What qualities does a true leader have? Basic leadership qualities: what a real leader should be.

Depending on the mentality, field of activity and characteristics of the community of people, the leadership traits in demand may differ. What qualities does a true leader have in the universal sense, regardless of whether he is endowed with formal authority as a leader or has informal authority in a group or team?

Leader and leadership

What is leadership? A leader is a person who, thanks to his authority, the community gives the right to decide basic issues for everyone. Leadership is a set of qualities that allow one to gain this authority, a way of organizing influence.

From the time of Plato to the 19th century. it was believed that only individual and innate personality traits allow one to become a real leader. For example, Charles Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, believed that leadership is an inherited talent.

Later, theories were put forward that it is quite possible to educate a leader, but only if one has the ability. The modern approach takes into account individual properties to a lesser extent, shifting the main emphasis to behavioral strategy. Now he is a person with the ability to inspire action.

How to identify leadership potential? The potential of a true leader is determined by:

  1. Innate individual traits.
  2. Purchased. Thanks to upbringing, training, self-education, experience.
  3. Psychological attitude (vocation). Feelings, beliefs, ideas, self-images.

Being a leader is not a position, but a character.

Traits of a True Leader

The innate qualities of the owner themselves do not automatically make them a leader, but they help them become. The acquired qualities can turn you into an effective leader. But, without some individual qualities, it is difficult to become a real leader that people will voluntarily follow.

  1. Character. Determined in relation to oneself and people, to things and activities. The character trait that immediately reveals a leader is will. The ability to consciously form a goal and concentrate on it. Self-regulate your own activity to achieve results. Basic volitional qualities:
  • Determination. A leader sees the main thing and does not lose it in many problems and trifles. The ability to concentrate on the expected result is also the ability to plan the path to achievement, as if watching a movie from the end. John Maxwell, who has written dozens of books on motivation, calls this property long-term vision.
  • Self-control and courage. A leader's behavior depends on his decisions, not his circumstances.
  • Independence, determination, perseverance. Ability to make decisions. Take full responsibility and complete what you start, regardless of failures.
  • Proactivity, initiative, curiosity. Be in the center of things and one step ahead of everyone else.
  • Performance. Oddly enough, diligence is also a trait of a true leader. After all, in order for the decisions made to lead to the achievement of the goal, it is necessary to work on them diligently and systematically.
  1. Charisma. Exclusivity and personal appeal, inspiring unconditional faith in others in the capabilities of the owner.

  1. The desire to manage people, expressed in organizational skills:
  • Ability to quickly find a solution to a problem.
  • . The ability to express oneself correctly and accurately.
  • A true leader will easily create a team. Can select the necessary personnel, find application for their abilities in the context of the assigned tasks, understands the psychology of people. Reveals their talents.
  • Ability to organize. Give instructions and commands or otherwise influence others. Including manipulating them.
  • Able to bear responsibility for the actions of subordinates.

  1. Emotional competence. The ability to create an emotional microclimate in a community or team that is most suitable for quickly achieving your goals. Atmosphere is achieved through persuasion, suggestion or contagion. This is helped by:
  • Faith and passion.
  • Positive attitudes.
  • Energy.
  • Listening skills.
  • Fairness and rigor.
  • Ability to punish and reward.
  • Flexibility of behavior.
  • Generosity.
  • Sense of humor.
  • Eloquence. The gift of persuasion.
  • The ability to appreciate people.
  1. Competence. It is not necessary to have the highest IQ, but to be effective and successful, you need to have some experience in troubleshooting problems and finding solutions.
  2. Willingness to take risks. Inextricably, the ability to think analytically.
  3. Reliability and consistency.
  4. Knowing yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. And the ability to work on shortcomings and organically replace them with advantages.
  5. Ability for self-learning and self-education. The desire to develop, not to stop developing. Striving for ideal.

A leader and a manager are not the same thing. The leader is endowed with formal, official power, and the leader is endowed with the ability of psychological influence. Ideally, these two roles coincide.

You can try to cultivate real leadership traits in yourself, because it is not for nothing that the view is widespread that leaders are made, not born.

How to awaken the leader within you?

There are situations in life when latent (hidden) leadership qualities are activated in an ordinary person in a dangerous or tense situation. He takes responsibility and solves some vital issue. Such cases suggest that anyone can become a leader under certain conditions.

How to create the necessary atmosphere for awakening your leadership potential?

  1. Develop abilities to.
  • In order to evaluate yourself, keep a notebook in which you write down your own positive and negative qualities, in your opinion and the words of your loved ones. Learn not to react painfully to criticism. Learn to logically refute every critical remark. Develop self-confidence. But don't confuse it with selfishness.
  • Make it a habit to make a plan for the next day. Every evening, describe what you managed to do. Celebrate your successes. Such a “diary” will allow you to identify your weaknesses and outline the path to eradicate them.

  1. Develop leadership behavior in the team and family.
  • Start small: organize interesting and active leisure time. Offer the best, in your opinion, solutions to problems at work. The main thing for a leader is to organize people.
  • Communicate more. Develop your communication skills at every opportunity. Know how to listen and hear others, and then draw your own conclusions.
  • Accept people for who they are. This will help to find the best use of their qualities. A true leader is not one who asks the question: “How can the team help me achieve my goal?” He asks himself, “How can I help them achieve our goal?”
  • Mentally play out dialogues to motivate fictitious interlocutors.
  • Practice self-control.
  1. Learn to take initiative and responsibility.
  • Fear of criticism and failure is natural. But developing the ability to deal constructively with mistakes helps you grow. Be optimistic about failure. Fight the fear of failure.
  • Without patience and perseverance, success is impossible. Learn to concentrate.
  • A true leader chooses his own job: one that he likes or develops.
  • not only to others, but also to yourself. Train your will by giving up.
  • Show concern for others, but do not live with other people's problems.
  • Try not to accept imposed roles. Be yourself.

