Does the cervix dilate during pregnancy? Natural stimulation of opening

The cervix must change significantly before childbirth, softening, then shortening and smoothing, and finally, it begins to open. This process is called cervical ripening; it occurs differently during the first and repeated births.

Throughout pregnancy, the cervix was a strong lock, closing the exit from the uterus and preserving the pregnancy.. A hard, long neck did not allow microorganisms to penetrate the baby’s uterus, and was an obstacle to his premature birth.

However, such a cervix is ​​not at all necessary during childbirth, and under the influence of growing levels of estrogen and prostaglandin hormones, it begins to change. Softening and shortening of the cervix occur in parallel, and usually this process is accompanied by increased mucous discharge.

Softening of the cervix before childbirth begins long before real labor begins, from 35-36 weeks. This occurs due to contractions of the muscles of the uterus, precursor contractions. Even if you don’t feel them, all women have them. At the same time, the length of the cervix before childbirth decreases; by the time real contractions begin, the cervix will shorten by about 2 times.

During the birth itself, its smoothing will begin, which will end with full dilation. For a baby to be born, the cervix will have to dilate to 10 cm, roughly speaking, the width of 5 fingers. Most women go into labor already 1-2 fingers dilated.

The dilatation of the cervix before childbirth occurs gradually and practically painlessly, and is accompanied by the passage of the mucous plug.

The opening of the cervix before childbirth occurs differently in primiparous and multiparous women. The cervix consists of two circular fibers that form the internal and external os of the uterus. During the first birth, the internal pharynx opens first, and only then does the external pharynx begin to open. With repeated births, the internal and external os of the uterus open simultaneously. The size of the cervix before childbirth decreases due to its opening and gradual smoothing.

Since the condition of the cervix determines the pregnant woman’s readiness for labor, in the last weeks of pregnancy you will again have to remember the existence of a gynecological chair. At each visit to the gynecologist, the doctor will evaluate her condition during a vaginal examination. Examination of the cervix before birth allows you to assess how soft it is, the degree of opening and how much the cervix is ​​shortened and smoothed.

By the beginning of labor, the cervix not only shortens and smoothes, its direction in the woman’s pelvis changes. During pregnancy, it is tilted posteriorly, as if located behind the baby’s head, and is therefore difficult to reach. By birth, the cervix moves anteriorly, along the axis of the pelvis, and now becomes easily accessible during examination.

A soft, slightly open and short cervix before labor indicates its imminent onset. A hard and immature cervix before childbirth can cause labor to not begin on time, or there will be abnormalities in labor with long, painful contractions, since the cervix will have to soften and open very quickly during the birth itself. This does not always work out, and then the birth may end in a caesarean section because the cervix has not dilated.

If your pregnancy is approaching full-term and there are no signs of cervical ripening, your doctor can speed up this process with the help of kelp or gel.

The process of delivering a pregnancy is interesting to every expectant mother. Most multiparous women already have an idea of ​​what they will have to face. Newly-made mothers-to-be are in a state of excitement and uncertainty before giving birth. In order for the baby to appear according to all the rules and naturally, the woman must be fully pregnant. It is this process that will be discussed in the article. You will learn the main stages and timing of the transformation of the cervical canal. You can also find out what it means when the cervix is ​​dilated by 1 finger.

reproductive organ

A woman's uterus is a unique and very interesting organ. Inside, it is lined with a mucous membrane, which constantly changes during the menstrual cycle. With the onset of conception, this so-called pouch becomes the place where the fetus grows and develops.

The uterus consists of several parts. At the very beginning it has an entrance, which is called the internal pharynx. A tube comes out of it. This segment ends with another mouth, only this time external. This opening is the cervix. It is already located in the woman’s vagina. It is there that the future baby passes during childbirth.

Cervix during pregnancy

During pregnancy, this mucous membrane is tightly sealed. A plug collects in its internal space, which will come out only shortly before the onset of labor. In this way, the baby is reliably protected from infection entering his body.

