How to overcome sleep at night at work. Constant sleepiness

How to overcome drowsiness - from myths to reality

According to surveys, 40-50% of adults regularly suffer from drowsiness and fatigue. This can lead to decreased productivity and sometimes lead to dangerous mistakes that people make, such as while driving a car. How to overcome drowsiness, cope with fatigue, and stay alert and energetic throughout the day?

Drowsiness and fatigue are very common problems in modern world, and they appear no matter how many things we have to do. It would seem that a busy schedule should keep a person on his toes, but in fact, even the thought that today you need to have two more important meetings, be on time for courses, training and a date does not always help get rid of drowsiness. How to overcome drowsiness and fatigue?

Myth No. 1. Taking a short nap during the day will only make you feel more sleepy and make it harder to fall asleep at night.

Really short nap It has a refreshing effect and perfectly invigorates, but it must be short. Research has shown that in daytime after ten minute nap people performed better on various screening tests intellectual abilities than those who had not slept before. Moreover, all subjects slept well at night. However, it is very important to sleep exactly as much as you need and choose the right time for daytime sleep. If you sleep during the day for more than twenty minutes, or after two or three o'clock in the afternoon, this may cause your internal clock. Then, when you wake up, you will actually feel even more sleepy than before, and you may have trouble sleeping at night.

Myth No. 2. Fighting sleepiness with coffee is a bad idea as it can lead to sleep disturbances

All the negative information about coffee that appears, as a rule, concerns cases when this drink is abused. Moderate consumption of coffee is beneficial - it invigorates, improves concentration, and banishes drowsiness. Even people who get a good night's sleep experience drowsiness from time to time; Most often this happens in the afternoon, when a person still has a lot of work to do. Drinking a cup of strong coffee or black tea (it also contains caffeine) is one of the best recommendations regarding how to combat sleepiness at work, at least for those whose employers do not allow sleeping on the job - that is, for most people. However, try not to drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks after 2 pm, especially if you sometimes suffer from insomnia - drinking coffee in the afternoon can make the problem worse.

Myth No. 3. You can get rid of drowsiness with the help of sweets or a can of lemonade

Why do people who suffer from drowsiness and fatigue often eat foods rich in sugar? When we are in this state, the body requires a source of energy to remain alert and efficient. In one study, people who suffered from sleep deprivation and drowsiness working hours, were given a variety of foods to choose from, and they consistently preferred sweets and/or fatty foods. These are products with high glycemic index, containing carbohydrates that are very quickly converted into energy and lead to a significant increase in blood sugar levels. The problem is that the energy generated from such foods quickly runs out, and sugar levels drop sharply. Therefore, to cope with sleepiness at work, avoid foods that contain a lot of simple carbohydrates and fat (especially saturated and trans fats). An excellent tool To combat and prevent drowsiness and fatigue, a light lunch containing complex carbohydrates and proteins is recommended.

Myth No. 4. After physical activity, drowsiness and fatigue will only increase

On the contrary, movement banishes sleep and fatigue, improves blood circulation and metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on brain function. Walk to work, or if your place of work is too far away, walk at least a few stops to fight off morning drowsiness. During your lunch break, try to have time not only to eat, but also to take a ten-minute walk - this will help you avoid drowsiness after lunch.

In addition, do not forget to exercise regularly free time. Sufficiently intense physical activity increases tone, helps control stress, and improves sleep.

Myth No. 5. Drowsiness is normal and you just have to deal with it

This is not true at all. If you cannot cope with drowsiness for a long time, you should consult your doctor. In some cases, constant sleepiness and fatigue are signs serious illnesses, for example, hypothyroidism or depression.

Eat rich foods for breakfast complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber

Such dishes provide energy for a long time and also have a positive effect on metabolic processes. Perhaps, best breakfast is a grain porridge, such as oatmeal. Half a cup of this porridge can contain ten to fourteen grams of dietary fiber, and you can increase its concentration further by adding one or two tablespoons of bran to the porridge. IN cereal porridge You can also add dried fruits, fresh fruit slices, berries, nuts, seeds (for example, flax-seed), honey or jam.

Be sure to eat one or two servings of fresh fruit for breakfast. In addition to dietary fiber, they contain glucose, which is quickly and easily absorbed and converted into energy approximately ten minutes after it enters the body. Glucose has a good effect on mental activity, and helps to quickly get rid of drowsiness in the morning.

