One tablet for cystitis in women. Nutrition and medications for the treatment of cystitis

Most people are interested in what medicine for cystitis will help? This disease is characterized by inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and burning sensation when urinating. Treatment of cystitis can be carried out at home, but only if the therapeutic course is correctly selected by a specialized specialist. The patient is prescribed an antimicrobial agent, antibiotics, tablets to eliminate painful symptoms, and also, if necessary, immunostimulants.

Importance of treatment

Frequent diseases of the genitourinary system in adults and children are cystitis and urethritis. However, it has been noticed that the occurrence of cystitis predominates in women than in men. But no matter who is susceptible to this disease, treatment measures should be taken immediately. Lack of timely treatment for urethritis and cystitis is dangerous for the development of the chronic form of these diseases. If you do not take any medications for bladder inflammation, a complication may develop in the form of pyelonephritis. If cystitis is not treated, women are at risk of developing various inflammatory diseases, for example, endometritis, vulvovaginitis, and for men, the lack of proper treatment for the genitourinary organ is at risk of developing vesiculitis or prostatitis.

If there is no drug treatment for cystitis, then it is likely that during a laboratory test of urine, blood may be seen in it. In medicine, blood in the urine is defined as hematuria. In addition, if no medications were used to diagnose bladder disease, then the patient faces a diagnosis of “interstitial cystitis,” which is characterized by inflammation of the muscle layer of the bladder with its further dysfunction. These complications can be avoided if inflammation of the urinary system is treated promptly. Therefore, observing the symptoms of the described illness, the patient should first consult a doctor and, after confirming the diagnosis, start taking the medications that were prescribed to him.


Common ailments of the genitourinary system are urethritis and cystitis; they have many similarities, but they should not be confused. With cystitis in women it is noted:

  • abdominal pain;
  • specific smell of urine;
  • cloudiness and impurities in the urine.

Abdominal pain may be a symptom of cystitis.

Symptoms of urethritis in women:

  • discharge from the urethra;
  • abnormalities in urine tests;
  • inflammatory process in the vagina.

With urethritis and cystitis, patients can equally feel discomfort and burning when urinating. However, these are two completely different diseases: cystitis is defined as inflammation of the bladder, and urethritis is defined as inflammation in the urethra. Plus, one disease differs from another in that with an inflamed bladder there is a strong urge to urinate even at night, which is not observed with urethritis. Cystitis often appears in women, and urethritis regardless of gender.

What medications are used to treat cystitis?

To treat cystitis and urethritis, doctors in most cases prescribe antibiotics. The doctor takes into account the severity of the disease, contraindications to medications, and selects an individual dosage and duration of the therapeutic course. Since inflammation of the bladder causes inflammatory processes and pain, the patient will need to take anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications.


According to specialized experts, antibiotics (uroantiseptics) help against inflammation of the bladder. Their modern names are as follows:

  • "Nolitsin." Used for cystitis in the fight against microbes, 1 tablet twice a day for 5-6 days. In case of exacerbation of a chronic disease, urea is taken in the same dosage, but for 6-8 weeks.
  • "Nitroxyline". Cheap medicine for the treatment of cystitis can be purchased in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The drug for the bladder should be taken during meals 3-4 times a day, 0.05-0.1 g.
  • "Monural". This medicine is often prescribed for cystitis, as it acts against almost all pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the development of diseases of the urinary system. "Monural" is known for having the least side effects and contraindications, so it can be used even by pregnant women and small children. In this case, you need to drink a sachet of medicine at a time, once a day, and this will be enough to solve the problem.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

You definitely need tablets against cystitis that belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, thereby facilitating the course of the disease. These include: Nurofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin. Lamisil is a good remedy for bladder colds. This antiviral medication effectively fights fungal microorganisms that cause inflammation in the urinary system.

Medicines to relieve pain

What medications can help with severe pain that accompanies bladder inflammation? Doctors recommend taking medications for cystitis that quickly relieve spasms of the bladder muscles and thereby relieve pain. These include:

  • "No-shpa";
  • "Papaverine";
  • "Drotaverine".

