How to make Regidron at home: recipes. Regidron at home is easy

Food poisoning is often accompanied by severe vomiting and loose stools. The consequence of this is significant dehydration of the body and an imbalance in pH balance. In turn, this leads to malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs. The main goal is to restore health, for which the drug rehydron is used. Thanks to its extremely simple composition, you can make it yourself.

Composition of rehydron

The advantage of the drug is that it is made from simple ingredients that can be found in every home.

Ingredients for home preparation include:

  • table salt;
  • boiled water;
  • baking soda;
  • granulated sugar.

Also, to mix Regidron at home, you will need a glass container of a liter volume or more and a spoon. A strict requirement is to maintain sterility: “instruments” and hands must be cleanly washed, the table must be wiped down. Remember that the body is weakened after poisoning and is especially sensitive to negative external influences.

How to prepare the drug rehydron at home?

We present several simple recipes for a rehydration solution:

  1. Sugar and salt dissolve in a glass of water at room temperature (a teaspoon of each). The prepared medicine must be consumed a maximum of 24 hours in advance. It is possible to store the prepared solution in the refrigerator.
  2. Two jars of different drugs are being prepared. Warm water and a tablespoon of sugar are mixed in one, water and the same amount of salt are mixed in the other. The jars are filled to the top. You need to take the solutions one at a time, every 10 minutes.
  3. Half a liter of boiled water is mixed with two tablespoons of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and salt. The remaining solution can be stored in a cool place.

Remember that the solution should not be stored for more than a day. Long-term storage deprives rehydron of its healing properties.

Rules for taking the drug

To restore the water-salt balance and normalize the functioning of the body, it is necessary to take an amount of rehydron that is twice the amount lost. For example, if a patient lost 200 grams during illness, in the first ten hours of recovery, you need to take 400 ml of a rehydration solution. The simultaneous intake of other liquids is prohibited, especially those that can worsen the condition of the gastrointestinal tract: strong tea, coffee, soda, alcohol.

The duration of treatment is three to four days. You can gradually introduce other liquids, starting with clean boiled water. The ratio of rehydron and other drinks should be 4/1.

You need to take the product gradually, in small sips. In severe cases, an infusion through a tube may be performed, but in most situations a standard dose, including at home, is sufficient.

Taking rehydron for children

The advantage of the solution is that it can be prepared for a child. Taking the drug for children is mandatory, since children suffer from food poisoning more seriously than adults. For young children, rehydron is given from a pipette or from a spoon. An older child can drink the solution on his own.

The dosage of home rehydration product for children is determined differently than for the older generation: 25-60 ml of solution is needed per kilogram of body weight. The dose is determined according to the severity of the young patient’s condition.

Duration of reception is 10 hours. Further therapy depends on the patient’s well-being: if the dosage improves, the dosage can be reduced to 10 ml per kilogram. Before planning therapy, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. Remember that failure to follow the rules for taking the rehydration solution can lead to overdose and side effects.

First, a little theory.

Human life is characterized by the continuous formation of fluids: digestive juices, saliva, sweat, mucus. The functioning of the respiratory system requires constant humidification of the inhaled air. Metabolism is accompanied by the formation of a number of unnecessary, often dangerous and toxic substances. These substances are excreted in dissolved form (found in urine). Thus, even in a state of absolute health there are normal, completely natural physiological fluid loss. A person feels a lack of fluid instinctively, it manifests itself thirsty- the desire to get drunk.

The absolute majority of childhood diseases are infectious diseases, diseases that are accompanied by an increase in fluid loss, and these losses are not natural - this is a manifestation of the disease, its consequence, and there is a special name for this: pathological fluid loss.

Factors causing pathological fluid loss during illness:

  • elevated body temperature provokes sweating and significantly increases fluid loss during breathing;
  • rapid breathing, in turn, increases the amount of fluid required to humidify the inhaled air;
  • mucus is actively formed (snot, sputum);
  • vomiting and/or diarrhea.

