How to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs? How to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Since ancient times, Russian people have enjoyed the benefits that the generous nature surrounded them with. Rivers, forests, fields, steppes not only fed him, but from his very birth they were the environments where he drew vitality and health. In those distant times, when the world had not yet reached the heights of modern medicine, man was forced to be content with what nature gave him. But gradually he becomes her master, begins to actively transform and use her gifts in preparing food, drinks and, of course, medicines.

Since time immemorial, Ancient Rus' was famous for its healing drinks, which, thanks to international trade relations, became known throughout medieval Europe. Medicinal recipes for tinctures became family secrets and were passed down from generation to generation. The recipe and technology for the production of tinctures were kept like the apple of an eye and, as a rule, did not go beyond the boundaries of the family. This determined the unique originality of each drink made.

Despite this, the recipe for tinctures has spread throughout the world. According to information that has reached us, travelers from Western Europe in the 13th century borrowed the method of producing tinctures from the countries of the East.

This drink is prepared on the basis of various herbs and any alcoholic drink that enhances the beneficial properties of tinctures. Most often, alcohol is used as such a drink. For a long time, alcohol was used as an excellent remedy with antiseptic and general health benefits.

Thanks to borrowing recipes for liqueurs, Europe was able to give the world a whole range of alcoholic drinks that are still consumed today. And if earlier the production of tinctures was carried out in Russian villages, then over time there have been many more “producers”.

Medieval monks were great experts in preparing tinctures. In those distant times, monasteries were large cultural centers where the knowledge accumulated over centuries was concentrated. The activities of the monks were aimed not only at healing the soul, but also at healing the flesh. And in their medical art they achieved quite good results. Therefore, people were drawn to monasteries, which were practically the only source of medical knowledge in the Middle Ages.

With the emergence of universities in Western Europe, where medical education was provided, professional doctors appeared. In their set, one of the most used medicinal drugs were tinctures. And for a long time, such drugs prevailed over the use of chemically obtained drugs. Tinctures were offered both to improve well-being - getting rid of headaches, insomnia - and to treat various ailments, especially diseases of the digestive tract.

According to historical data, the technology for producing alcohol from grain crops - rye, wheat and barley - appeared in Rus' only at the end of the 14th century. Before this, the Russians had already revealed many of the secrets of medicinal herbs, preparing infusions and decoctions from them. Based on the experience of traditional medicine, our ancestors quickly identified the hidden capabilities of herbs, berries and other gifts of nature in combination with the wonderful properties of alcohol.

Depending on the preferences of the user of the tincture, it could be prepared either on the basis of pure alcohol or less strong drinks (for example, vodka). To regulate the consistency and taste, sugar could be included in the recipe, then a sweet tincture was obtained. To top it all off, the alcohol content in it increased, so that the last component could also regulate the strength of the drink. Balms were often prepared on the basis of thick tinctures for both internal and external use.

The tincture can be used both as a drink and as a medicine. By lowering the alcohol content and focusing not on medicinal but on taste, you can use it as a strong drink. Nevertheless, the healing power of tinctures should be directed primarily to treatment, to obtaining the beneficial coefficient that nature gives people.

An endless series of experiments, which resulted in hundreds and thousands of different recipes for preparing tinctures, made it possible to prepare tinctures with a guarantee of maximum preservation of the beneficial qualities of the components that make up the drink.

After just fifty years, the production of tinctures in Rus' became an integral part of the life of both noble and common people. Production was especially widespread in noble houses. For the boyars, it was a matter of prestige to amaze guests with an exquisite table, exotic food and drinks, which included liqueurs. Their tasting turned into a whole ceremony preceding the meal.

Earning the approval of guests was extremely important for a noble person. Showing stinginess automatically made him an outcast and barred him from entering the houses of other high-ranking persons. Hence the habit of living in grand style: luxurious clothes, plentiful treats for guests, a large number of servants, etc. The staff of the servants of a rich house necessarily included people who took care of making high-quality liqueurs for the master’s table.

Ordinary people also tried to maintain their health and made tinctures using simple homemade devices. The preparation of these medicinal drinks was the prerogative of women. Each housewife had to know the basics of making and a minimum set of recipes for tinctures. Forest herbs and wildflowers in proportions known only to them made the combination of taste, aromatic and healing qualities of the drink unique.

The only medicines for the common people were medicinal mixtures collected by herbalists. Infused with alcohol, they were the medicine for any illness that helped to overcome a painful illness better than any doctor. Starting the morning with a glass of tincture, the common people set to hard work with fresh energy. Health and longevity, so characteristic of the inhabitants of Rus', are largely the result of the healing qualities of tinctures.

Despite the inevitable changes occurring every day in the world, tinctures have remained one of the most effective traditional medicines for several centuries. It is no coincidence that many to this day cannot imagine their life without making this medicinal drink, carefully and carefully preserving the accumulated knowledge and experience of its preparation. Daily intake of a certain amount of tincture on an empty stomach solved a number of health problems, so necessary in an atmosphere of hard physical labor.

The 18th century marked a new stage in the development of the infusion industry, when trade with the countries of the East became a priority of the foreign policy of the Russian state. Elements of Eastern life became much more accessible than before, so exquisite overseas spices - cinnamon, cloves, cumin, bay leaves - and citrus fruits immediately became common components of tinctures and gave them an exotic aroma and exceptional taste.

