Hookah charcoal is the best option. Other types of coals: what is suitable for hookah? Water purification, features of the use of coconut charcoal

Coal has been used by people since ancient times to purify water from harmful chemical compounds and microorganisms. Currently, the scope of its application has expanded many times. Activated carbon used as a sorbent in water treatment plants, medicine, chemical industry and many other directions. Their list is too long to list in full. Main - highest performance adsorption of coal, which make it a leader.

Coal - common name. There are many varieties of this material. They differ in the type of wood from which the charcoal is made. In addition, coals differ in fractions, that is, the size of individual coal particles. There are also specialized coals with additional additives for use in certain situations.

Features of coconut charcoal

Separately, it is worth noting the high-quality coconut charcoal. It differs from wood, such as birch, in having higher adsorption characteristics and a more durable structure. Thanks to this, its range of applications is wider than that of charcoal.

Coconut charcoal is used for cleaning waste water and individual water filters, but besides this he also received widespread as a filter for purifying alcohols and oils. Activated coconut charcoal is also necessary as a dietary supplement that absorbs and removes toxic and radioactive substances hazardous to the health of animals from the body.

Coconut charcoal grade KAU-A, for example, is used to purify alcohols from fusel oils during moonshine brewing. It not only purifies alcohol, but also saturates it with iodine and iron, which helps better absorption fluids in the human body.

Water purification, features of the use of coconut charcoal

In water purification, coconut charcoal is commonly used for dechlorination. Thanks to chlorine wastewater treatment, the chlorine content in the water flowing from the tap in the apartment may slightly exceed the norm. Coconut charcoal does this effectively. It is also necessary for purifying water in swimming pools from excess copper, chlorine and other substances harmful to human health.

Depending on the type of pollutant, coconut charcoal of various fractions is used. Essentially, this is the difference in the compartments for storing poisons and harmful substances. The molecules of some are larger, others are smaller, so powder and granular carbon have different areas applications.

Rehabilitation of the sorbent

But, like all other sorbents, coconut charcoal has its own saturation limit. Once reached, it stops absorbing the target substances and may even begin to release them back into the liquid. In the case of individual water filters, this is very easy to notice. Water may change its taste, color and sound pleasant smell. In this case, the filter will need rehabilitation, that is, restoration of sorption capabilities. It is usually enough to rinse coconut charcoal clean water, but the procedure may vary depending on the brand of coal and its operating conditions. For example, filters in water treatment plants are usually washed with specially selected reducing solutions.

The taste and softness of the hookah smoke you inhale depends on the quality of the coal. Choosing it is quite difficult, but it is possible if you understand its types, manufacturers and costs. This is what we will talk about in this material. There are many manufacturers on our market, but the most popular of them are two: Cocobrico and Carbopol. They are produced in the form of tablets, cubes and triangular bars. irregular shape. So, which hookah charcoal is best, how many manufacturers are there and how much does hookah charcoal cost?

The best coconut charcoal for hookah and other types

Before you figure out which hookah charcoal to choose, you need to understand its types. It is divided into two large sections. These are natural wood and flammable coals.

Charcoal is natural. Its excellent aroma is due to the fact that it is made from non-resinous wood. Such coal must be heated on the stove, and then it remains very hot. for a long time.

The best coconut charcoal for hookah is considered popular. It is made from coconut shells. There is no smell or taste, and it will smolder longer than any analogues.

Coals that ignite are covered in production unique composition. They are not suitable for true hookah connoisseurs, but they are used very often in hookah bars.

The Cocobrico company makes excellent hookah charcoal. On at the moment it is the most popular and in demand. It is made from coconut shells and comes in cubes. There is no smell when burning. Kokobriko costs from 70 rubles for 24 cubes. Available in a maximum container of 96 pieces. Each cube measures 2.2 by 2.2 by 2.2 by 2.2 millimeters.

Kokobriko's ashes do not fall onto the foil. The cube holds its shape until the end of combustion. If you have a large smoking cup, two pieces will be enough. They smolder for almost an hour.

Panda hookah charcoal is available in two types of packaging - red and green. The green container contains 120 flattened cubes measuring 2.5 by 2.5 by 1.5 centimeters. The red package contains 96 cubes with dimensions of 2.3 by 2.3 by 2.3 centimeters. The contents weigh approximately a kilogram. small coal It flares up very quickly and smolderes for about an hour to an hour and a half. Does not get dirty and does not affect the taste of the hookah. There is a slight smell when ignited - quite light and natural.

Crown coconut charcoal comes in cubes. Dimensions are 2.5 by 2.5 by 2.5 centimeters. Doesn't crumble and doesn't stain your hands. Coal does not give off any odor and does not smell when ignited. It smolders evenly and holds the heat for a long time. In the end, not even ashes remain. It's actually quite difficult to find.

Euro Shisha hookah charcoal is available in kilogram containers. There are 108 pieces in the package. The size is 2.2 by 2.2 by 2.2 centimeters. This coconut charcoal smolders for a long time and does not give off any odor. The box contains three bags with 36 pieces.

