Proper morning rise. How to start the day right: popular advice

About why you can’t lie down for a long time after waking up, where to get the willpower to get up early and what you should do after you wake up.

For many of us, the daily routine is a complex topic and a big asceticism. Even those who have been listening to Oleg Torsunov’s lectures for several years cannot always cope with getting up early. Sometimes this gets in the way of going to bed late, too active work in the evenings, work, watching movies, overeating at night. There may be many options. But main reason getting up late means lack of strength.

We have already written about how important early rising is and what time you need to wake up in the article. In this article we will look at the technique of waking up early and what needs to be done after it.

First, you should know that when you wake up, you don’t need to lie in bed. We need to get up right away. If a person lies for five minutes after he wakes up, then he loses 10% of his tone, which is designed to get through the day cheerful and energetic. Therefore, the more you lie down in the morning, the more your vital activity melts, which is given to us from above as a sanction to work and overcome obstacles.

If a person lies down every day for half an hour after waking up, then 50% of his vitality goes nowhere. Even if he woke up on time. Just lying around for half an hour is enough to make you feel exhausted all day. Many of us are familiar with this phenomenon.

Also important is how we go to sleep. If you went to bed late and had a busy day before, getting up early in the morning will be much more difficult. You can read about this in the article.

- Why can’t we wake up early in the morning? Because we want a relaxed life. If a person seeks happiness in communicating with people and brings benefits to everyone, then such a person is cheerful by nature. It’s easy for him to get up in the morning, easy to do exercises, easy to overcome difficulties in life. But if we look for happiness in something else, then we find illness. We begin to feel dissatisfied, and we want to sleep more, relax more, do nothing. That is, we begin to seek happiness in inaction, and the body relaxes from this. The result is a long sleep, passive life, joyless work, illness, depression and unwillingness to live, notes Oleg Torsunov.

If a person chooses happiness in inaction, he relaxes nervous system and that's all hormonal functions, tone disappears. In such a state, a person does not want to change anything in his life, and he goes with the flow.

Therefore, those who wake up should immediately get out of bed. You can put a small plate with a damp handkerchief to wipe your eyes and shake off the sleep. Or put a cheerful ringtone on your phone so that the music itself helps awaken the mind. After you get up, you need to lightly spray the bed to cleanse it of the defilement that sleep brings with it.

To remove defilement from the body, you need to stand under a pleasant cool shower. It is important to perform ablution from the head because water removes dirt from the subtle body of the mind that accumulates during the night. To avoid getting your hair wet every day, women can use a shower cap.

If you have a lot of fire in your body and feel hot all the time, then you can start with cool water right away. If you are cold all the time, then you better start with warm water, and then gradually switch to cool and finish the ablution with warm. There are several more health recommendations from Oleg Gennadievich.

- If a person has sore joints, but normal blood pressure, then the shower may be lukewarm. If the pressure rises, the shower should always be colder. The higher the pressure, the colder shower. If at the same time there is pain in the joints and increased blood pressure, then the shower should be pleasantly cool. All people with normal pressure“, in the absence of pain and the acute process of the disease, souls should be pleasantly cool,” comments Oleg Gennadievich.

The water temperature can be checked back side brushes If the water is cold for you, increase the temperature. Please note that it is important to wash your face cold water. This promotes rapid awakening and good spirits, and also improves blood circulation in the eyes and deep layers of the skin, why eyes become stronger, and facial skin becomes more elastic and toned.

After ablution, you can do a short warm-up. Five minutes will be enough. Movements should be soft and smooth. There is no need to do exercises at a fast pace. After charging, start spiritual practice. While the house is quiet and no one is distracting you, begin your prayer. Remember that prayer is performed only after ablution, because without contact with water the mind continues to be in ignorance and prayer cannot be strong. We wrote about how to engage in spiritual practice in the article.

If you have time, you can do static exercises after prayer. Choose a pose that suits you, mostly standing, stretch out like a string and freeze. Hero poses and triangle poses are good places to start. In a still position, you will feel how your body will become more resilient and your mind stronger. Such exercises develop fortitude and willpower, and also break through the thin channels that gradually become clogged in any person if you do not practice physical activity.

If you need more movement, then choose dynamic yoga. Use those asanas that you are good at, hone your skills, align your body correctly, position your arms and legs, feel your breath and direct it to the source of pain. Gradually learn new exercises and you will feel the energy and lightness in your body that you need to wake up early.

