What vitamins are added to shampoo - how to help your hair gain its natural shine? Using Vitamin E for Hair Growth and Health.

On store shelves there are shampoos for every taste and budget, but often the effect promised by manufacturers (hair shine, hair strengthening, absence of dandruff) cannot be achieved. What if your hair really needs help?

The solution would be a fortified shampoo. There is no need to spend money on it - you can prepare this product yourself.

What vitamins should be added to shampoo for hair growth, strengthening and preventing hair loss?

Vitamins and their beneficial properties for hair

Before adding vitamins, it's important to know how they affect your curls.

To strengthen them overall, mixing several vitamins is allowed, but in this case their compatibility should be taken into account.

B vitamins

All vitamins in this group are beneficial for your hair, although B1, B6 and B12 are considered especially valuable.

Of course, you can use any other vitamins in this group, but at least one of the listed three elements must be present in the shampoo, otherwise the effect of their use will not be noticeable.

Why are vitamins of this group needed:

  • B1 does not have any special positive effect. However, its absence in the body threatens the incorrect flow of metabolic processes in the cells of your curls. Due to Thiamine deficiency, other beneficial substances are not absorbed in the hair follicles. Thiamine is especially necessary for long hair, especially when it is falling out;
  • B6 is similar to the previous element, only it is also responsible for the delivery of hormones to the bulbs, as well as for metabolism in cells. If the body lacks pyridoxine, it immediately signals this with dandruff, hair loss, dermatitis and seborrhea;
  • B12 is involved in the transport of oxygen to the scalp and helps maintain its healthy condition. You can find out about the lack of this element by slow hair growth or its complete absence, flaking of the scalp and severe itching.

If you need a shampoo that will improve hair growth and get rid of dandruff, then the vitamins listed will definitely be enough. Those who want to enrich the composition of the product are recommended to choose one of the options from the group below, although less effective:

  • B2 will help out girls with oily hair at the roots, but dry along the length, brittle hair, and split ends. This element is consumed very quickly in the body, and therefore its deficiency appears very often;
  • B5 affects deep hydration of hair;
  • B7 often helps out those who are struggling with the problem of baldness.

Please note that vitamins B1 and B6, as well as B6 and B12 cannot be added to shampoo at the same time, as they do not combine with each other.

Vitamin E or Tocopherol

It is an important natural antioxidant, slows down the aging process of cells and promotes their regeneration. In addition, it is able to create a protective shell that protects hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

However, too much vitamin E has a negative effect on the condition of the hair and it begins to fall out.

For treatment and prevention purposes, vitamin E should be used no more than once every three days, and the full course should be no more than 10 procedures.

It is useful to add it to shampoo if you are bothered by itchy skin, severe dandruff, if your hair is weakened and damaged, it is often exposed to high temperatures, and you periodically dye it.

Vitamin A (Retinol)

You will also quickly learn about a deficiency of this element when the scalp becomes noticeably drier, severe and constant itching and flaking appear. Due to these problems, the curls will become weaker and begin to fall out. Since vitamin A is also a natural antioxidant, it is similar to Tocopherol, but the effect of this element is more noticeable, since it also affects the condition of the skin, saturating it with collagen.

Vitamin PP (B3 or niacin)

It is he who is responsible for the growth rate and pigmentation of hair. This vitamin is often included as the main element in various body wraps that are made to improve hair growth. Nicotinic acid perfectly moisturizes hair, slows down the appearance of gray hair and accelerates hair growth.

You should be very careful when adding a vitamin because:

  • it should not be used by hypertensive patients and people with frequent migraines;
  • the remedy may not work in case of active, severe baldness until its main cause is eliminated;
  • it should not be used for more than a week. You can resume use only after a month.

How to add and use vitamins correctly?

Having figured out what vitamins and why to add to shampoo, you can move on to the next stage. However, if you need a truly effective product, it is important to prepare it correctly.

As a rule, vitamins in ampoules are used to add to shampoo. They are sold in a regular pharmacy, and there are also entire vitamin complexes that manufacturers develop specifically for the care of curls.

Complexes may vary depending on the manufacturer, but they are always based on vitamins, keratin, proteins, herbal supplements and collagens.

Now let's move on to preparing the detergent:

  1. Find a small container and pour enough shampoo into it so that you have enough for one wash of your hair;
  2. Open an ampoule with a vitamin (or several, if you decide to use several types at the same time), shake it, pour its contents into a container with shampoo and mix;
  3. Divide the resulting composition into two parts;
  4. Wash your hair with this product once and rinse with warm running water;
  5. Lather the second part of the product, then apply it to your curls, hold for 15 minutes and rinse off too.