The superiority of Eastern medical skill was recognized back in the Middle Ages, but only due to historical circumstances could cultural exchange between Eastern and Western countries not develop into a full-fledged exchange of knowledge and partnership in various fields of science. Nevertheless, after the confrontation between the Muslim and Christian worlds softened, the exchange process began and brought significant positive results.

Western medical knowledge has organically absorbed elements of Eastern medicine. New drugs, components for existing recipes, secrets of a healthy lifestyle - all this has taken medicine to a qualitatively new level. With the discovery by Westerners of the healing art of Eastern aesculapians, the content of traditional medicine also radically changes. Now this concept is becoming much broader and begins to include elements of medical practices of other cultures. The increased variety and quality improvement of tinctures is a striking example of this. Now their range has been enriched with exotic recipes and ingredients, the healing effects of which have been verified for centuries by ancient Eastern cultures.

With the advent of conveyor production, the production of tinctures was put on a large scale. Now purchasing this drug is not difficult either in a pharmacy or in a liquor store. Unfortunately, in most cases, it remains a secret for us how this or that tincture was made and how beneficial it is for health. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many people still prefer to use the time-tested home method of making this healing drink.

Your own recipe is unlikely to cause unpleasant consequences for the body, because it is the result of centuries of experimentation. Spices, which some two hundred years ago were a rarity, available only to a select few, are now widely available. Getting collections of medicinal herbs, which in most cases are the most important, from a medicinal point of view, components for preparing tinctures, is not a particular problem even for residents of large cities.

The main thing to remember is that you should not collect herbs near highways: firstly, a tincture prepared from such herbs will be more harmful than beneficial, and secondly, you will never achieve the healing effect that you achieved ancient Russians who collected herbs in dense forest thickets, sometimes impassable for a traveler.

The wealth of components that can be included in the tincture opens up truly limitless possibilities for imagination in composing an original bouquet of taste characteristics of the drink. The healing effect is organically complemented by the aromatic properties of spices and other exotic additives, adding uniqueness to your “work.” Your creative delights will inevitably attract the attention of others to you: your exceptional properties will be appreciated by your family, friends and relatives.

And since the goal of any person was and remains to ensure health for himself and his family members, today it is especially important to pay attention to your loved ones and, sacrificing a small part of your personal time, plunge into the world of the healing capabilities of tinctures. Our recipes will reveal to you the mysterious and magical power of these medicinal drugs. We have lovingly collected for you the secrets of ancient healers who embodied their sacred knowledge in the preparation of tinctures.

Chapter 2

To overcome illnesses, it is not necessary to visit a pharmacy in the hope of purchasing an expensive medicine that is a panacea for all ills. You yourself can prepare this or that tincture at home according to one of the recipes proposed below.

Sage tincture

Required: 60 g sage leaves, 60 g ginger leaves, 300 ml alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour alcohol over sage and ginger. Place the tincture in a warm place for 19 days. Then strain the alcohol tincture through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take 3-5 drops per day for colds.

Ginger tincture

Required: 400 g ginger root, 600 ml alcohol.

Method of preparation. Peel and grate the ginger root, add alcohol and leave to infuse in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. Shake the tincture bottle every three days. When the tincture turns yellow, strain it through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Use 1 tsp. per day after meals for bronchial asthma.

Mint tincture

Required: 100 g mint, 50 g sage, 400 ml alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour mint and sage with alcohol and place in a dark place for 18 days. Then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take 2 tsp. per day as a means of improving appetite and calming.

Anise tincture

Required: 100 g of anise fruit, 50 g of sage leaves, 400 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour alcohol into the anise and sage. Place the tincture in a warm place for 18 days. Then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take 3-5 drops before meals to stimulate intestinal activity.


Required: 250 g of anise, 100 g of mint, 1 liter of vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over all components. Pour the future tincture into a bottle and place in a warm place for 13 days. After the expiration of the prescribed period, strain the tincture.

Method of application. Take 5 drops per day.

Tincture with walnuts

Required: 100 g mint, 100 g anise, 100 g walnuts, 1 liter of vodka.

Method of preparation. Mix mint, anise, chopped walnuts and pour vodka. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 12 days.

Method of application. Use 5-7 drops 3 times a day before meals. The finished tincture improves metabolism and stimulates digestive activity.

Mint tincture

Required: 500 g mint, 1 liter of vodka.

Method of preparation. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 12 days. After this, strain.

Method of application. Take tincture 5-7 drops per day.

Tincture of young shoots of rowan

Required: 50 g of young rowan shoots, 60 g of ripe rowan fruits, 100 g of mint, 30-40 g of almonds, 700 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over peeled and finely chopped shoots, berries and mint. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 12 days. When preparing this tincture, you can add almonds.

Method of application. The tincture is used for diarrhea, constipation, vitamin deficiencies, 1/3 tsp. 3 times a day.

Rowan fruit tincture

Required: 150 g of ripe rowan, 400 ml of vodka, 20-30 g of almonds.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over the rowan and leave to steep in a cool place for 2 weeks. When preparing this tincture, you can add grated almonds.