Thus, by performing asanas in the morning, you charge yourself with strength and energy in order to be alert throughout the day, as well as to wake up better. The earlier you wake up, the better your exercise will be. However, you should know that most of the morning time should be devoted to God, and then your day will be blessed with good deeds and overcoming obstacles without serious energy losses for you.

After exercise, start breakfast. You will learn how to eat properly in the morning in our next article.

Photos from open Internet sources

Waking up correctly in the morning - you also need to be able to do it correctly. Exercises for every woman at any age from Swami Brahmachari will help with this.

Starting your day right is, first of all, taking care of a good mood and energizing yourself positive emotions. Such an action, simple at first glance, will help awaken confidence in yourself and your abilities. We will start our lesson from the moment when you woke up, opened your eyes and are about to get up. First of all, learn to wake up correctly: first stretch. Stretch your arms, yawn a few times, stretch your legs and whole body.

How to wake up correctly

While you're still in bed, do the following stretching exercise:

  • Legs are together, extended, touching each other.
  • Now begin to stretch your right leg without lifting it off the bed, as if you wanted to make your leg longer.
  • The stretch will be felt from the hip down, and the leg will seem to lengthen by several centimeters.
  • Hold your leg in this position until you count to 60, then relax, allowing right leg“even” with the left.

Do the same with your left leg.

This exercise stretches the spine, tones sympathetic nerves and has a rejuvenating effect on the whole body.

Since this is a very energetic exercise that affects the nerve plexuses, you need to be careful not to “overdo it”: 60 seconds for each leg is the maximum.

It is also very important to remember that You should not get out of bed abruptly, even if you are in a hurry, as the nervous system may get a shock. Give yourself some time to come back to reality. Let this return be slow and gradual.

Animals serve us good example natural behavior. Watch your dog or cat.

Unless there is danger or some other emergency, they never immediately jump up after sleeping, but yawn and stretch for a while before slowly rising to their paws. Imitate them.

When you finally get out of bed, drink a glass of water at room temperature(no ice). Drink water after brushing your teeth and clean your tongue with a tongue scraper or piece of cloth.

Exercises should be performed on empty stomach, freeing bladder and, if possible, the intestines. For classes, wear a minimum of clothes, but comfortable ones. You should not wear clothes that would restrict movement. You can exercise in socks if your feet are cold.

Neck exercises

Tilt your head forward and make circular movements. If your head turns easily and smoothly, without “grinding,” then you have nothing to worry about, but if not, it’s better to start exercising as early as possible without delay.

Here's how to do neck exercises. Sit down, cross your legs and place your hands on your knees. Relax your whole body. You should feel it only from the neck up, everything else remains motionless and as relaxed as if you were sitting up to your neck in water.

1. Now close your eyes and gently move your head forward, then back, and back and forth again. To begin, do the exercise four times. Later you can increase the number to six or more times. Tilt your head back and relax your facial muscles. With this movement of the head, the mouth opens slightly.

2. When performing the second exercise, turn your head as far to the right as possible, return it to its original position, then turn it as far as possible to the left and back. Repeat four times. When the head moves to the sides, the neck muscles contract; when returning to their natural position, the muscles relax.

3. When performing the third exercise, you tilt your head to the right, as if someone was pulling your right ear to the right shoulder. Then straighten your head and tilt it towards your left shoulder. And repeat this four times.

When tilting your head to the side, do not raise your shoulder or tilt your head back. From a straight position it should tilt almost to horizontal. The tension should be strongly felt on the left side of the neck when tilting the head to the right and right side when tilting to the left.

4. The next exercise resembles the movement of a turtle. You need to stretch your neck as far as possible and then return it to its original position.

When doing this exercise, you slide your chin forward, as if you were trying to lengthen your neck by pushing your chin out as far as possible. In this case, tension will be felt at the back and on both sides of the neck, between the ears, and also in the middle.

Repeat the exercise four times.

5. When performing the fifth exercise, do the same movements that you did when checking the elasticity of your neck. Drop your head forward and feel how heavy and lifeless it has become. Then slowly rotate your head clockwise. Repeat this several times.

Do the same movement counterclockwise the same number of times. Don't strain your back and shoulders, let your head hang relaxed.

At the end of the last exercise pat your neck with both hands (the back of your hand) on the sides and under the chin. Using your palm and fingertips, pat the back of your neck.

Doing these exercises every day will ease tension in your neck muscles and keep them elastic.