Coco Nara produces excellent coconut charcoal. Sold in packs of 250 grams. There are 4 pieces measuring 2 by 2 by 2 centimeters. You can buy it not in cardboard packaging, but in cellophane. It has virtually no smell and smolders perfectly. Lights up immediately and leaves almost no ash.

KHALIL MAMOON is available in kilogram containers. There are 96 briquettes in a package. It's made from coconut, therefore, natural. Coal burns for a long time and has no smell or taste. It does not produce sparks, but burns for a long time. Average cost is 270 rubles.

Tom Coco is suitable not only for hookah, but also for barbecue. This coconut charcoal is made from coconut shells. It is divided into cubes measuring 2.5 by 2.5 centimeters. It comes in kilogram containers and costs an average of 400 rubles.

Other types of hookah coal

Suzanna brand natural coals. Unfortunately, you can easily fall for a fake, as many often sell fakes. This type of coal is produced in the form of triangular bars. When ignited, it begins to emit a light, pleasant smell. You need to hold it on the stove for about five minutes, and it will flare up. One of the disadvantages is that it gets your hands very dirty. Suzanna will cost approximately 250 rubles per kilogram.

Al Fakher coal used to be the most popular in the market. Now he has lost ground a little. Available in the form of charcoal, coconut and self-igniting charcoal. Burns from 40 minutes to an hour.

It is impossible to make a high-quality hookah without the right coal. The fact is that the taste of the liquid directly depends on this component, as well as how clean the smoke itself will be. The principle of operation of coal is quite simple: a hot stone heats the tobacco mixture, as a result of which it evaporates. Many experienced hookah makers know very well that even the most best hookah, manufactured according to all modern technologies, can be easily ruined if you use cheap Chinese coal.

The heat in the bowl is the most important process smoking. Therefore, professional hookah makers most often choose one type of coal and use it constantly. Today there is huge amount types of this component. However, it is difficult to say exactly which hookah coal is the best. It all depends on the individual preferences of the smoker. However, when choosing coal, you should pay attention to several nuances that will help you purchase best product. First of all, the coal must smolder for quite a long time. If it burns out in a few seconds, then it is better not to use it.

The second nuance that will help determine which coal is best for a hookah is the amount of ash. If there is too little of it, then the taste of the smoking mixture will not be the most pleasant. In addition, it is necessary to carefully choose the place where you buy coal. If you buy it on the market or from hand, then most likely it will be the lowest quality product that will not bring any pleasure from smoking. Let's look at several of the most popular categories of coal that experienced hookah makers use today.

coconut charcoal

This type of hookah ignition is the most popular today. This is because charcoal does not add any additional flavor to the smoke. In addition, the coconut product smolders much longer than other analogues.

When choosing which coal to use for a hookah, you should give preference to evenly shaped cubes. They come into even contact with the foil, which ensures better smoking. The coconut charcoal is lit for about 5-8 minutes, and it should turn red evenly and form thin layers of ash.

If we talk about the most popular varieties of this product, it is worth highlighting:

  • Cocobrico. This manufacturer guarantees the quality of its products. Kokobriko charcoal ignites well and scatters evenly during the smoldering process. Among the disadvantages of this brand of coal, we can only highlight its high cost. For 96 cubes you will have to pay at least 400 rubles.
  • Khalil Mamoon. This brand belongs to an Egyptian company that began producing hookah components in 2015. Coal of this brand has a rather long smoldering time. A new cube should be placed no earlier than after 40 minutes. However, such a product is also not cheap.
  • Crown. When talking about which coal is best for hookah, it is worth mentioning this Indonesian brand. If storage errors are made during the supply of fire cubes, the entire batch is destroyed. This indicates the integrity of the manufacturer. The coals produce a lot of heat, so novice hookah smokers may experience some difficulties.

In addition, when choosing which hookah charcoal is best to use, you should pay attention to the Mya Coco Genye brand. The cubes of this ignition are distinguished by long burning and high quality of the smoke created. Also, experts in hookah smoking recommend the Panda Coconara brand.

lemon charcoal

This type of hookah cubes has the longest burning time. Even its coconut counterpart is inferior to it in this regard. However, when talking about which coal is best for a hookah, it is worth paying attention to its disadvantages. Firstly, it is only sold in the form of large briquettes, which you will have to break apart yourself. Secondly, lemon charcoal takes quite a long time to light (up to 15 minutes). At the same time, it produces too much ash and heats up unevenly.

Self-igniting coal

This variety is most suitable for trips outside the city. Such coal flares up very quickly from the slightest spark. In this case, it takes no more than 5 minutes to ignite, after which you can start smoking the hookah.

However, when deciding which hookah coal is best to choose, you should pay attention to the disadvantages of self-igniting products. This type of coal produces very little heat. It includes large number chemical additives that are harmful not only to environment, but also for human health. Therefore, you need to use it very carefully.

Olive, walnut and grape charcoal

This type of hookah ignition cubes appeared in our country relatively recently. This type of coal has the same disadvantages as its lemon counterpart, since it is sold only in large briquettes. In addition, this product smolders quite quickly, which is why the cubes have to be changed very often. In addition, such strange coal does not provide sufficient heat and heats up unevenly. However, it costs less than its analogues.

