for a serious illness, then it is better for a specialist to apply the product to certain points.

The cost of the “Golden Star” is quite reasonable. Thus, a pencil for inhalation (1.3 g) costs 131 rubles. The price of a balm (4 g) is 82 rubles, a liquid balm in a bottle (5 ml) is estimated at 132 rubles. The cost of the medicine in different pharmacies and regions may vary, but not significantly.

When should you discard the balm?

Although the composition of the product is natural, it is quite “aggressive”, since essential oils have a pungent odor and can cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Therefore, some contraindications are known:

  • not applicable to children under 3 years of age;
  • should be used with caution during pregnancy;
  • prohibited in case of individual reaction to components;
  • not recommended for bronchial asthma;
  • do not apply if the skin is damaged;
  • not used for hypersensitivity.

The instructions for use state that the composition should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. Avoid contact of the product with the eyes.

Before use, we perform an allergy test by selecting a small area on the skin. If there is no itching, irritation or pain, the product is suitable for use. The balm is not used if an allergic reaction occurs.

Balm for colds

Since the range of diseases for which the “Golden Star” is used is quite wide, we will study its use using individual examples.

An asterisk for runny nose and colds is simply a magical panacea. The wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose, the edges of each nostril are massaged when the nose does not breathe and mucus is secreted. It is impossible to smear the inner surface (epithelium) for a runny nose, as a burn may occur on the mucous membrane. The ointment helps children well, but you need to take into account age and be sure to carry out an allergy test.

Balm Zvezdochka for a runny nose is the most popular remedy that is used quite widely. After massaging the nasal area over the balm, you can breathe for a minute. But it is better to use a pencil for inhalations - an asterisk for the nose, it is intended for this. The pencil is used as a prophylactic in case of hypothermia or suspected development of a cold.

The balm helps even against a strong and prolonged cough. When coughing, apply to the chest, neck and upper back. To warm up and sleep well, the procedure is best done at night. So its action will bring the desired result.

Inhalation with Zvezdochka balm will help with a dry cough and runny nose:

  • For a liter of hot, just boiled water, take a pea of ​​ointment;
  • bend over a container with a solution, covered with a towel;
  • breathe over the steam for 10 minutes: breathing should be measured between inhalation and exhalation.

It is dangerous to inhale too hot steam: the mucous membranes of the nose or throat are easily burned. Inhalation is not carried out for coughs that are paroxysmal in nature.

Use of balm for other pathologies

Using the balm, you can relieve a headache in 10 minutes. Lubricate the area of ​​the temples, the bridge of the nose, the center of the back of the head with the product and apply it behind the ears. If the pain is associated with a cold or low blood pressure, then help is guaranteed.

You can use the Star for joint pain, sprains or bruises. You need to proceed as follows:

  • the balm is rubbed into the sore spot;
  • the affected area is wrapped in a warm cloth;
  • the wrap is left for several hours to thoroughly warm the affected area;
  • for joint pain, the ointment is applied around the painful area and the place of pain is wrapped and warmed up,
  • for spinal pain syndrome, the product is applied pointwise along the spinal column.

After a few hours, the patient will feel relief. The balm is not used as the main medicine; it is part of complex therapy.

The Vietnamese “drug” is also indispensable for the bites of certain insects: bees, wasps, mosquitoes, midges. It is gently applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. This will relieve itching, pain and irritation of the skin. But when the bite site is scratched until it bleeds, when a wound has formed, you should not rub in the ointment: it will cause even more severe irritation.

The asterisk helps cure swelling and calluses on the feet. First, take a bath on steamed skin, apply the product to the sole if there are calluses, and to the ankle area if the legs are swollen. Contrast foot baths are effective for swelling, after which the ointment is rubbed into the skin of the ankle.

Help with fatigue and depression consists of inhaling the vapors of the “oriental elixir”. Essential oils calm the nervous system and bring a person into a state of balance. They often use an aroma lamp, adding a little balm to it. With this method, the effect will be more noticeable, since the smell of essential oils envelops a person and relieves all the anxieties that have accumulated during the day.

