How to use camphor alcohol in the ear for otitis, for acne, for joints, for coughs? Camphor alcohol - application, properties of anti-inflammatory drug Camphor alcohol 10.

Meanwhile, their local use for compresses is safer than the use of warming ointments, gels containing synthesized antibiotics and other chemical components.

Of course, you cannot drip camphor alcohol into a child’s ear, but gentle warming of the ear area during otitis media is very useful. Important conditions for treatment are not to exceed the recommended quantitative norms and concentrations, and to protect the surface of the skin with baby cream or oil.

In addition, camphor alcohol should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, larynx or enter the Eustachian tube if the eardrum is perforated.

Healing abilities of camphor esters

Alcohol tincture of camphor tree has powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and analgesic properties:

  • Disinfects the skin, stops inflammatory processes;
  • Warms muscle tissue, relieves spasms;
  • Increases the tone of blood vessels and capillaries, normalizes blood circulation;
  • Heals wounds, scratches;
  • Relieves pain and itching;
  • Reduces swelling of the skin.

But in some cases, camphor alcohol can cause allergies, so it should be used with caution when treating ears. And the use of compresses with camphor for preschool children is permissible only with the permission of a doctor.

Methods for treating otitis media in adults and children

Before starting procedures with camphor alcohol, do a small test for individual sensitivity. Further use of the drug is possible only if the result is good, indicating its safety for health.

Apply a drop of tincture, diluted half with water, to the skin of the inner elbow area (you can drop it on the wrist near the pulsation point).

If after 3–10 hours the surface of the skin remains clean, persistent redness, a blister, or a rash in the form of hives does not appear on it, then treatment with camphor alcohol will not cause harm.


For acute shooting pain in the ear, you can insert a tampon lightly moistened with camphor extract close to the ear canal. For adults, the permissible concentration of the solution is 2%; for a teenage child, it is diluted with water 1:1. The time the tampon remains in the ear is no more than 15 minutes.

Children of the younger age category are not given such lotions in order to avoid the formation of burns. If the integrity of the eardrum has been damaged, turunda with alcohol tincture cannot be used to treat the ear.


To prepare a warming bandage for otitis media, you need to dilute camphor alcohol with warm boiled water (36 degrees). Adults 1:1, children 1:3. Then make a compress sequentially:

  • Cut a hole in soft fabric equal in size and shape to the outline of the auricle;
  • Make the same duplicate from special paper or oilcloth for compresses;
  • Soak the fabric in the solution and wring it out thoroughly;
  • Apply baby Vaseline or cream to the parotid area;
  • Cover the skin with a damp bandage with camphor alcohol, secure a dry layer of paper (oilcloth) and a layer of cotton wool on top;
  • Firmly secure the compress structure with a bandage and tie a woolen scarf or handkerchief over it;
  • A child can remove the warming bandage after an hour or two; an adult needs to endure the procedure for 3 to 4 hours;
  • Be sure to wipe the parotid area dry under the compress and tie a warm scarf again.

You need to put on and remove the compress quickly, not allowing the vapors of camphor alcohol to hover in the surrounding space for a long time; in children they can cause unwanted nervous excitement, dizziness and nausea.

Contraindications for treatment procedures

  • Allergy;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Dermatitis and furunculosis;
  • Age up to 2 years.

The use of a warm compress with camphor alcohol solution during infectious ear diseases helps improve metabolic processes in tissues. Provides rapid destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and removal of toxins. In addition, the irritating properties of the elixir activate the body's immune defense.

However, it is important to remember that it is impossible to get rid of otitis and other diseases only with procedures with camphor alcohol; it is used exclusively as an auxiliary warming and antibacterial agent in complex treatment together with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Is it possible to drip camphor alcohol into the ear?

The first thing people resort to for various ear diseases (including various types of ear otitis) is various oil and alcohol drops and compresses designed to warm the sore ear and overcome pathogens. In such cases, one of the most popular remedies is camphor alcohol: traditional medicine provides many recipes that promise not only to eliminate the painful syndrome tormenting the ear, but also to locally cleanse the source of the disease.

Of course, this approach is not always appropriate. Firstly, camphor alcohol has several contraindications and warnings. Secondly, not all diseases respond to this alcohol preparation - camphor compresses, drops and other drugs for some diseases are not only ineffective, but even harmful. That is why it is important to know how to treat the ear with camphor alcohol, so as not to harm the patient and not aggravate his condition.

Release form

Since camphor itself is a toxic substance, doctors recommend that patients carefully study the list of contraindications and not “experiment” with their health without the supervision of a competent otolaryngologist.

In pharmaceuticals, camphor is found in several forms - natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic.

As a rule, only d- and l-camphor, which retain their optical activity in any state of aggregation, have received internal use.

In addition, synthetic camphor is considered the most contaminated, which means that the chance of side effects when using such a drug increases.

Since this drug, despite its toxicity, is widely used, in pharmacies and medical institutions this substance is presented in various compositions:

  • alcohol or oil solutions for injection;
  • alcohol or oil solutions for topical use;
  • ointments;
  • aerosols.

This substance is also included in various drops and essential oils, since in various concentrations the drug is used in the treatment of: depression, muscle pain, arthritis, rheumatism, and dental diseases.