Always add vitamins to your shampoo carefully, little by little, and stir the mixture constantly.

If you choose the right vitamins for your hair and use this product on a regular basis, the positive effect will not take long to appear - you will notice it in 2-3 weeks.

By the way, if you opened the ampoule but did not use all its contents, do not put it in the refrigerator - it will still not retain its beneficial properties. In order not to waste the vitamin preparation in vain, prepare some nourishing mask for your hair.

In addition to shampoos, these complexes can also be used as an additive to hair washes that were prepared according to a folk recipe. And for greater effect, you can also take these vitamins orally, but in this case, you first need to consult a doctor.

What else can you add to hair shampoo?

In principle, you can limit yourself to only vitamins - their beneficial properties should be enough.

What vitamins does hair need?

Hair primarily reacts to unfavorable conditions and health problems. Poor ecology, aggressive solar radiation, too high or low air temperatures, and the use of hair dryers, straightening irons and curling irons for hair styling have a negative impact. Also, hair can become weak and fall out due to certain diseases and constant stress. But most often, damage to the hairstyle is caused by a deficiency of vitamins in the body. Hair becomes brittle, dry, faded and falls out a lot. To avoid such problems, it is important to maintain normal levels of vitamins in the body. First of all, a person must eat properly in order to receive the required amount of nutrients every day. You need to help your hair from the outside. For example, by adding vitamins to shampoo, you can very quickly restore health to your strands.

What vitamins to add to shampoo for healthy hair:

  • (retinol). The substance is very important for the skin, as it is responsible for cell regeneration, eliminates peeling and inflammation of the skin, nourishes it with moisture, and makes hair stronger. Retinol is especially useful for dry and weakened hair.
  • (tocopherol). The vitamin improves blood circulation, helps saturate hair cells with nutrients and moisture, restores shine to hair, improves skin health - eliminates itching and dandruff. Being an antioxidant, tocopherol protects hair from harmful environmental conditions.
  • (ascorbic acid). Improves blood flow to the vessels in the scalp and nourishes the follicles, protects the hair follicles and hair from harmful factors and damage, makes the strands strong.
  • (calciferol). It supplies the scalp, follicles and hair itself with all the necessary substances, stimulates growth, makes the hair surface smoother, gives it softness and shine.

What B vitamins can be added to shampoo:

  • B1 (thiamine) is able to penetrate deep into each hair and eliminate any damage. After using it, the hair becomes much stronger. Penetrating into the follicles, thiamine nourishes them, which significantly accelerates hair growth. The substance helps moisturize the scalp and helps fight dandruff.
  • B2 (riboflavin). If your hair has become brittle, weak and lifeless, then you can improve the situation with the help of vitamin B2. It normalizes sebum production, saturates hair follicles with nutrients and activates hair growth.
  • B3 (PP, nicotinic acid). Supplies oxygen to hair cells, restores damage, and prevents strands from becoming brittle.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) can quickly restore beauty and health to curls, as it takes an active part in many metabolic processes, is responsible for the synthesis of fatty acids, improves blood circulation, lowers the level of bad cholesterol, improves immunity and protects against stress. A lack of vitamin B5 leads to early gray hair and dandruff.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) best moisturizes hair from the inside, strengthens and adds shine to curls. Pyridoxine is also able to relieve skin itching, relieve inflammation and irritation, and normalize fat metabolism. Vitamin B6 is added to many anti-baldness products, as the substance slows down the aging process and death of follicles, stimulates the growth of new hairs and promotes nutrition of hair follicles.
  • B8 (inositol) can be added to shampoo for any dermatological problems - itching, dandruff, flaking.
  • B9 (folic acid). Effectively fights gray hair and hair loss.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin). Stops the process of hair loss and stimulates the growth of new hairs, prevents split ends, regenerates hair, improves blood circulation.

Vitamins beneficial for hair can be purchased at the pharmacy in capsules or ampoules. When making shampoo or hair conditioner with vitamins with your own hands, you need to know that some active substances work better together, while others cannot be combined at all.

Incompatible vitamins:

Compatible vitamins:

Vitamin Can be combined with
B3 (RR) B6, B9, B12
A E and C
B12 B6
B2 B6, A
B8 E

How to properly prepare and use vitamin shampoo

Vitamin shampoo can quickly put your head in order. But for the product to help, you need to know how to properly use vitamins from the pharmacy.

Any shampoo that suits your hair is suitable for hair treatment. You cannot add vitamins immediately to a full bottle or store an open ampoule with a vitamin. Typically, active substances very quickly lose their healing properties upon contact with oxygen and exposure to sunlight.

How to properly add vitamins in ampoules to shampoo for hair growth and strengthening:

  • prepare a ceramic, plastic or glass bowl;
  • pour shampoo into a container so that there is enough for two shampoos;
  • open the ampoule or capsule and add vitamins to the shampoo, mix.

When asked how many vitamins should be added to shampoo, trichologists answer that one ampoule is enough for hair 10-15 cm long.

How to use vitamin shampoo correctly:

  • Apply half the shampoo to your hair, lather and rinse;
  • then lather your hair again with the remnants of the prepared product and wait a few minutes, then rinse;
  • the procedure can be repeated 2 times a week;
  • course - one month.

Typically, vitamin supplements in shampoos return beauty and health to hair after just 3 weeks of use.

If your hair continues to fall out, it may be due to hormonal imbalances or other diseases. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor

When choosing shampoos, it is recommended to carefully study the composition. The presence of components such as sulfates, silicone and parabens harms the hair. For treatment, it is more advisable to use a special soap base for shampoo. It contains no foreign additives, dyes or preservatives.

What else can you add to shampoo?

Essential oils of lavender, rosemary, lemon, thyme, cypress, clary sage are beneficial for hair (photo: img.joinfo.ua)

To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add decoctions of medicinal plants, essential oils and other components to hair shampoo.

Additional beneficial components for hair:

  • burdock root and nettle are added for hair growth;
  • chamomile with a string soothe the skin, relieve inflammation and irritation;
  • rosemary or juniper help get rid of dandruff;
  • glycerin moisturizes hair;
  • vegetable and essential oils help restore hair health and beauty;
  • aloe vera extract or gel;
  • honey, freshly squeezed juice or puree of fruits and citruses saturate the curls with useful substances.

The above components can be added to shampoos, conditioners or hair masks.

Honey balm recipe. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and four drops of vitamins A and E. Dilute with warm water until a paste forms. Apply to pre-washed hair, avoiding the roots. Leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse.

Recipe for a mask and balm for hair growth. Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil heated in a water bath, 7 drops of vitamin A and 5 drops of vitamin E. Apply with massaging movements to dry hair and scalp. Wrap in a towel and wait 2 hours, then rinse with shampoo.

Adding vitamins to shampoo is a great way to combat hair loss, brittleness, weakness, dandruff and itching. Regular and proper use of vitamins will make your hair silky, thick and strong.

In the video below you can find out what to do if you have hair loss.

852 02/20/2019 5 min.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors, hair receives severe stress. They begin to fall out, become split, and break. The reason is that they lack vitamins. It is these components that are an indispensable source of beauty and health of hair. Vitamins are sold in ampoules. You can use them when adding them to shampoo, masks and balm.

Adding vitamins to shampoo

Despite the fact that there is a wide variety of shampoos in stores, not all of them have a positive effect on hair. Moreover, the following rule applies here: expensive does not mean good. As a rule, most shampoos contain harmful ingredients that lead to brittle and dry hair. They begin to fall out and become dull. You can solve the problem if you add vitamins in ampoules to your usual shampoo.

When you have already prepared the basic shampoo, now you need to decide which vitamins need to be added. In addition to vitamins, oils and herbal decoctions can be added to shampoo. But before you apply shampoo to your hair, it’s worth doing a little test. First, treat a small strand, wait 20 minutes, if there are no manifestations of allergies, then you can use the prepared product on an ongoing basis.

Vitamin E

Serves to moisturize and nourish the hair, as well as to improve the dermis of the head. If a girl has itching and feels dry skin, then vitamin E is the component that needs to be added to the shampoo. It is sold in ampoules and presented in oil solutions.

This is a powerful antioxidant that is added to shampoo in the amount of 4 drops. Moreover, this is designed for a one-time serving of shampoo. With regular use of the prepared composition, it is possible to forget about the dryness of the skin and the strands themselves.

Group A

This vitamin is important for skin health. With its help, you can restore dermal cells. If you use retinol on a regular basis, the skin becomes healthy, dryness and flaking go away. And it goes well with vitamin E. As a result, these two components are very often used in the preparation of vitamin complexes.

It is worth taking vitamin A in the amount of 2-3 drops in your shampoo. To get the maximum effect, you should buy the drug Aevit. It contains vitamin E and A. You need to take one capsule and add it to your shampoo to wash your hair.

Groups B

Vitamins are sold at any pharmacy. Before washing your hair, you need to add one ampoule to your shampoo. You should not add all the ampoules to the shampoo container at once. Over time, the beneficial properties of vitamins disappear, so there will be no benefit from using the product.
The vitamins of this group have a positive effect on the condition of the hair, since if they are deficient, the strands become lifeless and weak.

Each of the vitamins has its own effect:

  1. B6– heals the dermis of the head. Eliminates itching and flaking.
  2. B1– activates hair growth.
  3. B9– fight early baldness, eliminates gray hair.
  4. B12– fights dryness and split ends.

The video shows how to use hair vitamins in ampoules:

RR Groups

Very necessary for hair. If it is not enough, then hair stops growing and severe hair loss occurs. PP can be found in some foods, but it is present in small quantities.

To compensate for the lack of vitamin PP, you should purchase it in an ampoule and then add it to your shampoo. Only in this case it is worth monitoring the dosage. If you add more, you can get the opposite effect.

Information from this article will help you understand what vitamins in ampoules are needed for hair:

Adding to balm

Vitamins in ampoules can be used in your usual balm. There are several recipes for this:

Vitamins are important components for healthy hair. If there is a lack of a certain vitamin, various problems with hair can arise: baldness, dullness, split ends and brittle hair. If you use them constantly, all problems will disappear, and your hair will look healthy and beautiful.

It is known that the condition of our hair always directly depends on the general condition of the body. Therefore, a deficiency of any substances necessary for normal life affects not only the functioning of internal organs and the immune system, but also on curls, which can lose their natural shine, become dull, dry and brittle. Of course, all microelements and vitamins are needed to maintain healthy and beautiful hair, but the most important of them is vitamin E (tocopherol), a natural compound with powerful antioxidant properties.

This substance is not able to be synthesized by the body on its own, so its reserves must be constantly replenished - with the help of natural foods containing a sufficient amount of tocopherol, or by taking pharmaceutical drugs internally or externally. You can use vitamin E for hair in different ways, but first you need to make sure that your curls really need this compound, since excess tocopherol (hypervitaminosis) can lead to unpleasant consequences - peeling of the skin and hair loss.

Symptoms of tocopherol deficiency

Vitamin E deficiency is quite rare - in most cases, a lack of this substance occurs due to excessive dieting, during menopause and due to the use of contraceptives. Other reasons for the development of hypovitaminosis are hereditary predisposition, hormonal dysfunction, or serious diseases of the internal organs. Symptoms of tocopherol deficiency manifest themselves individually in each person, depending on age, the severity of the process and the factors that provoked the occurrence of this pathology. The main signs of tocopherol deficiency in women include:

  • loss of strength, apathy, lethargy;
  • decreased performance;
  • absentmindedness;
  • depression;
  • nervous system disorder;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • loss of muscle mass;
  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of pigmentation on the skin;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • thinning hair shafts;
  • dry scalp;
  • increased hair fragility;
  • cessation of growth and massive hair loss.

Of course, the above symptoms may also relate to other diseases, but in any case, this is a reason to seriously think about your health, reconsider your diet and, if necessary (on the recommendation of a specialist), carry out therapy with pharmaceutical drugs. If the problems concern only the hair, then external use of tocopherol in home cosmetics will be sufficient.

Benefits of vitamin E for hair

Tocopherol (vitamin E) is a unique natural compound whose main function is to protect cell membranes from free radicals. In addition, this substance provides oxygen transport to tissues, improves blood circulation in skin cells and takes part in the formation of collagen fibers. Being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E prevents premature aging of cells, accelerates tissue regeneration, supports hair nutrition, reduces its fragility and helps retain the necessary amount of moisture.

This compound is also known to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp, promote wound healing and eliminate dandruff. In addition, tocopherol restores the protective functions of cells, neutralizes the effects of ultraviolet radiation and strengthens local immunity. As a result, vitamin E turns out to be an excellent medicine for hair, which not only helps to care for it, but also helps to restore the damaged structure of curls and enhance their growth.

How to use vitamin E for hair

To treat the scalp and hair, vitamin E is usually used in the form of an oil solution - a drug called “Alpha-tocopheryl acetate”. It is rubbed into the root zone and ends of the hair, included in various masks, and added to shampoos, balms and conditioners. This medicine has several forms of release: injection solution in ampoules, gelatin capsules and oil (50% oral solution) in glass bottles.

Tocopherol, like any other medicinal product, when used externally, can cause local skin reactions in the form of rash, itching and redness, therefore, before using products that contain this component, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of the mixture to the elbow and wait a while. If any unpleasant symptoms occur, use of vitamin E should be discontinued.

Shampoo with vitamin E for hair

To prepare fortified shampoo, you just need to add 1 ampoule of tocopherol acetate oil solution to a standard bottle (volume 250 ml), shake and use the prepared product as usual. After just 2-3 weeks of regular use, the hair will become smooth, shiny and begin to grow actively.

Scalp massage with tocopherol

Treatment of the scalp with a massage with an oil solution of tocopherol helps stop hair loss by improving blood circulation and restoring oxygen transport in cells. Vitamin E can be used alone or in combination with other oils (almond, coconut or olive). The oil solution must be preheated in a water bath and applied with light massaging movements to the root zone of the hair, separated by parting. The procedure takes 7-10 minutes, after which the hair should be wrapped in a towel and left for half an hour. Then the curls should be thoroughly washed with shampoo and rinsed with a herbal decoction of burdock or nettle. It is recommended to massage approximately 4-5 times a month until a lasting result is achieved.

Intensive hair conditioning

Mix about 50 ml of almond or olive oil with 1 ampoule of tocopherol and distribute the mixture on your hair using a comb. Put on a shower cap and leave overnight. This simple method helps restore dry, severely damaged hair, restores natural shine and treats split ends.

Vitamin E masks for hair

Homemade masks with tocopherol are recommended for slow hair growth, hair loss, dryness and brittleness. Cosmetic mixtures should be applied to clean, slightly damp strands, after which the head should be insulated with a towel or scarf. The procedure time ranges from 30 to 60 minutes depending on the condition of the curls. The vitamin composition should be washed off with regular water and shampoo. The procedures are recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a week for 30 days. You can repeat the course of treatment after 1.5-2 months.

Egg mask to enhance hair growth

  • Mix 50 ml of warm burdock oil with egg yolk and 1 ampoule of tocopherol or with 15 ml of its oil solution.
  • Apply the mixture to your curls and leave for 30 minutes, covering your head with a scarf.

Herbal bread mask against hair loss

  • Mix 20 g of dried chamomile flowers and nettle leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour under the lid.
  • Take a small slice of stale rye bread, soak it in the resulting broth and mash it into a paste.
  • Add 10 ml of tocopherol oil solution to it, mix and distribute the composition on the strands.
  • Keep the mask on for at least 40 minutes, then rinse your hair with water.

Honey mask against split ends

  • To 80 g of honey add 15 ml of tocopherol (oil solution) and 50 ml of burdock oil.
  • Mix thoroughly and distribute the mixture throughout your hair, starting from the very roots.
  • Warm and leave for an hour, then rinse with a mild shampoo.

Mask with retinol for weakened hair

  • Mix 50 ml of heavy cream (or sour cream) with 100 ml of nettle infusion, 1 ampoule of retinol (vitamin A) and 15 ml of tocopherol solution.
  • Distribute the mixture over the entire length of your hair, wrap it in a towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Vitamin E is a unique vitamin that helps maintain the health and beauty of hair. Rational and systematic use of this drug gives amazing results, turning dry, lifeless curls into luxurious hair that will evoke sincere admiration from others.

Since ancient times, a long braid to the waist was considered a sign of the beauty of any woman, which most girls began to grow from childhood; their hair was almost never cut, as a result of which even very old ladies had beautiful and healthy curls. But what is their secret? After all, now it is almost impossible to meet a woman with such hair, and those who do have it most often have gone through the procedure of very fashionable hair extensions.

Everything has changed so much primarily because over the years we have stopped taking proper care of ourselves. This does not mean that we have become untidy, just a hundred years ago people used only natural ingredients and compositions, now we have a wide range of products offered by various cosmetic companies, so we no longer need to think about how and what to wash our hair with. This is extremely convenient for all of us, because in the modern pace of life, almost none of us simply have time for proper and healthy care. But, unfortunately, this approach has a detrimental effect on our appearance and, in particular, on our curls.

So why isn't our hair getting enough benefits? Well, as mentioned earlier, various skin care products are offered to us all in a wide range and different price ranges, however, a simple rule applies here: expensive does not mean good. Unfortunately, the vast majority of all products, including shampoos, contain huge quantities of various chemicals, fragrances and preservatives, which subsequently lead to the fact that our curls become dry, brittle, lifeless, and begin to fall out.

Do you have dandruff, allergies, or itchy scalp? This clearly indicates that you have the “wrong” shampoo; you need to take action immediately, otherwise you risk losing your healthy hair. Most often, the causes of such problems are the so-called SLS and SLA, as well as silicone. The first two components provoke hair loss, make it less shiny and dry. Silicone is very often added to various hair products, as it can “deceive” you. How? After washing your hair with a shampoo containing silicone, your hair will become shiny, smooth and “hair to hair”, but this is an imaginary restoration, this effect is achieved due to the fact that the silicone seems to envelop each hair with a film, which is what creates such a pleasant effect. At the same time, such hair gets dirty faster, the film absorbs all the dirt and dust, and the silicone itself greatly thins the hair and dries it out. It is enough to return to regular shampoo without silicone to assess the actual condition of your hair.

So how do you choose the right shampoo for yourself? First of all, you need to choose a base for your future shampoo. It can be a store-bought shampoo, but it has a soft and gentle composition and should not contain any aggressive components. Try to pay more attention to labels in the future, buy products marked “no silicone, no SLS.”

The ideal option would be a regular soap base, which can now be easily purchased at any soap making store. This base can be liquid or in the form of flakes that dissolve in water. Having such a base, you can independently make absolutely any shampoo that will suit you.

What can you add to shampoo?

So, you have a soap base or a basic ready-made shampoo, now you need to figure out what you can add to your shampoo. There are a lot of ingredients, but, of course, various vitamins, herbal decoctions and oils remain the favorites. Just keep in mind that before using such a shampoo, it is best for you to do a small test; just do not mix everything at once, but “work” with each ingredient separately, as they can cause allergies. Adding vitamins to shampoo can solve almost all problems of your hair and scalp, as well as promote their rapid growth.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is primarily needed to moisturize and nourish hair, as well as to improve the health of the scalp. Do you often itch? Or do you feel extremely dry scalp? Then vitamin E will help you; it is sold in any pharmacy in liquid form and has an oily consistency.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant; you will need to add only 4 drops of this vitamin (per shampoo per wash) to, after some time, forever forget about dry scalp and dry hair itself.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, or retinol, is also very important for our skin, it helps our cells regenerate, after constant use the skin becomes healthier, dryness and flaking disappear. Vitamin A ideally complements vitamin E; they are often present in the same vitamin complexes.

You need to add a few drops of this vitamin to your shampoo, you can even buy the drug Aevit, which immediately contains both vitamins; the capsules need to be crushed and added to the shampoo.

Vitamins B1, B6, B9 and B12

These vitamins can be purchased in ampoules in packs of several pieces; you can find them in any pharmacy in the city. What should you do with these ampoules? Before each wash, you need to pour the contents of each ampoule into your shampoo. Do not pour all the ampoules into a large bottle at once, since when opened, the beneficial properties of the vitamins disappear over time, and there is no point in using them.

Vitamins of the group directly affect the health of our hair; if they are insufficient in the body, the hair becomes lifeless and weak. Thus, vitamin B6 heals the scalp, relieves itching and flaking, vitamin B1 will help hair grow faster, vitamin B9 will help fight early baldness and gray hair, and vitamin B12 will eliminate dry hair and split ends.

Vitamin PP

Vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid, is very important for our hair; with a lack of this component, the hair begins to fall out more and practically stops growing normally. This vitamin is present in some foods, but usually in insufficient quantities.

In order to compensate for the lack of vitamin PP in the body, you can buy it at the pharmacy in ampoules (like B vitamins) and add it to your shampoo. You just need to be careful with the dosage; an excess of this vitamin can have the opposite effect - hair loss.

How to properly wash your hair with this shampoo?

It is worth noting that you also need to wash your hair especially in order to get all the benefits from the added components. You will need to rinse your hair twice, first you just need to apply a certain amount of product to your hair, massage your head for a few seconds or one minute, and then rinse everything off. After this, you need to re-apply the same amount of shampoo to your hair, but this time you need to leave it on your head for five or ten minutes, during which time the vitamins will penetrate into the hair and scalp, then everything needs to be washed off with water.



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