The benefits and harms of quartzing at home. Signs of poisoning with the household product Domestos

Today, in the age of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, the question is more relevant than ever: is it harmful to live on high floors? To understand this issue and be sure to the end, in this article we will give you all the arguments for and against housing above the 7th floor.

Prospect for the development of high-rise buildings

Today, the technology of building houses has changed a lot - back in the last century there was a completely different approach: the longer the house, the larger it is. In cities with a population of over a million, there are still long houses of the old type. In Russia and the CIS countries, such buildings were built mainly in Soviet years. At that time, apartments were mostly of the same plan, and the height of houses reached a maximum of 12 floors. But now the situation has changed dramatically - it is more convenient for builders to build houses upward, because such “point houses” take up little space compared to their analogues. Buildings begin to reach 25-30 floors, and some of them even become skyscrapers 50 floors high.

Is it harmful to live on high floors? This question concerns mainly those who decide to purchase an apartment in such a building. And these are young families with children, for example.


But first, let's talk about the advantages of living in a high-rise building.

  • A magnificent panorama and a beautiful view opens up in front of you. From an aesthetic point of view, such buildings offer the owner of apartments on the upper floors the opportunity to enjoy impressive view from the window.
  • Many insects (mosquitoes, wasps, midges) do not reach high floors. If you don’t like flying insects, which become abundant in the summer, then an apartment in a tall building is your choice. Not only are most pests simply unable to reach you, statistics show that cockroaches and other insects are much less likely to spread (especially if you don't have pets in your apartment).
  • The air gets cleaner the farther you get from the ground. This scientific fact. Heavy metals settle below the 7th floor. Emissions from factories and enterprises greatly affect the state of the environment in big cities. No better solution has yet been found than to live as high as possible so that harmful substances do not enter your body.
  • Relative silence: cars, trains or loud music They won't hurt you from the street. Probably each of you has encountered a loud car alarm or other extraneous noise on the street in the evening while relaxing. An apartment on a high floor will provide greater silence from such inconveniences than an apartment on the first 5 floors.


Now it’s worth talking about the disadvantages of living in high-rise buildings. You will learn about whether it is harmful to live on high floors from the following shortcomings:

  • nebula;
  • increased fire hazard;
  • stale air;
  • the likelihood of elevator breakdowns;
  • power lines;
  • inability to open windows;
  • inconvenience of caring for pets;
  • high cost.

But first things first.


So, perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that a common person doesn't quite understand what high probability the nebula will be very uncomfortable for him. The higher the floor, the foggier it is, if we talk about this phenomenon without going into details. Is it harmful to live on high floors during fog? In some cases yes.

In large cities like Moscow or St. Petersburg, the phenomenon of smog is often observed. It is formed from many factors, and all of them are often related to the environment. During smog, the air becomes toxic and can cause both asthma in asthmatics and more serious problems even healthy people. If you are going to buy an apartment on a high floor, first check the news reports about the weather in the city you are going to live in - this will allow you to decide right choice.

Increased fire hazard

This category of harm applies more to skyscrapers or very tall buildings. The fact is that they are lined with glass or its derivatives. Glass transmits light, but it also has the ability to reflect it. Moreover, it is so intense that some glare can heat up nearby standing tree, For example. Like a magnifying glass, the skyscraper itself can heat up, and if its builders did not count on this, force majeure may occur. Is it harmful to live above the 7th floor if the house heats up? Yes, definitely. Hot walls increase the overall fire hazard.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in the event of a real fire, evacuating from a high-rise building is much more difficult. A high floor is harmful from a fire safety point of view - the closer the apartment is located to the exit of the building, the more likely leave her at emergency without taking damage. This also needs to be taken into account when choosing a tall building for an apartment.

History knows many cases when, due to fires in high-rise buildings, not everyone had time to take the correct evacuation measures.

Stale air

Is it harmful to live on high floors? Medical view and estimates suggest that as you move away from the ground, the air becomes more stuffy. Oxygen is produced from the leaves of plants, and the maximum tall plants There are trees in the city. From an environmental point of view, the most comfortable floor for living will be the one that is at the same height as the tree crowns. In general, a house located next to a park or forest belt is an excellent combination for the younger generation. Children perceive clean air and environment much better than adults, so if you have a child, first of all think about his future.

