Causes and treatment methods for tiring sleep syndrome. The main manifestations of tiring sleep syndrome and how to treat it

After reading the material, you will learn what symptoms and signs this condition has and what you need to do to help yourself.

Hi all! I decided to write my own research on the topic of tiring sleep syndrome for a reason, but because I noticed that lately I have been waking up tired and exhausted, although I sleep quite a lot. Turning to specialists essentially did not give me anything, as doctors give out an abundance of incomprehensible terms, but I never came to a real understanding of the problem. Therefore, I had to study tedious sleep on my own, resorting to the help of Wikipedia and other information portals. I present the results of my research to your attention.

The first thing I was able to establish is that the feeling of tiredness after sleep is familiar to many people. However, most often this condition is left without due attention. Meanwhile, feelings of fatigue and weakness after sleep are a deviation that needs to be fought. And you need to start by looking for the reasons why this phenomenon can be observed.

Studying various sites and encyclopedias allowed me to identify a number of reasons why in the morning after sleep you may feel irritability, fatigue, and weakness:

  • Lack of vitamins is the reason why your body may be tired after sleep. Traditionally, the condition is observed with a frank lack of B vitamins. A deficiency of vitamins of this group leads to disturbances in the delivery of oxygen to cells and anemia, a slowdown and change in metabolism, in which the body spends energy exclusively on internal processes, and a person simply no longer has energy on external ones. enough strength
  • Stress and depression can also make you feel tired, weak in your arms and legs, and irritable. Stressful conditions cause a decrease in the production of the hormone serotonin. This hormone is a hormone of good mood and vigor, and if it is produced in insufficient quantities, the nervous system is depressed, and with it the entire body as a whole.
  • Lack of iron. This element is extremely important for the body, as it ensures complete transportation of other important substances into cells, and the elimination of toxins and harmful compounds from them. If there is not enough iron, the body will begin to feel tired.

A broken state can also be observed due to uncomfortable sleeping conditions and lack of sleep. Therefore, sleep in a comfortable bed with comfortable linens and do not stay up late at work or entertainment. Feeling tired after sleep is fraught with serious problems for the body and therefore this problem needs to be solved urgently.

Feeling tired after sleep can also cause a curious condition called fatigued sleep syndrome. I will try to explain to you what it is in accessible words. The fact is that during a night's rest, sleep occurs in several phases and it is advisable to wake up precisely in the REM sleep phase - then you will feel cheerful and well rested, even if you sleep for only a short time. But if you wake up during the slow phase of sleep, the feeling of fatigue will be noticeably distinct.

It’s better to consult a specialist regarding sleep phases to undergo a full examination and prescribe corrective treatment. But I’ll try to tell you what to do if fatigue after sleep is caused by vitamin deficiency and stress. The measures I took helped me.

If you experience fatigue after sleep in the fall or spring, consult your doctor and choose a good vitamin complex. The same should be done if there is a lack of iron; there are many drugs that will help compensate for the deficiency of this important element. Pay attention to your diet; your menu should definitely include as many fresh vegetables, fruits, and red meat as possible. Both iron and vitamins are best absorbed by the body from foods. Also try to avoid stress and excessive anxiety, and then you will always get enough sleep and wake up cheerful and full of energy.

Full description: Restless Night Sleep Syndrome: causes, treatment methods, and answers to key concerns.


Risk factors

First signs

Differential diagnosis


Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich


Other doctors

You sometimes hear complaints from older people that when you wake up in the morning, you don’t feel like you’ve had a rest, unlike in your youth. However, in the modern world there are many young people who face a similar problem.


Statistics state that 1% of the adult population suffers from sleep apnea, 95% snore and 40% of this number are susceptible to restless sleep syndrome. It is estimated that every 20 people experience chronic fatigue, mostly residents of large cities. More often women than men, because are busy not only at work, but also at home. It’s paradoxical, but with the advent of various household appliances designed to make people’s lives easier, more and more people are susceptible to chronic fatigue. Sleep does not solve the problem; cheerfulness does not come with the onset of morning.

