How to cure acne on women's intimate places. What do pimples in intimate areas indicate?

In this article we will talk about the problem of an intimate pimple or a purulent pimple on an intimate place.

Having discovered a pimple in such an intimate place as the groin, just in case, you should seek advice from specialists about “happiness that has fallen in.” It is possible that the origin of acne is of a harmless “nature”, but the possibility cannot be ruled out that this is an alarming signal that the body has been damaged by a serious illness.

What Causes Pimples in Private Parts

The most common reasons for the formation of pimples in intimate places are:

  • hormonal imbalance that accompanies adolescence, as well as caused by menopause and pregnancy;
  • “side effects” of depilation – skin inflammation, “ingrown hairs”;
  • non-compliance with diet and the negative consequences of excess stressful situations in life;
  • accumulation of “impurities” in the groin and, as a result, the creation of favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria due, for example, to reluctance to visit the shower stall again;
  • allergies after taking medications;
  • difficult “breathing” of the skin due to tight-fitting underwear;
  • manifestation of sexually transmitted infections.

Non-troubling acne in the intimate area

Sometimes, acne is confused with hair follicles - white dots of a dense structure. These natural “objects” of further hair growth are not worth close study and concern.

Similarly, sebaceous glands are sometimes mistaken for acne, which are confusing with their hypertrophied appearance in intimate areas, where the skin is much thinner compared to other areas of the skin of the body. Therefore, the glands, standing out strongly, are “conspicuous”.

If these “innocent” pimples still “get in the way of life,” then it is worth getting rid of them with the help of antibacterial treatment, maintaining hygiene and taking appropriate vitamins. The main thing is not to squeeze out intimate pimples!

The result of inflammation of the sebaceous glands - dense ulcers, with color variations from light shades of red to dark, are treated with fairly simple methods. You should first clean the unfavorable area of ​​the skin with a soap and water solution, let the skin dry, and then proceed to one of the following procedures:

  1. Aloe juice has the ability to heal purulent formations within 3-4 days. The opened leaf of the plant is attached to the problem area with a bandage for this period. The result will not be long in coming - soon, under the healing effect of aloe, the skin will get rid of the annoying abscess and be completely restored.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide and Levomekol ointment are excellent means of getting rid of ulcers. It is necessary to treat the pimple with one of these compounds twice a day until it completely disappears. Vishnevsky and ichthyol ointments also cope effectively with the task. As a rule, they are applied at night.
  3. Iodine promotes intensive maturation of the abscess. To achieve this goal, apply cotton wool soaked in iodine to the pimple for 5-10 minutes.

Fat cysts

Fat cysts appear as small lumps under the skin, usually white in color. Their occurrence occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous gland by skin growths. As a result, the fatty consistency is forced to accumulate and harden, forming hard lumps. Cysts do not cause pain-related discomfort and are removed with a short and simple surgical operation.

Sexually transmitted diseases

The triumph of “sexual freedom”, which began a quarter of a century ago, brought with it an intensive spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Moreover, despite the already “rich” range of infections that enter the body through sexual relations, according to statistics, it is expanding every day.

The pubis, perineum, labia - these intimate places are covered with pimples, as indicators of possible infection with such an infection. If acne is also accompanied by fever, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin, burning and itching in the genital area, then you should “sound the alarm” and consult a venereologist without delay.


Syphilis is one of the most serious sexually transmitted diseases, which can be “caught” both during sexual intercourse and through innocent everyday means.

The danger of syphilis lies in the manifestation of its signs, for example, pustular formations and ulcers on the mucous membrane, labia (maybe around the anus), only a month and a half after infection. Therefore, at first you may not even suspect that you are infected with syphilis, which in the future, without treatment at first, leads to an exacerbation of the disease. Sore throat, weakness, temperature fluctuations, the aforementioned purulent pimples and ulcers “attack” the body more and more.

The fight against syphilis is carried out with antibiotics. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the “advanced” state of the infectious disease.

Genital herpes

More quickly, compared to syphilis, symptoms of another representative of the “family” of sexually transmitted diseases are detected -. The characteristic rash of “bubbles” on the genitals and pubis appears after being affected by the “infection” for a week. In addition to intimate places, such blistering formations are also located on the lips (a well-known “cold”).

Blisters cause itching, burning and swelling of the skin. Their internal consistency of purulent origin is sooner or later squeezed out - and the blister turns into an ulcer, which over time “heals” and heals.