When choosing the form of the drug, it is important to understand why camphor alcohol is used in the ear. To treat ears, camphor is mainly used in the form of an oil or alcohol solution. The negative side of alcohol over oil is that it is less likely to have a warming effect.

Camphor alcohol itself is a solution of the active substance in an alcohol base. The concentration of the active substance in such solutions can vary from higher to lower; they are found as 2% solutions, but the content of the substance sometimes reaches the 20% mark.

Important! To treat the ears, you should not choose strong camphor concentrates, since the substance is difficult to remove from the body, and when applied topically, it can leave burns and an allergic rash.

Camphor alcohol in the ear - instructions for use

The effect of camphor alcohol in comparison with oil in the treatment of ears is identical - both forms of drugs have both antiseptic and analgesic, antimicrobial, local irritant and anti-inflammatory effects.

The main difference between an alcohol solution and an oil solution is the degree of activity: it is believed that oils have a milder effect than alcohols.

Important! The greater the concentration of camphor in the alcohol base, the greater the anesthetic effect the patient feels.

Otorhinolaryngologists do not recommend using such drops at home without a doctor’s prescription, if there are more gentle options: the fact is that modern medicine does not consider camphor the best remedy for various types of otitis. However, if gentler options turn out to be ineffective for progressive ailments, such solutions are prescribed by doctors themselves.

As a rule, an alcohol solution has some advantages over an oil solution. The fact is that the oil base in infectious diseases itself can be a good “soil” for the proliferation of infections and bacteria that provoke an inflammatory process in the ear. In addition, oil solutions are less practical.


For patients of all ages who have decided to treat their ears with camphor alcohol, it is important to make sure that the eardrum maintains its integrity.

Injecting drops into an ear whose eardrum has already been perforated (rupture of the eardrum under the pressure of accumulated fluid or as a result of surgery) without the supervision of an ENT doctor is prohibited.

The fact is that if the integrity of the eardrum is damaged, the drug can penetrate deep into the inner ear.

Most often, this leads to aggravation of the disease, its spread and complications.

If the doctor has confirmed that the eardrum retains its integrity, then drops, compresses or turundas (cotton swabs in the form of thin “wicks”) are not contraindicated for adults.

Important! Camphor oil or alcohol in the ear for adult patients is not used in its pure form. In order to protect yourself from side effects and irritation, before use the drug should be diluted with distilled water in a 1:1 ratio.

  1. Drops. Camphor alcohol diluted with water is heated to a temperature of degrees (the most convenient method of heating is a water bath), taken into a round pipette and instilled into the sore ear in the amount of 2-3 drops three times a day, when the patient’s ear “looks” up. After a few minutes, excess camphor alcohol is removed from the ear with a dry turunda.
  2. Compress. Such compresses are effective for external and otitis media, when heating is not a contraindication. To prepare a compress, it is necessary to construct a 3-layer cotton-gauze structure: a rectangle is cut out of gauze or fabric according to the size of the ear, in which a hole is made for threading through the outer ear. The second layer is gauze soaked in heated camphor alcohol, which is also cut out and “strung” onto the sore ear. The final layer is dry cotton wool or gauze; this layer should be slightly larger in size than the previous two. This compress is attached by wrapping it with a bandage or using a cap.
  3. Turunda. Inserting a thin cotton swab moistened with camphor alcohol into the sore ear is a “mini-version” of a compress - a less pronounced but long-lasting anesthetic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect can be obtained in this way. To place a turunda, a thin cotton wick is moistened with diluted camphor alcohol, wrapped in dry gauze and inserted into the ear canal.

Important! Turundas and compresses made using this substance must be kept for at least 2-3 hours. If the substance was applied to cotton wool or gauze in sufficient dosages, then the cotton “wick” or compress will retain heat for two hours. The duration of such procedures should not exceed a 7-10 day period.

If the patient is not sure of the body’s reaction to the substance, a compress with camphor alcohol on the ear should be done only after the test: a little diluted alcohol is applied to the outer ear, and if after 1 hour there are no rashes or redness at the site of application, then the use of the drug is most likely , can be considered safe.

Another recommendation from ENT doctors is the use of baby cream, which is applied to the ear under a camphor compress. This “shell” will serve as additional protection when the ear tissue is exposed to alcohol; this method is often used when applying ear compresses to children.

The treatment of ear diseases in children with camphor alcohol has been accompanied by scientific controversy for many years.

Today, official medicine does not recommend the use of camphor in the case of children, since the toxicity of the substance can have a serious impact on the growing body.

However, as an exception, camphor alcohol is sometimes still instilled into a child’s ear, strictly observing age and dosage restrictions.

As in the case of adults, drops using camphor alcohol should not be dripped into the ears of children if the integrity of the eardrum is damaged under the pressure of exudate or as a result of surgery.

Such drops are also contraindicated when this organ of the hearing aid is inflamed - alcohol can cause burns or perforation.

  1. Children under 1 year of age should not use any drops, turunda, or camphor-based compresses.
  2. Children from 2 years of age are allowed to use turundas or compresses, but camphor alcohol in this case is diluted with water in a 1:2 ratio to obtain an even lower concentration of the active substance.
  3. Children over 3 years of age are allowed to use the drug cautiously in the form of drops. Alcohol heated to body temperature is injected into the sore ear, 2-4 drops each, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. Excess camphor alcohol should be removed from the child’s ear 3-5 minutes after instillation using dry turunda. Compresses are applied according to the same principle as when treating adult patients, but the ear under the compress must be lubricated with a moisturizing baby cream.