  1. Set goals, make plans. Go towards achieving results. From less to more.
  • Set goals that are beyond your capabilities. They should not be vague, but only crisp and clear. Don't set unrealistic deadlines for implementation. Learn patience and perseverance.
  • Learn to plan. First write down the day, then the week.
  • “Laziness” and “leadership” are incompatible concepts. Be active. Make every effort to achieve the desired result.
  • Read more, find out. After all, to own the World is to own information.
  • Perform your duties as responsibly as possible.
  • Record your achievements.

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Geniuses and Outsiders, notes that passivity is often a quality of people from poorer classes who are reluctant to take the initiative for fear of vulnerability and self-doubt. How to awaken the leader within you? Squeeze “a slave out of yourself drop by drop,” as Chekhov said.

External manifestations of leadership qualities

A dominant person in a community is not always active. But it is quite easy to identify it by external manifestations of leadership qualities:

  • They dress well. They take care of their appearance, but without extravagance in their appearance. They have their own style.
  • They surround themselves with people.
  • They look straight into the eyes and shake hands confidently.
  • Direct the conversation when communicating.
  • They always listen to the speaker to the end and do not rush to answer.
  • Quite polite and tactful.
  • In the classroom they are placed at some distance from everyone in order to have an overview and not allow strangers into their personal space. But they don’t hide behind their backs.
  • Characterized by a confident gait with swinging arms.
  • They themselves volunteer to perform duties from which the majority remain silent.
  • They immediately grasp the essence of the problem.

It is very important to consider the implicit leader in the team in order to direct his activities for the benefit of the entire organization.

Woman leader

It is difficult for the weaker sex to dominate, especially in a male team. What special qualities of a real leader, besides the basic ones, should women cultivate in themselves in order to achieve success?

  • Control your emotionality. Social intelligence helps a woman feel relationships in a team, but emotions should not control reason.
  • Learn to build long-term perspectives.
  • Formulate thoughts clearly and specifically.
  • For a woman leader, an authoritarian management style is not always effective. It is best to use democratic.
  • Be prepared to take risks. Women's intuition is great for this.
  • Take criticism adequately.
  • Don't be afraid to use charm to win yourself over. But always separate work and relationships.

Leadership allows you to develop personally and experience the fullness of life. But only if you realize the uniqueness of your qualities. Simply adopting behavior and imitating qualities in order to feel elevated above others is unlikely to help you become a real leader.

You need to be yourself, find your talent, abilities, energy and devote all your time and energy to it. After all, being a leader is not only a reward, but also a heavy burden.

If you decide to become a real leader, then you will undoubtedly need a lot of work on yourself. After all, a leader has a multiple set of psychological qualities and knowledge for his viability.

Leader (from English) leader) - the first, going ahead of the rest 🙂 - a person who, in a certain group of people, enjoys recognition, authority and has influence, which is defined as managerial activity. The leader makes the most important decisions of the group or organization and manages all processes as a whole, while giving direction for further actions.

In this article we will talk not about that, but about To qualities of a leader.

Leader Qualities:

1) Self-confidence

2) Communication skills

Without this quality of a leader it is difficult to imagine; the ability to establish contacts and quickly find a common language with the team is the most important quality not only in this path.

3) Ability to constantly learn

It's no secret that our world is constantly changing at an ever-increasing speed. It is in this regard that modern leaders simply need to constantly replenish their knowledge and introduce innovations in their business. This will significantly increase your competitiveness.

4) Determination

A very important quality that separates a leader from other people. He always knows what he wants and what needs to be done for it. After all, you will agree to lead the crowd stupidly when you yourself don’t know where.

5) Responsibility

The ability to be responsible for one’s words, actions, and decisions is an integral quality of a leader. Here you can no longer say “who is to blame?” You will have to take on the entire burden of possible failures and failures, but share success with everyone.

6) Self-discipline

Ordinary people easily allow themselves all possible weaknesses. But the leader cannot afford to give up and must constantly be collected and ready for action.

7) Ability to communicate and listen to people

The ability to communicate and listen to people are one of the main leadership qualities. This is where leadership begins. You must not only communicate and convince people in understandable languages, but also be able to listen and understand each person as an individual.

8) Ability to create a team

We all understand that without a team, a leader ceases to be a leader. Therefore, the ability to create a team is one of the key qualities of a leader. It costs a lot to attract and convince people to follow your banner.

9) Persistence

A leader is a person who never gives up and is constantly active. He searches for answers and solutions until he finds them.

10) Ambition

A leader always strives for high goals and bright results, and does this consciously without imagining fairy-tale mountains.



American leadership expert John Maxwell, who helps maximize personal and leadership potential, identified 21 qualities required for a true leader.

The book 21 Essential Qualities of Leaders analyzes the qualities and character traits that all great leaders possess.

The 1st quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is to be as solid as a rock.

Character determines how a leader acts in difficult life situations; a crisis will not necessarily shape character, but will reveal and reveal it. A misfortune that befalls a leader is a turning point that forces a person to make a choice: either show character or compromise. Followers stop trusting leaders if they find out they have unstable personalities and never follow them again.

The 2nd quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is to become a charismatic leader.

To become a charismatic leader, you need to have charisma. However, many people think that charisma is given or not given to a person; if he is deprived of it, then it is not given to him. Charisma is the ability to attract people to you, it can be developed. To become a person who attracts others to you, you must: Love life, Give every person an A, Give people hope, Share yourself and your strengths.

The 3rd quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is dedication.

People do not follow leaders who lack commitment. This quality can manifest itself in a wide variety of actions: the amount of time you devote to work, the effort you expend to develop your abilities, and the personal sacrifices you make for your colleagues. True commitment to duty inspires and attracts others. It shows them that you have conviction. But they will believe in you only if you yourself believe in your business.