Method of application. Take 2-3 times a day, 5 drops.

Currant tincture

Required: 150 g of ripe black currants, 500 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over the currants. Place the future tincture in a cool place for 10 days. After this period, strain the tincture.

Method of application. Use tincture 1 tsp. per 1 glass of water as a diaphoretic and antidiarrheal agent.

Alcohol tincture of raspberries

Required: 250 g of ripe raspberries, 700 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour alcohol over the berries and place in a warm place for 12 days. Then strain the tincture through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take tincture 1 tsp. 3 times a day after meals for respiratory diseases, fever, and female diseases.

Berry alcohol tincture

Required: 70 g black currants, 70 g raspberries, 70 g cherries, 700 ml alcohol.

Method of preparation. Crush the berries and pour in alcohol. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 12 days, then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. The tincture is used as a strengthening agent, 1 tsp. after every meal.

Berry tincture

Required: 60 g black currants, 60 g raspberries, 60 g cherries, 30 g orange nuts, 800 ml vodka.

Method of preparation. Mix berries and crushed nuts and pour vodka. Pour the liquid into a bottle and place in a warm place for 12 days.

Method of application. The tincture is used as a general tonic, 1 tbsp. l. 1 time per day.

Strawberry vodka liqueur

Required: 200 g of ripe strawberries, 600 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over the berries. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 10 days. After this period, strain the tincture.

Method of application. Use tincture 1 tsp. 2 times a day as a general tonic.

Bird cherry tincture

Required: 150 g of ripe bird cherry, 500 g of vodka.

Method of preparation. Fill the bird cherry with vodka. Pour the future tincture into a bottle and place in a cool place for 2 weeks.

Method of application. The finished tincture is used for stomach diseases and diarrhea, 5-7 drops 3 times a day.

Alcohol tincture of melon

Required: 400 g melon, 800 ml alcohol.

Method of preparation. Cut the melon into pieces, place it in a three-liter jar and fill it with alcohol. Wrap the jar in a towel or blanket and place in a warm place for 18 days. After this period, strain the tincture.

Method of application. Use 1 tsp for kidney disease. 2-3 times a week.

Rose hip tincture

Required: 150 g of ripe rose hips, 20 g of mint, 500 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over rose hips and mint. Leave the liquid to infuse in a warm place for 2 weeks.

Method of application. The finished tincture is used for colds as a general tonic (1-2 tsp 1-2 times a day).

Honey tincture with vodka

Required: 150 g raspberries, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 500 ml vodka.

Method of preparation. Mix honey and mashed raspberries, add vodka and leave to infuse in a warm place for 2 weeks at a temperature of 16-20 °C.

Method of application. Use a few drops 3 times a day.

Lemon tincture with vodka

Required: 300 g fresh or 150 g dried lemon zest, 1 liter of vodka.

Method of preparation. Grind the zest, add vodka and leave to steep in a warm place for 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture.

Method of application. Use the tincture 5-7 drops 3 times a day to improve heart function, for respiratory diseases, as a vitamin remedy.

Strawberry tincture with vodka

Required: 100 g strawberries, 50 g sage, 500 ml vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over strawberries and sage. Leave to infuse in a warm place for 18 days. Then strain.

Method of application. The finished tincture is used for general loss of strength, for female diseases, 1 tsp. 1 time per day.

Rosehip tincture with cognac

Required: 150 g rose hips, 500 ml cognac.

Method of preparation. Pour cognac over the rose hips. Leave to infuse in a warm place for 18 days.

Method of application. The finished tincture can be used as a vitamin remedy, 1-2 tsp. 1 time per day.

Chamomile alcohol tincture

Required: 100 g of chamomile flowers, 250 g of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Grind the chamomile and add alcohol. Pour the future tincture into a bottle, wrap it in a blanket and place it in a warm place for 2 weeks. After this period, strain the tincture through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Use 1 tsp to improve heart function and increase blood pressure. several times a week.

Eucalyptus vodka tincture

Required: 100 g eucalyptus leaves, 300 ml vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over the leaves and leave to infuse in a warm place at a temperature of 16-20 °C.

Method of application. The finished tincture helps well with a runny nose and colds (1-2 tsp before bedtime).

Alcohol tincture of chicory roots

Required: 30 g of chicory roots, 150 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour the peeled chicory roots with alcohol and leave to infuse in a warm place for 2 weeks. Then strain the tincture.

Method of application. Use the tincture as a general tonic, 1 tsp. 1 time per day after meals.

Alcohol tincture of wormwood

Required: 50 g of wormwood, 250 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Grind the wormwood, add alcohol and leave to infuse in a warm place for 16 days. Then dilute the tincture with water and strain.

Method of application. Use the tincture to improve digestion and stimulate appetite, 1/4 tsp. 1 time a day before meals.

Dandelion and burdock tincture

Required: 50 g dandelion roots, 50 g burdock roots, 500 ml vodka.

Method of preparation. Chop the herbs and add vodka. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 2 weeks.

Cucumber tincture with vodka

Required: 1 fresh cucumber, 100 g of lettuce, 100 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Grate the cucumber and squeeze out the cucumber juice through cheesecloth. Chop the lettuce leaves and squeeze out the juice too. Mix the juices and add vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, then strain.

