Strict diet when breastfeeding. Proper nutrition for mothers while breastfeeding

Monitoring your diet during pregnancy smoothly flows into a special what is called a “diet during breastfeeding" When breastfeeding, it is very important for a woman to observe proper diet. After all good nutrition crumbs depend entirely on the quality of breast milk.

The importance of nutrition during breastfeeding

The period of feeding is characterized by less strict dietary restrictions than the stage of bearing a child. During pregnancy, substances, both beneficial and harmful, pass from the mother’s blood directly into the baby’s blood. And when breastfeeding, many harmful substances are cut off at the level of the mammary glands, without getting into the milk, which, moreover, passes through the baby’s digestive system.

The qualitative composition of breast milk tends to rational indicators, regardless of the woman’s nutrition. At improper diet, insufficient quantities nutrients, the health of the mother will be primarily affected, whose body will spend the received nutrition and its own reserves on producing high-quality breast milk.

A balanced diet and nutrition during breastfeeding will help:

  • provide the baby and mother with the necessary nutrients;
  • produce breast milk in sufficient quantities for as long as necessary;
  • prevent work difficulties digestive tract newborn, reduce the likelihood of colic, bloating and allergies.

How much can you eat

Trying to find out how much should be daily ration When breastfeeding, many mothers are faced with the opinion that they need to eat a double portion, as they say, “for two.” But this statement is fundamentally wrong. To provide the baby with the necessary amount nutritious milk just increase your caloric intake daily norm by 450 - 500 kcal, and, of course, do this not at the expense of high-calorie foods, baked goods or sweets. This will allow you to produce up to a liter of breast milk, which contains about 12 grams of protein, 40 grams of fat, 70 grams of carbohydrates.

Don’t get hung up on numbers, start from your own individual characteristics. But remember that overeating the mother will not affect breast milk in any way.

When compiling a diet for a nursing mother, the main attention is paid not to the quantity of products, but to their quality composition.

During the feeding period, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The first weeks of the baby's life must be followed strict diet. In the future, new products are gradually introduced into the diet, observing the reaction of the baby’s body.
  2. Consumption of flour and sweets will affect not only the mother’s figure. This can also cause colic and bloating in the baby.
  3. Products with synthetic food additives, artificial colors and flavors (mayonnaise, chips, carbonated water, etc.), including alcohol, must be excluded for the entire period of breastfeeding.
  4. Nursing mothers should special attention pay attention to the composition of products, choosing products with natural ingredients.

It only seems that a nursing mother is facing severe restrictions. In fact, the diet when breastfeeding a newborn is much simpler. Mom can eat almost anything, avoiding harmful chemical additives.

Some foods can cause gas formation in your baby. But there is no need to give them up. Proper processing, moderate consumption, knowledge of individual characteristics and observation of the baby’s reaction will allow mommy to fearlessly diversify her diet. Products that require increased attention when consumed include:

The basis of nutrition for a nursing mother is:

  • vegetable broth soups;
  • buckwheat or corn porridge;
  • meat. It is worth giving preference low-fat varieties(rabbit, veal). Fatty pork can contribute to the development of colic, and chicken often contains food additives and can serve as a strong allergen.
  • lean fish
  • stewed and boiled vegetables. A storehouse of useful substances, containing both vitamins and minerals, so necessary for a nursing mother. And such heat treatment allows you to preserve all the usefulness of vegetables, while making them easily digestible.
  • baked apples. Healthy dessert, which, unlike fresh apples cannot cause allergies.

Considering the recommendations for the diet, it is worth remembering the individual characteristics of your body. Therefore, if during the breastfeeding period the mother really wants some non-recommended product, a tiny portion will not cause harm, but good mood will add that it is no less important than a balanced diet.

Indications for a strict diet

In some cases, the doctor prescribes a special diet for the nursing mother.

If a child is predisposed to allergies, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed diet. Unfortunately, the environmental situation in the world contributes to the fact that sensitive children with allergies are increasingly being born.

The mother of a child with a small “pointed” fontanel will have to limit the consumption of foods rich in calcium, in particular dairy products, in order to avoid rapid overgrowth of the crown.

Any doubts and concerns can be dispelled by a doctor who will draw up proper diet and indicate any necessary restrictions.

What to eat to make milk more nutritious

The fear of underfeeding a child worries almost every mother, and to avoid this, they not only put the child to the breast more often, but also try to increase the fat content of the milk. Is it possible?

Correct and timely breastfeeding can improve the quality of milk and its quantity.

When talking about foods that affect the nutritional value of breast milk, the first thing to note is walnuts and broccoli and calcium-rich foods: cabbage, fish, raisins, cottage cheese, greens, carrot juice will also help make the milk fattier. But do not forget that in unlimited quantities any product is harmful, especially for susceptible organism nursing mother and baby. Therefore, it is worth increasing the nutritional value of milk not through individual products, but by maintaining a nutritious diet.

Myths about nutrition for nursing mothers

Relatives, acquaintances, grandmothers, in the clinic - everywhere they tell a nursing mother what she should eat. Many of these claims are nothing more than unfounded myths. Let's try to figure it out and find out what a mother's diet is during breastfeeding.

The amount of breast milk does not depend on the amount of food eaten. A woman’s body is designed in such a way that it accumulates everything necessary substances, and after childbirth, these reserves are used to make milk high-quality and nutritious. Even if a woman strictly restricts herself in nutrition, the composition of breast milk will tend to be normal, even to the detriment of the mother’s health. A balanced diet rich in nutrients is all that is needed to produce sufficient milk.

The amount of breast milk is not affected by the presence or absence of dairy products in the diet. Therefore, a nursing woman needs to take into account only her feelings and desires. You shouldn’t force yourself to eat or drink any foods. They will not bring any benefit, but will add discomfort.

Almost 90% of milk consists of water, but overuse liquid by the mother will not affect its quantity or quality in any way. You need to drink water based on your desires.

