Sprouting wheat for food: methods and rules. The life-giving power of sprouted wheat - benefits and harms

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Wheat for sprouting at home for a healthy diet

Wheat considered the “queen of cereals.”


To maintain health and provide the body with nutrients, it is enough to consume 2-3 tablespoons (up to 50 g) of sprouts per day.

Before eating sprouted wheat, be sure to rinse it again with water.

Sprouted wheat is best eaten at lunch. The grains must be chewed thoroughly. Wheat can be chewed either alone or together with other sprouts, for example, mung bean, chickpeas, lentils. As you know, when combined, grains and legumes are better absorbed. Wheat sprouts, of course, are quite tough, but prolonged chewing is beneficial for better absorption, as well as for teeth and gums.

Add sprouted wheat to ready-made porridges, mix with honey, nuts and dried fruits. Sprouts significantly increase the nutritional value of salads.

The easiest way to consume wheat germ is to grind it in a blender along with fruits or vegetables. For example, beat wheat germ, oranges, honey and sweet spices (cinnamon, nutmeg) in a blender. It's good to add wheat germ to green smoothies.

It is not recommended to consume wheat germ along with dairy products, as this leads to increased gas formation in the intestines and can cause diarrhea.

To avoid losing the beneficial properties of wheat sprouts, you should not subject them to heat treatment.

How to germinate wheat at home

To germinate wheat at home you need:

  • Grain for germination. High-quality grains for germination germinate at the same time and almost all of them. There are such low-quality grains, of which no more than 50% germinate per day. See the section of this article “How to choose wheat for germination.”
  • Dishes for germination. Dishes for sprouting wheat should not be metal. It is better to use plastic containers for food, as their temperature is practically the same as the environment.
  • Gauze for covering the sprouted grains so that they do not dry out. It is not necessary to cover with gauze if it is possible to wash the grains at least once every 8 hours. You can cover the container with a lid, leaving a gap for air. The only purpose of the covering is to keep the grains moist, but not drenched in water.

To germinate wheat at home, rinse the grains with water, remove other debris and floating grains - they are not suitable for germination. Place the washed grains in a bowl and fill with clean drinking water to swell. After about 8 hours, when the grains have swelled, rinse them under running water, drain all the water, spread the grains evenly on the bottom of the dish, cover with damp gauze folded in several layers and leave to germinate at room temperature (about 20°C). After about 8 hours (sometimes longer), small white sprouts will appear on the grains. If the grains are not covered with gauze, wash them with water from time to time to wash away any mucus that appears and prevent the grains from drying out and the development of various bacteria. It is convenient to use a small strainer to rinse germinating wheat under running water. After washing, the sprouted wheat should go strong fresh aroma.

Wheat for germination at home

Wheat is considered sprouted and ready to eat when noticeable white sprouts have emerged. The most useful is wheat with sprouts up to 2-3 mm long. After washing, the sprouted wheat should give off a pronounced fresh aroma.

As a result of germination, the volume of wheat doubles.

It may not be possible to germinate wheat correctly the first time at home.

The main mistakes when germinating wheat at home:

  • too much water during germination (the water must be drained);
  • too large a layer of grains, due to which it begins to overheat (“suffocate”);
  • Germination takes too long;
  • drying of grains that have begun to germinate.


  • Although you should wash the grains twice a day during the germination process;
  • so that the grains have a fresh aroma;
  • so that the grains do not dry out.

It is necessary to distinguish grains that burst due to swelling due to an excess of water from those that actually germinate. With experience, wheat germination becomes very simple. The usual germination cycle: soaked in the morning, washed in the evening, washed in the morning, and by lunchtime the sprouts are ready to eat. High-quality wheat for germination germinates to a state ready for consumption within a day.

If the wheat has not sprouted within 2 days, then it is not suitable for consumption, even if the sprouts appear later. It is also not recommended to eat grains that have darkened or if the sprouts on them have grown more than 3 mm.

How and how long to store sprouted wheat

Store wheat germ in the refrigerator in a container. Do not close the lid tightly so that the grains do not suffocate. Shelf life: no more than 2 days. Before consumption, do not forget to rinse the grains with drinking water.

Wheat for germination at home. Swollen wheat. Some grains burst due to damaged shells.

How to choose wheat for germination

You should choose wheat for germination at home only with a special inscription on the packaging - wheat for germination. To sprout wheat at home, you need specially prepared peeled wheat grains. For example, before sowing in the fields, grains are treated with special chemicals - such grains cannot be sprouted for use as sprouts.

Even specially prepared wheat for germination varies significantly in quality.

It is visually impossible to select high-quality wheat for germination. It is impossible to determine with a glance how the grains will germinate. What you can definitely determine with a glance is which grains will definitely not germinate. How visually good grains will germinate cannot be determined by looking at them.

Poor quality grains:

  • small underdeveloped grains.
  • cracked, mechanically damaged grains.
  • wrinkled grain surface.

Good quality grains should be:

  • dry, without mold;
  • The sides of the grains are convex, not sunken.
  • The color of the grains is yellow and looks healthy.

The grains may be large and beautiful, but they do not necessarily germinate at the same time. Instead of germinating, they may swell and become moldy. If the grains were overdried, then they retained their appearance, but most of them could lose the ability to germinate.