When a person consumes oxygen, the air becomes stale and lighter, moving higher and higher. Thus, if you live too high, only stale air will reach you. It is less healthy and unsaturated. High floors are harmful to health.

Today this problem is being solved by building high-rise buildings on the outskirts of the city: creating artificial parks and nature reserves, and also digging up river beds. As new residential areas are settled, trees and bushes are planted. But again, there are a lot of people living in modern ones, and after some time there are a lot of cars. This explains why it is harmful to live above the 7th floor. For people living too high, there is practically no supply of undischarged air. But if you leave the house and take a walk every day, an artificial park will help you get enough clean and fresh air.

Probability of elevator breakdowns

Imagine that you live on the 25th floor. There are several elevators in your house, as expected, but suddenly it happens that all of them suddenly become inaccessible, or simply malfunction. What to do? That's right, there is only one way out - to head home on foot, up the steps. Naturally, many will consider walking uphill even a plus - a workout for the body, but not all people run in the morning and play sports. Therefore, it is impossible to say definitely which floor above is harmful to health, from the point of view of such force majeure.

Fortunately, today in every new high-rise building the elevators are duplicated, and in some front doors they install both 3 and 4 elevators. It all depends on the funds and desire of the developer to make his home more comfortable.

Power lines

Few people know, but power lines have a detrimental effect on health. High-voltage portals, power lines and substations create an electromagnetic field of a certain radius during their operation. This is confirmed by many studies. Is it harmful to live on high floors if there is a power line nearby? Definitely yes. You don’t notice, but the electromagnetic field affects you constantly different situations: telephone network, wireless Internet, antennas - all these devices create a field around themselves. True, it is worth making a reservation, because the fields emitted by these devices are normalized and even at working together may not cause any particular harm to health.

But with power grids and towers, standing nearby with houses, the situation is different: as a rule, if there is a power line next to a new building, this means that the developer simply decided to save money on the construction site. And people living on high floors can really be at risk. The electromagnetic field affects the human psyche. You become more irritable and depressed. Long-term exposure to the field can even lead to infertility, so when choosing an apartment in a high-rise building, you need to pay attention to this seemingly invisible problem at first glance.

Can't open the windows?

The main problem The thing about skyscrapers that no real estate salesman will tell you is that windows above the 30th floor simply cannot be opened. That is why the cladding of at least the upper floors is made panoramic, and air conditioners are used instead of vents. In general, as you gain altitude in a house, many factors change, one of the most important being the atmosphere. The air from air conditioners helps maintain balance, and at the same time provides a favorable temperature for people and rooms. Air conditioners themselves do not cause any harm, but the inability to open windows for some becomes a significant reason not to buy an apartment in a high-rise building.

Inconveniences of caring for pets

This problem only applies to pet lovers who go for walks with their pets every day. If, for example, you have a large dog that needs to be walked every day, first think about buying an apartment in a high-rise building. After all, you will spend sufficient quantity time to just leave the house. Coupled with non-working elevators, there is a possibility of going up and down the stairs on foot.

Moreover, some animals are very sensitive to the environment in which they are located, which means that a high floor can only harm them. As a rule, it is more convenient to live with pets if the apartment is located closer to the exit from the entrance, so it is definitely worth taking into account that caring for a pet on high floors is quite difficult task.


And of course, the main disadvantage for residents of such houses is that as the floor increases, so does the price per square meter of the apartment. This is due to the fact that tall buildings are more difficult to build and many would prefer to buy apartments on the top floors rather than on the first. The rent here is also higher than the first ones, because the water pressure, for example, is required more for the upper floors.


Despite all the disadvantages, living on a high floor may seem more comfortable for many; for some it is even a luxury. The absolute majority, according to surveys, choose to live high rather than on the ground floors. Everyone will decide for themselves where to live in a less harmful and more prosperous way.

Quartzization of the room is considered necessary process in hospitals, kindergartens and other institutions. Many are confident that ultraviolet irradiation of a room not only has a disinfecting effect, but also beneficial effect. Is quartzing really useful or can it harm human health?