Exacerbation of genital herpes can be caused by factors such as concomitant colds, nervous tension and pregnancy.

This disease can only be suppressed by antiviral drugs. It is not yet possible for medicine to rid people who regularly suffer from herpes from this scourge forever.

Bartholin gland cyst

Problems with the normal functioning of the excretory duct can cause the formation of a Bartholin gland cyst. Unable to be eliminated from the body in the usual way, the gland fluid accumulates under the surface of the skin and hardens. Such tubercles can be seriously disturbing and cause discomfort during sex and walking if the cyst is severely inflamed or the gland becomes infected. The “culprits” of the disease are E. coli, staphylococcus, gonococcal or chlamydial infections.

When suffering from infectious bartholinitis, the labia minora in the area of ​​the cyst that appears swells significantly, an increased body temperature and pain are observed.

Treatment of the cyst is accompanied by the use of antibiotics and is carried out by installing a Word catheter on the sore spot, or using the marsupilization procedure.

Pubic lice usually “settle” in the hair covering the genital area. It is also possible that they will seize the “territories” of the armpits, eyebrows and eyelashes. The transition of lice to “new victims” most often occurs during intimate intimacy, but infection is possible without it. Insects suck blood, irritating the skin, which causes scabies and acne formation.

Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum include unusually shaped pimples. They look like hard pink cones with a cheesy consistency inside. The “infection” is transmitted both through household and sexual contact.

In the absence of problems with the immune system, acne will disappear naturally over time. If the body cannot overcome the disease on its own, then specialists can prescribe a course of medication or intervene surgically.

Every dermatovenerologist knows that they are a symptom of serious diseases. The presence of a rash may be a sign of infection or skin irritation. Mostly adults face this problem. A sick person can be contagious to their sexual partners.

The presence of a rash may be a sign of infection or skin irritation

Rash in the intimate area is a common occurrence in young people. The process involves the genitals, perianal area, perineum and breasts. Pimples are the elements of the rash that are located above the skin.

Pimples include papules, pustules and vesicles.

Exanthema in a woman or man is rarely the only symptom.

Along with it, the following symptoms may be present:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • itching;
  • peeling.

In most cases, pimples are red or pink in color.

Sometimes they are white. Rashes in the intimate area are characterized by the following diseases:

  • genital herpes;
  • lice pubis;
  • allergic contact dermatitis;
  • syphilis in the 2nd period;
  • candidiasis;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • Fox-Fordyce disease.

Acne does not appear without the participation of predisposing factors. These include unprotected sexual intercourse, promiscuity in relation to partners, neglect of the barrier method of contraception, simple rules of personal hygiene, wearing tight and synthetic underwear, hyperhidrosis of the groin area, living in a hot climate, puberty, taking steroids and corticosteroids, having thick hair in intimate area.

Herpes rashes

If a pimple pops up in an intimate place in women or men, then the cause may be STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

Up to 90% of the population is infected with the herpes virus

This is a group of diseases in which the pathogen is transmitted through sexual contact. An example is genital herpes. This disease is very widespread.

Up to 90% of the population is infected with the herpes virus. Not everyone gets acne on their genitals. The cause of the rash is the active reproduction of viruses of types 1 and 2.

Contact, aerosol and vertical mechanisms of human infection are known.

Risk factors for acne in intimate areas in men and women are:

  • low socio-economic status of a person;
  • female gender;
  • young age;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • commercial sex;
  • homosexual relationships;
  • unsecured communications;
  • low immunity.

Pimples on the genitals occur when resistance decreases. Suppression of general or local immunity leads to activation of the virus.

This is possible against the background of cancer, after abortion and radiation therapy, with a lack of vitamins and animal protein, overwork, physical overload, chronic infectious diseases, HIV infection and diabetes.

Often occur in people who regularly visit solariums and beaches.

The presence of rashes in the intimate area is a sign of skin candidiasis

Genital herpes can occur in mild, moderate or severe form. In the latter case, the rash appears monthly. Primary herpes in women and men has a rapid course. The incubation period reaches 2 weeks.

Areas of redness appear in intimate places. Itching and burning appear. The skin becomes swollen. Then exanthema occurs. It is represented by bubbles (vesicles).

There is a murky secret inside them. The bubbles are located separately from each other. When the rash appears, a fever occurs. The inguinal lymph nodes are often enlarged. Within a week, the blisters burst, and in their place superficial ulcers appear.

Vesicles jump up in the perineum, genitals, anus and thighs. The urethra is often affected. The pimples are painful on palpation. Secondary herpes is characterized by a calmer course.

