Constant feeling of fullness in the stomach. Heaviness in the stomach and abdomen after eating with nausea and bloating: causes and treatment

What are the causes of such ailments and how to get rid of them?

Causes of a feeling of a full stomach and belching, heartburn, bloating

After eating, unpleasant symptoms often appear. Many of us suffer from it, regardless of gender, age, or health status. The causes of a feeling of a full stomach after eating, heartburn and bloating can be divided into two large groups:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Physiological reasons:

  • The most common is a copious amount of junk food that the patient eats in one sitting without thinking. These are fatty meats, fried foods, fast food, cakes, chocolate, fresh pastries. The digestion process is disrupted, and the liver and pancreas receive a huge load.
  • Lactose intolerance is an individual intolerance to milk protein (a rare phenomenon, but it is often the cause of the feeling of a full stomach).
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages (especially cocktails that mix strong drinks with carbonated sweet liquids).
  • Allergic reactions to certain foods.

Pathological reasons:

  • Gastritis, in which the stomach lining becomes inflamed.
  • With an ulcer, the intestinal and stomach mucosa not only becomes inflamed, but becomes covered with small scars, which can eventually turn into ruptures and lead to internal bleeding.
  • Chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas tissue) leads not only to a feeling of a full stomach, but also to excruciating pain in the left hypochondrium.
  • Cholecystitis makes you experience a feeling of heaviness, aching pain in the abdominal area, and heartburn every time after eating.

Correction of nutrition as a way to combat the feeling of a full stomach

Nutrition plays a decisive role in the treatment of such conditions. A healthy diet is the best treatment for the feeling of a full stomach (the reasons do not play a big role here). It is worth knowing your diagnosis, since the principles of nutrition for pancreatitis and gastritis will be slightly different. The reasons for the feeling of a full stomach and belching most often lie in poor nutrition. So we'll have to change it completely.

Here are the basic nutrition rules that will help get rid of the feeling of a full stomach:

  • adhere to a fractional separate diet (do not mix carbohydrates with fats), the total weight of food per meal is no more than 200 g;
  • try to eliminate dairy products completely for a while; if the problem is lactose intolerance, then this step will be beneficial;
  • give up fatty meat (in particular pork);
  • give up mayonnaise, ketchup and other factory-made sauces;
  • replace sweet carbonated drinks with homemade fruit drinks and compotes;
  • give up fried foods (french fries, scrambled eggs in oil);
  • stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

Which doctor should I see and what tests should I undergo?

In order to find out the exact reasons for the feeling of a full stomach, you should undergo a comprehensive examination. You can use the free medical examination service for the population. If this is not possible, then you need to take a coupon for an appointment with a local therapist.

This general practitioner will prescribe standard tests: urine, stool, blood biochemistry. The results of these studies will help to create an overall clinical picture of the patient’s health. After this, it will be clear in which direction to proceed next. The therapist can issue coupons for consultation with an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, immunologist, or hepatologist.

These are specialists with a narrow focus. They, in turn, will write out directions for examining organs for ultrasound and MRI. You may have to take a picture of the gastrointestinal tract using radiography, or undergo an FGDS or endoscopy procedure.

Types of drug treatment

All diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have similar symptoms. So an accurate diagnosis can only be found after examination and test results.

Depending on the diagnosis, medications of various classes will be prescribed:

  • prokinetics - to treat heaviness and bloating;
  • pancreatic enzymes - drugs for rapid digestion;
  • antacids - for heaviness in the stomach;
  • antispasmodics - for pain and bloating;
  • antidiarrheal and antiemetic drugs.

In addition, dietary adjustments and a therapeutic diet will be required.

Prokinetics for the treatment of heaviness and bloating

This class of drugs stimulates gastric motility function. Thanks to this action, the stagnant food passes into the intestines, and the constant feeling of a full stomach leaves the patient.

  • "Ganaton" gently stimulates the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and has virtually no contraindications (with the exception of individual intolerance to the components).
  • "Motilium" is sold in tablet form and as a solution, one of the most popular drugs among prokinetics.
  • "Gastrikumel" is similar in principle to "Ganaton".

These drugs are quite safe and can be purchased at any pharmacy without a special prescription from a doctor. Of the minuses: in some patients they can provoke diarrhea, so you need to start taking them with minimal dosages.

Pancreatic enzymes - drugs for rapid digestion

These are analogues of enzymes produced by the pancreas. Without these substances, food cannot be digested; it will sit in the stomach for hours and rot. As a result, the patient will experience pain, weakness, bloating, and belching with a hydrogen sulfide taste.

Depending on the stage of development of pancreatitis, the doctor may prescribe various medications.

The most popular enzyme substitute is Pancreatin (Mezim). This drug is known to almost all people over forty years of age. It is cheap and has minimal side effects. You can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription. People often take a couple of Pancreatin tablets as a preventive measure before a meal to support the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you feel your stomach is full and are belching air with the smell of hydrogen sulfide, you should try Festal. This is a powerful enzyme that will promote rapid digestion of food. You can use it as a prophylaxis before feasts.

Antacids - drugs for heaviness in the abdomen

These medications envelop the gastric mucosa with a protective film. They help alleviate the patient’s condition with chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis of various origins, gastritis, peptic ulcers and a number of other serious diseases of the abdominal organs. This action effectively prevents the feeling of a full stomach and belching, heartburn, and bloating.

Here is a list of the most popular antacids:

  • "Phosphalugel";
  • "Renny";
  • "Omeprazole";
  • "Smecta".

Few people know that the drug "Omeprazole" is an analogue of the expensive foreign drug "Omez". They have the same active ingredient, and the principle of action is similar. If the first drug costs around fifty rubles, then its foreign analogue costs almost four hundred. "Omeprazole" is effective for a number of diseases, including gastritis, peptic ulcers, and erosions. A cheap and effective remedy that can be used both to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and to treat existing problems.

Antispasmodics for pain and bloating

If a patient experiences spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth stopping them with antispasmodics. These are effective painkillers that quickly eliminate abdominal pain.

Here are the most popular ones:

  • "No-Shpa";
  • "Meteospasmil";
  • "Duspatalin".

Few people know that the antispasmodic "No-Shpa" has a cheap, domestically produced analogue called "Drotaverine". These drugs have the same active ingredient and the same principle of action, but the cost differs several times. These medications can be used for the feeling of being full because they have practically no contraindications. Their use in children and adolescents is also permitted.