The cervix may be slightly open during the second and subsequent pregnancies. However, the internal pharynx is still securely and tightly sealed. This prevents the fetus from causing premature birth. When the time comes for the baby to be born, the cervical canal begins to gradually expand. This can normally happen after However, most expectant mothers feel signs of cervical dilatation only a few days before giving birth.

Cervical dilatation

Immediately before the birth of the baby, an increased expansion of the cervical canal occurs. Most often, this process is carried out between the 36th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy. However, in some cases, premature dilatation of the cervix occurs. You will learn about it in more detail below.

A slight expansion of the cervical canal is facilitated by training contractions. During them, the woman feels tension in the front wall of the abdomen. The uterus becomes very hard and presses on the bottom. In most cases, such sensations do not pose any threat to the life of the child and the condition of the expectant mother. However, if training contractions appear more than four times in an hour, then you should notify your doctor about this.

How is the cervix dilated before childbirth? This process may occur in several stages. Let's consider how the expansion of the cervical canal is carried out (stages and timing).

First stage: slow

At this point, the woman’s contractions are already quite regular. The uterus contracts at intervals of 7-10 minutes. In this case, the duration of one contraction is 30-50 seconds. The woman notes that the sensations are painless, but there is some discomfort.

Usually, in the first stage of labor, the cervix is ​​dilated by 1 finger. In this case, in first-time mothers, the internal os first expands. Only after this the external hole is transformed. Women who have already given birth undergo simultaneous opening of the cervical canal along its entire length.

The first stage of cervical dilatation can last from 4 to 12 hours. At the end of this period, nagging pain in the lower back occurs. Many representatives of the fairer sex compare these sensations with menstrual pain.

Second stage: fast

During this period, the woman should already be in the maternity hospital. Only in a medical institution can specialists sensibly assess the condition of a woman in labor and, if necessary, provide her with timely assistance. Contractions during rapid dilatation of the cervix are already quite painful. They are noted at intervals of one or two minutes. In this case, the duration of contraction of the reproductive organ can be approximately 3-5 minutes.

The speed at this stage is one centimeter per hour. However, these data can be considered conditional. Each woman’s body is individual, and the process can proceed completely differently.

Stage three: full disclosure

When the cervical canal is fully dilated, the expectant mother is already in the maternity hospital. During this period, the baby’s head has already entered the pelvis and the baby is ready to be born. Doctors place the woman in labor on a special chair called a table and ask her to push.

Full dilatation of the cervix always results in childbirth. After this, a reverse transformation of the cervical canal and the woman’s reproductive organ occurs.

Stage four: narrowing of the cervix

The cervix remains dilated by 1 finger after childbirth for approximately one month. In the first days after the process, the cervical canal can be expanded up to five centimeters. The uterus remains enlarged and gradually shrinks in size.

Around the end of the fourth week, the reproductive organ returns to normal, and the cervix becomes the same as before childbirth. It is worth noting that in women who have given birth, the entrance to the cervical canal has an oblong shape. Whereas for representatives of the fairer sex who have not yet become mothers, it is round.

Dilatation of the cervix by 1 finger: when to give birth?

Many representatives of the fairer sex who are preparing to become mothers hear a similar diagnosis. What does it mean?

Gynecologists and obstetricians always measure the dilation of the cervical canal in their fingers. Full opening of the reproductive organ creates a hole of 10 centimeters. One finger is equal to approximately two centimeters. If you have the position of the cervix described above, then you can assume that the opening in the cervical canal has reached approximately 2 cm. When can you expect the onset of labor? It all depends on the woman’s body. Let's look at a few popular situations.

Labor will begin in a few hours

If the expectant mother has a one-centimeter dilatation of the cervical canal, then labor may well begin within a few hours. In this case, the position of the cervix must also be taken into account. It should be straight. It is also necessary to determine the length of the cervical canal. This distance does not exceed one centimeter. If these indicators are distinctive, then, most likely, the woman is not yet fully ready for the birth of a baby.

There are a few weeks left before the birth

How to determine cervical dilatation? Very simple. This can be done by an obstetrician or gynecologist during a routine examination. When the cervical canal expands to one finger, a woman may well have several more months before giving birth. Often in multiparous women, such indicators are detected already at the 32nd week of pregnancy. However, representatives of the fairer sex safely carry the baby to term for the required 40 weeks.