The 4th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to communicate

It is absolutely essential for an effective leader to develop top-notch communication skills. He is able to share his knowledge and ideas with others, as well as instill in others enthusiasm and a sense of urgency of any action. If a leader is unable to clearly convey an important idea to others and motivate them to action, then the fact that he has such an idea does not matter at all.

You can become a more effective communicator if you adhere to these four basic principles: Simplify your thoughts, See the individual, Show people the truth, Get a response.

The 5th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is competence.

Competence goes much further than words. It means a leader's ability to articulate what is needed, plan what is needed, and do what is needed in a way that makes it clear to others that you know what to do and it is clear to them that they want to follow you. If you want to truly develop this quality in yourself, you must do the following: Show your competence every day, Never stop improving all the time, Bring everything to a successful end, Do more than is expected of you, Inspire others.

The 6th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is courage.

When it comes to difficult decisions in your life that challenge you, remember the following truths that define courage: Courage begins with the battle within you, Courage means doing the right thing, not just doing it smartly, The courage in a leader inspires his followers to be dedicated to your cause, your life expands in breadth and depth in proportion to your courage.

The 7th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is insight.

Insight represents the ability to find a solution to an existing problem. With the help of insight, it becomes possible to achieve several important goals: Identifying the roots of emerging problems, improving your ability to solve problems (If you are able to see the roots of the problem facing you, then, therefore, you are able to solve it), Evaluating available options in order to make a choice as efficiently as possible, Multiplying their capabilities (leaders are the creators of their own “luck”, which is the result of their insight, which means the willingness to use their experience and follow their instincts).

The 8th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is focus.

Focus is essential to becoming an effective leader. Priorities and concentration are key. A leader who has priorities but lacks focus knows what needs to be done but never gets around to doing it. If the situation is the opposite - the leader has concentration, but does not have priorities, then he will mark time without moving forward. How should you focus your time and energy? Be guided in this matter by the following principles: Concentrate 70% of resources on your strengths, Concentrate 25% of resources on new things, Concentrate 5% of resources on your weaknesses.

The 9th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is generosity.

Nothing calls out to others louder and convinces them more than the generosity and magnanimity of a leader. A one-time manifestation of this quality cannot be called true generosity. It comes from the heart and permeates every aspect of a leader's life, touching closely his time, money, talents and possessions. Effective leaders who truly lead act primarily in the interests of other people, and not solely for their own goals. Cultivate generosity within yourself and cultivate it as an integral part of your life. To do this you need to: Be grateful for what you have, Put your people first, Don’t let the desire to possess control you, Treat money as a resource, Develop the habit of giving.

The 10th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is initiative.

Success is associated with specific actions. Successful people never stop moving. They make mistakes, but they never quit the game. What properties should leaders have so that certain things happen according to their will and desire? important events? Properties of an effective leader: Leaders know what they want, Leaders motivate themselves to action. (Initiative people do not wait for someone else to motivate them. They themselves know that they and only they have the responsibility to force themselves to leave the usual zone comfort.), Leaders are willing to take more risks, Leaders make more mistakes. If you lack initiative, the first step is to realize that the origins of the problem lie within you, and not in those around you.

The 11th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to listen.

A good leader encourages followers to tell him what he needs to know, not what he wants to hear. As you consider how to use your time to listen to others, keep in mind that listening to people serves two purposes: to connect with them and to learn. For these reasons, you must keep not only your eyes open, but also your ears when faced with the following people: Your followers, Your clients, Your competitors, Your mentors (No leader is so advanced or experienced that he can afford to do without mentor). Don't limit yourself to just capturing the bare facts. Start listening not only to words, but also to feelings, hidden meanings and undercurrents.

The 12th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is passion.

Let's look at 4 important points about passion and what it can give you as a leader: Passion is the first step to achievement (Everyone whose life goes beyond the ordinary has some kind of great desire), Passion builds your willpower (If you If you want something badly enough, you can find the willpower to achieve it. The only way to have that kind of truly burning desire is to develop passion within yourself. Passion will change you (If you follow it). If you follow a path that is dictated by passion, and not by any other feelings or considerations, you will likely become a more dedicated and more productive person, and this will lead to an increase in your ability to influence others), Passion makes the impossible possible (People are designed this way). that whenever something ignites their soul, the word “impossible” disappears for them. The fire in the heart elevates literally everything in your life).

The 13th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is a positive attitude.

A successful person is one who knows how to build a strong foundation from the bricks that are thrown at him. If you truly want to become an effective leader, then you simply need a positive attitude. Not only does it determine your own level of satisfaction as an individual, but it also has a significant impact on the way other people interact with you. To better understand what it means to be positive and how to become one, think about the following things: Your attitude is your own choice, Your attitude determines your actions, Your people are the mirror of your attitude, Maintaining a good attitude is easier than regaining a lost one.

The 14th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to solve problems.

No matter what field a leader operates in, he will face challenges. They are inevitable for three reasons. First, we live in a world of ever-increasing complexity and diversity. Secondly, we interact with people, and with very different people. And thirdly, we are not able to control all the situations with which we have to deal. Leaders who are good problem solvers exhibit the following 5 characteristics: They anticipate problems, They accept the truth as it comes, They see the big picture, They get things done in order, They stay focused on the main goal when they find themselves in a downturn.

The 15th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is learning to get along with people.

The ability to work with people and develop relationships with them is absolutely essential to being an effective leader. People really want to be around people they think highly of and enjoy doing business with. What can a person who is a leader do to strengthen and cultivate good relationships with people: You need to have the head of a leader - to understand people, You need to have the heart of a leader - to love people, You need to extend the hand of a leader to people - to help them.

The 16th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to bear responsibility.

