How to find a missing cat plot. Prayer for a missing animal A cat was stolen, what to do, magic

If you have ever experienced the grief of losing a beloved pet, you are not alone. Quite often you see notices about missing pets on poles, on trees, in newspapers and many other places. The fact is that animals have become an integral part of the life of modern man.

People get pets in order to diversify and embellish everyday life. A common case is that a pet can become the only close creature for its owner. Everyone's animals disappeared. Therefore, if you have lost your friend and have tried many search options, then do not be sad. You always have a second option - to carry out a conspiracy on a missing animal.

Great alternative

Using this method, our ancestors searched for their domestic animals. It’s easier now, because there is a large amount of technology. Previously, only written methods or methods related to magical rituals were used. You, of course, may be a skeptic and not believe in the possibilities of magical rituals. But, you must agree that if things have taken a turn for the worse, then you should turn to any possibilities. The main thing is to find your beloved friend.

It has become common for us to lose vital items. We can easily lose office supplies, small equipment or a piece of clothing. Losing a wallet has become a regular occurrence for some people. But when it comes to the loss of a pet, then everything is much more complicated. If we can buy material objects in the future, then nothing can replace our most devoted friend. The easiest animals to lose are cats, dogs, lizards, hamsters, turtles and other small animals. In rural areas, people are losing poultry and cattle. Conspiracies for the loss of an animal can be divided into several types.

  1. A conspiracy that applies to pets.
  2. Universal spells with which you can even find cattle.

Universal spell for pets

In this case, you should not pay attention to the type of animal. With the help of such a ritual, it is easy to look for a cat, a dog, and other small animals. To perform such a ritual, you will need to get up quite early. Before the sun rises, you need to position yourself near the window. First of all, open the window and open the curtains. In your thoughts you should imagine your little friend and read the following words:

“Run and come to me, my friend. I've been calling you for a long time. Where have you gone? Stop what you're doing and come back to me. I miss you very much."

At the end you need to come up with some unique sound.

In Eastern cultures, this sound is considered not just a set of sounds, but a mantra. With the help of this mantra, Eastern healers can bring home not only animals, but also lost people. The ritual must be repeated every day as often as possible. Repetitions should last until you hear some news about your pet. And for the best result, until you yourself can see the animal and cuddle it.

To return the cat

Cats often go outside for walks. But, if you were unable to wait for her to return home, then you should immediately start looking for her. First of all, go around all her favorite places for a walk, and conduct an inspection in enclosed spaces. It is quite possible that she could have hidden away from fear. It's not bad. This is her instinct of self-preservation. You can't blame her. It is important to inspect the trees that are located near the house. If your search is not successful, then quickly turn to magical rituals for help. And remember that the more you postpone the ritual, the fewer options you have to find the cat. Specialized magicians believe that even on the second day it is quite difficult to conduct searches. Not to mention a longer period of time.

To conduct an effective search, you must know at least the approximate location of her loss. Once you have determined your location, choose the highest location. It must be a terrestrial point. You can easily use a curb or a bench. You should read the words only with thoughts of the lost animal:

“My beloved cat went for a walk and did not return. Let the wind blow towards my house and bring her home. Let the water use all its powers to return my beloved missing cat to me. Let the fire lure her into my arms with its warmth. Let the earth pave the way for her to her home and return the missing cat.”

In this plot you appeal to all four elements. They will help you find the cat. To achieve maximum effectiveness, read the plot strictly at night. Moreover, make sure that no one can see or hear you. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

If the dog is missing

A dog can either run away from its owner or be kidnapped. The fact is that dogs are quite curious. Once they see something that catches their attention, there is no stopping them. Moreover, dogs tend to jump over fences. Even a high fence cannot stop them. If jumping over is an impossible task, then they can make a small dig. The option is especially relevant when the cable breaks off the leash when he hears the presence of a female. A special spell will help you find the animal. You need to read it several times every day. Moreover, the time of the conspiracy should be the same. Let's assume that the words spoken in the morning sounded at 08:00. Accordingly, in the evening they should be voiced at 20:00. The plot should be read at the place where the dog is supposed to have been lost. You will need to prepare a sheet of paper on which to indicate all the information about the animal. The prayer goes like this:

“Come to me and let’s go home together (indicate the breed, name and age of the animal). You walked and wandered side by side with the wind. Now I ask this wind to return you to your native porch. Respond to my voice and return safe and sound.”