Milk tea is also believed to improve lactation. But this is just a myth. And you shouldn’t get carried away with tea during the breastfeeding period.

Indeed, if parents show allergic reaction fruits, there is a high probability that they will cause an allergy in the child. But this does not apply to all mothers. The rest can safely try all the vegetables and fruits, introducing them into the diet gradually and observing the reaction of the baby’s body. Introducing your baby to a new product is much easier during breastfeeding.

What to do if the mother’s diet is not suitable for the baby

It would seem that a nursing woman’s diet is composed correctly, everything is fresh, natural, foods that can affect the baby’s well-being are excluded, but the baby still exhibits an acute reaction to the components of breast milk. This is explained by the fact that the baby’s digestive system is in constant development. And the product that caused a negative reaction today will be accepted by the baby’s body with a bang in a couple of months. New foods should be introduced into mommy’s diet every three days. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the general condition of the baby, note the occurrence of colic, gas formation, problems with stool, as well as the presence of rashes and redness on the body.

If the baby's body shows a negative reaction to all the foods in the mother's diet, she will have to adhere to a strict diet in the first month of breastfeeding. In this case, it is better to entrust a review of the diet to a general practitioner, who will create a rational menu that is safe for babies.

During the feeding period, when creating a diet, the most important thing is to start from your feelings and the needs of the body, not forgetting to monitor the child’s reaction. Of course, it’s worth protecting yourself from obviously harmful foods and alcohol, but you shouldn’t completely give up a varied diet. With a reasonable approach, you can eat almost anything.

Nutrition for a nursing mother raises many questions and debates. What is allowed to eat and what will not harm the child? Research is regularly conducted around the world on how this or that product affects the body of the baby and mother. After all, all the food that a nursing woman takes enters the baby’s body during breastfeeding. Therefore, some elements can harm the development of the newborn or cause allergies.

Thousands of tips from TV screens and Internet pages dictate how to properly formulate the diet of a nursing mother. However, there are a number of long-accepted and proven recommendations that should be followed:

  • Often, a diet during breastfeeding is not required, especially after one to two months after childbirth. It is enough to stick to the basics of a healthy diet;
  • You can't go on a diet to lose weight. For the full development of the baby, it is necessary to consume all vitamins and useful elements. Such a diet during breastfeeding will negatively affect the health of the mother and newborn;
  • Don't eat for two. It is enough to add a second light dinner;
  • Nutrition should be varied and balanced;
  • Some categories of products cause allergies. Introduce such foods into your diet gradually. Eat a small portion in the morning and observe the newborn’s well-being for a while;
  • A smart approach. Keep it in moderation, because the quality of food is important, not the quantity.

Prohibited and permitted products


It is forbidden

In limited quantities

bananas and baked apples exotic and citrus fruits raw vegetables 3 months after birth
weak tea, compotes and juices, still mineral and drinking water alcoholic and carbonated drinks freshly squeezed juices after 1 month (apple is best)
stewed, baked and boiled green and light-colored vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, etc.) mushrooms, marinades and pickles add whole milk only to porridge, and sour cream to soup or salad
vegetable broth soups semi-finished and canned foods, other products with artificial preservatives Borscht can be consumed 3 months after birth
lean meat (chicken, beef, pork, rabbit) stewed, boiled or steamed cutlets fatty and smoked meat, lard, fish premium pasta, semolina porridge in small quantities
fermented milk products (low-fat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk) chocolate and baked goods with colorings or substitutes flour and sweets (crackers, biscuits, dried fruits, bagels, etc.)
rye and wheat bread, bran bread sausages, salami, ham sugar and salt
porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, etc.) spicy foods (garlic, onions, spices) eggs (contains allergenic protein)
baked or boiled fish mayonnaise, margarine and processed cheese seafood is possible in six months
cheese, butter and vegetable oil fried food and fast food brewed coffee – after 6 months

Diet for breastfeeding

Many foods need to be introduced into the diet gradually. The following indicates what you can eat and at what time.

The first week will have to be observed strict diets u. Then the baby quickly and painlessly will undergo adaptation to new conditions. Allowed at this time lean soup and lean beef, oatmeal and buckwheat, rice, wheat and corn porridge. You can also take 15 g per day butter, weak tea and drinking water.

After two weeks, mothers add fermented milk products with low fat content to their menu, which include kefir, cottage cheese and fermented baked milk. Gray bread with bran, baked or boiled potatoes, and a small portion of pasta are suitable. You can also eat stewed, boiled and baked vegetables.

From the third month it is allowed Lenten borscht with a small amount of tomatoes. Lean chicken, rabbit, pepelelka and veal. Meat during breastfeeding eat separately from other products!

At this time, you can eat raw vegetables and fruits, only strictly in season. IN winter period You can eat frozen organic fruits or vegetables without chemical additives. Freezing is allowed only once! Eat sour cream with a fat content of up to 15% and drink fruit drinks made from currants, blueberries, lingonberries and pitted cherries.

And after six months, feel free to include legumes, seafood and other foods in your menu.

Caution: allergies!

When breastfeeding, mothers are most worried about whether the baby will be allergic to a specific type of food. Include allergen-containing foods in your diet no earlier than two to three months after giving birth.

Based on the severity of allergies, there are three categories of food products:

  • High degree includes protein products, chocolate, cow's milk, citrus fruits and berries, mushrooms and nuts, fish and chicken;
  • Medium: porridge (corn, buckwheat, rice), potatoes, green peppers, pork, rabbit;
  • Weak: yellow and light-colored vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, turnips, yellow peppers), apples, bananas, lamb and beef.
  • citrus and exotic fruits (oranges, lemons, kiwi, pineapples, etc.);
  • fruits and berries of bright colors (strawberries, raspberries, etc.);
  • coffee, cocoa and chocolate;
  • nuts, seeds and honey;
  • milk, ice cream and dairy products;
  • protein, with the exception of buckwheat, rice and corn;
  • other protein products ( legumes, poultry, fish, eggs, etc.);
  • herbs in tea (ginseng, mint, hawthorn).