Major success requires you to take responsibility... Ultimately, the only quality that is inherent in all successful people is the ability and willingness to take responsibility. Good leaders never adopt a victim mentality. They realize the following: they themselves are responsible for who they are and what place they occupy in life, and not their parents, spouses, children, the government, superiors or co-workers. Characteristics of people who have a sense of responsibility: They know how to get things done, They are always ready to go further than necessary, They are driven forward by the desire for excellence, They achieve results regardless of the situation.

The 17th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is confidence.

Insecure leaders are dangerous - to themselves, to the followers they lead, and to the organizations they lead, because leadership exacerbates personal shortcomings. Any negative baggage that carries you through life becomes even heavier when you try to lead others. Insecure leaders have several characteristics in common: They do not make others feel confident and secure. They take more from people than give, They constantly limit the capabilities of the best of their people, They constantly limit the capabilities of their organization.

The 18th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is self-discipline.

Self-discipline holds the power to achieve your goals. Without self-discipline it is impossible to achieve success. A leader will be able to develop the talent within him to the maximum only by having self-discipline. It is this that allows a leader to reach the highest achievements and is the key to long-term leadership. If you want to be one of those leaders whose asset is self-discipline, adhere to the following line of behavior: Set priorities for yourself and never forget about them, Make a disciplined lifestyle your goal, Don’t give in to possible self-justifications, Don’t think about rewards, Until the job is done, Stay focused on results.

The 19th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is willingness to serve others.

Willingness to serve is not related to social position, position held, or skill level. It is associated with a psychological attitude. You've undoubtedly met people whose job title is supposed to serve others, but their attitude towards this is purely negative - for example, a rude government employee. What does it mean to embody the quality of being willing to serve others? A leader who is truly committed to serving others: Puts others ahead of himself in his list of priorities. Has the self-confidence to serve others. Serves others on his own initiative, Does not focus on his position, Serves for reasons of love.

The 20th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to self-learn.

Leaders always face the danger of being satisfied with the results achieved. After all, if a leader already has influence and respect, why should he continue to pursue his own growth? The answer is simple: The degree of your growth determines who you are. Who you are determines who you attract to you; Who you attract determines the measure of your organization's success; If you want your organization to continue to grow, you must maintain the ability to learn. five guiding principles that will definitely help you maintain and develop a mindset of constant readiness to learn: Heal the disease of complacency, Overcome your success, Vow not to walk in straight lines and not to cut corners. Give up your pride (Readiness to learn requires us courage to admit that we don’t know everything, which is why we may not look very beautiful), Never pay twice for the same mistake.

John Maxwell's 21st quality of leadership - Long-term vision

A long-term vision is literally everything for a leader. It is absolutely necessary. Why? Because it leads the leader, colors the goal in bright colors: A long-term vision comes from within, A long-term vision comes from your past, A long-term vision of a leader satisfies the needs of other people, A long-term vision helps you concentrate all your resources.

"Private Correspondent"

In this publication I want to look at the main leadership skills: what qualities a person must have to become a leader. In order to be a leader in some business, in principle, it is not necessary to be a leader, at the same time, leaders have a much greater chance of achieving the desired goal faster. Therefore, it is still advisable to develop the qualities of a leader in yourself - this will definitely not be superfluous, but will only help you in any area of ​​life, business, work.

Why are some people leaders in any team all their lives, starting from school, others become leaders later, at some point in their lives, and others play supporting roles all their lives? The reason for this is leadership qualities. The first have them innately, the second develop them in themselves, and the third don’t even think about it, they are satisfied with who they are. What are leadership qualities and what do they include - this is discussed further in today’s article.

What are leadership qualities?

Leader Qualities is a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, and abilities from different spheres of life that allow a person to gather other people around him, lead them, create his own team and effectively manage it. It is impossible to unambiguously name any specific quality that immediately makes a person a leader; leadership qualities are precisely the combination of a large number of different personal, psychological and organizational aspects that coexist simultaneously.

At the same time, it is also not worth expanding the qualities of a leader too much, because, in fact, almost any quality of a person can in one way or another be subsumed under the leadership quality. Therefore, I decided to highlight the main qualities of a leader, which are worth focusing on if you aspire to become a leader. They are briefly presented in the following diagram:

As you can see, all a person’s leadership qualities can be divided into 3 areas, each of which contains its own list of qualities:

1. Personal (personal) qualities of a leader.

2. Managerial and organizational qualities of a leader.

3. Psychological and social qualities of a leader.

Now let's look at all these areas and the leadership qualities that relate to them, in order and in more detail.

Personal (personal) qualities of a leader.

This includes those qualities that can be attributed directly to a person’s personality. They characterize, first of all, the leader himself, and not his relationships with the team and other people. Let's consider the qualities of a leader that are included in this group.

1. Self confidence. A leader is always confident in himself and in his actions; he knows that he is doing the right thing. – one of the most important leadership qualities, without which it will not be easy to become a leader. But this faith should by no means be “blind.” A leader must have adequate self-esteem, strong willpower, and well-developed intuition. He must clearly and clearly understand what he is going to and why, that is, he must be able to set goals for himself. It is almost impossible to convince a true modern leader and lead him astray from the intended path: he will move towards his goal, no matter what.

2. Active life position. The next most important personal quality of a leader is activity. A leader is always in the center of events, communicates a lot, is one of the first to learn important news, and therefore reacts to them before others, which means he is always one step ahead. This ultimately leads him to success.

3. Willingness to take risks. The personal qualities of a leader also include willingness to take risks. To achieve a goal, a leader is forced to take risks and takes risks quite often, because any movement forward is always associated with risk. But, of course, this risk is not thoughtless, but adequate and well calculated. Even if a risky step leads to negative consequences, the leader never stops - he analyzes his mistakes and moves on.

