Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood Ivanovo. (FGU Ivanovo Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood named after

Good afternoon, dear readers (young mothers and simply interested people).

I myself am from Vladimir region, but after hearing a lot about the wonderful Research Institute for Foreign Affairs in Ivanovo, I decided to give birth there.

I don't want to tell my birth story. Everyone has it “with adventures”. I just wanted to talk about what and how in the research institute itself.

1. You can only get there with a direction from your residential complex, where your pathologies are indicated.

2. It is better to arrive in advance and agree on the date of hospitalization. There's a line!

3. It is not necessary, as you understand, to be a resident of the Ivanovo region.

Department of Pathology.

I went to bed early (10 days before the next day). They are admitted to the pathology department (PD). It's pretty good there. Personally, in our room for 5 people there was a shower (on one side of the wing there is one in the room - on the other there is no shower, only on the floor). I would have asked to see the girls “across the road”, but we all went to a common one, no one had one.) The shower in the room is an ordinary tray without curtains next to the toilet. there are no hooks or shelves (they tried as hard as they could)) We washed carefully because there is no drain on the floor.

The beds are located along the perimeter of the walls, with a table and chairs in the center. There are spring beds, and there are hard beds with plywood. I slept on the last one and was happy)

You can carry almost everything. No one checks, but they don’t help with carrying either)) I carried 4 bags to the 4th floor in 2 trips (with food, a netbook, a book and outerwear). Yes. It’s possible to carry outerwear! You just say that your relatives took it.

About food. I went to bed at the end of the year, and, as the girls said, “the funding has ended,” i.e. not a lot of money))) We ate cabbage almost every day, or rather we didn’t eat) but ran to the store and canteen in another building. There is also a pharmacy, a little expensive, but everything you need is there!

All the staff at OPB are good, but perhaps the cleaning lady did not clean well. I kept forgetting the bag from the toilet and scraping the floors in the middle.

The nurses are responsive, the doctor is available from Mon to Fri. excellent - always smiles, listens, encourages. The doctors on duty on weekends are also not bad, but they spend less time. Magnesium droppers are prescribed to everyone. Tablets and suppositories for preparing the uterus too.

Many lay there with the threat of miscarriage. The girls really get help with various pathologies.

Now about maternity ward . I advise you to go give birth during the day! They want to sleep there at night ]:(

During the day, responsible specialists led by the manager work wonders. Very professional and caring. Chambers for 2 people. They connect to an ecg and put an IV in. After long labor injected "sleep" for relaxation. They come periodically to check the opening and general condition. After 12 hours of labor (without water) they decided to caesarean section. They operated between planned ones. At the mere mention of compression stockings, they were immediately put on, although it was not easy, and they were taken to the operating room. The operation went well overall, especially for the baby. They messed with me. I had to urgently call a specialist from the gynecological department (I think what would have happened if this would have happened in a regular maternity hospital, and not a full-fledged center... where they had to take me...). I don’t know how other girls would have reacted to the problems, but I did For 12 hours I was ready for anything - just so that it would end and the baby would see the light of day!

PIT(ward intensive care) I had to lie there a lot. Instead of the standard day or two... Already 4 days on glucose. Without my daughter (((But they brought it to show 2 times.

PIT is pretty interesting place. Located near the operating room. You can hear the newly born babies screaming and you can hear the groans of those giving birth on their own further down the corridor. After the operation, come straight to us.

There, of course, the staff is worse. A couple of shifts are only good. There were those who wouldn’t even hand you a pillow - “that’s a nurse’s job” and they shout at girls who haven’t fully recovered from anesthesia...

They brought food to the girls and showed the children. If they were not sleeping, they even put them to their breasts.

Then you go down to the postpartum room. Everything there was also very good, not counting the cleaning lady (even worse than in pathology, although, in my opinion, they should wash as much as 2 times a day) after all, kids) They washed there well if once every 3-4 days.

I got a room for 2 people and, again, with a shower (I didn’t pay anyone, it coincided)) The shower was already a stall.

The room has a changing table, a sink and cribs for children. The research institute is only for shared stays unless there are serious problems (twins and triplets are not a problem)

Walk around in the morning. The babies are weighed, then the pediatrician comes (quite harmful woman), then gynecologists - they look at the stitches and the condition in general)

Nutrition is no different from pathology - cabbage forever (eat what you want). If you don’t have any friends in the city, food is a bit tight. I don’t have the energy to go to the store(

Children are given formula every 3 hours if necessary. Nobody provides diapers. (So either take your own or prepare soap) There are no problems with diapers. They are not allowed to wear clothes (or rather, they will reprimand each time.)