Quartzization is irradiation ultraviolet rays quartz lamp to destroy bacteria and germs. A bactericidal lamp is used to irradiate not only premises, but also food, as well as various household items. Moreover, ultraviolet exposure to affected areas of the body is used in the treatment of certain diseases.

Quartz lamps differ in properties and method of application. Some of them absolutely cannot be used in the presence of a person or animal, while others are perfect even for use at home. There are the following types of ultraviolet lamps:

· Bactericidal

This lamp is protected by special glass, which transmits minimally possible quantity ozone.

· Quartz

A lamp of this type requires careful handling and compliance with safety standards, since it is not protected in any way from ozone emissions.

· Ozone-free

The most acceptable lamp, as it is located under protective glass, which does not allow the release of ozone at all.

The quartzization procedure can be carried out different methods. The choice of disinfection method mainly depends on the type of lamp. The following types of quartzization are distinguished:

1. Open quartzization

This type of disinfection procedure uses a quartz lamp, which emits a large number of ozone. During disinfection, it is recommended to leave the room and then ventilate.

2. Closed quartzization

The closed type of room disinfection is used, in particular, to prevent the proliferation of insects. This procedure can be carried out for up to three hours in a day.

3. Portable quartz

It is used mainly at home, as it does not harm the body.

The benefits of quartzing

The most important advantage of a quartz lamp is the destruction of germs and bacteria. It has been proven that no room treatment will give the effect of a bactericidal lamp.

Also, ultraviolet irradiation is used in the treatment of wounds, rashes and as an auxiliary treatment of certain diseases, such as acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, sore throat, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media. In order for quartz treatment to effectively cope with the above diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the intracavity method of application.

Moreover, ultraviolet irradiation has an excellent effect on lung diseases, as well as on wounds, bedsores and other skin disorders.

Quartz lamps are often used in the treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis and during rehabilitation period after fractures.

Irradiation of a room with ultraviolet rays not only has bactericidal properties, but also effective prevention infectious and viral diseases, and also replenishes the lack of substances such as calcium and phosphorus in the body, normalizes their metabolism in the body.

Quartz treatment is excellent for treating rickets in nursing women and children.

Harmful effects of quartz treatment on the human body

Of course, the main disadvantage and disadvantage of a quartz lamp is the active saturation of the air with toxic ozone. Staying in the room where the disinfection procedure is being carried out is not recommended. Ozone vapor poisoning can lead to headaches, difficulty breathing, and a sore throat. Also, exposure to ozone can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia, and negatively affect the nervous system, causing absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate.

It should be noted that both ozone and the glow of the lamp can cause burns to the mucous membrane of the eye. Signs of a detrimental effect of a quartz lamp on vision may include: tearing, pain and pain in the eyes, redness of the eyes. If you do not respond in time to the first symptoms of a burn to the mucous membrane of the eye, you can lose your vision.

Like any procedure, quartz treatment has a number of contraindications. You should not purchase a bactericidal lamp or be under the direct influence of ultraviolet radiation if a person has cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis, kidney failure, stomach ulcers, hypertension, and also experiences frequent bleeding.

If you do not follow the rules for using a quartz lamp, you can get dry skin with pigment spots.

Benefits and harms of a quartz lamp

Quartzization at home: benefits and harms

Quartzization at home, in Lately, is gaining great popularity. This topic is especially interesting for parents who want to protect their child from common viral and infectious diseases by carrying out preventive measures. ultraviolet irradiation. When purchasing a germicidal lamp for home use, you can irradiate toys, dishes, household items and, in fact, the apartment itself.

You should strictly adhere to safety recommendations and remember that a quartz lamp can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The procedure should not be carried out when elevated temperature the body of one of the family members. Also, you should monitor dry skin and allergic reaction to ultraviolet radiation.

If the family has decided to purchase a quartz lamp for the house, then you need to pay attention to more expensive and better quality specimens, and also consult a doctor.

Why is buying a quartz lamp for home so common? The fact is that the quartzing procedure at home gives a lot of advantages. UV lamp has the following functions:

· Bactericidal effect

· Prevention of viral and infectious diseases

· Sterility of the room

Treatment of ENT diseases

Quartz treatment is harmless for children and pregnant women, but should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

From the above we can conclude that buying a quartz lamp for home use is good decision, but before that you need to consult with a specialist and familiarize yourself with safety precautions.