The most reliable and practically the only way to get an answer to the question - how to choose wheat for germination - is to sprout a small amount of grains. In a day it will be clear what quality the wheat is for germination. Even in the same store, different batches of wheat for sprouting at home can be of different quality.

Since the members of the project site themselves constantly If they consume sprouted wheat grains, then before purchasing we check the quality by test germination.

If wheat is prepared correctly for germination, the following differences between varieties can be observed:

  • Germination rates may vary significantly.
  • Some varieties swell with water faster than others.
  • The simultaneity of grain germination is very different.
  • Different varieties require different amounts of moisture to germinate. If the grains become swollen during soaking, they should not be kept in water any longer. It’s better to leave it a little short in the water when soaking than to overexpose it.

Whole grain wheat flour

Whole grain flour is obtained by grinding whole grains with a shell. Whole grain flour retains all the components of the grain: the flower shell of the grain, the aleurone layer and the grain germ. Accordingly, in such flour all the biological value of the whole grain is preserved, and all its beneficial qualities for the human body, while in the highest grade flour only the inner part of the grain or endosperm, rich in carbohydrates, remains.

Whole grain flour contains fiber, which removes harmful metabolic products from the body. Whole grain flour normalizes weight and helps reduce blood sugar and cholesterol.

Use whole wheat flour to make homemade bread, pies, buns, pancakes and all other baked goods. Typically, products made from whole grain flour are denser, so you can add premium flour to whole grain flour to make the products more fluffy.


Contraindications: wheat is not recommended for people suffering from gluten intolerance. Wheat is not recommended for consumption by people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, especially during exacerbations.

Consume wheat in moderation and remember about dietary diversity and healthy eating rules.

Comics from the Internet about germinating wheat at home

Nowadays it is fashionable to turn to website promotion specialists to write articles that will raise the site’s status in search engines. As a result, articles appear about out-of-this-world wheat germination. Such articles are written by people who have never even tried to germinate wheat grains or who sprouted them to obtain photographs for the site. Here are a few comics, naturally, without indicating the source:

“We leave the soaked wheat overnight. In the morning we look to see if there are floating grains. Eat? We catch them and throw them away! They are not edible." Comment. Grain that drowns does not float up. When soaked, grains do not accumulate gases that can raise them to the surface of the water. Throw away those grains that did not sink during soaking, and not those that floated after many hours of soaking.

“In two days the wheat sprouts will sprout.” Comment. If they don’t hatch in a day, the wheat can be thrown away.

“How to choose wheat for germination? When purchasing wheat, take a close look at the grains. If the grain is heavily contaminated with pebbles, weed seeds, and other debris, you should not take such wheat.” Comment. What wise advice! For those who usually buy goods and products with garbage - do not buy grains for sprouting with garbage - garbage does not germinate!

“The question of how to choose wheat for germination is very relevant, because the quality of the subsequent dishes prepared from it depends on the right choice.” Comment. Another search phrase is embedded in the article, albeit without any meaning. Your search engine will be pleased!

“Those grains that were processed before sale will no longer be able to germinate.” Comment. If the grains are processed before sowing, they will germinate, but before sale they cannot germinate...

“It is important to find out from the seller whether the grains have been processed, although, in principle, this can often be determined visually.” Comment. Nothing to comment.

“Although each person can decide for himself the best seed option for himself.” Comment. There is good advice in the article entitled “How to choose wheat for germination.”

Wheat is a valuable product in demand throughout the planet. We are used to using wheat for baking bread, rolls, making pasta and sweet pastries. Most people cannot do without these products, but tasty does not mean healthy. Therefore, today we offer a truly healthy product - sprouted wheat yourself.

How to choose wheat for germination

Naturally, in order to germinate grains, you need high-quality raw materials. That is, the wheat should be whole, but this can hardly be found on sale. Therefore, if you are going to get to the end and find out how to germinate wheat yourself, then you can go to the market, supermarket or look for a suitable product in online stores. The main condition is that the wheat must be whole. If the package is damaged or contains debris, then such a product will not please the buyer.

Another golden rule is that wheat should be fresh and natural, without chemical treatment. GMO grains are not suitable, it’s impossible to just visually know what kind of product you have in front of you.

How to distinguish wheat grains from GMO grains: if the wheat is treated with chemicals, it will not germinate at all, or it will take a very long time for this process to occur.

To avoid any doubts, try the following:

  • Soak the purchased grain in water overnight - if the sprouts do not sprout in the morning, then the grain will have to be thrown away;
  • when buying wheat at the market, take a little for testing - if the grains are actively germinating, you can buy more of the useful product;
  • when the grains are soaked, a thin film should appear on the surface of the water - if this is not the case, then the grain has also been treated with chemicals;
  • For germination you need to take fresh wheat from this harvest. If they offer last year’s one, then it is not suitable for this business.

How to germinate wheat at home

There are several ways to germinate wheat: wheat can be sprouted in order to immediately consume young sprouts for food, or to make a healthy drink.