If the animal is missing due to theft

Pets are stolen quite often. If you read the following plot, you can not only return your pet, but also punish the culprits. This conspiracy is aimed at taking away all the life energy of thieves. For the ceremony, take a long rope, treats and a vessel. First of all, when performing the ceremony, you will communicate with the brownie. He lives in almost every house. Wrap a rope around the area where your pet spent the most time. Every day you will need to appear near this place, and while sitting imagine that the animal has returned. You need to treat the brownie with sweets. Very kindly and sincerely ask the brownie for help to return the pet. Don't forget to ask for punishment for thieves.

The connection with a lost animal can be recreated and strengthened by using his favorite things:

  • dishes that were used to feed the pet;
  • pet's favorite food;
  • church candles;
  • dishes from which the pet drank.

Pour in food, pour water and light candles. First you need to call the animal by name. And after that say:

“Let my dear and devoted friend (as the pet is called) find his way home safe and sound.”

General rules of rituals

The prayer that is read for finding should be read in such a way that no one even realizes that you were performing the ritual. If you are afraid that someone will walk down the street, then it is better to perform rituals at night.

This way you can minimize the number of witnesses. And don't forget that you need to believe in the words you say. Faith is a fairly strong assistant in conducting rituals. If there is no faith, then there is no point in holding rituals. You won't get results.

“I ask our God to protect my pet from illness and loss. May he always find his way home. Protect him from bad people and bad deeds.”

Complete collection and description: prayer for the cat to return for the spiritual life of a believer.

Conspiracies, prayers and rituals for the return of lost animals

Children and the elderly suffer greatly from the loss of a friend. Yes, we post notices, run down the street and ask neighbors and local store clerks if they have seen our missing pets.

Not everyone believes in this, but even inveterate skeptics at such moments still try to try, what if.

Our ancestors knew many different conspiracies and rituals to return our pets.

Let's try to remember them and systematize them, maybe they will come in handy for someone, or even better, help them in trouble.

“Get ready, my dear beast (nickname),

every night to your home,

how the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing.

How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king,

and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them.

And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name and name of cat, dog, other type of animal),

Try turning to this saint, he must definitely help.

Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory.

You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord and asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow begins to call on your holy name, may he be delivered from every excuse is evil.

And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us.

Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and the leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.

Here is what priest Alexander Ilyashenko says about this:

Pets are human helpers. Our well-being directly depends on some of them.

That is why in the tradition of the Orthodox Church there is an appeal to the saints with prayer for the health of animals. Since ancient times, villages have prayed to the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus, Blasius for the health of cows, horses and other animals.

Prayer for animals

A conspiracy to make the animal return to the house

Then leave the knife stuck in the circle overnight until the cattle returns home.

And if the conspiracy helped the animal return, under no circumstances should you tell anyone about it.

You goat, go, you bull, wander, you cow, come, you sheep, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

There are days in the year that are unfavorable for such things. It is believed that animals acquired these days will be in poor health or may become lost.

JANUARY – 5, 15, 20.

FEBRUARY – 1, 4, 18, 22, 27.

MARCH – 7, 8, 24, 28.

APRIL – 4, 14, 24.

JUNE – 2, 14, 18, 27.

JULY – 3, 7, 9, 21, 28.

SEPTEMBER – 12, 17.

OCTOBER – 4, 5, 18, 28.

For those who are trying their hand at finding animals, I suggest listening to an audio lecture by M. Sugrobova. How does this work.

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An effective plot to bring the cat home?

Do you know effective conspiracies (magic rituals, runic formulas, prayers) to return an animal home? In our house (in the basement) the cat lived alone, affectionate, not wild, lame. We wanted to take him home with us, but while we were preparing everything, the cat went on a spree and has not come for more than a month.

Are there strong magical rituals to bring a cat back home?

Personally, I have never done this before. But I know that There are such ways. I really don't know how effective they are.