Antidiarrheal and antiemetic drugs

If the malaise is accompanied by diarrhea, it is worth adding Smecta, Enterosgel, and activated carbon-based products to therapy. Such conditions are usually accompanied by dehydration, so it would not hurt to drink Regidron in parallel to restore the water-salt balance. The loss of electrolytes has a very negative impact on your overall health and can worsen digestive problems.

The feeling of a full stomach after eating is accompanied by antiemetic medications. For example, "Cerucal", "Motilium". If nausea is constantly felt, you should consult a doctor; most often this is a symptom of serious chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Traditional recipes and methods

Treatment with traditional methods will never lose its relevance. These recipes are simple, the ingredients for them are found in almost every home. In addition, they cause absolutely no side effects, except in cases of individual allergic reactions.

  • A decoction based on elecampane root. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of chopped dry root and let it brew. You can drink it as a separate drink, for example, replace tea and coffee with this decoction that is beneficial for the stomach.
  • Propolis and sea buckthorn oil. Propolis should be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour. The proportions are as follows: a tablespoon of propolis per glass of water. Before use, add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. Take on an empty stomach two to three times a day. In some cases, this recipe leads to a slight laxative effect.
  • Chamomile. Famous for its anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. The chamomile infusion is prepared as follows: pour a tablespoon of dried crushed flowers with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Take the resulting infusion 30 ml before each meal.
  • Aloe and honey. You should select the fleshy aloe leaves and grind them in a blender (or grate them on a fine grater). Mix in equal proportions with fresh flower honey. Take the resulting suspension one teaspoon before each meal.

The feeling of a full stomach and belching will leave the patient for many years if he adheres to the following recommendations:

Anyone can follow these simple tips.

If you feel heaviness in your stomach after eating and this is not associated with overeating or drinking heavily the day before, it means that your digestive system is not coping with its functions and your body needs help.

Why does heaviness occur in the stomach?

Heaviness in the stomach occurs when the digestion processes are disrupted, if, for one reason or another, the stomach cannot digest food, and it stagnates in it. If food remains in the stomach for several hours or more, fermentation and even rotting processes begin in it, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

There are many reasons for heaviness in the stomach after eating:

  • regular overeating - eating excessively fatty, heavy food in volumes too large for the stomach, causes functional irritation and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which goes away on its own with bowel movements;
  • dyspepsia or “lazy stomach” syndrome - heaviness in the abdomen, accompanied by belching, nausea, vomiting and severe pain that occurs several hours after eating. Dyspepsia occurs due to weakness of the stomach muscles, which cannot contract normally and food is not digested, but “settles” in the stomach, causing discomfort. Dyspepsia occurs in people of all ages: in young people due to poor diet, and in older people due to age-related characteristics of the digestive tract (for example, due to a lack of enzymes);
  • gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system - heaviness in the abdomen after eating, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, can be a symptom of serious diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and so on. In such cases, in addition to heaviness in the abdomen and dyspeptic disorders, the patient experiences pain in the upper half of the abdomen, in the right epigastric region, or without clear localization - girdling pain.

Heaviness in the stomach occurs not only after eating, but also at other times, so a feeling of heaviness that appears in the morning may indicate:

  • overeating - if you are used to having a heavy dinner or eating before bed, it’s time to reconsider your habits, your body can no longer cope with such loads or it produces too few enzymes;
  • irritation of the gastric mucosa - if you smoke more than 1 pack of strong cigarettes per day or smoke at night, the mucous membrane of your stomach is constantly irritated by cigarette smoke, which disrupts the production of gastric juice and the digestion of food;
  • toxicosis - heaviness in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting in the morning often occurs in pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, at this time, due to changes in hormonal levels, the acidity of the gastric juice changes sharply, which can lead to the appearance of similar symptoms;
  • when the disease has begun - heaviness in the abdomen, pain and dyspeptic disorders that regularly occur in the morning can be symptoms of developing gastritis, which is characterized by similar symptoms.

Heaviness in the stomach after eating or in the morning occurs due to various pathologies of the digestive system, but the following factors lead to all these various disorders, which can be called the “root causes” of discomfort in the stomach:

  • overeating - excess food is not only stored in the form of fatty deposits, it also greatly complicates the digestion process. According to nutritionists, you only need to eat when you feel hungry, and the portion should decrease with each passing decade - after 40 years, metabolic processes slow down, and the amount of food should also become smaller;
  • “snacks”, fast food and unhealthy diet – a chronic feeling of hunger and the habit of “filling” your stomach with any food at any time leads to constant irritation of the gastric mucosa and the appearance of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases;
  • smoking – cigarette smoke irritates the mucous membrane and disrupts intestinal motility;
  • stress and nervous tension - the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones leads to disruption of food digestion processes, today the formation of ulcers “from nerves” is a scientifically proven fact, therefore constant irritation and chronic stress are considered the most terrible enemies of the stomach;
  • improper dieting - many women, in an attempt to lose weight, begin to blindly follow recommendations from books, TV programs or the Internet, without thinking about how this will affect their health. According to specialist nutritionists, you can truly lose weight only by completely switching to a healthy diet and forever giving up the habit of eating a lot of fatty, fried and sweet foods. A safe weight loss for the body is a weight reduction of 2-3 kg per month, and the reduction in the amount of food must be accompanied by physical exercise. Following strict diets for several weeks is a direct path to the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases and the appearance of pain and heaviness in the stomach.

How to cope with unpleasant feelings

If you regularly experience heaviness in your stomach, nausea and vomiting, you cannot do without visiting a gastroenterologist. And if problems arise periodically, you can try to cope with them using the following methods:

  • give up fatty, fried, baked foods, strong coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages;
  • eat at exactly the same time;
  • reduce food portions;
  • smoke less or at least not smoke before bed;
  • the last meal should be at least 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • eat slowly, in small portions and in a calm environment;
  • spend more time outdoors and exercise;
  • completely abandon products that cause increased gas formation, semi-finished products, canned foods and fast food;
  • eat only warm food – neither cold nor hot;
  • drink a glass of kefir or other fermented milk product at night.

Why do you feel heaviness in the stomach after eating and how to get rid of it?

Heaviness in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region indicate that there are functional disorders and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Such symptoms significantly worsen the quality of life and introduce a number of restrictions on a person’s physical activity. In this case, you need to visit a gastroenterologist and undergo an examination. Heaviness in the abdomen is usually accompanied by such symptoms as nausea, belching, heartburn, pain, rumbling and others.


Heaviness in the stomach after eating can be felt periodically or constantly. The causes of heaviness in the stomach after eating may be as follows:

Binge eating

Excessive amounts of food are very harmful to the functioning and condition of the gastrointestinal tract. When heaviness after eating occurs due to overeating, the condition can cause constipation, stretching of the stomach walls, and improper digestion of food.

