How to grow a unique and useful crowberry plant. Shiksha (crowberry) - description of the beneficial medicinal properties of the berries

What do you know about shiksha and its medicinal properties Oh? Ask this question to the majority of residents of the central and southern regions of our country and, most likely, in response you will only get puzzled looks; even pharmacists in pharmacies do not always have such information. But in the Far North, in Siberia and Tibet, this plant is not just medicinal, but truly healing, for which shiksha received other names: “dear grass”, “magician”, “guardian of the soul”, etc. clearly showing the attitude of the people towards her. With the help of shiksha, in harsh climatic conditions, people saved themselves from loss of strength, headaches, depression and even scurvy! IN folk medicine it is also used for restoration nervous system, for overwork, metabolic disorders, kidney problems and other diseases. For example, with the help of a strong decoction of shiksha, you can get rid of one of the most common problems of humanity these days - dry eye syndrome, which occurs in those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor.

Shiksha and its medicinal properties

Shiksha, crowberry, crowberry, bear berry is an evergreen shrub that is widespread in northern Siberia, in Western Europe, Finland, USA, Canada and other countries with cold climates. The main difference between shiksha is its branches covered with small needles, like spruce, and black berries, similar to blueberries. To prepare decoctions and tinctures of shiksha, berries and shoots of the shrub are used. The plant grown in harsh climatic conditions contains a very large amount of biologically active substances and vitamins, necessary for the body person. Thus, shiksha contains flavonoids, pectin substances, tannids, saponins, tannins, organic acids, essential oils, carbohydrates and vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid in high concentration.

Official medicine healing properties shiksha has not yet been confirmed, but in folklore it is used to treat many diseases:

  • With overwork, general loss of strength, nervous exhaustion, decreased immunity– infusions and decoctions of cones, thanks high content it contains vitamins and biologically active substances that help quickly restore strength after illness, nervous shock, constant stress or vitamin deficiency. This property of the plant is especially important for local residents - with a lack of fresh vegetables and fruits and harsh climatic conditions, shiksha helped to avoid scurvy, anemia and other vitamin deficiencies, and was also used as prophylactic during long winters and hard work;
  • For headaches, depression, nervous disorders and epilepsy - shiksha has a pronounced therapeutic effect on the human brain and nervous system as a whole, it helps to cope not only with a harmless headache, but also has healing effect at severe depression, nervous disorders and helps fight seizures in epilepsy;
  • At eye diseases – shiksha was used to wash the eyes for cataracts, glaucoma, trauma eyeball, and in modern world– to relieve fatigue that appears in the eyes when overworked;
  • For diseases of the urinary organs– shiksha decoction has an antiseptic and diuretic effect, it helps to cope with swelling, difficulty urinating, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases;
  • For diseases of the digestive system - for gastritis, enteritis, colitis and liver diseases regular use shiksha alleviates the patient’s condition and speeds up recovery;
  • In the treatment of long-term non-healing ulcers, boils, skin lesions and so on - tannins and organic acids destroy pathogenic bacteria, and others biologically active substances accelerate healing.

Shiksha - contraindications

Shiksha is not one of the officially recognized medicinal plants, therefore, when using it, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

The cone should not be used to treat small children, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or with increased individual sensitivity. An allergic reaction to shiksha rarely occurs, but people suffering from allergies must “test” shiksha before use.

Shiksha - recipes

1. Shiksha decoction– used to treat fatigue, nervous disorders, depression, loss of strength and headaches. To prepare it, use dry berries or leaves of the plant, pour 2-3 tablespoons of plant material into 2 tablespoons of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 5-10 minutes and leave to infuse in a warm place for several hours. The patient is given a decoction of 2-3 tbsp, dissolving it in 12 tbsp. boiled water 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is usually 7-10 days; in severe cases it can be increased to 14-20 days.