Tablets for cystitis are medications that are recommended to be taken for bladder problems in men and women. The symptoms of the disease are increasing in nature, which makes it difficult to identify the inflammatory process at its very beginning. Therefore, cystitis and pills for cystitis are problems that concern many.

Medical indications

Treatment of cystitis with tablets is the most effective method of eliminating it. After examining the patient, the doctor decides individually which tablets for cystitis are best to take. In the case of the pathology in question, medications belonging to the following pharmacological groups are more often prescribed:

  • antibiotics (semi-synthetic, 1st – 3rd generation cephalosporins);
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • antispasmodics;
  • non-steroids.

In 1 day of complex treatment, the development of the disease can be stopped. It will take several days to completely destroy its pathogen. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of cystitis and the general condition of the patient.

The list of drugs is selected by the doctor taking into account the results of laboratory tests.

Using tests, the pathogen is identified. The action of any medicine is aimed at destroying bacteria living in a given organ. Indications for drug treatment:

  • cystitis;
  • asymptomatic course of the disease;
  • bacterial urethritis.

Manifestation of adverse reactions

Tablets that help cure cystitis have an antimicrobial effect, which helps destroy microbial cells and impair their permeability. After taking them, the drugs are almost instantly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindicated for use in case of impaired kidney and liver function. Some medications are not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Medicines are contraindicated for use by newborns and the elderly.

The manifestation of adverse reactions is associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. Among them are diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, neuritis, skin rash.

Approximate treatment regimen for pregnant women:

  1. Amoxicillin – once for three days;
  2. Ceftibuten – once a day;
  3. Nitrofurantoin - the course of treatment lasts 3 days.

At the same time, herbal uroseptics and herbal medicine are used.

Names of medications for different patients

List of effective ones for women:

  • Nolitsin is the best antibiotic for the acute course of the disease;
  • Biseptol - has a broad effect on the sick body. Prescribed at any stage of the disease;
  • Monural is a more effective remedy against the inflammatory process.

If the disease is detected in men, then antibiotics are prescribed. Furagin, Levomycetin, Gramurin are most often prescribed. If the inflammatory process is accompanied by dysuria, then antispasmodics and painkillers are indicated. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used for more than three weeks.


  • Ofloxacin - taken for a decade;
  • Nystatin - taken twice a day;
  • Palin - twice a day (before meals).

When a child’s bladder becomes inflamed, then Piston is taken - the best herbal remedy for the ailment in question.

Forms of the inflammatory process

In the acute form, the doctor prescribes treatment taking into account the symptoms. Chills, weakness and fever require taking fluoroquinolones (Co-trimoxazole, Trometamol). Therapy for chronic cystitis is carried out taking into account the stage of the disease:

  1. latent;
  2. persistent;
  3. interstitial.

Any medicine is drunk at regular intervals. At the initial stage of the disease, one-time use of the medication is allowed. In such cases, urologists use the following treatment regimen:

  • Levofloxacin;
  • Ceftibuten.

Monural is most often prescribed. With one tablet you can quickly reduce pain. The advantage of the medicine is that it increases its concentration in urine in the shortest possible time. If the disease occurs due to a fungus, then take antifungal tablets:

  • Fluconazole;
  • Lamisil;
  • Mycosept.

Antibiotics and Furadonin

Antibiotics include Ampika, Negrama, 5-NOKa, and Zinnata tablets. Non-steroids include No-shpa, Ketorol, and Diclofenac sodium. To normalize the intestinal microflora and genitourinary system, taking probiotics (Linex, Bifiform) is indicated.

Antimicrobial tablets Furadonin are used in the treatment and prevention of inflammation in the urinary system. It is not prescribed to patients with liver cirrhosis and porphyria, or to women during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

The tablets must be taken with food. If Furadonin is prescribed to a child, then the dosage is calculated taking into account his weight. If you do not follow the rules for taking it, this can lead to adverse reactions:

  • migraines;
  • vomiting;
  • cough;
  • diarrhea.

Symptomatic therapy methods will help eliminate side effects.

Application of Monural and Nolitsin

In the chronic form of the disease, a single use of Monural tablets is allowed. They are prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. Fosfomycin is the active ingredient of the drug. Monural actively fights gram-positive microbes. After administration, the medication is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. The medication is excreted unchanged. Monural has a therapeutic effect for 2 days. The product is used for any form of cystitis and urethritis.