Causes of Restless Sleep Syndrome

The ever-increasing dynamics of life, constant stress, the availability of various information that streams out at a person, making it impossible to switch off even at night, exhaust him.

Currently, the main explanation for the existence of restless sleep syndrome is disruption of sleep cycles due to various reasons. There are two main stages of human sleep: slow and fast. These two phases alternate in a certain sequence, forming cycles. It is believed that a person’s well-being is directly dependent on the phase of sleep in which he awakens. If the sleeper was in the REM sleep phase when waking up, he will feel alert and rested. Those who are not in this phase will feel tired and drowsy, regardless of the duration of sleep.

Risk factors

In the pathogenesis of tiring sleep syndrome, the influencing factors cannot be unambiguously determined. The big “sleep disruptors” are depression and anxiety. When a person feels internal discomfort, dissatisfaction, and anxiety, it is difficult to count on healthy sleep. One of the risk factors for tiring sleep syndrome is neuroses. The causes of neuroses are different. This may be the fear of not falling asleep, some external factors that do not allow you to go to bed on time, physical or nervous stress, genetic predisposition, pregnancy, complications during childbirth. Provokes light sleep, apnea (temporary cessation of lung ventilation), snoring.

Symptoms of Restless Sleep Syndrome

Restless sleep syndrome is characterized by the fact that a person wakes up sleep-deprived, tired and lethargic. The patient complains of the impossibility of falling asleep quickly, he is haunted by anxious thoughts, the fear of not falling asleep again, the inability to find a comfortable position for falling asleep, and getting up early in the morning. Symptoms of restless sleep include frequent awakenings in the middle of the night due to lack of air or numbness in the limbs. Many people are prevented from getting a full night's sleep by their own snoring and short-term cessation of breathing (apnea), as well as the "rotating head" syndrome, when a loud noise is heard in the ears when falling asleep or waking up. Joint pain, memory loss, and various neurological problems are also possible.

First signs

Most people find it difficult to describe their feelings. This includes a bad mood, irritability, dissatisfaction with life, sometimes loss of appetite, and memory loss. There is often a lack of desires, including sexual desire, self-doubt increases, and depression sets in. The main thing that should alert you is rapid fatigue during physical activity.

Diagnosis of restless sleep syndrome

Many doctors are skeptical about the existence of such a diagnosis, and those suffering from similar symptoms want it confirmed through a blood test. Alas, there is no blood test yet that would indicate the disease. Nevertheless, researchers are working on this problem and, as they say, not without success. Information has emerged that while studying the problem of AIDS, it was possible to identify a certain class of immune cells that were increased only in a group of people susceptible to tiring sleep syndrome.

The other study group, who were asymptomatic and either healthy or had other medical conditions, did not have these particular immune cells. Activation of the immune system indicates the presence of a virus in the human body, which still needs to be recognized. But the identification of CD8 cytotoxic cells (which appear in the body to fight the virus) in the first group of studied cells may be a breakthrough in solving the problem of diagnosing tiring sleep syndrome. If this information is true, then these cells will become a marker, because are unique to the disease, which means a blood test that determines it is also possible.

Differential diagnosis

Unfortunately, there are no instrumental methods (ultrasound, MT, MRI) to identify the cause of such conditions. They resort to differentiated diagnostics, which includes laboratory tests (to exclude anemia, alcoholism, drug addiction, chronic infections), ECG and chest x-ray (to exclude heart diseases), etc.

Differential diagnosis of “anxious” conditions (neuroses and depression) is more difficult to carry out, since its criteria are not sufficiently developed. Therefore, clinical psychopathological, psychological and biological studies are appropriate in this case.

Treatment of restless sleep syndrome

Treatment of tiring sleep syndrome consists of normalizing the sleep cycle, which requires an integrated approach to eliminate the phenomena that provoke it. It is highly undesirable to resort to sleeping pills without consulting a doctor. This can make the situation worse.

It is important to eliminate the causes of anxiety and escalation of the situation. At night before bed, warm milk with honey, tincture of valerian, hawthorn, and St. John's wort will help you relax.