The presence of pathological fluid losses during an acute infectious disease, as a rule, is aggravated by insufficient fluid intake into the body: the child eats less, but food, especially baby food, is often liquid - milk, kefir-yogurt, cereals, soups. And this situation is all the more relevant the younger the child.

Thus, during illness, physiological and pathological fluid losses occur, which must be replenished. We must not forget that the “formation of a number of unnecessary, often dangerous and toxic substances that are unnecessary for the body”, which we mentioned, noticeably increases during illness, and therefore is abundant, i.e. redundant drinking will activate the process of removing toxins.

Here we touched on the main thing: It is precisely during illness that thirst satisfaction is not enough. Real help, real treatment is not just drinking, but drinking in excess, drinking not because you want to drink, but because you need to!

A treatment method aimed at introducing fluid into the body is called rehydration therapy. Rehydration - this, in fact, is the replenishment of fluid losses. There are two main ways to rehydrate − intravenous, when the necessary solutions are injected into a vein through a dropper, and oral - when a person receives the necessary solutions through the mouth.

Knowing the meaning of these words is necessary, since there is a whole group of pharmacological drugs called “ rehydrating agents for oral administration " What is it? Sometimes it is a ready-made solution, but usually it is a powder, or tablet, or granules, which contain the sodium, potassium, chlorine and other substances necessary for the body in specially selected combinations and concentrations equivalent to pathological losses. Let me explain: sweating is a loss of not only fluid, but also sodium and chlorine (after all, sweat is salty, and everyone probably remembers the school formula NaCl). If you replenish fluid losses, but do not replenish salt losses, this is fraught with serious problems. How much salt do you still need? So smart scientists calculated the optimal amount of salts for a certain volume of water.

The formulas for rehydrating agents are based on these calculations. In addition to salts, the preparations often contain glucose; sometimes extracts of medicinal plants (chamomile extract, for example), and decoctions of cereals (rice, wheat, etc.) are added.

Oral rehydrating agents are an ideal option for quickly and effectively replenishing physiological and pathological fluid losses.

This is why oral rehydration products are over-the-counter medications.

That is why oral rehydration products should be an essential component of a home first aid kit.

  • sodium chloride - 3.5 g;
  • sodium bicarbonate - 2.5 g;
  • potassium chloride - 1.5 g;
  • glucose - 20 g;
  • water 1 l.

In recent years, a modified WHO recipe has become widespread, which has shown even greater effectiveness and safety, especially in the treatment of children with intestinal infections.

Modified WHO recipe:

  • sodium chloride - 2.6 g;
  • trisodium citrate, anhydrous - 2.9 g;
  • potassium chloride - 1.5 g;
  • glucose - 13.5 g;
  • water 1 l.

The simplest and most accessible recipe looks like this:

  • ordinary table salt - 3 g;
  • ordinary sugar (sucrose) - 18 g;
  • water 1 l.

The vast majority of oral rehydration products available in pharmacies have a composition that corresponds to either the standard or modified WHO recipe.

Oral rehydrators

Gastrolit, powder for preparing a solution for oral administration, tablets for preparing a solution