Since the substance does not lose its activity during evaporation, in the case of treating children it is extremely important to observe dosages: a child can inhale camphor vapors, which can cause various side effects if accumulated excessively in the body.

Thus, treatment of ears with camphor alcohol for otitis and other diseases of the hearing organs is possible, but careless handling of this drug can result in negative consequences. Renowned doctors do not recommend putting anything into the ear without first being examined by an otolaryngologist.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

Camphor oil and alcohol in the treatment of ears: how to use, indications

Camphor (camphor) is a herbal preparation. It is used mainly externally and subcutaneously. In some cases, it can be used to fill certain cavities, such as the outer ear. Camphor oil and alcohol have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, stimulate metabolism, so these drugs are traditionally used to treat colds.

Mechanism of action when introduced into the ear canal

When camphor enters the body, it has a selective effect on the receptors of the cardiovascular system. It narrows the capillaries supplying the site of inflammation, as a result the swelling and pain subsides, and the patient feels relief.

However, it is also used for heating, i.e. for the exact opposite effect. This is achieved through its effect on platelets. As a result, they do not interact with each other, and blood microcirculation becomes more intense. Thus, the desired effect is achieved without the local fever that occurs when using other remedies. There is information that the drug can expand other blood vessels.

Camphor affects sensitive skin cells and relieves itching. It causes a cooling effect, similar to menthol. If your ear hurts, camphor placed inside the ear canal relieves discomfort. It has a general antiseptic effect, that is, it is active against all types of infectious agents - bacteria, viruses and pathogenic fungi.

Release forms

Currently, camphor is available in three main forms:

  • Camphor alcohol. The dosage can be 2% or 10%. In childhood, it must be used with caution. At a higher concentration of the active substance, the analgesic effect increases. The alcohol included in the composition promotes additional heating and disinfection.
  • Camphor ointment. In this form, the drug is usually not used to treat ear inflammation. It can be applied to the affected areas if the disease affects the auricle but has not spread to the ear canal.
  • Camphor oil. Characterized by a softer and calming effect. However, it is not recommended to drip it into the ear. It is better to put it behind the ear in the form of lotions and compresses.

At the moment, the following drugs are being developed, which include camphor:

  1. Medical pencils. In addition to camphor, they contain paraffin and polyethylene glycol (PEG). They are characterized by ease of use and ease of use. You can take the pencil with you and apply the drug at work or school.
  2. Suppositories. It is assumed that they will be used for mucous membranes and contain about 10% camphor.

There are also fees and preparations that include camphor, but not as the main component. Such products are used for bathing, rubbing, and applying compresses.

Use in the treatment of ear inflammation

You should use camphor oil or alcohol after consulting your doctor. Many experts highly appreciate its therapeutic effect. As part of the prevention of disease in case of hypothermia and water getting into the ear, the drug can be used if it has been used previously and it is known that the body tolerates it well.

For the ears, you can use different forms of the drug. The choice depends on whether it is planned to be introduced into the ear canal or not. There are several types of use of camphor for ear inflammation.


For these purposes, a piece of gauze is moistened with camphor oil or alcohol and placed behind the ear. Place parchment paper on top. The compress is wrapped with a scarf. Wearing time – from several hours for one night (when applied before bedtime).

Important! The compress is not applied at high temperatures and purulent processes. It may worsen symptoms. Compresses do not cure the disease, but often help to quickly cope with its manifestations.


It is recommended for this purpose to use a 2% preparation, additionally diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The patient is instilled with 6 drops into the ear canal. The patient spends about 20 minutes in a lying position. After which, he is asked to bend over to remove the alcohol.

In another variation of the technique, he plugs the ear with a cotton swab, which he walks around with for several hours. The alcohol is not specially removed.

Camphor oil is also used for these purposes. It must be heated in a water bath to 37°-38°. Dosage: 2-3 drops of the drug. Sometimes it is recommended to dilute it half and half with alcohol.

Important! Not all experts approve of instilling camphor alcohol into the ear, believing that even in diluted form it can cause burns.

Laying turunda

Turunda is made from cotton wool or rolled from bandage (gauze). It is soaked in camphor oil or diluted alcohol. Turunda is inserted into the ear canal and worn until dry. The hole itself is plugged with a piece of cotton wool.

If the drug is being used for the first time, it is better to use it for a few minutes first. After this, the turunda is removed and the skin of the auricle and ear canal is carefully examined. The patient should also listen to his feelings; there should be no burning sensation, no pain, no itching.

Smart baths

This method of using camphor and a number of other plant extracts was introduced by Dr. A.S. Zalmanov. It is assumed that its intake stimulates the body's defenses and activates blood circulation through the capillaries - the smallest vessels.

Important! Taking a bath should be carried out for preventive purposes, after hypothermia, and not after the onset of inflammation in the ear!

To carry out the procedure, take about 200 liters of water at a comfortable temperature. Add 1 liter of hot (up to 70°) liquid with 30 drops of emulsion. The patient is immersed in the bath for 10 minutes. During the process you should feel a slight tingling sensation, but not a burning sensation. If such symptoms are not observed, next time you need to increase the concentration of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of drugs with camphor should be avoided if:

  • Violations of the integrity of the eardrum;
  • Scratches and injuries to the outer ear;
  • Intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Tendency to seizures, epilepsy;
  • Up to 1 year of age.

