Spring depression in men treatment. Spring exacerbation: spleen, blues, depression

Spring depression (seasonal affective disorder ) ruins the lives of many women and men. Blues reduces them vitality and can cause the emergence or exacerbation of various chronic diseases. The paradox is that this unpleasant state occurs at a wonderful time of nature’s awakening. The snow is melting, the sun is shining brighter, the birds are singing, the buds are swelling on the trees, but for some reason my soul is empty and gloomy. And life itself seems meaningless. This painful state can be changed.

Symptoms of spring depression

Spring depression manifests itself as sadness, apathy, lethargy, tearfulness, resentment, despondency, drowsiness, increased irritability, mood swings, grumpiness and even scandalousness. Some people develop a feeling of helplessness and loneliness, a feeling of depression, a state of lack of will and unwillingness to do something. They suffer from this. They often unsuccessfully try to attract the attention of family and friends by complaining about deteriorating health and loss of interest in life. Conversations begin in a raised tone and showdowns, which in no way improves the mood of others and only increases the number of people suffering from depression.

Seasonal depression (spring and autumn) is popularly called spring or autumn exacerbation in schizophrenics. This is a very offensive definition of the fact of change mental state a specific person is often used to insult or humiliate.

Mentally healthy people can react to the changing seasons in different ways. For example, overeating. This causes weight gain, decreased activity, and dissatisfaction with oneself. All negative feelings and thoughts are consumed with sweets, which leads to sharp increase blood sugar with all the ensuing consequences. It is more difficult for the body to function due to insufficient receipt and absorption of vitamins, physical inactivity, chronic fatigue, seasonal acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.

How to prevent spring depression

You can prevent spring depression in a variety of ways.

1. First of all, this active image a life in which there is no time left for soul-searching. It is worth postponing discussion and clarification “for later” bad relationship, solving unpleasant problems that are not urgent.

2. Housewives need to leave the house more often, appear in public, visit exhibitions, go to the movies, theaters, concerts, etc. Spend less time in the kitchen, allow yourself to use semi-finished products even when at other times this food is prohibited.

3. It is worth running away from any conflicts. Do not let any negative information pass through yourself. Just take it into consideration. Better to be distant. Don’t retell to others the horrors you saw on TV and don’t chew on other people’s troubles. Help them, but don't take all their pain on yourself. Avoid those people who “vampire”. Their company can deprive them of energy and strength. IN as a last resort treat them to a cup of sweet tea and quickly end the meeting, citing urgent matters.

4. From the end of winter it is worth taking vitamin complexes. Eat more healthy food. There should be on the table fresh fruit And raw vegetables, not bags of store-bought juice. Don't overeat. Try to voluntarily limit yourself to something. This will increase your self-esteem.

5. You can treat yourself to dark chocolate, bananas and other foods with the happiness hormone serotonin. Allow yourself a little “tasty”. Better not at night, so as not to wake up in the morning with an unpleasant feeling guilt towards oneself and poor health.

6. It is in spring that the body needs good sleep. There's no point in continuing nap after sunset, because this may cause insomnia. It is better to go to bed before 23.00. Sleeping before midnight is considered the most beneficial.

7. Increase your time spent on fresh air. Walk, move, visit pools or take a shower at home. Clear the snow from the paths and watch nature awaken. Bring cut branches of trees or shrubs and place them at home in the most beautiful vase with water. It will be nice to see how the buds swell and bloom, and tiny roots appear. Some plants, such as cherry trees, may even bloom.

8. Praise yourself more often, remember your achievements. Admire good photographs, put aside those in which you are close to people you find unpleasant.

9. Make plans. Any. Let it not even be a trip to warm regions, but planning the “sowing season”, drawing up a plan for the day (month), studying the program schedule, etc. The main thing is perspective and anticipation of pleasant things.