Acne due to candidiasis

The presence of rashes in the intimate area is a sign of skin candidiasis. This is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. In recent years, the incidence of this pathology has increased. People of all ages face this problem.

Fungi are normally present on people's skin without causing a rash. When immunity decreases, they begin to actively grow and reproduce. Acne on the genitals appears less frequently than on other parts of the body. Endogenous factors play the greatest role in the development of candidiasis.

These include:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dysproteinemia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • sweating

The general condition of a person with candidiasis is not affected

Pimples in intimate areas often appear when taking cytostatics, antibiotics and corticosteroids.

Fungi thrive in moist environments. The risk group includes people who regularly visit swimming pools, saunas, public baths, and constantly sweat.

A rash in intimate areas is possible when wearing wet underwear and when the skin is not sufficiently wiped with a towel after a shower.

A candidiasis rash has the following distinctive features:

  • occurs at the site of redness and swelling;
  • represented by pustules, papules and vesicles;
  • often localized in folds;
  • has a white coating.

Most often the groin, mammary glands, armpits and the area between the buttocks are affected. After the bubbles open, weeping erosions form. They are shiny and smooth.

Small pustules and vesicles are localized along the periphery. The general condition of a person with candidiasis is not affected. The disease can be chronic with frequent relapses. If you do not treat a person, there is a risk of generalization of the infection with damage to vital organs.

The cause is molluscum contagiosum

Pimples can appear with molluscum contagiosum. This is a chronic disease caused by a DNA virus. This is a type of STI. The virus penetrates keratinocytes and blocks T-lymphocytes. This explains the lack of immune response. Infection occurs through direct contact with the patient's skin or through objects.

Infection in adults occurs primarily through sexual contact. The skin of the perineum, thighs and external genitalia is involved.

Infection of adults occurs mainly through sexual contact

Initially, the upper half of the body may be affected, but then a person with his hands brings the pathogen to the intimate areas.

The main symptom of molluscum contagiosum is a rash on the genitals. Pimples look like dense, rounded nodules. They are pink in color and rise above the skin. Sometimes a pearlescent sheen is observed.

The nodules are painless. Their number is gradually increasing. The reason is self-infection. The size of acne most often does not exceed the size of a pea. The elements of the rash are arranged randomly.

Sometimes their number reaches several hundred. When you press on the tubercles, a white, pasty mass is released. The appearance of acne on the genitals is often accompanied by mild itching. A typical sign of the rash is a concave center.

Acne with lice pubis

The risk group includes:

  • homeless people;
  • small children;
  • military personnel;
  • bathhouse employees;
  • refugees;
  • kindergarten teachers;
  • parents of sick children;
  • prisoners;
  • people who are promiscuous.

The skin of the anus, perineum and pubis is most often affected. In such people they may appear on the genitals.

The rash consists of papules and pustules. Sometimes bluish spots appear on the skin. The rash appears at the sites of bites and scratches. There is never one purulent pimple on an intimate place.

Other etiological factors

Subcutaneous pimples in intimate areas are a sign of allergic contact dermatitis. This is an inflammatory disease. The area of ​​skin that is in direct contact with the irritant (allergen) is affected. The source of inflammation has clear boundaries.

The causes of the disease may be:

  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • skin contact with washing powder;
  • use of low-quality intimate hygiene products;
  • washing the body and genitals with soap;
  • contact with certain plants;
  • application of medications in the form of creams and gels.

Often a rash appears after depilation in the bikini area. After contact with an allergen, the skin turns red. Then papules appear, which quickly turn into blisters. The latter open up, forming erosions. Eventually crusts appear and peeling occurs. The occurrence of acne on the genitals in women and men is combined with itching.

Syphilides can be mistaken for acne. These are rashes that are caused by the presence of Treponema pallidum in the human body.

The causes and treatment of syphilis are known to every dermatovenerologist. Syphilides are represented by papules, pustules or roseola. At the early stage of development of the second period of the disease, chancre may remain.

Often a rash appears after depilation in the bikini area

White pimples on the scrotum, chest and labia are otherwise called Fordyce granules or seborrheic cysts. The reason is an increase in the sebaceous glands.

If pimples appear in an intimate area, the trigger may be a cold or an acute respiratory infection.

Examination and treatment methods

Treatment tactics are determined by the doctor after diagnosis.