Get enough sleep

To avoid drowsiness and fatigue during the day, you need to sleep well at night. Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep a night to feel normal. However, in some cases, sleep standards may differ significantly - for some, six hours of sleep a day is enough, for others, up to ten hours is needed. Set your own norm and try to sleep exactly as many hours as you need, at least four days a week, and better yet, every day.

Good sleep is only long enough, but also restful sleep. Many people have a habit of replaying things in their heads. current problems, already lying in bed. Because of this, the brain cannot tune in to normal, deep sleep, and the person, as a rule, sleeps very restlessly. Even if he sleeps for 8-10 hours, there is a high probability that the next day the person will feel drowsy and tired - restless sleep does not provide us good rest, and does not restore strength. What to do?

Follow your thoughts in evening time, and as soon as you notice that they are starting to return to work or other problems, tell yourself that you will think about it tomorrow. Remind yourself that you won't be able to solve all these problems right now, and worrying about them even before bed won't make anyone feel any better. Half an hour before bedtime, do breathing exercises, meditate, or read to take your mind off anxious thoughts. Over time, you will learn to leave all your problems outside the bedroom, and you will feel much better during the daytime.

Breathe fresh air

Lack of oxygen is one of the causes of fatigue and drowsiness. When a person lacks oxygen, he does not necessarily begin to choke; with a slight lack of it, only symptoms such as drowsiness may be observed, frequent yawning, poor concentration, lethargy, loss of strength. Open the window, go outside or onto the balcony, and do a few deep breaths. Feel how the air fills your lungs and diaphragm, how your stomach expands when you inhale, how oxygen penetrates every cell, including the brain cells. Breathe like this for at least one minute, and if you slept at least six to seven hours at night, there will be no trace of drowsiness left. If you slept less, it is better to add a cup of aromatic coffee to a portion of fresh air.

Drink plenty of water

First of all, be sure to drink water in the morning. Our body is made up of approximately seventy percent water, and when a person sleeps for eight hours straight, by the morning he may not have enough moisture. In order for our body to work with one hundred percent efficiency from the very morning, we need to compensate for the lack of water as quickly as possible. Exactly how much water you need to drink depends on your weight.

For people weighing up to 50 kg, one glass of water before breakfast is enough. Those who weigh 50-70 kg should drink two glasses of water, those who weigh between 70 and 90 kg should drink three glasses, and people whose weight exceeds 90 kg should drink three and a half to four glasses of water in the morning.

Rinse your face cold water

This is an excellent remedy that allows you to quickly, albeit briefly, get rid of drowsiness. By washing your face with cold water, you will instantly feel fresher and more energetic. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for many women, as it is destructive to makeup.

Take breaks

You might think that if you work eight hours without a break, you'll get more done. In fact, with very rare exceptions, after a few hours of continuous work (often after just one and a half or two hours), a person begins to feel drowsy, it is more difficult for him to concentrate, and thoughts begin to switch to completely unimportant problems. The fact is that the brain also needs rest. He is, of course, capable of a lot, and the most powerful computers It is unlikely that they will ever be able to completely replace him, but he is alive, and he needs pauses. Take at least a five-minute break every hour or two of work, and you will notice that sleepiness annoys you less and less, and you get more done than when you tried to work without rest.

Eat fish

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, increase the speed of mental processes, and help a person feel more alert, alert and energetic.

Eat more often

Frequent meals help maintain blood sugar levels at approximately the same level and avoid sudden changes. Thanks to this, it is often possible to avoid severe drowsiness and fatigue during the day.

Plan something interesting for the day

Plan something that gives you a pleasant feeling of anticipation and motivates you to get through less interesting tasks faster. When there are events ahead of you that you are looking forward to, there is no trace of drowsiness left.

Talk to colleagues and laugh

Of course, at work you need to work, not talk, but short conversations will not harm anyone, especially if they cheer you up and drive away drowsiness. The main thing is to choose the right topics for conversation. There is no need to once again discuss family, work or political problems - conversations on these topics usually turn into an exchange of complaints, and this does not help you feel more cheerful. Instead, share with your colleagues an interesting piece of news (for example, from the field of science), a recent joke, or tell a funny story that happened to you or someone else. This is with high probability will cause a lively exchange of views on the news, or jokes, and such conversations help to briefly escape from work and gain strength for new exploits in the professional field.