4. Initiative. Another personal quality of a leader is initiative. In any team, the initiative always belongs to the leader; he shows even more initiative in decisions concerning his personal life. A leader is not afraid to leave his comfort zone and make some changes: he does not wait for them to overtake him, he is the first to take the initiative and go towards changes.

5. Motivation. When talking about a person’s leadership qualities, one cannot fail to mention motivation. A leader is always driven by something, he knows why he is doing something, what he is going for, what he will get from it. A leader knows how to competently motivate not only himself, but also the team in which he works.

6. Honesty, integrity. The personal qualities of a leader must necessarily include the most basic: honesty and integrity. If a leader is caught in a lie or dishonesty, even if it is insignificant, he will very quickly lose trust and cease to be a leader. This cannot be allowed, so a leader must always be honest.

7. Subsequence. Another important personal quality of a leader is consistency in his actions. He doesn’t just go towards his goal, but always has a planned plan of sequential actions and is guided by this plan. His actions are always thoughtful and consistent, which helps him achieve success.

8. Responsibility. And, of course, the personal qualities of a leader will be incomplete if responsibility is not added to them. A leader must be able to take responsibility for decisions made, and in no case should shift it to others. If a leader is seen trying to evade responsibility, he will quickly lose his reputation and cease to be a leader. Leadership always presupposes full responsibility, there is no other way.

Managerial and organizational qualities of a leader.

The next group of leadership qualities includes everything that characterizes a leader’s ability to assemble his team and lead people - after all, it is by these criteria that we most often say that a person is a leader. Let's consider the qualities of a leader as a manager and organizer.

1. The ability to lead people. The leader’s personal qualities give him the opportunity to act as an authority that other non-leaders listen to, believe, and follow. Leaders attract other people with their opinions, their ideas, their actions, their ideals, their ability to persuade. They are able to convey their ideas to the masses and always have their adherents and followers. Leaders create their teams that help them achieve their goals.

2. Organizational abilities. A leader is able not only to create a team, but also to organize its actions, inspire, motivate, etc., that is, organize the work of the team. A leader in a team is able to take on and successfully cope with it. Leadership qualities are always the qualities of a leader.

3. Vision of perspective. The qualities of a leader differ from those of an ordinary person in that he always clearly understands the prospect of the development of the business in which he is engaged, and is able to convey this prospect to his team. He is able to highlight the most important from many little things, focus on it, and delegate more minor details to other team members.

4. Flexibility, maneuverability. A leader must be flexible and maneuverable in his affairs, he must be able to quickly navigate the situation and... But at the same time, maneuverability should not lead him away from moving towards his goal, it should simply give him the opportunity to choose the safest path and “go around sharp corners.”

5. Diplomatic skills. The most important leadership qualities of a leader are the ability to be a diplomat. Moreover, both in communication with the external environment and within one’s team. A leader is always a diplomat who knows how to competently negotiate and diplomatically defend his position.

6. Willingness to support. The qualities of a leader as a creator and member of a team include the ability and willingness to provide support to like-minded people and followers. People will always support just such a leader who cares not only about his own interests, but about them too. Without this quality, a leader can quickly lose his authority.

Psychological and social qualities of a leader.

And finally, the last group of leadership qualities, which consists in the leader’s ability to build relationships within the team, within his team, in the social function that he takes on. Let's consider these qualities of a leader.

1. Communication skills. A leader must be able to communicate. And not just communicate, but find a common language with people of different views, different ages, different social groups, different genders, different characters, etc. This is a very important quality of a leader, which helps him build and maintain his team.

2. Justice. The most important social role of a leader is that he must be fair and provide fair decisions to his team members. People need to know that they can always turn to a leader for advice and help, and get it. A leader for a team is a fair judge who objectively and impartially resolves all controversial situations.

3. Upholding the interests of the team. A modern leader-manager must care not only about his own interests, but also about the interests of his team, and be able to defend them before some external authorities, in the presence of external danger or threat.

4. Creating conditions for self-realization of followers. And finally, the social qualities of a leader should include providing opportunities for self-realization to his followers, his team, and perhaps even “growing” new leaders from its members. This is a very important leadership quality that will always be valued and respected by his followers and successors.

These are the qualities of a modern, good leader. Develop these qualities in yourself - and you, too, will join those who are able to lead. In other publications on I will look in more detail at how to develop leadership skills, so join the number of our regular readers and stay tuned.

Do not forget that leaders are not necessarily born (although this is possible), leaders are made, and this is quite real, the main thing is to set a goal for yourself and strive to achieve it. Thank you for your attention and see you again!


Reveal the ethical and legal aspects of leadership;

Show the need to achieve leadership through legal means;

Promote the formation of tolerance among students;

self-education and self-regulation to develop leadership qualities.

Know the basic characteristics of a leader and political leader;

Be able to identify the qualities and type of leader; highlight the main thing, systematize, solve the problem; work in groups.

Equipment: task cards for the business game “Aquarium”, poster “Qualities of a Leader”, task cards for groups, multimedia projector, tests.

Chalkboard Quotes:

“If you want to subjugate others, start with yourself!” (Vauvenargues, French thinker).

“The goal of humanity lies in its highest representatives... Humanity must work tirelessly to give birth to great people...” (F. Nietzsche, German philosopher).



BOU OO SPO "Oryol Technological College"

Methodological development of subject

weeks in the discipline "social studies"

legal game on the topic:

"What does it mean to be a leader"?

Teacher: Alymova O.N.


Topic: “What does it mean to be a leader”


  • reveal the ethical and legal aspects of leadership;
  • show the need to achieve leadership through legal means;
  • promote the formation of tolerance among students;

Promote the formation of a belief in the need
self-education and self-regulation to develop leadership qualities.

  • know the basic characteristics of a leader and political leader;
  • be able to identify the qualities and type of leader; highlight the main thing, systematize, solve the problem; work in groups.