Here they are

(Well, we don’t pay attention to the bot. It’s harmless. But in general, to be honest, they infuriate me))

I hope that some way will help to return the cat

Well, you can still do this, but it doesn’t work for everyone. try to enter into a telepathic connection and ask to return

To do this, you need to relax. Turn off the light, light a candle. Sit comfortably. Peer into the flame of a burning candle and clearly (as in real life) imagine the image of the one you want to return. Mentally ask him to return. If we know his name, you can call him. When we do this , we present everything as clearly as possible. We present it as in real life. As you see, how they hear you and how they really want to do what you said. This desire needs to be felt very well. So, as if the one you are asking to return is you yourself. That is, you need to, as it were, with this request, try to convey your desire. I don’t know how else to explain. But it’s like visualization. For this to work well, you need to practice, of course. These techniques didn’t always work for me either, but sometimes it really worked. Once I managed in this way to force my boyfriend, with whom we had not communicated for a long time, to come. And the most surprising thing is that he really came after that. He said that he really wanted to see me. I was very surprised by this .So sometimes it works. But here you need a strong desire, will and ability to imagine the situation

In short, we clearly imagine the cat as alive in front of us and mentally ask him to return. We call him. And at the same time we imagine how he hears you and how he wants to return to you. Something like this. If everything works out, then the cat will return .

I don’t know, I’ve never had to deal with animals, only with people. I don’t even know what else can be done here. There are special spells and rituals on this topic, for example those that I gave. But whether they will work or not, I don’t know. It’s possible read theoretically conspiracies to fulfill what you want, to achieve your plans (adopt a cat), but this is usually used in more serious situations and for more compelling reasons

Here is another interesting article about which saints you need to pray for animals and in what cases. And there are spells there. And at the end of the page, there is another spell to return the animal. If it doesn’t help, then at least just read it, for general information development is possible

The period is no longer so short, in my opinion. But I hope that the cat will return and everything will be fine

In general, it’s possible just pray.(Only from the heart) and ask God and those saints who patronize animals. They may be able to help.

Yes, there are such good conspiracies, I myself was personally convinced of their effectiveness. One is done with tarot cards, the other is simply read at the window. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the text, and for some reason I can’t find it on the internet. You can look here, although the text is slightly different, but the meaning is the same. The main thing here is faith and a sincere desire for the animal to return.


a conspiracy to return an animal or person.

381 messages

Ideally, the three of you should slander at the same time. Lasting about 15 – 20 minutes.

Light a candle and stand in front of an open window or vent. Looking at the candle and imagining your pet, say: “Smoke up the mountain, (pet’s name) to the house. The power of fire. Aoum!”

This can be done, even for someone - sometimes the owners do not believe in magic, and then you can do it for them. Sometimes you need to wait several days.

It can be done by one person, but if three people are slandering it at the same time, it has a much stronger effect.

Place a glass of water at the doorstep. Say to the water: “Your road to my house, to my threshold.”

And of course the church. To Jesus - Nicholas the saint. - Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. Gergius the Victorious.

Light candles and ask the saints for return and forgiveness and a miracle to find your lost pet.

I read at night, around 12 o'clock

Hear our humble prayer, Lord!

We pray for all our animal friends,

Especially for those who suffer,

For all those who are hunted, who are lost,

Who has been abandoned, who is scared or hungry;

For everyone who needs to be put to sleep.

Have pity on them, be merciful!

And to those who should take care of them,

Give hearts full of compassion,

Give them kind hands, tell them kind words.

May we be true friends for animals!

May we share your mercy and grace with them!

How to find a missing animal using a spell

If a pet goes missing, it causes anxiety, pity, and concern. Children and elderly people are especially affected if a cat or dog goes missing. You can place advertisements, ask neighbors and people on the street in the exact place where it disappeared. But often this does not give the desired result.

It is known that our ancestors knew many conspiracies on how to find a missing animal. You can believe it or not, but you can try. After all, this will not make anyone worse, and if you manage to find pets, then everyone in the family will only be happy about it.

For the cat to come home

If you lost your beloved cat, which never came home, and the search did not yield results, then you can try this conspiracy. It is better to read it where the animal disappeared.

A cat that walks by itself

“Oh, mother of a damp earth, there is a path following you, along that path there are a thousand ants, everyone goes to their holes, they don’t go astray, they meet in an anthill. So the cat doesn’t get lost, but goes to its yard, to my good. You're a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

You can also use this method to return a lost pet. When the full moon comes, if all measures have been taken so far, but the cat or dog has not come home, then you need to take the bedding of your favorite cat or dog, light it in the yard of the house and read these words three times:

“As this place burns, so let the thief’s bone, brain, blood burn, let fear and forty diseases attack him, pinch him and break him, gnaw him and throw him, shake him and crush him, tie his veins into knots. As this fire goes out, the thief will feel bad. Amen".