When the child’s body gets stronger and the functioning of the digestive system normalizes, gradually try listed products. Do it in morning time and then observe the newborn's reaction. To accurately assess the effect of food, monitor the baby’s condition for two to three days.

If there is no allergy, include the product in the menu. If an allergy appears, stop eating such food. for at least two months. Then you can try again.

Do not introduce several new foods at the same time, otherwise it will be difficult to understand the reaction to each of them. Keep a distance of two to three days.

Each child's reaction is different. One baby develops a rash and colic in the stomach when eating the same foods, but not another. Only through their own trial and error will nursing mothers be able to create the right diet. Follow the basic rules and enter the menu carefully allergenic products, then the child will be healthy and happy.

Has happiness appeared in your home? The tiny miracle needs you like no one else, and his little body needs your breast milk, especially during the first months of his life. In the article we will tell you what a nursing mother can eat so as not to harm the baby, and his stomach can adapt more easily, as well as how to improve the quality of lactation.

The importance of proper nutrition for a nursing mother

Newborns need nutrients and lactobacilli. Once born, it is difficult for a baby to immediately get used to a new way of life, including a different diet. The digestive system suffers especially during the first 3–6 months, because the baby’s stomach is sterile at birth.

How faster body will receive a sufficient amount of microelements, the faster the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will improve. Help a newborn during this difficult period Maybe mom's breast milk.

From the first day, receiving colostrum, the little man’s stomach begins to be enriched with the necessary bacteria.

Breast milk contains a unique composition that cannot be found in any artificial substitute.

It not only helps the digestive system get comfortable, but also has a number of positive properties:

  • increases immunity;
  • improves the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • promotes mental and physical development.

At the same time, a natural product can harm the baby if the mother does not monitor her diet. Therefore, it is very important for breastfeeding women to eat properly.

The baby will receive the same food as the mother. In this regard, there are menu recommendations for nursing mothers.

By following them, you:

  • reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases in your baby;
  • accelerate the restoration of the newborn’s intestinal microflora;
  • reduce the period of occurrence of colic;
  • improve your health and that of your baby;
  • improve your child's metabolism.

Colic in a newborn is a very common phenomenon. They do not depend on the type of feeding (artificial or natural). However, thanks to breastfeeding, spasms bother the baby much less often and are eliminated faster than in those who have been fed dry formula since birth.

Do you want to return to your pre-pregnancy size quickly and without giving up breastfeeding? For you, little tricks from Dr. Komarovsky and Elena Malysheva, as well as easy way speed up weight loss!

Weight gain during pregnancy is determined by the sex hormones estrogen. They smoothly change a woman’s body, “depositing” fat on the waist, hips, buttocks and back. Soon after natural birth takes about 5 kg excess weight, over the next 2 weeks - a couple more.

According to statistics, 10% of young mothers return to their usual shape within a month after giving birth. The remaining 90% are forced to use diets.

Launching a weight loss campaign in the first few months after giving birth is not recommended for several reasons: hormonal background did not have time to return to normal, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is not fully restored, the child’s body reacts sensitively to any changes in breast milk. In the future, you can contact special systems nutrition for nursing mothers, helping with smooth figure correction.

Why is it important to lose weight after childbirth?

The weight gained during pregnancy is bad not only for aesthetic reasons: if you don’t get rid of all the excess weight within six months after giving birth, it will not be a temporary gain, but a long-term problem. New kilograms begin to pile on the weight that is not lost on time. In the future, the situation may result in back pain, endocrine disorders, varicose veins veins Sometimes we're talking about O " metabolic syndrome", which includes diabetes mellitus, increased content triglycerides in the blood, critically low levels of lipoproteins and high blood pressure.

More often than others, the need to lose weight through a special regime is faced by women who became pregnant using IVF, took hormonal maintenance therapy while carrying a child, and suffer from diabetes mellitus with changes in hormonal levels.

Features of the diet during breastfeeding

A strict diet, which significantly reduces the caloric content of the diet and makes it unbalanced, is prohibited during breastfeeding. Experts suggest alternative systems nutrition based on permitted products. They demonstrate a powerful effect in weight loss without harming the child's health.

The menu of a nursing mother should consist of products that do not causing gas formation and other negative reactions in the child. This rule is the most important, but not the only one:

Meals are small and frequent

Main meals should occur about 5-6 times a day, the amount eaten should be 300-350 g per meal. A few snacks are welcome. In general, the daily amount of food should not exceed 1.5 kg. The main thing is to stop eating four hours before bedtime. Such a diet will speed up metabolism and have a positive effect on lactation.

Sufficient drinking regime

You need to drink a lot (about three liters of still water per day) and often, preferably before each feeding. There is an opinion that a nursing woman should drink tea with condensed milk or cream instead of water. This is a myth.

Adequate protein intake

Avoid overeating

Eating “for two” is a big mistake. The body made the reserves of microelements and nutrients necessary for full lactation during pregnancy, so during the feeding period it is important to focus not on the volume of the diet, but on its quality.

There is no need to finish your baby’s purees and porridge. As practice shows, excessive greed causes even more weight gain. It is also not recommended to try the dishes being prepared.

Taking vitamins

Vitamin complexes help enrich a woman’s body with nutrients. The pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of vitamin and mineral complexes specially designed for the lactation period. The most popular:

  1. Vitrum Prenatal Forte (12 vitamins, 9 micro- and macroelements). The drug is approved from the first day of feeding. Take one capsule per day.
  2. Elevit Pronatal (12 vitamins, 3 macroelements and 3 microelements). Take one tablet after breakfast.
  3. Pregnavit (vitamins A, B, PP, C, D3, calcium, iron). Take several times a day.
  4. Alphabet Mom's health (13 vitamins, 11 macro- and microelements, taurine). Take one tablet three times a day.
  5. Complements Mama (all necessary nutrients). Take one tablet per day during the first months of feeding.