Equipment: task cards for the business game “Aquarium”, poster “Qualities of a Leader”, task cards for groups, multimedia projector, tests.

Chalkboard Quotes:

“If you want to subjugate others, start with yourself!” (Vauvenargues, French thinker).

“The goal of humanity lies in its highest representatives... Humanity must work tirelessly to give birth to great people...” (F. Nietzsche, German philosopher).

Progress of the event

Teacher: What do the above statements have in common? Formulate the topic of our conversation. (During the discussion, the guys formulate a topic.)

Students express their opinions.

A LEADER is a person who leads and guides others. A LEADER is a person who is given formal and informal power over others.

Business game "Aquarium"

Situation. Your class won 30,000 rubles. How to manage money?

Game objectives:

1) determine the leader by his role in the group;

2) determine the style of behavior in the group that should be characteristic of the leader;

  1. find out the qualities of a leader and his importance for the group;
  2. the guys must understand that being a leader is not easy, that a leader must have many extraordinary qualities.


In "Aquarium", i.e. 5 people are invited to the most prominent place in the class to resolve the situation. All the other guys are watching what is happening.

The teacher gives each of the 5 participants a card. Nobody knows about their contents. According to the “role,” students must decide how to manage 30,000 rubles. After 5-7 minutes of discussion between them, the rest of the guys must guess who played the role of leader.

Participants playing the role of leaders must name the qualities they sought to demonstrate. At the end of the conversation, everyone reveals the “roles” they played.

Roles (as a task on a card).


He listens carefully to the suggestions of other children, gives a brief assessment of each performance, takes the initiative into his own hands, shows the ability to convince that he is right, courage, determination, and self-confidence. Seeks to protect the interests of the entire class V in relation to money, shows honesty and fairness.


Shows the qualities of an emotional leader, jokes, offers the most fantastic ideas, takes the conversation aside, moves on to trifles, extraneous topics.


Rejects all proposals, criticizes, doubts everything, vi-^ iT and forebodes something bad, leading everyone into a dead end of hopelessness and despondency.


Occasionally inserts simple sentences, shows shyness and timidity. However, his ideas can also be constructive and sensible. He doesn't argue. Gets offended quickly.


He pushes everyone into “crime”, offers to embezzle money, and then, when they start to shame him, he tries to convince everyone of the need to “promote” the money, “like everyone else does.” He thinks, first of all, about his own interests.

Brainstorm. “What qualities should a leader have?” After the discussion, you need to make a list of leader qualities with the guys, then invite them to look at the generally accepted qualities of a leader on the poster.

Leader Qualities

  • The ability to make the right decisions.
  • Listening skills.
  • Ability to clearly convey your point of view.
  • Respect and care for team members.
  • Initiative.
  • Ability to inspire others.
  • Ability to instill confidence in others.
  • Ability to encourage others to take initiative.
  • Ability to train subordinates
  • Ability to learn from criticism.
  • Self confidence
  • Ability to keep distance from subordinates.
  • The ability to make friends and allies.
  • Ability to manage time correctly.
  • Foresight.
  • Competence.

Work in groups:determining the qualities of a leader Students are divided into three groups and receive 1 card. Within 3 minutes they must complete the task, and then one by one (1 person from the group) must speak.

Exercise. Which of the above qualities of a leader is excluded in these cases?

1. K. Kaysenov, who was the commander of a partisan detachment during the Great Patriotic War, said that life away from home, in conditions of constant danger, greatly influenced people’s relationships. The detachment commander was called “father” (father) for his sincerity, for the fact that he shared the hardships of war with his soldiers.

  1. The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte made almost all of Europe dependent on France. At the same time, he generously rewarded distinguished warriors by robbing other nations. In 1812, Napoleon sent his army to conquer Russia, promising to once again reward the heroes. However, the campaign ended in complete defeat for the French. Napoleon fled, leaving his soldiers to their fate, to die from frost and hunger.
  2. In 1219, the lands of the peoples of Asia were invaded by the hordes of Genghis Khan (1155 - 1227), who was distinguished by extreme cruelty towards those who resisted. Genghis Khan, as Chinese chroniclers testify, did not even trust his sons Jochi and Chagatai. Enmity and rivalry in the Mongol Empire brought a lot of suffering to the people.

Teacher: These examples show that the above leadership qualities are not universal. And a leader can lose his qualities in certain situations. No two people are the same, no leaders are the same. Every group (every society) needs its own leader. The tasks of the group change - the leader changes.

A leader is a member of a group who, in significant situations, is able to significantly influence the behavior of all participants. Work in pairs: correlating types of leaders in accordance with the “Celtic Wheel of Life”

The teacher talks about the teaching of the ancient Celts “The Wheel of Life”.

The ancient Celts (tribes who once inhabited most of Europe, whose descendants now live in England, Wales and Scotland) developed a teaching that was amazing in its magical belief in e The dynasty of man and mother nature. This teaching is called the “Wheel of Life,” which unites the four cardinal directions, embodying the harmony of the spirit. They correspond to the four seasons as well as the four types of people that we, people of the 20th century, are interested in knowing about in order to understand the qualities of a leader, the foundation of cooperation and coexistence, to revive respect for nature.

Characteristics of leader types appear on the screen

The East is spring - the forge where the blacksmith creates his creation, where everything new is born.

The leader is a “creative spirit”, very inventive, filled with the fire of spirituality.

Main features:

  • rich imagination, tendency to see the whole picture;
  • focusing on an idea that is focused on the future;
  • a clear awareness of your purpose and purpose;
  • propensity for knowledge and experimentation;

® possible loss of concentration on a task and failure to complete it;

  • risk of not being able to cope with the amount of work, loss of sense of time;
  • a tendency to be enthusiastic at first and then quickly disappointed.