Nolicin is an effective fluoroquinolone that quickly blocks bacteria that cause cystitis. This drug is characterized by immunomodulatory and antibacterial properties. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day. The components of Nolitsin are eliminated within 12 hours.

The medication must be taken before meals or several hours after meals. Nolicin should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women. The main adverse reactions are nausea and vomiting. In this case, the drug is stopped. Long-term use of tablets can cause candidiasis.

Furazolidone is an antibacterial agent belonging to the nitrofuran group. The medicine is prescribed to combat aerobic bacteria. After use, the medication is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract.

The tablets may cause vomiting and nausea. If such symptoms manifest themselves in a pronounced form, then it is recommended to stop using it. Failure to comply with the dosage can cause toxic liver damage, hepatitis and polyneuritis. In case of overdose, the stomach is washed.

Furagin and Canephron

Furagin - yellow or orange tablets with antimicrobial properties. The medication belongs to the group of nitrofurans. It is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious processes of any form. The product is taken with food.

Furagin can cause symptoms of drowsiness, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. It is not prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications for use include renal failure and polyneuropathy.

When the above symptoms appear, gastric lavage and infusion therapy are prescribed.

Canephron is a good antispasmodic. Indications for use: the presence of acute and chronic infectious pathology of the kidneys and urinary system.

The medication is taken orally. Adult patients are advised to take it three times a day. An overdose of Canephron can provoke an allergy. The medication is not prescribed to patients who are intolerant to fructose and lactose. If symptoms of intoxication appear, resort to symptomatic therapy.

Levomycetin and Nitroxoline

Levomycetin tablets are prescribed in the presence of cystitis, as they have an antimicrobial effect. The medication is taken orally. Urologists consider vomiting, nausea, migraine, and dermatitis to be the main side effects of the tablets. Levomycetin is used against cystitis if the disease is accompanied by sore throat and fungus. Exceeding the dosage quickly tires the patient, disrupting hematopoiesis.

Nitroxoline is a good and effective tablet for cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis. Since Nitroxoline is well tolerated, adverse reactions rarely occur.

Palin can be taken for cystitis in any form. Side effects include confusion, impaired vision and hearing, and allergies. In case of overdose, Palin provokes migraines, nausea and vomiting.

Furamag is the best antimicrobial agent taken for cystitis. This nitrofuran is stable when released into the stomach and does not change the composition of urine. The medication is not prescribed to newborns. It is preferable to give herbal preparations to children. An overdose of Furamag may cause nausea and vomiting.

5-NOK is a hydroxyquinoline that has antiprotozoal and antimicrobial effects. Its active ingredient is nitroxoline. A tablet for cystitis is taken with or after food. Duration of therapy – 1 month.

Herbal medicines

Natural tablets help against bladder inflammation. These medications include Cyston. Cured cystitis can be prevented with extracts of various plants. This will prevent relapse.

Cyston is an antifungal drug of plant origin. It contains basil, horsetail, and fava beans. These components accelerate the removal of pus and mucus from the body. The drug does not change the intestinal microflora. Plant components are good at preventing disease. The tablets are contraindicated in the presence of acute cystitis. This is due to the long course of their use.

Another effective one is cranberry. It helps reduce fever, quench thirst and alleviate symptoms of the disease. Cranberry relieves inflammation.

It contains vitamins of different groups, iron, phosphorus and calcium. Cranberry itself is present in the Monurel preparation. If you have already had cystitis, you can use pills to prevent its recurrence. To do this, take medications with proanthocyanidins and dietary supplements. Co-trimoxazole and fluoroquinolones are prescribed for prevention. If necessary, the patient may be prescribed a hormonal drug. ​​​​​​

The specialist will also refer the patient to a gynecologist to rule out infections transmitted through sexual contact. After a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor draws up a treatment regimen. Cystitis is quite amenable to home treatment if the disease is not advanced.

Recovery depends on how consistently the woman follows the recommendations. In addition to taking medications, the urologist prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures and bladder instillations. Before a course of antibiotic treatment, you need to do a test for the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drug.