If during such dilation there are no contractions, pain or bleeding from the vagina, then the woman is usually sent home. However, if the due date has already approached, and the cervix is ​​still not ready, then doctors perform stimulation. It consists in the introduction of certain medications that contribute to the rapid expansion of the cervical canal and the onset of contractions.

Can the cervix dilate prematurely?

It also happens that a woman’s cervical canal is one centimeter dilated, but the pregnancy is still quite short. In this case, we are talking about premature dilatation of the cervix. In this case, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Treatment is most often carried out emergency. In this case, the woman’s health status and the position of the amniotic sac must be taken into account.

If the cervix is ​​3 cm dilated, then it is still quite possible to save the pregnancy. Usually, the expectant mother has stitches placed on the external os or a pessary is placed. These devices allow you to carry your baby to term and prevent further expansion of the mucous membranes.

When the dilation of the cervix is ​​quite large and the fetal bladder has already descended into the pharynx, there is practically no chance of carrying the child to term. In this case, the expectant mother is prescribed complete rest and at the same time, medications are administered to promote the rapid development of the fetus and the start of the functioning of its respiratory system.

Cervical dilatation: sensations

Can you feel that the cervical canal has expanded to one finger? The opinions of experts on this matter are very controversial. In most cases, a woman does not feel this process. It is asymptomatic and painless. However, many expectant mothers note the presence of training contractions. This is how the reproductive organ prepares to expel the fetus from its cavity.

You can feel the dilatation of the cervix by one finger quite clearly when the woman’s water breaks. In this case, the baby’s head descends into the small pelvis and puts strong pressure on the internal os, causing it to expand. The woman begins to feel regular cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which subsequently spreads to the entire abdominal cavity.

Another sign that the cervix is ​​one finger dilated is the release of the mucus plug. However, it may not come out completely, but only partially. With a stronger expansion of the cervical canal, the lump moves away completely.

What to do if the cervix is ​​one finger dilated?

Everything depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy. If the expectant mother is already ready for childbirth and the fetus is full-term, then nothing needs to be done. Most likely, contractions will begin in the near future, which will end in natural childbirth.

If there are still several months left before the expected day of delivery, then it is necessary to sensibly assess the condition of the expectant mother. In some cases, correction with medications and bed rest is required. Other situations do not cause concern, and the woman can easily lead her usual lifestyle.

When the cervical dilatation process begins, particularly careful monitoring is necessary. The expectant mother should be examined in a chair at least at every appointment. In some cases, additional visits to the gynecologist are scheduled for diagnostics. Ultrasound examination may also be recommended to accurately determine the condition of the internal os.


You now know how the cervix opens during childbirth. You also found out the peculiarities of the situation when the cervical canal is expanded to one finger. Remember that if the cervix begins to open, infection of the fetus may occur. That is why you should avoid unprotected sexual intercourse, bathing and public bodies of water. Visit your doctor more often and follow all appointments. Have a successful birth!

By the time childbirth occurs, the cervix, unnoticed by the woman herself, has completely changed. And this makes it possible for the baby to be born completely naturally. But the cervix itself cannot always change to the extent necessary for spontaneous childbirth. In this case, medical intervention is simply necessary.

How to check cervical dilatation during childbirth

There are several parameters by which doctors determine the readiness of the cervix for childbirth. This is its placement in the pelvis, its length and how soft it has become. If its softness allows you to pass 1-2 fingers inside, then this is a completely ripe cervix and ready for childbirth.

Also, these changes are confirmed by a process such as the removal of the mucus plug. The plug may move away long after the appointed time, and this indicates that contractions will soon begin. Also, before giving birth, the cervix should shorten and its length should be within one centimeter. And when it comes to its position, the most optimal position will be in the middle of the pelvis.

Although during pregnancy the cervix is ​​slightly tilted back. Based on the indicators of these parameters, doctors give a rating; the maximum can be five. Using the same assessment, you can determine the readiness of the cervix for labor. If the score is five, then they say that the cervix is ​​ripe.

