Shilajit for cough. How to use mumiyo to treat a runny nose and sinusitis Mumiyo for colds

Firstly, even for an adult, when using mumiyo, it is important to remember to strictly adhere to the dose of the medicine. It includes so many microelements that an excess of at least one of them can negatively affect health. All the more responsible is the need to approach the consumption of mumiyo for allergies by children. Parents should prepare the solution only according to the specified recipe, so as not to cause rejection in the baby’s weak body, already tired of fighting allergies.

Secondly, despite the small amount of mumiyo itself in the solution, we must not forget about its extreme effectiveness. Allergies should never be left to chance, especially in the tiniest children, who become very lethargic because of it and suffer health damage that they will have to suffer with for the rest of their lives. In the right amount, mumiyo can relieve a baby from an unpleasant itching or runny nose, no matter what causes allergies, but if you give more solution than necessary, there is a high probability of only aggravating the patient’s condition. The most important thing is to diagnose the allergy and its object in a child in time and begin to treat it with a solution as soon as possible.

Of course, the rule is to take highly diluted Shilajit for allergies in children relevant not only when taking it orally. However, if parents want to save their baby from unpleasant skin rashes, they can treat them with the same solution without any harm to the child. On the contrary, a comprehensive fight against allergies using such a universal remedy as mumiyo will give a more noticeable and faster effect, and after three weeks of taking the mumiyo solution, you can forget about itching, runny nose and painful rashes on the skin.

Treatment of mumiyo for a runny nose has been used for a long time. This substance has bactericidal and antiviral activity. This allows you to use mumiyo for a runny nose of both viral and bacterial etiology. This substance also has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. A runny nose that accompanies throat infections should be treated at the same time as them.

To treat mumiyo throat, you can use the following schemes:

Mumiyo for a runny nose

In order to properly use mumiyo for a runny nose, follow the recommendations given below:

Otitis and hearing loss

Mix 2.0.35 g of mumiyo with pure rose oil, add unripe grape juice and instill in the ear 3 times a day.

If there is a clear decrease in hearing and its cause is identified during the diagnostic process, it is useful to instill 0.4 g of mumiyo in the ears mixed with oil in a ratio of 1:10 twice a day (morning and night). At the same time, it is advisable to drink 0.2 g of mumiyo mixed with milk or honey, which enhances anti-inflammatory processes.

Helps very well mumiyo for children with a runny nose. To do this, you need to prepare a medicinal solution, which is very good for colds, nasal congestion and even adenoids. Need to? dissolve 0.5 g of mumiyo in a glass of water. This solution just needs to be instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops 5-6 times a day. The solution should be stored in the refrigerator and slightly warmed before use.

Inflammation of the adenoids can occur in people of different ages, but most often it affects children between 4 and 10 years old. That's why treatment of adenoids with mumiyo looks even more attractive - after all, everyone knows that “mountain resin” is absolutely safe. Shilajit can be used to help children of all ages, which allows them to cope with the disease without surgery.

If you or your child are diagnosed with the first symptoms of inflammation of the adenoids, you can use the following recipe for treatment. Dissolve in 5 tbsp. l. warm water 1 g natural mumiyo. and then instill the resulting mixture into your nose (the amount of medicine, as well as the frequency of instillation, will vary depending on the age of the patient).

Literally every person on the planet spends at least one week a year in bed with a cold, cough or runny nose. But, as it turns out, this time lost from life can be reduced to just a few days if it is treated not with pharmaceutical tablets, but with mumiom.

The cold is a disease that every inhabitant of our world is familiar with. The common cold does not pose a threat to life, but still, no one wants to lie around at home for a long time with a fever, cough and runny nose. However, this is not necessary if you know how to treat correctly! This article will popularly tell you how to drink correctly mumiyo for colds. runny nose and cough. so that these unpleasant symptoms go away as soon as possible, without knocking a person out of the established working rhythm for longer than 2-3 days.

The very concept of " cold“has a rather vague meaning in the minds of the general public. Some people understand by this word a disease caused by hypothermia, others understand acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, and it happens that the flu is mistaken for a cold - mainly because of the similarity of symptoms.

This natural product is a heterogeneous, hard and dense mass of a dark brown color with a bitter taste and specific odor. It contains both organic and inorganic elements.

  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • accelerates the regeneration of tissues and organs.
  • Use for sinusitis

    There is a unique folk recipe, which, according to patients, can cure even the most severe chronic sinusitis in three months. The medicinal drug has a simple recipe and can be easily prepared by anyone at home.

  • mummy in tablets – 10 pieces;
  • glycerin - half a teaspoon;
  • clean water - 1 tablespoon.
  • Dissolve the tablets in warm water and mix thoroughly. Drip this solution into both nostrils 2-3 times a day, 1-2 drops. According to adherents of traditional medicine and home treatment, the disease should disappear after 7-10 days of such therapy.

    Mumiyo treats sore throat, runny nose, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, cough, sneezing

    1. Take 0.2 - 0.3 g of mumiyo mixed with milk or cow fat or honey, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 3 hours after meals (in a ratio of 1:20), and also lubricate the nostrils and throat with a tampon at night , impregnated with the same composition. If you have a sore throat, gargle. Depending on the form of the disease, the course of treatment can last 25 - 28 days with a 10-day break.

    3. Mumiyo (0.2 - 0.3 g) is mixed in a ratio of 1:20 with bear, wolf, pig lard, and nightshade juice. caraway seeds, parsley, egg yolk, coconut oil, licorice root (take one). Used according to the general scheme for asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, diseases of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, and sexual weakness.

    4. Take orally 2-3 times a day (in the evening before bed) 0.2 g of mumiyo mixed with any juice (cherry, peach, etc.) in a ratio of 1:20. 3 - 4 courses of treatment of 25 days each with 10-day breaks are required. It is possible to use honey instead of juice in the same proportions. Recommended for pulmonary hemorrhages.

    For bronchial asthma:

    a) Take mumiyo 0.2 - 0.3 g mixed with cow fat or honey (1:20) 2 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime with rinsing. It is necessary to undergo 1-3 courses of treatment for 25 - 28 days with a 10-day break.

    Dissolve 1 g of mumiyo in 5 tablespoons of water. Place in the nose several times a day.

    Headache, runny nose, acne

    Dissolve 3 g of mumiyo in 100 ml of boiled water. Place in the nose 3 times a day. Apply this solution to pimples as often as possible.

    Mumiyo for colds, runny nose and cough

    The common cold is always accompanied by both a cough and a runny nose, however, in the review below, a runny nose and cough will also be considered as completely independent diseases, since in some cases they can actually arise and proceed without the addition of a common cold, with its typical symptom complex. The use of mumiyo for these three diseases allows you to achieve recovery much faster, and therefore much less stress will be placed on the body’s immune forces.

  • a temperature that can rise to 40º C, or can remain at 37º C.
  • runny nose, sometimes even accompanied by nasal congestion;
  • cough, which can be dry or with sputum, and sometimes even accompanied by chest pain;
  • soreness and sore throat, with the risk of developing a sore throat;
  • Start drinking mumiyo for colds It’s best immediately after the first signs appear, because if the disease “takes hold” fully, then the fight against it may drag on for a longer period than the 2-3 days promised above.

  • Three times a day you need to dissolve 300-500 milligrams of mumiyo in a glass of water (or better yet milk) and drink half an hour before meals. If after ten days full recovery has still not occurred, then you need to take a five-day break, and then take the course for another 10 days.
  • To prevent the impending epidemic, you need to drink mumiyo according to recipe No. 1, only you need to take it twice a day, and the dose should not exceed 200 milligrams.
  • Treatment of a runny nose with mumiomi

    Traditionally mumiyo for a runny nose drop into the nose, but if the runny nose is of an allergenic nature, then it makes sense to take mumiyo internally according to the anti-allergenic regimen.

  • By heating peach oil in a water bath, prepare a 10% oily solution of mumiyo. We drop this medicine into the nose four times a day, five drops.
  • For chronic runny nose, you need to dissolve 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo in milk, maintaining a ratio of 1:20, and then add a little honey and, if available, cow fat. You should drink this medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed in the evening, while simultaneously lubricating your nostrils with it on top and inside.
  • A cough may well be an independent disease that occurs after hypothermia, but much more often it is a symptom of a number of possible diseases - tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, bronchitis, etc.

    The following types of cough are known, observed in various diseases:

  • superficial, localized in the upper parts of the chest, and deep, covering literally the entire chest up to the diaphragm;
  • strong, downright debilitating, and weak, most often manifested in the form of constant coughing;
  • Taking into account the above, Shilajit for cough can be taken only after agreement with the doctor, in order to exclude the option when the patient treats tuberculosis cough according to the anti-cold regimen, which are listed below.

    1. Every day, in the morning on an empty stomach, the patient puts 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo under his tongue and sucks on it until completely dissolved. This will need to be done for 10 days three times a day, after which you will need to take a five-day break and repeat the course again.
    2. Every morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, the patient should drink 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo dissolved in a tablespoon of milk.
    3. An old Central Asian recipe - dissolve 200 milligrams of mumiyo in a small amount of barley water or freshly squeezed radish juice and drink immediately.
    4. Shilajit helps very well with children with a runny nose. To do this, you need to prepare a medicinal solution, which is very good for colds, nasal congestion and even adenoids. Need to? dissolve 0.5 g of mumiyo in a glass of water. This solution just needs to be instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops 5-6 times a day. The solution should be stored in the refrigerator and slightly warmed before use.

      For chronic tonsillitis, you need to dissolve 0.2 g. mummy in 1 tsp. butter. You need to lubricate your tonsils with this mixture 2-3 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

      Consult an otolaryngologist, he will tell you various methods of treating runny nose in children in combination with mumiyo.

      How to use mumiyo to treat a runny nose and sinusitis

      To date, scientists are not able to accurately answer the question of the origin of this unique natural product. They find him in the mountains. Among lovers of alternative medicine, mumiyo, brought from Altai and the Himalayas, is especially highly valued.