If for some reason you can't talk to your colleagues (for example, if you work alone), when you feel sleepy, read a few jokes and laugh loudly and heartily.

Almost everyone has days when they feel sleepy. But for some people, excessive sleepiness actually interferes with daily work and even leisure activities. This phenomenon is known as hypersomnia, repeated drowsiness that makes you want to take a nap, even at work.

Not surprisingly, the problem of daytime sleepiness usually begins at night. Not getting enough sleep for several nights can significantly slow down your pace of life and ruin your mood.

Habits that cause bad dream, can also cause daytime sleepiness. Instead of becoming more irritable due to daytime sleepiness, try these 10 ways to improve your sleepiness. night sleep and therefore avoid daytime sleepiness.

1. Get enough sleep at night

This may seem obvious, but some people take an hour or two of their night's sleep to shave in the morning or spend time doing other things. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but teenagers typically need 9 hours.

2. Remove distractions from your bed.

Use your bed only for sleep and sex. No need to watch TV, play video games or use a laptop in bed. Also, you should not check bills or have heated discussions in bed. They can negatively affect your sleep.

3. Install constant time awakening

People who have problems sleeping are often advised to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends. But by chance set time can lead to even more frustration if you suffer from insomnia and already have trouble falling asleep.

4. Change to a different bedtime gradually

Another approach to establishing a consistent wake-up and bedtime is to try to go to bed 15 minutes earlier for 4 days. And then stick to that time. Gradually adjusting your schedule works better than trying to go to bed an hour earlier.

5. Set a regular time for eating.

Eating regularly helps regulate circadian rhythms. Healthy breakfast and having lunch on time rather than snacking on a donut and coffee in the morning or a sandwich late at night will also prevent energy deficits during the day, which will impair your sleep. Plan your latest meal 2-3 hours before bedtime.

6. Exercise

Regular exercise, at least 30 minutes a day on most days, provides numerous benefits for good sleep. Exercise, especially aerobic exercise, as a rule, help you fall asleep easier and sleep more peacefully. Exercise also gives you more energy during the day and keeps your mind sharp. But you should avoid exercising 3 hours before bedtime.

7. Get your daily routine in order

If you think you can't afford 7 or 8 hours of sleep, then you need to reconsider your daily routine and make some adjustments. Move some activities from night time to evening or from early morning for late morning. Try eliminating tasks that aren't really important. Getting enough sleep at night will help you perform better during the day.

8. Don't go to bed until you feel sleepy.

If you go to bed when you're just tired, you probably won't be able to sleep. Distinguish between feelings of sleepiness and fatigue.

9. Don't take naps at the end of the day.

A short nap in the evening can do daytime sleepiness even worse because it negatively affects night's sleep.

10. Avoid alcohol at night

People often think that alcohol helps you sleep, but it actually deprives you of sleep. deep sleep, which is necessary in order to feel well rested. When the effects of alcohol wear off at night, you will probably wake up again.

The problem of sleep in the workplace is associated with both normal physiological and pathological reasons. 12 useful ways, which will tell you how not to fall asleep at work - these are medications to increase vigor and other effective means.

Causes of drowsiness

Many people complain about increased drowsiness literally saying: “I fall asleep at work.” First of all, there is a need to find out the cause of this phenomenon and then understand whether it is worth seeing a doctor or whether you can solve the sleep problem yourself.

Physiological factors of drowsiness

This group of reasons includes normal phenomena that people have encountered:

  1. Poor room, stagnant air - because of this, not enough oxygen reaches the brain, and it works worse. The result is a desire to sleep that is difficult to overcome.
  2. Objective features of human biorhythms. The change in activity from 10 to 12 o'clock (first half of the day) usually occurs in the afternoon - i.e. in the interval of 14-15 hours. Starts to want to take a nap or rest.
  3. Overcoming lethargy and coping with how to stop sleeping at work is difficult after a heavy lunch. Blood flows to organs digestive system, the brain works worse, and the person begins to want to relax.
  4. There is a constant desire to fall asleep due to the monotonous nature of office activities. To overcome this feeling of sleep, take breaks for 3-4 minutes and, if possible, change the activity.