How to germinate grain:

  • the grain needs to be sorted and debris removed;
  • then you need to rinse the whole grains thoroughly under the tap - place them in a bowl, fill them with water - if there are floating grains, they need to be thrown away;
  • Prepare a container convenient for germination: pour in wheat, pour in boiled water, cover the container with clean gauze, or possibly a lid. Only then do you need to make holes in the lid so that oxygen can get inside;
  • The grains will swell within 8 hours, leave the container on the table at room temperature. If the room is hot, then you will have to wash the wheat twice;
  • watch, you may have to add a new portion of water;
  • after 10 or 12 hours the first seedlings will appear. During this period, you need to carefully rinse the grain with water if the room is very hot.

The second method of sprouting wheat is easier because you don’t need gauze. You need to prepare a glass jar and a plastic lid. You need to make many small holes in the lid. Then pour the prepared wheat into a clean jar, pour in water, close the lid and leave overnight. After 8 hours, rinse the grain, leave it in a jar without water, but only the wheat needs to be distributed evenly over the bottom and left for another 8 hours. After which you can harvest. The most useful sprouts are those that have reached 2 mm, they can be collected and eaten.

How to germinate wheat at home until green sprouts

To get green sprouts, you need:

  • Prepare a tray for germination, place napkins on the bottom (if it is a special container with holes).
  • You need to pour a thin ball of soil into the container. 5 cm is enough, be sure to moisten the soil.
  • Wheat germs need to be planted in the ground, a “shower” must be made - that is, the grain must be watered from a spray bottle.
  • Then cover with a damp cloth. Place the container in a sunny place.
  • After 10 days (or maybe 1-2 days earlier), the first green sprouts will appear. They can be cut with scissors just above the root. If not used immediately, you can store the harvested crop in the refrigerator for a week. You can add green wheat sprouts to your salad or make juice.

In order to make juice from wheat sprouts, you can wait a little until the green sprouts reach a height of about 12 cm. They should only be used for juice; such large wheat sprouts are not suitable for food. To make juice, use a blender and do not forget to dilute the healthy product with water.

Recently, a new trend has been gaining momentum - the consumption of “live” food products. Such food is grown independently and is considered the most beneficial for the body. For example, many people eat sprouted wheat grains at home. Find out how to germinate seeds, what is needed for this and what products they are best combined with.

What are the benefits of sprouted wheat?

Plant foods have always been distinguished by their beneficial qualities. Sprouted wheat is also no exception. This nutritious cereal has many beneficial functions. Before germinating wheat, you should learn about its main advantages:

  • grains help strengthen the immune system, which often suffers during cold seasons;
  • normalizes metabolism, promoting weight loss;
  • significantly improves intestinal microflora, treats the gastric system;
  • contains many vitamins and microelements, thanks to which the skin rejuvenates;
  • removes waste, toxins, cholesterol;
  • effectively strengthens the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • wheat germ is very beneficial for men's health.

What kind of wheat is needed for germination?

To improve your body’s health and get only positive results, you need to know not only how to germinate wheat, but also which seeds to choose. Also study the information about their preparation. Here are some useful tips from adherents of healthy and proper nutrition:

  1. It is recommended to purchase special grains that are not suitable for sowing.
  2. Seeds can be stored for no more than one year.
  3. Before germinating wheat, you need to make sure that the grains are ripe, without stains or damage.
  4. Before the process begins, wheat grains are soaked. Before and after soaking, they are thoroughly washed with running water.
  5. It is better to place the cereal in a container made of clay, porcelain, glass or enamel dishes.
  6. It is not recommended to germinate a large number of grains at a time (80-100 grams of sprouts are enough for one adult).
  7. You can only eat those seeds that have settled at the bottom of the dish; any that float up must be thrown away. The first stage of soaking is from 6 to 12 hours. After this, the liquid is drained and the grains are soaked a second time so that no bitter taste remains.

Under what conditions do wheat sprouts appear?

How to germinate healthy wheat at home? For everything to work out, you should adhere to certain rules for obtaining grains with shoots. The conditions for proper germination of cereals are as follows:

  1. For sprouts to appear successfully, you need: optimal room temperature (22-24 degrees), a dark, warm place, moisture and indirect rays of light.
  2. The seeds are washed 3 times every day (morning and evening) with cold water. This is necessary to provide nutrient fluid and protection against mold.
  3. To get sprouts, wheat is soaked for 2 days, and for green sprouts - 8-10 days.
  4. When calculating the soaking interval for grains, it is worth considering that more active growth occurs at night.
  5. The length of the sprouts should not be more than 3 mm, otherwise they will become poisonous and, instead of benefiting, will only bring harm to the body.
  6. It is not recommended to eat wheat that has not sprouted. This indicates that the grains are affected by a disease or have already died.

Germinating seeds at home

There is nothing complicated in the procedure for obtaining cereal sprouts; the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. Wheat germination at home occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. Pour a glass of grains into a bowl or small saucepan and fill with water.
  2. Mix thoroughly so that each grain settles to the bottom of the container.
  3. Seeds remaining afloat must be removed and the water changed. Leave overnight.
  4. In the morning, drain the liquid and rinse the wheat grains with clean running water.
  5. Pour the seeds onto a plate and cover the top with damp gauze, which has been previously folded three times.
  6. We wash the cereal every 6 hours.
  7. Within 12-15 hours the first shoots should appear.

How to eat wheat germ

Many people are interested in how and with what to eat sprouted wheat? To provide the body with all the necessary substances, 3 tablespoons of sprouts is enough for a period of 24 hours. Before eating cereal, rinse it with water. It is advisable to eat sprouted grains at lunchtime. The “live” product must be chewed thoroughly.