Method of application. Take the finished tincture 1-2 tsp. 1 time a day after meals for heart problems.

Parsley tincture

Required: 100 g parsley, 150 ml vodka.

Method of preparation. Chop the parsley and add vodka. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 16 days.

Method of application. The finished tincture is used for headaches, 5-7 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Caraway alcohol tincture

Required: 50 g cumin, 50 g fennel, 50 g anise, 300 ml alcohol.

Method of preparation. Mix the herbs and add alcohol. Leave to infuse in a warm place for 18 days. Then strain the tincture.

Method of application. Take tincture 1-2 tsp. before bedtime for nervousness and irritability.

Hop tincture

Required: 100 g of hops, 150 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over the hops and leave in a warm place for 2 weeks.

Method of application. The tincture is used 7-10 drops in the evenings for sleep disturbances.

Lingonberry tincture with vodka

Required: 100 g of ripe lingonberries, 250 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Crush the lingonberries and pour vodka, place in a warm place for 2 weeks. After this period, strain the tincture.

Method of application. Take 1 tsp. 1/2 glass of water for constipation.

Alcohol tincture of chicory and mint

Required: 70 g of chicory root, 30 g of mint leaves, 1.5 cups of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Grind the chicory root and mint and add alcohol. Infuse for 2 weeks in a warm place, then strain.

Method of application. Take 1 tbsp. l. in the morning with cholelithiasis.

Tincture of elecampane with vodka

Recipe 1

Required: 50 g of elecampane roots, 400 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Grind the roots, pour vodka and leave to infuse in a warm place for 2 weeks. Then strain.

Method of application. Take 1 tsp. 1-2 times a day after meals.

Recipe 2

Required: 2 elecampane roots, 10 g yellow champagne, 10 g yarrow, 500 ml vodka.

Method of preparation. Chop the plants and pour vodka. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 2 weeks. Then strain.

Method of application. Use 1/2 tbsp. l. before each meal to improve appetite.

Beetroot tincture with vodka

Required: 2 glasses of beet juice, 1 glass of honey, 60 g of marsh cucumber, 500 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Mix the juice with honey and dried marsh, pour vodka and place in a cool and dark place for 10 days. Close the container with the tincture tightly and shake it every day.

Method of application. Take the finished tincture 1/2 tbsp. l. 1 time per day for hypertension and high blood pressure.

Tangerine tincture with vodka

Required: 50 g dried or 100 g fresh tangerine peel, 250 ml vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over the peel and leave to steep for 10 days in a warm place. After this, strain the tincture.

Method of application. Take the finished tincture 1/2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals for bronchitis and as an expectorant.

Alcohol tincture of ginseng root

Required: 100 g of ginseng root, 250 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Grind the roots, cover with alcohol and place in a warm place for 2 weeks. Then strain.

Method of application. Use 1 tsp of prepared tincture of ginseng root. 1-2 times a day for heart disease, hypertension, mental illness.

Hawthorn tincture

Required: 2 tbsp. l. hawthorn flowers, 2 glasses of vodka.

Method of preparation. Fill the flowers with vodka. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 7 days, tightly closing the container. After this period, strain the tincture.

Method of application. Take 1 tsp. 1-2 times a day to improve heart function and overall well-being.

Valerian tincture

Required: 2 tbsp. l. valerian roots, 500 ml of 70% alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour the crushed roots with alcohol. Leave for a week in a warm place, then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take 1 tsp. as needed as a sedative, as well as for neuroses and cardiovascular diseases.

Chestnut flower tincture

Required: 40 g of chestnut flowers, 1 liter of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Fill the flowers with alcohol. Leave to infuse in a warm place for 2 weeks, then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Use the prepared tincture for rubbing against rheumatism and as a pain reliever.

Onion tincture

Required: 1 onion, 1 liter of vodka.

Method of preparation. Peel the onion and chop finely. Fill with vodka and leave in a warm place for a week. Then strain the tincture through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Use 1 tbsp. l. per day for dysentery, atherosclerosis, to improve heart function.

Tincture of Dahurian moonseed

Required: 3 tsp. Daurian moonseed, 3 glasses of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour the chopped herbs with alcohol. Leave in a warm room for a week, then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Use 1/2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day to lower blood pressure and for headaches.

Magnolia tincture

Required: 50 g magnolia leaves, 500 ml alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour crushed magnolia leaves with alcohol and place in a tightly closed container for a week in a warm and dark place. Then strain. It is recommended to keep the finished tincture in a dark place.

Method of application. Use 1/2 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day to lower blood pressure and improve heart function.

Tincture of young roofing

Required: 3 tbsp. l. leaves of young roofing, 1 glass of vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over the leaves and shake. Infuse the future medicine for a week in a warm room, then strain.

Method of application. Use 7 drops 2 times a day for epilepsy.

Marigold tincture

Required: 2 tbsp. l. marigold flowers, 4 glasses of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour the crushed leaves with alcohol, leave for 5 days in a warm room, then strain.

Method of application. Use externally for burns.

Oat tincture

Required: 20 g of dried oats, 500 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour alcohol over the oats, place in a warm place for a week, then strain.

Method of application. Use 1/2 tbsp. l. 1-2 times a day as a diaphoretic and antipyretic.

