How to determine if a dog has fleas. How to remove fleas from a dog at home using various means

The only difference from common cat fleas is the ability to transmit many pathogens to humans.

So the rarity of encounters with dog fleas is an extremely positive fact.

The fleas that pose a threat to dogs do not live on them permanently. While living in dogs' fur, fleas feed and lay eggs. Over time, flea eggs fall from dogs onto the floor in the apartment, so that the infestation becomes widespread. The only immediate threat to the animal is the bites of adult fleas and the complications associated with them.

How to tell if your dog has fleas

Paying attention to your dog is the key to its health.

If you suspect that your dog is infected with fleas, you need to immediately examine him and make sure of this.

In addition, regular examination of the dog will not harm. This measure will prevent the spread of fleas even if fleas have already attacked the animal.

Here are the ways you can detect fleas on a dog:

  1. Frequent scratching may be caused by an urge to relieve the itching characteristic of flea bites. If the dog bites its teeth into the fur, the source of the itching is probably fleas.
  2. You should pay attention to changes in his behavior. If it becomes unusual, the dog often becomes irritated and nervous - this is a warning sign.
  3. Typical flea bite areas are the withers, the ridge area closer to the tail, the inner thighs and the groin area. Flea bites cause redness and slight swelling and are often numerous. In these places the dog should be examined especially carefully.
  4. Carefully comb his fur, inspecting what falls out of it. These may be dark brown lumps of flea feces. To make sure it is them, you should drop water on them: the blood contained in the flea's feces should tint the water with the appropriate color. Of course, fleas themselves can get caught. For the purity of the experiment, combing should be done on a light sheet so as not to lose sight of anything.

Having fulfilled all the inspection requirements, you can judge the cause of the dog’s illness. The fact is that pet owners often mistake skin allergies for flea bites. Treatment for a non-existent scourge begins, and the dogs only suffer from it.

Where do fleas come from?

  • fleas easily transfer from one animal to another when approaching, so games, mating or fighting are likely reasons for the appearance of uninvited guests;
  • flea eggs scattered across the lawn often remain on the animal’s paws; with them it appears in the apartment, and infection occurs in the living space, after some time;
  • Rodents and stray animals inhabiting the basements of apartment buildings are a real flea factory: overgrown populations of fleas migrate from infested basements to entrances, where they attack victims.

Considering the above, even a pet owner can get fleas. Unfortunately, the human fight against fleas has not yet produced tangible results.

How does such a neighborhood threaten a dog?

Flea bites are not only a temporary inconvenience, consisting of skin irritation and constant itching.

Having fleas in a pet is a serious problem. You should begin eliminating it immediately after it appears.

How to cure a dog

You should start with the preparatory work.

Here is a list of actions required for this:

  • it is necessary to throw away or boil the dog’s bedding and cloth household items;
  • you will have to treat the entire apartment with insecticides, since the fleas could have already laid eggs somewhere (depending on the degree of infestation, you can use drugs of different levels of toxicity);
  • If you have allergic symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian and find out if the dog has any contraindications to taking this or that drug: thoughtless use of insecticides can lead to unpleasant consequences.

When choosing a product to rid your dog of fleas, you should consider the following:

The range of anti-flea products on the market is very wide:

  1. Drops: “Dana Ultra” The 3-component composition of Dana Ultra-Neo ensures the high effectiveness of the drug. Fipronil and thiamethoxam have an insectoacaricidal effect, and pyriproxyfen prevents fleas from growing to adulthood, thus preventing fleas from reproducing. Do not use until the pet reaches 10 weeks of age. Price ~ 250 rub.
  2. Aerosols: “Dana Ultra” - Innovative formula (fipronil 0.5% + cyfluthrin 0.05%). Do not use until your pet is 10 weeks old. Price ~ 200 rub.
  3. Spray.
  4. Shampoo.
  5. Oral medications.
  6. Collars: "Dana Ultra". Active ingredients: fipronil, ivermectin, pyriproxyfen. Protection for 5 months. Do not use until your pet is 10 weeks old. Price ~ 200 rub.