10. How often flowers save us. In spring you can treat yourself to inexpensive flowering bulbs or other indoor plants. I'm surprised every time I hear that bad omen Donated plants in pots are considered. This is a strange superstition associated with plants. Not all people like to be given bouquets. For example, I would like to immediately start cutting beautiful roses, lilies and chrysanthemums, the beauty of which is so short-lived in bouquets. However, for many women it is beautiful bouquet lifts the mood.

How to cure spring depression

When treating serious spring depression, you should trust a professional psychotherapist. Only he will be able to prescribe those medications that will help even in the most severe cases. Sometimes you have to accept psychotropic drugs. Among them there are effective new generation antidepressants that do not cause addiction.

For mild to moderate depression, self-medication is possible. Many people buy from pharmacies herbal antidepressants, which are sold without a prescription. For example, based on St. John's wort (" Negrustin "). Helps someone lemongrass extract or Eleutherococcus , others need it more valerian or mint .

© Alla Anashina, podmoskovje.com

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It is during the period of the year when nature wakes up, the sun begins to warm up, and people smile for no reason, many may face spring depression. In men and women, the symptoms of spring depression manifest themselves almost equally. Causes this state are also very similar in many ways. What treatment is carried out if this condition suddenly overtakes you?

People often experience depression. The reasons could be like physiological factors, so psychological problems. In this article we're talking about about healthy people who just sometimes fall into a depressed state. A person does not always have to be cheerful and carefree. Depression in the everyday sense of the word has many causes.

What is spring depression?

What is spring depression? This is a mental state that is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Depressed mood.
  • Pessimistic outlook on life.
  • Lack of feeling of joy.

It is widespread among people and makes us talk about it a lot and often. Depression is considered clinical disease, which can only be cured under the supervision of a doctor using medications. However, echoes of the symptoms can often be found in a completely healthy person, who at times falls into a depressed mood, secludes himself, and becomes passive.

To understand how to cope with depression in its everyday form, you need to know why it occurs in the first place. In numerous articles and books you can read about various reasons of this state. We remind you once again that we are talking about the blues, from which a person soon emerges. If this condition does not go away, then it becomes deeper, which leads to psychopathological affects, which are already treated by psychiatrists.

Thus, healthy person usually mopes, which everyone calls depression. However, it should be understood that truly depressive conditions can be treated with medications. Often sick people are hospitalized so that they are under the care of doctors who treat them. And ordinary spring depression is a temporary period that occurs in some healthy individuals.

All ages are susceptible to the spring blues. Even children can suffer from it. It is noted that women are more often affected by it than men. This is due to emotional background, which is observed in the sexes. Women are often more emotional than men, and therefore are more susceptible to depression.

Causes of spring depression

There are reasons for the development of spring (and other types) depression large number. They are physiological (for example, lack of vitamins or energy) and psychological (for example, dissatisfaction with your life or problems at work). It will not be possible to list them all, but let’s try to consider the most common causes of spring depression.

What is depression? This is the inability to forgive the past, accept the present in all its diversity and create the desired future:

  1. To forgive the past means to forgive yourself and others for all grievances, to accept those events that worried and caused shame, to allow yourself to be an imperfect person who made many mistakes. You should allow yourself to have both good and bad past, not hold on to it, but remember it in order to learn lessons and become even stronger.
  2. Accepting the present in all its diversity means learning to see the world in good and bad colors, without being offended, without getting angry, without being upset. Every person has unpleasant stories and failures. It is also normal to experience negative emotions. But it’s one thing to experience and let go, and another thing to experience and keep within yourself. Last option becomes favorable for the occurrence of depression.
  3. Creating the future you want means setting goals and in various ways achieve them. Many people simply dream about something, but do not act. A person free of depression takes upon himself the obligation to achieve his goal. Knowing that you will do whatever it takes to achieve the future you want makes you a strong person who never gets depressed.

Depression is a person’s refusal to accept a certain situation, result, or phenomenon. A breakup in a relationship is unpleasant. Depressed man will suffer for a long time because of what happened, and the strong one will first give himself the opportunity to grieve for a couple of days, but then he will draw conclusions from what happened, set new goals and begin to implement them.