Glucosolan, powder for solution for oral administration

Maratonic, granulate for the preparation of solution for oral administration

Normohydron, powder for solution for oral administration

Oral rehydration salt (ORS), powder for solution for oral administration

Orasan, powder for solution for oral administration

Orsol, powder for solution for oral administration


Regidrin, granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration

Regidron, powder for solution for oral administration

Regidron Optim, powder for solution for oral administration

Reosolan, powder for solution for oral administration

Humana Electrolyte, powder for solution for oral administration

Citraglucosolan, powder for solution for oral administration

  • in the vast majority of cases, the product you purchase will need to be dissolved in water. Read the instructions carefully and be sure to get answers to the following questions:
    • In what volume of water should the medicine be dissolved?
    • what kind of water (usually boiled) and at what temperature (room, warm, hot) should I use?
    • where to store the prepared solution?
    • How long can the prepared solution be used?
  • do not add any other components to the drug;
  • remember that the closer the temperature of the drink is to body temperature, the more active the absorption of liquid from the stomach into the blood. Hence a very specific recommendation: you should make every effort to ensure that the temperature of the oral rehydration solution is close to body temperature;
  • the required volume of oral rehydration agent is determined by the presence of symptoms indicating a lack of fluid in the child’s body (every effort should be made to ensure that these symptoms do not exist). So, symptoms indicating fluid deficiency in the body:
    • thirst;
    • dry skin and mucous membranes;
    • rare urination;
    • rich (yellow) color of urine;
    • insignificant effectiveness of antipyretics.

(This publication is a fragment of the book by E. O. Komarovsky adapted to the format of the article

Regidron is a white powder with a pharmacological effect. It contains sodium citrate and chloride, potassium chloride and anhydrous dextrose. It is used to return lost fluid and electrolytes to the body during vomiting or diarrhea, and rehydron also normalizes the acid-base balance of the blood.

Regidron perfectly fights diarrhea due to food poisoning, cholera, and heat stroke. It is also recommended to take Rehydron during increased sweating, physical activity and overheating of the body.

Application of rehydron

Before taking rehydron, the contents of the sachet should be dissolved in one liter of warm boiled water, the resulting mixture should be cooled to 20-22 C and shaken thoroughly. The prepared solution should be drunk in small sips in the first 10 hours, in the proportion of 100 ml per 1 kg of weight, and then 10 ml of solution per 1 kg of weight, after each bowel movement or after each attack of vomiting (after vomiting, the cooled drug is taken 10 minutes later) . The duration of treatment with rehydron is most often 3-4 days, depending on the patient’s condition.

Contraindications to the use of rehydron

Regidron should not be taken if you have diabetes, hypertension, kidney failure, or if there is an increased level of potassium in the body. Also, you cannot increase the indicated rate of use of the drug, this can significantly increase the amount of sodium in the body. Adding foreign substances to the resulting rehydron solution is strictly prohibited; also, while taking the drug, avoid eating food containing a high concentration of fats and carbohydrates. Pregnant women can use rehydron in therapeutic doses.

If, after using the drug, the patient develops lethargy, drowsiness, speech impairment, fever, exhaustion, bloody stools, diarrhea does not go away for 4-5 days, severe abdominal pain, then urgent medical intervention is necessary.

How to prepare rehydron at home?

If you or your loved ones have diarrhea or vomiting, and you don’t have the medicine at home, then you can make it at home without much effort.


  1. Boiled water - 0.5 l
  2. Sugar - 2 tbsp
  3. Salt - ¼ tsp
  4. Baking soda - ¼ tsp.


Take a glass liter jar, dilute all the above components in it and take it according to the instructions of the pharmaceutical drug.

Also an excellent substitute for rehydron at home is the following remedy: take two liter jars of chilled boiled water, dilute 1 tbsp in one jar. table salt, in another 1 tbsp. Sahara. This product should be consumed throughout the day, every 10 minutes, taking a sip from each jar.

To prepare a solution at home, it is not necessary to have the skills of a chemist or pharmacist. This can be done without much difficulty if you have all the necessary ingredients on hand. But how effective will such a remedy be, how not to make a mistake with the proportions and avoid overdose when carrying out therapy in children or adults?

Indications for use

When deciding to replace pharmacy Regidron with a solution prepared at home, it is necessary to take into account the feasibility of using the medicine. It is recommended to use it in the following cases:

  1. Poisoning accompanied by severe diarrhea or.
  2. Moderate or mild dehydration.
  3. Digestive disorders of various etiologies.
  4. Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.
  5. Bacterial infections (as part of complex therapy).

Nominally, this medication is used for dehydration, when the human body actively loses fluid, and with it the necessary trace elements and salts. To stop this process, resort to a solution. It can be taken orally (drinked) or administered through a tube.