The drug Doxycycline

Taking into account the result of the analysis, the doctor will prescribe the following medications for women with cystitis:

  • Tetracycline, Doxycycline;
  • Ceforal or its analogue;
  • Sumamed or its analogues: Azithromycin, Azithrocin;

Antibacterial agents for cystitis in women:

  1. . The medicine is prescribed for inflammation accompanied by bleeding. Monural is a powerful uroseptic. Produced in the form of powder, granules and suspension. Effective in acute forms of the disease;
  2. . Inexpensive broad-spectrum antibiotic;
  3. . Available in capsules. Refers to uroseptics. Has an antimicrobial effect;
  4. . Take medicine for genitourinary system infections;
  5. . Prescribed for cystitis and diseases;
  6. . Semi-synthetic antibiotic. Used for urogenital infections.

Drug Palin

Medicines that have an antimicrobial effect are also prescribed for diseases such as cystitis:

  1. . Inexpensive antimicrobial agent. The medicine is used for bacterial infections of the urinary system. Take three times a day for 8 days;
  2. Furacilin. Included in the group of nitrofurans. Prescribed for bacterial infections of the urinary system. In case of inflammation of the bladder, the affected organ is washed with Furacilin;
  3. Streptocide active against Escherichia coli and meningococcal infection. Take it four times a day;
  4. . Take three times a day, treatment lasts a week.

All of the above medications for cystitis in women are taken only after a doctor’s prescription. Before use, you should read the instructions.

After completion of therapy, urine culture is repeated to find out whether the disease has been cured or not.

Complex treatment

Effective treatment of cystitis in women involves taking medications of various effects (antibiotics, uroseptics, herbal remedies, antispasmodics), as well as observing the rules of personal hygiene and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Immunomodulators, such as Viferon suppositories containing human interferon, help activate the body's immune system.

With cystitis, as a result of taking antibiotics, the microflora of the intestine and vagina changes, therefore, in complex treatment, probiotics are used - medications containing lacto and bifidobacteria. The most popular: Acipol, Bifiform, Hilak Forte.

Spices, salty and spicy foods, and alcohol should be excluded from the patient’s diet. The liquid is drunk in sufficient quantities, and decoctions of medicinal herbs are also consumed.

Warm sitz baths have a positive effect. The temperature of the water in the basin is 37 degrees, a decoction or eucalyptus is added to it.

The procedure is done 2 times a day for ten minutes, the duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

An additional method of therapy for female ailments is douching.

An infusion of chamomile or calendula is injected into the vagina. Manipulations are especially useful for genital infections that accompany inflammation of the bladder. The main rule of manipulation is to be careful so that fluid does not enter the uterus.

Many patients feel much better with local thermal treatment, which involves heating with a regular bottle filled with hot water and applied to the pubic area. The container is wrapped in cloth.

Compliance with a number of simple rules is an element of the complex treatment of cystitis:

  • Underwear is changed daily;
  • the linen should have a cotton structure;
  • Hygiene involves regular washing with special products.
Timely emptying of the bladder will help avoid a number of serious complications caused by cystitis.


Cystitis is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. Drotaverine also helps best with such conditions. Medicines have side effects, causing drowsiness, apathy, and dizziness.

No-shpa drug

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs not only relieve pain, but also lower body temperature. You cannot take them for a long time, as they affect the kidneys and liver. Ibuprofen is an inexpensive drug that can be used by both adults and young patients. Its analogues are Nurofen and Ibuklin, Faspik.

Painkillers do not cure inflammation, but only relieve the pain symptom.

How to treat female cystitis of fungal nature?

Candida fungus is found in small quantities in a woman's intestines and vagina.

Candida cystitis occurs when pathogenic fungi penetrate the urinary system.

If they are detected in the patient’s analysis, the doctor prescribes antifungal agents that destroy the mycelium of the fungus and its cells: Fluconazole, Lamisil.

Herbal remedies

Herbal preparations and medicines containing herbal components are successfully used to treat genitourinary problems. They are prescribed in combination with antibacterial drugs.