Electronic carbon

Such products are purchased by those who want to automate the hookah smoking process as much as possible. However, this type of coal receives a huge amount negative reviews. The point is that when using this modern product The spirit of hookah culture completely disappears. In addition, when using e-charcoal, tobacco burns too quickly. Therefore, purchase this product not recommended.

How to light charcoal for a hookah

Process of use smoking mixtures requires some skill. It’s not enough to just find out which coal is best for a hookah; you also need to learn how to light the unit. Typically, the cube is first placed on a hot hotplate. When using coal outdoors, it is enough to use a gas burner.

February 3, 2017

Productionis a very important sector in the industry aimed at developing the hookah business. It was thanks to him that comfortable use of hookahs and their quick ignition became possible. In ancient times, coal for these devices was made manually; nowadays, special equipment is capable of producing several dozen coal tablets per minute. The industry has made significant strides forward and made the cost of coal much lower, as it increased the speed of its production and reduced labor costs.

Manufacturing Features

Average Chinese equipment for the production of coal for hookah costs around 20 thousand rubles, which allows you, if you wish, to open your own small business or buy equipment, raw materials and produce required quantity coal for yourself. For example, a Chinese-made YP-12 unit can produce about 250 compressed coal tablets per minute. The shape of the briquette will depend on which mold is installed in the press. Most often they turn out to be flat strips or square-shaped, both of which are quite convenient for lighting a hookah. Briquettes heat up quickly and give good heat. One portion of coal released by the device has optimal size and burns for an hour and a half. This is quite enough for a whole group to enjoy the hookah.

Is it worth making for yourself?

Production of coconut charcoal for hookah independently is interesting only to small entrepreneurs, since it is much more convenient for yourself to buy small portions of coal, which is produced by many manufacturers in various countries peace. Our store offers wide choice coal of different grades, made from different plants. The highest quality and most popular product is made from coconut flakes. It has the most optimal qualities that hookah lovers appreciate.

The taste and aroma of the hookah largely depends on which coal is chosen. There are several types of coal for it: coconut, wood, tablet, saltpeter; each type has its own characteristics. The tablets are convenient because they do not require complicated ignition and light up almost immediately, but the smoke will have a charcoal taste. They burn quickly. Coconut, for example, requires more time to ignite, as it begins to burn when sufficiently high temperature, however, the smoke from it will not have any foreign odors, you will be able to enjoy the delicate aroma of the hookah mixture. Wood gives off a smell when smoldering, but it is quite pleasant if you pick it up the right combination hookah filler, the taste of the smoke will be balanced. Saltpeter coal has almost the same properties.

What could be better than sitting with a hookah on fresh air, enjoy the taste of sweet smoke and leisurely conversation with friends? Specialty stores offer a choice of hundreds of varieties of tobacco, charcoal and hookah accessories. The wide selection can be confusing for a beginner.
To get a pure taste (without bitterness and chemical aftertaste), you need not only to purchase high-quality tobacco, but also to learn the science of hookah. Key Point, which will determine the development of tobacco taste - the choice of coal.

Types of coal for hookah
In addition to coconut charcoal, there are the following types: charcoal, shell coal walnuts, grapevine charcoal, olive pit charcoal. They are sold both in the form of bars and in tablet form. Each variety has its own characteristics and its fans, but the absolute favorite is coconut shell charcoal.
Coke charcoal does not contain saltpeter, which spoils the taste and is harmful to health, distributes heat evenly throughout the shisha, and maintains the required temperature for a long time. Its main advantage is the absence of foreign tastes. Only the pure taste of tobacco, fruit or dessert flavors.

How to light coconut charcoal?

The only drawback of a coconut hookah is its difficult ignition. The easiest way to do this is with a turbo lighter; you can also use a gas burner or electric stove. If you have experience, the process takes no more than 10 minutes. Coconut charcoal is ready when it begins to burn evenly on all sides with a bright red fire.

Features of choice
Please note. When buying cheap varieties, there is always a risk of running into spoiled, damp coal, which will not only ruin the hookah, but can also cause a fire. The reason is that the raw materials for hookah charcoal are produced in the coconut superpower of Indonesia. The technology for producing coconut charcoal intended for hookah has remained unchanged in this country for many decades:

1. Coconut shells are burned in coal pits or special ovens.
2. The resulting coal is ground in crushers and sifted.
3. Coal sand is mixed with adhesive mass and pressed into molds.

The final stage is drying in the open air, where the charcoal absorbs the warmth of the Indonesian sun and cleanliness sea ​​air. During the rainy season, which runs from November to March in Indonesia, coal production stops. However, not all companies are able to provide high-quality storage of their products.
That is why, depending on the manufacturer and time of production, the quality of hookah coal can vary dramatically. Practice shows that best quality Coconut charcoal from the following companies is available: Panda, Cocobrico, Coconara, Magix Coco, produced from May to September. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of products from individual manufacturers in the next article. Delicious smoke to everyone.



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