The asterisk is often used when going out to the open sea. When the sea is stormy and signs of nausea (sea sickness) occur, a jar of ointment or a pencil will come in handy. The temporal and occipital region are the places of application.

Opinions about the use of the product during pregnancy are very controversial, since the Vietnamese medicine contains many essential oils. It may not be a panacea for all pregnant women. Sometimes it causes unexpected reactions, so it can be used, but with caution. Due to its natural composition, it may be the only approved remedy.

“Vietnamese medicine” is a useful and universal remedy. Naturally, it will not solve all problems. But the ointment is very helpful in cases of sudden onset of a runny nose, colds, migraines, or unexpected irritation.

Thanks to its small volume and undeniable benefits, it will always find a place in a handbag or home medicine cabinet.

The drug Balsam “Golden Star”, which is often called “Vietnamese star”, is widely used in Vietnam itself and is exported. It has been known in Russia since the times of the Soviet Union, when it was one of the few goods imported from Vietnam. Currently, this balm has regained popularity. The name of the balm comes from the star depicted on the round metal box in which this gel is placed. The same star is depicted on the national flag of Vietnam.

Balm “Golden Star” - a jar of ointment (packaging on the left)

In terms of its composition, “Vietnamese star” is a fairly simple drug in terms of the origin of its components. It was developed taking into account the experience of traditional medicine, in which herbal medicine and therapeutic massage occupy an important place.

In addition to the gel or, in other words, ointment, two more Vietnamese similar drugs with the same name are registered in Russia. This is a pencil for inhalation and a liquid balm with the same name. The active substances in them are the same as in the “Golden Star” ointment, the difference lies in the excipients. They also have different packaging.

Family of products of the brand “Golden Star Balm”

At the same time, products with the name “Golden Star Massage Warming Balm” appeared on sale in the Russian Federation, which was sold as a cosmetic product. The packaging, composition, indications and method of its use were the same as the traditional packaging of the medicinal product “Golden Star Balm”.

  • Composition of balm “Golden Star” (ointment, 4 g)
  • crystalline menthol 0.455 g,
  • camphor 0.910 g,
  • peppermint oil 0.59 ml
  • eucalyptus leaf oil 0.14 ml
  • clove flower oil 0.228 ml
  • Chinese cinnamon oil 0.053 ml
  • beeswax
  • paraffin
  • lanolin anhydrous
  • petrolatum

paraffin oil

Balm "Golden Star" belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of locally irritating herbal products. It has a local irritating, distracting and antiseptic effect. It is used as a symptomatic remedy in the complex treatment of acute respiratory infections, flu, headaches, dizziness, rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), and insect bites.

Contraindications for use are: hypersensitivity to the components of the Golden Star balm, which can cause various negative reactions, including allergies, skin damage, the presence of skin diseases in the areas where the drug is intended to be applied, as well as children under two years of age. The balm can harm delicate mucous membranes and if it gets into the eyes.

The effectiveness of the Golden Star balm is based, firstly, on the property of essential oils to easily penetrate the skin, where they affect the cells of the body.
Secondly, volatile components enter the body through the respiratory tract and irritate millions of sensitive cells in them. These cells send signals to the brain and influence emotions and nervous regulation of the functions of all organs (aromatherapy).
The third way of exposure occurs when the balm is rubbed into biologically active points on the body. This is the most difficult method, requiring certain qualifications.

For external use. For headaches and dizziness, it is rubbed into the temporal and occipital regions. For rhinitis and acute respiratory infections, rub into the skin of the wings of the nose and the temporal region. For bites, lubricate the skin at the bite sites.

There are reviews that the “Vietnamese star” helps with seasickness and has a tonic effect on the muscles.

Vietnamese healers have been using “Asterisk” for centuries. They treat serious illnesses with its help, while simultaneously using other methods of oriental medicine.
The balm brings certain benefits in the initial stages of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is also beneficial for the blood vessel system.

Balm "Golden Star" is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

In recent years, books about the Golden Star balm have been published in Russia, both by Russian and Vietnamese authors. They describe in detail the use of the drug and talk about some of the secrets of oriental medicine.