If painful pimples appear in intimate places, the following studies will be needed:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • skin allergy tests;
  • dermatoscopy;
  • anticardiolipin test;
  • urine test;
  • Wasserman reaction;
  • histological analysis.

If syphilis is suspected, instrumental studies may be needed. If small ones appear after hair removal, then treatment is not required.

Contact with allergens must be completely avoided. If a painful pimple does not appear after hair removal, but as a result of infection with the herpes virus, then systemic and local antiviral drugs are prescribed.

These include Panavir, Valcicon, Valtrex, Valvir, Valacyclovir Canon, Ribavirin-SZ, Famvir, Famacivir, Familar, Minaker and Zovirax. Thus, a rash in intimate areas can occur after hair removal, shaving, contact with allergens and against the background of infectious diseases.

White pimples appear on the surface of the labia and pubis. They are easily confused with sebaceous glands or hair follicles. Redness can be a symptom of dermatitis, allergies or irritation after shaving. If a pimple pops up in an intimate place, which is accompanied by itching, then this is an allergic reaction to an external pathogen - a hygiene product, underwear. Formations caused by dermatitis are located in the groin area. Hollow, watery pimples often indicate serious infections, so this case requires special attention from a dermatologist. Black pimple is hard. The color indicates an inflammatory process. The bumps can be confused with warts or moles. The last type, fatty pimples, are characteristic of young men during puberty. These are purulent formations covered with a layer of skin.

Not all acne in the bikini area needs treatment.

Often an abscess in the groin area is not dangerous to human health. Causes: irritation, lack of hygiene or hormonal surge. Outwardly similar to the sebaceous glands, which have a convex shape in the pubic area. That’s why such pimples are often confused. Acne can also appear due to the use of tight clothing or poor diet. Rashes indicate internal disorders in the body. Pimples near the labia, vagina, and on the head of the penis do not appear on their own. These are signs of other diseases.

Fat cysts

Appears due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. These are purulent formations that are covered with layers of epithelium. Under them, pus continues to accumulate, hardens, but does not come to the surface of the skin. Such tubercles are usually not accompanied by discomfort. But over time, the fatty tissues become inflamed and spasms appear. But removal requires surgery.

Sexually transmitted diseases

There are a number of diseases that are sexually transmitted. They also enter the human body during visits to public swimming pools, baths or saunas. From the moment of infection, ulcers appear in the intimate area and itch. Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases are also considered increased body temperature, burning sensation, and enlarged lymph nodes.

Acne from syphilis

With additional symptoms, it can be assumed that there is a sexually transmitted disease.

The danger of this disease is that symptoms appear several weeks after infection. Ulcers and pimples develop on the mucous membrane. The rash affects the labia, the area near the anus. At first they look like small redness. After the rash they cover other parts of the body. They can look like purulent pimples or watery ones. In the first 2 stages, syphilis can be transmitted to other people. Massive formations and ulcers appear. Additional symptoms include feeling tired, sore throat and fever.

Genital herpes

This is a disease of venereal origin. The first signs appear a week after infection. Pimples appear in intimate places that look like blisters. Rashes appear on the lips. The pimple itches and a burning sensation appears. The pus from the acne comes out, an ulcer appears, which then heals. The disease can be aggravated by pregnancy, colds or overwork.

Bartholin gland cyst

The sources of the disease are staphylococcus bacilli, chlamydia, and gonococcus. They cause thrombosis of the Bartholin glands, due to which the fluid cannot freely exit to the surface of the skin. Because of this, it accumulates under the epidermis and forms inflamed tubercles. Such a purulent pimple in an intimate place in women prevents free movement and is accompanied by spasms and itching. The labia, where inflammation is localized, swell and hurt. The temperature rises.

Molluscum contagiosum

Transmitted through sexual intercourse or close body contact. Pimples have a cone-shaped appearance with a shiny surface. The disease is painless. When you press on the rash, a curd-like discharge appears. The infection develops in people during a period of weakened immunity. To treat it, you need to take a course of medication, otherwise the acne will not go away on its own.

Pubic lice

Itching and rash in combination may be pubic lice.

The appearance of rashes in the genital area and perineum can be either a symptom of an infectious process in the human body or a short-term phenomenon resulting from any mechanical impact on an area of ​​the epidermis or mucous membrane. Most often, acne in the groin area appears in women, since their skin is thinner and more sensitive to various irritants. How dangerous a neoplasm is depends on the cause of its appearance. If the inflammation is bacterial or viral in nature, the patient must undergo a thorough examination and comprehensive treatment.