But quite often it happens that labor should begin soon, but the cervix is ​​still completely unready. Then stimulation will be used to open it. If you do not resort to this method, the child will soon begin to experience a lack of oxygen due to the fact that the placenta ages very quickly before birth, and the functions that it must perform become beyond its ability.

How to help the cervix dilate during childbirth

Today, doctors use four methods to stimulate cervical dilatation.
  • Injections of Sinestrol into the muscles. Thanks to this drug, you can make the cervix ripen, but it has nothing to do with contractions.

  • Kelp sticks. The doctor places these 5 cm sticks into the cervical canal. As moisture acts on them, they swell and mechanically open the cervix.

  • Gel with prostaglandins. This is one of the most effective methods. Under its influence, the cervix will open within 2-3 hours.

  • Enzaprost intravenously. This drug also contains prostaglandins. Therefore, using it can also reduce the duration of contractions.
There are cases when women prefer to stimulate their body on their own. The most common method is an enema, which helps remove the plug. But this can only be done for pregnant women whose due date has approached and the baby is full term.

If there are no contractions, but the water and the plug have already broken, then stimulation with a warm bath is strictly prohibited. Because there is a risk of catching some kind of infection. You can also use a variety of physical activities. Walking is best for the body. But you can also do some cleaning. But in such cases, you need to monitor your well-being, because the consequences will not always be the most pleasant.

Stages of cervical dilatation

The cervix does not open immediately during childbirth. Doctors distinguish several periods. The first period of cervical dilation during childbirth is called slow, because in 4-6 hours the dilation will be no more than 10 cm. At this time, contractions are not too frequent - every 6-7 minutes. The second stage is called fast because the dilatation is 1 cm per hour. At this stage, contractions occur every minute and so on until the dilation is 10 cm. The third period is full dilation, which indicates full readiness for labor.

But sometimes there are cases when the cervix can open ahead of schedule. Therefore, in the last trimester, a woman should be ready for absolutely anything.

Pregnancy is already marked by signs of the presence of a fertilized egg from the very beginning. Changes primarily affect the reproductive organs. Therefore, it is natural that the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy, photos of which are given in the article below, changes. And the changes happening to her are one of the symptoms of the event awaiting the woman.

Location of the cervix in early pregnancy

Few women will be able, if necessary, to explain what this segment of the reproductive system is and what its significance is. This is easy to explain - it is impossible to monitor the problems or health of the cervix on your own. Its assessment and examination is the responsibility of the gynecologist conducting the examination.

This is the part of the organ visible during examination, which is transitional to the vagina, and also connects them. At each stage of the menstrual cycle, it produces mucus. At the same time, the role of the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy (see photo in this article) cannot be underestimated - it is it that largely ensures that the fertilized egg is kept in its proper place. Upon examination, only the vaginal part can be detected, although this is often enough to assess the state of health. When examined, it looks like a rounded formation protruding forward, having a small hole in the middle and covered with a mucous membrane.

The usual size of the organ is 4 cm in length and 2.5 centimeters in circumference, the pharynx is closed, the consistency is solid, and on critical days it becomes a little wider for the free release of secretions.

Changes in the cervix during early pregnancy are clearly visible to the doctor, which makes it possible to detect this condition. It is considered one of the main signs along with the cessation of menstruation.

Main functions

A woman's internal genital organs work smoothly if she is completely healthy. In normal condition, this organ performs several functions that help maintain the balance of microflora inside. Let's describe the main functions:

  • favorable microflora is maintained thanks to the canal located in the vagina;
  • there is mucus inside the pharynx that prevents all kinds of bacteria and microbes from entering the uterus;
  • signals any changes that can be seen during examination;
  • protects the fertilized egg from falling out;
  • stimulates the reproductive organs to function normally.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this organ for a woman’s health. However, only an experienced specialist can read all the information.

Signs of cervical changes

So, let's figure out what the cervix is ​​like in the early stages of pregnancy. It begins to change noticeably from about the fourth week, when the fertilized egg causes a slight protrusion of the wall, as well as an increase in the size and asymmetry of the organ. This can also only be detected by a specialist. Moreover, what kind of cervix is ​​in the early stages of pregnancy primarily depends on how much time has passed since its onset. In this case, the increase in progesterone observed after conception leads to a visual change in the organ. This is easy to notice during a gynecological examination. An experienced doctor can accurately determine the period from the date of fertilization.