      Useful properties

      This product has unique properties and has a complex healing effect on the human body. Including it:

    5. stimulates hematopoietic function;
    6. has an antibacterial effect;
    7. Drops with glycerin.

      To prepare them you will need the following ingredients:

    8. clean water - 2 teaspoons.
    9. Combine and mix the above ingredients thoroughly.

      Use the resulting solution as nasal drops. To achieve a positive result, you must strictly adhere to the correct treatment regimen.

      For 20 days, 1-2 drops of the medicine should be instilled into each nasal passage three times a day. After this you need to take a break - 5 days. Then repeat the course. It is necessary to act in this way until complete recovery. As a rule, for sinusitis to go away, it is enough to do 3-5 treatment courses.

      You may be interested in the materials in the article “Propolis for sinusitis”.

      Use for a runny nose

      According to traditional healers, chronic rhinitis can also be cured using a potion prepared with this unique gift of nature.

      Nasal drops recipe.

      To make them you will need the following ingredients:

    • mummy in tablets – 5 pieces;
    • On behalf of the editors of the portal, we would like to note that such therapeutic and therapeutic procedures using mumiyo are not recognized by official medicine. If you suffer from a prolonged runny nose or any form of sinusitis, you need to see a qualified doctor so that he can confirm the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment appropriate to the case.

      treatment of runny nose with mumiyo in children

      Treatment of allergies in children using mumiyo

      A unique combination of organic and mineral elements, mumiyo has gained fame as a panacea for many ailments. Its counteraction to any symptoms and manifestations of allergies is also considered very effective. But is it possible to give such a remedy to a small allergic person? After all, often in the instructions for mumiyo, manufacturers generally prohibit the use of this substance by children under 12 years old, so are their fears justified?

      Treatment of mumiyo runny nose

      1. Gargle with a 2.5% mummy solution 3 times a day until the condition improves, then less often.

      2. Take 0.3 g of mumiyo, put it under the tongue, hold until completely dissolved, then eat with a teaspoon of honey. Repeat the procedure in the morning until complete recovery.

      1. Make a 10% solution of mumiyo using peach oil. Place 5 drops into the nose 4 times a day.

      2. Mix 0.1 g of mumiyo with camphor oil in a ratio of 1:5 and drip this mixture into each nostril.

      1. Instill a 3% solution of mummy in peach or vaseline oil into the ear, 3 drops per day, warm it with a heating pad or a blue lamp.

      3. Mix 2 g of mumiyo with 100 ml of water and insert a swab moistened with this solution into the ear. Repeat several times.

      Treatment of runny nose in children

      A runny nose is a common symptom of severe colds in children. But a constant and severe runny nose can be the cause of various diseases, including sinusitis. Our body itself copes with various infections that affect the human respiratory organs. But if the immune system is weakened, then the body’s immune defense functions do not work and bacteria continue to multiply and infect larger and larger areas of the mucous cavity. If not treated in a timely manner, runny nose and other diseases can become chronic.

      There is another recipe that is suitable not only for the nose, but also for the ears. You need to take 10 ml water, 10 ml purified glycerin and 2.5 g mummy. First you need to dissolve the mummy in water. After complete dissolution, add glycerin and stir until the solution takes on a uniform color. Then filter and store in the refrigerator. Place 2-3 drops into the nostrils or ear canal every day. Be sure to heat and shake before use.

      If you have a sore throat and pain, you can gargle with mumiyo solution 4-5 times. To do this, you need to prepare a solution: stir 1 gram into half a glass of water. mumiyo.

      Mumiyo for adenoids

      Mumiyo for adenoids

      Adenoids are a sharp increase in the size of the tissue of the pharyngeal tonsils. And if you don't use mumiyo for adenoids or treated in other ways, you may encounter serious problems, the most minor of which will be complications in nasal breathing, deterioration in hearing, attention and memory.

      Treatment of adenoids in children with mumiomi

      The appearance of a chronic runny nose and nasal congestion, hoarseness, worsening sleep, headaches and decreased hearing in a child may indicate inflammation of the adenoids. And in this case, parents need to know how to quickly and effectively treat adenoids in a child without endangering his health. Let's talk about such a traditional medicine as mumiyo, and about the most effective ways to use it to treat children and adults

      Natural cure for adenoids

      At the same time, it is necessary to take an aqueous solution of mumiyo orally. Drink 1 glass of this solution per day, prepared from 200 ml of warm boiled water and a small amount of mumiyo: 0.2 g for adults and 0.05 g for children. Just use natural “mountain resin” for preparation, not tablets with mumiyo.

      Treatment of colds with mumiomi

      And the symptoms of a cold are really similar to the flu, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections:

      Treatment of colds with mumiomi

    • headache, lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite.
    • For very severe colds, dissolve 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo in a glass of fruit juice or, if there is no juice, in a teaspoon of honey and drink the resulting medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed for 25 days. If complete recovery has not occurred at the end of the course, you will need to take a 10-day break and repeat the entire course again.
    • If mumiyo is in tablets, then dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of water heated to a temperature of 40º C and drink the resulting medicine three times a day before meals.
    • A classic runny nose cannot be confused with anything - “waterfalls” flow from the nose, the patient is tormented by a tickling in the depths of the nostrils, sometimes the nose becomes so stuffy that it becomes impossible to breathe.

      Science distinguishes the following types of runny nose, classified by reason:

    • Normal, or catarrhal, occurring as an independent disease after hypothermia, or a symptom of acute respiratory infections;
    • Allergic, caused by a specific substance (pollen, dust, wool, etc.), to which the body’s immune system reacts inadequately;
    • Vasomotor, caused by reflex stimuli - cold, pungent odor, temperature changes, etc.
    • Dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo in half a glass of warm water. Apply this solution to your nose several times a day, depending on the frequency based on the severity of your runny nose.
    • We combine 100 milligrams of mumiyo with 50 milligrams of camphor oil. This medicine will need to be dripped into the nose.
    • Treatment of cough with mumiomi

    • dry, without sputum discharge, and wet, with sputum discharge;
    • constant, that is, pestering the patient around the clock, and episodic, occurring occasionally upon contact with some allergen or after physical activity.
    • 2. Take 0.2 - 0.3 g of dry mumiyo into your mouth and hold until completely dissolved. Take on an empty stomach or 3 hours after meals. The course of treatment is 10 days. You can repeat after 5 days. And so on until complete recovery. Helps with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, and sore throat.

      b) Dissolve 0.5 g of mumiyo in 500 ml of licorice decoction (licorice root). Take the decoction in the morning, 200 ml once a day (for children, reduce the portion accordingly). Store the broth in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.


      Instill a mixture of 0.1 g of mumiyo with camphor oil in a ratio of 1:5 into each nostril; 1:8 (0.2 g per dose). Cure occurs after 2 courses of 25 days with a 10-day break.

      Polyps, severe runny nose

      Treatment of runny nose in children

      A runny nose is a common symptom of severe colds in children. But a constant and severe runny nose can be the cause of various diseases, including sinusitis. Our body itself copes with various infections that affect the human respiratory organs. But if the immune system is weakened. then the body’s immune defense functions do not work and bacteria continue to multiply and infect larger and larger areas of the mucous cavity. If not treated in a timely manner, runny nose and other diseases can become chronic.

      The following recipe will help children with sinusitis. Prepare a 10% mummy solution in peach oil. The resulting mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and instilled into the nose every day, 5 drops 3-4 times. The second method of treating sinusitis: you need to prepare drops by mixing camphor oil and 0.1 g. mumiyo. The ratio should be 5:1. The resulting solution should be instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops 4-5 times a day.

      Treatment of runny nose in children using mumiyo is very effective, but it must be combined with other treatment methods. For example, you can massage the frontal and nasal area and the cervical-collar area.

    Most recipes for medicines that include mumiyo require the use of this healing agent orally. The main distinguishing features between these recipes are only their dosage and time of administration. However, according to the practice of using mumiyo as a medicine to cure diseases, it was found that the greatest effect from its use can be obtained only in the case of direct impact on the diseased organ. With such research, several options for using mumiyo topically were discovered, and one of them is nasal drops with this substance.

    For inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and in the treatment of sinusitis, a mummy solution is prepared in such a concentration that when the resulting solution is examined in the light, it has a shade from brown transparent to dark opaque. Burying mummy nasal drops Such a concentration causes burning and tingling of varying levels of intensity in inflamed areas, up to painful sensations, depending on the strength of the solution.

    This ability promotes rapid healing of the nasal cavity and the liquefaction and abundant release of mucus. After the nasal passage is completely cleared of mucus, you can continue the course of instilling these drops until the nose is completely cleared of secretions.

    In order to have a therapeutic and healing effect of the mummy solution on the parotid sinuses and maxillary sinuses immediately after the drops are instilled, the head must be turned towards the nostril into which the drops were injected.

    A contraindication to the use of such a remedy is that it should not be instilled at night, since it is impossible to blow your nose while sleeping, and the use of this remedy will lead to copious mucus secretion and filling of the nasal passages with it.

    Altai mumiyo nasal drops for sinusitis is an indispensable remedy in the treatment of this disease, which is rarely dealt with by other treatment methods. To get rid of this disease, nose drops are prepared from mumiyo with peach oil: 2.5 grams of mumiyo are dissolved in 25 milliliters of peach oil. Place 1-2 drops in each nostril two to three times a day immediately after rinsing the nose with saline solution. The course of treatment is three weeks.

    An aqueous solution of drops with mumiyo. Two grams of mumiyo dissolve in one hundred milliliters of water. This solution is instilled 2-3 drops three to four times a day for three weeks, after which a break of a week is taken and the course of treatment is resumed. To completely cure sinusitis, it is necessary to take several courses of such drops.