Golden Star Balm ointment is produced in Vietnam by Danapha Pharmaceutical JSC. Danafa is in the form of a joint venture. The foreign partner is the American company Affordable Quality Pharmaceuticals (AQP). Production is located in Da Nang in central Vietnam.

Balm “Golden Star” can be produced by other Vietnamese companies, and possibly Chinese ones.
In Russia, creams called “Golden Star” are produced. But these are completely different products with the same name.

In Soviet times, a popular medicinal product was the Zvezdochka balm. At that time, many people had this remedy in their home medicine cabinet as a mandatory drug. Nowadays, when the drug market is filled with a large number of drugs, “Zvezdochka” has not lost its popularity. Many people are interested in this medicine and also want to know more about the properties it has.

Composition and release form

At the moment, Zvezdochka is the most inexpensive product that is incredibly popular and easily accessible to anyone. Another advantage of this medication is that its use does not cause any harm to human health. This medicine is intended for outdoor use. “Star” is a substance with a yellowish tint and a characteristic odor. This drug is offered in aluminum boxes. Each contains 5 g of the drug.

This balm was created using oriental technologies. It contains natural ingredients, so its use to eliminate unpleasant symptoms is absolutely safe. The balm contains the following components:

After reviewing the list of ingredients, it will become clear to everyone that the balm consists from substances of plant origin. This means that they do not pose any threat to human health.

Pharmacological properties

This product has a lot of useful properties. They are mainly due to certain features of the effect of this balm on the body, as well as the individual ingredients that make up its composition. For example, camphor and menthol are used in folk medicine as antiseptics. When using these substances, an analgesic effect is provided.

An antiseptic effect is also inherent in one more component that is part of the balm. This is clove oil. In addition, it provides protection against infection. But, despite such properties of this component, the best antiseptic substances are cinnamon and eucalyptus oil. If we talk about the latter, then it should be considered as a substance with antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Mint, which is part of the balm, protects the fabric from the activity of microorganisms, and in addition repels insects and has an analgesic effect. In addition, using this balm, thanks to mint, capillaries expand, and blood pressure levels also slightly decrease. Using the product, you can improve blood circulation in tissues. When treated with this balm, it has antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, experts note that when using the balm, the reflex centers of the nervous system are stimulated.

Balm “Zvezdochka” is a unique product that has a large number of useful properties. This balm can help cope with many health problems that a person has to face. This remedy has there are many applications:

In some cases, some people use this drug to keep the body energetic. As can be seen from the list above, “Star” balm can be considered a universal medicine.

Balm “Star”: instructions for use

The remedy is widely used in the elimination of a wide variety of ailments, as well as disruption of the functioning of internal organs and body systems. However, in order for the effect of taking this medication to be maximum, it is necessary to use this drug correctly. In order not to harm yourself and to bring relief from the painful condition, you should read the instructions for use before use, which contain instructions on how to use this medicine.

It’s worth mentioning right away that this product is intended mainly for external use. If you are bitten by an insect, then the area of ​​skin where the lesion occurred must be covered with a small amount of balm. If headaches have become a frequent problem in your life, then in this case it is necessary in the temple area, and also lubricate the back of the head with a small amount of this product.

For people who suffer from a severe cough, experts recommend treating the skin on the chest, neck, and upper back with this balm. When the procedure is completed, you need to lie down under a warm blanket. This is necessary for the medicine to work. The maximum effectiveness of this method of cough treatment is ensured if the balm is applied before bedtime.

During the cold season, many people experience a cold symptom such as a runny nose. In order to eliminate such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary, using a balm, to treat the skin on the bridge of the nose, not forgetting the areas of the wings of the nose. If pain occurs in the joints, it is necessary to rub the drug into the affected area several times, after which wrap in linen cloth.

It should be noted that this balm can also be used in aroma lamps. When the vapors of essential oils contained in this balm are inhaled, this can be considered as a good preventive procedure that eliminates the risk of flu and colds.

If swelling in the legs has become a serious problem for you, then experts recommend taking a contrast bath, and after that you need to rub a small amount of balm into dry legs. Particular attention should be paid to the skin of the ankle and sole. Using this balm, you can easily deal with dry calluses. After taking foot baths, you need to rub this medicine into the affected area.