Unbalanced diet

A lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in food provokes problems with the gastric mucosa. The reason for this condition is the lack of hot and liquid food in the daily diet, abuse of fast food, irregular meals, as well as a lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu. Poor nutrition leads to heaviness in the stomach after eating. Associated symptoms include pain, poor digestion, difficulty breathing, and bloating. In this situation, it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist who will prescribe diet therapy and suitable medications to restore the gastrointestinal tract.

Stressful situation

Eating food under stress can cause disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, heaviness and pain occur in the stomach, the stomach swells, and the food lump can remain for quite a long time. In addition, discomfort, excessive gas formation and lack of appetite may occur.

A feeling of heaviness in the stomach can appear not only from fatty and fried foods, but also due to excess sugar and sweets, as well as protein foods. In this case, treatment and a properly selected diet are required.

How to remove heaviness in the stomach with the help of a therapeutic diet? To begin with, you should exclude certain products from your diet. It is imperative to exclude from the menu: kvass, coffee, alcohol, strong tea, soda, milk, black bread, cabbage, legumes, tomatoes, potatoes, apples, pears, persimmons and rye bread.

The feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating can be acute or chronic. Food clumps in the stomach for the following diseases: ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stomach cancer, gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, diverticula, intestinal infections. The most common manifestations of such ailments are pain, bloating, discomfort, seething, belching, and increased gas production. Having determined the cause of heaviness in the stomach, the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct treatment.

Clinical picture

Symptoms can vary markedly depending on the cause that provoked the malaise and malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, apart from heaviness in the epigastric region, nothing bothers the patient. If the cause is dyspepsia, cholecystitis or gastritis, the clinical picture will be as follows: difficulty breathing, nausea, pain, lack of appetite. A similar picture is a reason to visit a doctor, as the symptoms will intensify.

Sometimes this condition occurs due to overeating, so nausea and vomiting may occur. It is important to pay attention to accompanying signs in order to seek medical help in time. In some cases, overcrowding may be caused by poisoning or a disorder in the digestive system.

Medical therapy

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate; consult a doctor. Get examined and take the necessary tests. Strictly adhere to the gastroenterologist's instructions.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to change your usual lifestyle and adjust your diet. Don't neglect lunch and dinner. Moreover, try to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Eat food slowly, chewing thoroughly. Try to exclude fast food, snacks and dry food from your diet. Limit your consumption of carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks, and smoking.

Have dinner 3 hours before going to bed. Just before bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or weak warm tea.

A gastroenterologist can prescribe symptomatic therapy to relieve the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen. For this purpose, appropriate medications are intended. The main ones are:

  • Enzyme preparations - Mezim, Creon, Ermital, Festal, Pancreatin and Micrasim. They help food digest and play an important role in case of a lack of food enzymes produced by the pancreas.
  • Antacids - Maalox, Phosphalugel, Almagel, Gaviscon, Reni and others. They help coat the gastric mucosa, which prevents hydrochloric acid from corroding and irritating it. Heartburn and a feeling of fullness in the epigastrium immediately disappear.
  • Prokinetics - Espumisan, Motilium. These drugs promote the active passage of a bolus of food and stimulate the muscles of the small intestine and stomach.
  • Antispasmodic drugs – No-Shpa, Drotaverine, Papaverine. They have a relaxing effect on the muscles located in the pylorus, which allows you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

If the attack occurs for the first time after overeating or drinking alcohol, you can take an enzyme or antacid medication on your own. If the disorder occurs regularly or constantly, contact a gastroenterologist.

You should not delay visiting a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature, pain;
  • repeated, profuse and persistent vomiting;
  • vomit contains stagnant food;
  • intense spastic pain in the abdominal area;
  • pale skin, weight loss and malaise;
  • loose stool.

If this clinical picture is detected, you should call an ambulance or visit a gastroenterologist.

Whatever the cause of heaviness in the stomach, it is necessary to undergo examination and begin treatment therapy. You should adjust your diet. It is important to strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations to avoid complications.

Constant heaviness and bloating in the stomach

Many people periodically feel heaviness and bloating after eating. This is due to a lifestyle in which there is not enough exercise, eating poor quality food, overeating, and nervous tension.

By eliminating the causes of this condition, adjusting your diet and moving more, you can get rid of this problem once and for all. But what if you have constant heaviness and bloating in your stomach?

Why, when all possible errors are corrected and the diet is adjusted, does the condition not improve? There are hidden reasons for poor health and they need to be identified.

Heaviness and bloating. Why do they occur and what to do?

Bloating after eating and a feeling of heaviness in it can be the result of temporary disruptions in the digestive system due to episodic eating disorders.

In such cases, the condition can be normalized with the help of a fasting diet for several days, and in the future try to avoid the factors that led to deterioration in health.

You can also help your body by taking Espumisan to eliminate bloating and Motillium to stimulate peristalsis.

Folk remedies will also help - an infusion of dill seeds, fennel, mint, and dandelion root. You can make tea from fresh ginger, but there are contraindications to it - cholelithiasis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

But what to do if this problem is constant, often after eating you suffer from bloating, an abundance of gas and heaviness in the stomach?

Then these symptoms cannot be ignored, since they may indicate the presence of diseases in the body that require medical intervention, and may also be evidence of pathological conditions in which it is necessary to change the diet or lifestyle, or get rid of bad habits.

Possible causes of bloating and heaviness in the abdomen:

  1. The body is unable to digest lactose (milk sugar). In old age, this ability is lost in many people, so if heaviness and bloating first appeared after 50 - 55 years, it may be worth trying to give up whole milk.
  2. Excess in the diet of foods that contribute to increased gas formation. Not every body adequately perceives foods that cause fermentation: legumes, white cabbage, yeast products. Flatulence may also occur if you eat fruit immediately after your main meal.
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome. With this pathology, even without provoking factors, rumbling in the stomach and increased production of gases often occur. This is explained by the fact that intestinal receptors are overly sensitive to various irritants and it is possible to control this condition by completely changing your lifestyle and diet.
  4. Allergies to certain foods can also manifest as bloating after eating. If, along with this symptom, rhinitis and rashes appear on different parts of the body, an allergic reaction can be suspected.
  5. The habit of eating too quickly, chewing food poorly or swallowing large pieces. With this way of eating, air enters the stomach along with food, which causes discomfort in the stomach.
  6. Mixing products that are incompatible with each other; each person has an individual intolerance to certain combinations and this must be taken into account when drawing up the menu for the day.
  7. Constant heaviness in the stomach after eating occurs in people who are accustomed to drinking cold water during or immediately after meals.