When a person is moving towards something, uses the past as experience, looks at the present without resisting either the bad or the good, then he has no time to be in a bad mood. Stress, anxiety, fears, worries, of course, happen, but quickly pass because strong man does not want to waste time on things that do not help him live happily and successfully.

Sometimes the present is also not pleasing with its colors, just like the past, into which a person is often immersed in memories, begins to regret something and beat himself up for something. For example, existing problems at work, the departure of a loved one from the family, mental trauma, overload at work, stress, etc.

Psychologists often note that spring depression, like its other types, often occurs for a combination of reasons. For example, a person may not get enough sleep due to constantly thinking about work issues, be undernourished and not get enough rest. The combination of physiological and psychological factors is a direct path to the formation of depression in the spring.

TO physiological reasons The following factors are usually attributed to spring depression:

  1. Flaw sunlight, especially when a person is forced to stay indoors and not warm up in the first rays of the sun.
  2. Lack of vitamins, which is quite natural, since a person does not consume many vegetables and fruits in winter.
  3. Lack of fresh air.
  4. Weakened immunity. Diseases that arise during this period can be involved in provoking depression.
  5. Passive lifestyle.
  6. Perestroika hormonal levels when the body gradually prepares for heat.

If for winter period If some troubles happen to a person, they will contribute to the emergence of spring depression. A person often becomes depressed because unpleasant memories he is tormented and forced to blame himself for something.

Spring depression - symptoms in women

Women have many reasons for being in depressed state. Often, because of such “objective” reasons, men call them capricious. All of them lead to such states of spring depression, which are symptoms in women, such as despondency, sad mood, blues, loss of strength, melancholy, etc.

Women look forward to spring, as this time is marked by the first warm temperatures, as well as the opportunity to throw off heavy and unattractive clothes. However, with the onset of spring, women begin to become even more upset:

  • The weather is not as warm and sunny as we would like.
  • People around continue to walk around gloomily.
  • The clothes that the woman used to put on easily have now become small.
  • Leather pale color and peels off.

A woman finds many reasons why she has no reason to be happy. And this manifests itself in the following symptoms of spring depression:

  1. Irritability.
  2. Decline of physical and mental strength.
  3. Tears for no reason.
  4. Fall in self-esteem.
  5. Headaches.
  6. Negative thoughts.
  7. Bad mood.
  8. Feeling tired after work.
  9. Physical weakness.
  10. Lack of desire to work and learn something new.
  11. Loss or, conversely, the appearance of a large appetite.
  12. Anxiety.
  13. Insomnia.
  14. Feeling restless.
  15. Lack of concentration.

The reasons for the formation of a depressive state in spring in women include: hormonal changes, which are already tired during the winter period, still go unfavorably in the spring. If a woman is pregnant, then her “special” condition can also affect her mental mood.

Women are often worried about three things:

  1. Beauty, external attractiveness.
  2. Beloved man, having a love relationship.
  3. Children, their health and successful development.

If on all 3 plans a woman is satisfied with the results achieved for the spring period, then her depressive state does not affect her. If she has problems in one of the areas, then most likely they will worsen even more in the spring.

Spring depression - symptoms in men

It is not accepted in society for men to complain about their problems, especially if they are psychological in nature. From childhood, the stronger sex is even taught not to pay attention to their psychological state. However, not paying attention to spring depression does not mean that men do not exhibit its symptoms.

Every 4th man suffers from spring depression. It happens that they themselves do not notice this. However, a depressive state affects the behavior of a man, who often turns into a “terrorist” for his family or himself. As long as a man ignores his condition, it will not go away on its own.

What could be the reasons male depression? First of all, highlight hormonal cause– a change in testosterone production, which to some extent affects the man’s self-perception of his masculinity.

Secondly, it may be various diseases, which are often found in men due to their heavy physical work.

Thirdly, problems at work that affect his material earnings. It is important for a man to occupy a good position at work, as well as receive a decent salary, so that he can bring money home and not face the displeasure of his wife.