Rules for quartzing at home

To ensure that quartzing does not cause harm and is as effective as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations by application:

4. Install the quartz lamp in the room at the highest possible point;

5. Remove food from the premises, houseplants, remove pets;

6. After turning on the quartz lamp, you must immediately leave the room;

7. The quartz treatment procedure lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours;

8. After irradiation of the room, you should ventilate the room and do not enter it for an hour.

In conclusion, we can say that quartzing is a useful and necessary procedure that will not harm the body if you follow the rules and recommendations.


The cold weather has set in, but there is still no heating. The apartment is cold and only decision- heater. When a person comes to the store to buy a heater, he gets lost.

Infrared, quartz, convector and others. There are so many of them, they are all different and it becomes difficult to make the right choice. In this article, the online publication “My Choice” understands which heater is better to choose - infrared, quartz or convector.

To ensure that the choice is not erroneous, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

1. What is the area of ​​the room that will be heated? The power of the heater depends on the size of the room.

The benefits and harms of quartzing a house or apartment

For example, a convector is suitable for small rooms.

2. Will the heater be an addition to central heating or the main source of heat? If as an addition, then you should pay attention to convectors or quartz heaters. Infrared heaters can serve as the main source of heat.

3. What is the level of security? The heater must have a thermostat that allows the heater to be left unattended. All three types of heaters are suitable for this.

Let's consider each type separately.

The convection heater is designed for heating residential premises, offices, retail outlets and other premises. This heater is a rectangular screen with a grille. Through the first grille, air enters the heater and, with the help of a heating element located inside the device, warms up and exits through the second grille. This natural air circulation allows the air to be heated evenly. But, small temperature differences exist between the floor and ceiling. To make no difference, the convector is hung on the wall. The big advantage of this heater is the degree of safety. In addition to the fact that it is equipped with a thermostat, the walls of the device do not heat up much (compared to oil radiators), so it can be placed in children's rooms. As for the thermostat, it controls the air temperature in the room and when it reaches the norm or falls below the norm, the device will automatically turn off or on.

Infrared and quartz heaters have the same operating principle, so let's talk about them together. These heaters are modern, sophisticated and economical. They are suitable for heating rooms of any size. But the main advantage is the possibility of heating space on the streets, for example, a summer cafe or open terraces. Their operating principle is that they heat not the air, but the objects in the room, which transfer heat to the room. These heaters can be stationary (hung on the ceiling) or portable (equipped with a height-adjustable leg). The outer casing heats up to 70 degrees, which is very important, and there is also a thermostat that controls the air temperature. There is also an automatic shutdown function when various objects fall or fall on it, for example, someone hangs up clothes.

When choosing a heater, it is better to opt for infrared or quartz heaters, because... they have a high level of safety and high efficiency work. But the only thing that can influence the refusal to purchase is high price. In this case, pay attention to convectors.

Most people know that freon is a refrigerant that is used in domestic and industrial refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. But not everyone knows how dangerous freon is for humans, what it smells like and whether it is possible to get freon poisoning

What is freon

The history of freon began in 1928. It's artificial chemical compound was synthesized in the laboratory of General Motors Corporation, and was named “freon” - frigor (cold), after it began industrial production at the DuPont plant. In the Soviet Union they used a different term - freon.

Freon is the name of a group of saturated fluorinated hydrocarbons, which are varieties of ethane and methane compounds that may also contain chlorine and/or bromine atoms. Of the known 40 brands, 16 types of this substance are produced today. Release form: highly volatile liquid or inert gas, colorless and odorless. Liquid varieties combine well with organic solvents and lubricating oils, but do not dissolve in water.

Currently, for the group of fluorocarbons it is accepted international standard designation consisting of the letter R (Refrigerant - cooler) and a digital code that indicates the quantitative content of fluorine, carbon and hydrogen atoms in this particular brand of freon.