Rashes in the groin area can vary in size, color and intensity of manifestations. During a clinical examination, the doctor, taking these parameters into account, is able to determine the cause of acne and establish a preliminary diagnosis.

Types of rashes in the intimate area

ColorAppearancePossible reason for the appearance
White, pinkish – identical to normal skinDense, resembles “goose bumps” to the touchAn accumulation of dead epidermal cells in the area of ​​the hair follicles. You can get rid of them if you treat the affected area with a hard sponge or washcloth while washing.
Light pink or whitish, slightly paler than the surrounding epidermisDense, clusteredHypertrophy or blockage of skin glands. In the first case, therapy is not required. In the second, it is necessary to apply Vishnevsky ointment to the affected area
RedsSmall, may have watery contents, often the skin around the rash is dry and flakyAllergic reaction. To relieve the allergen, you should eliminate the allergen and take an antihistamine: Zodak, Cetrin, Tavegil, etc.
RedsSmall, dry, crusty on topDermatitis is an inflammatory skin lesion. Therapy consists of eliminating the irritant, taking antipruritic and anti-inflammatory drugs: Advantan, Burov's fluid, Prednisone, etc.
Bright redVarious sizes, located scattered in a clearly defined affected areaAn inflammatory reaction resulting from skin irritation. Occurs as a result of mechanical damage: shaving, hair removal. To alleviate the condition, you can use cooling and soothing gels and ointments: Bepanten, Panthenol, Boromenthol, etc.
WaterySmall, non-itchy, usually located on the mucous membranesHormonal imbalance. To identify the cause of the malaise and prescribe treatment, you must consult a specialist and take tests to determine your hormonal levels.
BlackLarge, singleBlack acne occurs due to the destruction of small blood vessels due to improper treatment. The opening and removal of such tumors should be carried out by a dermatologist.

Attention! Formations formed as a result of blockage of the duct of the sebaceous glands are called atheroma.

Causes of rashes on the genitals

Pimples in the groin area can appear for a variety of reasons. In most cases, the rash appears as a result of mechanical damage to the skin and does not pose a threat to the patient’s health. Acne on the genitals and in the buttocks area most often occurs due to the following factors:

Attention! The entry of bacteria and viruses into the genitourinary tract poses a serious danger to human health, as they easily enter the bloodstream through the mucous membranes.

Rashes of infectious origin

Acne in the groin area often occurs as a result of the development of an infectious process. In most cases, pathogens enter the body during sexual intercourse along with lubricant or sperm. In this case, the rashes are usually localized on the genitals, anus and pubic area. Patients complain of pain in the affected area, itching and burning, lymphadenopathy and fever.

Attention! Lymphadenopathy is a pathological process in which inflammation of the lymph nodes is noted. Infections of the genitourinary system in most cases affect the lymph nodes of the groin and iliac region.


Syphilitic infection is a bacterial disease caused by pathogens of the species Treponema pallidum. The pathology is characterized by a long course and cyclicity. Syphilis affects various organs and tissues: the heart and blood vessels, epithelial membranes and dermis, the nervous system, the digestive tract and the musculoskeletal system.

The disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact and is therefore classified as a sexually transmitted infection. At the same time, syphilis is one of the most common STDs and today in medical statistics continues to occupy a leading position in terms of the degree of contagiousness and harm to health caused to the patient. It should be borne in mind that improper treatment of syphilis leads to the development of a chronic infectious process that drags on for many years. In this case, the disease can be both acute and latent.

Attention! Syphilis can be transmitted not only sexually, but also through household contact. Infection of newborns and infants at birth or during breastfeeding is also common.

The primary symptom of the disease is the formation of a chancre - a painless ulceration on the skin. Often this erosion forms in hard-to-reach places, for example, on the epithelial membranes of the vaginal vaults or in the anus. In this case, the patient usually learns about the appearance of syphilis only a few weeks or months after the bacteria enters the body. Characteristic rashes appear on the genitals, and then on other parts of the patient’s body.

Attention! The appearance of a rash with syphilis is a symptom of the generalization of the infectious process, that is, the spread of treponema throughout all systems of the bloodstream.

With syphilis, the patient experiences the following types of rashes:

  • pustular rashes - containing purulent exudate, covered with skin scales;
  • roseate rashes - in the form of abundant pinkish or purple dots;
  • papule-like rashes are blue-scarlet and resemble dense nodules in appearance.