The action of the main representatives of each group of drugs is described below.

Flea drops

The product is a fairly strong insecticide. Therefore, to prevent the dog from licking it off, apply drops to the skin of the animal’s back, from the shoulder blades to the sacrum, spreading the fur with your fingers. Consumption depends on the dog's body weight.

It is advisable not to bathe the dog for two days before and after treatment.

  1. "Frontline". The product is based on fipronil and is used when the dog reaches 10 weeks of age. Price ~ 450-550 rub.
  2. "Stronghold." Based on silamectin. Designed for dogs over 6 weeks old. Suitable for monthly preventive use. Price ~ 1000 rub.
  3. Advantix. The active ingredient is permethrin. The minimum age for use is 7 weeks. Used as an adjuvant for dermatitis caused by insect bites. Price ~ 200-300 rub.
  4. "Leopard". The active substance is permethrin. Do not use until the pet reaches 10 weeks of age. Price ~ 100-150 rub.
  5. "Dana Ultra" The 3-component composition of Dana Ultra-Neo ensures the high effectiveness of the drug. Fipronil and thiamethoxam have an insectoacaricidal effect, and pyriproxyfen prevents fleas from growing to adulthood, thus preventing fleas from reproducing. Do not use until the pet reaches 10 weeks of age. Price ~ 250 rub.

If drug poisoning does occur, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

You should immediately call your doctor and find out what measures you need to take on your own.


The spray is sprayed evenly over the entire surface of the dog’s body, protecting the eyes, nose and mouth from getting the drug into them. The product must reach the skin, so apply it against the grain, helping yourself with your fingers. The dog should not be washed for two days before and after applying the spray.

  1. "Frontline". Fipronil is used as the active substance. Designed for dogs over 10 weeks of age. Price ~ 550 rub.
  2. "Hartz". Spray with an organophosphate component, potent. Indicated from 12 weeks of age. Price ~ 550 rub.
  3. "Beaphar." Based on permethrin. Designed for dogs over 12 weeks of age. Contains antiseptic mango oil. Price ~ 500 rub.

As with the application of drops, you should be aware of the danger of possible poisoning of the dog.

Flea shampoos

These drugs have a short-term residual effect, so they are more suitable for the immediate elimination of fleas from a dog’s fur.

When washing, it is necessary to protect the dog's respiratory tract and eyes from getting shampoo into them. The volume is calculated based on the body weight of the animal.

  1. "Beaphar." Based on permethrin. Price ~ 350 rub.
  2. "Phytoelite". The active ingredient is permethrin. Infusions of several herbs have been added. There is a variety of shampoo suitable for 2-week-old puppies. Price ~ 100-150 rub.
  3. "Doctor Zoo" The repellents included in the shampoo are essential oils of several plants. There is a special type of product for 2-week-old puppies. Price ~ 100 rub.
  4. "Master Bruno" The main component is permethrin. Indicated from 4 weeks of age. Price ~ 250 rub.
  5. "Celandine". The active ingredient is permethrin. There is no age limit for dogs, which raises doubts about the quality of the product. Price ~ 100 rub.

Chewable tablets

Oral medications are used to spread insecticides through the dog's bloodstream into his subcutaneous fat layer. The novelty of such drugs implies that they are unknown, but manufacturers unanimously declare the effectiveness of the drugs.

All tablets are intended for use in dogs aged 14 weeks or older.

Side effects are possible, so at the slightest sign of poisoning in your dog, you should consult a doctor.

These funds have been withdrawn from free sale in some countries, which is why there are price disruptions.

Flea collars

Using collars as therapeutic agents is a dubious undertaking. But they produce an excellent preventive effect, repelling fleas.

In the warm season, such protection can be indispensable.