For cardiovascular diseases and hypertension, drugs that lower blood pressure (diuretics, beta and alpha blockers, ACE inhibitors) and drugs that improve blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain are prescribed. The latter includes Cavinton (ethyl ester of apovincamine acid). The drug has been on the market in over 40 countries for more than 30 years. It is a vasodilator, normalizes the tone of arteries and veins, and has an antioxidant effect. Available in the form of tablets and injections. Requires long-term use to achieve effect.

In the case of neuroses and depression, they resort to taking small doses of H2 blockers, tricyclic antidepressants and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine-Prozac). In each case, treatment involves an individual, comprehensive approach to the patient.


The best prevention is a healthy lifestyle. A nutritious diet, including foods rich in vitamins and minerals, moderate physical activity, water procedures, and communication with pleasant people will help restore proper sleep. In the case of neuroses as the cause of the disease, the prognosis for its course is more favorable than with depression. If the patient interrupts the course of treatment for depression, then the probability of relapse is 50%, and with repeated acute attacks - 90%. Often a person needs to take a decisive step and turn his life around 1800, and if he is capable of this, the disease will recede.

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University named after. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty – “General Medicine”

Other doctors

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When we go to bed in the evening, we hope that in the morning we will wake up cheerful and full of energy. However, this is not always what happens; often when we wake up we feel tired, exhausted, and the whole day goes down the drain due to drowsiness. This condition is called restless sleep syndrome. According to statistics, the disorder is observed in every 20 adults on the planet. Most often, residents of large cities are susceptible to it, because it is in megacities that people are forced to live at a frantic pace and pass through a lot of information every day. Women suffer from the disorder more often than men, since they are responsible not only for work responsibilities, but also for maintaining everyday life and raising children. Let's try to understand what causes this condition and how it can be dealt with.

Scientists have proven that a person’s morning state is influenced by what phase of sleep he wakes up in. There are two main phases: fast (shallow or paradoxical sleep) and slow (deep or orthodox sleep). Sleep in adulthood begins with slow-wave sleep, which in turn is divided into 4 main stages:

  • Nap.
  • Falling asleep.
  • Deep dream.
  • Very deep sleep.

During slow sleep, all systems and organs work in a “saving” mode, body pressure and temperature drop, breathing slows down, muscles are completely relaxed, reflexes to external stimuli are minimal. This is followed by the REM sleep phase, at this time our brain processes the information it has received during the day, sorts it, and an exchange occurs between the conscious and unconscious. During paradoxical sleep, the body begins to invigorate, and all its functions are resumed. It is this phase that is considered the most suitable for awakening; if you get up during it, a person will feel alert and full of energy, regardless of how many hours he has slept. If you “pull” a sleeper out of the slow phase, he will be lethargic and sleepy all day.

Risk group

At the moment, it is impossible to clearly identify the factors that lead to tiring sleep syndrome. However, scientists in the course of research have found out which people are most often at risk. People who experience the following disorders are most susceptible to awakening during slow-wave sleep:

Manifestations of violation

Restless sleep can manifest differently for everyone. The first factor that should alert you is rapid fatigue during physical work. There is also moral depression and a feeling of exhaustion in the mornings and during the daytime, and appetite may disappear. Apathy is a common symptom of this disorder; a person loses interest in everything around him and his libido activity decreases.

It is impossible to find a comfortable position before going to bed, falling asleep takes a very long time, and during rest the patient constantly wakes up. Because of this, during wakefulness there is not enough energy to perform everyday tasks.

With tiring sleep syndrome, irritability, memory loss, dissatisfaction with one's own life and other manifestations of neuroses are often observed.

If you have one or more of these symptoms and they do not go away on their own, it is time to contact your doctor for qualified help.