After consultation with a specialist, camphor can be used:

  1. In childhood;
  2. During pregnancy and lactation.

Important! Camphor passes into breast milk and may affect the baby. Therefore, when using it during lactation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby. At the first sign of an allergy, it makes sense to stop using the drug. It can manifest itself in red spots on the skin, rashes, and itching.

Camphor, like most herbal remedies, is a strong allergen. It can provoke swelling and cause hives in adults. Camphor causes tachycardia (increased heart rate) in overdose. If you notice this symptom, you need to call an ambulance. Sometimes seizures may develop.

Price and patient reviews

The cost of preparations with camphor can be called more than affordable. The cheapest solution is an alcohol solution. Its price ranges for 2% concentration from 9 to 12 rubles, and for 10% - from 18 to 23 rubles. Camphor oil costs about rubles. The highest price for ointment is an average of 60 rubles.

Patients note low cost among the main advantages of the drug. Other positive aspects included availability, effectiveness in preventing colds, and a pleasant smell. Among the disadvantages, users named the drying effect of camphor on the skin. For those who have a sensitive and delicate skin, this can be a serious problem.

Camphor does not belong to the first line of therapy, although its effectiveness is proven by patient experience. However, many doctors highly appreciate its medicinal properties. It can greatly help prevent ear inflammation and alleviate otitis media.

Camphor alcohol: use for ears

Many new drugs have been developed for ear diseases, against the background of which old, time-tested remedies are forgotten. It is the “old” generation of drugs that are safer because they contain a minimum of chemical components. Thus, the use of camphor alcohol for the ears in the treatment of otitis media and other ailments will not cause harm and will relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

The healing properties of camphor alcohol

The composition of the medicinal product known as camphor spiritus (Camphor spiritus) includes essential oils of camphor leaf and bark, ethyl alcohol (70%). There are no chemical ingredients in the composition; it is a completely herbal preparation. It acts as an antiseptic, relieving inflammation and pain. Therefore, using camphor alcohol on the ears as a compress is an effective and safe option for treating some ear diseases.

Apply it externally, using the properties:

  • ability to disinfect skin;
  • removal of inflammation processes;
  • relieving spasms and warming muscle tissue;
  • increasing the tone of blood vessels and capillaries to improve blood circulation;
  • reduction of pain;
  • relieving itching and swelling.

To avoid harm to health, a tolerance test for the components of the drug is carried out in advance. Apply a little tincture half and half with water to the elbow or wrist. If after 3 hours there are no signs of irritation on the skin, then its use will not cause harm.

Camphor alcohol for otitis media

Many people have encountered the problem of inflammation in the ear cavity, or more precisely, one of its parts. Therefore, the term “otitis media” is familiar to most. The development of this disease depends on many factors: the presence of colds, sinusitis, caries, sore throat. A correct diagnosis and understanding of the cause of the disease guarantee its effective treatment.

For ear pain, lotions, compresses, and baths are prescribed. All these methods relieve swelling and slow down the inflammatory reaction, but more often a compress is used as the most effective remedy. We must not forget that such procedures are not basic, but auxiliary. They alleviate the patient’s condition, and cure will occur with simultaneous drug therapy.

Before use, the product is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, since camphor and alcohol are contained in the drug in significant concentration and can lead to irritation or itching, and in rare cases, to a burn of the skin epidermis.

Using a compress in treatment

A compress of camphor alcohol helps relieve ear pain, swelling and has a warming effect. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Heat Camphor spiritus diluted with water until warm (+36C).
  2. In a square piece of gauze we make a cut for the auricle.
  3. Apply baby cream or Vaseline to the parotid area to prevent burns during heating.
  4. We wet the cloth (gauze) in the heated mixture, wring it out and place it around the ear.
  5. We put a dry layer of oilcloth, polyethylene, paper on top and wrap it with cotton wool.
  6. A wool scarf or scarf will help secure the compress.
  7. For a child, the procedure lasts 1-2 hours; for an adult, a warming compress is recommended for 3-4 hours.
  8. After completion, thoroughly wipe the parotid area and cover again with a warm cloth.

A compress on the ear with camphor alcohol should retain heat for a long time. If this does not happen, the compress was applied incorrectly. You need to remove it and try again. The goal and result of the procedure is a well-warmed ear area.

It is advisable to apply the compress before bedtime. Alcohol vapors in the air are unacceptable: in sensitive people and children they cause manifestations in the form of nervous excitement, dizziness and attacks of nausea.

The instructions for the drug say that it is used in the treatment of the following diseases: myalgia, rheumatism, arthritis and bedsores. There is no mention at all about its use as a remedy for otitis media. Therefore, in the treatment of ears, the dosage of camphor alcohol and the number of procedures are prescribed by the doctor.

Baths with camphor alcohol

Special baths help treat the ear with camphor alcohol. To carry out the procedure, the patient is placed on one side. In this case, the auricle should be on top. Warm up to body temperature and dilute Camphor spiritus with water and instill 6 drops into the ear.