Areas of use

Today, freons are used not only for the production of cooling equipment. Here are other areas of their application:

  • medical, perfume, tobacco and fire extinguishing industries - for the production of gas and aerosol cans, fire extinguishers, as the ejecting basis of their contents;
  • V chemical industry– as a foaming chemical reagent for the synthesis of polyurethanes, as well as the main raw material component for the production of fluoroplastic and fluorine rubber;
  • V agriculture– for the production of pesticides against pests.

Modern research has proven that freons do not contribute to the reduction of the Earth’s ozone layer, and their high greenhouse activity, which by the way is thousands of times higher than that of CO2, is completely offset by the fact that the leakage of refrigerants from refrigeration units and freons from aerosol cans is negligible, and against the background emissions carbon dioxide into the planet's atmosphere from the World Ocean does not represent any significant values.

The danger of freon for people

Is freon harmful to humans? Theoretically yes, but practically no. However, people tend to exaggerate the real threat from its leakage, which they may encounter when household appliances break down or when the cans are damaged. All freons that are used in modern household appliances are non-flammable and absolutely harmless to humans.

The smell of freon from the refrigerator is indefinable, and since the gas is not toxic, it is not “tinted” with special odorants, such as domestic gas. Freon leaks are also invisible, since its gaseous state, like its liquid state, is absolutely colorless.

Is freon from the refrigerator harmful?

A freon leak will not cause any harm to either a person or a refrigerator. Possible minor damage will be incurred by the family budget - an increase in the temperature in the refrigerator compartment will inevitably lead to food spoiling much faster.

In addition, it should be noted that R-22, which is supposedly dangerous for humans, from which it can be obtained, becomes toxic at t ⩾ +400 °C. Only under this condition does it release tetrafluoroethylene, classified as hazard class IV, hydrogen chloride, hazard class II, and a small amount of hydrogen fluoride, the highest hazard class I.

Today, R-22 is prohibited for the production of any household appliances and items. It has been replaced by safe R-134a and R-600a, and for industrial installations they synthesize R-503 and R-13, which also belong to hazard class IV.

As for fires, the degree of decomposition of freon largely depends on the phase of a particular fire (temperature at the source), and the use of brands R-23, R-318 and R-218 for extinguishing, even with 4 hours of inhalation, will not lead to fatal outcome. Therefore, it is not the burning fluorocarbons that pose a danger to humans, but carbon monoxide and other products of decomposition and pyrolysis.

When and for whom can gas pose a danger?

Freon is dangerous for people in close proximity to it during large and sudden leaks from large cooling units located in unventilated or poorly ventilated areas (for example, on a submarine or in an underground bunker).

Freon poisoning is possible if safety precautions are violated at the chemical industry enterprises where it is produced, or if it is required by the technology of the production process. Intoxication is also possible in the event of an accident at the refrigeration units of refrigerated marine fishing vessels. Therefore, there is a description of what it might look like clinical picture freon intoxication.

Symptoms of freon poisoning

Industrial toxicology classifies damage caused by freons to the section “ Acute poisoning halogenated hydrocarbons", according to which these inert compounds can have the following effects on human body:

  • drug intoxication - the effect depends on the number of chlorine atoms in a particular type of freon;
  • nervous excitement and muscle cramps;
  • reactions similar to allergic ones;
  • irritation of the ocular mucous membranes;
  • skin burn;
  • if swallowed - ulceration of the intestinal mucous membranes.

Signs of freon poisoning can appear within a period of 1 hour to 3 days. The following symptoms are possible:

  • headaches and dizziness of varying severity;
  • severe lethargy and weakness, constant drowsiness;
  • trembling of the tongue, tremors of the arms and legs;
  • ataxia;
  • muscle twitching, convulsive readiness, convulsions;
  • damage to the heart muscle, liver, kidneys, pancreas;
  • visual impairment;
  • suffocation;
  • hallucinations and mental disorders;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • fatal outcome.

First aid and treatment

  • If liquid refrigerant is swallowed, it is necessary urgent rinsing stomach with a 1% or 2% solution of calcium chloride, taking an adsorbent, then a saline laxative, and then Vaseline oil;
  • If poisoning occurs by inhalation, the victim must be taken to Fresh air and breathe oxygen for at least 45 minutes. Provide drinking strong, sweet tea or coffee;
  • If freon gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water and drip sterile Vaseline drops.
  • In case of a frostbite reaction on the skin, gently rub the affected area with a cotton ball until sensitivity and redness of the epidermis are restored, and then apply an antiseptic bandage. If blisters form, you should immediately cover the area of ​​the cold burn with sterile material and wait for qualified medical attention.