If a man is dissatisfied with his life, then spring often upsets him even more. He exhibits the following symptoms of spring depression:

  • Feeling tired.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Slowness of speech, thought processes and movements.
  • Headaches.
  • Anger.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Suicidal thoughts.
  • Drowsiness or loss of sleep.
  • Indigestion.
  • Self-doubt.
  • Drug or alcohol abuse.
  • Change in weight.
  • Loss of concentration.
  • Coarseness.
  • Indecisiveness.
  • Irritability.
  • Back pain.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Increased nervousness.
  • Negative thinking.
  • Staying under stress for a long time.

All symptoms of spring depression directly affect a man’s activities, relationships with people, as well as his state of health. If women are not afraid to talk about their condition and ask for help, then men often ignore this, which worsens the situation.

Hidden signs of spring depression

People notice spring depression only when it is already too late. A person is depressed, he has neither strength nor energy, he doesn’t want anything. We can say that the person is no longer depressed, but in apathy. When desires and energy are lost ( hidden signs), this indicates that the individual is depressed.

The second sign of spring depression is sleep. Do you often want to sleep? Do you get tired quickly? If you are not physically ill, then we are talking about psychological or emotional illness. Chronic fatigue associated with burnout. However, people believe that you can only get tired physically. In fact, you can burn out both emotionally and psychologically when a person does not accept something, is under psycho-emotional pressure, and cannot get out of an uncomfortable environment. Drowsiness occurs, which is often attributed to physical fatigue.

The third factor in the spring depression can be called changes in tastes. They can be associated with the loss of any desires and goals in life. This affects the body, which begins to want to either eat a lot or eat little.

Can be attributed to the fourth factor of latent spring depression. All people can get irritated; this is quite natural in a situation where something is unpleasant. But in a depressed state, absolutely everything irritates, even what formerly man could have reacted calmly. None good reasons to get irritated, but internal disturbance is still present.

Depression is often attributed passive behavior individual. Like, he wants to be alone, to fall asleep and not wake up. In fact, a depressed state can lead to the exact opposite behavior: social activity, restlessness, excessive sociability, etc. A person is simply trying to escape from the problem that is depressing him. Either he hides from her in solitude, or goes into society, which will drown out unpleasant experiences with its noise. Excessive social activity speaks of hidden depression.

People are different, as are their manifestations in a state of spring depression. It is easier to identify a criterion that indicates that this state does not exist - this is a feeling of happiness and harmony. If a person genuinely smiles, is satisfied with his life and feels calm and harmonious, it means that he does not suppress depressing experiences within himself. In other cases, a person simply pretends, trying to hide his depression behind some bright images and gestures.

Treatment of spring depression

Often, the treatment for spring depression consists of eliminating the causes that provoked it. If we are talking about physiological deficiencies of vitamins, then it is necessary to replenish them. If there are problems at work, then you should solve them. Eliminating the cause of spring depression – the only way treatment.

The severity of the condition should be distinguished. If a person is depressed for only a few days, and periodically switches and even has fun, only a small part of the symptoms appear, then he can cope with his depression himself. If the degree of the condition is so deep that the person is constantly and for a long time depressed, then it is recommended to seek medical help.

To get rid of spring depression, you need to:

  • Exercise.
  • Walk outdoors every day.
  • Take vitamins.
  • Have a full rest.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Communicate with loved ones and friends.
  • Make purchases that will delight you.
  • Surround yourself with bright colors (dress colorfully) and smiling people.

These recommendations will also help in quality preventive measures. In spring, the air becomes warm and fresh, and the sun begins to warm the skin. Although the first berries and vegetables appear in late period spring, you need to enrich your diet with various products.

It’s good if a person is surrounded by people who support him and cheer him up. It would be nice if a person solves his problems that psychologically depress him.

More than once a person finds himself in situations where not everything in his life goes smoothly and the way he would like. The mood drops, negative feelings arise in the soul. Depression, stress and irritation are frequent companions of this time.