A young mother can eat in a special way until the desired result is obtained. At natural weight loss this takes about 8 months. A special diet regimen for a nursing mother speeds up this process.

Authorized Products

They should be present in the diet of a breastfeeding woman no matter what, as they help balance the diet, get the required vitamins and lose weight faster.

Preference should be given to fat-free varieties: chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal, beef.

Eggs and dairy products

Saturate the body with protein and vitamins. Milk contains calcium, which is necessary for a child’s growing body: it forms skeletal system, strengthens the immune system, prevents constipation. Complete absence calcium is dangerous for children and women.

Vegetables and fruits

Helps saturate a woman’s body with fiber, which is important for normal digestion and quick saturation. Along with it comes microelements that are of great importance during this period.

Only pea porridge should be avoided, while corn, buckwheat, wheat and rice are very healthy. Dishes based on them should be present in the diet at least several times a week.

Prohibited Products

This list includes everything that can harm the child's health. The following are subject to exclusion from the diet of a nursing mother:

  • fatty, smoked and salty dishes;
  • fruits from the tropics, including pineapple;
  • strong allergens (chocolate, shrimp, strawberries);
  • products, fermentative(sugar, confectionery, grapes);
  • marinades, canned food and pickles;
  • onions and garlic;
  • spices that negatively affect the taste of breast milk;
  • coffee.

Number of calories for weight loss

Each person has his own daily norm calories, but there is a standard - 2000. For the purpose of losing weight, the indicator is reduced to 1200-1600 kcal/day. You cannot go lower, otherwise your metabolism will slow down by 45%.

The calorie content of a woman's diet during the lactation period should not be less than 1500 kcal/day. Ideally – 1800 kcal. About a third should be fat. For example, maintaining a norm of 1500 kcal, you need to get about 40 g of fat. As complementary foods are introduced into the child’s diet, you need to tighten the diet, gradually (!) reducing the fat content to 30 g.

Forced power systems during hot water

Sometimes a nursing woman cannot afford a nutritional system for weight loss that requires compliance with minimum requirements due to health problems in the baby. In these cases, she has to adhere to a special diet. Its scope is important to consider when choosing a weight loss method.


The nutrition system is strict, but effective: in a couple of months you can lose about 10 kg on it. You can prepare dishes only from products approved for consumption. Indications for a hypoallergenic food system are as follows:

  • various allergic manifestations in a child (from mild diathesis to atopic dermatitis);
  • diseases of the digestive tract in the baby (congenital anomalies, hereditary pathologies etc.);
  • allergic aggravation of the child’s heredity (in the case of the presence of allergy sufferers in the family).

A woman’s diet should be free not only from prohibited foods general list, and from a number of others:

  • honey;
  • fish caviar;
  • raspberries;
  • citrus fruits;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • cocoa;
  • mushrooms;
  • semolina porridge.

The following are subject to restrictions: beef, chicken, meat broths, wheat and products from wheat flour, orange and red vegetables, berries and fruits.

The daily menu might look something like this:

  • Breakfast: green tea, cottage cheese casserole no sugar.
  • Snack: green tea, a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • Lunch: salad with peas, low-fat soup with meatballs and cauliflower.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir without sugar.
  • Dinner: baked or boiled potatoes, unsweetened kefir.


Dairy-free is any regimen that includes an approved list of foods and excludes dairy. It is useful for intolerance cow's milk child. It is temporary, usually up to 4 months of the baby’s life. Afterwards, a nursing mother can introduce dairy products into her diet.

Indicative menu for the day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with dried fruits, cranberry jelly.
  • Snack: green tea, boiled egg.
  • Dinner: light soup, boiled chicken, mashed potatoes, dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack: dried green tea, a couple of walnuts.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge With steamed meatballs, dried fruit compote.

It is necessary to distinguish between dairy-free and lactose-free diets. The latter is recommended for mothers whose babies suffer from lactase deficiency. Lactase is an enzyme necessary for digestion milk sugar. Limiting dairy products in this case will be justified only if you have a food allergy.

Gluten-free diet for nursing mothers

Gained popularity all over the world. Counts in a safe way lose weight. Does not cause harm caused by gluten. The latter refers to protein that, due to individual characteristics, is not absorbed by the body. Many experts call gluten nothing more than a “gateway” for a toxic load: by enveloping the intestines, it reduces the ability to move food, which, when delayed, begins to ferment. Subsequently, increased gas formation is observed.

The advantages of a gluten-free food system are obvious:

  1. The diet remains balanced and varied, despite exceptions.
  2. Eating according to the rules helps the body get rid of toxins that have accumulated over the years.
  3. Fasting is excluded.
  4. The result is visible even with minimal effort.

Gluten can be hidden in confectionery, pasta and baked goods, ice cream, processed foods, store-bought spices, canned meat and fish, sausages, imitators natural products. Wheat, oats, barley and rye are completely excluded from the diet.

  • boiled, stewed or steamed low-fat meat;
  • weak soups meat broth;
  • milk and dairy-free porridges made with millet, rice and buckwheat;
  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • root vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • bread and pasta substitutes;
  • berry drinks, fruit jelly, loose leaf tea.

Approximate daily menu

  • Breakfast: rice milk porridge, fresh berries, loose leaf tea.
  • Snack: dried fruit compote, cornbread.
  • Lunch: soup in weak meat broth with rice, buckwheat pancakes, berry juice, baked fish, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: fruits, mineral water without gas.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge, stewed vegetables, kefir, a spoon of honey.

In a week on a gluten-free diet you can lose from 2 to 4 kg.