And in conclusion, let us clarify once again - the volumes and brands of refrigerants used in everyday life, even if they completely leak from the refrigerator or air conditioner, will not cause any harm to adults, children, or pets. However, since freons are classified as substances that require special operation, they therefore require compliance with the rules, which are detailed in the operating instructions for the corresponding household appliances.

In the modern medical industry, new ones appear every day medications and improved precision and safe methods laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. One of them is rightfully considered MRI - a method of obtaining images of tissues and internal organs humans using resonant radiation of electromagnetic energy. Tomographic scanning of the human body has proven its effectiveness more than once, but to this day debate continues about whether MRI is harmful to health.

In our article we want to talk in more detail about this diagnostic method and work with readers to determine whether concerns about the safety of magnetic resonance imaging are truly justified.

What is special about MRI?

Using this newest diagnostic method, it is possible to examine those organs of the patient that cannot be examined using other methods. instrumental methods. Most often, MRI is performed for:

  • diagnosing neoplasms;
  • assessing the condition of the spine;
  • monitoring the functional activity of the spinal cord and brain.

Before the development of resonance tomographic technique using the phenomenon of magnetic response of hydrogen atom nuclei in an external electric field, for diagnosing pathological processes X-ray and ultrasonic methods detection of diseases.

And if patients still doubt whether MRI is harmful, then in the case of radiography the answer is clear - significant Negative influence X-ray equipment on the body of a sick person has been proven. And in most cases, ultrasound turns out to be uninformative. Despite the fact that the harm from the examination procedure is minimal, its final data directly depend on the condition of the equipment and the qualifications of the specialist.

That is why the use of MRI to diagnose pathologies allows practitioners to identify the disease on early stages development, carry out competent effective treatment and prevent the development of serious complications.

Tomography is based on the patient's exposure magnetic waves, which radiates diagnostic equipment. The magnetic field causes the hydrogen atoms contained in the cells of the organs to vibrate (resonate). During the procedure, the patient is placed in a special installation; the duration of the diagnosis can take 10 minutes or more. The time depends on the severity of the pathological condition.

Nuclear resonances of the human body are recorded and visualized on special equipment using computer programs

Under what conditions does research not pay attention to the harm?

The tomography method is the main technology for diagnosing:

  • tumor-like formations;
  • abnormalities of organ development;
  • spinal cord injuries;
  • vascular aneurysm;
  • pathologies of the main endocrine organ– pituitary gland (pituitary gland), which is located at the bottom of the head;
  • stroke;
  • progressive dementia;
  • multiple sclerosis.

MRI diagnostics is widely used to identify pathological processes in bone and joint tissues. This technique indispensable for examining patients with:

  • arthritis;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • joint injuries;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in bones;
  • displacement of spinal structures – spondylolisthesis.

Examination of the state of internal organs using magnetic resonance imaging allows one to detect pathological and tumor processes in the following bodies:

  • lungs;
  • kidneys and urinary tract;
  • prostate gland;
  • testicles;
  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • the uterus and its appendages;
  • mammary glands.

Does the list of benefits outweigh the harms of MRI?

Despite patients’ doubts about whether MRI is harmful to the body or not, diagnostic examination no one refuses voluntarily. After all, everyone knows the fact that tomography allows you to accurately and painlessly identify and establish the severity of various pathological processes.

Tomographic equipment does not negatively affect the human body - the magnetic resonance field is no more dangerous than radiation from household appliances and mobile phones. In addition, the patient does not make an independent decision in undergoing diagnostics - a referral for examination is given only by a qualified doctor for certain indications. This type The examination is not contraindicated even for children.

There is no need for complex preparation for the diagnostic procedure; after receiving a referral for an MRI, the patient comes to the office computed tomography, the only condition is to follow all instructions of medical specialists

To create magnetic waves of the required direction and frequency, the patient is placed in a tomograph - a special diagnostic device in the form of a kind of tunnel, which ensures the most motionless position of the body. In this case, a person is exposed to magnetic radiation, the image of tissues and organs is processed by special programs and displayed on a computer monitor.