Should you focus your attention on what is happening now, or should you still think about the future, setting goals for yourself?

The first natural reaction of any person is the desire to get rid of what is unpleasant. It is quite normal if you want to get rid of negative emotions and feelings. At the same time, people are taught that it is necessary to be in the present time. What happens now is much more important than what will happen in the future. You can’t argue here either, since only the present tense determines your past and future.

However, the following should be noted... You need to think about the future, since a person sometimes gets used to the state that for a long time experiences. If you have prolonged depression or a depressed mood, then after a few days this will become a familiar state for you. No you won't love yours negative emotions and feelings, they will still bother you, causing discomfort. However, out of habit, you won’t do anything about it. Just as you are doing nothing now, just experiencing your negative emotions, so in the future you will do the same thing, only sometimes losing your usual state by the will of fate, when it presents you with pleasant surprises.

It is better to think about the future and at the same time do something to make it the way you want it to be. After all, as already mentioned, the present time determines your past and future. What you do now will shape your future. And if you do nothing now, then the future will be the same as your present is now. Do you want to feel bad, irritated, unpleasant in the future?

Do you need to think about the future when you feel bad today? This is simply necessary. Set goals for yourself and start achieving them, no matter what you have now Bad mood. Gradually, as you move towards your goal and receive the first results of your labors, you will begin to forget about the circumstances that today have led you into depression and a decadent mood. Soon you will come out of this state altogether, because your head and thoughts will be occupied by other problems - those that will arise as you achieve your goal.

The present time is also important, because you will act and think about the future now. But the future determines the direction in which you will go. Therefore, do not sit idly by, but go towards your future in the present time.

Bottom line

If you do not want to darken your existence with unpleasant conditions, then you should immediately be treated in various ways. Often, spring depression is just a psychological mood in which there is no fun and joy. Everything depends only on the person who decides what mood he should be in. The result is the state for which a person has programmed himself.

They don’t die from spring depression, so it doesn’t affect life expectancy. However, it should be understood that the quality of life can change if a person does not solve his problem.

A person in a state of depression makes the situation even worse through his actions. Why is it so difficult to move to another state when depressed? Man himself aggravates the problem with his lifestyle.

What does a depressed person do? He watches dramatic tearful films, listens to songs about unhappy love or betrayal of friends, withdraws, becomes silent, etc. And for some reason the person hopes that some friend or loved one will appear in his life who will pull him out of this state . This won't happen. Even the most sociable, cheerful and optimistic person will not pull another out of depression.

How to get rid of depression? You need to remember your desires, plans for life, hobbies, loved ones, interesting activities and start doing them. Don’t get lost in sad thoughts and depression, but do something that’s interesting.

There are many things you can do to distract you from depression. One thing is important here - the desire of the person himself to amuse himself. Don’t think: “How unhappy I am... The world is cruel... People are evil... I’d rather be alone than...”, but tell yourself: “I want to live happily, so they will do things that are interesting to them.” No one can pull a person out of his depression until he comes to his senses and finally decides to get out of it. It’s so convenient to pretend to be an unhappy person whom everyone wants to pity. And in order to create happiness for yourself, this already requires will and effort, which an unhappy person is simply too lazy to show.

Overcome emotional stress A properly organized work day helps. You should understand the characteristics of the chosen profession and know how it affects the individual. You should not burden your mind with heavy emotions or reading serious books. To combat autonomic disorders at hysterical personalities tranquilizers can be used sedatives, antidepressants.

Anorexia in women

Depression - serious disorder nervous system, in which there is a refusal to eat. A woman who is dissatisfied with her appearance does not take food until weight loss and significant emaciation occur; in particularly severe cases, cachexia (exhaustion) may develop. Refusal to eat occurs due to prolonged nervous tension related to study.

The patient thinks: “Whether you get rid of the extra pounds or not, there will be no improvement.” She wastes her own mental resources and does not have time to replenish them thanks to an exaggerated desire for perfection, excessive punctuality and accuracy.