Alder tincture

Required: 20 g of alder “cones”, 100 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour vodka over the crushed plants. Infuse the liquid in a warm place for a week, then strain.

Method of application. Take 5-7 drops 3 times a day before meals for acute and chronic colitis.

Alder bark tincture

Required: 20 g of alder bark, 100 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Pour the crushed bark with alcohol and leave to infuse in a warm place for a week, then strain. Store in a cool, dark place.

Method of application. Take 5 drops per 1 glass of water in the morning before meals for acute and chronic colitis.

Oslinnik tincture

Required: 30 g of aspen leaves and flowers, 150 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Finely chop the leaves and flowers, add alcohol and leave for a week in a warm place. After the allotted time has passed, strain.

Method of application. Use the finished tincture 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals for frequent diarrhea.

Tincture of bittersweet nightshade

Required: 50 g of young shoots of bittersweet nightshade, 2 glasses of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Chop the shoots, cover with vodka and leave to infuse in a warm place for a week. After this, strain.

Method of application. The finished tincture is used 5 drops once a day for urinary tract diseases.

Tincture from a healing mixture

Required: 15 g of myrrh, 15 g of spoon, 15 g of raspberry leaves, 15 g of salep (or orchis) leaves, 15 g of mint leaves, 30 ml of wine vinegar, 60 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Dilute myrtle with alcohol, add a spoon, chopped raspberry and mint leaves, orchis leaves and wine vinegar. Place all this in a bottle, close it tightly and place in a dry, dark place for three days. Then strain.

Method of application. Take 7-10 drops per glass of water as a mouth rinse for severe toothache.

Patrinia tincture

Required: 50 g of patrinia roots, 200 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Clean the roots of the patrinia and fill it with alcohol. Place the future tincture in a warm place for a week. After this, strain.

Method of application. Use the strained tincture 5-7 drops at night as a sedative.

Mixed tincture

Required: 20 g of patrinia roots, 20 g of valerian rhizomes, 20 g of lily of the valley flowers, 800 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation. Pour cleaned patrinia roots and valerian rhizomes, as well as lily of the valley flowers with vodka and leave to infuse in a warm place for a week. Then strain the tincture through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Use 1/2 tsp. 1 time per day for increased nervousness.

Cognac tincture of wormwood

Required: 2 tbsp. l. wormwood roots, 1 liter of cognac.

Method of preparation. Peel the wormwood roots, place in a jar, pour in cognac and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then pour the prepared broth into the vessel, close it tightly and place in a warm place for 2 days. After this period, strain the tincture.

Method of application. Use 3-5 drops 1-2 times a day as a sedative.

Motherwort tincture

Required: 2 tbsp. l. motherwort leaves and flowers, 2 cups of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Chop the leaves and flowers of motherwort and add alcohol. Place the future tincture in a warm place for 5 days, then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take tincture 1-2 tsp. 1 time per day for cardiovascular diseases and increased nervousness.

Nettle cognac tincture

Required: 30 g of nettle leaves, 15 g of nettle roots, 1 glass of boiling water, 2 glasses of cognac.

Method of preparation. Pour cognac over nettles. Separately, pour boiling water over the nettle roots and cook for 10 minutes. Mix the decoction with cognac and nettle leaves and leave to infuse in a dark and warm place for 3 days. After this, strain the infusion.

Method of application. Take this tincture 1 tbsp. l. 1-2 times a day for liver diseases, hemorrhoids.

Aspen cognac liqueur

Required: 1 tbsp. l. aspen buds, 1 tbsp. l. aspen bark, 800 ml cognac.

Method of preparation. Pour cognac over the buds and crushed bark. Infuse the mixture in a warm place for 5 days, then strain the tincture.

Method of application. Take tincture 1/2 tbsp. l. 1 time per day for vitamin deficiency.

Cognac celery tincture

Required: 35 g of celery roots, 800 ml of cognac.

Method of preparation. Pour crushed celery roots with cognac and place in a warm place for a week. Then strain the tincture.

Method of application. Take 3-5 drops at night for insomnia.


Alcohol tincture

Required: 1 tbsp. l. motherwort leaves, 1 tbsp. l. dried dried leaves, 1 tbsp. l. valerian roots, 1 tbsp. l. flowers or leaves of heather, 700 ml of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Mix crushed motherwort and cudweed leaves, peeled valerian roots, and heather and add alcohol. Let the mixture steep in a warm, dark place for a week, then strain.

Method of application. Take 7-10 drops per 1/2 cup of boiled water once a day.

Vodka tincture

Required: 1 tbsp. l. leaves or flowers of woodruff, 1 tbsp. l. thyme leaves, 1 tbsp. l. bearberry leaves, 1 tbsp. l. blackberry leaves, 1 liter of vodka.

Method of preparation. Chop the herbs, mix and pour vodka. Place the future tincture in a warm place for a week, then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. in the evening before meals.

Cognac tincture

Required: 1 tbsp. l. valerian roots, 1 tbsp. l. mint leaves, 1 tbsp. l. hop cones, 1 tbsp. l. watch leaves, 3 glasses of cognac.

Method of preparation. Mix peeled and crushed valerian roots, mint, hops, and wahtu and pour cognac. Place the future tincture in a warm place for a week. After this period, strain the tincture.