At the end of the session, the patient is not required to be hospitalized. He can rest for a few minutes and go home on his own.

How safe is it to perform tomography with contrast?

MRI is considered a non-invasive examination technique, but in some cases the injection of a contrast agent is required to enhance image clarity. Such a study is carried out only if the final data of the standard method of assessing the patient’s condition are insufficient. Used for diagnostics modern drugs, completely safe for human health and allowing for enhanced visualization of the smallest details.

Very often, MRI with a contrast agent may be required to accurately diagnose brain pathologies and detect the smallest tumors. This diagnostic procedure differs from traditional methods introduction into the human body special means, which enhance the magnetization of tissues. It is carried out under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. This is due to the fact that the patient’s body’s reaction to contrast agent may be different.

The study is prescribed in the following cases:

  • diagnosing and clarifying the origin of tumors in the brain;
  • suspicion of adenoma ( benign tumor) pituitary gland;
  • severe strokes;
  • infectious diseases nervous system, which occur with pronounced pathological signs;
  • detection of metastasis of malignant tumor formations.

Very often, patients who are prescribed MRI with contrast ask the following questions:

  • what drug is used for diagnosis;
  • is it harmful to health;
  • how long does the procedure take?

A drug based on soluble salts is injected into the patient's body. chemical element Gadolinium (gadolinium) - a metal that can accumulate in areas increased circulation blood. Typically, increased blood flow is observed in tumors characterized by rapid growth.

Pathological processes are clearly visible on tomographic images; their presence cannot be missed

On the eve of the procedure, the patient must refrain from eating and drinking for two hours; the examination can last from 40 to 120 minutes.

When is it harmful to carry out diagnostics?

Despite the fact that magnetic resonance radiation does not have a negative effect on human health, there are certain relative and absolute contraindications to its use. This diagnostic technique It is not recommended for women expecting the birth of a baby to be carried out in the first trimester - it is in the first months that the formation of the most important organs fetus

It would be better to postpone the study until the second or third trimester. However, if an MRI is necessary to diagnose pathologies in a child, then it is not worth rescheduling the examination. Absolute contraindications is the presence in the patient’s body of metal particles contained in:

  • artificial stimulants of internal organ function;
  • implants in bones (plates, wires, artificial joints);
  • dental crowns;
  • fragments not recovered from injuries received.

The metal can react to the influence of magnetic waves - in this case, the diagnostic procedure poses a danger to human life. Relative contraindication The patient is considered to have claustrophobia, a psychopathological disorder associated with the fear of closed spaces. The main task of the subject is to remain in a stationary position in the diagnostic equipment tunnel for a long time - the accuracy of the diagnostic result depends on this.

If mental condition person does not allow a full examination, the question of the need for magnetic tomography is decided by the attending physician. MRI can be replaced by another method instrumental research or carry out the procedure after consulting a psychotherapist who will try to convince the patient of the importance of diagnosis.

Every mother worries when her child is prescribed an MRI, but these worries are unfounded - there is no radiation exposure to the child’s body during the procedure

The list of all the pros and cons that a person calculates when choosing housing is impressive. In addition to such characteristics as the number of rooms, the layout of the apartment, distance from the place of work, a recreational park, the price of the apartment, the height of the apartment is an important component.

An ordinary person is interested in choosing a floor from a purely economic point of view, wasting time and effort on going up or down. The question that comes first is not always: is it harmful to live on high floors?

In addition to the individual disadvantages of living on a high floor, people try to find the advantages. The number of those who think that living at heights is more dangerous with different positions is constantly increasing.

Living constantly at altitude is harmful to general condition human body. The body feels dull, lethargic state, apathy, frequent headaches, decreased immunity and much more. The causes of all these illnesses are complex various reasons, not one or two. In some cases, you need to choose the “golden mean”. In the presence of specific diseases The lower floors or semi-basements are unacceptable for living.

Why is it worse to live at altitude?