Getting rid of similar factors leads to a gradual normalization of sleep. However, if you start to feel sleepy often, and usual measures do not help, there are other reasons.

Pathological signs

Such factors are combined under common name Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by a significant increase in its duration compared to the norm. The syndrome is associated with mental disorders, diseases, injuries.

The norm and characteristics of sleep depend on the individual person. Therefore, it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own in order to begin appropriate treatment. In case of prolonged violations, consult a doctor.

12 ways to combat sleepiness

You can overcome sleepiness at work using a large number of techniques. Get rid of the feeling of fatigue by simple means, the most common of which are discussed below.

Psychological attitudes

An effective way to combat sleep in the workplace also allows you to relieve fatigue - the use of psychological attitudes. This is the most original method of how to get rid of sleep at work, because everyone comes up with specific recipes on their own. IN general case The rules boil down to the fact that you should create a positive atmosphere and properly set yourself up for the working day.

Distracting the brain helps well - for example, surrounding yourself with interesting objects, books, beautiful figurines, pens that evoke pleasant associations. You can “reward” yourself for fighting sleep and take a 15-minute walk.

Invigorating scents, essential oils

It is known that smells have the ability to invigorate human body. These are plant-based essential oils:

  • needles;
  • carnation;
  • thyme;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon;
  • coriander;
  • mint;
  • nutmeg;
  • grapefruit;
  • May rose;
  • cardamom;
  • camphor;
  • bergamot;
  • caraway.

To spray the oil, use a special diffuser or aroma lamp. Apply 4-5 drops and turn on the device. After a few minutes, the aroma fills the room, creating a pleasant atmosphere and driving away sleep.

When choosing a specific scent, they are guided by their feelings. People with allergies should be careful bronchial asthma, heart diseases.

Physical education minute

A simple warm-up helps you feel invigorated and stop nodding off. You can simply walk, take quick steps, or even jog. They often jump, squat, or even do push-ups. Exercise should be moderately intense so that the body can overcome drowsiness.

Sour fruits

The effect of acid on oral cavity leads to a sharp increase in saliva production. Thanks to this, the brain is activated, which allows you to overcome drowsiness. You can use any sour fruit - apples, a slice of lemon, grapefruit and others.

Loud sounds and music

Music has beneficial influence person and helps solve the problem of sleep in the workplace. The main condition is that the sounds should be loud, and the music should be cheerful and invigorating. Monotonous melodies and slow rhythms that put you to sleep are not allowed.

Listen to music not too loudly and moderately quietly so that it is pleasant to the ear. The main goal of such procedures is to cheer up emotionally, get inspired, after which you can start working again.

You should not listen to a tune that is too loud, as the brain will begin to get tired, and the person may fall even more asleep. On the contrary, it is better to turn on the music not too loudly.

Maintaining sleep and eating habits

This is a key requirement, the observance of which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. It comes down to the following rules:

  1. You should go to sleep and wake up at the same time so that your body gets used to the same rhythm.
  2. If sleep is prolonged, it is better to still wake up at the appointed time so that the night does not become sleepless.
  3. Eating food at the same time ensures the correct flow of digestive processes, fine tuning biological rhythms person.
  4. Both diet and diet are important. Eating protein foods, vegetables, fruits, and cereals provides the body with energy for the whole day. At the same time, sweet dishes provide only a short-term effect. It is advisable to choose milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese and others) as a source of carbohydrates.

If you cannot enter the mode on your own, and at night you observe constant problems When falling asleep, it is better not to get carried away with sleeping pills. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Energy drinks

The invigorating effect of tea and coffee is known to every person in the fight against sleep. This too good method in the fight against sleep. You can also use special energy drinks, but their use should not become a habit.

You should not overuse coffee and tea - normally drink no more than 4 cups a day. In the case of artificial energy drinks, it is important to understand that it is better to abstain from them. If a person suffers from diseases of the digestive system, energy drinks are not suitable.

Avoiding overeating at lunch

If you get too full, the blood flow will rush to the stomach and intestines. As a result, the brain is not supplied with blood as well and functions worse. Should not be consumed large number food and even more so heavy products, With a large number fat Along with recommendations against sleeping at work, you should also heed the following recommendation: do not use confectionery and sweet.