The cervix in the early stages of pregnancy acquires the following differences from its normal state:

  1. Its position changes significantly relative to the main part of the organ.
  2. The color of the mucous membrane acquires a bluish tint, which was pink before fertilization.
  3. When touched, the texture of the tissue becomes different.

There is no need to be afraid of such changes; they are caused by the activation of metabolic processes and the proliferation of blood vessels. This is necessary to improve blood supply, since the formation of the membranes of the fetus, in addition, its nutrition requires an increased amount of oxygen.

Changing the location of the vaginal cervix

When an embryo appears, the reproductive organs adapt to it in such a way as to provide it with comfort, normal development, and also protect it from possible dangers. This is what explains the changed position of the cervix in early pregnancy. It is not constant, changing at different stages of the cycle. But in general, this part of the organ is located quite high relative to the vagina. This is especially noticeable during ovulation - at this moment the body seeks to facilitate the penetration of sperm into the reproductive cell.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the cervix is ​​low relative to its usual position. It is lowered by progesterone, thereby preventing the fertilized egg from falling out. depends on the level at which the cervix is ​​located during early pregnancy - low or high.

If it is located high, this may indicate increased tone, which increases the risk of interruption. Due to this, some women have to spend almost the entire pregnancy lying down. But the doctor will take into account other signs. Probably, its high location is a feature of the body that does not threaten the fetus in any way.

Cervix consistency

The cervix in early pregnancy is soft to the touch compared to its previous state. This is explained by a significant dilation of blood vessels, more active work and swelling of the glands. Progesterone also plays a role, making the uterus itself and its endometrium thicker and looser. Although the neck is denser than the walls of the organ. It is a certain lock that protects the fetus. At the same time, she becomes more mobile.

Some people worry that if it is soft, it will not hold the fertilized egg. The fears have no basis, since its channel is significantly narrowed, and the tissues will still be elastic normally and difficult to stretch for a certain time. The glands begin to actively produce more viscous and thick mucus. A large clot called a plug appears in the cervical canal, which performs several functions:

  • ensures the maintenance of microorganism balance;
  • does not allow foreign bacteria to enter the uterine cavity;
  • creates conditions for normal functioning of the reproductive organs.

If the cervix is ​​too hard to the touch, this may indicate excessive tension in the organ (hypertonicity). This condition is dangerous due to the possibility of rejection of the fertilized egg. It is impossible to assess the consistency of the cervix on your own.

Therefore, there is no need to “wind up” yourself. Regular visits to the doctor are a guarantee that the pathology will be identified before it is too late to correct it.

Short neck

Not all women have a problem-free pregnancy. One of the most serious is the threat of interruption, caused by various reasons.

It is worth noting that the development of the fetus, in addition, its significant weight gain, increases pressure on the cervix. Sometimes it shrinks in size and can no longer be a full-fledged protection. This condition is most often caused by hormonal reasons, although it occurs with injuries received in the past by the organ, polyhydramnios and multiple births. This phenomenon is called "isthmic-cervical insufficiency." It requires medical supervision and treatment. Let us highlight the symptoms of cervical shortening detected by the doctor:

  • excessive mobility;
  • too soft consistency of fabrics;
  • dilated lumen (the cervix is ​​slightly open in early pregnancy).

For some girls, these signs are mild, but in any case she herself will not notice the problem, especially in the first weeks. The anomaly must be seen by a doctor, which requires mandatory registration, as well as a huge number of examinations.

The danger of shortening the cervix

Shortening the cervix during early pregnancy is dangerous due to the high risk of miscarriage. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency, instead of a very dense ring that protects the embryo from falling out, leads to the appearance of an element that provokes bleeding around it. This part of the organ cannot contain the increasing pressure, which leads to tone. The uterus becomes tense, hard, its muscles can begin to actively contract at any moment, trying to reject the fertilized egg.