The patient remains in this position for 20 minutes. Before lifting, a turunda (tightly twisted cotton wool) is inserted into the ear canal so that the solution remains in the ear. We repeat the procedure, turning to the other side. You should feel a soft, warming warmth. When the warming effect wears off, the turunda should be removed.

Using lotions

For severe ear pain, you can use turunda soaked in camphor alcohol. This procedure will also warm the ear, but will act more gently than alcohol instillation. We insert Turunda into the ear to a shallow depth and leave it there.

The tampon will cause expansion of the capillaries, blood flow to the sore spot. Swelling will be relieved and pain will be reduced. The effect of lotions is considered no less effective than a compress. This procedure is not provided for children of a younger age group.

Camphor spiritus is most often used for otitis externa. If the eardrum is inflamed and alcohol gets on its surface, perforation and deeper penetration of the medicine can occur, which can cause burns on the inner walls of the ear canal.

Camphor alcohol in the treatment of children

Children should be careful when dripping camphor alcohol into the ear for otitis media. In some cases, doing this is strictly prohibited:

  • children under 2 years old, since oil and alcohol vapors can be absorbed into the skin and cause poisoning;
  • for epilepsy, since camphor oil causes seizures and other manifestations of this disease;
  • with an allergic reaction, which often manifests itself on the delicate skin of children.

Warming oil compresses are more suitable for a child. They are safe and do not cause side effects. If a camphor compress is used, then after applying it you should carefully examine the skin. If there is redness, it should be lubricated with baby cream or oil. If a rash or itching occurs, you should consult a dermatologist.

Children have delicate and sensitive skin, so the concentration of camphor alcohol in the solution should be lower than in adults. The use of a compress is unacceptable without medical consultation from an otolaryngologist. When prescribed to a child, it is applied twice: before lunch and before bedtime.


The use of warming procedures with camphor alcohol in the ear helps in the fight against pathogenic microbes, normalizes metabolic processes and removes toxins. Due to the irritating effect, the body's defenses are activated.

Camphor alcohol can be harmful if a person has the following symptoms:

  • various allergic reactions;
  • lactation period;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • tachycardia;
  • dermatitis and furunculosis.

Ear diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, treat colds in time, perform ear hygiene, and cover your ears from wind and frost.

Treatment of external and middle otitis must be completed, otherwise internal otitis is possible. This is the most dangerous form, which can result in hearing loss or the development of meningitis. Therefore, it is important to complete the course of treatment. And if the doctor recommended the use of camphor alcohol, then its use will significantly alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Camphor alcohol is a publicly available drug that can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy kiosk. Due to its good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is widely used in medicine to treat various diseases.

The drug is a clear liquid with a persistent specific aroma. People often call it simply “Camphor”. This alcohol solution in therapy is known as an effective antiseptic, which includes:

  • 10% - camphor;
  • more than 70% - ethyl alcohol.

The drug is intended exclusively for external use. ATC drug classification - MO2AX10.

A solution of camphor in alcohol is often used to treat inflammatory reactions. It is successfully used in medicine, since when applied to the affected areas, camphor has a number of effective therapeutic effects:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • increases the sensitivity of nerve endings;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • improves the processes of cellular nutrition of tissues and organs;
  • relieves pain in muscles and joints.

Camphor alcohol has the ability to oxidize when applied to areas of the skin. Part of the product is absorbed, and the elements resulting from the oxidative reaction are excreted through the kidneys with the help of glucuronic acid. The remains of the drug come out with bile and through the respiratory system.

Camphor oil is available in glass bottles in various portions. You can buy it at a pharmacy at an affordable price. The medicine is intended for the treatment of:

  • arthritis;
  • inflammation and pain in muscle tissue and joints;
  • exacerbations of the inflammatory reaction of the sciatic nerve.

The solution is used for rubbing and compresses. Camphor alcohol is effectively used to eliminate bedsores.

The drug can be used for otitis and other inflammatory diseases.

Alcohol camphor solution helps to cope well with inflammatory processes in the ear, which are accompanied by swelling. The drug in combination with complex treatment of otitis significantly improves the patient’s condition.

Treatment of ear inflammation with camphor based on ethyl alcohol is performed using warm compresses. The drug is used only in diluted form, since the alcohol included in the product in large quantities can damage the skin. To relieve the symptoms of the disease without causing harm to health, you should dilute an alcohol solution of camphor with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Making a compress for otitis media is quite easy:

  • pre-lubricate the skin around the ear with an emollient - cream or Vaseline;
  • dilute camphor alcohol with water;
  • heat the mixture to a temperature of thirty-six degrees
  • soak a piece of soft gauze or cotton cloth in this solution;
  • apply the moistened cut to the area around the inflamed ear;
  • put paper on top for a compress;
  • Cover the paper sheet evenly with cotton wool.

A warming compress is secured to the ear using a scarf or gauze bandage. The duration of the procedure should be at least an hour. The main thing is that such a compress warmed me. This local therapy is done twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

Children should be treated with camphor alcohol for otitis media with special care so as not to damage the delicate skin. It is very dangerous for a child to self-medicate, and therefore warming camphor compresses are done only after consultation with the attending physician.

In addition to warm lotions for inflammatory processes in the ear, baths are made from an alcohol solution of camphor. For this procedure you need:

  • dilute alcohol with water - one to one;
  • Warm the solution slightly to body temperature;
  • lie on your side so that the sore ear is on top;
  • drip six drops of the finished product into the affected ear;
  • lie on your side for at least fifteen minutes.