You can mix wheat sprouts with other grains (chickpeas, lentils, mung bean), because together legumes and grains are better accepted by the digestive system. Sprouted seeds are mixed with various dishes (porridges, salads, soups), eaten with nuts, honey, butter, and a variety of dried fruits. If the sprouts are not eaten immediately, place them in the refrigerator (store for no more than 2 days).

The simplest recipe for preparing sprouted wheat at home is to grind them using a blender along with vegetables or fruits. Wheat flatbreads are often prepared and are an excellent alternative to bread. Still ground sprouts can be added to fresh juice, which is prepared in a juicer, or to a nutritious smoothie. It is not advisable to mix this healthy cereal food with dairy products to avoid severe gas formation or even stomach upset.

Video: how to germinate wheat

Conversations about the benefits of sprouted wheat have not subsided for decades. It is known that sprouted grain, rich in valuable microelements and vitamins, stimulates and rejuvenates the entire body, cleanses it of waste and toxins, improves immunity, tones and relieves inflammatory processes.

There is evidence that wheat sprouts prevent the formation of malignant tumors and promote the resorption of benign tumors. The substances contained in the sprouts improve vision, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, normalize digestion, help fight excess weight and improve reproductive function in women and men.

On sale you can find various nutritional supplements and complexes that contain sprouted wheat, but nothing can compare with fresh sprouts that you can grow yourself. With a very low calorie content, fresh sprouted wheat has a high energy value, and no other product can compare with it in terms of vitamin content.

How to cook sprouted grains

It’s not difficult to prepare a healthy treat. To do this, a handful of well-washed whole wheat grains are poured with clean water overnight. In the morning, the water is carefully drained along with the grains that have floated to the surface, and the remaining wet grains are placed on a flat plate and covered with damp gauze.

Sprouted wheat: beneficial properties and method of consumption

It is very important to keep the gauze moist. The first shoots usually appear after one and a half to two days. As soon as the size of the sprouts reaches 1.5-2 mm, they can be included in your diet.

Sprouts larger than 2 mm lose their value, and large sprouts may not only not be beneficial, but also be harmful to health. Grains that have not sprouted at all should under no circumstances be eaten, and if more than a third of the grains from the entire batch have not sprouted, then it is better to buy wheat elsewhere. The optimal daily intake for a person is considered to be consuming 50-100 grams of sprouted grains per day.

How to eat sprouted wheat grains

As a medicine, the use of wheat germ should not be combined with other foods. It is best to replace your usual breakfast with sprouts. The grains must be chewed thoroughly and for a long time until they turn into a mushy, homogeneous mass. After this, it is highly advisable not to eat or drink anything (even water) for the next hour.

If the goal is not to treat any disease, but simply want to saturate the body with vitamins and improve immunity, you can add grains to salads and other dishes that are not subject to heat treatment. For taste, honey, dried fruits and nuts are added to the sprouts crushed in a coffee grinder. Some people prefer to include them in a bread recipe and bake flat cakes from the crushed grains, but in this case the effectiveness and benefits will be reduced several times.

Contraindications and side effects

Sprouted wheat should absolutely not be consumed by people who suffer from stomach ulcers. For others, exacerbations of existing diseases, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are possible. After getting used to it and choosing the optimal daily portion, the side effects disappear.

How to germinate wheat and how to eat it

Rule one. Corn.

Be very careful when choosing grains or seeds for sprouting at home. It is imperative to reject all rotten ones, covered with black spots, affected by fungus or mold. Green and unripe ones are also not suitable, they have not yet accumulated enough useful substances.

It is better to purchase grains and beans from health food stores. Pay attention to the expiration date - seeds stored for more than 1 year germinate much worse.

Rule two. Soak.

Fill the grain container with cool water and rinse thoroughly. The floating grains will not sprout; they are dead, so drain them along with water. If there are too many floating grains (for every 10 grains there are 3 or more defective grains), you will not get good sprouts; you will have to throw away the entire portion.

After washing, pour chilled boiled water over the grains so that the water covers them with a decent supply - after all, during the swelling process, the seeds increase in volume. The soaking time depends on the size of the seeds: for small ones 5 hours is enough, for medium ones – 8, and large ones need to be “soaked” for at least 10-15 hours.

Rule three. Germination.

Cover the jar with gauze or any lid with holes so that sunlight does not penetrate into it, but there is a constant flow of air.

After the required time has passed, carefully pour out the water and rinse the seeds with cold or running water until the water becomes clear. Place the grain in a sieve or colander and let the water drain, then place it in a plate under cheesecloth. The grain must remain moist, but not too wet, otherwise it will rot. After 1.5-2 days, the first tiny white sprouts will appear, the grains can already be used for food.

You cannot germinate seeds intended for sowing in a garden or vegetable garden, because for better storage and destruction of microbes they have already been treated with pesticides.

It is better to start “indoor grain growing” with buckwheat, wheat, rye and oats. Legumes are more difficult to grow, since with the slightest excess of water they become moldy and do not germinate as expected.

To avoid intestinal troubles (various microbes can remain on the grain), do not be lazy at least thoroughly rinsing the grain before soaking.