The most common natural remedies against cystitis are:

  1. . A herbal preparation containing extracts of more than ten medicinal plants. It has a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Cyston dissolves stones in the kidneys due to urolithiasis;
  2. . The medicine is available in two forms: pills and solution. It contains the following herbal components: centaury, lovage, rosemary. The drug helps relieve pain from bladder inflammation and reduces the risk of subsequent exacerbations;
  3. cranberry juice. Daily intake of 300 mg of the drink will not only alleviate the condition of a sick woman, but also reduce the frequency of relapses of the disease in the future. The berry itself has long deservedly received the name “natural antibiotic”;
  4. . An excellent anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic agent. Helps not only with cystitis, but also with kidney ailments. The leaves of the plant are brewed and drunk as tea;
  5. Monurel. Herbal preparation produced in tablets. It is a concentrated cranberry extract. Use the medicine for quite a long time;
  6. Uroprofit. The drug contains bearberry and cranberry extracts, horsetail and vitamin C. The product is a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules per day;
  7. . The drug is available in a tube, the contents of which resemble a green paste in consistency. The medicine is a hydroalcoholic extract of nine herbs and oils (orange, sage and pine). It has a diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect. For internal use, one teaspoon of paste is diluted in a glass of warm water. The course of treatment is two weeks;
  8. . The composition of the medicine includes peppermint, hop cones, oregano, fir oil, wild carrot extract. It has antispasmodic, choleretic and diuretic properties.
Despite the fact that herbal remedies are products of plant origin, they are serious means for treating bladder inflammation. Any medicine can be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Video on the topic

This video talks about drugs for the treatment of cystitis, recommended based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, their pros and cons.

Cystitis is a disease that causes a lot of inconvenience to women. In addition to severe pain in the lower abdomen, it is accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate, and sometimes patients develop a fever. To treat cystitis, drugs of various spectrums of action are used: antibacterial, antimicrobial, uroseptics, herbal remedies.

For douching and washing, use herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, as well as personal hygiene, cystitis can be cured at home. Remember that the information on the treatment of cystitis in women on the forums is for informational purposes only. No one will select a treatment regimen for you more effectively than a good specialist based on all the tests.

What can you drink if you have cystitis? This question appears as unexpectedly as the disease itself. Also, this term is used to indicate a disease of the genitourinary system with the presence of pronounced symptoms.

In most cases, women and pregnant women are “defenseless” to the disease, which is due to the anatomical feature of the genitourinary system; however, both men and young children are susceptible to cystitis.

A disease that accompanies inflammation of the bladder is urethritis. Because of this, an acute pain syndrome appears, a burning sensation in the lower abdomen, which is especially expressed when urine is released.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the bladder has pronounced signs that it is not difficult to identify it. However, certain forms of cystitis, namely primary, secondary, chronic, infectious and acute, have specific symptoms.

The intensive development of the disease differs in men and women, but the characteristic signs are similar:

  • A constant desire to go to the toilet “in a small way”, even if the person has not drunk anything;
  • Feeling of a full bladder, even after going to the restroom;
  • Severe pain during urination;
  • Presence of blood in the urine;
  • Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen;

In some cases, a person who has cystitis does not pay much attention to the first symptoms, believing that it is just an accident, pregnancy, and that everything will soon go away on its own. But, if treatment is not started in time, the acute form of the disease will be accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting.

Important! You should not assume that by taking just one tablet of anti-cystitis medication, the disease will immediately disappear forever. Complete relief from bladder inflammation will require a long period of time.

Why does cystitis occur?

No person can be “saved” from the onset of bladder inflammation. The disease in most cases occurs as a result of the influence of the following factors:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Chronic stress;
  • Prolonged constipation;
  • Chronic infections;
  • Sedentary work;
  • Hypothermia of the body;
  • Entry of foreign substances into the urethra after intimacy;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Back overload;
  • Incorrectly selected clothing (narrow, restricting movement);
  • Frequent consumption of fried and salty foods;
  • Violations of hand and body hygiene rules.

How to get rid of bladder inflammation

If you cannot purchase tablets for bladder inflammation, then you can reduce severe symptoms without them. Every day you need to drink at least two liters of clean water so that pathogenic bacteria are washed out as quickly as possible. Don’t forget to drink tea to a minimum, avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages, which negatively affect the bladder.

During treatment, it is worth reducing the consumption of foods that contain calcium, namely dairy products, as well as spicy, salty, smoked and fried foods.