South-summer is a staff used to guide and gather flocks together. Leader - “fire in the forge”, fertility, fusion. Main features:

  • trust in others based on openness and vulnerability;
  • giving others the opportunity to feel important in determining what happens;
  • placing moral and ethical values ​​at the center in all matters of personal and professional life;
  • using personal relationships and connections to complete tasks;
  • desire to provide support, emotionality, sensitivity;
  • inability to refuse a request, inability to say “no”!

West - autumn - knowledge, assessment, information.

The leader is the “bowl” where everything is stored, cooked and mixed.

Main features:

  • weighing all the pros and cons;
  • data analysis and logic;
  • perceiving the state as meticulous practice in doing one's work;
  • tendency to introspection;
  • stubbornness, insistence on one's own;
  • indecision, collection of unnecessary information, “obsession” with details;
  • detachment and coldness.

North - winter - a stone that serves as a symbol of power and responsibility.

The leader is a “warrior”, open to fight, decisive. Main features:

  • confidence, activity;
  • ability to manage relationships and direct the development of events;
  • quick response, pushing others to take decisive action;
  • lack of fear of encountering “difficult” people; the ability to quickly take the defensive, a tendency to argue, proving one’s superiority;
  • the requirement to make hasty decisions;
  • autocracy, the requirement that everything be in accordance with his (her) desires.

Teacher: Determine which of the heroes of A. Dumas (Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan) corresponds to these characteristics. Which of them are North, South, West and East? (students work in pairs) If they find it difficult, then the characteristics of the heroes appear on the screen A. Dumas, the guys have to guess the names.

  1. Ability to act quickly. Decisiveness, the ability to organize the efforts of the entire group to overcome extremely complex tasks.
  2. “Honor and conscience” of the company, the guardian of noble honor is prudent and wise.
  3. A strong and faithful hand. Executive, courageous, devoted.
  4. A master of complex intrigues, an expert in all the secrets of the royal court, a subtle psychologist. Observant, cunning.

To summarize this exercise, you can ask the following questions:

  1. Why did friends in the most difficult moments proclaim: “One for all, all for one!”?
  2. Is it possible to find in one person all the qualities we talked about at once?
  3. Is there an ideal leader?
  4. Why did the Celts emphasize the characteristics of people, relying on images of nature and human activity?

Teacher: The variety of leadership traits is explained by the complexity and diversity of human relationships. A leader in the family or at work is a modest and inconspicuous person, or quite the opposite. Conventionally, all public relations are divided into informal and formal. In any team there are formal (official) and informal (unofficial) leaders.

There are especially many secrets and intrigues in political leadership.

Political leader

Teacher: From the point of view of typology, political leadership as a type of political behavior is very diverse. The most recognized typology of leadership proposed by M-Weber and G. Hermann.

Sociologist Max Weber identified three main types of leadership (Their characteristics are displayed on the screen).

Traditional Leadership: has a traditional character, consecrated by the authority of long-existing patriarchal institutions and religious norms.

Rational Leadership: based on a certain system of general rules and norms, on the law.

Charismatic Leadership:is based on the recognition of exclusivity, uniqueness, and individual achievements of the individual.

Students are divided into two groups and complete the following tasks

Task for the first group

What type of leadership would you classify Peter the Great, F. Roosevelt, V.I. Lenin, I. Gandhi, N.S. Khrushchev, M. Thatcher? Explain your point of view.

Assignment for the second group

What type of leadership would you classify Nicholas II, J. Kennedy, I.V. Stalin, C. de Gaulle, L.I. Brezhnev, W. Churchill? Explain your point of view.

Teacher: Political scientist G. Hermann, analyzing the image of a politician, identifies four types of politicians (Their characteristics are displayed on the screen).

The leader is the standard bearer. He strives for his goal, determines policy, and leads the masses.

A leader is a servant. He strives to express the opinions of his followers.

The leader is a trader. He strives to convince people to do what he wants.

The leader is a fireman. He constantly reacts to the situation, dousing fires.

Task for both groups

Give examples (from history and modern times) of politicians who meet these criteria.

After the discussion, representatives of the groups speak.

Teacher: Each of these types of leaders is in demand and justified at certain historical stages in the development of society. The role of a political leader in society is great and is realized through the Functions that he performs.

"Brain attack". Name the functions of a political leader in society.

Students name the following functions:

  • integrative;
  • orientation;
  • instrumental;
  • mobilization;


  • guarantor of justice, law and order. Discussion on issues
  1. Which of the functions of a leader, in your opinion, are the most essential?
  2. What is the relationship between leadership and leadership? Which countries are characterized by the emergence of leaders and why? Who would you consider to be the leaders and why?
  3. Why can leadership develop into a cult of personality? What are the factors in the formation of a cult of personality?
  4. What is the reason for the cult of personality: the regime of power or the traits of the leader himself? Which political figure do you know who created his own cult of personality?
  5. Why do people without outstanding qualities end up in power? What role does chance, the presence of supporters, or the situation play?

Teacher: In order for the political process in Russia to acquire the features of rationalism and become more predictable and constructive, it is necessary to clearly imagine a political leader who could solve the challenges and problems facing him.

Task for both groups

Create a portrait of a political leader.

What qualities of a political leader, in your opinion, are especially in demand today in our society?

What do you think is the role of political leaders in modern society?

After the discussion, representatives of the groups speak.

Teacher: After a certain number of years, one of you will serve as a leader in some type of activity. Do you have the makings? A test will help you answer.

Test “What kind of bird are you?”

With its help, you will be able to relate yourself to three quite different and vivid personal portraits, conventionally called “Dove”, “Ostrich” and “Hawk”.

When answering questions, you need to choose from three answer options the one that is most suitable for you.