During the development period depressive syndrome the patient is indifferent to her serious illness physical condition. A woman, fearing weight gain, takes emetics, uses laxatives, and enemas. During depression, the condition of the skin worsens and acne appears all over the body.

The patient's relatives do not know how to deal with spring depression for people suffering from anorexia nervosa without using medical supplies. Somatic complaints serve as a reason to consult a doctor, who prescribes vitamins A (natural beta-carotene), C, E and group B (especially B1 and B12), lipoic acid and minerals - zinc, magnesium. Proteins cope with fatigue, and the best remedy to boost immunity - selenium.

Sleep disturbance

Problems falling asleep are a manifestation of spring depression. Man complains about light sleep, frequent awakening. Dreams are unpleasant, the structure of the period of falling asleep is disrupted. Often the patient does not feel the desire to sleep, but muscle relaxation doesn't come. Sometimes the patient quickly wakes up and remains awake for 1-2 hours. arise unpleasant thoughts, ideas, fears reflecting any conflict situation.

How to cope with spring depression if the spectrum of sensory components of falling asleep disappears (pleasant fatigue, slight drowsiness, heaviness of the eyelids, yawning, warmth throughout the body)?

You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Regular walks in the fresh air and water treatments improve blood circulation. Drawing and playing are very beneficial. musical instruments. Needs treatment herbal preparations. You should not make responsible decisions or experiment with products before going to bed. At moonlight Sleeping is not recommended, as symptoms of depression intensify.

What to do if similar condition, you need to find out from a traditional healer.

If the patient cannot cope with the symptoms of depression and feels that he is not changing better side, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

When everything gets boring physical world and even in the family, when she lies for days and any attempts by loved ones to stir her up only irritate her - what should a woman do with spring depression, when life loses its colors, and family and work still require participation as at other times of the year? Where do you get the energy to live?

It is known that mental illness worsen in the spring, including depression. In the spring, the number of requests for help from psychologists and psychiatrists increases and the number of hospitalizations in psychiatric hospital. Women experience spring depression as often as men, but women seek help more often. So why does this happen and how to deal with spring depression?

Symptoms of spring depression

When spring comes, the permanent blues, which somehow subsided in the winter, begin to wake up along with the outside world. Most people rejoice at the revival of nature, but there are people for whom spring is a time of depression and apathy, even hatred of life.

Elongation daylight hours naturally shortens the nights. Everyday life becomes noisy and crowded. The people around you are cheerful and cheerful, and you can increasingly hear them say: “Finally, spring has come!”, “How good!”

What's good? It doesn't seem that way to a depressed person. Birds irritate him with their chirping, the sun begins to shine too early and does not want to stop enlivening this world. People become more active and make such a fuss around that you want them to finally go to bed! They are planning something, and worst of all, they are enjoying this time of year, anticipating a hot summer, making noise and laughing. In the morning you don’t want to wake up, you’re overwhelmed by apathy and fatigue. My mood is worse than ever, nothing makes me happy, I don’t want to do anything. Only in the evening does it improve, when the sun sets and everything around calms down. You can still breathe freely at night. But after it comes the hated morning again.

Friends bother me and invite me for walks and picnics. And, being among them, it is impossible to understand where they get the strength to enjoy life? Why do they smile at the sun, but I want to hide from it and from them in a dark basement? Why am I not like everyone else?

This is spring depression. Advice to take up a new activity, sport, dancing, entertainment or anything else does not help. Everything has already been tried. When such a condition occurs year after year, one gets used to it and waits for the depression to subside. Only next spring she returns again.

Why does depression worsen in the spring?

In spring, all living things tremble; this time of year is a celebration of life. But for certain people, spring means the appearance of symptoms of depression and unwillingness to live. Against the backdrop of mass joy surrounding their own negative states They begin to multiply and press even harder. These are people with a sound vector.

Or in writing, composing poetry, reading philosophical works, studying various theories of the universe, etc. But all modern sound specialists, one way or another, strive for a complete understanding of the meaning of life as such, even if they are not aware of this deep-seated request. Why do I wake up and do the same actions day after day? Why does this world exist?