Shiksha decoction is also used to treat epilepsy - it is given to the patient 1 tsp after attacks - up to 7 times a day or used in courses - 1 tbsp of decoction per 12 tbsp of water - 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks, then take a break for 1-2 months and repeat the course;

2. Shiksha infusion– can also be used to treat headaches and nervous disorders. To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of shiksha berries or leaves into 12 tablespoons of boiling water, leave for several hours and filter. The patient is given 1 tbsp of infusion in 12 tbsp of water 3-4 times a day, 7-10 days;

3. Shiksha solution for eye diseases- for washing eyes inflammatory diseases or dry eye syndrome, use a solution prepared from berries or shoots of the plant. 2-3 tbsp of dry leaves or berries, pour 1 tbsp of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, filter thoroughly and rinse the eyes or drop 2-3 drops into each eye 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days ;

4. Shiksha decoction for problems with urination– 1 tbsp of dry shoots or ciksha berries is poured into 1 liter of water, boiled in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, filtered and given to the patient 1 tbsp on an empty stomach in the morning, the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks;

5. Shiksha for treating wounds– for treatment acne, boils and wounds use a strong infusion of shiksha. 5 tbsp of raw material is poured into 12 tbsp of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 10-15 minutes. The resulting decoction is used for washing wounds, compresses and lotions until recovery.

Applications, recipes and properties of medicinal crowberry (black crowberry).

Black crowberry- This is a small shrub, belongs to the heather family. Black crowberry (other names for crowberry: black ernik, shiksha, erika, crowberry (according to the color of the berry), bearberry, bagnovka, black nakamnik, black grass, black crowberry, sixa, dry)- creeping shrub from the heather family, it is a typical marsh xerophyte. It grows in Europe, Russia, the USA and Canada, China and Mongolia.

Crowberry. (Crowberry) berry. Video

In Russia, this medicinal plant can most often be found on Far East and the north, in Siberia, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, where it lives in swamps, tundra, mountains and coniferous forests. crowberry stem has a rich brown color. Thickets of this plant are popularly called crowberries or shikshevniks. Crowberry has the property of entering into symbiosis with fungi, giving away photosynthetic products and receiving mineral substances in return. Pollination crowberry Bees and butterflies make flowers. Fruits of the plant It is a black or red berry, and its diameter is up to five mm. The crowberry fruit is very similar to the blueberry fruit.

Crowberry preparation and storage. The ripening time for crowberry berries is August. Berries are usually collected from late July to spring. Frozen fruits are useful. Gather crowberries It’s better in the morning, putting it in buckets or baskets. IN fresh crowberries, as a rule, stored in glass containers in a cool place. If we are talking about freezing, then ripe berries are collected in late autumn. After picking the berries, all the fruits are poured onto a clean cloth and then sorted, freeze crowberry in bulk. Then they are placed in bags and stored in the freezer. In addition to berries, they are widely used crowberry herb in folk medicine, and plant shoots. Branches cut for this purpose during the flowering period, then dried in ventilated areas. Their thin layer lay out and mix constantly to ensure uniform drying of the berries. Raw materials are stored in linen bags or paper bags in a dark place and at a stable temperature.


Use of crowberry in everyday life. crowberry berries In addition to its use in folk medicine, it is used in cooking. Housewives make marmalade and jam, jam and compotes from them. Apply berries as a filling for pies. The fruits of the plant serve as an excellent seasoning for meat and fish.

TREATMENT OF SKIN DISEASES WITH CRYSTAL (SHIKSHA). FOLK RECIPE. Often crowberry treats purulent acne and heals wounds. For this, washed plant branches hot water steam (approximately 90 degrees C.) and cover for infusion. After cooling Wipe problematic skin areas with the expressed infusion. When treating wounds, compresses are used from this infusion.

TREATMENT OF HYDRONY HEADACHES. FOLK RECIPE. This is done with squeezed juice crowberry berries. It is recommended to drink 2-3 tablespoons of it. before meals for headaches permanent. You can also dilute it with boiled water.

RECIPE FOR STRENGTHENING IMMUNITY WITH HERRY. FOLK RECIPE. Pour a liter of boiling water over several branches of the plant and leave in a thermos. You can drink it like tea, with honey, on an empty stomach, no more than one tbsp. at one time.

THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR THE USE OF BLACK CRYSTAL. Crowberry is used in the treatment of adults and children.PRECAUTIONS FOR CRYSTAL. Herbalists do not recommend consuming crowberry berries and leaves for pregnant or lactating women. The only contraindication to the use of crowberry is individual intolerance. However, before starting treatment of any disease with crowberry, it is better to consult a doctor. Contraindications for the use of crowberry: in cases of individual intolerance. It is undesirable for pregnant and lactating women to use. Consult your doctor before use.

TREATMENT OF HAIR DISEASES WITH CRYPE. FOLK RECIPE. Decoction of crowberry leaves It has been used for cosmetic purposes for a long time to strengthen hair. To do this, rub it into your head, or after washing, even just rinse your hair.