Before getting up, you need to close the passage in the ear with the medicine with a cotton swab. This will help retain heat and prevent the camphor solution from leaking out. Any treatment should be carried out with the permission of the doctor.

In folk medicine, treatment of joints with camphor alcohol is successfully practiced. This remedy is generally available and effective for inflammatory processes and injuries. Camphor relieves pain in muscles and joints and enhances the effect of complex therapy. The drug is used to make lotions, compresses, and is added to ointments and creams.

At home, the most popular method for treating various joint diseases is rubbing camphor with analgin. There are several options for its preparation. The simplest recipe is considered:

  • five milliliters of camphor alcohol;
  • five crushed analgin tablets;
  • one hundred and fifty milliliters of medical seventy percent alcohol.

To prepare the medicinal mixture, you need to thoroughly mix all the ingredients. The prepared preparation is rubbed onto sore areas before bedtime for ten days. Immediately after rubbing, the affected areas are wrapped in a warm cloth to retain heat.

This remedy is used for the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • sciatic nerve entrapment;
  • hernia on a vertebra;
  • myositis;
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis.

Analgin is an excellent pain reliever, and camphor alcohol fights harmful microorganisms and has a local irritant effect. Thanks to this, pain goes away and the body’s inflammatory response decreases. Also, with the help of camphor, blood vessels dilate, and the cellular nutrition of tissues in the joint area improves.

You can add five milliliters of iodine to the mixture of alcohol, camphor and analgin, which has a good distracting and antiseptic effect. The prepared rub should be stored in a cool place.

A camphor compress with ammonia is also good for relieving joint pain. Its recipe is simple:

  • two teaspoons of salt;
  • liter of clean water;
  • twenty milligrams of an alcohol solution of camphor;
  • one hundred milligrams of ammonia.

This mixture is shaken well and applied to a piece of gauze, which is applied to the sore spot. A plastic film and warm cloth are placed on top. Before the procedure, the code is lubricated with Vaseline. This compress is kept for two hours.

Treatment of joints with folk remedies: video

An alcohol solution of camphor is intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes for external use only. Also, the drug should not be applied to damaged skin, since camphor enhances the irritant effect, while increasing pain and reducing the rate of wound healing.

Camphor alcohol should not be used for the following diseases:

  • the presence of convulsive reactions;
  • dermatitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • eczema.

This drug is not used for women during pregnancy and lactation. Children under twelve years of age should not be treated with camphor alcohol.

An alcohol solution of camphor is a herbal remedy. But still, during its use, side symptoms may occur:

  • allergic reaction;
  • dizziness;
  • headaches.

If there is an individual intolerance to the drug, the therapeutic effects of camphor should be discontinued. When treating diseases with this alcohol solution, you must follow the recommended dosages. When using increased portions of the drug, adverse reactions may develop:

  • convulsions;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • tachycardia.

All therapeutic actions using camphor alcohol must be agreed with a doctor.

Camphor-based preparations - oil and alcohol solution - are very popular in folk medicine. Due to their antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, they are used in recipes for the treatment of various diseases:

  1. Bruises. To treat the disease, use a mixture of fifty milliliters of alcohol, twenty-five milligrams of camphor, twenty grams of dry mustard and separately beaten egg whites. All components are mixed well, and the finished ointment is rubbed into the affected area once a day.
  2. Radiculitis. Camphor oil is combined with powdered horse chestnut. This product is first spread on an evenly cut slice of bread and applied to the sore spot overnight. A warm cloth is placed on top.
  3. Pleurisy. Mix twenty-five grams of camphor oil with two grams of eucalyptus oil and the same amount of lavender. This solution is rubbed three times a day into the problem area. After each rubbing, it is imperative to wrap the sore spot with a warming cloth to maintain the thermal regime.
  4. Arthritis. A solution of camphor in alcohol is combined with birch buds in a ratio of 2:1. The mixture is placed in a glass container and placed in a shaded place for a day to infuse. Rub this ointment on the affected areas before going to bed for two and a half weeks.
  5. Heel spur. Fifty milligrams of camphor alcohol is mixed with two milligrams of ammonia, four milligrams of vinegar, two milligrams of salicylic acid and one hundred milligrams of medical alcohol. Lubricate the spur on the heel with the prepared, well-mixed solution several times a day.
  6. Leg pain. To eliminate pain, a tincture is prepared from components taken in equal portions - camphor alcohol, vegetable oil, turpentine, ammonia and kerosene. All components are poured into a glass container. The mixture is left for a week in a cool, dark place. During this period, the container should be shaken periodically. Rub your feet with this infused medicinal liquid, and then wrap them well at night. The duration of treatment is two weeks.

Before using camphor oil, you should check for the presence of allergic reactions to the drug. If, after applying the solution to a small area of ​​the skin, redness, itching or another adverse reaction appears, then therapeutic procedures using camphor are prohibited.

This alcohol solution has found its use not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is effectively used to treat acne on the body, including the face.

Camphor saturated with alcohol is good for eliminating skin rashes. However, the solution should be used with extreme caution so as not to cause a burn to the skin. The drug is applied only pointwise. Camphor alcohol should not be smeared on the skin. The procedure for treating inflamed bumps on the skin is performed in several stages:

  • a cotton swab is moistened in camphor alcohol;
  • The drug is applied precisely to each pimple separately, without touching the healthy areas of the skin around it.