When purchasing grain and beans, pay attention to whether it is contaminated with weed seeds, various pebbles and other impurities. If there is significant contamination, refuse such a purchase.

To soak grains and seeds, take glass, earthenware or enamel dishes.

Seeds germinate faster at night.

Sprouts can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar or plastic bag for 2-3 days.

Be sure to throw away unsprouted grains and seeds; there is nothing valuable in them; on the contrary, in large quantities they can cause intestinal obstruction.

You can read about the benefits of sprouted grains, seeds and beans here: “We Sprout Everything!”

Good health!!!

More and more people are striving for a healthy diet and adding sprouted grains to their diet, while everyone has the goal of improving their health and replenishing the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

How to germinate wheat, delicious benefits

But not everyone succeeds, and many even encounter such a phenomenon as poisoning. In order for sprouted grains to be exclusively beneficial, they must be chosen wisely and sprouted correctly.

How to choose grains for germination

First of all, it is important to know that a significant amount of pesticides are used to treat grain these days.

To avoid these substances, it is better to purchase grains from private traders at the market, pharmacy or specialized stores.

Be sure to evaluate the seed for the presence of impurities - pebbles, weeds. If only single copies of them are found, then it is quite possible to purchase them, but if there are a significant number of such “additives”, then it is better to refuse. If you choose grain in a store or pharmacy, then check the integrity of the packaging - mice could also break it.

Methods for germinating grains

Depending on the final goal, there are two main methods of germination - producing sprouts and green sprouts. However, one should take into account the variety of grains that are used in food along with sprouts. It goes without saying that wheat, buckwheat and sunflower are different in nature, and as a result, they require a special approach.

Getting wheat, rye, oat sprouts on a plate

The grains are washed, placed at the bottom of the plate and filled with water so that it completely covers the raw material. The grains are left in this form for 8–10 hours. After this, they are washed again and laid in an even layer. The grain is regularly moistened until the first shoots appear - 1.5–2 days.

Quite often, gauze is used with this method. Some place the grains on top of it, while others, on the contrary, cover the raw materials with it. It should be noted that gauze greatly simplifies the task, because it can retain moisture much longer. This allows you to pay less attention to the germinating grain.

Sprouting grain in a jar

The grain is washed under running water using a sieve, placed in a glass jar and filled with water. Then the neck is tightened with gauze, which is secured with an elastic band. The grains are left in this form overnight. In the morning, without removing the gauze, the water is drained. The jar is placed on its side and covered with a dark cloth, excluding access to light. It is important to ensure that there is sufficient air access to the grain. Young shoots will appear in two days.

Sprouting grain in gauze without pre-soaking

The grain is thoroughly washed and placed in gauze moistened with water. A knot is formed from the flap and hung. Periodically it is necessary to moisten the gauze in which the cereals are placed. Seedlings will appear on the third or fourth day. This method is only suitable for cereal crops.

Growing Green Sprouts

To obtain sprouts - sprouts 3-6 cm in size, wheat, buckwheat and sunflower are used. This whole process takes place in two stages: germination of seeds and production of sprouts.

  1. Depending on the type, grain is taken in different quantities: wheat - a full glass, buckwheat - three-quarters of a glass, sunflower - 1.5. The seed is washed and placed in a two-liter jar. Wheat and buckwheat are filled with water to the very top; for sunflowers, a liter of liquid is enough. Leave the grain to swell, the wheat for 12 hours, the rest for eight.
  2. After this, the water is drained and the grain is left in the jar to germinate for two days. During this period, it is necessary to wash the seeds twice.
  3. Soil mixed with peat is poured onto the tray. The seedlings are placed on it, spread evenly over the surface. Only sunflower seeds need to be deepened, since their root system develops poorly. After sowing, a second tray is placed on top and left for three days.
  4. Then, as the young shoots begin to lift the top tray, it must be removed and the sprouts should be left in a well-lit place for another three days.

It should be remembered that it is best to use glass, earthenware and porcelain dishes for germination. In the absence of one, you can use an enameled one.

Tags: sprouted grains

Grain and seed sprouter (sprouter)

In 2011, we ordered a clay mold for germinating seeds from Germany. It is convenient, but it turned out that there are more convenient to use options for sprouters. For example, this one:

Grain and seed sprouter- a very convenient and simple means for germinating seeds of a wide variety of grains and legumes. As well as nuts, herbs and any tasty and healthy plants.

With such a sprouter, you will spend much less time and energy preparing sprouts for yourself and your family.

Due to the design of the sprouter, the best air circulation necessary for young germinating seeds is ensured, without which they simply fade and rot. An effective drainage scheme will not allow seedlings to experience problems from either excess or lack of moisture, and requires a minimum amount of washing.

How to use wheat germ at home

Sprouter is indeed very practical and effective in its use. And the sprouts in it are fresh, very good.

Also, in a sprouter you can preserve grown sprouts in the refrigerator for as long as possible and with high quality. The sprouter is made from high-tech durable safe food-grade plastic Fortiflex T50-3600 HDP, which (one of the few) does not contain harmful released substances and is practically not subject to wear, one might say eternal. Easy to clean, including dishwasher safe. And the device weighs very little - you can take it on the road, to the country, on a hike...