TREATMENT OF EYES WITH CRYPE. FOLK RECIPE. You need to take a spoonful of tbsp. berries, crowberry leaves, stems. Fill everything with one hundred grams. boiling water and leave for thirty minutes. Squeeze and dig five times a day with cataracts, decreased visual acuity in the eyes. Treatment should last at least 90 days.

TREATMENT OF STRESS, FATIGUE, DROPY. FOLK RECIPE. To overcome fatigue and stress. Pour 0.500 liters of boiling water into a tablespoon of dry grass. Five - seven minutes. Boil it over low heat and after expressing, take 3 sips a day 5 to 6 times. This is a general strengthening remedy, which will become an auxiliary element in the treatment of various diseases.

TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY WITH HYDRONY. FOLK RECIPE. Crowberry fruit(60 berries) are poured with boiling water, left in a water bath for thirty minutes, then covered for another 3-4 hours. After this, one tablespoon is consumed seven times a day, from morning to evening. Children, epilepsy patients, Give a teaspoon of this infusion.


TREATMENT OF INSOMNIA AND HYPERTENSION WITH CRYPE. FOLK RECIPE. Fifteen gr. dry crushed small twigs of crowberry with leaves for one st. water, boil for 6 - 7 minutes, leave for 1 - 2 hours, drain. Take when hypertension, insomnia 1/4 tbsp. before meals three to four times a day.

TREATMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM WITH CRYPAL. FOLK RECIPE. The juice from crowberry berries calms the nervous system, relieves migraines, improves metabolism and eliminates scurvy.

TREATMENT OF DIARRHEA WITH CRYPOSIS. FOLK RECIPE. An infusion of crowberry herb will help with diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.

TREATMENT OF WOUNDS ON THE SKIN WITH CRYPE. FOLK RECIPE. crowberry twigs, How wound healing use the product.

TREATMENT FOR PARALYSIS WITH GOLTZO SHIKSHA. FOLK RECIPE. Holtsova shiksha works well for paralysis(they drink a decoction of the plant and take baths).

Shiksha - crowberry (deer berry). Video

Tea from crowberry twigs: three - four tablespoons tbsp. finely chopped sprigs of crowberry pour in one liter of water, bring to a boil and cool. Drink only one tbsp in the morning.

Crowberry compotes: they don’t prepare for future use. Compote is prepared mixed with other berries. (cranberries, currants, apples, prunes). They take crowberry parts equals, etc. fruits, wash, fill with fifty percent sugar syrup and cook until done.

Crowberry berry liqueur: a couple of tbsp. crowberry juice, a couple of tbsp. Sahara, one liter per odki, three carnations, one sachet vanilla sugar. Mix all the ingredients and bring to a boil. Decant, then cool and let it brew for 5 to 7 days.

Crowberry berry tincture: two tbsp. crowberry, one liter vodka. IN vodka crushed berries are added and left for fourteen days, then drained.

For wound healing, a lotion made from crowberries (crowberry): crowberry twigs for 120 min. V warm water lowered, and then they are applied to the sore spot and tied. After 120 – 180 min. replace the bandage with a fresh one.

Decoction of crowberry twigs and leaves: fifteen gr. finely chopped dry crowberry twigs and leaves boil for seven minutes. in 300 ml. water and leave for 120 minutes, then strain and take fifty ml. three times a day before meals.

Be healthy!

Black crowberry, crowberry treatment. Video

Name sort of goes from the plant's habitat - petros means "stone", en - "on".

Crowberry is pollinated by butterflies, bees and flies. Makes lighting requirements. Prefers slightly aerated, fresh and moist soils. Goats, deer and pigs can feast on the berries. The crowberry feels good on trampled pastures.

Description of the plant

Shiksha reaches a height of 30 cm. The stems are brown in color and up to 1 meter long. The shrub branches heavily. The branches resemble spruce ones and look quite attractive during flowering. The leaves are dark green, have curved edges, and are arranged alternately. Flowering - from June to July.

After flowering, crowberry forms berries. They are black, round, reach 0.5 cm in diameter, there are 7 seeds inside each, and the skin is dense. The fruits are juicy and sour. In autumn the bushes are completely covered with them. The berries are stored well in winter period. In the tundra, hunters quench their thirst with them.

The plant is popular, so people gave it huge amount names:

  • crowberry;
  • shiksha;
  • crowberry;
  • expensive grass;
  • cabbage roll;
  • booze;
  • crazy, etc.