1. I’m already 16 years old, I’m getting ready to go for a walk, and my mother suddenly says: “It’s already late, you can’t go anywhere.” I:

A) I really, really ask her to let me go outside, and if that doesn’t work, then I’ll stay at home;

b) I’ll tell myself: “I didn’t want to go anywhere” and stay

I’ll answer her: “It’s not too late, I’m gone” and I’ll leave, although she
and will swear.

2. In case of disagreement, I usually:

a) I listen carefully to other opinions and try to find the possibility of mutual agreement;

b) I avoid useless disputes and try to achieve my goal in other ways;

c) I openly express my position and try to convince my interlocutor.

3. I consider myself a person who:

And he loves to be liked by many and to be “like everyone else”;

b) always remains himself;

c) likes to bend other people to his will.

4. My attitude towards romantic love:

a) being close to your loved one is the greatest happiness in life;

b) not bad, but as long as they don’t demand too much from you and don’t get into your soul;

c) it’s wonderful, especially when a loved one gives
I have everything I need.

5. If I'm upset, I:

A) I will try to find someone who would console me;

b) I try not to pay attention to it;

c) I start to get angry and can take out my irritation on others.

6. If my work is not entirely fairly criticized:

a) it will hurt me, but I will try not to show it;

b) this will outrage me, I will actively defend myself and can express my claims in response;

c) I will be upset, but I will accept the comments and try to correct them
own mistakes.

7. If someone reproaches me for my shortcomings, then I:

a) I get irritated and remain silent, feeling resentment within myself;

b) I’ll probably get angry and respond in kind;

c) I get upset and start making excuses.

8. I perform best if I:

a) on its own;

b) leader, manager;

c) a member of a group, team.

9. If I have finished some difficult work, then I:

a) I’m just moving on to another matter;

b) showing everyone that I have already done everything;

c) I want to be praised.

10. At parties I usually:

a) I sit quietly in the corner;

b) I strive to be in the center of all events;

c) I spend most of my time helping to clean and wash the dishes.

11. If the store doesn’t give me change, then I:

a) naturally, I will demand it;

b) I’ll be upset, but I won’t say anything, I don’t like arguing with strangers;

c) I won’t pay attention: this little thing is not worth it.

12. If I feel angry, then:

a) I openly express my feelings and free myself from them;

b) I feel uncomfortable in front of others;

c) trying to calm myself down.

13. When I get sick, I:

a) I become irritable and impatient;

b) I go to bed and want to be looked after;

c) I try not to pay attention to it and want it to
those around them behaved the same way.

14. If some person greatly outrages me, I would prefer:

a) express your feelings openly to his face;

b) discharge your emotions in some other place
le or conversation;

c) let him know about it indirectly, for example, through another
gee people.

15. My motto in life could obviously sound like this:

a) the winners are not judged;

b) the whole world loves the one who loves;

Now, in order to process your results, divide these 15 questions into three fives: 1 - 5, 6 - 10, 11 - 15.

To find out how much of a "Dove" you are, count how many you have vet ov “a” is in the first five, “c” is in the second five and “b” is in the third. To determine your “ostrich” traits, you need to find the sum of answers “b” in the first five, “a” in the second and “c” in the third.

“Hawk” answers: “c” - in the first five, “b” - in the second and “a” in the third. It is clear that the more answers of the same type (of some kind of bird), the more strongly these traits are expressed in you. If everything is equal, then in different situations you manifest yourself differently.

"Pigeon" is a soft, friendly and sensitive person. He is ready to do a lot for the sake of his family and friends, even self-sacrifice. Many consider them weaklings, because they often cannot directly ask or demand what they need. They are kind and gentle, they live with the dream of finding a person who would understand them perfectly. However, they generally devote a lot of time to dreams. In the company, “Pigeons” often play secondary roles, but not because they can’t do something or don’t know something, but because they simply feel better behind the throne rather than on it. “Dove” does not like to take initiative and responsibility, and also does not like to openly oppose its opinions to others. In a company, often only “Dove” can cope with temperamental and aggressive people. “Dove” directs his rare anger and irritation against himself, without expressing it openly.

"Ostrich" - a prudent and cautious person, prefers to keep his distance from everything. He needs free space around him, and not someone at his side. In most cases, the Ostrich is not burdened by loneliness and only wants peace. To avoid unwanted contacts, they hide not only their heads, but also their hearts in the sand. “Ostriches” do not expect too much from life and people and therefore are never truly disappointed. Their alienation gives their character integrity and self-sufficiency, which So “Dove”, who strives to please others, is also missing, And A “hawk” who wants to achieve success. But this same integrity can-* e t turn into isolation, which cuts off the “Ostrich” from the best in other people and in himself.

"Hawk" - an ambitious, determined and brave person. The Hawk needs power. Pursuing their goals, the “Hawks” acquire a lot of enemies, but, on the other hand, they achieve a lot. Hawks are more admired than loved. “Hawks” live by the principle “All or nothing”; they take half success as failure; they are uncompromising both in communication and in business. “Hawks” demand obedience and do not tolerate criticism, although they easily criticize themselves and others. The suggestion that they might have made a mistake causes not only the rage of the Hawk, but also deeply hidden confusion, since behind their hawkish façade they are not nearly as straightforward as they would like to seem.

If the level of self-sufficiency matches that of a formal leader, then go for it! This test convinces us that there is no absolutely “correct” point of view of personal success, that a quality that adorns one person can hinder another.


  1. Do you consider yourself a leader?
  2. Why is it so important to develop leadership qualities?
  3. How do you understand the words of J. - J. Rousseau: “It’s easier to conquer! what to manage. With the right lever, you can shake the world with one finger: but to support it, you need shoulders! Hercules"!


A leader is a group member who, in significant situations, is able to significantly influence the behavior of other participants. The leader of the situation is the person who took the initiative in the name of| saving the group. The formal leader is elected by the people, nominated by the authorities, and has authority.



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