The patient is also concerned about symptoms indicating a severe infectious process in the body:

  • hyperthermia up to 37.5-38°C;
  • apathy and increased fatigue;
  • Neurosyphilis is a severe disorder of the functioning of the body, leading to degenerative processes in the organs of the central nervous system.

To date, syphilis can be successfully treated. Penicillin and erythromycin are used to treat it. During the entire treatment period, which ranges from two weeks to several months, the patient should limit his sex life.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is one of the most common causes of various types of rashes in the genital area, buttocks and anus. The disease occurs due to viral damage to the epithelial membranes and epidermis of the groin area. The pathology manifests itself with the appearance of a characteristic vesicular rash, in place of which, after some time, erosions form. In addition, patients have a number of symptoms:

  • swelling of the epidermis and epithelium in the affected area;
  • lymphadenopathy of the inguinal lymph nodes;
  • burning;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • soreness and itching in the groin;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • a sharp increase in discomfort during coitus.

In some cases, patients experience body hyperthermia up to 37.5-38°C and signs of intoxication of the body are determined: nausea, lethargy, headache, increased fatigue.

The disease has a high tendency to relapse. Patients develop disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, which sharply increases the risk of contracting various bacterial, viral or fungal infections.

Attention! The herpes virus is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it increases the likelihood of miscarriage or premature birth.

Antiviral drugs are used to treat this disease. Today, acyclic nucleosides are especially widely used: Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valaciclovir etc. Often these pharmacological agents are combined with drugs of interferon, a protein that makes the body’s cells insensitive to the virus: Kagocel, Tiloron etc.


  • crotch;
  • pubic area;
  • hairy area around the anus;
  • scrotum

  • sprays;
  • ointments;
  • shampoos or gels.

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a highly contagious skin disease. Its causative agent is the Molluscipoxvirus virus, which is part of the smallpox group. This infection is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease, but it is included in the group of sexually transmitted pathologies. Males and females are equally susceptible to molluscum contagiosum, with children and people with weakened immune systems most often becoming ill.

After the end of the incubation period, isolated whitish rashes appear on the epidermis. They have a regular round shape, protrude slightly above the surface of the skin and cause virtually no discomfort to the patient. A characteristic feature of such nodules is painlessness. Gradually, the number of such elements increases, and giant hemispherical papules with a diameter of several centimeters can form.

Surgical curettage is widely used to treat molluscum contagiosum. This is a procedure in which, under local anesthesia, using a special instrument, the nodule is directly removed and the resulting cavity is cleaned out. In one session, the doctor removes several dozen mollusks. Such manipulation is carried out on average once every 20-30 days, as a result of which the treatment lasts several months.

Today, it is also possible to remove such formations using the radio wave method, laser or cryodestruction, that is, exposure to the affected area using low temperatures. It is also recommended to treat the skin with antiviral ointments and creams after surgery: Acyclovir, tebrofen ointment, Molustin etc.

Human papillomavirus infection

Pimples in the genital area and perineum may be a sign of the spread of human papillomavirus throughout the patient's body. To date, more than 600 strains of the causative agent of this infection have been discovered.

HPV penetrates the epithelial membranes of the patient through small abrasions and microcracks. Invading the cell, it integrates into its nucleus and begins to actively multiply. Each subspecies of the papilloma virus has a personal number, and all pathogens are divided into three groups:

  • non-oncogenic;
  • low risk of oncogenicity;
  • highly oncogenic.

The main danger is posed by viruses belonging to the third group. They significantly increase the risk of patients developing malignant diseases of the genital organs.

Condylomas and papillomas, caused by the spread of HPV throughout the patient’s body, look like a cone-shaped or spherical growth. They are soft, painless, and often have a thin stem. The number of such papillomas increases rapidly; in severe cases, it can increase several times during the day.

Such formations are eliminated using laser or radio wave therapy. To avoid the appearance of growths in the future, the patient needs to take vitamins, eat right and follow other measures aimed at improving the functioning of the immune system.

Recommendations for preventing rashes in the intimate area

Herpes simplex virus or human papillomavirus infection are transmitted through sexual contact or household contact. To avoid infection, the patient must follow sanitary and hygienic rules:

  1. Use only personal towels and underwear, individual washcloths and shaving accessories, give preference to liquid rather than bar soap.
  2. When having sexual intercourse, use barrier methods of contraception and avoid frequent changes of partners.
  3. Take a shower and change your underwear daily.
  4. Give preference to underwear made from natural materials.
  5. When depilating the bikini area in beauty salons and cosmetology clinics, ask to see a certificate for the right to provide this service and make sure that disposable or sterile instruments are used.