In honor of its creator, it is also called the Dukan diet. The essence of the technique is limited consumption carbohydrates and the predominance of proteins in the diet. The latter are very satiating, so people who adhere to this food system are not overcome by painful attacks of hunger. Breakdowns and overeating are also kept to a minimum. Proteins spend about a third of their calorie content to burn themselves. The diet also has other advantages:

  1. Eating only natural food.
  2. Gentle effect on the body.
  3. No need to count calories.
  4. No restrictions on portion sizes.
  5. There is no need to eat food at a strictly allotted time.
  6. Rule out depression.
  7. Fast and lasting results.

An effective diet requires adherence to the following principles:

  • regardless of weather conditions hiking for half an hour (necessary to improve metabolism);
  • drink at least 2 liters of still water per day;
  • consume every day oat bran in the amount of three spoons (this prevents constipation).
  1. Attack (squirrels only).
  2. Cruise (proteins and vegetables).
  3. Consolidation (other products are added).
  4. Stabilization (saving the result in the future).

Pierre Dukan encourages mothers to skip the first two stages, starting with Consolidation (lasts 35 days). The weight loss effect will not be so immediate, but nothing will harm the baby’s health.


There are quite a few products allowed at the “Fixing” stage:

  • dairy products with fat content up to 2% (processed cheese, soft cottage cheese, curdled milk, milk, yogurt);
  • meat (veal, chicken, turkey, beef, lean ham, fat-free jerky);
  • kidneys and liver;
  • fish and seafood;
  • eggs;
  • pasta (from durum wheat);
  • berries and fruits (with the exception of grapes, figs, bananas and cherries);
  • bulgur, couscous, peas, rice, lentils, polenta;
  • vegetables and herbs (potatoes are consumed in moderation);
  • whole grain bread;
  • healthy tea.

Fatty and spicy foods are completely excluded. The ban is imposed on canned food, sweets and smoked foods.

Diet features

Pierre Dukan allows mothers who are breastfeeding to deviate slightly from the usual rules of the nutrition system:

  • you can eat several servings of fruit (not 200g, but 400);
  • you can have a protein day less often or abandon it completely (Dukan recommends that his patients eat only proteins every Thursday);
  • holiday food can be eaten a couple of times a week;
  • upon completion last day diets, you can switch to your usual diet, gradually replacing the light menu with the usual one;
  • you can start the morning with porridge cooked in water;
  • six weeks after the end of the diet, flour and rice can be introduced into the diet.


For the first seven days, a nursing mother is advised to consume cheeses, yogurt and eggs. Products are included in salads and various dishes, used separately. The number of fruits is limited to three apples. If you feel great after a week, the woman can continue to eat in the same way, adding pasta and cereals.

The third week of a nursing mother’s diet involves the introduction of foods into the diet that work to increase its diversity: fish, chicken, beef. At the same time, cheeses and yogurt are slightly limited. The fourth and fifth weeks follow the same plan.

A possible daily menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: ham, omelette, bread, tea.
  • Snack: fruit.
  • Lunch: fish soup, lean baked meat, salad.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with berries, tea.
  • Dinner: stew, turkey fillet, pasta.

A nursing mother can eat according to the Dukan system without restrictions on duration, that is, until the desired weight is reached.

Fashionable diets after childbirth

The media often talk about weight loss methods used by celebrities. Naturally, they arouse interest ordinary women, including nursing mothers. The question arises: are “star” nutrition systems capable of causing harm during lactation?


The basis of the diet is rolled oats porridge on the water, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruits. Drinks allowed are tea without sugar, grapefruit and carrot juices. Hot and spicy foods are strictly prohibited, as is eating after 6 pm. It is not recommended to consume carbohydrates and proteins at the same time, but vegetables can be eaten with anything. Apples are allowed between main meals.

The daily menu might look like this:

  • In the morning - boiled egg, low fat yogurt, bacon.
  • In the afternoon – stewed vegetables, baked chicken.
  • In the evening - vegetable salad, jacket potatoes.

According to experts, the diet can be used without fear during breastfeeding. Thanks to the elements separate power supply Slag deposition is reduced. The diet itself is balanced, as it contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a harmonious ratio. Juices saturate the body of a nursing mother with vitamins and microelements; malic acid helps normalize metabolic processes.


This involves eating half a grapefruit before each meal. You can leave the usual menu, but energy value The amount of food eaten at a time should not exceed 800 kcal (this is how much a fruit can burn).

Experts say that grapefruit is a really good ally in the fight against overweight. It ensures rapid passage of food through the intestines, which results in less absorption of food elements into its walls. However, when breastfeeding, the “trick” is not suitable, since the fruit is classified as a strong allergen. A woman can resort to such a diet only after finishing breastfeeding.


The nutritional system allows you to eat whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Important condition– sufficient drinking regime. The ban is imposed on meat and dairy, and alcohol. The diet is quick, as you can follow it for about two weeks. The daily menu could be like this:

  • In the morning – juice from apples, celery and carrots, sunflower seeds and pumpkin.
  • Lunch – raw vegetables and fruits, warm water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Evening – salad with seeds and nuts.

You are allowed to snack on raw carrots.

Experts consider this method of losing weight to be a raw food diet, since the products are used only in their unprocessed, raw form. Despite tangible effect(in 15 days you can actually lose sufficient quantity extra pounds) and balanced diet, the nutrition system has a number of contraindications. A nursing mother can use the diet menu as a fasting day, but consume vegetables boiled or steamed. Nuts and seeds are high in calories, so their energy value is daily ration will be at least 1200 kcal.

Menu for every day

If after childbirth there is no critical amount of extra pounds and no strict restrictions due to problems with the child’s health, the nursing mother can eat nutritious foods, while reducing the size of the usual portions. Weight loss will occur smoothly but surely.