Method of application. Take 1-2 tsp. 3-4 times a day after meals.


Cognac tincture

Required: 1 tbsp. l. valerian roots, 1 tbsp. l. lemon balm leaves, 1 tsp. yarrow leaves, 1 tsp. St. John's wort leaves, 4 glasses of cognac.

Method of preparation. Grind the peeled roots of valerian, leaves of lemon balm, yarrow, St. John's wort and leave the mixture in a warm and dark place for 5 days, then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take 1/2 tbsp. l. 1-2 times a day after meals.

Vodka tincture

Required: 1 tsp. lily of the valley flowers, 1 tsp. fennel seeds, 1 tbsp. l. mint, 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort leaves, 4 glasses of vodka.

Method of preparation. Finely chop the plants, mix and pour vodka. Leave the herb mixture to steep in a warm place for a week, then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take 5-7 drops in 1/3 glass of water in the evening after meals.

Alcohol tincture

Required: 1 tbsp. l. motherwort leaves, 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn flowers, 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, 1 tsp. dried cucumber leaves, 2 cups of alcohol.

Method of preparation. Mix the crushed herbs and add alcohol. Place the future tincture in a warm place for a week, then strain through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day.


Vodka tincture

Required: 1 tsp. Veronica leaves, 1 tsp. centaury leaves, 10 g juniper berries, 1 tsp. bitter wormwood, 1 tsp. ivy leaves, 4 glasses of vodka.

Method of preparation. Mix the crushed herbs and pour vodka. Place the plant mixture to infuse in a warm place for 5 days, then strain.

Method of application. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.

Cognac tincture

Required: 1 tsp. fragrant rue leaves, 1 tsp. primrose leaves, 1 saxifrage root, 1 tsp. St. John's wort leaves, 3 glasses of cognac.

Method of preparation. Mix herbs and pour cognac. Leave to infuse in a warm place for 5 days, then pass through cheesecloth.

Method of application. Take 1/4 cup throughout the day.


Required: 1 tsp. dandelion roots, 1 tsp. creeping wheatgrass roots, 1 tsp. soapwort roots, 1 tsp. yarrow leaves, 2 glasses of cognac.

Method of preparation. Mix crushed herbs and pour cognac. Leave to infuse in a warm, dark place for a week, then strain.

Method of application. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals.


Cognac tincture

Required: 1 tbsp. l. motherwort leaves, 1 tbsp. l. dried dried leaves, 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn flowers, 1 tbsp. l. mistletoe leaves, 3 glasses of cognac.

The benefits of natural remedies for the body are inestimable. In folk medicine, oats occupy a special place as an affordable, useful and effective remedy with a wide spectrum of action.

The healing properties of oats are unique; they are used to relieve inflammation, cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system, and regulate blood pressure in hypertension.

Useful properties

The grain is extremely rich in nutrients. It contains essential amino acids - lysine, tryptophan, vitamins B, K, as well as large quantities of magnesium and phosphorus, as well as other micro- and macroelements.

  1. Magnesium and B vitamins are useful for improving cardiac and nervous function.
  2. Starch, which is part of the grain, prevents the increase and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  3. Also, thanks to fiber, the level decreases, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  4. Vitamins and minerals are useful for the overall strengthening and healing of the body.

How to brew

Healthy recipes are prepared quite simply and quickly. For these purposes, you need to take 10 tablespoons of oats, add water and rinse. It is better to do this in a regular saucepan. Then the grain is poured with hot, but not boiling water, approximately 1 liter. Bring to a boil on the stove, reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes. You should not keep it for long in order to preserve all the beneficial and. Insist on leaving overnight.

This decoction will be useful as a general tonic, which should be taken before meals, half a glass. Preheat in a water bath.

Important! Regardless of the purpose and method of preparation, it must always be pre-rinsed with running water.

How to brew for a cough

The medicinal qualities of oats make it an indispensable remedy for. To treat it, you need to take 20 tablespoons of oats, which are washed and filled with two liters of milk. Next, put on medium heat and leave to simmer for up to 3 hours. The readiness indicator will be: whether the milk has turned yellow or not. It is necessary to take half a glass of milk decoction before meals.

You can also add honey or butter to this recipe. Honey is added to the already prepared decoction.

How to brew oats to cleanse the body

Grain has a beneficial effect on all body systems, so it can be used for general strengthening and cleansing of the body. For more information about the beneficial properties of oat decoction, follow the link:

For these purposes, 1 cup of prepared oats is poured with 2 liters of warm water and left to steep overnight. The resulting product is filtered and consumed one glass up to 2 times a day. It is also recommended to give to children, but only a quarter glass.

There are various methods of brewing and preparing infusions.

  1. Pour 200 g of oat grains into a saucepan and pour 2 liters of water, cover with a lid, boil, then leave to simmer for up to 3 hours. The degree of readiness of the broth is determined by whether the grains have opened.
  2. After it is ready, pour the remaining liquid into a clean container, grind the oats in a meat grinder, squeeze and combine both broths.
  3. Dilute with one liter of warm boiled water. Keep refrigerated. Before taking, the decoction must be heated and drunk warm before meals in unlimited quantities.