There is also a ritual to find your cat. To carry it out you will need:

How to return a pet?

You need to put some food in a bowl, light a candle and place it not far from the animal’s bowl and say clearly and in a full voice:

“I ask the powers of the universe to protect my animal and help me bring him home today!”

Do not extinguish the candle, but leave it to burn out.

If the animal runs away

This plot is read twice daily for a week. It must be read at the place where the animal disappeared or where you last saw it. This spell is suitable for all pets:

“Get ready, my dear animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, cat, dog, other type of animal), to your home every night, just as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king, and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flow to my voice from all sides: from behind the lakes, from the shifting mosses, from the black swamps, from behind the rivers, from behind the streams, from behind the forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

If you read the plot for a week, and the animal never came home, then you need to take a break for a week and read it again.

Conspiracy to return an animal

When the cow goes missing

If your cow disappeared, did not return home with the herd, and the search did not produce results, then you can do the following. Early in the morning they light the stove, and as soon as the first smoke comes out of the chimney, they immediately call their little cow, clearly stating her name, then you need to read the spell and spit over your left shoulder three times. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How to return a brown cow?

“Forest Tsar-Father, Bring and hide my little cow.”

How to call a cat or dog home?

There is also an old conspiracy to call pets home if they get lost. To perform this ritual you need to have a candle. You need to stand in front of the open window by the window, you can even open the window itself. You should light a candle, looking closely and very carefully into the flame and mentally imagining your pet, and say out loud:

“Smoke uphill (pet’s name) to the house. The power of fire. Aoum!

The last word is pronounced drawlingly for as long as possible. In the East, this is a very powerful mantra that brings the lost home. Here you are addressing the fire element directly, and therefore you do not need to blow out the candle flame with your breath, but you can put the candle and wait until it goes out on its own or extinguish it with your fingers.

You can repeat this plot for several days in a row. The animal may not come right away, you need to be patient and wait...

Ritual for the return of missing animals

You can tie the legs of the table where your family members dine with a rope. Every day you need to mentally turn to your dog or cat and call him home. Some also “appease” the brownie, who loves cats and dogs. To do this, prepare him a treat, which is placed in a clean bowl.

You can treat the brownie to porridge, pour him milk, give him sweets. But all this needs to be put in a secluded place so that this treat is not in front of everyone. Ask your Brownie Master to return your pet to you. And don’t forget to change his treats.

Almost a fairy tale way

If some livestock has disappeared, a goat or cow has not returned home from pasture, and the shepherds cannot explain this in any way. Then you can try the old method, which is very similar to a fairy tale. We need to write a letter to the King of the Forest, or as the old people say, turn to the devil. After all, all forest possessions are subject to him and he is the owner there.

It was previously believed that only he would help return lost pets. The main thing is that an important condition must be met: no more than three days should pass from the day the cattle went missing. It's better to do it right away. Using a pen with red ink or paste, write the following on a blank piece of paper:

“King of the forest, I turn to you with a bow, I ask with a bow: if you walk through your domain, look after the forest animals, if you accidentally stumble upon (name and name of the animal), then return to me the dear cattle, fed by me, cared for by me, return the nurse mine. And I will thank you."

The text could be like this:

Remuneration to the owner of the forest

“I am writing to the king of the forest and the queen of the forest, the king of the water and the queen of the water, I am a man ... (further indicate your name). I notify you that I have lost an animal (indicate the name of the animal, type, color). If you have it, then send it to me without delaying an hour, a minute, or a second. And if you don’t do it my way, I will complain about you to the Holy Great Martyr Yegor and Queen Alexandra.”

The letter must be taken to the forest, read out loud, left on a tree (hanged on a branch) or placed on a stump. You should put a “reward” next to it for the owner of the forest. This could be a crust of bread sprinkled with salt and a small mug of milk. Sometimes they leave a glass of beer or wine.