Diagnosis of the disorder

At the moment, some doctors do not at all recognize the existence of such a disease as tiring sleep syndrome. However, this problem is being studied by many scientists. At the moment, there is no single analysis that could confirm or refute the presence of a disorder in a patient. Perhaps in the near future we will be able to determine it by the composition of our blood. During AIDS research, researchers were able to identify specific immune system cells that were increased in a group of volunteers who suffered from restless sleep. The rest of the experimental subjects did not have such cells, so there is a possibility that they will become markers of this disorder.

While the information is not fully studied, doctors use differentiated diagnostics. This means that the disease is determined by exclusion.

With the help of laboratory tests, an electrocardiogram and a chest X-ray, the following pathologies can be eliminated:

  • anemia;
  • drug addict;
  • alcoholism;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • heart pathologies.

Disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system are much more difficult to differentiate; laboratory and hardware techniques will not help with this.

Psychological and psychopathic tests are performed to detect depression or anxiety. Their results help the doctor create a complete picture of the disease necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

Features of therapy

Treatment for restless sleep involves stopping and eliminating predisposing factors. It is necessary to take measures to normalize healthy sleep. For each patient, therapy is prescribed individually; its choice depends on the causes of the disease, the severity of the disorder and the characteristics of the body.

The most common ways to solve the problem are:

  1. In mild stages of sleep disorder, herbal preparations that have a sedative and slight hypnotic effect (tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, etc.) can be prescribed.
  2. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, drugs are used to lower blood pressure and improve blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain.
  3. Depressive states and neuroses are helped to eliminate serotonin reuptake inhibitors, H-2 blockers in small doses, and tricyclic antidepressants.

Let's sum it up

Now almost every resident of the metropolis is at risk of tiring sleep syndrome. The disease develops due to a violation of the rest cycle, which can be triggered by many factors.

If you show signs of a disorder, it is best to consult a doctor for qualified help. Only a specialist will prescribe adequate therapy and help eliminate problems with night rest.

To prevent the syndrome, you need to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, surround yourself with positive people, eat right and protect yourself from stress. Such simple measures will help you always be healthy, vigorous and cheerful.

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How it manifests itself

The very first sign that indicates problems with sleep is rapid fatigue during the day, even with moderate physical activity. There is a reluctance to work, apathy towards life, loss of appetite, nausea and poor health.

In the mornings, you feel lethargic, sleepy, overwhelmed, and you don’t have enough strength to complete your daily plan.

Trouble falling asleep is also a symptom of restless sleep.

You just can’t find the position in which you sleep comfortably. Sudden awakening during sleep. When breathing stops or loud snoring prevents you from gaining strength normally.

Restless limb syndrome, heaviness in the legs when the whole body hurts, constant anxiety, fear and neuroses can interfere with normal sleep.

Today, when life proceeds at an intense pace, sometimes it is not possible to get the necessary 8 hours of sleep to rest the body. But the most unpleasant thing is that even if you manage to do this, sometimes when you wake up in the morning, a person still feels tired. Moreover, it seemed to him that he had not slept at all all this time and began to feel even more exhausted than in the evening.

What it is?

Scientists say that in order for sleep to be healthy and bring rest to the body, normal sleep phases must be observed.

It is not the time when you wake up that is important, but the phase of sleep in which you were in the dream. As you know, there are only two of them: slow, or deep, and fast phase sleep. During the slow phase, the muscles of the whole body are in the most relaxed state, blood pressure is low, the person is deeply immersed in sleep and does not dream. If you wake up during this period, our body has to quickly mobilize, which is stressful for it. Thus, a person should normally wake up in REM sleep.


  • A condition called restless sleep syndrome is caused by a disturbance in the alternation of sleep phases. In turn, these violations may have the following reasons:
  • sleep apnea syndrome (sudden short-term cessation of breathing during sleep, occurs against the background of snoring);
  • difficulty in free nasal breathing in diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • taking some medications;


Treatment The basis of eliminating tired sleep syndrome is to eradicate the cause that caused its occurrence.
Once the correct alternation of slow and fast sleep phases is normalized, sleep will be an effective rest for you.