The plant is cold-loving and lives only near housing. In Russia, it is found only in the wild in subalpine areas, on the slopes of the Altai Mountains and the Sayan Range. In England and Scandinavia, crowberry is found in wet forests, in the swamps. Shiksha interacts well with mushrooms, like all heathers, it receives nutritional elements from them. Crowberry is found even in the polar-arctic zone and, despite the difficult climatic conditions, gives a good harvest.

Features of planting and growing

Crowberry is grown in acidic peaty or sandy soils. In this case, care should be taken to ensure that there is no stagnation of water. Boarding is in progress as follows:

  1. Crowberry is planted to a depth of 40 cm.
  2. There should be a distance of 50 cm between the bushes.
  3. In order for the crowberry to take root well, the root collar is buried 2 cm.
  4. The soil is prepared as follows: equal parts of peat, sand and turf soil are taken.
  5. Drainage also plays an important role. It is made of crushed stone and sand - thickness no more than 10 cm.

For good growth Crowberry is fed with nitroammophoska once during the season. The plant overwinters under a layer of snow, so no additional shelter is required. In the spring, pruning is carried out, and only dry branches are removed. Maintenance is very easy - weeds are removed only the first year. Then the bush does an excellent job on its own. Reproduction occurs by seeds and layering. During dry periods, watering is required.

Useful properties

Shiksha is a plant whose fruits contain many biological elements and vitamins that have a general strengthening effect and provide positive influence on the nervous system. Shiksha is mainly used as a remedy against seizures during epilepsy. Noted good effect and for the following ailments:

Crowberry is excellent at removing radionuclides. Among other things, preparations based on the berries of the plant have diuretic, choleretic, hypotensive, and phytoncidal properties.

Shiksha - unique product and in its composition. It includes such chemicals, How:

  • microelements;
  • alkaloids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • triterpene coumarins;
  • resins;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty oils, etc.

How to make blanks correctly

The good thing about crowberry is that it medicinal purposes The entire above-ground part of the plant is used - branches with leaves and berries. The grass is prepared during flowering, the berries only after ripening.

  • The grass should be cut carefully. Make sure that the roots are not disturbed.
  • Then drying occurs. The crowberry is laid out in a shaded place, under a canopy, so that it is not affected by direct sun rays and raindrops, this way the healing properties are better preserved. The crowberry is laid out on a special bedding in a thin layer. It is turned periodically so that the grass dries evenly.
  • The finished plant is laid out in fabric bags. Shelf life - no more than 2 years.

Application in landscape design and more

Crowberry can be used in garden compositions. Looks great in a flat rock garden. It can be used as a background in flower beds along with perennials.

The plant is still eaten by peoples such as the Inuit and Sami. They prepare the berries and eat them with fat in winter. Decoctions are prepared from shoots with leaves that help cope with gastrointestinal diseases. A decoction of the roots can improve eye health. The berries are used for impaired renal function.

IN Tibetan medicine The medicinal properties of the berries are used for headaches, to treat kidney and liver diseases.

In Russia, a decoction and tincture based on vodka are used in following cases:

  • antiscorbutic;
  • paralysis and epilepsy;
  • fatigue, headaches;
  • metabolic disorder.

Moreover, a decoction of the leaves perfectly strengthens hair!

The berry is used as food with milk and fermented milk products. It is used to make marmalade, jam, and pie filling. Can be used as a seasoning for meat and fish. The berries are prepared frozen or soaked. They do not contain benzoic acid, which means they can be stored in a well-sealed glass container. There will be no fermentation.

Berries contain a substance called anthocyanin. This is a pigment that is actively used for dyeing woolen products.

Crowberry should be planted near housing. The plant is cold-loving, but has high lighting requirements. The soil should be acidic, peaty or sandy. It is important to ensure that water does not stagnate in the soil. For good growth, fertilizing is carried out with nitroammophoska. During hot weather, watering is required. Dropsy contains large number vitamins and useful elements. The berries are used for paralysis and epilepsy, kidney and liver diseases, and nervous disorders.

Crowberry in the wild (video)

Crowberry is a plant from the heather family. Other names for crowberry are shiksha, crowberry. It chooses bright places to grow; it can be found in the tundra, rock crevices, pine forests and swamps. Crowberry grows well in acidic soils.