    The concept of sinusitis and its causes

    Sinusitis is a disease in which there is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses. According to the nature of the course, acute and chronic sinusitis are distinguished. Based on the causes of occurrence, the disease is divided into the following subtypes:

    1. infectious (caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses);
    2. allergic (develops with prolonged contact of a person with allergens);
    3. vasomotor (occurs with pathological changes in the vessels of the nasal mucosa);
    4. productive (appears when the mucous membrane changes, for example, with atrophy or necrosis);
    5. exudative (the reason for its development is constant discharge from the nasal sinuses);
    6. necrotic (develops with necrotic phenomena in the nasopharynx);
    7. atrophic (observed with mucosal atrophy).

    Most often, sinusitis develops when an infection enters the maxillary sinuses. Other causes of the disease include:

    • improper treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections or rhinitis;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
    • acquired or congenital curvature of the nasal septum and other anomalies of the nasal cavity;
    • frequent hypothermia;
    • chronic allergies;
    • chronic infection in the nasopharynx.

    Treatment of sinusitis with mummies

    To get rid of sinusitis forever, you should choose a comprehensive treatment that includes not only traditional, but also traditional methods of treatment. It is this therapy that gives the most positive effect, eliminating the possibility of developing chronic sinusitis.

    For the effective treatment of sinusitis, alternative medicine widely uses mumiyo, the healing properties of which humanity has known for a long time. Shilajit has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic and immunostimulating effects. Mumiyo is not contraindicated for use even during pregnancy.

    Most often, mumiyo for sinusitis is used to prepare drops. The simplest recipe for the product is as follows: dissolve 0.2 g of dry mumiyo in 1 tbsp. chilled boiled water. The resulting solution should be instilled into each nostril several times during the day. To strengthen the body's resistance to various infections (for example, bacterial and viral), you can additionally consume 0.2 g of dry mumiyo (previously diluted with water) in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Other recipes for treating sinusitis with mumiyo

    There are many recipes using healing mumiyo. The main ones include the following:

    Recipe No. 1. To prepare an effective remedy for sinusitis, you should make a 1% solution of mumiyo with peach oil (0.1 g of mumiyo per 10 ml of oil). The resulting mixture should be instilled into the nose 3-4 times a day. Peach oil can be replaced with apricot oil. Treatment with this solution is carried out for 5 days, or until complete recovery.

    Recipe No. 2. For the treatment of sinusitis, drops with mumiyo and glycerin are well recommended. To prepare them, you need to mix glycerin (1 tsp) and 4 tsp. distilled water. Add 3 g of mumiyo to the resulting mixture. Instill 3-5 drops into each nasal passage 3 times (more often) during the day.

    Recipe No. 3. The use of turunda with mumiyo solution has received positive reviews in the treatment of sinusitis in children. To do this, prepare a solution of mumiyo (take 3 g of mumiyo per 100 ml of water), adding 1 tsp. honey Moisten the turundas with the resulting mixture and place them in the nasal passages. The maximum positive effect is achieved after 4-6 days of daily use of this method. In parallel, using drops with mumiyo.

    Recipe No. 4. For chronic sinusitis, drops with camphor oil should be prepared. To do this, you need to mix 50 ml of camphor oil and 100 mg of dry mummy. Place 4-5 drops in the nose three times a day.

    Recipe No. 5. For complex treatment of sinusitis, it is recommended to take 0.5 g of mummy daily orally. To do this, it should be dissolved in a glass of warm milk, adding a small amount of honey to taste.

    Video on the topic:


    What is sinusitis?

    This is a disease of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses, which occurs as an inflammatory process that is caused by various causes.

    The disease requires complex drug treatment, which can only be prescribed by an otolaryngologist. Without complex therapy, chronic sinusitis may develop.

    Altai mumiyo - what is it?

    This substance is natural, formed in the caves of the Altai Mountains from elements of mineral, plant and animal origin.

    Properties of mummy and mechanism of action

    The mummy contains

    • vitamins;
    • minerals;
    • amino acids;
    • essential oils;
    • mineral and vegetable resins;
    • enzymes;
    • flavonoids and carotenoids;
    • tannins;
    • microelements;
    • phospholipids.

    All of them have a beneficial effect on the human body, helping it fight pathogenic microflora.

    Indications for use

    This effective natural product can be used for various serious diseases and pathological processes:

    • intoxication;
    • inflammation;
    • general fatigue;
    • aging of the body;
    • poor blood circulation;
    • decreased hemoglobin;
    • nervous tension;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • reduction of the body's protective functions;
    • poor metabolism;
    • for the prevention of cancer.


    Preparations based on mummy have virtually no contraindications. The only limitation may be individual intolerance to one of its components.

    Recipes for sinusitis with mumiom

    There are various recipes for external remedies that can be made from mumi at home. Medicinal compositions of this type combine well with various medications.

    Glycerin based drops

    You can independently prepare a medicinal solution from glycerin and mummy, which is instilled into a stuffy nose. The recipe is suitable for the treatment of chronic sinusitis. It is enough to instill a few drops of this product 3-4 times into the nose for a week to improve breathing and relieve congestion. To do this, you need to mix glycerin with distilled or boiled water in the ratio: 1 teaspoon of glycerin to 4 teaspoons of water. You need to add 3 g of mummy to the resulting solution. Instill the resulting composition with a pipette into the nasal passages 3 - 4 times a day, 3 - 5 drops, for 5 - 7 days.

    Drops based on peach oil

    At the first symptoms of sinusitis, an oil solution of peach oil and a 10% aqueous solution of mummy helps well. Cosmetic peach oil and mummy solution are mixed with each other and dripped into the nose five times a day. For 50 ml of mummy solution you need to take 100 ml of peach oil. One drop into each nostril, if this procedure is carried out regularly, will restore the respiratory functions of the nose and ensure faster regeneration of its mucous membrane.

    Solutions and turundas in the nose

    The fastest and easiest way to prepare an effective remedy for treating nasal congestion at home is to dissolve a piece of Altai mimiya in water and bury it in the nose. For 100 ml of water take 3 g mummy and 1 teaspoon of honey. The resulting solution is used in the form of lotions. Cotton pads are moistened and then inserted into the nasal passages for 10 - 15 minutes. Before carrying out such a medical procedure, it is necessary to clear the nose of accumulated mucus by rinsing with a saline solution and decoctions of medicinal herbs. To prepare them, you can use chamomile or calendula inflorescences, which have bactericidal properties. The therapeutic effect will be achieved after regularly performing this procedure for 4 - 6 days. At the same time, you can use mummy-based drops.

    Internal reception mummy

    Sinusitis greatly weakens the human immune system. The tablet form of mummy, which has a minimum of contraindications, can act as a mild immunomodulator. Such drugs can be taken simultaneously with medications prescribed by a doctor. You can also take this substance in liquid form. To do this, dissolve 0.5 g of mummy in a glass of warmed milk, then add a spoonful of honey and drink.

    If treatment is not received on time, there is a risk of complications in the form of sinusitis, which is not so easy to get rid of.

    This disease causes a number of unpleasant symptoms that negatively affect the patient’s condition. To get rid of sinusitis you need to seek medical help. Along with drug treatment, the patient may be advised to use drops with glycerin and mumiyo for sinusitis.

    How to use mumiyo

    Treatment of sinusitis with mumiyo and glycerin has been known in the medical community since ancient times. This type of therapy can relieve the symptoms of inflammation and restore breathing. But in each case, treatment requires medical supervision, since the course of inflammation can be acute or instantly turn into a chronic stage.

    That is why even a simple runny nose cannot be ignored. It can provoke not only sinusitis, but also otitis media, inflammation of the eustachian tube and a number of other ailments.

    If you have been prescribed mumiyo for sinusitis, you should study the medicinal properties of this ingredient.

    The history of using mumiyo begins more than 4000 years ago. This balm has various healing properties and has antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    The composition of the biologically active resin-like substance includes:

    • amino acids: glycine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and others;
    • fatty acids;
    • organic acids;
    • phospholipids;
    • essential oils;
    • resinous components;
    • vitamins.

    In addition, the biochemical composition contains many microelements and flavonoids, which contribute to the rapid removal of the virus from the body.

    Despite many positive opinions about the effect of mumiyo against the common cold in children and adults, using this component without a doctor’s permission can be dangerous.

    Alternative medicine methods do not always work as described in some recipes.

    Therefore, before taking the medicinal component, you need to consult a doctor.

    It is known that therapy with the help of mumiyo has an effective effect not only in acute sinusitis, but also in the case of chronic inflammation.

    Drops from mumiyo

    There are several effective recipes for mumiyo for sinusitis, but there is an opinion that drops from this substance have a pronounced effect. In addition, mummy in the form of drops has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic effect.

    It is important that mumiyo can be used during the period of fetal development, as well as at the time of breastfeeding.

    To prepare a solution for the treatment of sinusitis, you need the following:

    1. Purchase 0.2 grams of dry active resin.
    2. Dissolve it in one glass of cold purified water.
    3. Stir the mixture until the substance is completely dissolved.

    The resulting mixture must be instilled into each nasal passage, three drops five times a day. First, the nose must be rinsed with saline solution or any special medicine. Aquamaris, Dioxidin, Miramistin are suitable for this.

    To consolidate the effect, you can drink the mummy solution every morning. To do this, dilute a small amount of the component in warm water and take in small sips. This intake of the drug will remove bacteria and various infections from the body.

    Shilajit with glycerin

    To get rid of the symptoms of sinusitis and alleviate the general condition of the patient, the following recipe has been well recommended.

    1. Mix one teaspoon of glycerin in 10 grams of purified water.
    2. Add three grams of mumiyo to the solution.

    The resulting mixture must be instilled into each nasal passage no more than five times a day, five drops. Treatment with this method should be continued for no more than five days.

    How to treat mumiyo with glycerin

    The use of a biological resin substance for medicinal purposes for inflammation of the nasal sinuses should be monitored by the attending physician. Independent use of the described methods can lead to undesirable consequences in which the nasal mucosa is damaged or other side effects occur.

    If on the third day of taking the medication you do not feel any improvement, the further course of treatment requires review. The body probably does not accept this therapy.