  1. To do this, we recommend that you follow these tips:
  2. If your relatives point out to you that you snore at night, and even more so if they have noticed that you periodically lose your breath, do not delay going to the doctor.
  3. Change or limit medications that may cause sleep problems.
  4. Get enough sleep (6-8 hours).
  5. Get rid of bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Avoid the negative effects of stress. Thus, by sacrificing a couple of hours of sleep, you risk “sleeping” the entire next day.

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The quality of sleep has a huge impact on a person's life. During a night's rest, the body is restored and recharged with energy for the whole next day. But it happens that even creating the most comfortable conditions that should help you get a good night’s sleep does not give the desired result, since the reason lies elsewhere.

Sleep disorders are a widespread problem that worries people at any age. Up to 15% of the world's adult population complains of various disorders in this area, leading to poor health and depressed mood, constant fatigue and irritability and significantly reducing the quality of life. Moreover, the lack of treatment for such disorders can lead to serious diseases that disrupt the functioning of the entire body.

The articles combined in this section will talk about the types, symptoms and methods of treatment of various somnological disorders, such as:

  • insomnia;
  • pathological drowsiness;
  • narcolepsy;
  • apnea;
  • sleepwalking;
  • bruxism;
  • snoring and others.

It is important to know that sleep disorders can be primary, not associated with other diseases, and secondary, arising as a result of other, sometimes hidden, pathologies. Timely identification of such disorders will help not only to get rid of them, returning to a healthy, full life, but also, in some cases, to detect or prevent many other dangerous diseases.

On our website you will find comprehensive information on the topic of sleep disorders.

  • The “Types” section presents descriptions and definitions of a wide variety of somnological disorders.
  • Articles from the “Symptoms” section describe in detail the causes and external manifestations of sleep disorders.
  • The “Treatment” section contains a description of methods to combat various disorders that prevent you from getting enough sleep.

We hope that reading the articles in these sections will help you understand the causes of problems associated with nighttime rest, consult a doctor in time and completely get rid of them.

Every person, going to bed, hopes to wake up cheerful and rested. But some people feel even more groggy and tired the next morning than they did before bed. Often such complaints can be heard from older people. But in our hectic world, this also happens among young people. Doctors call such cases “Fatigued Sleep Syndrome.” In this material we will talk about the causes of tiring sleep and what to do about it.

Everyone is constantly busy, rushing somewhere, rushing to finish something, fix something. And what a huge amount of different information flows through our brain. Chronic diseases are piling up, depleting the body to the limit.

And nothing can be done about this rhythm of life. All that remains is to fight. You need to be able to rest. And proper rest gives healthy sleep. Dr. Tom Macoy believes that a person needs "a full sleep cycle to feel rested, and if your sleep is too short, the quality of your sleep is likely to be poor."

Tired sleep syndrome: causes

There are phases of sleep: slow and fast. During the first, the body relaxes, breathing slows down, the brain stops “thinking about” the day’s problems, i.e. the person calms down and falls asleep.

If awakening occurs in the slow-wave sleep phase, when the body is relaxed and at rest, then the person will be tired and lethargic all day, as if he had not yet come out of the rest state.

In the fast phase, the brain seems to awaken again, the body begins to move slightly, as if it is doing something - we begin to dream. If you wake up in this phase, then a good and productive day is guaranteed. You need to go through both cycles to wake up rested.

If cycles are disrupted, it means you have:

  1. Apnea (stopping or holding your breath while you sleep)
  2. Stuffy nose with a runny nose.
  3. Loud snoring.
  4. Depression.
  5. Neuroses.
  6. Uncontrolled use of medications.
  7. Avitaminosis.
  8. Low iron levels in the blood.
  9. Postpartum complications.

Conclusion: get rid of these reasons and it will return to normal. And in the end, you will always wake up “like a cucumber” and see vivid, pleasant dreams.

Tired sleep syndrome: first signs

Alas. Since doctors do not consider this syndrome a disease, for example, it is impossible to understand from a blood test that a person has constant fatigue. Many cannot even really describe what is happening to them.

This includes irritability, loss of appetite, constant forgetfulness, rapid fatigue during sports, and lack of sexual desire - and this is self-doubt and depression.