The Latin name of the plant translates as “on the stone”, which in sufficiently reflects the conditions of his life. According to another theory, crowberry received its name due to the fact that it has pronounced diuretic properties. In terms of its ability to enhance urine formation, its effect is comparable to watermelon pulp.

Externally, the crowberry plant has the appearance of a low-growing creeping bush, the length of the stems sometimes reaching 1 meter. The surface of the branches is covered with white or amber dotted glands. The shoots are dark brown in color, strongly branched and densely covered with small leaves. The leaves are narrow, elongated, up to 10 mm long, their edges are curled downwards, which is why they look like spruce needles. The leaves stay on the branch for at least 5 years, and the lifespan of the plant itself is up to 100 years.

Crowberry flowers are inconspicuous, small, with pink or red petals; they appear in April - May. Dropsy grows in small clearings - clumps. She lives in symbiosis with mushrooms, receiving from them a number of minerals, and in return giving away products formed during the process of photosynthesis.

Crowberry bears fruit in August with black or red berries with hard skin and seeds. On the outside they are covered with a bluish coating and look a little like blueberries. The juice inside the crowberry is purple in color and very watery. Because of low content Sugars and acids make it taste bland, which is also reflected in the name of the berry. The fruits overwinter on the branches of the plant and remain on the shoots until spring.

Application of crowberry

In the North, crowberry is widely consumed as food, soaked or fresh, adding it to milk. In cooking, it has found application in the production of wine, drinks, jam, seasonings fish dishes. Crowberry berries are included in the list of required ingredients in tolokushi, a traditional northern dish made from chopped fish and seal fat. To store crowberry for the winter, it is soaked in barrels, where it is preserved for a long time due to the presence of benzoic acid in the berries. The fruits also retain their properties well. beneficial properties frozen.

In ancient times, wool dye was obtained from the berries of this plant. Crowberry juice contains the pigment anthocyanin, which gives the fabric a lasting red color.

Decorative varieties of crowberry have been bred and are successfully used in the design of alpine slides. Black crowberry has long been cultivated and bred for the purpose of producing fruits. It is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Useful properties of crowberry

Crowberry contains tannins, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, coumarins, resins, essential and fatty oils, and a number of vitamins.

Crowberry has long been used for medicinal purposes, both as berries and as vegetative shoots with leaves. It improves metabolism and is used for general fatigue and headaches. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, crowberry strengthens the immune system, helps fight infectious and colds, prevents symptoms of hypovitaminosis C.

An infusion of twigs has a wound-healing effect in case of abrasions, scratches and cuts. Particularly popular this remedy among the peoples of the North. A decoction of crowberry roots is sometimes used in the treatment of eye diseases.

The healing properties of crowberry are used in the treatment of diseases of the liver and kidneys, the nervous system (especially epilepsy and paralysis), gastrointestinal tract. Crowberry is good for edema, as its berries and herbs have a diuretic effect.

WITH for cosmetological purposes A decoction of crowberry leaves is used to strengthen hair. Baths with crowberry herbs are used for diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

Caution in consuming crowberry berries is required only in case of individual intolerance.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Contents of the article:

Black crowberry (lat. Empetrum nigrum) is a dicotyledonous plant of the Ericaceae family, genus Crowberry. Other names: black crowberry, black crowberry, bear berry. It is a small fruiting shrub with round, dark blue or black berries that are slightly larger than blueberries. They consist mainly of thin peel and juice, there is practically no pulp inside, and they have hard seeds. They have a sour and fresh taste. Crowberry is very common in western Ukraine, Belarus, the European part of Russia, Siberia and North America. It can be found in sphagnum bogs, on rocks, and in pine forests. Both fruits and leaves are used in cooking, which can be used for preservation.

Composition and calorie content of black crowberry

Nothing is known about the calorie content of black crowberry. It contains polysaccharides, pectins, sucrose, and tannins. Also contained here fatty oil, fructose, glucose and wax.

The plant is rich in carbohydrates, coumarins, and benzoic acid, which allows the fruits to be stored raw for a long time. But largest percentage here it falls on ascorbic acid, it is 47% here. In addition, it is a source of anthocyanins, keratin, manganese and acetic acid.

The leaves of the bush contain caffeic acid, alkaloids, arabinose and monosaccharides.

Useful properties of black shiksha

Berry juice has a calming, tonic, relaxing, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant effect. It is also known as an effective choleretic and diuretic that regulates the functioning of the bile and bladder. Extract from the fruit helps people with various diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, eyes, and nervous system.

