The simplicity and benefits of regular pea porridge. Pea porridge - benefits, calories and harm

Bean crops are famous for their beneficial properties and peas are no exception.

Porridge prepared from this vegetable is saturated with a large number of important elements and has a positive effect on the body, regardless of whether it is prepared with water or meat broth.

The nuances of preparing pea porridge

Pea porridge is not just tasty, but also healthy. In order for peas to retain all their important substances during cooking, you must follow some rules:

1. First, you need to do it right pick up pea beans. For porridges, split peas are used, which are sold whole or split into halves. Split peas cook several times faster than whole peas. Yellow peas are preferable. The porridge made from them has a more expressive taste. In some stores you can find unshelled peas. To prepare porridge from such beans, it is necessary to pre-soak them for 6–8 hours. This is necessary to exfoliate the dense shell.

2. Secondly, it is necessary to correctly pick up dishes, in which the porridge will be cooked. A cast iron pan with a thick bottom is best for this. This will ensure even cooking of the peas and prevent burning.

Proper preparation of porridge begins with washing the peas. Before this, you should sort it out, sorting out the shell elements and low-quality beans. It is best to soak washed seeds for 5–8 hours. So, the porridge will turn out boiled in a shorter period of time. After soaking, the peas are ready to be used in porridge.

This process takes place in several stages:

Add water or meat broth to the peas in a 1:2 ratio. If you use dry peas, you will need 4 parts water with the addition of half a teaspoon of soda. It will help the grains boil faster;

Bring the porridge to a boil over medium heat;

After this, reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid, and cook the beans until tender. Typically the cooking time is 1–1.5 hours. During cooking, the dish is stirred regularly;

You can add broth or water as needed;

10 minutes before readiness, add salt to taste;

When the peas have boiled and the mass has acquired a puree-like consistency, the porridge is ready. If there is some liquid left, you can open the lid and cook until it boils.

You can add it to ready-made porridge add various ingredients: butter or regular cream, fried onions or carrots, herbs, prepared mushrooms, meat, etc. Do not forget that such additives increase the calorie content of porridge several times.

How great are the benefits of pea porridge?

Pea porridge is considered a storehouse of substances necessary for the body. This is true. These beans contain approx. 20 microelements important for humans, which are preserved during heat treatment.

Thanks to them, porridge has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Unlike other cereals, pea cereal contains aluminum. He promotes regeneration and restoration of bone, muscle and connective tissue. That is why pea porridge is indicated during the postoperative and recovery periods.

This dish rich in fiber content. In this regard, it is recommended for people suffering from constipation. Regular consumption of pea porridge helps normalize metabolism, restore blood vessels in the circulatory system and improve the functioning of the lymphatic system.

This effect is explained by the presence in peas silicon, which supports the healthy functioning of lung tissue and endocrine glands. It also promotes the absorption of other macro and microelements.

The benefits of pea porridge are what it contains choline. This is a vitamin responsible for the development of intellectual abilities and the normal state of the nervous system. Therefore, it is recommended to include pea porridge in children's diets. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of cholelithiasis, helps restore the liver and helps remove toxic elements from the body. A large group of vitamins and microelements contained in porridge helps to normalize fat metabolism and prevent diseases of the nervous system and visual organs.

Eating this dish is of great importance for people with hypercholesterolemia and vascular atherosclerosis. Since contained in peas a nicotinic acid actively fights the elimination of blood clots and cholesterol plaques.

The harm of pea porridge: let’s dispel the speculation

Many are of the opinion that the high content of elements important for the body in pea porridge is not always beneficial.

In some situations harm from pea porridge is possible, but such cases are very rare and they do not have strict contraindications:

Most often negatively affected elderly people with a persistent increase in uric acid in the blood. This is explained by the fact that peas have a high content of purines, which contribute to an even greater accumulation of uric acid and its conversion into urates. The whole danger is that urates are deposited in the joints, causing pathologies in the area of ​​deposition;

In addition, pea porridge is harmful to those who have kidney and gallbladder disease in the acute stage;

with unclear etiology of circulatory dysfunction It is also not recommended to introduce this dish into your diet;

It is not advisable to give pea porridge children under one year old, since their digestive system is different from adults. She is unable to cope with so much fiber;

Pea porridge is contraindicated for people suffering from increased flatulence and pathologies of the duodenum;

Such food helps reduce the acidic environment of the stomach, so it is not recommended for gastritis with low acidity.