To prevent infection from entering the body, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Patients should maintain a sleep-wake schedule, exercise regularly, and eat right.

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    Pimple in the groin - what kind of disease?

    There are several main reasons why acne appears in the intimate area in women and men:

    • lack of personal hygiene;
    • changes in hormonal levels during puberty in girls and boys;
    • diseases and disruptions of the endocrine system during menopause;
    • blockage of the Bartholin gland in women;
    • irritation after shaving;
    • allergic reaction to intimate and general hygiene products;
    • lice pubis;
    • rash as a result of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, syphilis and others).

    Irritation after shaving

    The provoking factors for the formation of acne in the perineum are the following:

    • tight underwear or clothes that rub the skin;
    • injury to the skin during shaving, epilation of the bikini area or combing;
    • increased humidity or temperature;
    • weakened immune system;
    • the presence of foci of infection in other parts of the body, colds;
    • the use of underwear made from synthetic fabrics, which leads to diaper rash and the appearance of small cracks and wounds.

    Most often, acne in the intimate area occurs as a result of blockage of the gland ducts and represents several types of skin formations:

    • furuncle;
    • acne (acne);
    • Bartholin gland cyst.

    Purulent formations in the groin are very painful, since this area experiences constant abrasive loads when walking. An opened abscess or pimple causes pain when urinating and there is a risk of infection with pathogenic bacteria and viruses. An abscess can form on both the female labia and the male penis.

    If the following symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor:

    • acne does not go away within a week;
    • severe itching and soreness in the perineum;
    • swelling of the genitals;
    • numerous red rashes with peeling skin;
    • acne appeared after sexual intercourse;
    • increased temperature and enlarged lymph nodes;
    • the appearance of open wounds that do not heal for more than 5 days.

    Acne that is not accompanied by pain and the above symptoms can be treated independently at home using antiseptics. To treat inflammation from shaving, you can use lotions made from herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. If the formation of a pimple is accompanied by the fourth and fifth symptoms, then this indicates an infectious, allergic or venereal disease that must be correctly diagnosed and treated according to the doctor’s instructions.

    Atheroma and lipoma

    As in other parts of the body, fatty cysts (lipomas) or atheromas (epidermal cysts) can form in the groin area in men and on the outer side of the labia under the skin in women, but this occurs in rare cases. A lipoma is a lump consisting of adipose tissue. This is a benign tumor. Atheroma appears as a result of blockage of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland in the dermis or in the hair follicle. After blockage, the iron continues to work, and sebum accumulates in the capsule of the neoplasm. Sometimes atheromas and lipomas reach significant sizes, causing discomfort when walking.

    Lipoma and atheroma are painless bumps, the color of which is the same as on healthy skin. But when pathogenic bacteria penetrate these subcutaneous formations, an inflammatory process begins, hyperemia and soreness appear. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. Treatment is by surgical removal of the lumps.

    There are also traditional methods of combating lipomas and atheromas. Most of them are based on irritation of the skin over the lump with the aim of its independent resolution (opening). But since men and women have sensitive skin in the groin, this can lead to additional tissue inflammation. If part of the atheroma capsule remains in the skin, it will re-form in the same place. When a lump appears on the inside of the labia in women, it is necessary to carry out a differentiated diagnosis with a more dangerous disease - bartholinitis.


    The formation of a boil (boil) in the intimate area begins with hyperemia and inflammation. First, a small red spot appears that grows quickly. After 2-3 days, a purulent spot appears in the center of the dense tubercle - this is the core of the boil, and the boil itself becomes very painful. The pimple becomes bluish or even black, and pus gradually accumulates in it. This process may be accompanied by fever and general weakness. Swelling appears on the labia or penis, and itching occurs. Tissue suppuration occurs due to the addition of a bacterial infection. The most common pathogenic microorganism that causes inflammation and necrosis is Staphylococcus aureus (less commonly streptococci and intestinal bacteria).

    The appearance of a boil occurs under the influence of many factors:

    • metabolic diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
    • avitaminosis;
    • immunodeficiency states;
    • diseases of internal organs and systems, especially those associated with the causative agent of furunculosis;
    • other skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatosis);
    • minor abrasions and cuts on the skin in the groin.