How to use “Zvezdochka” for inhalation?

In winter, many people experience symptoms of colds such as cough and runny nose. In order to eliminate them, you should use the “Star” balm for inhalation. The instructions for using this balm in this way are quite simple.

The patient needs to take a container and fill it with water in the amount of one liter, and then bring it to a boil. Next, all that remains is to remove the container from the heat, and then add a small pea-sized amount of balm to the hot water. Table salt should be added as an additional component to the water. in the amount of 1 tablespoon. After this, you should lean over the container, cover your head with a towel and breathe for 10 minutes, while keeping your eyes closed.

Balm “Star”: use during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most important moment in every woman's life. During this period, the expectant mother pays great attention to her own and the child’s health. Therefore, a woman in an interesting position treats treatment with special caution, carefully selecting medications. Another peculiarity of this period in a woman’s life is that her immune system is weakened, so she is easily infected with infectious diseases, as well as colds.

It is worth saying that pregnancy is a contraindication for taking Vietnamese star. However, despite its presence, doctors still recommend this particular remedy for treatment of their patients who are in an “interesting situation”. Of course, there is still a risk of complications when treating with this balm, but in terms of safety, this medicine is much more superior to other medications offered in the pharmacy chain.

To ensure that a pregnant woman does not harm herself or her baby when treating the “Zvezdochka” ointment, she must adhere to precautions when taking the balm and not use this product in large quantities.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to changes occurring in health status. Before starting therapy, you should definitely do an allergy test. It's quite easy to do. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of balm to the skin, and then observe whether redness and itching appear in this area. This test is mandatory for every pregnant woman, even if she was not allergic to this drug before the “interesting situation” occurred.

Are there any contraindications?

At the moment, even though pharmacies offer many drugs, “Zvezdochka” is very popular. People who decide to use it to eliminate their health problems are, of course, interested in the question of whether everyone can use this balm. If you refer to the instructions for use, you will find that this product still has there are several contraindications.

Are there possible side effects when taking Zvezdochka?

Let us say right away that if this balm is taken taking into account all the recommendations contained in the instructions for use, then its use does not pose any threat to health or negative consequences. In some cases, in patients who use this drug for treatment, allergic conditions may occur, which are manifested by symptoms such as itching, skin rashes and redness. A rare symptom is the occurrence of swelling of tissues and mucous membranes.

If the patient overdoes it with the amount of “Star” balm and applies too much of it, then there is a high risk of burns. Therefore, when treating with this remedy, you must follow the instructions and also not violate the recommendations of your doctor. If a burn occurs, you may feel intense heat and a burning sensation. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately wash off any remaining product from the skin using warm water and soap.

If, when taking Vietnamese ointment, you feel a deterioration in your health or you experience any unpleasant symptoms, then in this case, treatment with “Zvezdochka” should be stopped and consult a doctor. It is possible that this drug is not suitable for you and should be replaced with something else.

Additional Information

First, it’s worth talking about the storage conditions of this Vietnamese ointment. The shelf life of Zvezdochka balm is 4 years. To store it, you should choose a cool, dry place that is out of reach of children. It is advisable that the place be protected from sunlight. If all of the listed storage conditions for this medicine are met, then you can safely use the balm throughout the entire shelf life of this medicine.

When using this ointment, you must pay attention to ensure that it does not come into contact with open wounds or mucous membranes, as this can lead to irritation. Please note that this product is not intended for oral use.


Balm “Zvezdochka” is a popular drug that allows you to solve various health problems. Many people remember that during the Soviet years it was incredibly popular. However, even now this remedy is in demand.

Its advantages are efficiency as well as safety. This balm is a universal medicine that helps eliminate many unpleasant symptoms. “Star” is a good helper for a runny nose, as well as colds and in eliminating flu symptoms.

If you often suffer from headaches, this remedy will help relieve discomfort. Of course, this medicine has side effects, but their number is small. Before using the balm, you must read the instructions for its use so as not to harm your health.



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