Benefits for pregnant women and harm of pea porridge for nursing mothers - is this true?

Many pregnant and lactating women often refuse this type of food, citing the fact that it provokes excessive gas formation and bloating. But this is completely unfounded, because properly prepared pea porridge is devoid of this property.

To do this, you can add herbs to it that prevent the formation of gases: cumin, dill, etc. It has long been proven in medicine that eating such a dish has a beneficial effect not only on the mother, but also on the child, especially at the stage of intrauterine development.

Therefore women are in a position You just have to introduce pea porridge into your diet. The main benefits of pea porridge for pregnant women:

Vitamin C allows iron, which is found in large quantities in peas, to be fully absorbed. This helps to compensate for iron deficiency due to anemia in pregnant women;

The presence of manganese in porridge ensures healthy bone formation in the child, as well as normal functioning of the nervous system in the mother;

A whole group of macroelements supports immunity and regulates metabolic processes, including lipid ones;

By introducing this dish into the diet, natural control over the process of insulin production is achieved;

The only thing a pregnant woman should beware of when eating pea porridge is excessive consumption of this product. After all, even the most beneficial substances can be harmful in large quantities.

Doctors have a completely opposite opinion regarding the consumption of pea porridge by nursing mothers. Since infants do not have a fully formed alimentary tract system, feeding the mother such a product is not advisable.

However, in the absence of a negative reaction of the child to such a diet of the mother, porridge can be included in the menu in small quantities no more than once a week. This will help increase the body's resistance to mother and child.

Lose weight with pea porridge the right way!

The benefits of pea porridge for weight loss are undeniable. This dish not only fills the body with essential nutrients, but also increases energy potential.

In terms of energy indicators, pea porridge outperformed lean beef. Moreover, when cooked in water, it has 92 kcal per 100 grams ready dish.

Even with daily consumption of porridge once a day, weight loss is guaranteed. This is due to the content of vitamin B5 in peas, which promotes the production of glucocorticoids. Those, in turn, actively break down fat cells.

By the way, pea porridge is perfect for people who combine a diet with training in sports centers, as it promotes rapid muscle growth. This dish contains carbohydrates. They are digested slowly, which means that the feeling of fullness will come quickly and will last for a long time.

When losing weight, vitamin deficiency is very often recorded, which leads to serious and irreversible problems. Pea porridge will help quickly compensate for this deficiency and restore the body.

Pea porridge can rightfully be called a treasury of useful elements. The ability to cook and consume it correctly will make your diet richer and your body healthier.

Even in ancient times, various dishes began to be prepared from peas. This product was distinguished by its affordable price and exceptional benefits. It was especially popular among the Slavic peoples. The benefits of pea porridge are beyond doubt today.


Despite the fact that peas contain a large amount of protein, it is absorbed much better than some meat products. Due to the fact that the composition of pea porridge has no analogues, it can be considered a unique “guest” of our table.

The rich composition of peas allows it to be a worthy substitute for meat dishes. Peas contain vitamins A and E, valuable macroelements, microelements and amino acids. This contributes to the beneficial effects of peas on the human body. There are many lenten and vegetarian dishes prepared using this product.

According to modern nutritionists, eating peas helps reduce the risk of developing cancer.

It is also believed that pea porridge helps to cope with cramps.