Before discharge, the pediatrician will quickly say “all about care” and do an examination. They will also examine you in the chair.

To sum up, the research institute is probably already more of an ordinary maternity hospital. But if there are serious problems with miscarriage or some kind of threat, then it is better to go there. There are all specialists there, and there is a children's intensive care unit, and minimal tests They do it (for free) and they will give you pills if you are prescribed them for free.

But with a normal pregnancy, don’t expect a miracle. As many have said, the research institute is no longer the same. There is no special examination for children and good nutrition Same.

I put my thumbs up, because for difficult births this is the only place in the nearest cities where they will really help.

PS Perhaps I missed something. If you have specific questions, ask!

civil and family law

UDC 347.6 P01: 10.17277/rgauo.2017.01.rr.089-097

The article outlines different views on terms and definitions, which are basic concepts in family relationships, namely: “family”, “motherhood”, “child”, etc. The thesis is proposed that motherhood, childhood and family should be considered as an interconnected and interdependent system social institutions, social factors, social connections. The activities of the state in the field of protection of motherhood and childhood are examined in the process of creating a state mechanism in the form of certain conditions and guarantees of their existence. It is concluded that in order to strengthen interdepartmental interaction, it is necessary to develop the Concept of state policy on protecting the health of children and mothers in the Russian Federation on long term and establish a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the activities of all structures involved in this area.

Key words: family, family relationships; motherhood; childhood; mechanism for the implementation and protection of the family; targeted programs; The concept of state policy in the field of motherhood and childhood.

Alexandra Mikhailovna Drozdova, Doctor of Law. Sciences, Professor, Department of Legal Culture and Protection of Human Rights, North Caucasus Federal University,

Stavropol; [email protected]



On modern stage development as a result of changes in people's views on marriage, family relationships, the role of men and women in the family, everywhere families in which several generations of relatives lived were replaced by small or childless families of one or two generations. Russia is no exception in terms of a reduction in the number of registered marriages, an increase in out-of-wedlock births, divorces, and the proportion of single-parent families in which large number children.

At all times, the family felt the need and never lost hope of receiving support from society in raising their children. It is clear that when people lived in large families, certain knowledge and skills were naturally and routinely passed on from generation to generation. family life. In the modern industrial-information society, when family ties between generations are broken, necessary knowledge about family and raising children are not passed down through generations and the problem

acquires a special status, namely, it becomes one of the important concerns of society. Today they give birth, treat and raise children via the Internet, since it is he who becomes the main consultant and advisor in a young family. Young people, not living close to their parents, do not receive information from older family members, and do not turn to their parents and relatives for advice and help, hoping to master everything on their own.

Based on the above, it can be argued that essential element family - the institution of motherhood and childhood is experiencing certain crisis difficulties, like the entire modern Russian family, which in turn has an impact on the process of upbringing, training and socialization of the younger generation.

Let us initially decide on terms and definitions. So the concept of “family” is basic and fundamental in family relationships. However legal definition practically non-existent. Thus, the term “family” is multidimensional and is used in law, sociology, philosophy, everyday life, political science, etc.

Being a free primary structure of society, the family includes motherhood and childhood and, ensuring the state of society as a whole, the prospects for its development, the connection between generations of relatives. The family provides a systematic connection and change of generations, the formation of a personality capable of full life knowledgeable and able to realize their rights and freedoms, and in necessary cases protect your violated rights.

If we turn to the term “motherhood,” then this is a certain ability of a woman to conceive, give birth, feed, and raise a child or children, which must be practically realized. The concept of motherhood includes not only the biological aspect reproductive abilities; this includes a woman’s relationship with the embryo during pregnancy, the relationship between mother and child at the time of birth and after childbirth, a special relationship with a child in the first year of life and family connection mothers and older children. This should include the mother’s awareness of her responsibility for health and normal physical development children, and relations to realize the rights and responsibilities in relation to children, ethical, moral and aesthetic relations with them. But children can be adopted, adopted into the family temporarily, blood or non-blood. Moreover, the mother considers the child to be hers even when the child is many years old and he himself has been a parent for a long time, then we are talking about a lifelong relationship between mother and children.

As for the term “child”, then on the basis of Art. 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, “a child is every human being under the age of 18 years, if under the law applicable to this child, he does not reach adulthood before" without any additional conditions: born in wedlock or not, what is the age of the parents, where do they live, what do they do, etc. Russian legislation similarly solves this problem by linking adulthood with the age of civil majority, i.e. from the age of 18, when according to the law a person becomes fully capable, and therefore an adult. The term "children" is used to common name a certain number of individuals, or for

definitions of a specific group, for example, adult children, adult children, difficult children, etc.