In addition to digestive disorders, heaviness and bloating are accompanied by other diseases: gastritis, pancreatitis, blockages in the urinary tract, gallstones, intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis.

All these situations require both treatment and a suitable diet, tailored to each specific case.

Causes and treatment of bloating and heaviness in the abdomen

Pharmacies have a large selection of drugs that reduce the formation of gases and eliminate bloating, but you can resort to their help only with the permission of a doctor who knows the exact diagnosis.

Many people, taking advantage of the fact that such drugs are sold without a prescription, self-medicate. This cannot be done by eliminating the symptom on your own; the patient risks missing a dangerous illness that requires more serious therapy.

If, in addition to heaviness and bloating in the abdomen after eating, you are bothered by pressing pain in the stomach, unpleasant taste in the mouth, heartburn, poor appetite, nausea, the reasons may be gastritis.

Its treatment, in addition to medications for bloating, is carried out with the help of antacids to eliminate heartburn (Rennie, Almagel), antispasmodics for pain (Drotaverine, Spazmalgon), enzyme preparations to improve digestion (Pancreatin, Mezim).

All these drugs must be prescribed by a gastroenterologist; you can independently take herbal infusions of chamomile, yarrow calendula, mint, dill water, provided that there is no allergy to these drugs.

With irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea or constipation are added to the listed symptoms. This disease cannot be treated with medications, but it can be controlled by listening to your body's signals and normalizing your lifestyle.

You need healthy sleep of at least 7-8 hours a day, dietary nutrition with split meals, moderate exercise, and control of your psycho-emotional state.

Pancreatitis can be suspected when bloating is accompanied by acute pain in the right hypochondrium, constant belching, diarrhea, and dizziness.

Inflammation of the pancreas is an extremely dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention; self-medication in this case is not allowed.

It is equally important to promptly detect an attack of acute appendicitis. One of its symptoms is also bloating, but subsequently it is accompanied by sharp pain in the solar plexus, nausea, vomiting, and a possible rise in temperature.

If the patient is not hospitalized in time, the appendix may rupture and peritonitis may develop, which often ends in death.

They resemble signs of appendicitis and symptoms of poisoning or acute intestinal infection: soon after eating poor-quality or spoiled food, heaviness in the abdomen and bloating appear, then intoxication increases with vomiting and diarrhea, and the temperature may rise to several degrees.

If you are completely sure that the reasons for the sharp deterioration are food poisoning or infection, you can help yourself by rinsing your stomach.

If the condition does not improve within 24 hours, it is better not to take risks and call an ambulance; this could be a serious infection, for example, salmonellosis or dysentery.

Other signs may indicate their presence: constant weakness, pale skin, persistent runny nose or cough that cannot be treated, bowel problems, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, grinding teeth in sleep.

Heaviness in the abdominal area often worries pregnant women, the reasons for this are the pressure on the stomach that is created by an enlarged uterus. If doctors do not diagnose the disease, then this phenomenon is not dangerous and goes away immediately after childbirth.

To alleviate the condition, during pregnancy it is recommended to follow a diet, eat small portions, move more, do feasible work and light exercise.

As you can see, the causes of flatulence and heaviness in the stomach after eating can be very different, and figuring them out on your own and, moreover, prescribing treatment yourself is difficult and sometimes very dangerous.

But there is one area, taking into account which you can significantly reduce the risk of such symptoms, and in case of illness, prevent exacerbations and make treatment more effective.

We are talking about proper nutrition, which will contain a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Many foods and dishes will have to be abandoned completely, others limited to one degree or another.

You need to remove from your diet all foods that can provoke increased gas production and also irritate the stomach and intestines. This group includes:

  • all varieties of cabbage - white and red, cauliflower, broccoli;
  • legumes - beans, lentils, peas, beans;
  • some fruits consumed immediately after the main meal contribute to excess gas formation (bananas, pears, apples, grapes);
  • mushrooms, radishes, radishes, carrots, celery;
  • dairy products;
  • food and drinks with added yeast - bread, pastries, kvass;
  • Meat and fish dishes provoke flatulence to a small extent.

In addition to these foods, some food combinations cause abdominal discomfort; they should be avoided by both sick and healthy people to prevent bloating and heaviness in the stomach after eating.

  1. Natural fruit juices are not compatible with foods that contain a lot of protein or starch. So, after fish, meat and mushroom dishes, you should not drink juice from sweet apples, grapes, or peaches. And also do not drink juices with bread, potatoes, or rice porridge.
  2. Sweet confectionery and candies are also not compatible with proteins and starch; they should be eaten several hours after meals.
  3. Milk is one of those products that nutritionists do not recommend combining with any other dishes. Its best use is a mono-diet.
  4. It is very harmful to drink sweet carbonated drinks with food. They are also harmful for people in good health, and are contraindicated for a sick, weakened body even in small quantities.
  5. Rye bread is not compatible with most dishes; the worst thing is to eat it with meat, fish, legumes and milk.

Heaviness in the abdomen is also caused by habits that make it difficult to digest food.

These include sleeping immediately after eating, a sedentary lifestyle, constant overeating, addiction to fast food, abuse of beer and strong drinks.

Breaking deep-rooted habits can be difficult, but feeling better and free from digestive problems is worth the effort.

Good rest, healthy sleep, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and junk food will soon bring tangible results.

All advice from this article is given for general information only; consultation with a specialist is necessary in any case; only after it are decisions on treatment made, since the doctor will take into account the individual needs of each specific patient.

Feeling of a full stomach

I ate a little, but I felt like I had eaten too much, my stomach was full, I felt heaviness, fullness, distension, bloating. What could it be? What are the reasons for this condition? Why is there a constant feeling of a full stomach, even when I haven’t eaten? What to do? How to treat? Unfortunately, people ask themselves these and similar questions already too late. Stop, listen to what your body wants to say. Perhaps this will save you from serious consequences.

Features of the condition

Seek medical help immediately if, in addition to heaviness in your stomach, you experience:

  • the stool is liquid, mixed with blood, dark;
  • interruptions in breathing;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • abdominal pain;
  • fever and dizziness;
  • vomiting dark masses;
  • weakness, increased sweating;
  • chest pain.