  1. "Beaphar." The active ingredient is diazinon. Its use with other insecticides is unacceptable. Indicated for use from 6 weeks of age. Duration of action - 5 months. Price ~ 150 rub.
  2. "Hartz". The active substance is tetrachlorvinphos. Designed for dogs over 6 weeks of age. The effect lasts from 3 to 7 months, depending on the collar model. Price ~ 200-300 rub.
  3. "Kiltix". It is based on a mixture of insecticides propoxur and flumethrin. Provides protection for 7 months. Used from 6 weeks of age. Price ~ 500-600 rub.

Folk remedies

Insecticides are not suitable for treating puppies, exhausted and sick animals, as well as pregnant and lactating females.

The solution is to use simple but often effective means:

  • regular combing of fleas with a comb is an absolutely safe method, the only drawback of which is that it is labor intensive;
  • bathing in tar soap is a real replacement for special shampoos (just don’t overdo it: soap makes dogs’ skin very dry);
  • washing the floors with a decoction of wormwood, laying out its stems is a mild, but time-tested preventive measure;
  • rubbing the same wormwood into the fur, or tansy as an option (the main thing is that the smell is not too strong for the dog itself);
  • using pine sawdust as bedding (suitable only for kennels).

Preventing fleas

The essence of preventive measures can be summed up in two words: cleanliness and attention.

To minimize the risk of infecting your beloved dog with fleas, it is enough to comply with the following conditions:

  1. Ensure proper sanitary condition of your home. Regular cleaning should be carried out not only in the apartment, but also in the entrance, and most importantly - in the basement. Stray dogs should be blocked from accessing basements and exterminators should be called to treat flea-infested basements.
  2. Regular examination of your dog will allow you to easily cope with the infection and its consequences. Timeliness is very important.
  3. It is necessary to exclude contacts with animals whose condition is unknown. It is advisable to walk your dog in special areas.
  4. In the summer, the preventive use of special means (collars, drops) will significantly reduce the possibility of infection.

The health of a dog is in the hands of its owner. How protected the pet is from fleas depends on his actions. Using folk remedies and modern medications, you can easily provide your dog with a peaceful existence without the trouble of encountering fleas.

The most common reason for visiting a veterinarian is various entomoses of domestic animals, including flea infestation. Therefore, only a specialist can accurately determine whether a dog or puppy has fleas after an examination.

The presence of pests may not be noticed, even if there are a lot of them. Let's look at how to determine whether a dog has fleas, as well as what characteristic signs of infection are observed:

The photos below will help you determine whether your dog has fleas.

How to detect in a puppy

Symptoms of insects in puppies are not much different from those in adult dogs. If you suspect but don't know how to tell if your dog has fleas, look for the following signs:

  • restless behavior. The puppy may be irritable, nervous, constantly jumping up or wandering from place to place, perhaps the puppy will whine or growl;
  • the baby constantly ruffles his ears or scratches them with his paw, licks the itching area or bites fleas with his teeth;
  • If you managed to comb out several adult fleas while brushing your dog, then the question of how to determine the infection no longer arises.

They are considered the most effective remedy among all insecticidal analogues for use in animals. They have the form of a concentrate contained in a pipette.

How to use:

  • the pipette with the medicine is opened;
  • Apply the product onto the withers in an amount corresponding to the weight of the animal. If the dog is large, you can distribute the product along the spine;
  • After handling, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • If the owner finds a flea on a dog that has been rooted, the treatment must be repeated after a while.

Despite all the positive characteristics, the drops have some disadvantages:

  • Among them are some contraindications for use, namely: puppyhood, pregnancy and feeding;
  • prohibited for use in old or sick animals.

2. Shampoo.

Permethrin is the active substance in shampoo, has a toxic effect on insects, but is completely safe for humans and pets. It is used for prevention purposes, as well as when there are difficulties in diagnosis (for example, it is difficult to find fleas on a black dog, so it is immediately treated if there are suspicious symptoms).