The internal volume of the sprouter (1 liter) allows you to simultaneously grow up to 400 g of salad or up to 800 g of grain or legume sprouts in one cycle. That's a lot - enough for a whole family!

WHERE TO BUY. Sprouters on sale here.

Application for soaking seeds

Attach the insert for small seeds to the bottom of the inner glass of the sprouter, pour the seeds into it and rinse them thoroughly under running cool water. Then insert the inner glass into the outer one (in the lower position) and fill it halfway with water. Place the ventilation cup on top of the glass, bottom down, and place it out of direct sunlight for 8-12 hours.

After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to remove the ventilation cup from the germinator, remove the inner cup from the outer one and pour out the remaining water from it. Rinse the outer glass.

For germinating grains, seeds, nuts

Rinse the seeds pre-soaked in the sprouter under running cool water, leaving them in the inner glass only. Then place the inner glass back into the outer glass (in the lower position) and close any of the lids.

Place the sprouter upside down in a special squeeze bag and turn it clockwise 10 times. After this, remove the device from the bag, remove the lid, remove the inner glass from the outer one and drain the formed water from the outer glass.

To evenly distribute all the seeds prepared for germination, tap lightly on the side surface of the inner glass. Then place the inner cup back into the outer cup (in the upper position) and place the ventilation cup on top of the sprouter (depending on the number of seeds, either bottom down or up).

Place it in a place out of direct sunlight for 8-12 hours and wait for the result. After the specified time, the seeds will sprout their first shoots and can be eaten.

The above procedures can be repeated 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days for legumes or for 6 days for salad seeds.

Storing sprouts

To store the resulting sprouts, you need to remove the ventilation cup from the sprouter, place the inner cup in the outer cup (in the lower position), close the ventilation lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Periodically (2 times a day and before eating), the sprouts should be taken out and washed with cool water.

Bon appetit!

The kit includes:

  1. external glass – 1 piece
  2. inner glass - 1 piece
  3. insert for small seeds - 1 piece
  4. ventilation cup – 1 piece
  5. ventilation cover - 1 piece
  6. sealed lid - 1 piece

Seed germinator ProstoGraschivatel is indispensable on the road and during long journeys. Tested in extreme expedition conditions!

Portable sprouter

The Smartsprouter portable sprouter makes it easy and quick to get a daily portion of fresh sprouts for 1-2 people. It was created by a man for whom a daily serving of sprouted grains has become an integral part of his life, and that is why Smartsprouter is such a well-thought-out design.

It is especially convenient because a simple change of lids turns the portable sprouter into an airtight container, and the sprouts (ready, soaked or sprouting) can be taken with you to work or travel.

Sprouting grains and beans in Smartsprouter is much faster and easier than using the traditional method.

The design features of the portable germinator provide optimal conditions for this process: constant ventilation of the grains, their air flow, and maintenance of the required humidity.

No mold in the germinator, more sprouted seeds, which means more fresh sprouts.

Sprouter from RawMID

Russian company RawMID offers its own line of healthy eating equipment. The line turned out to be very interesting and extensive - among other things, it also includes a seed germinator.

The automatic Dream Sprouter is worthy of attention: it is beautiful, convenient and functional. From a practicality point of view, it has the optimal shape and size. Sprouter is compact enough to be placed on a windowsill, but its usable area is enough to get sprouts for several people. This device can become a decorative element in any apartment, as it looks original and aesthetically pleasing. I would like to dwell on its features in more detail.

Dream Sprouter is suitable for growing, for example, wheatgrass (wheatgrass) - the free vertical space for this purpose is 16 cm.

Automatic watering. The device has a timer that automatically starts the fog generator every three hours. Irrigation is moderate and extremely uniform, maintaining an ideal level of humidity.

LED backlight lamps. If the seeds need to be grown for a few more days after sprouting, they need enough light. Special spectrum lamps provide a healthy green appearance to sprouts even in cloudy weather.

Expansion options. The basic package includes two trays, which is convenient when using two types of seeds. An additional pair of trays can be purchased separately and installed above the main row. The germination area is thus doubled.

And for small seeds, special “paper” is provided.

Home mini farm. Several sprouters (up to 3 pieces) can be installed on top of each other. This vertical design provides a good germination area and intelligently uses apartment space. When purchasing several sprouters on the company's website, you can get a discount.

It should be noted that the germinator operates quietly and consumes minimal energy - only 5 Watts. This is a universal sprouter that is suitable for most species legumes, cereals and seeds. Even the smallest species can be used. The user only needs to add seeds and change the water in the container once a day. After each cycle, it is important to thoroughly wash any germinator, otherwise the next batch of seeds may become moldy.

You can learn more about the advantages of Dream Sprouter on the official website of RawMID.

How to germinate wheat?

To germinate wheat at home, you should proceed in several stages. The process includes washing the grains, further soaking them, draining the water and periodically rinsing until sprouts appear.

How to properly germinate wheat?