The conclusion suggests itself that motherhood, childhood and family should be considered as an interconnected and interdependent system of a number of social institutions, social factors, and social connections.

It is also undeniable that in a number of foreign countries In Europe, already in the 19th century, maternity insurance took place, and nationwide programs for the protection of mother and child were already being developed in order to create guarantees and provide conditions for the birth, survival, and protection of newborn children together with the mother. Bans were established from working in production for women for a certain period before and after childbirth, which was not legally established in Russia long time. In Russia, relatively recently, during the lifetime of two generations, the main institutions at the legal level for the protection of motherhood and childhood appeared, for which there were objective and subjective reasons in the state.

And if this is so, then today everyone is talking about the protection of motherhood and childhood as a system of certain conditions, guarantees, mechanisms created by the state, while discussing mechanisms for ensuring necessary conditions for the preparation, birth, survival, protection and protection of children for the purpose of their further full development, as well as the functioning of a normal family to fulfill its role in the development of society as a whole.

If we consider the activities of the state in this aspect, then it is usually necessary to highlight several of its directions, namely: the adoption of appropriate legislation to establish guarantees and mechanisms for the implementation of these guarantees; development of relevant national programs at the federal level and at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation; creation and control over the activities of mechanisms and a number of institutions created on the basis of legislation for the implementation of guarantees provided for by law; monitoring the practical activities of guarantees and protection mechanisms in order to further improve both legal norms, legal institutions, and the timely creation of additional conditions, taking into account economic, political, cultural, social and other changes both at the state level and at the level of the global human community.

In connection with the above, attention should be paid to the fact that in the last 15 - 20 years in the Russian Federation one of the most important directions of state policy in social sphere protection of motherhood and childhood is determined, although attacks on the family as a social community are also lately don't stop. Sometimes the very institution of family is called into question when ideas of European values ​​penetrate our country.

It would be appropriate to recall the installation of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, which he makes in the 2016 Address, speaking about state policy as a whole: “The meaning of all our policies is saving people, multiplying human capital as the main wealth of Russia. Therefore, our efforts are aimed at supporting traditional values ​​and family,

for demographic programs, improvement of the environment, human health, development of education and culture."

At the same time, analyzing the practical activities of regional and federal mechanisms for protecting the rights of mothers and children, one can discern a number of significant positive consistent actions, activities and results that please and encourage the Russian socially healthy society. It should be noted that in the last ten years, starting in 2006, the activities of the entire health care system in the field of motherhood and childhood have done a lot to ensure accessible medical care in general for women and children, to ensure a decrease in maternal, child and infant mortality, as well as improving the quality of medical services provided to mothers and children.

Based on statistical data, the President of the Russian Federation in his 2016 Address announced data that in 2013 the “fertility rate” in Russia was 1.7, and in 2015, according to preliminary estimates, it was 1.78, while in in a number of European countries it is slightly lower (Portugal - 1.2; Spain, Greece - 1.3; Austria, Germany, Italy - 1.4; Czech Republic - 1.5). This trend cannot but please Russians.

There are other social coefficients and indicators of improving the situation in the sphere of family, motherhood and childhood in Russia. Among them: the infant mortality rate continues to decline steadily; there is a persistent downward trend in the level of maternal mortality; It is envisaged that diagnostic methods will improve through the introduction of more modern systems, which will allow earlier identification and elimination of health problems in mothers and children.

At the same time, there remain a number of areas in which a number of problematic issues that are objectively difficult to solve remain, such as the incidence of infectious diseases in adolescent children, especially in children's groups; mainly ARVI in children, measles, meningococcal infection. Up to 18 million children get sick with the flu every year. The problem of drug addiction and substance abuse among children continues to be a serious problem.

Serious problems exist in the field of child mortality, especially in terms of external factors influences (trauma, poisoning, suicide). Among those named external reasons Transport cases and suicides take the lead. More than 3,100 children die from road injuries every year. This situation can be changed by simply improving the quality of organization and provision of medical care to children - the arrival of an ambulance and the provision of quality services at the scene of the incident; strengthening preventive measures acceptance parents in the family, school, law enforcement and human rights structures, etc. The specific behavior of surrounding adults and their attitude to the rules on the roads is also important. Unfortunately, sometimes it is adults, often relatives and friends, who demonstrate a disdainful attitude towards themselves and others on the street, road, in public transport etc., setting a concrete example for their own children. There are quite a lot of examples that can be given; recently, outrageous cases against ambulances and ambulance crews have become more frequent, which in itself does not fit into the normal relations between citizens and people in a modern democratic

community; the disgraceful behavior of a number of subjects on planes, buses and trains. How to explain all this to a simple child, teenager, or adult?