To reduce pain, place a bottle of warm water or a heating pad, or a bag of salt or millet heated in a frying pan on the perineum or abdominal area. Every three hours you should drink water with one teaspoon of soda to reduce the acidity of urine, which will help get rid of the unpleasant burning sensation.

If during the day the symptoms of the disease do not decrease after the measures taken, then you should urgently go to see a doctor, who should advise what pills you can take for cystitis. You should begin to act immediately when a feverish state appears, as soon as you notice blood in the urine and if there is pain in the back.

In addition, it is worth taking pregnant women, children, men and people suffering from recurrent cystitis for urgent examination.

The danger of bladder inflammation is very serious complications, as the infection can rise to the kidneys.

Treatment of cystitis

The most common medications for treating bladder inflammation are antibiotics. Thanks to the components included in the product, they quickly relieve the disease. The use of antimicrobial drugs will help not only eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, but also prevent complications and the transition of cystitis to a chronic form.

Antibacterial drugs are considered active, therefore, in addition to their positive effects, they can cause significant harm to the patient’s body. Accordingly, only a doctor should prescribe a remedy against cystitis, based on the characteristics of the disease and the factors influencing it.

Most often doctors prescribe the following types of drugs:

There are still a large number of medications that help in the fight against cystitis. But not in all cases, antibacterial agents can affect the microorganisms that caused the disease. This happens because the pathogens are resistant to the components of the drug. In many cases, this is due to the drugs being used previously or for other reasons.

Medicines that often do not help with cystitis:

  • Biseptol;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Furadonin.

This once again indicates that at the first signs of cystitis, you should contact a doctor, who, after questioning and conducting all tests, will prescribe competent treatment.


However, it is worth treating cystitis only using antibacterial agents. The pharmacy has a huge selection of them, so you can always choose a purely individual drug for an individual woman with her characteristic characteristics of the body. But it is imperative to identify the harmful microorganism that caused inflammation of the bladder in order to eliminate its effect on the woman’s body.

The main point. In most cases, cystitis occurs in women and pregnant women, less often in men and children. Symptoms of the disease are acute pain when urinating, a burning sensation, pain in the lower abdomen and a feeling of a full bladder. Cystitis occurs due to chronic stress, sedentary work, chronic infections and other factors. To reduce symptoms, place a bottle of water on the abdomen or perineum. It is also worth following a diet. Antibacterial agents are used as treatment. These include: Monural, Nevigramon, Nolitsin, Palin and others. But there are also antibiotics that help little or not at all with cystitis, namely: Furadonin, Ampicillin and Biseptol. Therefore, at the first symptoms of cystitis, you should consult a doctor so that he can provide competent treatment.

Limited finances are a problem for many patients. But in the reserves of modern pharmacology there are also very cheap tablets for cystitis. Doctors do not always prescribe them, preferring to recommend more expensive analogues, but budget drugs are often no worse than their “competitors” with a high price tag.

Furadonin and Furagin - inexpensive tablets for cystitis

For a very long time, so-called “yellow pills” have been used in medical practice for bladder inflammation. This name hides very affordable drugs:

  1. Furadonin (100 rubles for 20 tablets of 50 mg, 170 rubles for a similar package at a dosage of 100 mg). The medicine belongs to the nitrofuran group and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It prevents the production of protein in microbes, thereby stopping their reproduction. The effect is on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, E. coli, etc.
  2. Furagin (220-250 rubles for 30 tablets of 50 mg). It is not considered a systemic antibiotic, but nevertheless demonstrates antibacterial activity. Like Furadonin, it belongs to nitrofurans. The medicine affects the enzymes of microorganism cells that transport hydrogen molecules. This ensures the destruction of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, including staphylococci, klebsiella, and E. coli.

Although some modern doctors consider the “yellow pills” to be outdated drugs to which many microbes have lost sensitivity, sometimes these drugs are useful. Their effectiveness is especially evident in combination with Spasmalgon (140 rubles for 20 tablets, 280 rubles for 50 tablets), which removes pain and helps relieve inflammation. Additionally, you can drink herbal teas from chamomile or burdock (50-100 rubles per pack) to strengthen the body and quickly cleanse the bladder.