    In case of the first symptoms of sinusitis, it is necessary to prepare a solution of mumiyo with the addition of peach or apricot oil.

    1. To do this, mix a ten percent solution of mumiyo with oil in a one to one ratio.
    2. Place five drops into your nose every four hours.
    3. It is necessary to adhere to this method of treatment until complete recovery.

    If sinusitis has reached the acute stage, more serious treatment is necessary. At this phase, consultation with a doctor and medication are necessary. Shilajit with glycerin can act as one of the methods of therapy.

    1. To do this, prepare a solution of glycerin and mumiyo.
    2. Add a few drops of camphor oil to the mixture.
    3. Place two drops in each nostril three times a day for seven days in a row.

    In case of transition from the acute course of inflammation to the chronic stage, it is necessary to use a more complex course of treatment prescribed by your attending physician.

    Recipes made from mumiyo and glycerin can help reduce symptoms and normalize the patient’s general well-being.

    In addition to instilling drops of mumiyo and glycerin into your nose, do not forget to drink the solution every morning.


    Reviews of mumiyo and glycerin for sinusitis differ greatly from each other. Read them before using these recipes.

    Denis Chugunov: “I took glycerin and mumiyo for acute sinusitis, which appeared immediately after a runny nose. I knew the recipe for a long time, from my grandmother. I instilled drops five times a day for five days. On the third day of treatment, the mucus from the nose became more liquid, and after two more days everything went away. During the treatment I felt a slight burning sensation after the injection, but did not attach any importance to it. “As it turned out, mumiyo dries out the mucous membrane, which is not entirely beneficial.”

    Evgenia Kresina: “I was treated with mumiyo and glycerin when sinusitis appeared. I used the recipe from the Internet, but I had heard about this method from friends before. I prepared the solution following all the described rules, but did not feel any effect. When sinusitis began to enter the acute stage, I consulted a doctor. He prescribed drug therapy, and only then did I fully recover.”

    Yulia Gavrikova: “When sinusitis formed, I used the old well-known method: I prepared a solution of glycerin and mumiyo. I buried it in the morning and evening for six days in a row. Before using the drops, I cleaned my nose with a solution of furatsilin. At the end of the course of treatment, all symptoms disappeared.”


    Sinusitis is a serious inflammation that requires special treatment. If a specific diagnosis is incorrect or the patient ignores the doctor’s advice, the inflammation goes into the chronic stage. With this course of the disease, treatment will be long and expensive.

    For this reason, monitor your health and avoid complications of a runny nose. Remember that sinusitis has a number of undesirable consequences. Very often, those suffering from sinusitis complained of pain in the head, nasopharynx, and frontal sinus. Later it turned out that the patient had inflammation of the lining of the brain.

    Do not delay treatment of sinusitis and use the described recipes at the first signs of illness.

    Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

    All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

    Shilajit for a runny nose

    A runny nose is a painful and unpleasant symptom of some diseases. It can appear on its own, for example, with colds. However, most often this symptom is a consequence of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract or middle ear. You can get rid of a runny nose only with general comprehensive treatment of the disease that is its cause. It is worth noting that doctors in this case most often recommend the use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, which cannot be used for a long time. What to do in this case? After all, a runny nose cannot be cured in two or three days. Traditional medicine will help you get rid of this unpleasant and dangerous symptom. There are many recipes for its treatment, but one of the most effective is the use of mumiyo. What is it and how does this remedy help overcome a runny nose?

    The effectiveness of mumiyo for a runny nose

    Mumiyo is an organo-mineral product, most often formed in the mountains. In consistency and appearance, the already purified substance vaguely resembles tar. Its miraculous properties are still not fully understood. It is known that mumiyo contains tannins, essential resins, minerals, vitamins and microelements. In the most miraculous way, a substance is formed in rocks that contains in its composition the entire periodic table of Mendeleev’s elements.

    Shilajit has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. This is precisely what explains its effectiveness in treating the common cold.

    Shilajit treatment for runny nose

    Treatment of mumiyo runny nose

    Treatment of mumiyo for a runny nose has been used for a long time. This substance has bactericidal and antiviral activity. This allows you to use mumiyo for a runny nose of both viral and bacterial etiology. This substance also has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. A runny nose that accompanies throat infections should be treated at the same time as them.

    To treat mumiyo throat, you can use the following schemes:

    1. Gargle with a 2.5% mummy solution 3 times a day until the condition improves, then less often.

    2. Take 0.3 g of mumiyo, put it under the tongue, hold until completely dissolved, then eat with a teaspoon of honey. Repeat the procedure in the morning until complete recovery.

    Mumiyo for a runny nose

    In order to properly use mumiyo for a runny nose, follow the recommendations given below:

    1. Make a 10% solution of mumiyo using peach oil. Place 5 drops into the nose 4 times a day.

    2. Mix 0.1 g of mumiyo with camphor oil in a ratio of 1:5 and drip this mixture into each nostril.

    Otitis and hearing loss

    1. Instill a 3% solution of mummy in peach or vaseline oil into the ear, 3 drops per day, warm it with a heating pad or a blue lamp.

    Mix 2.0.35 g of mumiyo with pure rose oil, add unripe grape juice and instill in the ear 3 times a day.

    3. Mix 2 g of mumiyo with 100 ml of water and insert a swab moistened with this solution into the ear. Repeat several times.

    If there is a clear decrease in hearing and its cause is identified during the diagnostic process, it is useful to instill 0.4 g of mumiyo in the ears mixed with oil in a ratio of 1:10 twice a day (morning and night). At the same time, it is advisable to drink 0.2 g of mumiyo mixed with milk or honey, which enhances anti-inflammatory processes.

    Treatment of runny nose in children

    A runny nose is a common symptom of severe colds in children. But a constant and severe runny nose can be the cause of various diseases, including sinusitis. Our body itself copes with various infections that affect the human respiratory organs. But if the immune system is weakened, then the body’s immune defense functions do not work and bacteria continue to multiply and infect larger and larger areas of the mucous cavity. If not treated in a timely manner, runny nose and other diseases can become chronic.

    Shilajit helps very well with children with a runny nose. To do this, you need to prepare a medicinal solution, which is very good for colds, nasal congestion and even adenoids. It is necessary to dissolve 0.5 g of mumiyo in ¼ glass of water. This solution just needs to be instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops 5-6 times a day. The solution should be stored in the refrigerator and slightly warmed before use.

    For chronic tonsillitis, you need to dissolve 0.2 g. mummy in 1 tsp. butter. You need to lubricate your tonsils with this mixture 2-3 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

    The following recipe will help children with sinusitis. Prepare a 10% mummy solution in peach oil. The resulting mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and instilled into the nose every day, 5 drops 3-4 times. The second method of treating sinusitis: you need to prepare drops by mixing camphor oil and 0.1 g. mumiyo. The ratio should be 5:1. The resulting solution should be instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops 4-5 times a day.

    There is another recipe that is suitable not only for the nose, but also for the ears. You need to take 10 ml water, 10 ml purified glycerin and 2.5 g mummy. First you need to dissolve the mummy in water. After complete dissolution, add glycerin and stir until the solution takes on a uniform color. Then filter and store in the refrigerator. Place 2-3 drops into the nostrils or ear canal every day. Be sure to heat and shake before use.

    If you have a sore throat and pain, you can gargle with mumiyo solution 4-5 times. To do this, you need to prepare a solution: stir 1 gram into half a glass of water. mumiyo.

    Mumiyo with honey for a runny nose. (Reviews: 1)

    Shilajit with honey is a great remedy for a runny nose. To prepare the necessary mixture, you need to take 1 tablet of mumiyo (usually it contains 0.1 g of extract), add 50 mg. warm boiled water. If you are not using an extract, then you need to take 5 grams of regular mumiyo. Next, dissolve the tablet in water, add 1 teaspoon of high-quality honey to the resulting solution. Instill the resulting mixture into the nasal passages 4-5 times a day. It helps a lot with a runny nose and boosts the immune system. It is best to store this mixture in the refrigerator.


    What an interesting recipe, you should definitely try it. You know how it starts to rain, when it gets cold, and it’s hard to get rid of a runny nose using the usual remedies offered at the pharmacy, I know it from my own experience. But this is something new for me.

    Shilajit for the treatment of runny nose

    Most recipes for medicines that include mumiyo require the use of this healing agent orally. The main distinguishing features between these recipes are only their dosage and time of administration. However, according to the practice of using mumiyo as a medicine to cure diseases, it was found that the greatest effect from its use can be obtained only in the case of direct impact on the diseased organ. With such research, several options for using mumiyo topically were discovered, and one of them is nasal drops with this substance.

    For inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and in the treatment of sinusitis, a mummy solution is prepared in such a concentration that when the resulting solution is examined in the light, it has a shade from brown transparent to dark opaque. Instilling mumiyo drops into the nose of such a concentration causes burning and tingling of varying levels of intensity in the inflamed areas, up to painful sensations, depending on the strength of the solution.

    Shilajit promotes rapid healing of the nasal cavity and the liquefaction and abundant release of mucus. After the nasal passage is completely cleared of mucus, you can continue the course of instilling these drops until the nose is completely cleared of secretions.

    In order to have a therapeutic and healing effect of the mummy solution on the parotid sinuses and maxillary sinuses immediately after the drops are instilled, the head must be turned towards the nostril into which the drops were injected.

    A contraindication to the use of such a remedy is that it should not be instilled at night, since it is impossible to blow your nose while sleeping, and the use of this remedy will lead to copious mucus secretion and filling of the nasal passages with it.

    Mumiyo for colds, runny nose and cough

    The cold is a disease that every inhabitant of our world is familiar with. The common cold does not pose a threat to life, but still, no one wants to lie around at home for a long time with a fever, cough and runny nose. However, this is not necessary if you know how to treat correctly! This article will popularly tell you how to drink mumiyo correctly for a cold. runny nose and cough. so that these unpleasant symptoms go away as soon as possible, without knocking a person out of the established working rhythm for longer than 2-3 days.