How to use:

  1. The shampoo is applied to the coat, rubbed until foam forms, after which it is advisable to leave it for a few minutes for a better effect.
  2. Then the foam is thoroughly washed off with warm, clean water.
  3. Dry the animal, and after the fur is dry, comb the fur with a fine brush to get rid of dead insects.
  • The obvious advantages of shampoo include its availability: the product is sold in any pet store or large supermarket;
  • low price is also an advantage;
  • treatment can be combined with bathing the dog;
  • Shampoos often have a pleasant aroma.

3. Anti-flea collars.

The principle of operation is based on repelling insects with special compounds with which the material of the collar is impregnated.

How to use: if you find out that your dog has fleas, you should purchase a collar that is proportional to the animal and simply put it on his neck.

The collar has advantages:

  • the collar is more suitable as a preventive measure, therefore it is powerless in case of extensive infestations;
  • but it will be perfect as a barrier if you let your domestic cat out for a walk.

Folk methods of struggle

1. Wormwood.

How to use:

  1. Brew the grass branches with boiling water and let it brew. If you have a ready-made concentrate, drop it into a bucket of water and mix.
  2. Rinse the animal with the resulting infusion of wormwood, and then comb the fur. Also treat the booth or bedding.

2. Spruce branches and sawdust.

How to use:

  1. Spread dry branches or sawdust in the booth or fill the animal's bedding.
  2. To treat wool, prepare a tincture, to do this, pour boiling water over branches or sawdust and boil for no more than 10 minutes, let cool.
  3. Treat the animal's fur with this infusion; to do this, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and walk through the fur.
  4. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

As a rule, puppies become infected with fleas through contact with sick animals. Therefore, to find out that a puppy has fleas, you need to examine its mother:

  1. The first step to getting rid of insects is to avoid contact with infected animals.
  2. The puppy itself should begin to be treated when it reaches at least 8 weeks of age; in this case, you can use special drops, sprays and shampoos for puppies.
  3. If the baby is less than two months old, then, wondering how to find a flea on a dog, you should mechanically remove the insects by hand or comb them out with a special brush.

Of course, a cat flea is more comfortable on a cat, but it will not disdain a dog. And he will eat human blood. Thus, the species specificity of these insects is very conditional: fleas in dogs are transmitted to humans, and a person can infect a dog or cat with fleas. Fortunately, it doesn’t matter what type of flea you encounter: they are all destroyed in the same way and cause similar symptoms, and the differences are of interest only to entomologists.

The size of the flea rarely exceeds 0.5 cm, the color is reddish, brown or almost black. Translucent gray, yellowish or almost white fleas on dogs are not fleas at all, but lice or lice. And they are flattened “horizontally”, in width, and the fleas are flat on the sides. In addition, fleas have well-developed hind limbs, with the help of which these bloodsuckers can cover enormous (compared to their size) distances in one jump.

Since fleas reproduce in dogs in a very clever way, the population of bloodsuckers grows very quickly and continuously. Cunning fleas do not stick eggs to the fur, but scatter them everywhere: the female crawls in the fur and “shoots” several eggs in different directions. Eggs get into the carpet pile, floor crevices, behind baseboards, etc. Some of the larvae will certainly survive, pupate, turn into adult insects and return to the dog, even if a person thoroughly bathes and combs the pet.

How to remove fleas from dogs at home? An integrated approach will help: the use of special collars, the use of shampoos, drops, and hygiene procedures will save the pet from annoying “neighbors.”

  • constant source of food: fleas feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals;
  • It’s easy to hide among the thick fur;
  • The high body temperature of the dog provides a comfortable existence for harmful insects.

How to remove midges from an apartment? Effective chemicals and folk recipes are described on the page.