If a decision has been made to abandon pharmacy Regidron and prepare it at home, then this solution is also taken orally or administered through a tube.

Intake proportions: it is recommended to take 500 grams of solution per 250 grams of lost body weight. If necessary, the dosage can be adjusted, but it all depends on the person’s condition and the rate of fluid loss.

Possible consequences

Regidron solution obtained at home should be taken with caution, adhering to the prescribed dose. If the recommendations are not followed, the risk of developing an overdose increases, here are its main signs:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Drowsiness.
  3. Apathy and a sharp deterioration in health.

Reference! In case of an overdose, a child may fall into a coma, but provided that the measure was exceeded many times, and the medication was taken on a long-term basis. Exceeding the dose once will not lead to fatal consequences.

Treatment of overdose consists of removing excess fluid from the body and correcting the salt balance with excess sodium and potassium. For this purpose, diuretics are used, Furosemide is most often prescribed.

What is included in the solution

Components of Regidron, created at home:

  • table salt without additives,
  • sugar syrup or sand (see),
  • purified water,
  • baking soda.

When preparing the solution, certain rules should be followed:

  1. Keep your work area clean.
  2. Use clean dishes.
  3. Before preparing the solution, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  4. Boil the water.

This will be quite enough to prepare a product suitable for internal use.

Cooking methods

There are several recipes for preparing Regidron at home, but they are not particularly complicated. But in order to ultimately get the medicine, it is advisable to follow the algorithm. So, here is a way to make a drug similar to Regidron at home:

  1. Mix the following ingredients in a glass of water: 1⁄5 part of a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of sugar. Stir until completely dissolved, then drink in small sips.
  2. Dissolve in 1 liter of water: less than 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1⁄4 part of a spoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix everything thoroughly and drink in small sips.
  3. At home, you can prepare a Regidron solution for a child according to the following recipe: dilute 10 g of salt in one liter jar, and 10 g of sugar in another. Take the product one at a time, with breaks of 10 minutes.

The medicine can be stored in the refrigerator or a cool place and used throughout the day, while the container must be closed.

: mechanism of action and indications for use.

: indications for use, dosages, contraindications, side effects.

How to take: indications and contraindications.

Efficiency compared to pharmaceutical product

How effective the therapy will be if you replace Regidron with a homemade solution will be shown by the comparative characteristics of the analogue created at home and the pharmaceutical drug:

  1. The medicine produced in the laboratory is considered more effective because it has a combined composition and contains components that are not present in the homemade analogue.
  2. A drug produced on an industrial scale is considered to be accurately dosed, so the results of treatment appear faster.
  3. It is not recommended to supplement a solution purchased in a pharmacy chain with various ingredients, including those that improve its taste. The same cannot be said about a product that was made independently.

For treatment or for an adult, both a solution made at home and Regidron purchased at a pharmacy are suitable. When choosing between drugs, you should take into account the disadvantages and advantages of drugs, consult a doctor, and only then begin therapy, following all the specialist’s recommendations, as well as the indicated dosage.

No one is safe from poisoning in our lives. But the conversation is not about them. We will talk about how to use Regidron at home for poisoning. This product perfectly helps stop dehydration of the body and restore water-salt balance for both adults and children. A doctor's prescription is not required to take the drug.

So, we will talk about whether this drug can be prepared independently if necessary, and is it possible to replace it with a similar drug?

Take 1 liter of warm boiled water, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 4 tablespoons of sugar. Mix and during the first hour after poisoning, take based on a dose of 10 ml of solution per kg of body weight for adults and 5 ml per kg of body weight for children. If vomiting does not go away for several hours, call an ambulance and continue taking the solution as needed.

Pharmaceutical drug

Rehydron is a white and odorless powder. A solution is prepared from it, which is used internally. The composition is not just simple, but very simple - it is a mixture of sodium chloride and citrate, potassium chloride and glucose. Typically, any poisoning is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting and loose stools and nausea, while the above substances are actively lost along with the fluid leaving the body. Thus, Regidron simply restores their quantity in the body. Otherwise, the correct functioning of all internal organs will be disrupted.