Treatment is recommended to be performed several times a day. Pimples on the skin dry out after two days of application. They are lubricated with iodine for final healing. When the first improvements appear after applying camphor, treatment with this drug is stopped.

Camphor alcohol in the treatment of inflammatory acne is used only as a cauterizing agent in the first stages of treatment. The product cannot be used for prophylactic purposes. A dab of alcohol camphor solution helps a lot with purulent boils. You can prepare it yourself:

  • fifty milligrams of camphor alcohol;
  • twenty milligrams of boric alcohol;
  • twenty milligrams of salicylic alcohol.

The ingredients need to be mixed. Shake the mixture well before each use. This solution is used to wipe the affected areas of the skin a couple of times a day.

There is a second version of the talker for inflammatory processes on the skin:

  • fifty milligrams of an alcohol solution of camphor;
  • fifteen milligrams of salicylic alcohol;
  • two crushed tablets of chloramphenicol;
  • six tablets of streptocide tablets crushed into powder.

The prepared, well-mixed composition is applied to the affected areas before bedtime. Shake the solution before use.

A bottle of camphor alcohol is probably found in every home medicine cabinet, since this medicine is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. Otitis media, bedsores, acne, arthritis are only some of the diseases for which camphor alcohol is highly effective.

But, despite its plant origin, an alcohol solution of camphor has a number of contraindications and side effects, so it can only be used strictly according to indications. Taking this into account, we propose to consider in detail the composition, pharmacological properties, how and why this product is used in cosmetology and medicine.

The active ingredient of the drug is camphor, which is of natural origin, as it is obtained by distilling camphor laurel wood.

Of the additional ingredients in this product, only ethyl alcohol and distilled water are present.

The drug is available in the form of an alcohol solution with a pronounced camphor aroma in glass bottles with a capacity of 25 and 40 ml.

Pharmacological properties

Camphor alcohol has antiseptic, irritant, analeptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the drug activates blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues.

When used externally, the drug destroys pathogenic microorganisms, which prevents the development of purulent complications and reduces the inflammatory process in tissues.

Also, when applied externally, camphor irritates the nerve endings, causing a “warming up” effect, thereby reducing the severity of pain, for example, with myalgia or arthralgia.

Thus, we can say that an alcohol solution of camphor is a universal remedy that fights pathogenic bacteria, reduces pain and inflammation, activates metabolic processes and microcirculation in tissues.

External use of the drug is indicated for the following pathological conditions:


  • allergy to the ingredients of the drug;
  • open wound, dermatitis or eczema at the site of application of the drug;
  • epilepsy;
  • age under 12 months.

The attending doctor can prescribe an alcohol solution of camphor only if the expected result is higher than all the risks. But today there are safer means that are not inferior in effectiveness to camphor alcohol.

Side effects

Despite the naturalness of the ingredients of the drug, when used externally, patients may experience side effects such as irritation at the site of application and allergies in the form of urticaria, dermatitis, hyperemia, swelling and itching.

Side effects are more often observed in patients with subcutaneous administration of the drug, namely dizziness, headache, fat embolism and infiltrates in the injection area.

Cost of the drug

The cost of camphor alcohol, depending on the region of the country and the manufacturer, ranges from 15 to 50 rubles per bottle. It should also be noted that the drug is an over-the-counter drug, so it can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Camphor alcohol is mainly used for otitis and sulfur plugs.

The effectiveness of camphor alcohol when used for the ears is that it eliminates local manifestations of the inflammatory process, such as pain and congestion. But it should be noted that this drug is recommended to be used as an additional remedy, and as a basis for treatment.

Otitis is an inflammatory process that can be localized in both the external and middle or internal auditory canal. With this disease, patients complain of pain in the ear, which has the character of lumbago, discharge from the auditory canal, hearing loss, tinnitus, which may be accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication.

For otitis media, camphor alcohol can be instilled into the ear or compresses can be made with it.

The official instructions for the drug do not indicate that it can be used in the form of ear drops.

If we talk about whether it is possible to drip camphor alcohol into the ear, then there are some nuances, since alcohol can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the ear canal. Therefore, experts recommend diluting the drug to a weaker concentration before instillation.

Directions for use for otitis media

  • To cook ear drops from an alcohol solution of camphor, it is necessary to dilute it with chilled boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Before using even a diluted drug, you should consult your doctor to rule out perforation of the eardrum, as this is an absolute contraindication. The resulting solution is heated to body temperature and instilled into the sore ear 2-3 times a day, 1-3 drops, after which the excess medicine is removed with a cotton swab or turunda.
  • To do compress with camphor alcohol, It will also be necessary to dilute the product with water and warm it to body temperature. After this, a piece of gauze is folded into 5-6 layers, a hole for the ear is cut out, soaked in the solution and placed on the ear so that the auricle is in the hole prepared in advance for it. Wax paper must be placed on top of the gauze, which also has a hole for the ear. The last layer of the compress will be made of cotton wool, on which you can apply a bandage or plaster. A compress on the ear with camphor alcohol is applied for 3-4 hours.
  • Tampon with camphor alcohol effectively eliminates the inflammatory process and is an excellent alternative to ear instillation. To do this, a small tampon is formed from a piece of cotton wool, which is soaked in camphor alcohol and lightly wrung out, after which it is placed in the ear canal for 15-20 minutes.