How to recognize

Flea shampoos for dogs are sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. Puppies and adult dogs have no problems with bathing: pets love water, they do not need to be held in mittens, or to fight off sharp claws, as when trying to apply flea shampoo for cats. The procedure takes place in a calm atmosphere; most often, the animals sit with their fur lathered as required. If the room is cool, be sure to cover the dog with a towel.

The price of special products suits most owners: depending on the brand and volume of the bottle, the cost of the compositions ranges from 75 to 500 rubles. A bottle is often enough for more than one use.

Popular formulations:

  • Mr. Bruno.
  • Rolf Club.
  • Celandine.
  • Bio Groom.
  • Green Fort.


Features of application:

  • It is unacceptable for the spray to get into the animal’s eyes;
  • After treatment, you need to make sure that the pet does not lick off droplets of the product;
  • Before the procedure, you must open the windows;
  • After treatment, it is prohibited to bathe your four-legged friend for two hours.

Effective sprays:

  • Beafar.
  • Bolfo.
  • Leopard.
  • Mr. Bruno.
  • Rolf Club.

Important! Sometimes the effect of the spray causes negative reactions: skin irritation, itching, redness. If the dog is prone to allergies, the owner will have to choose a more delicate composition. The veterinarian will tell you what to choose: shampoo, drops or folk remedy.


Popular brands of flea collars for dogs:

  • Rolf Club.
  • Hartz.
  • Beafar.
  • Foresta.
  • Leopard.
  • Mr. Bruno.

The average cost of products is from 180 to 400 rubles. Elite brands are much more expensive, but many mid-priced collars are no less effective. One of the advantages of expensive products is their long validity period (up to six months).

After a certain period indicated on the package, the owner must buy a new collar. An expired product should not be placed around the neck of a pet.

A strip impregnated with a toxic substance does not harm your pet. If the dog is pregnant, sick, has allergic reactions, or if the puppy has not reached a certain age, wearing a protective collar is prohibited.


Many veterinarians consider this form of flea treatment to be the most effective:

Effective flea drops for dogs:

  • Leopard.
  • Beafar.
  • Rolf Club.
  • Inspector.
  • Celandine.
  • Advantix.
  • Dana.

The cost of drugs varies depending on the brand, brand popularity, and the volume of the bottle. Estimated price – from 140 to 680 rubles.

Note to owners! Apply the drops strictly to the withers so that the animal cannot lick them off. The components of the drug should not enter the pet's stomach.



  • Bravecto.
  • Frontline NexGuard.
  • Comfortis.

Look at the review of effective ones in the apartment and find out the rules for their use.

Recipes for cockroach baits with boric acid and methods of using them are described on the page.

Note to owners:

Some owners do not trust modern drugs and prefer homemade formulations based on natural ingredients. Non-toxic products are suitable for treating the hair and skin of dogs when the use of insecticides is prohibited.

Popular flea repellent compounds:

Prevention measures

Helpful Tips:

Today there are more than two thousand. It is almost impossible to distinguish them from each other without special equipment and without sufficient knowledge. However, without going into scientific terminology, they can be classified as follows:

  • canine;
  • rat;

What do fleas look like on dogs? (photo)

The flea's body has a laterally compressed shape and is covered with scales, bristles and spines. In length it reaches from one to five millimeters, although there are especially twice as many. The mouthparts are piercing-sucking type. Fleas do not have wings, which gives them additional maneuverability in the thick fur of animals. The long, strong limbs on the abdomen allow them to move quickly. The photo shows what fleas look like on a dog under a microscope and in real size.

Peculiarities of breeding dog fleas

Where do dogs get fleas?

Signs of fleas in a dog

The main signs of a dog being infected with fleas are:

  • restless behavior and aggressiveness;
  • constant scratching;
  • increased shedding and the appearance of bald spots;
  • wounds, sores and redness on the skin.

If symptoms are detected, it is necessary to examine the dog's coat. Pay special attention to the places on the withers, belly and behind the ears. Small brown insects, white eggs or tiny dark balls of excrement are fairly easy to spot.