These exercises are good prevention of double chin(if there is such a tendency), they also strengthen eyesight, which improves as a result of the fact that optic nerves receive increased blood flow. published .

based on the book by Swami Brahmachari “5 minutes of yoga without getting out of bed. For every woman at any age"

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P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Having caught the alarm, the brain transmits impulses throughout the body demanding an urgent rise. Succumbing to panic, the adrenal glands release an overdose of the stress hormone - adrenaline, which, in turn, contracts the blood vessels and forces the heart to beat at maximum speed, accelerating the blood. An instant transition from a lying position causes the muscles to literally shrink into a ball. The joints and spine, which are in a relaxed state, receive an axial blow every time from a sharp rise. The consequences of such awakenings can be compression of the intervertebral discs, microtears, hernias and muscle hemorrhage.

Some brain areas do not have time to wake up so quickly and are disoriented. That is why in the morning all usual actions are performed more slowly and require much more effort. Such morning stress causes inhibition, slowness, absent-mindedness, drowsiness and bad mood, which will accompany a person throughout the day.

How to make your morning pleasant

If you start your day correctly, you may find that the morning is not about running around and fussy getting ready, but the most productive time of the day. It is much better to sacrifice a few minutes of sleep and wake up a little earlier than to subject your body to stress due to the possibility of being late for work, school or an important meeting. The freed time can be devoted to pleasant thoughts, planning the day, reading interesting literature, communicating with loved ones. In addition, getting out of bed, realizing that you don’t need to run anywhere, but can calmly go about your business, which is much more pleasant and easier.

Wake up without an alarm clock, completely trusting your biological clock, it doesn’t work out right away and not for everyone, and therefore it makes sense to make friends with him. Don't set sharp alarms loud sounds. The choice of melody is a purely individual matter, but you should like it and evoke positive emotions. It is better when the alarm clock is not a phone, but a watch of some interesting design.

Ideal place The location of the alarm clock is a few steps from the bed. Then you will need to get up to turn it off. But in order to avoid developing an unconscious habit: getting up, turning it off, lying down again, it is better to put it in the different places, while changing the height levels: cabinet, floor, table. You can ask someone to hide the alarm clock and a glass of water next to it. 200 - 300 ml of clean cool water, drunk in one gulp in the morning, can wake you up no worse contrast shower.

And one more thing: movement is , so when you wake up, you can’t stop. It is necessary to shift from foot to foot, dance while moving around the house and cooking delicious breakfast. If desired, boring exercises can be replaced with energetic dancing to your favorite music. But don't overdo it exercise immediately after waking up, you need to give your muscles some time to recover from sleep.

As a rule, the percentage of people who like to wake up early in the morning is very low. Millions all over the planet greet every day in the same way - in a hurry, sometimes forgetting to smile at their household. Meanwhile, there is an undeniable connection between morning mood and how the next day will go.

Starting your day right means, first of all, taking care of a good mood and charging yourself with positive emotions. Such an action, simple at first glance, will help awaken confidence in yourself and your abilities.

In fact, each person can be offered a universal scenario “ good morning“, the main thing, as experts say, is to exclude the word “rush” from it. Hence the first advice to all those who are “unawakened” - it is better to deprive yourself of a few minutes of sleep in the morning, but use them in order to calmly spend the first moments of the new day on positive thoughts: shake yourself out of sleep and think about pleasant plans. Ideally, the alarm clock should be a programmed radio tuned to your favorite wave. After all, music can serve as a source of pleasant emotions.

After this daily ritual, you should move on to the next ones.

Step one - " water treatments": but not after charging, as was customary in Soviet era, and immediately after sleep. Nothing wakes you up as easily as strong water pressure.

Step two is to turn on the music: the so-called music therapy and reduce stress and have a positive effect on general health. There may be several options: for example, energetic notes - for vigor or classical compositions - for peace.

Step three is to stretch. This simple advice, which mothers gave in childhood, is actually very effective: stretching using all muscle groups normalizes the heartbeat and helps the body prepare for the rhythm of the working day. Plus, it's a great alternative to morning coffee. But you need to stretch according to the rules: first, the leg muscles tense and relax. Then you should slowly, counting from one to five, relax all muscle groups, and then tense them.

This simple five-minute exercise will add endorphins to the body - “mood hormones”.

Step four - a balanced breakfast. Sandwiches will not bring as much energy and benefits as, for example, a bunch of grapes (which contain antioxidants) and yogurt.

Step five - green tea or coffee. It is healthier to drink a cup of green tea: it contains a lot of antioxidants and a little caffeine.