To learn to live among other people with pleasure, a person with a sound vector needs to know the structure of his psyche and the psyche of other people. The sound artist needs an answer to the question - why do all these people live, why does the world work this way - in order to find himself in it, his purpose. Revealing the characteristics of other people through eight vectors gives a person with a sound vector an understanding of their behavior, their states and worldview, which in comparison allows them to understand how they themselves work. Finding your place in life is possible only through understanding yourself and other people - how to interact with them and for what purpose to do this.

Everyone lives his unconscious, hiding real reasons human behavior and conditions. By revealing the mechanisms of the psyche, a person with a sound vector becomes able to realize himself in ordinary life. Which is the key to understanding how to get rid of the symptoms of depression, from the endless, year after year, recurring exacerbations of depression in the spring. Spring will bring joy in a new perception of the world and attitude towards people. The task of coping with spring depression becomes easily solved, like an abstract mathematical example, Yuri Burlan.

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Finally, spring has come. How people are all waiting for her and dreaming about her, after a long and cold winter. After all, this is a time of joy, warmth and sun. Everything in this world blossoms, sings and rejoices. After all, spring is a rebirth, and not only of nature, but also human feelings and emotions, which temporarily fell asleep in cold weather. But something prevents us from enjoying this beautiful weather and bright sun, something worries and worries us, you feel loneliness and melancholy, you don’t want to do anything, and you just walk around upset. If you have all these symptoms, then you have the well-known spring depression. It needs to be driven away, it needs to be fought. But how to do this?

Depression is not only a state of sadness and melancholy, it is a serious mental disorder, which is accompanied by a decrease in mood, loss of a sense of joy and a pessimistic attitude towards everything that happens in the world. Spring depression is quite common condition in people, especially those who are very sensitive and emotional.

What causes spring depression?

Firstly, this is a sharp change in temperature and atmospheric pressure. Secondly, decreased immunity, thirdly, lack of vitamins. Namely, vitamins can greatly influence our mood and our health. During the three months of winter, we received little heat from the sun, vitamins from fruits - and all this can cause spring depression. As spring has arrived, man is increasingly aggravated by problems that he could not solve. A person expects new impressions and radical changes from the arrival of spring, but spring is only nature, and it cannot solve all your affairs and problems. Because of this, a person understands that he himself can no longer decide anything and hopes for the weather, understands the stupidity of these thoughts and becomes very upset. With the arrival of spring, both men and women hope for the arrival of love. And when this does not happen, the person becomes depressed.

But how to deal with these feelings, how to overcome spring depression?

  1. If you feel unwell, both physically and mentally, try to overcome your symptoms yourself first. There is no need to rush, try to relax, do not engage in active activities for a while, stay at home, look good films, meet only with your beloved family and friends. Try to limit yourself from everyone bad people and events.
  2. After a little rest, begin to join your active life. But don’t rush, you don’t need to do everything at once in one day. If you have a lot of unfinished tasks, try to solve them in a few days. Choose the most enjoyable things first, and leave the things that don’t bring you pleasure until last.
  3. Rearrange your home, throw away old things. Buy fresh spring flowers for home, add more light to your apartment. Read books that have been put off for a long time, watch old films. Ideally, it would be if you go on vacation to warmer climes.
  4. To relieve depression, start exercising. Physical labor will help you forget about your problems, your illnesses and your sadness.
  5. Good medicine against spring depression - chocolate, fruits, nuts, ice cream. You will also relax if you take aromatic baths, or go to the pool or sauna.
You need to fight spring depression; you can’t crush it. Firstly, you won’t succeed, and secondly, it will only make things worse for you. Many people have gone through depression, you just need to gain strength to overcome it. Don't worry if you can't get rid of it right away, it takes a lot of time. But if you do this with good mood and with double diligence, then spring depression will go away forever, and you will be able to enjoy the warm sun, birdsong and new opportunities that will open up before you.



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