    A mature boil should open on its own. If this does not happen, the inflammatory process intensifies and blood poisoning can begin - sepsis. To treat a boil, you first need to identify the degree of its maturity. If it has not yet opened, it is treated with salicylic alcohol or Vishnevsky ointment is applied. After opening, it is lubricated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and Levomekol ointment. The skin around the boil is disinfected with boric, salicylic, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. After applying the ointments, the affected area should be left open for 2-3 hours, as the underwear will absorb the medicine.

    It is necessary to completely remove the purulent contents of the boil by carefully squeezing it out using a sterile cotton swab. Extrusion is carried out in the direction from the base of the boil to its top. When the boil does not open, ichthyol ointment can be applied to it.

    If, when using conservative treatment methods, the abscess still does not resolve, then you need to contact a surgeon to remove it. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and the wound is then treated with antiseptic agents. If symptoms of body intoxication appear, the doctor will prescribe systemic antibiotics. For faster healing of boils, physiotherapy is used - UHF, infrared irradiation.


    Bartholinitis is a common disease among women aged 20-40 years. Bartholin's glands are located on the inside of the labia near the vagina and serve to secrete lubricating secretions during sexual intercourse. The inflammatory process occurs as a result of blockage of the gland ducts. The following symptoms appear:

    • In the initial stage - redness on the labia.
    • Itching in the vagina.
    • Swelling of the tissues of the labia minora and majora. If the outflow of purulent contents is disrupted, an abscess forms in the form of a hard lump.
    • Pain when inserting sanitary tampons, sexual intercourse and walking. As the abscess grows, the pain is constant.
    • Fever, chills.
    • Enlarged lymph nodes.

    With bartholinitis, a unilateral lesion most often occurs, that is, one lump forms on the left or right labia. If the abscess is opened independently, its contents come out, the pain goes away, and the body temperature returns to normal. If there is no autopsy for a long time, then you need to consult a doctor to excise the abscess. In case of multiple relapses, the Bartholin gland is removed. There is also the practice of installing a catheter in the gland duct so that it does not become blocked after excision of the abscess.

    Risk factors for the development of bartholinitis are poor hygiene, promiscuity and frequent douching at home, which causes tissue irritation.


    During puberty in adolescence, the sebaceous glands begin to actively work. This can lead to clogged pores and inflammation in the hair follicle. If the hair cannot germinate (which is also observed after shaving) or a bacterial infection occurs, then a purulent process begins. The pimple increases in size and becomes very painful. It is not recommended to squeeze such pimples, as you can push their contents into the deeper layers of the skin, which will lead to an even wider spread of inflammation. In the process of squeezing, you can also introduce an infection into the wound. Acne can develop into a boil.

    At home, when a purulent pimple forms in an intimate place in men and women, it is recommended to do the following:

    • Regularly, 2-3 times a day, treat the skin around the pimple with brilliant green, iodine or Fukortsin using a cotton swab dipped in these solutions.
    • Apply one of the bactericidal ointments to the top of the pimple - tetracycline, erythromycin, Bactroban and others (twice a day).
    • If the pimple does not open for a long time, apply Ichthyol to it.
    • After opening the abscess, remove its contents with a sterile cotton swab.
    • Treat with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
    • Apply a sterile dry bandage over the wound.

    After a few days, the wound formed at the site of the pimple will heal and heal. If there are a lot of small pimples in the groin that form after shaving, it is recommended to use other methods of depilation - using special creams designed for sensitive skin.

    Prevention of acne formation in the intimate area is as follows:

    • Carry out hygiene procedures regularly.
    • Wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics.
    • Follow a diet - do not abuse spicy, fatty and sweet foods.

    If the appearance of acne is accompanied by profuse acne on other parts of the body (on the chest, face), then you need to consult a dermatologist to identify the cause of the rash and prescribe systemic treatment for acne.

    The pubic louse clings to the hair with its paws, gnaws through the skin and feeds on blood. Traces of their bites appear on the surface - small red or bluish spots. A characteristic symptom of the disease is severe itching in the perineum. Open bite wounds become infected with streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in the formation of small ulcers.

    To treat lice pubis, you must first shave the groin area. Boric acid, streptomycin ointment, Permethrin, Phenothrin, special shampoos, sprays and lotions - Veda, NOC, Itax, Sifax, Parasidosis, Para Plus and other drugs are used as external agents. To prevent a relapse, it is recommended to shave the hair and treat the skin on all parts of the body. An aqueous solution of 9% vinegar (in a 1:1 ratio) is used as a folk remedy. Vinegar is applied to the skin for 40 minutes and then washed off.



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