A great way to cheer yourself up is to hold a small piece of ice on your tongue. Constantly feeling the cooling, the brain works more intensely. Thanks to this, sleep recedes.

Invigorating self-massage

There are points on the surface of the body, the activation of which invigorates the body and, as a result, drives away sleep. This effective method How to avoid falling asleep at work. You can do a massage by rubbing several areas:

  • crown;
  • palms ( inner side), especially the point between the index finger and thumb;
  • points 2 fingers below the knees;
  • earlobes.

The massage is done independently, with light circular movements, until you feel pleasant warmth. You can rub several areas at the same time. The duration of the procedure is 4-5 minutes. Thanks to the stimulation of active points, blood flow increases and organs begin to work faster. The brain is also activated, so the body becomes alert.

Stirlitz method

This is the conventional name for an accessible way to prevent the onset of drowsiness. The recommendation of intelligence officer Maxim Maksimovich Isaev comes down to the formula: 20 minutes of afternoon sleep allows you to get rid of fatigue and stop wanting to sleep during the day.

The main condition here is to know when to stop. Sleeping at work should not turn into a protracted procedure when it will be difficult for the body to wake up from the sleep state. If you ensure that the procedure is short-term, the effect will become noticeable.

Ventilation and bright light

An affordable method that works effectively in different cases. If indoors high temperature, lack of oxygen, processes in the brain slow down, which is why a person begins to feel sleepy. This is why it is important to maintain the correct microclimate: the indoor temperature should be in the range of 18-21 o C.

Bright light also gives strength and distracts from drowsiness. However, here it should be taken into account that the flow should not blind the eyes, because otherwise the performance will decrease.

Being in an uncomfortable place

Taking a walk and being in an unusual place distracts the brain from normal routine day. For example, they come to another department, communicate with unfamiliar people - i.e. consciously immerse themselves in a situation of small, controlled stress. A switch occurs, anti-stress mechanisms are activated, due to which the body does not want to sleep.

Lunch naps as a means of combating drowsiness

During lunch, a person regains strength, starts long-term digestion processes, which consume a lot of the body’s energy. If you want to sleep, you can cheer yourself up at work. Another approach is the opposite: give the body a rest during the afternoon nap, which allows you to eliminate weakness and relieve drowsiness.

Japanese experience in combating sleep at work

In Japan they use a similar practice called "inemuri". Society encourages short naps during the day because they allow you to perform well and overcome fatigue. The Japanese adhere to certain rules:

  1. A person must maintain the appearance of participation in the work process - i.e. pretend he's involved. For example, listening to your boss at a meeting.
  2. The fight against sleep in the workplace occurs in accordance with the hierarchy of employees. For example, a manager has the right to sleep with his subordinates, but not vice versa.

Siesta or midday nap

In countries with hot climates, siesta is one of the long-standing traditions. The siesta should be short (up to half an hour). It helps ward off drowsiness and is an excellent way to avoid falling asleep at work. An afternoon nap helps to invigorate and recuperate well for further activities. This practice is common in countries Southern Europe and Latin America.

When to use medications

In some cases, the struggle to stay awake at work and get rid of weakness during the lunch period will not be successful. Then they consult a doctor who prescribes the use of medications.


Biological stimulants include oils:

Coniferous tree oils (fir, cedar, pine) have a strong invigorating effect.


TO medicines include tablets:

  • "Modafinil";
  • "Longdaisin."

Use according to instructions, but only in accordance with the recommendation of a doctor.

Complex supplements are used that improve immunity, help cope with fatigue and serve additional measure among tips on how to stay awake at work.

Thus, lethargic state at the workplace you can drive away in simple ways. The main condition is to accurately identify the cause and draw appropriate conclusions. If no measure produces results, they visit a doctor who makes a specific diagnosis and develops a course of treatment.

Sleepiness at work, especially at the end of the day, is common in offices. The reason is poor ventilation of the premises. Employees suffer from decreased concentration and performance, fatigue, apathy, headaches, and irritation of the mucous membranes.

I want to sleep at work - current problem for many. And not only for those who did not sleep well or did not sleep at all. It makes me especially sleepy towards the end of the working day. But as soon as it ends and we go out into the fresh air, sleep goes away, and we feel a surge of vigor.