This is dangerous at an early stage because the symptoms of cervical contraction during pregnancy are not always visible to the woman herself. Shortening of a section of this organ is detected using transvaginal ultrasound, prescribed at different times. At the same time, some girls experience:

  • the cervix bleeds in early pregnancy;
  • the appearance of watery discharge;
  • nagging pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, discomfort in the form of tingling in the vagina;
  • frequent need to urinate.

From time to time, the short length of this part of the organ can be congenital, most often it is an acquisition. Although, in order not to provoke shortening of the cervix itself and not create a threat to the child, a woman should take care of this even before pregnancy, in other words:

  • do not smoke, as this bad habit provokes the development of hormonal disorders;
  • avoid abortion;
  • do not overwork and do not be nervous during pregnancy itself.

Cervical examination

In addition, with the help of mirrors, as well as two-handed examination, the gynecologist will refer the girl to undergo the necessary microflora analysis. You should make sure that there is no fungus or sexually transmitted infections in her body that could harm the fetus. We are talking about the microflora of the vagina, and it directly affects the general condition of the cervix.

The following cytology study allows us to study the normal structure of cells in a given area of ​​the organ. At the same time, the cervix is ​​not at all immune from their possible degeneration into malignant ones.

A changed cervix in the early stages is not just one symptom of an “interesting position.” In addition to protective functions, it informs about possible problems that can lead to a sad end if the right measures are not taken. Therefore, girls do not need to be afraid and avoid intravaginal ultrasound and gynecological examination, especially if there is a history of premature birth, miscarriage, or abortion.

Cervix is ​​bleeding

If the discharge, which is a physiological norm, becomes brownish in color or includes inclusions of blood, there is a high probability that it is the cervix that is bleeding. This type of discharge is never associated with menstruation and is mostly spotty in nature.

Basically, the cervix bleeds due to existing erosion, which is small ulcers that secrete blood.

Damage to the mucous membrane is possible. They occur during sexual intercourse, in addition, during a medical examination, and this may also be accompanied by slight bruising of the cervix.

In addition, cervicitis (inflammatory processes), uterine polyps may also appear, sometimes the cause of the appearance of blood can be several of the above at the same time.

Early pregnancy: cervical discharge

In the first ninety days of pregnancy, the occurrence is not uncommon. They are observed in almost 20% of pregnant women. This process is not always associated with pathology. For example, the cervix may bleed at the very beginning of pregnancy, after the egg attaches to the uterine wall, if it has been successfully fertilized. Such discharge continues for about 2 days. In the 3rd trimester, the appearance of blood may already indicate that this requires prompt medical intervention.

Before starting treatment, you should find out exactly why the cervix is ​​bleeding.

If erosion is the cause, the specialist will prescribe various healing medications, douching and herbal baths.

The main method of treating polyps, which cause bloody discharge from the uterus, is surgery.

Sometimes the appearance of blood occurs with cancer. In this case, a biopsy is mandatory.


Already in the very first months, the expectant mother goes to the antenatal clinic for mandatory registration, where she undergoes all kinds of necessary medical examinations, and also prepares to meet her baby and the upcoming birth. Consequently, it is possible to identify various pathologies or diseases in a timely manner, in addition to preventing their possible complications. Cervical erosion is one of the most common and most frequently diagnosed diseases.

It is detected very often at the very first gynecological examination. The doctor examines the girl using a special mirror and also makes a smear for cytology. The pathology looks like a small defect located on the cervix, namely on the mucous membrane, in the form of an ulcer or redness.

In medical practice, pseudo- and true cervical erosion are distinguished. The pregnant woman then makes a note in her personal card about the presence of the pathology. This is done so that other specialists who will be present at the birth pay close attention to this.

It should be noted that cervical erosion in early pregnancy can be the result of various reasons. The very first of them is a violation of the girl’s hormonal background, which begins to change at the very beginning, right in the first trimester. In addition, the occurrence of cervical erosion is facilitated by all kinds of sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasma, chlamydia, gonorrhea) received by a woman before or during pregnancy, chemical and mechanical action, improper, rough douching, as well as many other factors.

In addition, the development of the disease is affected by frequent changes of sexual partners and decreased immunity.



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