Step six - “time for yourself.” Even in the morning, if you wish, you can take 5–10 minutes to watch the latest press, read a few pages of your favorite book, or watch a video on a music channel.

Step seven - “change the route”: some people have noticed: as soon as you walk to the bus stop along a new route, for example, not along a short road, but through a square or park, a routine trip to university or work takes on the charm of novelty. For some, it is very tempting not only to change the route, but also the means of transportation.

A properly planned morning will help awaken in a person such qualities that will make him the author of his own day, and maybe own life, RIA Novosti reports.

There are so many people who justify their nocturnal lifestyle with some mythical properties of the body. I’m supposedly a night owl, and my body is designed in such a way that I can’t get up early, but at night I’m very energetic. Have you ever wondered why, for example, there are no owls or larks in the army? Yes, because there is a regime! And with him all people are people, and not birds.

Staying up early in the morning or in the afternoon is just a force of habit. It is this lady who forces us to take her instructions for personal desires. I first felt this when I stopped adding sugar to my tea. The once favorite sweet drink suddenly became completely tasteless. A month after the start of my experiment, I decided to add sugar to tea and was surprised to find that such a drink no longer seemed tasty to me.

If you went to bed late, then oh getting up early out of the question. Vicious circle.

The same is true with sleep. At first I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning. When my workday began to depend only on me, I was happy. I could sleep until 10. Then, somehow, imperceptibly, my working day began at 11, then at 12 noon. And so I began to get up at 3 o’clock. The later I got up, the more difficult it was to fall asleep early, so my bedtime shifted every time. And if you went to bed late, then getting up early is out of the question. A vicious circle. This is how people mutate into owls.

The moment came when I received an offer to host a morning show. This meant that I had to get up at 4:30 am. Of course, I could not refuse such a tempting offer. I had two months to change my routine. Every day I tried to get up a little earlier than the previous day. At first it was difficult - every morning I was ready to give up on this idea. But the motivation was very high.

How did I learn to get up early and be cheerful in the morning?

First rule: to get up earlier, you need to go to bed earlier.

Oh, what a difficult task this is! It can be even more difficult to lie down earlier than to get up earlier. Don't wait until you feel sleepy. Go to bed at the same time every night.

At first it will be difficult to fall asleep. Use some tricks.

  • Be sure to turn off the lights and all electrical appliances. Darkness will signal the release of a hormone that causes drowsiness. If you watched TV or sat at the computer for a long time before going to bed, this may delay the release of hormones for some time. Therefore, avoid these activities before bed.
  • Add scent to your bedroom essential oils. Many people recommend using lavender, but I don't like the smell. I add bergamot or geranium oil to water and diffuse the aroma throughout the bedroom using a spray bottle.
  • Don't eat before bed. Your body will try to digest the food, which will make it harder to fall asleep.

Second rule: the first 5 minutes after waking up are very important, make them as comfortable as possible for yourself.

  1. 1st minute. Immediately after you open your eyes, think about the people close to you and the places where you were incredibly happy. Pleasant memories will be created the right attitude. My friend likes to imagine her future car in the morning, and the day goes great.
  2. 2nd minute. Stretch - this will awaken your body. Make a few deep breaths and exhalations - this will saturate it with oxygen.
  3. 3rd minute. Massage the back of your head, temples, eyebrows and earlobes. This will ensure a rush of blood to the head.
  4. 4th minute. Rub your palms together. This will improve blood circulation. Rub your body.
  5. 5th minute. Start to rise slowly. Sit on your bed and drink a glass of water. I pour it in the evening and leave it on the bedside table.

Third rule: bright colors and cheerful smells should become your faithful companions every morning.

Hang bright curtains in the kitchen, buy bright dishes. I made a pomander that now hangs in my kitchen. This is a fragrant ball that fills the room. The simplest pomander that is very suitable for morning awakening, made from citrus fruits. Take an orange, tangerine or lemon, pierce it with a sharp stick and rub it with cinnamon powder. Stick clove seeds into the holes. We put the finished “device” in a warm place for 1.5–2 weeks. After this time, we tie it with a beautiful ribbon and hang it in the kitchen. The citrus pomander will delight you with its aromas for about six months.

And be sure, before you decide to start getting up earlier, decide for yourself why you need it. Lifehacker has already talked about it more than once. But if motivation is lacking, use shredder alarm clocks. You put a couple of hundred rubles into the alarm clock, and if you don’t get up at the appointed time in the morning, the alarm clock shreds the bills into small pieces.



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