Nutritionists and doctors note the positive effect of pea porridge on:

  1. Absorption of nutrients by the body.
  2. Cardiac and vascular systems. A product prepared in water helps normalize blood pressure, reduces the intensity of headaches, and provides significant assistance to the body in atherosclerosis.
  3. Increase in muscle mass (this is explained by the presence of a significant amount of protein in the product).
  4. Removing salt from the body (due to the positive effect of porridge on the musculoskeletal system, it is often recommended when diagnosing rheumatism and osteoporosis).
  5. Condition of the skin (the product prevents the appearance of wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin).
  6. Condition of nail plates and hair.
  7. Metabolism (doctors often advise including porridge in your diet when diagnosing diabetes mellitus, as well as the presence of extra pounds).
  8. Physical and mental state of the body (porridge cooked in water must be included in the diet for symptoms of chronic fatigue).
  9. Immunity (due to the content of the product in a significant amount of B vitamins, porridge is indicated as a preventive measure for infectious diseases).
  10. Vision (improvement occurs due to the content of beta-carotene and vitamin A).
  11. Rapid removal from the body of toxins and stones located in the kidneys and gall bladder.

You can prepare pea porridge from either dried or fresh peas. In the first case, the peas need to be soaked. Considering that legumes, including peas, “like” to burn, it is important to pay special attention to the preparation of the dish.

The benefits of the product will be further increased if you enrich the porridge with vegetables. It is not prohibited to add high-quality vegetable oil or butter. Of course, if you are preparing dietary porridge, then you need to be careful when adding fat.

  • renal pathologies;
  • oily skin;
  • anemia;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • anemia;
  • poor appetite;
  • frequent or chronic constipation;
  • indigestion;
  • flatulence.

Pea porridge fills you up quite quickly. For this reason, it is often included in a variety of diets. In addition, eating peas helps improve fat metabolism.

Peas are an excellent diuretic. With regular use of this product, excess fluid is quickly eliminated from the body along with urine. By enhancing metabolic processes, metabolism improves. As a result, extra pounds are quickly lost. Peas are a real leader in protein content. In addition, peas contain much more starch than potatoes. Thirty percent of pea porridge is made up of vegetable proteins. The product also contains microelements beneficial to the body and selenium, which is an excellent antioxidant. Pea products are often included in the menu during fasting days, as well as during a diet.

The specific “pea” diet is known to all fans of healthy nutrition. The most popular dish is pea porridge cooked with butter and vegetables. To avoid bloating, it is recommended to add dill or fennel to the porridge.

The “pea” diet is simple and healthy. Due to the high level of protein, and also because peas “get along” well with many vegetables, it is recommended even for people leading an active lifestyle that involves intense physical activity. Being a fairly satisfying dish, pea porridge will help suppress the growth of appetite for a long time.

Children are allowed pea porridge only from the age of three.


Pea porridge is strictly contraindicated when diagnosing pathologies such as:

  1. Cholecystitis.
  2. Impaired blood circulation.
  3. Acute kidney disease.
  4. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

The harm of pea porridge is also noted for the elderly. This product also causes gas and bloating. For this reason, porridge should not be included in the diet of a person suffering from chronic pathology of the stomach and duodenum. If you have gout, you should also exclude porridge from your diet.

Calorie content

Porridge is quite often included in the diet of professional athletes. The calorie content of pea porridge is quite low. When finished, the energy value of the product is about 90 kcal. The low calorie content of pea porridge allows the product to be included in a variety of dietary programs.


Not everyone can eat pea porridge. So, it is strictly contraindicated:

  • those suffering from nephritis;
  • patients with gout;
  • persons diagnosed with gastrointestinal inflammation;
  • people suffering from stomach ulcers.

Considering that young children quite often experience abdominal colic, it is recommended to include pea porridge in children’s diets only after three years. Otherwise, the baby will suffer from bloating and pain.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Pea porridge is beneficial for the body because it contains starch and vegetable protein. The product also contains natural sugars and carbohydrates.