Preparing the working solution is simple. One dose - it comes packaged - is dissolved in a liter of boiled water at room temperature. The powder should be diluted, always stirring. The suitability of the solution is maintained throughout the day, which is why the drug compares favorably with similar products. The prepared solution should be stored in the refrigerator. Professor Komarovsky, in his recommendations for the treatment of poisoning, identifies rehydration as one of the most effective methods.

Regular Regidron from a pharmacy is practically no different from homemade. Perhaps it will be more pleasant to drink, because... it contains lemon salt (sodium citrate). However, there are analogues of the drug, for example Regidron Bio, the distinctive feature of which is prebiotics and lactobacilli to restore intestinal microflora.

Instructions for use in cases of poisoning

When taking the medicine, you must follow small rules on how to take Regidron. Otherwise, the efficiency will be much less:

  • Do not add any other ingredients to the solution to “improve the taste”;
  • You should drink in small, frequent sips. A large sip, instead of helping, can provoke a new attack of vomiting;
  • Before use, the solution must be mixed thoroughly;
  • There is no need to focus the intake of the solution on food intake.

Adult patients should follow some other recommendations. For example, during the first hour of administration, Regidron solution is used based on the proportion - approximately 10 ml of solution per 1 kilogram of weight. For example, an 80-kilogram person should drink 800 ml of Regidron. As the patient's condition improves, the dose can be reduced to 5 ml per unit of weight. If while taking the solution the patient has an attack of vomiting, then it is necessary to give him the initial volume of the medicinal solution. The drug should be used for vomiting only after the vomit has completely disappeared; during vomiting, water and activated charcoal can be used.

In case of poisoning, pregnant women can also dilute Regidron and use it in accordance with the rules of administration. You should not use a solution of the drug made several days ago.

Regidron can also be used in case of alcohol poisoning. Regidron is taken for a hangover, if it is especially severe and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. For mild hangovers, you can use any salty solution, for example, cucumber pickle or mineral water. In general, reviews about Regidron are positive. Its high effectiveness is noted for various poisonings. In a situation where there is no pharmaceutical powder at hand, you can prepare Regidron at home - see the recipe above. Use in the same way as Regidron powder purchased at a pharmacy.

Instructions for use for children

If a child is poisoned, by the way, in children this process is much more severe; it is also possible to use this drug. Regidron is not contraindicated for children, but it should be used with caution, constantly monitoring the child’s condition. Regidron should be given to a child in small doses, for example, a teaspoon or a few drops from a pipette. Older children can take a few small sips. The dose for children should be calculated correctly - dissolve 25 to 60 ml in water per kilogram of weight. drug, depending on the age and severity of poisoning. The poisoned person must take this amount of the drug within the first 10 hours. If the urge to vomit does not stop, the solution can be frozen in small cubes and placed on the child’s tongue so as not to trigger the gag reflex again. After an attack of vomiting, the drug is not given immediately, but after at least 10 minutes. Sometimes treatment can last up to 4 days.

Who should not take Regidron

In general, Regidron is an effective drug for poisoning, but despite this, like any drug, it has a number of contraindications. Thus, replacing Regidron with another treatment option for poisoning should be for those patients who:

  • Diagnosed with diabetes mellitus of the first two degrees;
  • There is an excess of potassium in the body;
  • High blood pressure or chronic hypertension is observed;
  • Diagnosed with chronic or severe renal failure;
  • Intestinal obstruction is observed;
  • The poisoning caused the patient to lose consciousness or become unconscious.

It is not permissible to use the drug for the treatment of poisoning at home for those patients who have an individual intolerance to individual components of Regidron.

Infectious disease doctor, private clinic “Medcenterservice”, Moscow. Senior editor of the website "Poisoning Stop".



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