The need in Russia for children in spa treatment, as well as in the organization and expansion of expensive medical care, meaning in institutions of cardiac surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, neurosurgery, etc. To solve these problems, not only material resources allocated by the state are needed, but also voluntary donations, specific social programs and personal participation a number of representatives of big business.

If you turn to available information and statistics, the government of the country is currently paying enough attention to expanding the scope of health and preventive measures in educational institutions, namely, a complex is being formed on the basis of a school, where to create favorable conditions living environment, modern health technologies are used to promote the health of students, who are included in the educational process itself.

Let us give you an example environmental education children in Japanese schools, where the country’s high ecological national economy culture was achieved not without the participation of educational programs in the field environment, which covers schools, children's and adolescent associations, higher and secondary educational institutions of vocational training. Much can be said about the work of the education system in Switzerland on issues of prevention and protection healthy environment habitat for present and future generations. How I would like to hear about similar programs and events in the Russian Federation, so that we all take part in creating a healthy, environmentally friendly environment around us.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that in Russia certain actions are being taken to reduce the incidence of illness among schoolchildren. For example, the activities of children's outpatient clinics are being improved to optimize medical and social assistance and medical care for children in educational institutions. Themselves educational organizations The use of the capabilities of educational institutions themselves to carry out work to preserve and strengthen the health of children is becoming wider. When implementing this system of measures, one should not forget that special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the medical and socio-psychological aspects of the health of children living in large and single-parent families with physical and mental disabilities, as well as children from families who arrived from areas of environmental disasters, etc. Certain difficulties and positive points at the same time there are children's homes where orphans and children left without parental care live and are raised. A visible problem that has remained significant for a long time is the insufficient material and technical base of orphanages, their location in the system of urban or rural settlements, equipping children's institutions with the necessary medical and rehabilitation equipment, which can help improve the life support of children left without parental care.

Much remains to be done on the problems of reducing child homelessness and neglect, although there is a system various organs and organizations that, for public money, are obliged, by virtue of their powers, to deal with this problem on a daily basis. Communication between the mentioned structures and their communication with the public, educational institutions and parents is not properly established. I would like the Commissioner for Children’s Rights of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, together with the Commission on Minors’ Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights, to be able to coordinate all interested entities in their region on the processes of prevention and implementation healthy image life and environment.

Objectively and logically, the development of normative documents on the organization of maternal and child health services still remains one of the main mechanisms in terms of increasing the efficiency and quality of medical care for women and children.

In this regard, it is impossible not to note the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2007 No. 172 (as amended on February 12, 2011) “On the federal target program"Children of Russia" for 2007 - 2010".

So on February 2, 2007, Rossiyskaya Gazeta (No. 4285) published Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2007 No. 79-r, Moscow, by which it approved the Concept of the federal target program “Children of Russia” for 2007 - 2010 (hereinafter - Program), including the subprograms “Healthy Generation”, “Gifted Children” and “Children and Family”; determined the state customer-coordinator of the Program of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, the state customers of the Program are Roszdrav, Rosobrazovanie, Roskultura, Rossport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia; established that the maximum (forecast) amount of financing of the Program from funds federal budget is 10,101.7 million rubles (in prices of the corresponding years). The Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia was instructed to ensure the development of the draft Program and submit it to the Government of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

The federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2007 - 2010 was a continuation of the federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2003 - 2006, as a result of which a reduction in infant mortality by 21.8% and maternal mortality by 27% has already been achieved.

The implementation of the federal target program “Children of Russia” for 2003-2006 ensured the mobilization financial resources for the purpose of improving the situation of children (for 1 ruble of federal budget funds, 2.3 - 3 rubles of funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and extra-budgetary sources are invested).

Already within the framework of the adopted Federal Target Program “Children of Russia” for 2007 - 2010 in the scope of the subprogram “ Healthy child“Measures were planned to reduce maternal, infant and child mortality rates, morbidity, disability among children under 18 years of age, and improve the level of children’s health. In 2008, 380.83 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of this subprogram.

Using funds from the program, medical and preventive pediatric and obstetric institutions were equipped with modern equipment, medicines and equipment were purchased for 80 regions of Russia; serious scientific research on the development of new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in pediatrics and obstetrics. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to obtain reliable and objective data on the results of the program from publicly available sources.