Which floors are considered high and why is it worse to live on them? Construction companies selling completed housing above the 7th floor reduce the price of apartments by 10-15%. To answer the question as to why they do this, one should delve into the construction technology in more detail. Research has shown that the main factors affecting life at altitude are:

  1. The electromagnetic field plays an important role for the human body, since metabolism depends on it. Electromagnetic charge weakens with altitude, which is why drowsiness and headaches often occur in people who constantly live at altitude.
  2. Radio waves are strongest at altitude. Between floors 9-16 they are especially strong. Radio waves negatively affect the human body in every possible way if the house is made of a material that does not prevent their penetration. Therefore, life on the 12th floor is dangerous due to the effects of radio waves.
  3. Height itself is a factor of discomfort. Constantly looking down from above is definitely not comfortable or natural for a person. If we remember this common problems With elevators and frequent lack of water, there is really little comfort in this.

High floors in houses not only have a negative impact on the human body during the period of its residence. They also have advantages.

Advantages of living on high floors:

  1. The air purity at altitude in the city is much higher than at the bottom. All the dust from traffic settles below. This is only partly true, since above 30 meters the concentration of emissions from industrial facilities increases sharply.
  2. Relative silence is an advantage of low platforms. Noise is not the last indicator taken into account when choosing housing in the city.
  3. No moisture constantly rising from the basement of the house up to the 2nd floor. There are constant fungi and mold in the apartment, and hence diseases such as bronchitis, allergies, pneumonia and others become constant in the house.

Life at altitude has its pros and cons. There are many more disadvantages and dangers of living at altitude.

Does living at altitude affect people's health?

If a person has chronic diseases incurable completely, it is very important to choose the right altitude for living.

People with different types of lung disease are recommended to live above the 1st or 2nd floor.

Air circulation and dryness are higher here. There are fewer spores of various fungi and humidity that can complicate health. Appear here often allergic diseases have not arisen before. Asthmatics will practically not be able to live normally in these rooms.

A group of people with a disease of cardio-vascular system Both the lowest and highest floors are contraindicated. At altitude, the complications of diseases will be more intense due to weak electromagnetic field. At altitude there is also a lower level of oxygen. In this case, the higher, the more harmful. Hypertensive patients tall house definitely won't fit.

Constant shortness of breath when walking up stairs is guaranteed for them. It is important for people with this common disease group to have access to real life, which is practically absent at altitude.

People with this group of diseases associated with the glands internal secretion It will be difficult to live at altitude, since metabolic processes are far from normal.

Precautions to take when living on different floors

If the apartment is located on the lower floors in the immediate vicinity of a busy highway, this does not in any way make these floors comfortable for living. But on the lower floors, communication with the outside world is maintained.

People living on the lower floors must always follow certain rules: ventilate the shaded apartment regularly;if possible, do not install plastic windows or open the windows as often as possible for better air exchange;wash floors as often as possible;disinfect floors and walls from various fungal spores;if the apartment is close to the roadside, it is worth using ionizers and air purifiers.

If the apartment is located on the upper floors, you need to deal with other problems that are unusual for the lower floors:

  • constant air humidification, especially in summer;
  • It is recommended to install a powerful ventilation system to help recirculate air - naturally this cannot be done;
  • It is impossible to completely avoid the effect of height, so you need to spend as little time as possible in an apartment in daytime days.

On which floor is it most beneficial for the body to live?

The study showed which floor is the most favorable to live on. According to doctors' recommendations, it is healthier to live in the city up to the 7th floor. IN best case scenario between 2-7 floors. Above the 7th there are some nuances, below the 2nd there are others. The first 7 floors are called the “golden floors”. It is desirable that the house be of brick or brick-block type.

If the area where the house is located is a residential area without greenery around it, then it is recommended to get out into nature regularly. Ideal housing has specific criteria: low to the 7th floor, at least 200 meters away from a busy highway, natural landscapes around the house with trees and preferably a small pond nearby. These criteria when choosing housing in the city are very beneficial for the health of a family. To a simple question, is living on high floors harmful to health? We need to answer: yes, it’s harmful and we won’t live there for long.

When choosing housing, you can save money by buying an apartment on the 25th floor, but this will affect your health over time, but the choice is up to each person.



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