Menu for the week. Option 1


  • Breakfast: milk soup with oatmeal; banana or apple.
  • Lunch: liver casserole with rice; bun; 20 g hard cheese.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken liver(100 g); vegetable salad.
  • Breakfast: boiled egg; whole grain toast; apple tea.
  • Lunch: banana; boiled beans(100 g); 2 toasts.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken leg without fat; jacket potatoes (120 g); stewed carrots(50 g); baked apple.
  • Breakfast: banana; oatmeal; yogurt.
  • Lunch: a slice of ham; 2 whole grain toasts; a glass of yogurt.
  • Dinner: beet salad; hard cheese (25 g); 2 loaves of bread.
  • Breakfast: canned tomatoes(100 g); hard cheese (20 g).
  • Lunch: 2 rye bread; boiled beans (100 g); banana.
  • Dinner: low-fat steamed fish (100 g).
  • Breakfast: hard cheese (25 g); baked apple.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad; peach or pear.
  • Dinner: chicken breast; stewed carrots; 2 toasts.
  • Breakfast: two-egg omelette; banana.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad; 1 toast; Any 3 fruits.
  • Dinner: baked chicken leg without fat; orange.


  • Breakfast: a glass of juice.
  • Lunch: some vegetables; a piece of ham; 2 toasts; yogurt.
  • Dinner: cauliflower with grated cheese (200 g); banana.

Menu for the week. Option 2


  • Breakfast: tomatoes in their own juice; toast; hard cheese.
  • Lunch: pureed vegetable soup; boiled potatoes in their skins; fish baked in parchment; vegetable salad; tea.
  • Afternoon snack: peach or pears.
  • Dinner: baked cauliflower; vegetable salad with lemon juice; banana.
  • Breakfast: fruit salad; oatmeal with milk.
  • Dinner: chicken broth with carrots; cauliflower baked under a cheese cap; a piece of ham; tomato salad.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt; banana.
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes in their skins; stewed fish with carrots and onions; kefir.
  • Breakfast: toast with fried egg; grape; yogurt.
  • Lunch: rice soup; boiled beef; stewed vegetables; salad with greens.
  • Afternoon snack: apples.
  • Dinner: spaghetti; carrot salad with raisins; a piece of salted fish.
  • Breakfast: feta cheese; green olives.
  • Dinner: potato soup; boiled rice; stewed fish; carrot-apple salad.
  • Afternoon snack: orange.
  • Dinner: milk buckwheat porridge; vegetable salad with peas; kefir.
  • Breakfast: stewed cabbage; tomato; paste.
  • Lunch: lentil soup; chicken breast without fat; boiled potatoes; boiled cauliflower salad.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir; biscuits.
  • Dinner: boiled rice; fresh vegetables; muesli with yogurt.
  • Breakfast: pasta; stewed vegetables; milk; biscuits.
  • Lunch: fish soup; boiled rice; a piece of ham; vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: pears.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with raisins; berry jelly.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice; boiled chicken without fat; toast and jam; unsweetened coffee.
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs; stewed vegetables; boiled fish; vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt; cupcake
  • Dinner: millet milk porridge; pineapple.

Hypoallergenic menu for the week


  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water with an apple and a piece of butter.
  • Lunch: soup with weak broth, boiled beef.
  • Dinner: boiled rice, steam cutlet, pear, low-fat kefir.
  • Breakfast: yogurt without additives or flavors, a slice of whole grain bread, a piece of butter.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled turkey fillet.
  • Dinner: squash and potato puree, beef goulash.
  • Breakfast: banana, cottage cheese casserole.
  • Lunch: broth with vegetables and a piece of beef, toast.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew, steam cutlet, baked apple.
  • Breakfast: apple and banana, natural yogurt, toast with butter.
  • Lunch: broth with a piece of turkey fillet, boiled rice, steamed cutlet.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge on water, beef goulash.
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, fruit and prunes.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of boiled beef, low-fat kefir, apple.
  • Dinner: corn porridge with water, salad with cauliflower and herbs.
  • Breakfast: boiled quail egg, low-fat fermented baked milk, toast with butter.
  • Lunch: soup with a piece of turkey fillet, stew with vegetables, banana.
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes, steamed cutlet.


  • Breakfast: rice porridge with milk, pear.
  • Lunch: boiled meat, vegetable broth.
  • Dinner: casserole with meat and cauliflower, yogurt without flavorings or additives.

To achieve results, you need to adhere to any nutrition system for a month, alternating the proposed breakfasts, lunches and dinners in random order. You need to drink at least two liters of water a day, and don’t forget about being active. In a month of such a diet, it is quite possible to lose up to 10 kg. You need to exit the diet smoothly, gradually increasing the volume of portions and introducing new foods.

Dietary recipes

Nutrition for weight loss while breastfeeding can be not only healthy, but also tasty. The recipes are simple, so they can be mastered by women who are far from cooking.

Milk soup with oat flakes


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of cereal;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • butter on the tip of a knife;
  • a pinch of salt.


Pour oatmeal into boiling milk. Add sugar and salt to taste. Cook for at least twenty minutes. Add oil before use. If desired, you can decorate the soup with berries and permitted fruits.

Fish baked in parchment


  • low-fat fish;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt.


Clean the fish, cut into portions, place in an enamel bowl and sprinkle with salt. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the fish. Spray everything vegetable oil. Keep in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Grease parchment paper with vegetable oil and place fish and onions on it. Wrap and place in the oven. Cook until the parchment is browned.

Rice and liver casserole


  • half a glass of rice;
  • half a glass of water;
  • a glass of milk;
  • chicken liver (400 g);
  • small onion;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a little salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


Boil in milk and water rice porridge. Pass the liver and onion through a meat grinder. Mix with rice, add eggs, salt. Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil. Transfer the rice-liver mass into the mold. Bake at 175 degrees for about 1 hour.

The dish can be served with a vegetable salad.