Porridge is rich in vitamins. It contains vitamins of groups A, E, B, H and PP. The mineral composition of the product is also quite diverse. The porridge contains selenium, calcium, tin and zirconium necessary for the body. Of the essential macroelements, this product contains sodium, phosphorus, chlorine and magnesium.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin Content (mg) % of daily value
RR 2.2 32,5
Beta carotene 0,01 0,2
A (RE) 2 0,2
IN 1 0,81 54
AT 2 0,15 8,3
AT 5 2,2 44
AT 6 0,27 13,5
AT 9 16 4
E (TE) 0,7 4,7
N (biotin) 19 38
PP (equivalent to niacin) 6.5 -
Kholin 200 40
Mineral Content (mg) % of daily value
Iron 6,8 37,8
Zinc 3,18 26,5
Iodine 5,1 3,4
Copper 750 75
Manganese 1,75 87,5
Selenium 13,1 23,8
Chromium 9 18
Fluorine 30 0,8
Molybdenum 84,2 120
Bor 670 33,5
Vanadium 150 375
Silicon 83 277
Cobalt 13,1 131
Nickel 246,6 -
Tin 16,2 -
Titanium 181 -
Strontium 80 -
Aluminum 1180 -
Zirconium 11,2 -

Pea porridge is considered a fairly satisfying and healthy dish. But it should be consumed in moderation to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Homemade pea porridge is easy and quick to prepare. The benefits and harms of this light and tasty dish are discussed in this article.

Useful qualities of pea porridge

Rejuvenating effect of peas

The fair sex can benefit greatly from this simple and nutritious dish. With regular consumption of pea porridge, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. Thanks to good nutrition, the body heals from the inside, this can be seen in the absence of early wrinkles. Selenium in the product works inside our body as an antioxidant.

Porridge for digestion, kidneys and gallbladder

It is known that porridge lovers minimize the likelihood of digestive problems. Nutrients from consumed food are absorbed in the best possible way. No discomfort after eating. Pea porridge helps improve the condition of chronic constipation.

The product provides protection against the formation of gallstones and kidney stones. Toxins are naturally removed from internal organs.

Improving immunity and vision

The human immune system begins to function more efficiently due to timely replenishment of B vitamins. Such nutrition acts as a first-class preventative against infectious diseases. The intake of vitamin A and beta-carotene into the body ensures the maintenance of normal vision.

General strengthening of the body

A state of physical and mental exhaustion can result in chronic fatigue. Persistent loss of strength and drowsiness are definitely indications for consuming pea porridge. For the coordinated functioning of the body and getting rid of a bad mood, the element lysine is important; it can be obtained from porridge.

The dish helps improve metabolism, so it is recommended to eat it for diabetes. Interestingly, peas are considered a diuretic product that helps remove excess fluid from the body.

It is believed that pea porridge perfectly removes excess fluid from the body. The active substances have a good effect on the musculoskeletal system and help prevent osteoporosis and rheumatism.

The positive effects of peas also extend to the cardiovascular system. The product improves blood pressure, relieves unpleasant symptoms of weather sensitivity, reduces headaches, and prevents atherosclerosis.

Pea porridge for body beauty

The product contains a lot of valuable protein and amino acids. This type of nutrition creates the right conditions for building muscle mass. A woman's body with beautiful muscle definition looks wonderful.

tasty, easy to prepare and nutritious dish for the whole family

Pea porridge for weight loss

It is worth mentioning the excellent dietary properties of pea porridge:

  • a product filled with proteins, microelements and vitamins not only helps you lose weight, but also fully nourishes the body;
  • the dish is suitable for those who want to lose weight, but prefer hearty, hearty food;
  • a 100-gram serving of dry product contains approximately 300 calories;
  • pea dishes do not make you fat and fill you up for a long time;
  • athletes value peas for long-digesting carbohydrates and the ability to quickly replenish energy reserves;
  • the product stands out noticeably from a number of cereals due to its high dose of protein;
  • the composition contains a higher percentage of starch compared to potatoes;
  • use pea porridge for fasting days and implement it in your diet;
  • the product is compatible with any vegetables and tastes good;
  • there is no need to overuse the product, the diet should be varied and well planned;
  • It is optimal to consume pea soup or porridge for lunch.