Why are dog fleas dangerous?

Why are fleas dangerous for dogs? They cause discomfort to the pet and can serve as carriers of dangerous infections and diseases, such as plague, typhoid, encephalitis, as well as worm and salmonella eggs.

Any pet store now has a sufficient range of anti-flea drugs. The most common means are listed below. Their prices fluctuate on average from 100 to 700 rubles.


Shampoos have a rather preventive effect; their effect is short-lived. Based on their composition, they are divided into two types: based on natural ingredients and based on insecticides. The use of the latter should be approached with caution, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

When using, it is important that the composition does not come into contact with the mucous membranes and eyes of the animal during bathing. Carefully read the instructions for using the shampoo, it describes whether you can bathe puppies with it. Shampoos are usually harmless if they do not enter the body.

Average cost of flea shampoo: 150 rubles.


Anti-flea sprays are quite effective, but problematic to use. When using, you need to protect yourself with a respirator and rubber gloves and do not direct the spray at the animal’s face. In addition, it is important to prevent licking the fur for several hours, otherwise a number of side effects may occur, such as vomiting and difficulty breathing. If this happens, you should contact a veterinary clinic, indicating which product was used.

You should try to spray the spray not on the dog’s fur, but on the skin of the dog, while protecting it from licking the drug with a special neck collar. For two days after using the product, the animal should not have contact with children and other animals, it should not be wetted or subjected to water procedures.

Average cost of flea spray: 300 rubles.

Anti-flea collars

Average cost of flea drops: 350 rubles.


The cheapest option would be to use powder. It is prepared to order in a veterinary pharmacy based on Butox. Before using it, you should conduct a series of tests on the dog’s skin and monitor its condition. But this method of treatment requires a fairly long course, on average about two weeks.

Average cost of flea powder: 150 rubles.

All of the above products (except shampoo) are very toxic, so you should carefully read the instructions.

Folk remedies

  • A decoction of wormwood and dried twigs placed in the dog’s habitat will help effectively repel fleas.
  • A paste of onion and garlic is applied to the animal’s withers.
  • The solution can be prepared from lemongrass, eucalyptus and tansy oil.
  • A decoction of celandine is suitable for rinsing wool while bathing.
  • Essential oils of mint, eucalyptus and lavender are added to shampoos.
  • It will also be useful to apply a few drops to the animal’s sleeping place.
  • You can place citrus peels in your dog's kennel.
  • A solution of soda and salt in a one-to-one ratio is suitable for disinfecting the room in which an infected pet lives.
  • To treat wool, in the absence of specialized shampoos, it is recommended to use tar soap.

Most herbs for making infusions, as well as essential oils, can be found at the pharmacy. And although these products are not so effective, the natural composition will be as harmless as possible for animals and their owners.

How to get rid of fleas on a puppy?

Fleas can pose a particular danger to puppies, because their immune system has not yet developed and the consequences can be much more serious. In the future, this can have an extremely negative impact on the health and development of the individual.

But treatment should also be approached with particular care, because even many traditional methods of struggle are not always suitable for a fragile body. It is highly recommended to consult a veterinarian or a consultant at a pet store in this matter.

The shampoo you purchase must be suitable for puppies, which must be indicated on the packaging. The situation is similar when choosing a collar.

When it comes to herbal home remedies, you should avoid those that smell strongly, as they can damage your puppy's developing sense of smell.

Preventing fleas in dogs and puppies

Timely prevention can significantly reduce the risk and extent of infection.

It is necessary to prevent the dog from contacting stray animals, and also try not to be in their habitats. The home, be it a kennel or a bed, must be cleaned at least once a week.

The most important rule is to be attentive to your pet; it is important to notice any change in its appearance and behavior. Taking timely measures will help to avoid serious problems in the future and the dog can live a long and healthy life to the delight of its owners.



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