Apple tea


  • a glass of dried apple peel;
  • a little lemon;
  • 1 liter of water.


Pour boiling water over the apple peel, close the container with a lid, and leave in a warm place for at least 15 minutes. Strain and add lemon.

Berry jelly


  • a glass of berries;
  • 2.5 glasses of water;
  • 25 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 g potato starch.


Sort the berries, rinse, and grind through a sieve. Pour into the pan hot water, add sugar, stir. Boil the syrup, add starch, and let it simmer. Add berry puree to hot jelly and stir.

What does Komarovsky think?

Adviсe people's doctor delight many mothers. Thanks to his efficient and at the same time simple tricks manage to lose weight without harm to your own body and the health of the baby. Evgeniy Olegovich developed a nutrition plan for breastfeeding women. According to him, he must be free from:

  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • allergenic and fatty foods;
  • chocolate and sugar;
  • fast food.

Komarovsky does not impose strict prohibitions on the diet of a nursing mother, but recommends giving preference to:

  • cereals;
  • lean meat;
  • fruits (non-allergenic);
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • fats of vegetable origin.

As for drinks, the doctor allows:

  • green tea;
  • dried fruit compote;
  • fermented milk and milk drinks with a fat content of no more than 2.5%.

Malysheva’s diets have gained credibility among those seeking weight loss. A nutrition system for nursing mothers has not yet been developed, but Elena offers good advice to normalize digestion and smoothly get rid of extra pounds. Some of them can be used during lactation.

Don't starve

Suspecting that it is in danger of starvation, the body begins to make reserves even from meager food intake. You need to eat often, in small portions.

The main ally of those losing weight is accurate “accounting”. At the same time, the menu should be varied.

Chew food thoroughly

Processing food with saliva and grinding it with teeth helps to enjoy the taste of food, avoid overeating and ease the work of the stomach in the future. Prepared food passes through the digestive tract more easily and is absorbed much faster.

Make water your ally

Water perfectly fills the stomach and fights hunger, having zero calories, it helps improve metabolism, removes toxins and normalizes intestinal function. Malysheva strongly recommends drinking at least 10 glasses of still water per day. It is especially important to drink 1 glass in the morning, on an empty stomach.


Moderate physical activity do not overload the cardiovascular system, increase vigor and help in the fight against excess weight. Nursing mothers cannot do without them. The main thing is to choose the appropriate option.

How to make your diet more effective

An effective way to regain your previous shape after childbirth is moderate physical activity. When combined with a nutritional system for weight loss, they demonstrate excellent results, having a beneficial effect on metabolism and mood. At the same time, any exercise interferes with the successful healing of the uterus, so it is recommended to start exercising only six weeks after the birth of the child. Early activity can harm lactation!

Don’t underestimate the “physical education” that comes into a woman’s life with the birth of a baby. Caring for a newborn is already exercise that can burn calories.

Mind-Body practices such as meditation, yoga and Pilates are also permitted. With their help you can transform your body at any stage of life. They have no contraindications, minimize stress, and can be easily performed at home.

The choice of load six weeks after birth must be approached rationally. Best view physical activity during pregnancy and lactation - swimming pool. If a nursing mother decides to visit gym, it is important to remember to exercise without weights. Aerobic training best avoided as they contribute to loss large quantity fluids and pose a danger to the breast.

If, when you approach the mirror, you turn on your inner aesthetic surgeon (“I wish I could remove this here, and tighten it up here!”), then there are two good news for you. First: these are just complexes. In fact, you are beautiful, even if you gained weight after giving birth. Second: if you really want it, you can fix it. A weight loss diet for nursing mothers is not at all what you think. When some women hear the word “diet,” they immediately see days of grueling hunger strikes with a ban on all their favorite foods. However, not everything is so scary. A balanced diet can bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.

But some young mothers still fail to lose weight during breastfeeding, even after many months. There may be several reasons:

  • The habit of “eating for two.” Sometimes a woman continues to indulge in excesses that became a habit during pregnancy.
  • Psychological factor. This may include sleepless nights, the same extra pounds and lack of time for self-care. A young mother may become depressed, withdraw into herself, and refuse enjoyable walks and communication with other people. By eating away her stress within four walls, a nursing mother inflicts more more harm your mental and physical health.
  • Introduction of strict diets. Despite all the contraindications, some mothers begin to follow diets literally from the first days after giving birth. Strict diets with restrictions on certain food groups have a particularly negative effect on a woman’s body. Under such conditions, mommy can achieve reverse effect- extra pounds will not go away, but will only multiply, being deposited on the hips and waist.
  • Incompetent or overly cautious advice from a pediatrician. Not all doctors whom a nursing mother consults have sufficient knowledge about the intricacies of nutrition for a woman who has recently given birth. In the old fashioned way, the doctor can prohibit the mother from consuming dairy products, fruits and other treats. A woman limited in her favorite foods can zealously “pounce” on other dishes. And it’s unlikely to be steamed broccoli or low-fat kefir.

“Weight-loss” nutrition during breastfeeding: basic principles

A diet for losing weight while breastfeeding involves following the following recommendations.

During breastfeeding, the same products are useful as always.