Possible harm of pea porridge

It is necessary to study contraindications before consuming pea porridge. Benefits and harms are unevenly combined in this dish, there are definitely more benefits, but for some ailments you need an appropriate diet, which does not include peas. You should not eat pea dishes if you have problems with blood circulation, cholecystitis, kidney pathology, gastrointestinal diseases and gout. They say that the product causes flatulence in older people. Small children can only eat pea porridge after 3 years of age, otherwise they may suffer from bloating and other digestive problems.

How to cook delicious pea porridge?


  • peas;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • carrot;
  • olive oil;
  • acceptable but optional additives are onions, spices (cumin, curry, pepper, coriander, fennel, dill), bell pepper.

So, take 2 cups of split dry peas, the product must first be washed and soaked for several hours. You will need up to 1 liter of water. It is permissible to use meat broth rather than water as a base. We recommend salting the dish at the end of the process. Maintain a moderate simmer until the peas soften. The pre-soaked product is cooked for half an hour. The foam that appears at the beginning of cooking can be removed. Grated lightly fried carrots are placed closer to the end of the process. If necessary, you can remove excess liquid and mash the peas into a puree. In order to prevent the phenomenon of flatulence after consuming peas, use additives to the dish - fennel or dill.

Any housewife, even an inexperienced one, can prepare pea porridge. To prevent digestive problems, consume this tasty and nutritious dish in reasonable doses without overeating.

But pea porridge is often forgotten, although it is recommended as a dietary and sports nutrition.

Pea porridge contains a storehouse of useful substances:

  • amino acids (tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, valine, arginine, serine, glycine, etc.);
  • vitamin A, C, E, B (vit. B1, B4, B9), K;
  • minerals (selenium, copper, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc);
  • ash;
  • water;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • mono- and disaccharides.


The properties of porridge are determined by its composition. The combination of vitamins and minerals allows you to obtain a wide range of beneficial effects:

  • Amino acids are a structural part of proteins and provide the body with energy and strength. They participate in the formation of muscle tissue and stimulate fat burning.
  • Vitamin E in peas helps strengthen the female body, normalizes the condition during menopause, improves the condition of hair and skin, and slows down the aging process. This vitamin is part of the antioxidant complex (vitamins A, C and E).
  • Vitamin A helps maintain sharp vision.
  • Vitamin C stimulates the immune system and protects the body from infections.
  • B vitamins help the nervous system and promote the production of digestive enzymes.
  • Minerals are involved in metabolic reactions, the work of the heart muscle, the process of blood clotting, and glucose oxidation cycles in the body.
  • Eating pea porridge reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  • Peas interfere with development.
  • Promotes weight loss and lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Helps overcome.
  • Removes toxins from the kidneys and liver.
  • It has a diuretic effect and gently removes excess fluid from the body.

For what diseases should you eat pea porridge?

  • skin problems;
  • frequent constipation;
  • kidney diseases;
  • (decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood);
  • decreased appetite.

It is best to cook porridge from peas as a side dish at least once a week.

The nutritional value

Pea porridge helps remove toxins from the intestines.

A 100 g serving of the product contains only 90 kcal, 6.7 g of protein, 0.8 g of fat and 17.7 g of carbohydrates.

  1. Porridge is a valuable source of vegetable protein. For people who do not consume animal products, peas are a good substitute for meat.
  2. The carbohydrates in pea porridge are slowly digested in the body, so they give you a feeling of fullness even when consuming a small portion of the product.
  3. Fiber, which is a soft dietary fiber, swells, taking excess moisture from the intestines, and removes toxins from the body.
  4. The ash in peas helps remove heavy metal salts and poisons from the body. The presence of ash indicates the mineral content of the food product.

Harm of pea porridge

Porridge can cause harm if you eat it often and a lot.

It is known that peas increase gas formation in the intestines, which must be taken into account when eating porridge. Older people are more likely to experience flatulence.

It is not advisable to use peas for chronic inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, since with these diseases the tendency to gas increases, and peas can aggravate the situation.

It is forbidden to take pea porridge if you have inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), the presence of diarrhea, circulatory problems and in the acute stage of kidney inflammation.