Causes of feeling of a full stomach

The emergence of a feeling of early satiety, fullness, distension of the epigastric region, as a result of minor disorders of the digestive system:

  • Lactose intolerance is when the digestive tract cannot digest lactose. The older a person is, the less enzymes are secreted that can digest lactose. Sugar does not break down and begins to ferment, releasing gases. These are the causes of bloating.
  • Food allergy is a condition in which the human body does not accept certain foods. In this case, consultation with a nutritionist is mandatory.
  • A state of rapid satiety and a feeling of a full stomach can occur in heavy smokers. The gastric mucosa is irritated by nicotine and ceases to fully perform its functions.
  • A pregnant woman also complains of feeling similar symptoms. The acidity of gastric juice, as a rule, increases, hence nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, fullness in the abdomen.
  • Functional indigestion, functional dyspepsia, or irritable bowel syndrome is a set of symptoms that includes pain and discomfort in the stomach. A person feels heaviness, pain, the stomach seems to be bursting, there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, vomiting, belching. Functional dyspepsia is typical for patients with impaired motility and hypersensitivity of gastric receptors to stretching. The reasons for this condition are stress and serious psychological experiences. Relieving the patient's mental state is the best treatment in this situation.

A feeling of fullness in the epigastric region may be a consequence of serious illnesses. Heaviness in the stomach, combined with bloating and increased gas formation, may indicate the presence of serious diseases: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and malignant neoplasms.

Heaviness in the abdomen due to gastritis or ulcers

Gastritis - the inner walls of the stomach become inflamed due to improper, poor-quality nutrition, infection with microorganisms, dysfunction of hydrochloric acid secretions. Symptoms of gastritis:

Ulcer – wounds form on the walls of the stomach. The symptoms of the disease are the same as for gastritis. However, an ulcer is a more dangerous disease due to complications: bleeding, when the wound becomes through.

Bloating due to pancreatitis or stomach cancer

Pancreatitis is the inability of the pancreas to produce enzymes to digest food. Symptoms of pancreatitis:

  • the stomach is full, even if the stomach is not filled with food;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach when eating a small amount of food;
  • nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • pain in the umbilical region;
  • “fat”, light-colored feces.

Stomach cancer. The disease is dangerous because it cannot be recognized immediately. The symptoms are similar to those of gastritis, so many people do not attach much importance to this, and when they consult a doctor, it may already be too late. However, one should suspect a dangerous disease when a person loses weight for no reason, is weak, gets tired quickly, and has a slightly elevated body temperature.

Prevention and treatment


  • Overeating is contraindicated to prevent the disease.

Overeating is contraindicated. You need to eat small portions at the same time 5 times a day. Last meal 2 hours before bedtime.

  • When a stressful situation occurs, try not to eat, but to calm down a little.
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • Use only high-quality and fresh products. Avoid products containing preservatives, dyes and stabilizers. Drinks should also be without carbonation and sugar.
  • Don't drink alcohol. Alcoholic drinks only harm and aggravate the situation if the disease is already present.
  • No smoking.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, move a lot, do exercises, play sports.
  • Treatment

    Self-medication is dangerous. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The gastroenterologist will prescribe the necessary medications and determine the dosage. It can be:

    • Enveloping drugs, such as suspensions of Phosphalugel, Maalox, Gaviston and others. They coat the walls of the stomach, preventing gastric juice and acid in it from irritating the stomach.
    • Enzyme preparations: tablets “Pancreatin”, “Creon”, “Mezima” - add enzymes for additional assistance in digesting food.
    • Antispasmodic drugs: pills “No-shpy”, “Papaverine” and others. They relax the stomach muscles, relieve pain and spasms.

    If your stomach problems are related to a psychological state, then you should make an appointment with a psychologist, attend conversations and, if necessary, take a course of medications to calm you down.

    Folk remedies

    • It is recommended to drink a drink made from chamomile flowers.

    If you have a full stomach, you can recommend a drink made from chamomile flowers. The drink can be cold or warm. A cold drink can be made as follows: pour 10 tsp of chamomile flowers with 2 cups of boiled water, naturally cooled. Leave for 8-10 hours. Drink in small portions over two days. To make a hot drink we need 1 tbsp. l. inflorescences. Pour it with 1 tbsp. hot water. Infuse min. Strain one third of the glass and drink within 30 minutes. before meals three times a day.

  • Mix chamomile and tansy, 1 teaspoon each. Grind the mixture. Add 1 tbsp. l. wormwood. Do not grind the wormwood. Mix with honey to obtain a somewhat viscous mass and form into tablets. Roll each tablet into a bread ball. Eat this lump of bread 3-4 times a day.
  • 2 tsp. apple vinegar, pour 1 glass of water (warm), add 2 tsp. honey Drink the product three times a day before meals. The drink turns out to be sour; if the acidity is high, it is better not to use this recipe.
  • Grind the buckwheat. Every morning eat 1 tsp. powder, naturally on an empty stomach. This method also relieves heartburn.
  • Mix yarrow herb, St. John's wort and calendula flowers in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of mixture. boiling water Infuse for minutes. Before meals, drink half a glass of infusion 3 times a day. You can take the cocktail for a month, but no more than 3 months. It is advisable to take a break.
  • The stomach is constantly full, even if you have eaten little, nausea, vomiting, pain are unpleasant sensations. Whatever the reasons for this condition, the body is signaling you about something. It is necessary to consult a doctor and reconsider your lifestyle.

    Causes of feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach

    The appearance of a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach is direct evidence of problems with the digestive organs. Only an examination by a doctor will help to reliably identify the cause of the feeling of fullness in the stomach or heaviness. Do not try to diagnose dysfunctions in your own body yourself - entrust the care of your health to specialists. At the same time, it is very important to know about the symptoms of which diseases such sensations may be.

    It is worth noting that the causes of discomfort in the stomach can be one-time and caused, for example, by eating too much food, especially if the food is heavy, fatty or very spicy. Eating excess food in combination with alcohol has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. But distension in the epigastric area, resulting from overeating, quickly disappears after taking medications that stimulate the process of digestion and emptying of the stomach.

    It is more difficult to get rid of a painful feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium if it is caused by a bad habit such as smoking. Nicotine irritates the lining of the upper stomach, causing it to become inflamed and create a feeling of heaviness and fullness. Smokers who smoke a lot and use strong cigarettes are at risk of developing ulcers on the inside of the stomach walls.

    Heaviness in the stomach with gastritis

    A feeling of heaviness in the stomach area may indicate the presence of a disease such as gastritis - an inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

    With chronic gastritis, the sensations described above may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness, and manifestations of hypotension are not uncommon.

    The cause of gastritis can be constant overeating, overly spicy food, excessively hot or cold food, prolonged use of certain medications (for example, aspirin), an unbalanced diet, and eating immediately before bed.