  • Drink a glass of water 30-40 minutes before your first meal. This technique will help launch digestive and metabolic processes.
  • Meals should be fractional - the number of meals should be 5-6 times a day. Portions should be small (no more than 250 g). You need to chew the food you eat slowly and thoroughly.
  • Priority - fish dishes, but they can be administered no earlier than the baby is 3-4 months old to eliminate the risk of allergies. If a child has a pronounced tendency to allergic rash, wait until he is one year old. From meat it is better to choose turkey, beef, lean veal.
  • Eliminate consumption fried foods. Boil, bake or steam all food.
  • Limit your intake of fatty foods as much as possible.
  • Sweets and flour products should be replaced with dried fruits and nuts.
  • Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible (it is better to give preference to seasonal plants and those that grow in the area where the mother lives). Exotic fruits You can start trying when the baby is six months old.
  • Introduce fermented milk products into your diet. It is better to use them after heat treatment in the form of casseroles, lazy dumplings, cheesecakes.
  • If a nursing mother tries dishes while cooking or is used to eating leftover food after her children, the number of regular servings should be reduced.
  • The best option would be to keep a diary of the dishes you eat. This will help you calculate the number of calories you consume. In addition, this way you can determine what foods your baby is allergic to and subsequently eliminate them from the diet.
  • Eliminate highly allergenic foods (nuts, fish, honey, citrus fruits, etc.) until the baby is at least 4 months old. In some cases you will have to wait longer. If a child shows a tendency to allergies, then introduce any new foods into your diet with particular caution. Observe the child’s reaction: are there any changes in stool, is there a tummy ache, is there a rash. Many dishes will have to be removed completely.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits can be introduced after 2-3 months after the birth of the baby. In the first months, the menu should be thoughtful and careful.

Counting calories and drinking water

Not every mother knows how many calories are spent during breastfeeding. To produce 1 liter of milk, the mother spends from 600 to 900 calories, beans - 14 g, fats - 35 g and carbohydrates - 70 g. These reserves need to be replenished. Based on these data, a young mother should consume at least 120 g of protein per day (70% of which should be of animal origin), 120 g of fat (20% should be vegetable) and about 500 g of carbohydrates. The daily calorie content of dishes should not exceed 3000-3200 kcal. But this is the maximum. If you want to lose weight, eat less.

The drinking regime is considered an important assistant for a mother during guard duty. It must be followed with any diet, including for a nursing mother. Depending on the age of the baby, the mother’s body produces about 1-1.5 liters of milk. For its “production” it is necessary to replenish fluid reserves in the body.

The basic rules of the drinking regime are as follows:

  • Consume clean drinking water. The amount of fluid is individual for each woman and depends on the body’s metabolism, time of year and degree of sweating. The optimal amount is 1 to 2 liters of liquid per day (but not less than 800 ml).
  • It is allowed to drink mineral water without gas. However, you should not drink it constantly. Otherwise, an accumulation of certain elements may occur in the body, which may affect the condition of the baby. Also mother when feeding breast milk can drink weak tea, compotes, fruit drinks.
  • Carbonated drinks (kvass, mineral water, lemonade, etc.) are prohibited. Of course, consumption is unacceptable alcoholic drinks. It is also better to give up coffee for a while - this drink can have an stimulating effect on the child. If you can’t resist drinking Arabica, it’s best to drink it before lunch, so as not to end up with a nervous and nervous baby by the evening.

What diets are prohibited?

A diet for losing weight during lactation should be selected especially carefully. Not all options for common diets are suitable for a young mother and her baby. So, you need to give up these types of diets:

  1. Express diet (sharp and rapid weight loss will not benefit the mother’s body);
  2. Mono-diet: purely vegetable, dairy, etc. (while feeding a child, you cannot exclude a product or food groups from the menu and consume only one nutritional component);
  3. Protein diet (the menu of a nursing mother should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates);

The diet after childbirth should under no circumstances be too strict. The best option for a nursing woman would be to count calories, consume the right products, maintaining the water regime and periodic fasting days.

Fasting days during breastfeeding

Some experts (pediatricians, nutritionists, etc.) speak sharply negatively about fasting days during lactation. However, a properly organized fasting day will benefit the young mother, especially if her diet is far from correct. Doctors recommend fasting days even for pregnant women, provided necessary indications (overweight, gestosis, edema).

Since nursing mothers are a special type of women losing weight, they should treat fasting days in a special way. As a rule, such days include the consumption of not one, but several products.

A diet for weight loss during breastfeeding does not exclude the following options for fasting days:

  1. Only fruit. A young mother is supposed to eat 1.5 kilograms of green or yellow apples per day.
  2. Only vegetables. 1.5 kilograms fresh vegetables in bitches (mother's choice). Vegetables should be consumed in the form of salads, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil or 10% sour cream.
  3. Only kefir. Involves consuming 1.5 liters of kefir, low-fat yogurt or fermented baked milk per day.
  4. Rice only. Boil 150 g of dry rice (preferably brown) in water without adding salt. Ready rice can be eaten with the addition of any fruit.
  5. Only buckwheat. Boil 150 g of buckwheat or steam in a thermos overnight. You can eat buckwheat with the addition of any vegetables.
  6. Only cottage cheese. 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese combined with 1 liter of kefir.
  7. Only meat. Eat 500 g of lean poultry or beef all day long along with 1 kg of fresh vegetables.
  8. Only fish. Combine 500 g of lean fish (pollock, hake, perch, pike, hake, bream, etc.) with 1 kg of fresh or boiled vegetables.

When choosing a fasting day, mom should focus on her tastes. If she doesn’t like cottage cheese or buckwheat, you shouldn’t force yourself and spend days like this. It is best to choose products that are acceptable to you. Such days should not be spent more than once, maximum twice a week.

When losing weight, you should not rely only on fasting days. The rest of the time, nutrition should also be correct and balanced.

Menu for weight loss for every day

It is most convenient to divide the foods you consume into a week. A daily diet is perfect for these purposes. Sample diet for a nursing mother for weight loss, a menu for every day.

Various fruits, marshmallows and marshmallows, and baked goods made from flour are suitable as snacks. coarse, cheese. From time to time you can treat yourself to rich pastries or dark chocolate, the main thing is not to overdo it in consuming such products.

A diet for a nursing mother to lose weight is one of the simplest and effective ways regain their former shape after the birth of the baby. The main thing to remember is that the menu should be balanced, the products should be healthy, and the drinking regimen should be sufficient. If these conditions are met, mommy will very soon begin to notice improvements in her appearance, which will also be confirmed to her by the scales and the mirror.



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