First, you need to select raw materials in order to properly germinate wheat grains, since the result directly depends on the quality. If you notice weedy or unripe grains or foreign debris in the general mass, pass by and do not buy. Here's how to choose wheat in order to germinate high-quality sprouts: the grains must be ripe, whole, free from fungal infection and foreign debris. It is healthy grain that will allow you to germinate wheat at home, since it contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

Before you decide to sprout wheat sprouts at home, remember a few basic rules:

  1. The necessary conditions for successful germination are warmth, moisture and light without direct sunlight.
  2. A dark place with a temperature of about 24°C is best.
  3. Before germinating wheat, carefully sort out the raw materials. Remove all bad (damaged or diseased) grains and debris.
  4. Glass, porcelain or enamel bowls are suitable for soaking. Aluminum cookware is not suitable for these purposes. Rinse the bowl thoroughly before use.
  5. An important rule regarding how to properly germinate wheat is high-quality washing. Always rinse the grains thoroughly with plenty of water before soaking.
  6. All grains that float to the surface must be removed; they will not sprout. What to do if you decide to germinate wheat at home, but most of the grains float? If 2-3% or more surfaces, then such raw materials are not suitable, since the seeds have low vitality and there is very little benefit in them.
  7. It is better to rinse with purified water, its temperature should be at room temperature. If you constantly rinse with clean water, this will help avoid mold and fungi and saturate the grains with moisture.
  8. Sprouts no longer than 1-2 m are suitable for consumption. It is at this stage that the concentration of nutrients and biological value is highest. Remember that green sprouts longer than 2 mm are dangerous to eat as they become poisonous.
  9. Ready sprouts should be consumed immediately. They can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
  10. Always chew the sprouts very thoroughly and for a long time. The best time to take these vitamins is in the morning. Eat them for breakfast or lunch; you need to consume about 100 g per day.

How to germinate wheat seeds: step-by-step instructions

Now let's look at the standard germination method, which is suitable not only for wheat, but also for oats and buckwheat. First, thoroughly wash the seeds. For the portion, you should choose the right size of dishes. The seeds in the container should not occupy more than half of its height. Now you need to fill everything with water. Water should cover the seeds by at least 2 cm. Leave everything for 8 hours (better at night). After this, thoroughly rinse the seeds with purified water at room temperature. At this stage, you will already notice some external changes. Place back into the bowl and cover with damp gauze or cloth. There is no need to add water now. Leave again for 8 hours. After time, wash the seeds and safely eat them.

Keep in mind that germination times may vary slightly.

Sprouted grain: the power of new life

It depends on the type of seeds. If necessary, you can store the sprouted seeds in the refrigerator for a day. Wheat will continue to grow in the refrigerator, but at half the rate. When eating sprouts, give up nuts for two weeks, otherwise it is fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of unfriendly fungi in the intestines.

Wheat is even more popular today than at the time of its introduction. The cult of proper nutrition increasingly talks about the benefits of sprouted grains and sprouts. How to germinate wheat correctly? What mistakes should you avoid when sprouting? Are there any contraindications to its use?

The benefits and harms of sprouts

Wheat appeared in the life of civilizations as early as 9000 years ago BC. e. Its homeland is considered to be Western Asia, Transcaucasia and Iran. In Russia, mentions of wheat appeared more than 15,000 years ago. Even the Bible contains mention of this valuable grain.

And today this cereal is valuable, irreplaceable and one of the most frequently consumed throughout the world. Flour, various types of pastries, bread, pasta, pasta, pizza, pancakes, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings and much more are made from it.

According to official sources, almost half of the land suitable for planting is allocated for growing wheat. It’s not for nothing that they say that bread is the head of everything!

However, in recent decades, due to the emergence of the cult of healthy and proper nutrition, a lot of information has appeared about consumption, in addition to the grains, sprouts and wheat sprouts we are used to.

This is due to the fact that, according to scientific research, sprouts and sprouts have enormous power and contain a lot of substances that are useful to humans.

  • They contain a large amount of protein, which helps strengthen and grow muscles, nails, teeth, and bones.
  • Due to its low carbohydrate content, it has a low glycemic index, which is indicated as a food product for people suffering from diabetes.
  • The high fiber content of wheat is indicated for people struggling with excess weight. After all, it increases intestinal motility and promotes weight loss.
  • Contains monounsaturated acids, which contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system and remove even very old toxins from the intestines with prolonged use.
  • B vitamins provide nutrition for the human nervous system. Wheat is one of the first places in terms of the content of this vitamin.

  • Vitamins A and E are responsible for the growth and appearance of nails, hair, and skin. Wheat sprouts are also rich in these vitamins. Rejuvenation of the skin, hair and the whole body occurs naturally.
  • As in other natural sprouts, large amounts of calcium, chromium, and copper have been identified, which strengthen the body. 90% of all processes in the body occur with the participation of calcium, so it is impossible to talk about its excess in the body under existing conditions.
  • The very strong energy contained in the sprouts helps a person fight free radicals, which are the precursors of cancer. It’s not for nothing that doctors increasingly prescribe wheat germ when diagnosing oncology.
  • Increasingly, the results of studies on the use of wheat germ to improve the vision of patients appear on the Internet. In some cases, about 80% of people who lost their vision were able to restore it using only this healthy cereal and special gymnastics.
  • People suffering from constipation, with regular use of wheat germ with plenty of water, notice improvements in intestinal function without the use of other medications.

We can talk a lot more about the benefits of this wonderful product. But unfortunately, it also has contraindications. Eating wheat sprouts and sprouts is not recommended:

  • people suffering from diarrhea: the risk of causing dehydration increases;
  • those who have kidney disease and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • For those who suffer from the disease of civilization and have gluten intolerance, it is better not to even experiment here.