    Irritable stomach syndrome

    The described symptoms are also characteristic of irritable bowel (stomach) syndrome. These are functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by bloating and a feeling of discomfort. It is believed that the main causes of irritable bowel syndrome are stress, excessive amounts of alcohol and caffeine in the diet, poor quality nutrition, and insufficient dietary fiber in the menu. To get rid of irritable stomach syndrome, it is necessary to introduce into the diet foods that serve as a stimulant for the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and improve its motility.

    Bloating as a symptom of pancreatitis

    Bloating is one of the symptoms of pancreatitis. This disease, regardless of its form (acute or chronic), requires clinical treatment. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, an organ that produces digestive enzymes and is responsible for metabolism in the body. People who overeat and drink alcohol are most often susceptible to pancreatitis.

    Pancreatitis, in addition to the symptoms already mentioned, has other pronounced symptoms:

    • pain (localization: pain in the stomach, in the pit of the stomach, in the hypochondrium, sometimes has a girdling effect);
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • temperature increase;
    • strong increase or decrease in blood pressure;
    • hiccups;
    • change in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation);
    • dyspnea;
    • change in skin color (cyanosis, yellowness);
    • yellowing of the sclera.

    The patient should be alerted to the bursting fullness of the stomach with meager meals, heaviness in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, general apathy and causeless weight loss. All these symptoms may indicate the presence of tumor formations in the stomach.

    The percentage of successful treatment of even malignant tumors is quite high, provided that they are correctly diagnosed at an early stage.

    That is why, when the first symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction appear, it is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist.

    Listen carefully to your body and analyze everything, even the most minor changes in well-being. And most importantly, be healthy!

    Today, one of the most common symptoms is heaviness in the stomach. This organ is a continuation of the esophagus.

    Behind the stomach is the duodenum. Heaviness in the abdomen is not always a sign of somatic pathology.

    The reason may lie in errors in diet or taking certain medications.

    Feeling of heaviness in the stomach

    The stomach is a hollow muscular organ whose main function is to mix and digest incoming food. A feeling of heaviness is possible with various diseases.

    The following reasons for the appearance of this symptom are known:

    • binge eating;
    • eating at night;
    • frequent snacking;
    • eating disorder;
    • drinking alcohol;
    • use of antibiotics;
    • smoking;
    • drinking carbonated water;
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • chronic gastritis;
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    • chronic cholecystitis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • benign and malignant tumors;
    • gastroenteritis;
    • cirrhosis of the liver.

    Heaviness in the stomach appears mainly after eating. This symptom is often combined with nausea, bloating, bowel dysfunction, pain, belching, vomiting, fever and heartburn. Heaviness often worries children. The most common cause is gastritis. This symptom may be constant or occur periodically. Sometimes this sign indicates a serious pathology.

    Heaviness in the abdomen with gastritis

    A feeling of fullness and heaviness is a sign of gastritis. This is a disease in which the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed due to the aggressive effects of various substances. These could be medications (antibiotics, NSAIDs), alcohol and spicy foods. Gradually, gastritis leads to dystrophic changes in the mucosa. The outcome can be atrophy and achylia.

    Millions of people suffer from gastritis. Most often it is detected already in the chronic stage. The prevalence of this pathology among the population is up to 60%. The most dangerous is atrophic gastritis, since its presence increases the risk of developing cancer. Inflammation can be catarrhal, fibrinous, erosive and phlegmonous.

    There are also autoimmune and reflux gastritis. The following reasons for the development of this disease are known:

    • infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria;
    • hasty eating;
    • long periods between meals;
    • abuse of spicy and fatty foods;
    • autoimmune disorders;
    • alcoholism;
    • uncontrolled treatment with antibiotics and NSAIDs in the form of tablets.

    Very often gastritis is combined with enteritis and cholecystitis. With a chronic inflammatory process, the following symptoms are observed:

    • discomfort;
    • heaviness in the epigastric region;
    • bowel dysfunction;
    • nausea;
    • rumbling in the stomach;
    • flatulence;
    • dull pain immediately after eating;
    • belching.

    Many patients experience a feeling of fullness in the stomach. The feeling of heaviness bothers you after eating. The reason is a disruption in the digestion process of substances. With mucosal atrophy, the production of gastric juice decreases, which complicates the digestion process.

    Severity due to peptic ulcer disease

    Heaviness is a sign of ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum. This is a chronic disease that is difficult to treat and can cause complications. Symptomatic ulcers often form. The reasons are the use of NSAIDs, cytostatics and corticosteroids, tumors, diabetes mellitus and Crohn's disease.

    The prevalence of this pathology among the population increases every year. The main cause of peptic ulcer development is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Other etiological factors include alcoholism, chronic gastritis, heart disease, liver cirrhosis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, collagen diseases and duodenogastric reflux.

    With a peptic ulcer, the following symptoms are possible:

    • pain in the epigastric region;
    • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
    • sour breath;
    • feeling of heaviness;
    • heartburn;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • flatulence;
    • unstable chair.

    The severity is disturbing beyond the acute stage. It is related to food intake. Heaviness in the stomach appears immediately after eating. It increases in the first hour. As food moves into the small intestine, the severity decreases. A feeling of a full stomach is possible with duodenal ulcer. With this pathology, the initial section of the intestinal tube is affected. Pain and heaviness occur 2-3 hours after eating or on an empty stomach.

    Malignant neoplasms of the stomach

    Heaviness in the stomach is a sign of cancer. This dangerous pathology often develops in people suffering from peptic ulcers and atrophic gastritis. Cancer is a malignant disease that requires surgery. The following groups of risk factors for the development of this pathology are known:

    • nutritional;
    • toxic;
    • hereditary;
    • constitutional;
    • somatic.

    There is no heaviness in the stomach in the early stages of cancer. This symptom indicates a violation of digestion and the movement of chyme. The severity is combined with symptoms of intoxication of the body, weight loss, dull pain in the epigastric zone, nausea, vomiting mixed with blood, rapid saturation, bleeding, difficulty emptying the organ, heartburn, belching, bloating and a feeling of fullness.

    In later stages, low blood pressure, jaundice, pale skin and signs of ascites are observed. Palpation of the abdomen reveals a round-shaped compaction. Melena may appear. This is dark, liquid stool mixed with coagulated skin. Lymph nodes often become enlarged. Heaviness and a feeling of fullness indicate a large tumor and food retention in the organ.

    Small intestinal irritation

    The severity may be associated with intestinal pathology. Irritable bowel syndrome often develops. Its prevalence is up to 20%. People under 45 years of age get sick more often. The process may involve the small or large intestine. The exact causes of irritable bowel syndrome have not been established. The following predisposing factors are known:

    • disruption of brain function;
    • mental disorders;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • dysbacteriosis;
    • burdened heredity;
    • poor nutrition.