The reason for drowsiness at work is poor or non-functioning ventilation systems in offices and tightly closed plastic windows. One person busy mental labor, consumes from 20 to 30 liters of oxygen per hour and exhales from 18 to 25 liters carbon dioxide. Thus, in an office space that is poorly ventilated, the concentration of carbon dioxide increases and the amount of oxygen decreases. It is not surprising that employees become sleepy and sleepy.

The opinions of doctors dealing with the effects of carbon dioxide on health differ. Some believe that exceeding its concentration in offices is usually not so significant as to negatively affect health. Others warn that excess carbon dioxide not only reduces, but also gradually leads to negative changes in urine, blood and even DNA.

While ideal air for human health should contain 300–400 particles of carbon dioxide per million air particles, in many offices this value is 2,000 particles or higher. For example, in a room of 16 sq. m, in which there is one person and the doors and windows are tightly closed, in an hour and a half the concentration of carbon dioxide reaches 1,500 particles!

In “clogged” rooms, employees suffer from decreased concentration and performance, drowsiness, fatigue, apathy, headaches, and irritation of the mucous membranes. They make mistakes more often, complain about poor sleep or... Doctors refer to their condition as “sick building syndrome.”

How to avoid falling asleep at work?

1. Ventilate the room more often

Unfortunately, this is not always possible. On the one hand, there will always be employees who are constantly blowing, who are afraid of drafts and who do not allow anyone to open the windows. And for some reason they are in the majority.

On the other hand, there are offices converted from rooms with improper ventilation. For example, meeting offices - premises equipped for business negotiations and meetings, call centers, etc. For 20 sq. m, 20 people usually sit here, and it is not surprising that in an hour the concentration of carbon dioxide here reaches 10,000 particles, and the cognitive abilities of employees last only 15–20 minutes. Air conditioning is not a solution, only fresh air will save them from negative influence carbon dioxide.

If it is impossible to ventilate, then every half hour you need to go out to where you can breathe. Or change jobs, because health is more valuable.

2. Let's move

Movement will help drive away drowsiness. Without getting up from the chair, we spread our arms to the sides, stretch, and touch the toes of our shoes with our fingertips.

Let's take a walk ourselves or invite a colleague, who probably also suffers from drowsiness, to walk together along the corridor, office, kitchen, or rest room. At the same time, we’ll talk and tell each other something funny and positive.

Surely, during such a walk, we will come up with a solution to a problem that we have been unsuccessfully struggling with because we were struggling with sleep.

If such walks are not encouraged by management, you can clean up your desk - this will also help you wake up.

3. Drink strong coffee or green tea

True, coffee does not have this effect on everyone: there are people who drink it until late in the evening and fall asleep perfectly, and for some it even causes depression. Why this happens is a mystery.

Green and black tea eliminate drowsiness just as well as coffee. A piece of dark chocolate will enhance their effect. high content cocoa beans

4. Inhale essential oils

Essential oils have an invigorating stimulating effect: refreshing (fir, eucalyptus, mint, pine), citrus (bergamot, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon balm), floral (lavender, geranium, juniper). They improve physical and mental condition, increase performance, get rid of and, establishing emotional balance. A drop of oil should be applied to the wrists and behind the ears.

However, the disadvantage of using essential oils is that employees may not share our desire to get rid of drowsiness in this way. Perhaps some of them will be allergic to smells. So we can use this method either with their consent, or if there is no one else in the office.

5. We resort to the help of biostimulants

Tonic effect on the central nervous system have plant adaptogensChinese lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea. Tinctures or extracts of these plants, which are sold in pharmacies, relieve fatigue and increase performance without causing side effects on the body.

They are not recommended to be taken only by those who are prone to increased excitability and suffer from high blood pressure.

6. Do acupressure

By pressing on certain points on the body, we optimize energy processes in the body, which means we will cheer up. We knead the earlobes, rub them ears, tips of nails thumbs hands press on the pads of the remaining fingers. You can rub your temples and rub your palms together.

7. Turn on bright lights

We want to sleep more in cloudy weather, when the sun is tightly covered with clouds. The brain perceives a decrease in illumination as a signal to prepare for sleep. After all, as you know, our sleep depends on two hormones: cortisol and melatonin. In bright light, the daytime hormone cortisol is released, which is called the stress hormone. And in the dark - melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Bright light will help us get rid of daytime sleepiness.