If the goblin doesn’t return the cattle, it will definitely let you know in some way where your lost animal is. This is exactly what our ancestors did before, and you can try it now. Ask the saints to return the animals

Return the animal using a spell prayer

Some grandmothers recommend that in order to return a pet, contact Nicholas the Ugodnik, St. George the Victorious, who fulfill requests for missing animals. Go to church, light a candle and ask the Saints to return your furry pet home to you. Just ask sincerely and in faith. And then the Higher Powers will help you or let you know about your pet in some way.

Listen and be attentive to all the signs that the Universe may send after you turn to it for help. This could be an overheard conversation on the street, a television program about missing animals, about kennels for the homeless, an advertisement in the newspaper about found dogs or cats. You never know.

And there is also such a prayer-conspiracy about animals. It is not only to bring the animal home, but about animals in general, so that they always feel good. Here are the words of this prayer:

“Hear our humble prayer, Lord! We pray for all our animal friends, Especially for those who are suffering, For all those who are hunted, who are lost, Who are abandoned, who are afraid or hungry; For everyone who needs to be put to sleep. Have pity on them, be merciful! And to those who should take care of them, Grant hearts full of compassion, Give them kind hands, suggest kind words. May we be true friends for animals! May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!".

How to pronounce a spell?

It is better to pronounce the plot that you read for the return of the animal so that other family members or neighbors do not hear you. If the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on the street, then you need to wait so that no one bothers you.

Still, conspiracies and various rituals are magical actions that should not be carried out in public. They must be done alone with oneself, in nature, in the forest, as in the case of a letter to the King of the Forest.

This is a sacrament that is aimed at appealing to the Higher Forces of Nature, to the Cosmos, as they now say. But any such action does not tolerate noise, fuss, or a large number of people. And then other people who do not believe in such actions can simply laugh and “dispel”, “negate” all the work that will be done by you.

As with any conspiracy or uttering a whisper-quick conspiracy, you must believe in what you are doing. Only in this case will the Higher Powers be able to come to your aid.

When losing a beloved pet, a person begins to feel a sense of pity and anxiety. A missing cat or dog has a very strong impact on children, because children become very attached to a pet and then simply cannot believe that their beloved animal has left the house. Some individuals begin posting missing persons notices or asking passers-by for help. They do everything to ensure that the animal is found very quickly. But the most effective way to search is a conspiracy for a missing animal.

It helps not only to find someone who is missing. This is a universal method. He is able to establish peace of mind and make sure that a person survives the loss tolerably enough. Our ancestors were sure that this was the only way to find a cat or a dog. In principle, you decide for yourself whether it is worth burning with faith in a positive result. But trying will never do anything bad. But a positive result will bring peace and happiness to the home.

How to find a missing cat

The spells are so easy to perform that you can actually do them yourself at home. To find a cat, you need to go to the place where the animal was often found. Stand near the place of loss and start reading a simple plot:

“May Mother Earth help me find what I, the servant of God (name), have been looking for for so long. I want the cat to come back to us and not get lost again. My child misses her very much and cannot find a place for himself. I can't calm him down anymore. No amount of bliss can bring back a sense of peace to our family. As soon as I read the words of the prayer, nature will immediately begin to help me. Lord, guide our cat to our home. Only you are our last hope. Make way for her to enter our house so that she can easily find the right path. We learned about the loss and immediately began searching. I will wash your toes and wool. Amen".

This spell is used exclusively in the morning, before dawn. It is important to make sure that no one sees you during the ritual. This can make its own adjustments and bring unpleasant consequences. You need to read the words of the conspiracy only on the waxing moon. It is this phase that facilitates the acquisition or return of a pet.

Animal bed ritual

If your pet does not return home for a long time, then you should perform one simple ritual. This is the easiest way to get back what you lost. You can do it yourself at home. To perform it, you must take a cat or dog's sleeping place and set it on fire. It is important to pay attention to the fact that you need to light it in your own yard.

“I, the servant of God (name), set this thing on fire so that a lost kitty or a lost dog will find its way home. Let them feel that their property is on fire. This thing will indicate the true path to our home. Let the animal smell the burning smell and return to our house. We miss you very much and can’t find a place. Our children suffer greatly and we cannot normalize their condition. As soon as I read the words of the prayer, the lost will immediately find its way home. If it is stolen, the thieves will immediately return the pet. They will not be able to cope with his behavior. Lord, please help us. The Most Holy Theotokos is able to increase the power of search, because she protects the peace of the world. Amen".