How to brew to treat the liver

A decoction with the addition of milk is especially beneficial. It is recommended to drink it if you have pancreatitis. Take 200 g of washed oats and add water, boil and leave to simmer over low heat until the broth thickens. Then add two glasses of milk to it, after the broth boils, boil it for another half hour. Drink 15 minutes before meals.

How to brew in a thermos

A very convenient and simple way to prepare oat decoction is to brew the oats in a thermos. The indications for use of this decoction are quite wide. This method will be convenient if you do not have the opportunity to boil and cook.

To brew in a thermos, grind 50 g of oats in a coffee grinder for a few seconds. Then it is poured into a thermos and filled with boiling water, the decoction is infused for 12 hours.

Important! Oats are taken at the rate of 50 g per liter of liquid.

Contraindications for use

Oats are one of the few remedies that have virtually no serious contraindications and can be consumed by both adults and children.

If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, or pancreas in the acute stage, consultation with a specialist is recommended. The decoction is contraindicated if the gallbladder has been removed or with cholelithiasis. Individual intolerance is also possible.

The preparation of herbal infusions involves water extraction from those parts of plants that do not have dense shells and easily release active substances, mainly flowers, leaves, grass, and some fruits. Depending on the plant from which the medicinal infusion is prepared, there may be exceptions, for example, for marshmallow, an infusion is prepared from the root, and for bergenia, a decoction is prepared from the leaves.

How to prepare an herbal infusion?

How to prepare an herbal infusion? The infusion is prepared hot or cold. A cold infusion is rare and is most often obtained from the marshmallow root, a rue herb. In this case, two options are possible. To make a cold medicinal infusion, the raw materials are poured with cold water for 6-12-24 hours and what is obtained without boiling is drained. To make a hot infusion, the cold infusion is boiled.

It is much more common to prepare a hot medicinal infusion. In the pharmacy it is prepared in a water bath; the real infusion should under no circumstances boil; heating in a water bath can be replaced by heating over very low heat, but this is only possible with a relatively large amount of liquid. The water bath can be replaced with a bowl or large pan of water, in which the dishes with the infusion are placed. The water in the pan or bowl should be boiling.

The raw materials are poured into a container and filled with boiled water. This is important because, as we have already said, the infusion is not boiled, and if you pour it with raw water, it will quickly turn sour. Cover the container with the infusion tightly with a lid and heat for 15 minutes. After this, the infusion is removed from the heat and cooled at room temperature for an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and the evaporated water is added to the original volume.

Since the medicinal herbal infusion is not boiled, it can be prepared in a thermos. In this case, neither water nor active substances evaporate. The raw materials are poured into a thermos, filled with boiling water and left to infuse. Usually the infusion is kept in a thermos for half an hour or an hour, sometimes left overnight. Water will still have to be added to the original volume, since it is partially absorbed into the raw material. From raw materials that release active ingredients very easily - chamomile, mint, calendula, arnica, etc. - the infusion can simply be brewed as tea, covering a cup or glass with a lid and a towel for 15-20 minutes.

How to prepare a decoction at home from plant materials. A decoction is a cosmetic form of medicine, which is an aqueous extract from medicinal plant materials. Decoctions are prepared for lotions, creams, emulsions. Used to cleanse, tone and relax facial skin.
To prepare the decoction, you need to prepare the raw materials in advance. Typically, bark, rhizomes, roots, and dense leathery leaves are used for decoctions. Ready-made raw materials can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores.

Plant materials are thoroughly dried and crushed. If it is indicated that fresh raw materials are needed, then they are thoroughly cleaned and the recipe is then followed. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials per 200 ml of water. A decoction for cosmetic purposes must be prepared by doubling the volume of raw materials. 1 tablespoon contains 7-10 g of leaves, flowers or grass and 12 g of seeds, buds, fruits.

To prepare the decoction It is necessary to prepare enamel dishes. The crushed raw materials are poured with boiled water at room temperature and infused in a water bath. To do this, pour water into another container and place the raw material there, heating it over low heat for 30 minutes. Then stop heating and cool for 10 minutes. The resulting aqueous extract is filtered into a clean glass bottle through gauze. To prepare the decoction in large quantities, increase the heating time by 10-15 minutes. You can store the decoctions in the refrigerator for 2-4 days. The decoction of tannins is filtered immediately after removal from the water bath.
The process of preparing a decoction involves extracting beneficial plant substances necessary for humans. If the technology is violated, the decoction will have the wrong composition, and the cosmetics will not be beneficial.

Decoction recipes

A decoction of birch buds for a compress on the eyes

medicinal decoction for eyes | birch | inflamed skin

1 tbsp. pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of birch buds or leaves, boil in a water bath over low heat for 15 minutes, allow to cool at room temperature and filter. This decoction is used to make compresses for tired and sore eyes.

1 hour | | 2010-08-20

Tea decoction for rinsing hair

hair rinse | tea | normal skin

It is useful to rinse dark hair with tea leaves (2 tablespoons of tea per 1 liter of water) - this gives it a beautiful shade, shine, and makes it more elastic.

15 minutes | website | 2011-02-06

Parsley decoction for hair

hair rinse | parsley | normal skin

Pour 50 g of parsley into 0.5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, let cool and filter. Rinsing your hair after washing with this decoction will give it shine.