8. Sitting in an uncomfortable place

A comfortable soft chair or sofa is ideal for sleeping. If we work at home, it is worth moving with the laptop somewhere where it will be impossible to fall asleep, for example, to a quiet cafe. At work in the office, you can temporarily move to a hard, uncomfortable chair.

9. We don’t overeat

Many people don’t have time or don’t want to have breakfast at home in the morning and look forward to lunch so that they can finally satisfy their hunger. And after a hearty lunch, they immediately remember the saying: “Life is a struggle: before lunch - with hunger, after lunch - with sleep.” Or the words of the toad from the cartoon “Thumbelina”: “Well, we’ve eaten - now we can sleep!.. Well, we’ve slept - now we can eat!”

The human body is designed in such a way that after a hearty meal you want to take a nap. One version of why this happens is as follows: blood flows from and flows to the digestive organs, as a result of which the brain experiences a lack of oxygen. The more we eat, the stronger the desire to sleep will be.

Thus, if we cannot afford an afternoon nap, we eat little by little, but often, replacing high-calorie foods. light foods salads and soups.

10. “Rise and Shine!”

We put on headphones and turn on invigorating music that evokes a strong emotional response. With its help it is used different areas brain, and drowsiness goes away. The music should be rhythmic, quiet and without words, because we will listen to the words and get distracted. If the situation allows, you can also sing along.

11. Give yourself permission to take a nap

If nothing helps, then during your lunch break you can “reboot” by sleeping for 15–20 minutes.

Some countries, such as Japan, allow employees to do this “legally” in break rooms. Such an employee will be of more use than someone who struggles with sleep, because his productivity will last for another 3-4 hours.

There are times in life different situations when sleep literally knocks a person off his feet, but circumstances do not allow him to lie down and sleep. In this case, we have to use various tricks that can give us at least a little tone and allow us to complete the desired task.

Today we will look at ways that effectively help cope with persistently overwhelming drowsiness.

Imagine that for some reason you were unable to get a full night's sleep, but despite good reasons, the employer wants, as before, to see in you a specialist who can adequately cope with job responsibilities. It is quite obvious that it is you who will have to find a way out of the situation and restore internal reserves by any means necessary. accessible ways. Let's talk about these methods in more detail.

How to overcome sleep and regain vigor

The first thing to start with is to walk around the room in which you work. Visit your colleagues in the next office; most likely, a lively dialogue with them will only benefit you.

If you need to get rid of the constant desire to lie down on the table, avoid monotony in business. Try to organize your work process in such a way that a systematic change of activity allows the body to be in good shape.

As we know, contrast shower is capable of working miracles in such matters, but it is unlikely that you have such an opportunity, if you want, to go and freshen up in the shower during working hours. But you can wash your hands, and then your neck and shoulders, and you will definitely feel how much easier you can breathe now.

Dimmed light in the office today, more than ever, is contraindicated for you, because the brain, already devoid of activity, will completely refuse to obey you.

A few cups of energizing coffee are also quite effective in driving away drowsiness, but do not allow yourself to get carried away with this method.

Therapy helps many people get into a working mood and concentrate their attention. essential oils. Think, maybe you should try it too? The following scents are suitable for this: citrus, rosemary, and jasmine.

Exercises to help fight sleep

If you stretch your fingers with active pinching movements from the very base to the tips for ten minutes, then the effect on active points fingers will add energy to you.

After the first exercise is completed, smoothly move on to the next one: your palms need to be warmed up against each other for no more than five seconds. Then rub your cheeks at the same pace, also no more than five seconds. Finish the exercise by tapping your fingers on the head, moving on to massaging the ears.

Find an opportunity to get some fresh air. The method works in the cool season: why fresh air outside, the faster you will be able to cheer up. IN as a last resort, if it is not possible to walk down the street, open window in the office is also a suitable option.

How to fight sleep at night

Often a person has to work at night. And although over time he manages to adapt to such a work schedule, cases of unwanted drowsiness during night duty cannot be ruled out. And then the above methods also come to the rescue; you can only add to them a few recipes for life-giving drinks:

Strong tea in the amount of one or two glasses;

Mineral water with lemon and honey added.

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