Nitroxoline - high-quality tablets for cystitis: cheap and effective

Nitroxoline costs about 90 rubles. for 50 tablets. The drug is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as some fungi (in particular Candida). Nitroxoline is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted unchanged by the kidneys, due to which the concentration of medicinal components in urine is very high.

Usually the tablets are taken twice a day for 2-3 weeks. Almost always the drug is well tolerated by the body, only occasionally nausea or a rash is observed after it. You should also be prepared for the urine to acquire a deep yellow tint: everything will return to normal once the therapy is completed. Nitroxoline has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to its components.

Cephalexin is an analogue of Amoxiclav as an inexpensive medicine for cystitis

The antibiotic Amoxiclav (120-800 rubles depending on the packaging) is widely known: it is prescribed to children, pregnant women and other patients suffering from cystitis. But there is also a cheaper alternative to the drug - Cephalexin, which costs only 60-80 rubles. This is a semi-synthetic antibiotic belonging to the cephalosporin group. The medicine is bactericidal and demonstrates effectiveness against pneumococci, Escherichia coli, staphylococci, Klebsiella, streptococci, etc. Enterococci are insensitive to Cephaloxin.

Take the drug for at least 2-5 days, after which the patient begins to feel better. Therapy often lasts up to two weeks. Contraindication to treatment with Cephalexin is intolerance to penicillins and cephalosporins.

Monural as the best medicine for cystitis - inexpensive and fast-acting

One of the most effective antibiotics is Monural (500 rubles for 3 g). The main component of the drug is fosfomycin, which affects almost all gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. For example, Monural easily stops infections caused by staphylococci, enterococci, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Proteus and some other microorganisms. Effectiveness is achieved by slowing down the formation of microbial membranes, which prevents them from multiplying and causing inflammation.

Taking Monural is very easy. You need to pour the contents of the sachet into a third of a glass of clean water, stir and drink. It is advisable to use the antibiotic before bedtime immediately after the bladder has emptied: then the medicine will remain inside the organ for several hours, having a positive effect on it.

Single treatment. That is, it is enough for the patient to take one 3-gram dose to feel better the next morning. As a rule, signs of cystitis no longer bother a person. But if the situation is complicated and the symptoms do not go away, it is permissible to drink Monural again after a day.

The therapy is very inexpensive and requires an investment of no more than 500-1000 rubles. (depending on the number of sachets used). But in order to consolidate the result, it is recommended to additionally take some herbal medicine for two to three weeks.

Inexpensive herbal medicines for cystitis

As a rule, herbal medicines are prescribed after completion of the main therapy. In the early stages of the disease, there is a chance to get by only with herbal remedies, if the body is strong enough to cope with the infection. Among the relatively cheap herbal remedies, the best are:

  1. Phytolysin (400-450 g per 100 g). The medicine is available in the form of a paste with a characteristic pungent odor and taste. It must be diluted in water and taken 3-4 times a day after meals. The duration of the course is 2-6 weeks depending on the patient’s condition. Phytolysin has bactericidal properties and also acts as an analgesic and diuretic.
  2. Cyston (400 rubles for 100 tablets). A natural preparation containing many plant extracts. Cystone helps reduce the risk of developing urolithiasis, improves blood supply to the urinary system, relieves inflammation, and demonstrates an antimicrobial effect. Take tablets 2-3 times a day for 6-20 weeks.
  3. Urolesan (400 rubles for 40 capsules). Acts as a disinfectant, promotes urination and acidification of urine. Apply three times a day for 5-30 days.

You can find even cheaper options. You should buy at the pharmacy any herbal mixture recommended for cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis. The cost of packaging rarely exceeds 150 rubles. And if possible, then it’s quite possible to collect plants yourself: it’s not difficult to get and dry chamomile, St. John’s wort, bearberry, and coltsfoot. The main thing is to collect in environmentally friendly areas.

Treatment of cystitis should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since independent selection of medications is fraught with “failure”, in which the disease will drag on for a long time and become chronic. The specialist will prescribe tablets for cystitis that are suitable for a particular case: they will be inexpensive or not cheap - you need to take what the doctor prescribed. But no one bothers to ask the question about the availability of more affordable analogues.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs