What names bring money and prosperity? Greek god of wealth. Ancient Greek gods of wealth

In Hinduism, Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, has eight forms - Ashta Lakshmi. The eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi vary from region to region. The most popular and widely revered forms are found in the Sri Ashtalakshmi Stotram. The eight forms of Lakshmi are as follows:

Adi Lakshmi (primordial mother goddess)

Dhanalakshmi (He who falls asleep with wealth),

Dhanyalakshmi (Food is the one who removes hunger)

Gajalakshmi (Power and Strength)

Santan Lakshmi (Children)

Veera Lakshmi (Courage and Strength...

Navratri holiday.

The Divine Mother is worshiped during the nine and nights of Navratri. She is worshiped in three forms - as Durga, as Lakshmi and as Saraswati.

During the first three days of Navratri, the emphasis is on removing the grosser, superficial obstacles with the help of Goddess Durga.

The human heart is polluted by anger, greed, hatred, passion, pride, jealousy. This must be cleansed first of all. It is Durga, sitting on the tiger, who enters the heart of a person and destroys...

The name of the Scythian "Aphrodite Urania" (heavenly goddess of love) should be read as ARTIMPASA. With this reading, the root “art” appears in it, “artem” - the same as in the name of the Greek goddess ARTEMIS. But... Artemis isn't Aphrodite, is she?

Was Herodotus really scared? Nothing like this. It’s just that in ancient times the Greeks had already forgotten that Aphrodite was once... also Artemis!

The fact is that in some Indo-European languages ​​there is an alternation of the type “slave - arb” (cf. “work” and “arbeit”), “gender...

Yanzhima is the goddess of arts, sciences, crafts, wisdom and prosperity. It is associated with purity, innocence and the creation of new things.

The Indian name of the goddess Yanzhima is Saraswati. In ancient times, the Saraswati River was revered in India.

The bright Saraswati River, flowing from the mountain peaks, gave clarity to the feelings and thoughts of people for a long time. And on its banks many found refuge for quiet reflection and offering prayers. Later she ascended to heaven, taking the form of the eternally young goddess Saraswati. On the...

The first mentions of eshata pragmata (“last things”) can be found already in Zosimus of Panopolitan (IV century) and Pseudo-Democritus (VI century) (It was about him that Thomas Mann wrote in “The Magic Mountain” that “it began with him”) the invasion of irrational fermentative material into the world of rationally useful ideas for the improvement of humanity").

And, if the first speaks about this in passing (“...the last things appear at the end of time,” then the second discusses this more extensively in his treatise “Imut”: “Time is not a thing...

Indian mythology describes a time when evil forces fought with good ones, and these battles took place quite actively, i.e. with thousands of victims, victims on both sides. The book “Devi Mahatmya” tells about this.

This treatise describes the Goddess (Devi). The Goddess in Hinduism is Shakti, the Power and Desire of God Almighty. It is She, according to Hinduism, who destroys all evil in the world. She is called differently, reflecting Her versatility - Mahamaya, Kali, Durga, Devi, Lolita...

Aphrodite (“foam-born”), in Greek mythology, the goddess of beauty and love that permeates the whole world. According to one version, the goddess was born from the blood of Uranus, castrated by the titan Kronos: the blood fell into the sea, forming foam (in Greek - aphros).

Aphrodite was not only the patroness of love, as reported by the author of the poem “On the Nature of Things,” Titus Lucretius Carus, but also the goddess of fertility, eternal spring and life. According to legend, she usually appeared surrounded by her usual companions - nymphs, ors and harites. IN...

Durga (“hard-to-reach”), in Hindu mythology, one of the formidable incarnations of Devi or Parvati, the wife of Shiva, who acted as a warrior goddess, protector of the gods and world order from demons. One of her main feats was the destruction in a bloody duel of the buffalo demon Mahisha, who expelled the gods from heaven to earth.

The goddess was usually depicted with ten arms, seated on a lion or tiger, with weapons and attributes of different gods: with the trident of Shiva, the disc of Vishnu, the bow of Vayu, the spear of Agni, the club of Indra...

They found a rooster, whose crowing heralds the dawn, and made a mirror decorated with precious stones.

At their request, the goddess Ame no Uzume danced on an inverted vat, and it resembled...

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Names of money and wealth

Money names

Female names

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

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Names of money and wealth. Money names


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Names of money and wealth

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Names of money and wealth. Money names

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Among the huge number of Greek gods, there was also a god of wealth. His name is Plutos. Initially, perhaps, he was one with the underground god Pluto, because there are so many treasures and riches in the earth. But later it is mentioned that Plutos was the son of Demeter, the goddess of fertility. There are a huge number of sculptures, dishes and other art objects dedicated to Plutos.


The goddess Demeter was the daughter of the Titan Kronos and Rhea, the sister of Zeus, and the mother of Persephone. Demeter was the Greek goddess of fertility and agriculture, the main goddess for peasants working in fields, forests and arable land. The Greeks believed that nothing could grow anywhere without the permission of the goddess. Demeter taught people agriculture, gave them the necessary knowledge and tools for work. Only with her permission did bread and other crops ripen. If a woman wanted to be fertile, she had to constantly pray and make sacrifices to Demeter, and then the goddess could actually endow this woman with fertility. During the sowing season, the Greeks held a great festival in honor of the goddess, at which they made sacrifices to her.

The Legend of King Midas

The Greek gods have always had an ironic attitude towards wealth. This is most clearly shown in the story of King Midas. He asked Dionysus for the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. Over time, the blessing turned into a curse. Absolutely everything, even food, became golden in the hands of the king. He could die of hunger, so he asked Dionysus to free him from this curse.


By the way, there was also a place in the pantheon for the goddess of poverty - Singing. The Romans' god of wealth was Mercury, who was also responsible for trade and profit. He protected trade caravans and some colleges of merchants. Of course, in all the statues Mercury was depicted with a tightly stuffed wallet. Mercury also helped treasure hunters and sometimes pointed to the location of the treasure.


The Romans also had a goddess of motherhood and marriage, Juno. Money was minted in her temples. This name can also often be found in European languages.

God of Jews and Christians

In the Hebrew Bible, there was only one God who bestowed wealth and prosperity on his chosen ones. These were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. Also, at one time, the tribes of Israel were famous for their enormous wealth.

At any given time there existed a person endowed by God with wealth and health. Wealth was a blessing for every person who followed God. But not only material good came from God, but also spiritual food. People had not only wealth, but also longevity, respect from others and health. This was a sign of God's love, care and generosity.

Gods of wealth in Egypt

For a more complete understanding of the gods of wealth of different countries and peoples, we will talk about the Egyptian, Indian and Chinese gods of wealth. As has been said, every culture and religion has a deity who is responsible for the prosperity and enrichment of people. This concerns not only material values, but also has a direct bearing on spiritual ones. So, for example, in Egypt the god who brings wealth and prosperity is Hapi. This God of the Nile is also considered a savior and brings salvation to those in need. In many drawings depicting Egyptian gods, Hapi is dressed in robes. Also, as a special symbol that distinguishes it, there is a wreath made of lotus. Another Egyptian god who is responsible for wealth is the god Shai. His name can be translated from Egyptian as “fate” or “fate.”

Gods of prosperity in Indian culture

India, like many other civilizations, had its own god, who was involved in the patronage of various types of activities. Trying to give people the opportunity to become wealthier and prosper, he helped and protected those who wanted to achieve some success from various problems and worries. Ganesha has the head not of a person, but of an animal, namely an elephant. It should be noted that his image does not make a positive impression at first glance. The reason for everything is the head of an elephant and a rather short stature. Plus, the image is complemented by four hands. Many people even today worship this god and ask him to bring prosperity to the home. For greater effect, you can purchase a figurine with his image. There is an assumption that its size directly affects how much income you can expect. It is important to note that the figurine itself can be made from various materials. So, copper and wood are widely used, and it can also be made from bronze.

Gods of Prosperity in China

If in many other cultures there was either one or two gods of wealth, then in China there are many more of them. So, for example, we can distinguish seven gods, some of which relate more to the culture of India, some relate to Japan, all of them are considered deities who protect and provide patronage to any type of activity. This includes the god Ebisu and the god Daikoku, as well as the god Bishamon, who is also responsible for business development and its prosperity. The Chinese people believe that by making sacrifices correctly, the gods can hear all prayers and give a person the wealth that is of particular value to him.

The goddess Fortuna is a mythical person whose personality is shrouded in a lot of secrets. It is she who is credited with the ability to give good luck. It was not for nothing that the ancient Roman deity had a cornucopia in his arsenal, with the help of which a woman bestowed wealth, success and all the blessings on the lucky ones. Today, many fans of ancient history are interested in additional information not only about the pantheon of Roman gods in general, but also about the goddess of luck in particular.

a brief description of

Roman mythology is a rather confusing subject to study. It is believed that initially the goddess Fortuna was the patroness of farmers - it was she who sent good weather, rains, protected fields, and ensured what is called today a successful combination of circumstances.

Subsequently, the cult of Fortune developed - very soon she turned into a deity who bestows good luck and all blessings.

Origin of the ancient deity

In fact, figuring out the secrets of the origin of the deity is not so simple. Of course, the goddess Fortuna occupied a strong place among the supernatural patrons of the Roman pantheon, but was known by different names in different regions.

It was believed that she was the daughter of the Titan Ocean. But there are records that in some areas of the Roman Empire (in particular, in Praeneste and Antia) the goddess was revered as the first daughter of the god Jupiter. In mythology, close to Fortuna was the goddess of good fortune, Forta (or Fors). In some regions these concepts merged - people here worshiped a deity called Force Fortuna.

Roman goddess Fortuna: how was she portrayed?

It is worth saying that the deity was depicted differently depending on the time period and region. In most cases, the goddess was represented as a young beautiful woman holding a cornucopia in her hands. It was from it that Fortune showered the chosen ones with material benefits, wealth and success. In some frescoes and drawings you can see the goddess spinning a wheel - this is how she restored the natural order of things, throwing some people from the pinnacle of glory and giving others prosperity.

As you know, Fortune is a girl with a changeable disposition. Today she showers her chosen one with all possible benefits, and tomorrow she completely forgets about him, offering her gifts to another. Such myths appeared during the times of the Ancient Roman Empire. It was believed that Fortune was blind in her favor and gave benefits to completely random people. That is why the goddess is often depicted with a blindfold. She does not sympathize, does not evaluate, does not analyze the situation, does not think about whether a person is worthy of success - the goddess simply gives wealth and prosperity, and the choice of the lucky one is completely random.

By the way, similar symbolism was preserved during the Middle Ages. True, in those days they began to depict Fortuna in revealing clothes, hinting at her frivolity. Like a girl of easy virtue, she gives gifts to people without being known for her prudence.

Historical reference

The cult of Fortune is considered one of the oldest in Rome. There is evidence that similar beliefs were borrowed from peoples of Italian origin. On the other hand, she is very similar to the ancient Greek goddess Tyche (Tyche).

Servius Tulius is credited with introducing and popularizing the cult. The former slave threw off his shackles, achieved success and became king thanks to the patronage of the goddess of fortune.

The cult was popular - people of different classes worshiped the deity, and altars for women who brought success were built in almost every home. This belief reached its peak during the reign of Emperor Augustus - it was during that period that temples were erected and holidays were held in honor of Fortune. The goddess was depicted on coins, household items, lamps, and carved stones. By the way, most often Fortune was drawn together with Mercury, who was also the god of material wealth and success.

The temple of the goddess in Prenes is still well preserved. A giant statue of Fortune was erected on the Capitol of Rome. According to available data, after the capital of the Roman Empire was transferred to Constantinople, pagan sanctuaries began to be built on the territory of the city, and the largest and most luxurious was the temple of the goddess of luck.

To this day, the name of the goddess is associated with luck, a happy occasion, an unexpected but pleasant coincidence of circumstances. A person is capable of almost any accomplishment when Fortune herself smiles on him.

Wheel of Fortune

You've probably heard this expression more than once. The goddess Fortuna was often depicted with a wheel, either standing on it or spinning it. The wheel symbolized the fickleness of luck. It raised the disadvantaged to the pinnacle of success, lowering down people who had already enjoyed the gifts of fate.

By the way, this myth about the goddess Fortuna was popular not only in Ancient Rome. In the Middle Ages, the wheel was also used as a reminder that luck does not last forever. The lucky ones will have to lose everything in due time, and the poor will someday be able to climb to the top of success. This symbolized the cyclical nature of life, a return to the beginning.

Personifications of Fortune

The cult of the goddess of luck in Ancient Rome was incredibly widespread - representatives of all walks of life turned their prayers to her. Of course, this led to the emergence of numerous personifications:

  • Fortuna Annonaria is the goddess who was approached when asking for a bountiful harvest.
  • Belly's fortune brought victory in battle.
  • Fortuna Virilis - people who wanted to achieve success in their career turned to her.
  • Fortuna Mulibris - believed to bring good luck to women.
  • Fortuna Publica - in this case we are talking about a deity who patronized the entire Roman people and gave good luck to the state.
  • Fortune the Firstborn (Primigenia) - people turned to her, asking for well-being for a newborn child.
  • Fortuna Privata is a household deity who ensured the well-being of family and relatives.

As you can see, the ancient Roman goddess of luck is an ambiguous character. At all times, people prayed to her and... cursed the deity. People, deprived of luck, complained about the inconstancy and promiscuity of the goddess, who distributed her gifts unfairly. At the same time, the lucky ones who managed to grab luck by the tail made a real cult out of their worship, erecting altars and temples in honor of Fortune.



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