30 minutes | website | 2011-02-22

Herbal decoction for rinsing hair

hair rinse | nettle, coltsfoot, plantain | normal skin

1 tbsp. Add 1 liter of boiled water to a spoonful of nettle, coltsfoot, plantain, and St. John's wort leaves, heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, filter and rinse your hair with this decoction after washing.

40 minutes | website | 2011-02-22

Rowan berry decoction for normal hair

hair rinse | rowan | normal skin

2 tbsp. spoons of dried red rowan fruits are poured into 0.5 liters of water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes. Then let it cool at room temperature and strain. Rinse your hair with this decoction after washing.

30 minutes | website | 2011-02-22

Plantain decoction

cleansing decoction for face | plantain | oily skin

1-2 tbsp. spoons of plantain leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, allowed to cool for 10 minutes and filtered. The decoction is used to cleanse oily facial skin.

40 minutes | website | 2011-07-18

Elecampane decoction

whitening decoction for face | elecampane tall | freckles

1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed roots and rhizomes of elecampane is poured with 200 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 30 minutes and allowed to cool for 10 minutes. Strain the broth and apply it to freckles 1-2 times a day.

40 minutes | website | 2011-12-08

St. John's wort and chamomile decoction for problem skin

cleansing decoction for face | St. John's wort, chamomile | problematic skin

1 tbsp. A spoonful of St. John's wort herb and half a tablespoon of chamomile flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered and allowed to cool for 10 minutes. This decoction refreshes and soothes problematic skin.

40 minutes | website | 2012-02-29

Oak bark decoction to prevent sweating

body cleansing decoction | oak bark, alder wood | sweaty skin

In order not to sweat, and most importantly to eliminate the smell when sweating, use a decoction of plants made from “tannins”. Rinse sweating skin with a decoction of oak bark and alder spaldium. .

How to prepare a decoction. Decoctions and infusions are prepared in two ways: cold and hot. With the cold method, the raw materials are poured with the required amount of cold boiled water and left for 4-12 hours, filtered and used. With the hot method, the required amount of medicinal raw material is poured with water at room temperature in a porcelain, glass or enamel container, the container is placed in a boiling water bath and the decoction is heated with frequent stirring: 30 minutes, infusion - 15 minutes; then cooled, filtered through cloth, gauze, and the medicine is ready for use.

A water bath can be replaced with a hot stove, but you need to make sure that the medicinal mixture does not boil. Decoctions and infusions are prepared for 1-2 uses. Store in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight. If the decoction or infusion should be drunk warm the next day, then it is not heated, but diluted with hot water.

Tinctures at home are usually prepared with 40-70% alcohol. The crushed raw materials are poured with water or alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, 2:10, 3:10 in a dark glass container, closed with a stopper and kept in a dark place for 3-21 days with occasional stirring. Then the tincture is filtered through gauze or cotton wool and poured into a dark bottle. The shelf life of tinctures is 1-3 years.

Tinctures (tonics) are usually taken in the cold season (autumn, winter, spring), as they cause a rush of blood to the head and heart, especially in warm weather. This is done in cases where the tincture (tonic) is taken for prophylaxis. But sometimes at any time of the year, for example, after undergoing severe operations, during long-term, debilitating illnesses, during work involving heavy physical exertion.

You must understand that any herb, even the most harmless one, has not only extensive and good indications for the treatment of diseases, but also contraindications. Inhalation mixtures are prepared on the basis of decoctions or infusions, followed by dilution with boiled water to the required therapeutic concentration of the inhalation mixture as a whole (usually 1:2 and 1:3).

Solutions for lotions, douching, and local baths are prepared in a similar way, however, if it is necessary to obtain more concentrated aqueous extracts, the original infusions and decoctions should be prepared at a ratio of 1:5 and 1:3. To prepare medicinal baths, infusions and decoctions are used at the rate of 1-2 liters per bath.

How to prepare a decoction

The course of treatment with galleon drugs for most chronic diseases is 25-35 days. Repeated courses are prescribed after a 10-15 day break, but no more than 2 courses after the main course of treatment. In some cases, in order to avoid a decrease in effectiveness or prevent addiction, it is recommended to change the composition of the preparations during repeated courses of treatment and prescribe medicinal plants that have similar therapeutic activity. Single doses and the number of daily doses of galleon drugs should not be considered strictly mandatory, since if necessary, the doctor can change them depending on the course of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient, his age and gender.

All recipes in dosage for oral administration are designed for an adult. Therefore, for children aged 1 to 3 years, the dosage should be reduced.

In the first week of treatment with folk remedies and herbs when taken orally, the dosage is reduced by half compared to the indicated one. This is done so that the body gets used to this medicine. From the second week, if the body tolerates this method well, switch to the full dosage. In the first days, when ingesting mixtures, infusions and tinctures of medicinal herbs, some patients experience a slight exacerbation of the disease.

As our well-known herbalists write, there is no need to be afraid of this, since a turning point occurs in the body due to the effect of medicinal drugs. But if the medicine clearly does not help, you should stop the course and use other treatment methods and recipes. Remember that the main thing during illness is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and find the necessary prescription with his help for effective treatment.



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