Exactly how the berry works is described below:

  • Calms nerves. It relieves stress, eliminates symptoms of depression, improves mood and prevents apathy. Thus, sleep is normalized, sugar levels are stabilized, and itching and irritation are prevented. skin.
  • Restores metabolism. If it is violated, problems with stool arise, the likelihood of developing obesity increases, and intoxication of the body may occur. Due to its contamination with toxins, favorable soil is created in the intestines for the growth of neoplasms. Vodyanka, being rich tannins, helps reduce such risks.
  • Strengthens immunity. This is due to the content in the berries large quantities vitamin C, which has a positive effect on blood composition. The reason for this is the improvement in the absorption of iron, which is responsible for the body’s resistance to the effects of pathogenic microflora. All this allows you to reduce the likelihood of getting the flu, sore throat, etc. to zero.
  • Accelerates skin recovery. As a result of eating berries, tissues heal faster after bruises, injuries, and wounds. At the same time, the intensity of pain decreases and provides reliable protection from penetration into the blood harmful bacteria through damaged areas. The benefits of black crowberry will also be noticeable in the case of burns, frostbite, dermatological diseases- eczema, urticaria, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.
  • Improves hair condition. They become smoother, more voluminous, and more obedient. Their volume on the head gradually increases due to the strengthening of the follicles. In addition to this, the skin's secretion of sebum is restored, which is why the hair becomes dirty much more slowly.
  • Increases visual acuity. The berry is very useful for people suffering from congenital or acquired myopia. With this disease, a person has difficulty seeing at a distance of more than 10 m. Vodjanika improves the quality of the “picture” and at the same time protects against increased intraocular pressure, retinal detachment and others ophthalmological pathologies.
  • Improves kidney function. Shiksha has a tonic effect, removes salts and toxins from these organs, promoting their normal functioning. It is especially useful for people who abuse alcohol, whose kidneys cannot properly cope with cleansing the body and their filter functions.
  • Rejuvenates. The berry is involved in the reconstruction of damaged cells, which is very useful for the body, since if this process is disrupted, it quickly ages. In addition, it promotes oxygen saturation internal organs and tissues, due to which small wrinkles, if not completely disappear, are at least partially smoothed out. Detoxification also contributes to rejuvenation, because harmful substances, which accumulate inside over the years, pollute the body and accelerate aging.
The berries perfectly quench thirst and suppress hunger; they are also used for hypertension, epilepsy to prevent seizures, and for headaches of unknown origin. One antiepileptic drug has been created from the leaves of the plant and is being successfully tested in the laboratory.

Pay attention! The berry can be stored fresh for quite a long time due to the presence of black benzoic acid in the crowberry composition.

Contraindications and harm of black crowberry

It is not recommended to use the fruits and leaves of the plant for pregnant women, women during lactation, and infants, as they can cause allergic reaction at the body. They should also be given to older people with extreme caution and only in small quantities.

Black crowberry can cause harm if taken if you have an individual intolerance to the berries. As a result, a rash, redness, and itching often appear on the body. Those suffering from gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage should be no less careful.

How to eat black crowberry?

You can use both berries and leaves, and some even put sprigs of the plant in tea. The fruits are collected after ripening, in August. They can then be frozen by washing clean water, spreading it into containers in a thin layer and placing it in the freezer. You can also cover the berries with sugar in layers and then store them in the refrigerator.

Soaked shiksha is very popular; for this purpose, the berries picked at the end of the harvest are washed and filled with clean water, placed in wooden barrels, covered with a press and placed in the basement. Here they can be stored on average for about 10 months, until the next season.

Twigs and leaves are also prepared in advance; for this purpose, they are dried in the sun or in the oven, put in a bag, hung from the ceiling and stored in a warm but dry place. It is best if it is made of cotton. In this case, you need to remove the shoots carefully, using scissors, so as not to harm the bush. Approximately every 2 months the bag with the preparation needs to be shaken, and after 2 years it is no longer recommended to use it.

Drink recipes with black crowberry

Since they eat black crowberry completely in different forms, then you can make juice, compote, tea, liqueur from it. Drinks made from it have a delicate, sweet and sour taste, a pleasant aroma and are very nutritious. They can be used in both medicinal purposes, and in cooking.