Attention should be paid to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 255 of May 6, 2007, which recommended that the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide free medical care to pregnant women, women in labor, postpartum women and newborn children as a priority, at the expense of their own and local budgets, as well as territorial funds compulsory health insurance funds. However, one cannot help but focus on the key word of the Resolution, namely the word “recommended”.

The Ministry of Health of Russia happily reports that during the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Vaccine Prevention” it was possible to achieve a significant reduction in the level of infectious morbidity in children and that the coverage of children with preventive vaccinations against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps etc. It seems that these medical workers were born only yesterday and know nothing about the development of medicine and prevention in the Soviet Union, where children of all ages were covered by vaccinations up to 95 - 100%, including the listed infectious diseases.

Among the achievements in terms of implementation of the Federal Target Program, it should be noted that work continued to implement activities within the framework of the “Maternal and Child Health Protection” program. In 2007, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund allocated 600 million rubles for these purposes to treatment and preventive institutions for childhood and obstetric care. However, it should be noted that allocating funds does not mean that they will reach the recipient and be fully implemented for their intended purpose, which is objectively a difficult problem to solve, and the uneven and insufficient funding of medical care for children and mothers is also problematic, due to by which the executive authorities were strongly recommended to allocate at least 30% of the consolidated health care budget for the purposes of maternal and child health protection.

In the field effective formation multi-level network of outpatient care at the level of city and district clinics, a sufficient number of problematic and unsolvable issues are still being identified, and responsibility for the provision of primary health care is gradually beginning to shift to the doctor general practice, which is possible and correct if this doctor has the appropriate qualifications.

I would like to reveal that a special place in any reform of the health care system should be given to health care institutions.

we are concerned with the health of mothers and children as the most unprotected and socially vulnerable part of the population. At the same time, real guarantees of accessibility of medical care to all segments of the population must be provided, as well as the possibility of high-quality provision of professional medical services.

Analyzing and studying the system of federal regulations relating to ensuring the rights of mothers and children in Russia, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in order to strengthen interdepartmental interaction, it is necessary to develop a Concept of state policy for the protection of the health of children and mothers in the Russian Federation for the long term and establish a control mechanism for the implementation of the activities of all structures involved in this area, with the possibility of real impact on cases of violation, not without taking into account the financial component, which in turn will improve public policy in the field of maternal and child health, child health and prevention of serious diseases.

The Russian government needs to ensure and control the required level of funding for the system of measures to protect maternal and child health in the amount of at least 30% of the consolidated health care budget; it is necessary to constantly monitor the health of all children age groups in order to take strict measures to protect and protect the health of children in the country; constantly strive and sometimes demand an increase in the volume of preventive measures based on the implementation modern technologies and transferring part of the volume of care from the inpatient sector to the outpatient sector; universally provide assistance to children from large, single-parent families, children with physical and mental disabilities, homeless and neglected children, as well as migrant children located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, it is necessary to recall the adopted Strategy of the Council of Europe for the protection of the rights of the child, which our state will have to implement until 2021, and on which a lot will depend not only in our families, but in the state as a whole. Will society accept the said document, will it appreciate its basic concepts and European values, and what of this document will be implemented in the life of our country?


1. Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989) (came into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990.) [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 01/22/2016).

2. On the federal target program “Children of Russia” for 2007 - 2010: approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 172 of March 21, 2007 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation (NWRF). 2007. No. 14. Art. 1688.

3. Address of the President to the Federal Assembly. Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly with his annual Address. The announcement of the Message, according to tradition, took place in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. December 1, 2016. 13:10. Moscow, Kremlin. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: 12/01/2016).

1. (accessed: January 22, 2016). (In Russ.)

2. , Sobranie zakonodatel "stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2007, no. 14, article 1688. (In Russ.)

3. (accessed: 01 December 2016). (In Russ.)


M. A. Drozdova, Doctor of Law, Professor of Department of Legal Culture and Human Rights, Law Institute of North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol;

[email protected]

The article presents different views on terms and definitions, which are the basic concepts in family relations, namely: "family", "motherhood", "child", etc. The idea that motherhood, childhood and families is seen as an interrelated and interdependent system of social institutions, social factors, social relations. The activities of the state in the sphere of protection of motherhood and childhood to create certain conditions that guarantee their existence are examined. It is concluded that to strengthen the interdepartmental interaction it is necessary to develop a long-term state policy on the protection of children and mothers" health in the Russian Federation, and to establish a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the activities of everyone involved in this field.

Keywords: family; family relationships; motherhood; childhood; mechanism of realization and protection of the family; targeted programs; concept of state policy in the sphere of motherhood and childhood.



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