Tired sleep syndrome: prevention

The best prevention of any ailments and diseases is, of course, a healthy lifestyle. Healthy food rich in vitamins, or just taking vitamins periodically. Any sport. Communicate, whenever possible, with pleasant people. If you have depression, under no circumstances should you “treat” yourself with alcohol; there are other more effective remedies.

If you are already experiencing “tired sleep” syndrome, don’t let it happen. Start, it will be much more difficult to fight further.

Vitamin deficiency in the body is a common cause of poor health. A feeling of weakness and fatigue, in particular, is caused by a lack of B vitamins. For example, with a lack of cyanocobalamin alone (vitamin B12), the full transport of oxygen to the cells is disrupted. And if the body also experiences a deficiency of folic acid (vitamin B9), then there is a risk of developing anemia, which also leads to a low level of supply of oxygen and vital elements to tissues. In other words, in vitamin deficiency the body works at half capacity.

With vitamin deficiency, metabolism slows down, the body adapts to work in an economical mode. In this case, energy is spent mainly on internal processes; there is not enough energy for external ones.

Depression, anxiety

Depression inhibits the production of serotonin in the body. This brain neurotransmitter is called the pleasure hormone. Against the background of its deficiency in brain cells (or in conditions of disruption of its perception by cells), the entire body suffers. And in this case, fatigue after a night's sleep is the result of a depressed state of the central nervous system: the signals it sends to all parts of the body are sluggish and weak.

Severe anxiety can also disrupt sleep. Anxious thoughts, fear, confusion do not allow you to close your eyes, cause headaches and, ultimately, do not lead to relaxation and rest of the brain and all organs and systems, but to stress. Hence the morning fatigue. In such cases, people describe their sensations with the phrases “as if they were carrying bricks on me” or “as if they were unloading a carriage.”

Uncomfortable sleeping conditions

A stuffy room, a lamp not turned off, an uncomfortable bed, lack of silence - these and many other negative factors cannot ensure a sound, healthy sleep. A person does not get enough sleep, his body does not get proper rest, and the result is irritability, fatigue, bad mood, and headache.

During night sleep, the body needs fresh air, silence, a comfortable bed and darkness. Only in the dark does the production of melatonin occur, the main hormone of the pineal gland, a regulator of circadian rhythms.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can very easily lead to fatigue and even... And here everything is quite understandable - the body simply did not rest, did not recover after a working day (study, training, travel, etc.). However, sleeping too long can also cause a feeling of fatigue, aching joints, headaches, lethargy, and drowsiness. Everyone's sleep time is different, it is important to set for yourself the number of hours the body needs to fully recover, and try to go to bed at the same time.

Restless sleep syndrome

Scientists believe that a person’s well-being during awakening is directly dependent on what phase of sleep he was in at the time of awakening. If awakening occurs during so-called “rapid eye movement” sleep, a person feels rested and full of energy, regardless of how many hours or minutes he slept. But if this same “rapid” sleep is interrupted by snoring, difficulty breathing with a stuffy nose, the effects of medications, restless thoughts, cessation of breathing (apnea), then the person risks waking up in the stage of “slow” sleep, i.e. sleep, in which the breathing is slow and even, the brain and body are in a complete state of rest. And then the person who wakes up will feel tired and lethargic. Sometimes even more tired than before.

When we go to bed in the evening, we hope that in the morning we will wake up cheerful and full of energy. However, this is not always what happens; often when we wake up we feel tired, exhausted, and the whole day goes down the drain due to drowsiness. This condition is called restless sleep syndrome. According to statistics, the disorder is observed in every 20 adults on the planet. Most often, residents of large cities are susceptible to it, because it is in megacities that people are forced to live at a frantic pace and pass through a lot of information every day. Women suffer from the disorder more often than men, since they are responsible not only for work responsibilities, but also for maintaining everyday life and raising children. Let's try to understand what causes this condition and how it can be dealt with.