Is it possible to instill camphor alcohol in the ears of children? This question is very often of interest to mothers who have encountered otitis media in children. So let's figure it out.

Since a child’s skin is more delicate and prone to irritation or allergic reactions than that of adults, it is recommended to replace instillation of camphor alcohol in the ears with a compress. Moreover, even a compress on the ears can cause an allergic reaction or irritation, so you need to periodically check the condition of the skin under the bandage.

Bedsores are ulcers that form on areas of the skin with poor circulation due to compression. Most often, bedsores are observed in the buttocks, sacrum, back of the thighs, along the spinal column and on the back of the head.

For bedsores, this drug can be used for prevention.

To prevent bedsores, areas of the skin that are subject to the greatest pressure should be washed with laundry soap and dried with a soft towel. Clean and dry skin should be wiped gently with a cotton swab soaked in camphor alcohol. It is also allowed to apply a mixture of camphor oil and camphor alcohol to the skin for bedsores.

Regular implementation of such activities will reduce the risk of bedsores.

Camphor is not used to treat bedsores, as it will increase pain in the area of ​​the skin lesion and slow down healing.

Using camphor alcohol for acne on the face

Camphor alcohol for acne is an effective and simple remedy that is widely recommended not only by traditional medicine, but also by dermatologists.

Before you start using an alcohol solution of camphor, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist, since improper use of this product can cause unpleasant consequences for the skin.

Camphor alcohol is practically not used in its pure form for the face, but is included in various combination products. We bring to your attention the simplest and most effective recipes for acne remedies with camphor alcohol.

Chatterbox with Levomycetin and camphor alcohol

In a small mortar you need to grind 5 tablets of Streptocide and 2 tablets of Levomycetin, then dissolve the resulting powder with 40 ml of alcoholic camphor and 15 ml of salicylic alcohol. The mash is applied to cleansed facial skin once a day at night. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Combination anti-acne product

Boric, salicylic and camphor alcohols are mixed to a homogeneous consistency in a ratio of 2:1:2. You should wipe your face with this product morning and evening for two weeks. The course of treatment can be repeated after 10-14 days.

Analeptic drugs.



  • camphor,
  • Vaseline medicinal,
  • medical paraffin,
  • lanolin anhydrous.


  • 10% solution of camphor in sunflower oil.

Alcohol solution:

  • camphor,
  • alcohol 90,
  • water.

Solution for injection:

  • 20% solution of camphor in peach or olive oil.


Astrakhan Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Virion NPO (Russia), Volgograd Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Dalkhimfarm (Russia), Ivanovo Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Kaliningrad Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Krasnodar Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Kurskpharmacy (Russia), Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Omsk Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Permpharmacy (Russia), Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Rostov Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Rudolf and Family (Russia), Samaramedprom (Russia), Tatkhimfarmpreparaty (Russia), Tver Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Tula Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia), Pharmaceutical Factory St. Petersburg (Russia), Pharmacy (Kursk) (Russia), Fitofarm-NN (Russia), Ecolab (Russia), Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia) )

Pharmacological action

Antiseptic, irritating, analeptic, enhancing metabolic processes in the myocardium.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, headache, dizziness, agitation, delirium, convulsions.

Indications for use

Muscle pain, inflammatory processes, rheumatism, arthritis, prevention and prevention of bedsores, heart failure, collapse, pneumonia, purulent pleurisy, poisoning with sleeping pills and narcotics.


Tendency to convulsive reactions, epilepsy, insufficient lactation, acute endocarditis, aneurysm of large vessels.

Directions for use and dosage

Externally in the form of rubbing.


No data available.


No data available.

Special instructions

Release form


Active ingredient: racemic camphor Excipient: ethyl alcohol 70%. Concentration of active ingredient (mg): 100 mg

Pharmacological effect

Herbal product. When applied externally, it has antimicrobial, local irritant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects; with parenteral administration - analeptic, cardiotonic, vasoconstrictor and expectorant effects. By stimulating the sensitive nerve endings of the skin, it reflexively improves the trophism of organs and tissues. When administered subcutaneously, it stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata. Enhances metabolic processes in the myocardium, increasing its sensitivity to the influence of sympathetic nerves. Increases the tone of venous vessels, increases blood flow to the heart, coronary blood flow, blood supply to the brain and lungs. Excreted from the body through the respiratory tract, it promotes the separation of sputum.


After subcutaneous administration, camphor penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier and the placental barrier, and is excreted in breast milk. It is excreted by the kidneys (70%), as well as through the lungs (20%) and with bile (10%).


Arthralgia, myalgia, sciatica, sciatica, skin itching, prevention of bedsores.


Hypersensitivity, violation of the integrity of the skin, eczema, dermatitis, inflammatory skin diseases at the site of intended application; tendency to convulsive reactions. With caution: Pregnancy, lactation, childhood.


Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Given the high permeability of camphor through the blood-brain barrier, the placental barrier and into breast milk, the use of camphor during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) must be done with caution.

Directions for use and doses

Externally, camphor alcohol is applied to the affected and painful areas in the form of compresses and rubbing 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment - 7-10 days. Prevention of bedsores: treatment of the skin 2-3 times a day.



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