Candle Ritual

If you have lost your kitty, then you can always perform an effective ritual. Before performing the ritual, you must prepare the following attributes:

  • cat's food bowl;
  • church candle;
  • food for a lost animal.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that searches are carried out only with the help of the cat’s favorite treat. Place some food on a plate and place it next to a lit candle. After this, start reading a special simple plot.

“As I look for you, so you look for the way home. I, servant of God (name), brought treats for you and I hope that you will hear the smell of your favorite food. I promise that I will never yell at you or ask you to leave the house again. Don't be mad at me, I didn't say this out of malice. Let's agree that I will never scream, and you will never harm my house. As soon as you hear the words of my prayer, immediately return home. We will be very glad to have you back. No other person will take such care of your body and soul. Once again I ask for a return. Amen".

How to return a dog

When a “friend of man” leaves home, it immediately becomes very difficult in the soul. People try to carry out various actions to return a missing dog to their home. In order to return a lost animal, it is necessary to carry out an effective but simple ritual. To carry it out you will need a candle. As soon as you set it on fire, immediately open the window.

Ritual for the brownie

The brownie always gets along well with pets. If an animal disappears, you should turn to the brownie for help. First of all, he should be given a “bribe.” The ideal option is to treat him with sweet foods and a small amount of milk. When you ask for help, believe in a positive outcome. Don't forget that treats need to be changed every day. It is very important that the brownie’s food is only fresh. In just a few days, the lost cat or dog will return to your home. Don't forget that you should thank the brownie.

A runaway cat or dog can be found using traditional methods. For example, advertise a missing person. But such methods take a lot of time and effort. But magic can return the missing cat in the near future.

We often become deeply attached to our pets. How else? Tailed and furry “family members” are next to us every day. They love sincerely, serve faithfully, and if they sometimes misbehave, it is not out of malice. Therefore, the disappearance of a beloved cat is perceived by many as a real disaster. It’s even harder if animals disappear or die for the first time. Why is this happening? Is it possible to help the cause? And how can you get your lost furry back?

Why do cats leave home?

Often, owners perceive an animal’s desire to leave its habitable place as a sign of impending disaster. It is no secret that these mysterious creatures have always been considered strongly connected with the other world. The logic is simple: since the cat ran away from the house, it means that some kind of misfortune must soon befall him. Until the death of one of the owners.

However, do not rush to wring your hands in despair and distribute personal property among the heirs. Another version of the sign explains the behavior of the animal in a completely different way. Misfortune really threatened your family, but the sensitive four-legged guard found out about it in time and took it away from the house. So there is no need to blame a devoted animal for trying to save its own skin! Perhaps your pet protected you from something truly bad by voluntarily taking on the danger. There is no need to even try to ward off a bad omen. The cat has already done everything necessary for you.

What if your pet left you to protect you?

Many consider it an extremely bad sign for a cat to disappear from a house in which there is a seriously ill person. It seems that the poor fellow's days are numbered; and if the sick person himself is subject to various prejudices, his condition actually begins to rapidly deteriorate. But the event can be assessed in a positive way! Let us assume that the cat does not prophesy death, but takes it with it. Of course, I feel sorry for my dear purr to the point of tears. But instead of indulging in fears, thank her for her kindness and wait for the patient to recover. The sooner he believes it himself, the greater his chances of getting out of bed.

The third option suggests: by leaving, the animal made room for someone else. Your family is expecting not losses, but additions! Are you or someone in your immediate family planning to have a baby?

The belief gives cats of different colors special abilities. So, the black one protects the house from evil spirits, the red one brings love, the gray one strengthens well-being, the white one heals and harmonizes the situation in the family, and the tricolor one promises a whole flurry of good changes. But don’t think that the disappearance of a red cat will erase romantic relationships from your life, and the departure of a white cat predicts illness. In this case, the color, as well as the gender of the animal, do not matter.

Scientific point of view

The loss of a furry pet should not always be taken as a sign of changes in life. Animal lovers who are far from mystical will immediately tell you half a dozen reasons why cats disappear from home. And they will be right.

Human rumor ascribes to cats the ability to improve the psychological atmosphere of the home, and scientific research confirms this. But sometimes you come across such owners that putting things in order in their lives is beyond the power of a whole army of big-eared psychics! Is it normal for your family to speak in a raised voice, but is there tension in the air all the time? It’s unlikely that a cat would want to live here.