What causes the disorder

Scientists have proven that a person’s morning state is influenced by what phase of sleep he wakes up in. There are two main phases: fast (shallow or paradoxical sleep) and slow (deep or orthodox sleep). Sleep in adulthood begins with slow-wave sleep, which in turn is divided into 4 main stages:

  • Nap.
  • Falling asleep.
  • Deep dream.
  • Very deep sleep.

During slow sleep, all systems and organs work in a “saving” mode, body pressure and temperature drop, breathing slows down, muscles are completely relaxed, reflexes to external stimuli are minimal. This is followed by the REM sleep phase, at this time our brain processes the information it has received during the day, sorts it, and an exchange occurs between the conscious and unconscious. During paradoxical sleep, the body begins to invigorate, and all its functions are resumed. It is this phase that is considered the most suitable for awakening; if you get up during it, a person will feel alert and full of energy, regardless of how many hours he has slept. If you “pull” a sleeper out of the slow phase, he will be lethargic and sleepy all day.

Risk group

At the moment, it is impossible to clearly identify the factors that lead to tiring sleep syndrome. However, scientists in the course of research have found out which people are most often at risk. People who experience the following disorders are most susceptible to awakening during slow-wave sleep:

Manifestations of violation

Restless sleep can manifest differently for everyone. The first factor that should alert you is rapid fatigue during physical work. There is also moral depression and a feeling of exhaustion in the mornings and during the daytime, and appetite may disappear. Apathy is a common symptom of this disorder; a person loses interest in everything around him and his libido activity decreases.

It is impossible to find a comfortable position before going to bed, falling asleep takes a very long time, and during rest the patient constantly wakes up. Because of this, during wakefulness there is not enough energy to perform everyday tasks.

With tiring sleep syndrome, irritability, memory loss, dissatisfaction with one's own life and other manifestations of neuroses are often observed.

If you have one or more of these symptoms and they do not go away on their own, it is time to contact your doctor for qualified help.

Diagnosis of the disorder

At the moment, some doctors do not at all recognize the existence of such a disease as tiring sleep syndrome. However, this problem is being studied by many scientists. At the moment, there is no single analysis that could confirm or refute the presence of a disorder in a patient. Perhaps in the near future we will be able to determine it by the composition of our blood. During AIDS research, researchers were able to identify specific immune system cells that were increased in a group of volunteers who suffered from restless sleep. The rest of the experimental subjects did not have such cells, so there is a possibility that they will become markers of this disorder.

While the information is not fully studied, doctors use differentiated diagnostics. This means that the disease is determined by exclusion.

With the help of laboratory tests, an electrocardiogram and a chest X-ray, the following pathologies can be eliminated:

  • anemia;
  • drug addict;
  • alcoholism;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • heart pathologies.

Disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system are much more difficult to differentiate; laboratory and hardware techniques will not help with this.

Psychological and psychopathic tests are performed to detect depression or anxiety. Their results help the doctor create a complete picture of the disease necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

Features of therapy

Treatment for restless sleep involves stopping and eliminating predisposing factors. It is necessary to take measures to normalize healthy sleep. For each patient, therapy is prescribed individually; its choice depends on the causes of the disease, the severity of the disorder and the characteristics of the body.

The most common ways to solve the problem are:

  1. In mild stages of sleep disorder, herbal preparations that have a sedative and slight hypnotic effect (tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, etc.) can be prescribed.
  2. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, drugs are used to lower blood pressure and improve blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain.
  3. Depressive states and neuroses are helped to eliminate serotonin reuptake inhibitors, H-2 blockers in small doses, and tricyclic antidepressants.

Let's sum it up

Now almost every resident of the metropolis is at risk of tiring sleep syndrome. The disease develops due to a violation of the rest cycle, which can be triggered by many factors.

If you show signs of a disorder, it is best to consult a doctor for qualified help. Only a specialist will prescribe adequate therapy and help eliminate problems with night rest.

To prevent the syndrome, you need to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, surround yourself with positive people, eat right and protect yourself from stress. Such simple measures will help you always be healthy, vigorous and cheerful.



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