How and what to cook, read below:

  1. Compote. Bring to a boil clean water(3 l), wash crowberry berries (1 cup), blueberries (0.5 cup) and raspberries (200 g). Pour all this in turn, approximately every 5 minutes, into the pan. Boil the berries for 20 minutes and somewhere in the middle add sugar (100 g) into the liquid. Before turning off the gas, enter here citric acid(literally 3 g) and stir the compote well. If you want to leave it for the winter, then pour the drink into sterilized jars, roll it up and leave it in the basement.
  2. Tea. It is prepared from berries (1 tbsp), leaves (1 tbsp) and twigs (5-6 pcs.). All this is connected together, poured boiled water, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. After this, add honey (1-2 tsp) and lemon (2-3 slices) to the drink, mix well and drink in small sips instead of ordinary black tea. It is especially good for breakfast, as it gives strength and vigor, improves mood and tones the body. It will come in very handy with jam prepared according to the recipe given above.
  3. Pouring. Combine vanilla sugar (2 tsp), regular sugar (1 tbsp), crowberry juice (500 ml) and cloves (3 pcs.). Place the mixture in an enamel saucepan over low heat, bring to a boil, strain, pour into glass jar and leave in the refrigerator for at least two weeks. As a result, you will get a delicious homemade liqueur with a low alcohol content.

Recipes for dishes with black crowberry

Fresh crowberry can be sprinkled with sugar and eaten in pure form. It also goes well with dairy products: yogurt, curd mass, fermented milk cheese, yogurt, milk, kefir. It is recommended to store it in glass containers. Plants are made from fruits delicious jam, jams, compotes, marmalade, which can be used both for consumption with tea and as a filling for pies, pies, buns and other baked goods.

Let's look at recipes for delicious dishes with black crowberry:

  • Jam. First, peel the apples (1 kg), then pour boiling water over them and leave for 30 minutes. After this, cut the fruit into small pieces, place it in a blender bowl and grind until smooth. Then wash the black crowberry berries (1 kg), cover them with sugar (1.5 kg) and leave covered for 2 hours. After this time, put the mixture on low heat, cook for 30 minutes, stirring, and add the finished mixture. applesauce. Bring the mixture to a boil and keep on the stove for about an hour. When it is ready, pour the jam into pre-sterilized jars, roll up and turn upside down. Leave the jam in this form for 2-3 days, then put the crowberry in the basement, if you have one, or put it in the refrigerator.
  • Jelly. First, blanch the berries for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then strain them and squeeze out the juice. Add sugar (150 g) and citric acid (2 g) to it (1 glass), place the mixture on low heat. When it starts to boil, add gelatin (30 g), while stirring the mass. Then boil the jelly for about 5 minutes, remove from the stove, transfer to special molds and place in the freezer for an average of an hour.
  • Paste. Mix in an enamel container apple juice(250 ml), vanilla sugar (30 g) and regular sugar (1 kg). Then, stirring, cook this mixture for 20 minutes. After this, add the crowberries (1 kg) crushed in a blender and keep it on the fire for about 40 minutes. Next, cool the mixture, place in metal molds and dry in the oven at minimum temperature about 30 minutes.

Among the inhabitants of the North, especially those who lead a nomadic lifestyle, a popular dish is “tolkushka”, which is prepared for the winter. It is made from the berries of the plant, seal fat and chopped fish. Vladimir Dal mentioned him in explanatory dictionary, calling it “Kirilka”.

Crowberry juice is suitable for dyeing skin and wool cherry color.

Shiksha is a popular food for poultry and is also loved by deer and bears. In a number of regions it is listed in the Red Book, this applies to the Nizhny Novgorod, Tula, Smolensk, Kostroma regions and some others.

Black crowberry is also popular among the indigenous people of America. Indians, just like residents of Siberia, actively use it in winter. But in addition to the fruits, they also use shoots with leaves of the bush, preparing infusions and decoctions from them to treat digestive disorders.

Shiksha is often used in traditional Tibetan medicine, here it serves as a cure for various diseases kidneys and liver, nervous system disorders.

The plant has dark red stems and curled oblong leaves. The purple flowers consist of several petals and are unisexual. The shrub blooms in spring and can bear fruit for up to 100 years throughout its entire life cycle.

Watch the video about black crowberry:

Shiksha, although widespread in Eastern Europe, but is still considered an exotic berry here. This is due to the fact that it is not grown on summer cottages, such as rowan or viburnum, but not everyone can afford to go to the forest to collect them. But if you do see black crowberry somewhere on the market, we definitely recommend trying it.



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