Why don't animals stay in the house?

Sometimes you hear people complain: no matter how many cats they get, they don’t take root! There must be something wrong with the place, complete mysticism...

Alas, most often it is not the anomalous zone that is to blame for the general disappearance of animals, but the banal carelessness of the owners. If a person feeds an animal with anything, does not vaccinate, and places cockroach poison in different parts of the house under the motto “maybe the cat won’t get it,” one should not be surprised that his unfortunate pets are dying like flies.

Another risk group is animals living in a private house. Most owners think it’s cruel to lock a cat within four walls when he’ll lie in the yard in the sun, run around to his heart’s content, and start a fight with the neighbor’s boss, Murzik... However, such “semi-stray” animals die twice as often as domestic ones, and there’s nothing to be surprised about.

Microchipping or a collar with an address will help bring your pet home

However, there are completely inexplicable cases. You get one cat, another, a third, a cat, a kitten... And still, sooner or later, the pet leaves you. From a mystical point of view, the brownie does not allow the animals to take root in a new place. “Not appropriate,” our ancestors said in such cases, meaning the cat’s fur. It was believed that the house spirit has a penchant for one color and only welcomes such animals. If he doesn’t like the color of the next cat, the invisible owner will not accept her under his protection and will try to send her out of the house as quickly as possible. There’s nothing to contradict the brownie!..

How can you appease a grumpy spirit? First, try to get a cat of a color that you have never had before. What if you please the strict tastes of the brownie? Secondly, after bringing your pet into the apartment, place your right hand on its head, and then say loudly: “Uncle Brownie, here’s a furry animal for your rich yard. Love him, feed him, look after him." And don’t forget to please the mysterious owner with an offering - a piece of delicacy on a platter and a glass of wine left on the table overnight. If the brownie likes the treat, he will respect your request.

You can try to give some advice to the cat herself. Every time before leaving, don’t forget to tell her: “Sleep, protect yourself, don’t bully the brownie.” By doing this you will ward off troubles from the new tenant and he will finally settle with you for a long time.

The fugitive has returned home

What if the cat left home, and after some time reappeared on its own doorstep? Didn't they bring with them the bad things they took away? No, and no again! According to tradition, this event... means absolutely nothing! Just be glad that your favorite furry has found his way to you.

And even if you are mystically inclined, think about this: if the cat really disappeared, taking trouble away from you, would it come back, dragging it back on its tail? Of course not. Most likely, the reason for your pet's spree was spring and ardent feelings for an animal of the opposite sex.

How do folk signs suggest returning something lost?

Sometimes cats just get lost

We will not talk now about practical ways to return a missing animal. A lot has been written about this on the Internet. But when all real methods have been tried and all you can do is wait, you really want to resort to the help of higher powers! Why not try it?

  • Place your missing pet's favorite treat in his bowl, light a white candle and place it on the floor next to the bowl. And then mentally ask the bright forces of the Universe to save the animal and return it to you safe and sound. Let the candle burn out completely.
  • Pour water into a glass and place it at the front door, saying: “To my house, to my threshold.” At this time, try to imagine in detail how the missing animal enters your apartment.
  • Tie a rope around the perimeter of all four legs of the table at which you are dining. And wait for good news.
  • Standing with a burning candle near the open window, say loudly: “Smoke up the mountain, (name) to the house!”
  • If you are a believer, it is better not to resort to rituals, even the most innocent ones - you will only bring confusion into your soul. Go to church, light a candle and ask your pet to come home. In your own words, but with all your heart.

While there is a chance to return the escaped cat home, do not give up. It happened that the animal found its owner a month, or two, or a year later! But if days go by and your furry pet doesn't return, try to mentally let him go. Either a tragic accident happened to the animal, or it actually protected you from something worse. Enjoy the good moments you have experienced together and look to the future. In any case, it is better than useless experiences.

Detailed description from several sources: "prayer for bringing a cat home" - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Magic in finding an animal is effective

If you have experienced fear, horror and helplessness when losing a pet, if you have tried all possible and impossible search methods - posting advertisements, asking neighbors, but the result was not crowned with success, do not give up. Your last hope is a conspiracy for a missing animal. This search option was used by our ancestors, in the era of the absence of telephones and mobile communications. You can deny the effectiveness of magical rituals or not believe in witchcraft at all, but there are situations in which prejudices are inappropriate and you need to grab every opportunity, for example, to find a lost animal.