    Treatment of colds with mumiomi

    The very concept of “cold” has a rather vague meaning in the minds of the general population. Some people understand by this word a disease caused by hypothermia, others understand acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, and it happens that the flu is mistaken for a cold - mainly because of the similarity of symptoms.

    Shilajit for colds

    Literally every person on the planet spends at least one week a year in bed with a cold, cough or runny nose. But, as it turns out, this time lost from life can be reduced to just a few days if it is treated not with pharmaceutical tablets, but with mumiom.

    The cold is a disease that every inhabitant of our world is familiar with. The common cold does not pose a threat to life, but still, no one wants to lie around at home for a long time with a fever, cough and runny nose. However, this is not necessary if you know how to treat correctly! This article will popularly tell you how to drink mumiyo correctly for colds, runny nose and cough, so that these unpleasant symptoms go away as soon as possible, without knocking a person out of the established working rhythm for longer than 2-3 days.

    The common cold is always accompanied by both a cough and a runny nose, however, in the review below, a runny nose and cough will also be considered as completely independent diseases, since in some cases they can actually arise and proceed without the addition of a common cold, with its typical symptom complex. The use of mumiyo for these three diseases allows you to achieve recovery much faster, and therefore much less stress will be placed on the body’s immune forces.

    Treatment of colds with mumiomi

    The very concept of a “cold” has a rather vague meaning in the minds of the general public. Some people mean by this word a disease caused by hypothermia, others understand acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, and it happens that the flu is mistaken for a cold - mainly because of the similarity of symptoms.

    And the symptoms of a cold are really similar to the flu, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections:

    temperature, which can rise to 40º C, or can stay at 37º C. runny nose, sometimes even accompanied by nasal congestion; cough, which can be dry or with sputum, and sometimes even accompanied by chest pain; soreness and sore throat, with the risk of developing a sore throat; headache, lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite.

    It is best to start drinking mumiyo for a cold immediately after its first signs appear, because if the disease “takes hold” in full, then the fight against it may drag on for a longer period than the 2-3 days promised above.

    Three times a day you need to dissolve a milligram of mumiyo in a glass of water (or better yet, milk) and drink it half an hour before meals. If after ten days full recovery has still not occurred, then you need to take a five-day break, and then take the course for another 10 days. To prevent the impending epidemic, you need to drink mumiyo according to recipe No. 1, only you need to take it twice a day, and the dose should not exceed 200 milligrams. For very severe colds, dissolve a milligram of mumiyo in a glass of fruit juice or, if there is no juice, in a teaspoon of honey and drink the resulting medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed for 25 days. If complete recovery has not occurred at the end of the course, you will need to take a 10-day break and repeat the entire course again. If mumiyo is in tablets, then dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of water heated to a temperature of 40º C and drink the resulting medicine three times a day before meals.

    Treatment of a runny nose with mumiomi

    A classic runny nose cannot be confused with anything - “waterfalls” flow from the nose, the patient is tormented by a tickling in the depths of the nostrils, sometimes the nose becomes so blocked that it becomes impossible to breathe.

    Science distinguishes the following types of runny nose, classified by reason:

    Normal, or catarrhal, occurring as an independent disease after hypothermia, or a symptom of acute respiratory infections; Allergic, caused by a specific substance (pollen, dust, wool, etc.), to which the body’s immune system reacts inadequately; Vasomotor, caused by reflex stimuli - cold, pungent odor, temperature changes, etc.

    Traditionally, when you have a runny nose, you put mumiyo in your nose, but if your runny nose is of an allergenic nature, then it makes sense to take mumiyo internally according to an anti-allergenic regimen.

    Dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo in half a glass of warm water. Apply this solution to your nose several times a day, depending on the frequency based on the severity of your runny nose. By heating peach oil in a water bath, prepare a 10% oily solution of mumiyo. We drop this medicine into the nose four times a day, five drops. We combine 100 milligrams of mumiyo with 50 milligrams of camphor oil. This medicine will need to be dripped into the nose. For a chronic runny nose, you need to dissolve a milligram of mumiyo in milk, maintaining a ratio of 1:20, and then add a little honey and, if available, cow fat. You should drink this medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed in the evening, while simultaneously lubricating your nostrils with it on top and inside.

    Treatment of cough with mumiomi

    A cough may well be an independent disease that occurs after hypothermia, but much more often it is a symptom of a number of possible diseases - tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, bronchitis, etc.

    The following types of cough are known, observed in various diseases:

    dry, without sputum discharge, and wet, with sputum discharge; superficial, localized in the upper parts of the chest, and deep, covering literally the entire chest up to the diaphragm; strong, downright debilitating, and weak, most often manifested in the form of constant coughing; constant, that is, pestering the patient around the clock, and episodic, occurring occasionally upon contact with some allergen or after physical activity.

    Taking into account the above, mumiyo for cough can be taken only after agreement with the doctor, in order to exclude the option when the patient treats tuberculosis cough according to the anti-cold regimen, which are listed below.

    Every day, in the morning on an empty stomach, the patient puts a milligram of mumiyo under his tongue and sucks on it until completely dissolved. This will need to be done for 10 days three times a day, after which you will need to take a five-day break and repeat the course again. Every morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, the patient should drink milligrams of mumiyo dissolved in a tablespoon of milk. An old Central Asian recipe - dissolve 200 milligrams of mumiyo in a small amount of barley water or freshly squeezed radish juice and drink immediately.


    Colds. Bronchitis. Sore throats. Laryngitis. Pharyngitis. Sinusitis. Flu.

    Cold treatment

    Relieving inflammatory processes. Reduce sore throat, cough and runny nose. Regeneration of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Eliminate fatigue, weakness and headaches. Strengthening the immune system.

    Dissolve mumiyo in a glass of warm water, you can replace the water with milk and add 1 tsp. honey Take 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. If symptoms persist for 10 days, repeat the regimen after 5 days. Take 0.3 g of “mountain resin”, a small piece, keep it in your mouth until dissolved, no need to drink it. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course of administration is 5-10 days, after 5 days the treatment can be repeated.

    Remedies for runny nose

    Mix camphor oil with mumiyo, the ratio should be 5:1. The prepared mixture should be dripped into each nostril, 1 drop, no more than 5 times a day. You can use peach oil to prepare the drops. Mix 0.1 g of mumiyo and oil in a ratio of 1:10. The prepared solution should be stored in a cool place. Place a drop in the nostril, up to 5 times a day.

    Cough recipes

    For dry cough. Mix 3 g of mumiyo with 1 glass of milk, always warm. Take half a glass in the morning an hour before meals, drink the other half before bed. If you are worried about severe coughing attacks, prepare a mixture of mumiyo, honey and beef fat. To do this, take 3 g of “mountain resin” and mix with the rest of the ingredients in a ratio of 1:20. Use 2 tsp. morning and evening, for a month. For children, inhalations based on mumiyo are best suited. 10 g of the specified substance are diluted in a glass of water, the mixture is boiled over a fire and breathed through a tube once a day.

    Recipes with mumiyo for colds

    Mumiyo is a product of mineral origin, mined in mountain caves, has a dark color and resembles resin in appearance. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, due to which it is widely used for the treatment of ENT pathologies, for example, in cough therapy.


    In medicine, mumiyo is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, rheumatism, diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, and joint pain. If we talk about ENT diseases, then mumiyo is useful for treatment and prevention:

    This natural remedy is also often used in cosmetology and as a general strengthening product.

    Cold treatment

    Shilajit for a cold can help you heal in a few days if you start taking this product immediately after the first symptoms appear. The components of the product in the treatment of colds contribute to:

    • Relieving inflammatory processes.
    • Reduce sore throat, cough and runny nose.
    • Regeneration of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.
    • Eliminate fatigue, weakness and headaches.
    • Strengthening the immune system.

    How to use it correctly for colds:

    1. Dissolve mumiyo in a glass of warm water, you can replace the water with milk and add 1 tsp. honey Take 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. If symptoms persist for 10 days, repeat the regimen after 5 days.
    2. Take 0.3 g of “mountain resin”, a small piece, keep it in your mouth until dissolved, no need to drink it. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course of administration is 5-10 days, after 5 days the treatment can be repeated.

    Remedies for runny nose

    With the help of mumiyo, you can treat a runny nose of a bacterial or viral nature, because This effective bactericidal and antiviral agent regenerates the nasal mucous membranes well. Several recipes for use for a runny nose:

    1. Mix camphor oil with mumiyo, the ratio should be 5:1. The prepared mixture should be dripped into each nostril, 1 drop, no more than 5 times a day.
    2. You can use peach oil to prepare the drops. Mix 0.1 g of mumiyo and oil in a ratio of 1:10. The prepared solution should be stored in a cool place. Place a drop in the nostril, up to 5 times a day.

    If a runny nose is also accompanied by a sore throat, it is worthwhile to comprehensively solve this problem and carry out additional rinses. An alcohol solution will help in this case. To prepare it, mumiyo (1 tsp) needs to be diluted in 100 g of water, the mixture should be used 3 times a day.

    Cough recipes

    Let's look at several ways to treat cough:

    1. For dry cough. Mix 3 g of mumiyo with 1 glass of milk, always warm. Take half a glass in the morning an hour before meals, drink the other half before bed.
    2. If you are worried about severe coughing attacks, prepare a mixture of mumiyo, honey and beef fat. To do this, take 3 g of “mountain resin” and mix with the rest of the ingredients in a ratio of 1:20. Use 2 tsp. morning and evening, for a month.
    3. For children, inhalations based on mumiyo are best suited. 10 g of the specified substance are diluted in a glass of water, the mixture is boiled over a fire and breathed through a tube once a day.

    Colds can be treated with mumiyo, but remember that you should first consult a doctor.

    Healing mummy - salvation from sinusitis?