The variety of cereals allows you to eat a new tasty side dish every day; you don’t need to limit yourself to only rice and buckwheat. Pea porridge contains many vitamins and minerals, goes well with meat and fish products and supplies the body with a full range of nutrients.

Many of us know that legumes (beans, soybeans, peas, lentils) are rich in invaluable microelements and vitamins. Dishes made from them are tasty and nutritious. Russians have a special relationship with peas. From time immemorial, soups, cereals, and pies with this product were the main dishes on the everyday dinner table.

What are the benefits of peas, how to make healthy, tasty porridge from them, and whether such porridge can be harmful to health, I will tell you on our website www..

What are the benefits of pea porridge?

The porridge made from them is no less useful than the peas themselves. Since this dish is very nutritious, satisfying, and high in calories, it is indispensable for people who play sports or undergo intense physical activity. They are recommended to use it to restore strength and spent energy. Due to the presence of vegetable protein, pea porridge promotes rapid muscle growth. The dish goes well with various vegetables and meat.

The benefit of this original Russian dish also lies in the fact that eating porridge helps eliminate constipation, flatulence, indigestion, and poor appetite. Porridge is useful for those who suffer from pressure changes, anemia, and anemia.

Due to the presence of antioxidants, this dish is useful for skin diseases. With its regular use, youth and healthy skin are preserved.

Pea porridge is a very satisfying dish. It is enough to eat a small portion and the thought of food will not appear for a long time.

Try to cook this healthy, ancient dish and enjoy its taste. And now I’ll tell you how to properly prepare pea porridge:

How to cook delicious, healthy porridge from peas?

You will need: 0.5 kg crushed grains. You also need 2 medium onions, sunflower oil, salt to taste.

If you don't have split peas and use whole grains, you will need to cook the porridge longer. It is best to soak whole grains in clean water overnight.

How to cook:
Sort through and rinse the grains. Place in an enamel pan, pour
cold water 2 cm above the grain level. Place on the stove, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 1.5 hours, stirring constantly.

During the cooking process, when the water is absorbed, add cold water again so that it covers the grains by 2 cm. Thus, add water as needed. With this method of cooking, the porridge will cook faster, it will be boiled, without lumps. Salt the porridge at the very end, when it is almost ready. Then remove it from the stove.

Now peel the onion and chop finely. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, add to the porridge, mix well. Scoop out the peas with a wooden spoon and serve.

Pea porridge with meat

Prepare 200 g of grains (pre-soak overnight), 200 g of beef tenderloin, 1 carrot, 1 onion, vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:
Cut the meat into small pieces and fry in a deep pan. Add finely chopped carrots and onions, mix, fry for a few more minutes. Now put the peas in the pan, add water as in the first recipe, cook over very low heat for about an hour. Stir constantly. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to taste. Before serving, sprinkle with parsley or cilantro.

Delicious porridge can also be cooked from fresh green peas. In this case, it will cook much faster; the peas do not need to be soaked. For this dish, pour cold water (1:1) over fresh grains, cook until tender, add salt and a piece of butter.

By the way, this product goes well with buckwheat. To prepare an unusual dish, add a little buckwheat at the end of cooking. Cook everything until tender, serve with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs. Buckwheat will make the porridge even healthier and tastier.

What harm can pea porridge cause?

This dish is useful for people of any age - old people and children from 3 years of age. But, unfortunately, in some cases, you cannot eat pea porridge. Older people should not eat it often to avoid digestive problems. This dish is contraindicated for cholecystitis, gout, and poor blood circulation. It can be harmful in acute nephritis, exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

In many countries around the world, pea porridge is considered an excellent side dish and healthy dietary food. Nutritionists note the fact that it is rich in large amounts of protein, vitamins, and microelements, but contains a small amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, this dish will be useful for those people who care about their waistline and health, but at the same time love to eat tasty and satisfying food.

Consider the benefits and harms of pea porridge, and also remember that you cannot eat it a lot due to its high calorie content. Be healthy!



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