    This pathology occurs in attacks. The exacerbation lasts 2-4 days. Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by cramping pain, diarrhea, bloating, increased gas, urge to urinate, a feeling of fullness, and an inability to hold back gas. A lot of mucus is often found in the stool. Complaints may disappear after bowel movement.

    Development of chronic pancreatitis

    The occurrence of a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region is due to pathology of the pancreas. The most common cause is chronic pancreatitis. It can be parenchymal, calcifying and obstructive.

    The following factors are involved in the development of chronic pancreatitis:

    • cholelithiasis;
    • alcoholism;
    • liver pathology;
    • narrowing of the sphincter of Oddi;
    • duodenitis;
    • duodenal ulcer;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • helminthic infestation;
    • autoimmune disorders;
    • diabetes;
    • disruption of the blood supply to the organ;
    • congenital developmental anomalies;
    • administration of vaccines;
    • intoxication;
    • injuries.

    This disease lasts for years. It is manifested by periodic pain, heaviness, loose or pasty stools, decreased appetite, nausea, belching, rumbling and flatulence. The development of pancreatitis is associated with the damaging effect of enzymes on tissue.

    Patient examination plan

    If you have a feeling of stomach fullness and heaviness, you should visit a gastroenterologist. The following laboratory tests are required:

    • general clinical blood and urine tests;
    • biochemical research;
    • breath test;
    • blood test for Helicobacter pylori;
    • measuring stomach acidity;
    • stool analysis.

    Examination of the stomach is carried out using the endoscopic method. The simplest diagnostic method is fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. The mucous membranes of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum are subject to examination.

    X-rays are often required. To exclude pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other pathologies of the abdominal organs, an ultrasound is performed.

    Computed tomography is also informative. An important aspect of diagnosis is interviewing the patient and palpating the abdomen. This makes it possible to clarify the relationship between heaviness in the abdomen and food and the localization of the inflammatory process. Palpation often reveals pain in the epigastric region. When a neoplasm is detected, a cytological analysis is required.

    Methods for eliminating severity

    Self-medication can lead to complications, so it is better to trust your doctor. The treatment regimen is determined by a gastroenterologist. Elements of complex treatment of patients are:

    • diet;
    • taking painkillers;
    • use of antacids and proton pump blockers;
    • use of enzymes;
    • premium prokinetics.

    Antacids are effective for increased secretion of gastric juice due to gastritis or ulcers. If gland atrophy is detected, replacement therapy is carried out. Drugs based on gastric juice are prescribed. Peptic ulcer disease is treated with the use of gastroprotectors. These include De-Nol. To eliminate heaviness and pain, antacids are prescribed.

    They help reduce acidity. The most popular drugs are Almagel, Gaviscon, Phosphalugel and Rennie. During the remission phase, enzymes (Panzinorm, Creon, Mezim) can be used to improve digestion. For inflammation of the stomach, antispasmodics are often used. To improve the movement of food and eliminate stagnation, prokinetics are indicated.

    If the severity is due to a tumor, then medications are ineffective. An operation is underway. After removal of the tumor, the patency of the organ is restored. The most common procedure is resection. If you feel your stomach is full, you need to normalize your diet.

    The following rules must be observed:

    • do not eat fatty and spicy foods;
    • completely give up alcohol;
    • eat 5-6 times a day at equal intervals;
    • do not drink carbonated drinks;
    • Avoid fried foods.

    For gastritis with reduced secretion, it is recommended to enrich the diet with sweet and sour fruits and berries. If you have chronic pancreatitis, you should not eat fatty foods. Heaviness in the stomach can be caused by microbes. If antibodies to Helicobacter pylori bacteria are detected, antibiotics are prescribed. If the severity is due to stress and anxiety, then a consultation with a psychotherapist may be required. All patients are recommended to change their lifestyle. Only an integrated approach to treatment can cure the underlying pathology.

    Measures to prevent heaviness in the stomach

    The severity and other symptoms of digestive disorders can be prevented. Prevention should be carried out from a young age, since gastritis and ulcers are often diagnosed in adolescents. To reduce the risk of severity, you must follow these recommendations:

    • refuse dry food;
    • eat only natural and high-quality food;
    • give up spicy and fried foods;
    • do not chew gum;
    • do not drink sparkling water, alcohol and coffee;
    • exclude spices, smoked meats, marinades and canned food from the menu;
    • promptly treat existing diseases;
    • no smoking;
    • do not overeat;
    • go to bed with an empty stomach.

    Prevention of cancer and other stomach tumors has not been developed. To reduce the risk of developing this dangerous pathology, it is necessary to prevent ulcers and atrophic gastritis. When treating at home, it is necessary to take NSAIDs and antibiotics only according to the instructions or medical recommendations. Thus, heaviness in the abdomen is a common complaint. It should not be left unattended.

    I ate a little, but I felt like I had eaten too much, my stomach was full, I felt heaviness, fullness, distension, bloating. What could it be? What are the reasons for this condition? Why is there a constant feeling of a full stomach, even when I haven’t eaten? What to do? How to treat? Unfortunately, people ask themselves these and similar questions already too late. Stop, listen to what your body wants to say. Perhaps this will save you from serious consequences.

    Features of the condition

    Seek medical help immediately if, in addition to heaviness in your stomach, you experience:

    • the stool is liquid, mixed with blood, dark;
    • interruptions in breathing;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • abdominal pain;
    • fever and dizziness;
    • vomiting dark masses;
    • weakness, increased sweating;
    • chest pain.

    Causes of feeling of a full stomach

    The emergence of a feeling of early satiety, fullness, distension of the epigastric region, as a result of minor disorders of the digestive system:

    • Lactose intolerance is when the digestive tract cannot digest lactose. The older a person is, the less enzymes are secreted that can digest lactose. Sugar does not break down and begins to ferment, releasing gases. These are the causes of bloating.
    • Food allergy is a condition in which the human body does not accept certain foods. In this case, consultation with a nutritionist is mandatory.
    • A state of rapid satiety and a feeling of a full stomach can occur in heavy smokers. nicotine and ceases to fully perform its functions.
    • A pregnant woman also complains of feeling similar symptoms. The acidity of gastric juice, as a rule, increases, hence nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, fullness in the abdomen.
    • Functional indigestion, functional dyspepsia or irritable bowel syndrome is a complex of symptoms that includes pain and feeling. A person feels heaviness, pain, the stomach seems to be bursting, there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, vomiting, belching. Functional dyspepsia is typical for patients with impaired motility and hypersensitivity of gastric receptors to stretching. The reasons for this condition are stress and serious psychological experiences. Relieving the patient's mental state is the best treatment in this situation.