Children should be given sprouts with extreme caution, because the child’s body is very susceptible to unusual foods. People who, after starting to take it, felt a deterioration in their health and did not notice any improvement within 10–14 days of continuous use should also stop taking the sprouts. There may be individual intolerance to the product.

Having compared all the pros and cons, it is clear that the benefits of this cereal are incomparably greater than the contraindications to its use. But still, to maintain health and prevent deterioration, you should consult a therapist before using the product.

Selection of raw materials

So, you've decided to improve your diet and sprout wheat. Where to start? Of course, from the choice of grains for germination. After all, having last year’s grain, old, damp, broken or chemically treated, you won’t be able to move forward.

You can buy it on the market - the cheapest and surest option. You can buy some there, try it at home and, if everything works out, buy it in reserve. There may also be wheat grain in the supermarket, the main thing is to take into account the expiration date and the integrity of the grain. However, there is a high probability of buying chemically treated grain, which is unlikely to be germinated. You can also order the product online in special health food stores. Here someone is closer.

Wheat should be taken whole, brown in color, without chips or stains. If wheat is in a bag, then there should be no husks in it, because it will no longer be a whole grain, and only strong and healthy grains are capable of germination.

It is difficult to understand whether the grain was treated with chemicals, but if so, then it will no longer germinate.

Preliminary preparation

After purchasing grain, you need to rinse it well with cold water several times until it becomes clear. It is better to pour the grains into a bowl, fill it with water, mix with your hand and carefully drain the water through a colander. Grains that float during washing are also removed, because they are already empty from the inside.

Germination technology

When the water becomes clear and all the debris is gone, you should re-soak the grains in water for 8-10 hours. In warm weather this will be enough, in winter and cold weather you will need a little more. To do this, place the wheat in a glass, ceramic or enamel container and fill it with settled water. Leave overnight.

Afterwards, drain the water and place the grains in 1-2 layers on moistened gauze and cover with the other half of the gauze on top. It is better to place the container with wheat in a place with indirect sunlight.

The grains should be washed with cool water every 6 hours to prevent the appearance of mold and unpleasant odors.

In 11–15 hours the sprouts will be ready. It all depends on the type of wheat and adherence to germination technology.

You can also quickly germinate seeds at home in a half-liter jar if large volumes are not needed. After soaking, place the wheat in a jar, put gauze on top and put on a thin elastic band. Or you can put on a plastic lid and make holes in it for easy rinsing of the cereal. Every 6 hours it is necessary to rinse the grains with water, and after 11–15 hours the sprouts will be ready for consumption. You cannot pour a lot of grains, a maximum of 2-3 layers, as the wheat will lock up and disappear.

It should also be remembered that seedlings no larger than 3 mm are suitable for both treatment and food. You can store them for about a day or a day and a half in the refrigerator, because this is a natural product.

For constant use, you should have several containers or jars, marking them with the date and time of soaking so as not to get confused. In summer you can safely add sprouts to fresh vegetable salads, in winter - to salads with beets, fresh cabbage and sauerkraut. They will add piquancy to any dish.

But what to do and what to do if for some reason the seedlings have grown by more than 3 mm. Can they really just be thrown away? Of course not. Sprouts are just as healthy as sprouts! All that remains is to grow them.

You can accomplish this task in three ways, all you have to do is choose which one you like. You can germinate sprouts in sawdust, soil or any loose paper.

If you take sawdust or soil, you need to pour 0.5–1 cm of them into the container, add the sprouts in one layer and cover them again with the same amount of soil. Water as needed to keep the soil moderately moist. A location should be chosen with indirect sunlight. It is advisable to then cover the container with film or glassware to create a greenhouse effect. At the same time, it must be ventilated at least once a day. When the first shoots appear on the surface, the film or glass should be removed and germinated in a warm and sunny place. Periodically, at least once a day, they should be sprayed with water.

In paper, the germination process is approximately the same. Place a layer of loose paper on the bottom and wet it. Suitable toilet paper, paper towels, newspaper and plain white paper are best not used for these purposes. Cover the box with glassware or film until the first shoots appear. Next, we remove the film and dishes and periodically spray the paper and grains from the spray bottle, waiting for the size of the sprouts we need.

Sprouts up to 13 cm in size are used for food. Greens must be cut at the root with scissors. The harvest from one grain can be harvested about 4 times if wheat was grown in the ground, 3 times if it was grown in sawdust, 2 times if it was grown in paper. They will continue to grow, but their nutritional value will no longer be high. The sprouts are taken orally, added to salads, smoothies, and yoghurts. They can be consumed as greens, sprinkled on salads, or chopped in a blender. You can make bread cakes from them. You can also squeeze juice out of them, the daily dose of which is 30 ml.

Possible problems

If the grain does not germinate, there may be many reasons for this. This includes last year’s old grain and chemical processing. Chipped grains will also not germinate.

During your first attempts, you may not take into account all the factors: either overexpose the grain in water, after which it will begin to mold and rot, or you may not give it the necessary water. Everything takes practice. Over time, you will feel exactly what the grain needs.

To learn how to use wheat germ, watch the following video.



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