    A runny nose, like any other symptom of colds, can darken a person’s life. In addition, doctors consider it by no means a harmless manifestation. Prolonged nasal congestion may indicate a serious illness such as sinusitis. To treat such a disease, antibacterial drugs, sprays and drops to relieve inflammation, and physiotherapy are used. Traditional medicine does not lag behind traditional medicine and offers many recipes for the treatment of sinusitis. Healers claim that mumiyo for sinusitis will not only help eliminate the inflammatory process, but will also help strengthen the body’s immune functions.

    What is mumiyo and how does it work?

    Mumiyo is a substance of natural origin that is formed in mountain caves under the influence of rocks and elements of plant and animal origin. At this stage, leading scientists who studied the process of formation of this element were unable to build a single chain of formation of rock substances.

    There is no debate about the benefits of a component of plant origin; scientists of our time do not deny that natural mumiyo is endowed with healing properties. It is used for various purposes, it helps cope with inflammatory processes, eliminates swelling, and helps with various diseases. It contains a whole complex of useful vitamins, which is why it has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system and accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranes and tissues. Some constituent substances help the body defeat various viruses and bacteria. Fatty acids and tannins help eliminate inflammation and relieve pain.

    Among the medicinal properties of such a unique substance as mumiyo, the following can be distinguished:

    • high degree of activity of biological substances included in its composition;
    • anti-inflammatory effect;
    • bactericidal properties;
    • strengthening immune functions;
    • increased hemoglobin;
    • acceleration of the metabolic process;
    • has a positive effect on the nervous system.

    The product is used both for oral administration and for external treatment. It is worth noting that only natural mummy is considered healing.

    Home Recipes

    In most cases, with sinusitis, the patient is bothered by severe nasal congestion, and there may be excessive production of mucous or purulent contents with an unpleasant odor. The patient's body temperature rises by several degrees, a general malaise is felt, appetite disappears, and general weakness occurs. Typically, sinus inflammation develops due to improper treatment of colds. Patients who have experienced the healing power of the substance claim that this particular remedy will help quickly, and most importantly, defeat sinusitis forever.

    In order to treat sinusitis with mummy, you need to prepare nasal drops. Such products are completely natural, and therefore have no contraindications or side effects for use; with their help, sinusitis can be cured even in children. The components for preparing the drops are sold in pharmacies and are inexpensive. The course of treatment should not exceed 14 days.

    To prepare drops with glycerin and mumiyo, vegetable oil is also required.

    Glycerin is necessary in such drops because it moisturizes the mucous membranes of the nose. This component is responsible for the hydration of the mucous membranes necessary for sinusitis. At the end of the course of treatment using drops with mumiyo, it is useful to lubricate the nasal cavity with glycerin using a gauze flagellum.

    Glycerin drops with mumiyo for the treatment of sinusitis

    To make a remedy for sinusitis you will need:

    • 1 g mummy (in terms of tablets of 0.2 g - 10 tablets);
    • 1 tsp. glycerin;
    • 3 tsp. purified water.

    The tablets need to be ground into powder and mixed with water. Pour the resulting mixture into glycerin and mix thoroughly. The composition must be poured into a dark glass bottle. Place 1 drop in each nostril 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 14 days. For chronic inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinuses, every 2 weeks you need to take a 5-7-day break and repeat the course of therapy. The finished mixture should be stored in a cool place for no more than 1 month.

    Simple drops

    To prepare simple drops with mumiyo for sinusitis, you only need tablets and clean water. 20 powdered tablets should be mixed with 1 tbsp. l. boiled water and shake thoroughly. Leave in a dark place for 2 hours. Apply the resulting mixture to your nose three times a day. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

    Peach oil drops

    To prepare such a medicine, you need to prepare a 1% solution of mumiyo with peach oil. This means that 10 mummy tablets need to be dissolved in 10 ml of oil. Before combining these components, the tablets must be crushed. The resulting composition is instilled into the nose three times a day, 2 drops, for 5 days.


    Turundas soaked in a medicinal composition with mumiyo are also used to treat sinusitis in adults and children. To prepare the mixture, add 1 tsp to a 2% aqueous solution of mumiyo. natural honey. The composition is heated (without boiling) and poured into a glass container. Turundas are twisted from cotton wool or bandages, soaked in the solution and inserted into the nasal passages for a minute. It is worth noting that when using turunda, a slight burning and tingling sensation in the nose may occur - this is a normal reaction.

    It should be remembered that sinusitis is a serious disease that does not tolerate self-medication, and various drops with mumiyo cannot be used as the main remedy for the treatment of such a complex disease. They can only act as an additional component to drug therapy.

    Literally every person on the planet spends at least one week a year in bed with a cold, cough or runny nose. But, as it turns out, this time lost from life can be reduced to just a few days if it is treated not with pharmaceutical tablets, but with mumiom.

    The cold is a disease that every inhabitant of our world is familiar with. The common cold does not pose a threat to life, but still, no one wants to lie around at home for a long time with a fever, cough and runny nose. However, this is not necessary if you know how to treat correctly! This article will popularly tell you how to drink correctly mumiyo for colds, runny nose and cough so that these unpleasant symptoms go away as soon as possible, without knocking a person out of the established working rhythm for longer than 2-3 days.

    The common cold is always accompanied by both a cough and a runny nose, however, in the review below, a runny nose and cough will also be considered as completely independent diseases, since in some cases they can actually arise and proceed without the addition of a common cold, with its typical symptom complex. The use of mumiyo for these three diseases allows you to achieve recovery much faster, and therefore much less stress will be placed on the body’s immune forces.

    Treatment of colds with mumiomi

    The very concept of a “cold” has a rather vague meaning in the minds of the general public. Some people mean by this word a disease caused by hypothermia, others understand acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, and it happens that the flu is mistaken for a cold - mainly because of the similarity of symptoms.

    And the symptoms of a cold are really similar to the flu, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections:

    temperature, which can rise to 40º C, or can stay at 37º C. runny nose, sometimes even accompanied by nasal congestion; cough, which can be dry or with sputum, and sometimes even accompanied by chest pain; soreness and sore throat, with the risk of developing a sore throat; headache, lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite.

    Start drinking mumiyo for colds It’s best immediately after the first signs appear, because if the disease “takes hold” fully, then the fight against it may drag on for a longer period than the 2-3 days promised above.

    Three times a day you need to dissolve 300-500 milligrams of mumiyo in a glass of water (or better yet milk) and drink half an hour before meals. If after ten days full recovery has still not occurred, then you need to take a five-day break, and then take the course for another 10 days. To prevent the impending epidemic, you need to drink mumiyo according to recipe No. 1, only you need to take it twice a day, and the dose should not exceed 200 milligrams. For very severe colds, dissolve 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo in a glass of fruit juice or, if there is no juice, in a teaspoon of honey and drink the resulting medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed for 25 days. If complete recovery has not occurred at the end of the course, you will need to take a 10-day break and repeat the entire course again. If mumiyo is in tablets, then dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of water heated to a temperature of 40º C and drink the resulting medicine three times a day before meals.

    Treatment of a runny nose with mumiomi

    A classic runny nose cannot be confused with anything - “waterfalls” flow from the nose, the patient is tormented by a tickling in the depths of the nostrils, sometimes the nose becomes so blocked that it becomes impossible to breathe.

    Science distinguishes the following types of runny nose, classified by reason:

    Normal, or catarrhal, occurring as an independent disease after hypothermia, or a symptom of acute respiratory infections; Allergic, caused by a specific substance (pollen, dust, wool, etc.), to which the body’s immune system reacts inadequately; Vasomotor, caused by reflex stimuli - cold, pungent odor, temperature changes, etc.

    Traditionally mumiyo for a runny nose drop into the nose, but if the runny nose is of an allergenic nature, then it makes sense to take mumiyo internally according to the anti-allergenic regimen.

    Dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo in half a glass of warm water. Apply this solution to your nose several times a day, depending on the frequency based on the severity of your runny nose. By heating peach oil in a water bath, prepare a 10% oily solution of mumiyo. We drop this medicine into the nose four times a day, five drops. We combine 100 milligrams of mumiyo with 50 milligrams of camphor oil. This medicine will need to be dripped into the nose. For chronic runny nose, you need to dissolve 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo in milk, maintaining a ratio of 1:20, and then add a little honey and, if available, cow fat. You should drink this medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed in the evening, while simultaneously lubricating your nostrils with it on top and inside.

    Treatment of cough with mumiomi

    A cough may well be an independent disease that occurs after hypothermia, but much more often it is a symptom of a number of possible diseases - tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, bronchitis, etc.

    The following types of cough are known, observed in various diseases:

    dry, without sputum discharge, and wet, with sputum discharge; superficial, localized in the upper parts of the chest, and deep, covering literally the entire chest up to the diaphragm; strong, downright debilitating, and weak, most often manifested in the form of constant coughing; constant, that is, pestering the patient around the clock, and episodic, occurring occasionally upon contact with some allergen or after physical activity.

    Taking into account the above, Shilajit for cough can be taken only after agreement with the doctor, in order to exclude the option when the patient treats tuberculosis cough according to the anti-cold regimen, which are listed below.

    Every day, in the morning on an empty stomach, the patient puts 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo under his tongue and sucks on it until completely dissolved. This will need to be done for 10 days three times a day, after which you will need to take a five-day break and repeat the course again. Every morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, the patient should drink 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo dissolved in a tablespoon of milk. An old Central Asian recipe - dissolve 200 milligrams of mumiyo in a small amount of barley water or freshly squeezed radish juice and drink immediately.

    Mumiyo is a product of mineral origin, mined in mountain caves, has a dark color and resembles resin in appearance. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, due to which it is widely used for the treatment of ENT pathologies, for example, in cough therapy.


    In medicine, mumiyo is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, rheumatism, diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, and joint pain. If we talk about ENT diseases, then mumiyo is useful for treatment and prevention:

    Colds. Bronchitis. Sore throats. Laryngitis. Pharyngitis. Sinusitis. Flu.

    This natural remedy is also often used in cosmetology and as a general strengthening product.