    A feeling of fullness in the epigastric region may be a consequence of serious illnesses. Heaviness in the stomach, combined with bloating, increased blood pressure, may indicate the presence of serious diseases: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and malignant neoplasms.

    Heaviness in the abdomen due to gastritis or ulcers

    Gastritis - the inner walls of the stomach become inflamed due to improper, poor-quality nutrition, infection with microorganisms, dysfunction of hydrochloric acid secretions. Symptoms of gastritis:

    • heaviness in the stomach;
    • nausea after eating;
    • vomit;
    • belching;
    • pain in the epigastric region.

    Ulcer – wounds form on the walls of the stomach. The symptoms of the disease are the same as for gastritis. However, an ulcer is a more dangerous disease due to complications: bleeding, when the wound becomes through.

    Bloating due to pancreatitis or stomach cancer

    Pancreatitis is the inability of the pancreas to produce enzymes to digest food. Symptoms of pancreatitis:

    • the stomach is full, even if the stomach is not filled with food;
    • feeling of fullness in the stomach when eating a small amount of food;
    • nausea, possibly vomiting;
    • pain in the umbilical region;
    • “fat”, light-colored feces.

    Stomach cancer. The disease is dangerous because it cannot be recognized immediately. The symptoms are similar to those of gastritis, so many people do not attach much importance to this, and when they consult a doctor, it may already be too late. However, one should suspect a dangerous disease when a person loses weight for no reason, is weak, gets tired quickly, and has a slightly elevated body temperature.

    The feeling of a full stomach is an unpleasant phenomenon that many of us have had to deal with. In this case, heaviness in the abdomen can be caused by various factors: from completely harmless to dangerous to health. Most often, this feeling occurs as a result of overeating, stress, unsanitary conditions, and the consumption of processed foods. But there is a possibility that this phenomenon indicates the presence of functional disorders and serious diseases, such as gastritis, ulcers, liver and intestinal diseases.

    When to Panic

    In most cases, this sensation is not particularly dangerous, but we recommend that you seek immediate medical help if heaviness in the stomach is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • loose, dark-colored stools with bloody spots;
    • rapid pulse;
    • shortness of breath;
    • acute abdominal pain;
    • vomit;
    • weakness and dizziness;
    • pain in the chest area;
    • increased sweating.


    Overeating and eating heavy foods such as mushrooms, eggs, fatty meats and alcohol, as well as eating before bed are the main reasons for the feeling of heaviness, because in these cases it is difficult for the stomach to cope with its task. Therefore, food enters the duodenum undigested, thereby “clogging” the passage.

    In addition, this feeling may arise due to the following reasons:

    • Food allergies. Intolerance to certain foods, including lactose, leads to the fact that food is not digested, but decomposes and ferments. The gases released as a result of this process create the feeling of “explosion.” In this case, consultation with a nutritionist is necessary.
    • Smoking. Nicotine has an irritating effect on the lining of the stomach, which slows down the digestion process.
    • Eating cold food. Such food can cause temperature shock in the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by pain and bloating.
    • Irritable bowel syndrome. This functional disorder is often accompanied by a feeling of fullness along with belching and nausea.
    • A sudden change in diet. Most often, unpleasant phenomena from the digestive system occur with tourists, as well as lovers of exotic cuisine. Our stomach adapts to certain foods, and changing the diet leads to malfunctions of the organ.
    • Pregnancy is often accompanied by increased acidity, which leads to bloating and nausea.
    • Ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can cause a frequent feeling of bloating in the abdominal area.


    Treatment for bloating largely depends on the causes of this pathology. If the feeling of heaviness occurs infrequently, but only after eating a heavy and rich meal, then all you need to do is change your lifestyle.

    Correct lifestyle:

    • Avoid overeating. Food should be taken 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is advisable to eat at the same time every day.
    • Avoid stress. If an unpleasant situation occurs, it is better to take a sedative rather than run to the refrigerator to “seize” the problem.
    • Chew food with special care. This will help your stomach digest.
    • Avoid fried, salty and fatty foods. Such foods often cause bloating and a feeling of a full stomach.
    • Hot and cold foods can cause irritation, so it is best to eat warm foods.
    • Monitor the quality and freshness of food, and avoid dishes containing dyes, preservatives and other harmful chemicals.
    • Absolutely avoid drinking carbonated drinks.
    • Avoid drinking alcohol.
    • Get rid of nicotine addiction.
    • Start leading an active lifestyle: do morning exercises, play sports, take short walks.

    Drug treatment

    Before taking any pharmacological drugs, consult your doctor, because self-medication can be harmful. Only a doctor will be able to find out why the feeling of a full stomach occurs and prescribe an adequate course of medications.

    The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

    • Preparations with an enveloping effect (Maalox, Phosphalugel). The action of these drugs is aimed at protecting the walls and mucous membranes of the stomach from aggressive hydrochloric acid and other substances that cause irritation.
    • Enzyme-based drugs (Mezim, Pancreatin). These remedies improve digestion.
    • Antispasmodics (Papaverine, No-shpa). Such drugs relax the stomach muscles, relieve pain and prevent cramps.

    If a full stomach bothers you due to stress or psychological reasons, you should consult a psychologist. The doctor will prescribe sedatives to help cope with this problem.


    There are many traditional medicine recipes that perfectly cope with the feeling of a full stomach. At the same time, you can be treated with such remedies without a doctor’s prescription, because they are created from natural ingredients and do not harm the body. The following potions will help you cope with the feeling of “overwhelm”:

    • Infusion of chamomile. To prepare this preparation, take five tablespoons of flowers and pour them with a glass of boiled water at room temperature. Leave the mixture to steep overnight. In the morning, strain the drink through cheesecloth and drink several times throughout the day.
    • Chamomile decoction. Pour a glass of boiling water over one spoon of flowers and leave for 10-15 minutes to brew. Strain the resulting broth and divide into three parts. Take one portion before meals.
    • Apple cider vinegar solution. To prepare this remedy, pour 2 teaspoons of vinegar into 200 ml of warm water. Add 2 teaspoons of honey to the mixture. The resulting drink should be drunk three times a day before meals. It is not recommended to use the product if you have high acidity.
    • Infusion of medicinal herbs. Mix equal parts calendula, St. John's wort and yarrow. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a liter of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Next, strain the drink and drink half a glass of infusion three times a day before meals.



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