    Cold treatment

    Shilajit for a cold can help you heal in a few days if you start taking this product immediately after the first symptoms appear. The components of the product in the treatment of colds contribute to:

    Relieving inflammatory processes. Reduce sore throat, cough and runny nose. Regeneration of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Eliminate fatigue, weakness and headaches. Strengthening the immune system.

    How to use it correctly for colds:

    Dissolve 300-500 mg of mumiyo in a glass of warm water, you can replace the water with milk and add 1 tsp. honey Take 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. If symptoms persist for 10 days, repeat the regimen after 5 days. Take 0.3 g of “mountain resin”, a small piece, keep it in your mouth until dissolved, no need to drink it. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course of administration is 5-10 days, after 5 days the treatment can be repeated.

    Remedies for runny nose

    With the help of mumiyo, you can treat a runny nose of a bacterial or viral nature, because This effective bactericidal and antiviral agent regenerates the nasal mucous membranes well. Several recipes for use for a runny nose:

    Mix camphor oil with mumiyo, the ratio should be 5:1. The prepared mixture should be dripped into each nostril, 1 drop, no more than 5 times a day. You can use peach oil to prepare the drops. Mix 0.1 g of mumiyo and oil in a ratio of 1:10. The prepared solution should be stored in a cool place. Place a drop in the nostril, up to 5 times a day.

    If a runny nose is also accompanied by a sore throat, it is worthwhile to comprehensively solve this problem and carry out additional rinses. An alcohol solution will help in this case. To prepare it, mumiyo (1 tsp) needs to be diluted in 100 g of water, the mixture should be used 3 times a day.

    Cough recipes

    Let's look at several ways to treat cough:

    For dry cough. Mix 3 g of mumiyo with 1 glass of milk, always warm. Take half a glass in the morning an hour before meals, drink the other half before bed. If you are worried about severe coughing attacks, prepare a mixture of mumiyo, honey and beef fat. To do this, take 3 g of “mountain resin” and mix with the rest of the ingredients in a ratio of 1:20. Use 2 tsp. morning and evening, for a month. For children, inhalations based on mumiyo are best suited. 10 g of the specified substance are diluted in a glass of water, the mixture is boiled over a fire and breathed through a tube once a day.

    Colds can be treated with mumiyo, but remember that you should first consult a doctor.

    • Colds.
    • Bronchitis.
    • Sore throats.
    • Laryngitis.
    • Pharyngitis.
    • Sinusitis.
    • Flu.

    Cold treatment

    • Strengthening the immune system.
    1. Dissolve 300-500 mg of mumiyo in a glass of warm water, you can replace the water with milk and add 1 tsp. honey Take 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. If symptoms persist for 10 days, repeat the regimen after 5 days.

    Remedies for runny nose

    The concept of sinusitis and its causes

    Sinusitis is a disease in which there is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses. According to the nature of the course, acute and chronic sinusitis are distinguished. Based on the causes of occurrence, the disease is divided into the following subtypes:

    1. infectious (caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses);
    2. allergic (develops with prolonged contact of a person with allergens);
    3. vasomotor (occurs with pathological changes in the vessels of the nasal mucosa);
    4. productive (appears when the mucous membrane changes, for example, with atrophy or necrosis);
    5. exudative (the reason for its development is constant discharge from the nasal sinuses);
    6. necrotic (develops with necrotic phenomena in the nasopharynx);
    7. atrophic (observed with mucosal atrophy).

    Most often, sinusitis develops when an infection enters the maxillary sinuses. Other causes of the disease include:

    • improper treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections or rhinitis;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
    • acquired or congenital curvature of the nasal septum and other anomalies of the nasal cavity;
    • frequent hypothermia;
    • chronic allergies;
    • chronic infection in the nasopharynx.

    Useful properties

    This product has unique properties and has a complex healing effect on the human body. Including it:

    • normalizes metabolic processes;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • stimulates hematopoietic function;
    • has an antibacterial effect;
    • accelerates the regeneration of tissues and organs.

    Use for sinusitis

    There is a unique folk recipe, which, according to patients, can cure even the most severe chronic sinusitis in three months. The medicinal drug has a simple recipe and can be easily prepared by anyone at home.

    Drops with glycerin.

    To prepare them you will need the following ingredients:

    • mummy in tablets – 10 pieces;
    • glycerin - half a teaspoon;
    • clean water - 2 teaspoons.

    Combine and mix the above ingredients thoroughly.

    Use the resulting solution as nasal drops. To achieve a positive result, you must strictly adhere to the correct treatment regimen.

    For 20 days, 1-2 drops of the medicine should be instilled into each nasal passage three times a day. After this you need to take a break - 5 days. Then repeat the course. It is necessary to act in this way until complete recovery. As a rule, for sinusitis to go away, it is enough to do 3-5 treatment courses.

    You may be interested in the materials in the article “Propolis for sinusitis.”

    Treatment of colds with mumiomi

    The very concept of a “cold” has a rather vague meaning in the minds of the general public. Some people mean by this word a disease caused by hypothermia, others understand acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, and it happens that the flu is mistaken for a cold - mainly because of the similarity of symptoms.

    And the symptoms of a cold are really similar to the flu, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections:

    temperature, which can rise to 40º C, or can stay at 37º C. runny nose, sometimes even accompanied by nasal congestion; cough, which can be dry or with sputum, and sometimes even accompanied by chest pain; soreness and sore throat, with the risk of developing a sore throat; headache, lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite.

    It is best to start drinking mumiyo for a cold immediately after its first signs appear, because if the disease “takes hold” in full, then the fight against it may drag on for a longer period than the 2-3 days promised above.

    Three times a day you need to dissolve 300-500 milligrams of mumiyo in a glass of water (or better yet milk) and drink half an hour before meals. If after ten days full recovery has still not occurred, then you need to take a five-day break, and then take the course for another 10 days. To prevent the impending epidemic, you need to drink mumiyo according to recipe No. 1, only you need to take it twice a day, and the dose should not exceed 200 milligrams. For very severe colds, dissolve 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo in a glass of fruit juice or, if there is no juice, in a teaspoon of honey and drink the resulting medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed for 25 days. If complete recovery has not occurred at the end of the course, you will need to take a 10-day break and repeat the entire course again. If mumiyo is in tablets, then dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of water heated to a temperature of 40º C and drink the resulting medicine three times a day before meals.

    Treatment of a runny nose with mumiomi

    A classic runny nose cannot be confused with anything - “waterfalls” flow from the nose, the patient is tormented by a tickling in the depths of the nostrils, sometimes the nose becomes so blocked that it becomes impossible to breathe.

    Science distinguishes the following types of runny nose, classified by reason:

    Normal, or catarrhal, occurring as an independent disease after hypothermia, or a symptom of acute respiratory infections; Allergic, caused by a specific substance (pollen, dust, wool, etc.), to which the body’s immune system reacts inadequately; Vasomotor, caused by reflex stimuli - cold, pungent odor, temperature changes, etc.

    Traditionally, when you have a runny nose, you put mumiyo in your nose, but if your runny nose is of an allergenic nature, then it makes sense to take mumiyo internally according to an anti-allergenic regimen.

    Dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo in half a glass of warm water. Apply this solution to your nose several times a day, depending on the frequency based on the severity of your runny nose. By heating peach oil in a water bath, prepare a 10% oily solution of mumiyo. We drop this medicine into the nose four times a day, five drops. We combine 100 milligrams of mumiyo with 50 milligrams of camphor oil. This medicine will need to be dripped into the nose. For chronic runny nose, you need to dissolve 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo in milk, maintaining a ratio of 1:20, and then add a little honey and, if available, cow fat. You should drink this medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed in the evening, while simultaneously lubricating your nostrils with it on top and inside.

    Treatment of cough with mumiomi

    A cough may well be an independent disease that occurs after hypothermia, but much more often it is a symptom of a number of possible diseases - tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, bronchitis, etc.

    The following types of cough are known, observed in various diseases:

    dry, without sputum discharge, and wet, with sputum discharge; superficial, localized in the upper parts of the chest, and deep, covering literally the entire chest up to the diaphragm; strong, downright debilitating, and weak, most often manifested in the form of constant coughing; constant, that is, pestering the patient around the clock, and episodic, occurring occasionally upon contact with some allergen or after physical activity.

    Taking into account the above, mumiyo for cough can be taken only after agreement with the doctor, in order to exclude the option when the patient treats tuberculosis cough according to the anti-cold regimen, which are listed below.

    Every day, in the morning on an empty stomach, the patient puts 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo under his tongue and sucks on it until completely dissolved. This will need to be done for 10 days three times a day, after which you will need to take a five-day break and repeat the course again. Every morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, the patient should drink 200-300 milligrams of mumiyo dissolved in a tablespoon of milk. An old Central Asian recipe - dissolve 200 milligrams of mumiyo in a small amount of barley water or freshly squeezed radish juice and drink immediately.


    In medicine, mumiyo is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, rheumatism, diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, and joint pain. If we talk about ENT diseases, then mumiyo is useful for treatment and prevention:

    Colds. Bronchitis. Sore throats. Laryngitis. Pharyngitis. Sinusitis. Flu.

    This natural remedy is also often used in cosmetology and as a general strengthening product.

    Cold treatment

    Shilajit for a cold can help you heal in a few days if you start taking this product immediately after the first symptoms appear. The components of the product in the treatment of colds contribute to:

    Relieving inflammatory processes. Reduce sore throat, cough and runny nose. Regeneration of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Eliminate fatigue, weakness and headaches. Strengthening the immune system.

    How to use it correctly for colds:

    Dissolve 300-500 mg of mumiyo in a glass of warm water, you can replace the water with milk and add 1 tsp. honey Take 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. If symptoms persist for 10 days, repeat the regimen after 5 days. Take 0.3 g of “mountain resin”, a small piece, keep it in your mouth until dissolved, no need to drink it. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course of administration is 5-10 days, after 5 days the treatment can be repeated.

    Remedies for runny nose

    With the help of mumiyo, you can treat a runny nose of a bacterial or viral nature, because This effective bactericidal and antiviral agent regenerates the nasal mucous membranes well. Several recipes for use for a runny nose:

    Mix camphor oil with mumiyo, the ratio should be 5:1. The prepared mixture should be dripped into each nostril, 1 drop, no more than 5 times a day. You can use peach oil to prepare the drops. Mix 0.1 g of mumiyo and oil in a ratio of 1:10. The prepared solution should be stored in a cool place. Place a drop in the nostril, up to 5 times a day.

    If a runny nose is also accompanied by a sore throat, it is worthwhile to comprehensively solve this problem and carry out additional rinses. An alcohol solution will help in this case. To prepare it, mumiyo (1 tsp) needs to be diluted in 100 g of water, the mixture should be used 3 times a day.

    Posts on similar topics

    Shilajit recipe for sinusitis

    Most people get colds at least three times a year. Colds are accompanied by copious mucous discharge, fever and deterioration of well-being.

    How to use mumiyo

    The history of using mumiyo begins more than 4000 years ago. This balm has various healing properties and has antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    • fatty acids;
    • organic acids;
    • phospholipids;
    • essential oils;
    • resinous components;
    • vitamins.

    Drops from mumiyo

    Shilajit with glycerin


    Reviews of mumiyo and glycerin for sinusitis differ greatly from each other. Read them before using these recipes.

    Denis Chugunov: “I took glycerin and mumiyo for acute sinusitis, which appeared immediately after a runny nose. I knew the recipe for a long time, from my grandmother. I instilled drops five times a day for five days. On the third day of treatment, the mucus from the nose became more liquid, and after two more days everything went away. During the treatment I felt a slight burning sensation after the injection, but did not attach any importance to it. “As it turned out, mumiyo dries out the mucous membrane, which is not entirely beneficial.”

    Evgenia Kresina: “I was treated with mumiyo and glycerin when sinusitis appeared. I used the recipe from the Internet, but I had heard about this method from friends before. I prepared the solution following all the described rules, but did not feel any effect. When sinusitis began to enter the acute stage, I consulted a doctor. He prescribed drug therapy, and only then did I fully recover.”

    Yulia Gavrikova: “When sinusitis formed, I used the old well-known method: I prepared a solution of glycerin and mumiyo. I buried it in the morning and evening for six days in a row. Before using the drops, I cleaned my nose with a solution of furatsilin. At the end of the course of treatment, all symptoms disappeared.”

    Recipes with mumiyo for colds

    Mumiyo is a product of mineral origin, mined in mountain caves, has a dark color and resembles resin in appearance. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, due to which it is widely used for the treatment of ENT pathologies, for example, in cough therapy.


    In medicine, mumiyo is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, rheumatism, diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, and joint pain. If we talk about ENT diseases, then mumiyo is useful for treatment and prevention:

    This natural remedy is also often used in cosmetology and as a general strengthening product.

    Cold treatment

    Shilajit for a cold can help you heal in a few days if you start taking this product immediately after the first symptoms appear. The components of the product in the treatment of colds contribute to:

    • Relieving inflammatory processes.
    • Reduce sore throat, cough and runny nose.
    • Regeneration of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.
    • Eliminate fatigue, weakness and headaches.
    • Strengthening the immune system.

    How to use it correctly for colds:

    1. Dissolve mumiyo in a glass of warm water, you can replace the water with milk and add 1 tsp. honey Take 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. If symptoms persist for 10 days, repeat the regimen after 5 days.
    2. Take 0.3 g of “mountain resin”, a small piece, keep it in your mouth until dissolved, no need to drink it. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course of administration is 5-10 days, after 5 days the treatment can be repeated.

    Remedies for runny nose

    With the help of mumiyo, you can treat a runny nose of a bacterial or viral nature, because This effective bactericidal and antiviral agent regenerates the nasal mucous membranes well. Several recipes for use for a runny nose:

    1. Mix camphor oil with mumiyo, the ratio should be 5:1. The prepared mixture should be dripped into each nostril, 1 drop, no more than 5 times a day.
    2. You can use peach oil to prepare the drops. Mix 0.1 g of mumiyo and oil in a ratio of 1:10. The prepared solution should be stored in a cool place. Place a drop in the nostril, up to 5 times a day.

    If a runny nose is also accompanied by a sore throat, it is worthwhile to comprehensively solve this problem and carry out additional rinses. An alcohol solution will help in this case. To prepare it, mumiyo (1 tsp) needs to be diluted in 100 g of water, the mixture should be used 3 times a day.

    Mumiyo for a runny nose

    In order to properly use mumiyo for a runny nose, follow the recommendations given below:

    Otitis and hearing loss

    Mix 2.0.35 g of mumiyo with pure rose oil, add unripe grape juice and instill in the ear 3 times a day.

    If there is a clear decrease in hearing and its cause is identified during the diagnostic process, it is useful to instill 0.4 g of mumiyo in the ears mixed with oil in a ratio of 1:10 twice a day (morning and night). At the same time, it is advisable to drink 0.2 g of mumiyo mixed with milk or honey, which enhances anti-inflammatory processes.

    Shilajit helps very well with children with a runny nose. To do this, you need to prepare a medicinal solution, which is very good for colds, nasal congestion and even adenoids. Need to? dissolve 0.5 g of mumiyo in a glass of water. This solution just needs to be instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops 5-6 times a day. The solution should be stored in the refrigerator and slightly warmed before use.

    Inflammation of the adenoids can occur in people of different ages, but most often it affects children between 4 and 10 years old. Therefore, treating adenoids with mumiyo looks even more attractive - after all, everyone knows that “mountain tar” is absolutely safe. Shilajit can be used to help children of all ages, which allows them to cope with the disease without surgery.

    If you or your child are diagnosed with the first symptoms of inflammation of the adenoids, you can use the following recipe for treatment. Dissolve in 5 tbsp. l. warm water 1 g natural mumiyo. and then instill the resulting mixture into your nose (the amount of medicine, as well as the frequency of instillation, will vary depending on the age of the patient).

    How to use mumiyo

    Treatment of sinusitis with mumiyo and glycerin has been known in the medical community since ancient times. This type of therapy can relieve the symptoms of inflammation and restore breathing. But in each case, treatment requires medical supervision, since the course of inflammation can be acute or instantly turn into a chronic stage.

    That is why even a simple runny nose cannot be ignored. It can provoke not only sinusitis, but also otitis media, inflammation of the eustachian tube and a number of other ailments.

    If you have been prescribed mumiyo for sinusitis, you should study the medicinal properties of this ingredient.

    The history of using mumiyo begins more than 4000 years ago. This balm has various healing properties and has antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    The composition of the biologically active resin-like substance includes:

    • amino acids: glycine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and others;
    • fatty acids;
    • organic acids;
    • phospholipids;
    • essential oils;
    • resinous components;
    • vitamins.

    In addition, the biochemical composition contains many microelements and flavonoids, which contribute to the rapid removal of the virus from the body.

    Despite many positive opinions about the effect of mumiyo against the common cold in children and adults, using this component without a doctor’s permission can be dangerous.

    Alternative medicine methods do not always work as described in some recipes.

    Therefore, before taking the medicinal component, you need to consult a doctor.

    It is known that therapy with the help of mumiyo has an effective effect not only in acute sinusitis, but also in the case of chronic inflammation.

    Drops from mumiyo

    There are several effective recipes for mumiyo for sinusitis, but there is an opinion that drops from this substance have a pronounced effect. In addition, mummy in the form of drops has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic effect.

    It is important that mumiyo can be used during the period of fetal development, as well as at the time of breastfeeding.

    To prepare a solution for the treatment of sinusitis, you need the following:

    1. Purchase 0.2 grams of dry active resin.
    2. Dissolve it in one glass of cold purified water.
    3. Stir the mixture until the substance is completely dissolved.

    The resulting mixture must be instilled into each nasal passage, three drops five times a day. First, the nose must be rinsed with saline solution or any special medicine. Aquamaris, Dioxidin, Miramistin are suitable for this.

    To consolidate the effect, you can drink the mummy solution every morning. To do this, dilute a small amount of the component in warm water and take in small sips. This intake of the drug will remove bacteria and various infections from the body.

    Shilajit with glycerin

    To get rid of the symptoms of sinusitis and alleviate the general condition of the patient, the following recipe has been well recommended.

    1. Mix one teaspoon of glycerin in 10 grams of purified water.
    2. Add three grams of mumiyo to the solution.

    The resulting mixture must be instilled into each nasal passage no more than five times a day, five drops. Treatment with this method should be continued for no more than five days.

    How to treat mumiyo with glycerin

    The use of a biological resin substance for medicinal purposes for inflammation of the nasal sinuses should be monitored by the attending physician. Independent use of the described methods can lead to undesirable consequences in which the nasal mucosa is damaged or other side effects occur.

    If on the third day of taking the medication you do not feel any improvement, the further course of treatment requires review. The body probably does not accept this therapy.

    In case of the first symptoms of sinusitis, it is necessary to prepare a solution of mumiyo with the addition of peach or apricot oil.

    1. To do this, mix a ten percent solution of mumiyo with oil in a one to one ratio.
    2. Place five drops into your nose every four hours.
    3. It is necessary to adhere to this method of treatment until complete recovery.

    If sinusitis has reached the acute stage, more serious treatment is necessary. At this phase, consultation with a doctor and medication are necessary. Shilajit with glycerin can act as one of the methods of therapy.

    1. To do this, prepare a solution of glycerin and mumiyo.
    2. Add a few drops of camphor oil to the mixture.
    3. Place two drops in each nostril three times a day for seven days in a row.

    In case of transition from the acute course of inflammation to the chronic stage, it is necessary to use a more complex course of treatment prescribed by your attending physician.

    Recipes made from mumiyo and glycerin can help reduce symptoms and normalize the patient’s general well-being.

    In addition to instilling drops of mumiyo and glycerin into your nose, do not forget to drink the solution every morning.



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