Quite often we lose some everyday things, such as a phone, a writing pen, keys, and so on. It's hard to believe that you can just as easily lose a pet until grief comes to your home. It is worth saying that most often the following domestic animals are lost: cats, dogs, hamsters, turtles, chinchillas, lizards, etc. But in rural areas, you can also lose animals on grazing, you can lose chickens, geese, ducks, cows, goats , horses, bulls, sheep, turkeys. Let's look at the most popular magical recipes for finding a missing animal.

Search method for pets only

There is a specific spell for each animal

There is one universal search method that is used to search only for animals living in an apartment or in a private house, and it does not matter who exactly was lost - a cat, a dog, a hamster or a turtle. Early in the morning at dawn, stand in front of an open window, open the curtains and, imagining the image of your pet, carefully read the following plot three times:

The last word you said is not just a sound, it is the strongest Far Eastern mantra, which is used to return home not only animals, but also lost people. Repeat reading the plot as often as possible until the first news about the animal appears, or better yet, until the moment when you yourself can pat your pet’s ears and pat him on the head.

For the cat to come back

If your pet went for a walk, as usual, but never returned home, of course you need to take all search measures - carefully look at the places where the cat liked to walk, look into basements and other hidden places, because the cat something could have scared her and she instinctively hid as far as possible, also look at the trees. If after searching there is no result, resort to magic. It is important not to delay using the search spell, since already on the second day after the loss the spell will not be as strong.

As for the plot to find a cat itself, it is recommended to read it while being as close as possible to the supposed place of its disappearance. Standing in a pre-selected area, find the highest point (this could be a bench or curb) and read the following words, all the while thinking about the missing animal:

“The cat was walking home, but didn’t make it. The wind blows towards the house, bring her to me. Water, direct your streams home, bring it to me. Fire, light the warmth near the house, bring her to me. Earth, become a hill, bring it to me.”

Thus, you call on the four elements to help find the missing cat. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to read the plot at midnight, completely alone, so that no one sees you or knows what you are doing.

There is another option for conducting a ritual in which a connection with the missing animal is created using personal items. To carry out the search ritual, use the following items:

  • container from which the cat ate
  • animal sippy cup
  • animal's favorite food
  • church candle

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While at home as usual, pour food into your cat's bowl and call to her by saying her name and saying "ks-ks-ks". Then light the candle and, holding it in your hand, say the following spell:

“Let my animal (name) return home safe and sound.”

This method differs from the first in that you do not need to select a specific place and time for reading; the plot can and should be read as often as possible in order for the effect to be maximum.

If the dog ran away

Unfortunately, it is dogs that most often run away from their owners or, even worse, they can be stolen. Very often, four-legged friends can jump over a fence or even make a dig to leave the territory of a private house, or a male dog can break off the leash, sensing a female in heat. What can you do to help find your pet as quickly as possible? In this matter, a certain conspiracy will help to bring home a missing animal. You need to read it twice a day at the same time, that is, if you said the text the first time at 10.00, then the second time you should read it exactly at 22.00. As in the case of a missing cat, it is recommended to conduct the ritual in the place where you last saw the dog. Write the following text on paper in advance, inserting information about your animal into it:

“Let's go home, my dear dog, my (dog's name, its color, breed). You took a walk with the air, let the wind blow in the direction where the house is. Let the road to your home ring like a bell, may you be safe and sound.”

This plot is read until the animal is found, but not less than 28 days.

If the animal is stolen

Magic helps to find the animal and punish the culprit

If your pet is missing because it was stolen, use a conspiracy that will not only help return the loss, but also punish the culprits by depriving them of vital energy. For the ritual you will need:

During this ritual, you will turn to the magical creature that lives in every house or apartment - the brownie. Use a rope to tie a place where your animal likes to rest; this could be a bedding, a chair, or even your pillow if your cat likes to sleep on it. Approach this place every day, sit for a short time near it, as if imagining your pet there. At the same time, you can resort to the help of the brownie by treating him to pre-prepared sweets with milk. Pour milk into a bowl, place it in a corner so that it does not attract unnecessary attention, and place sweets next to it. Then ask the brownie to help find your animal and bring it home. Also, do not forget about the punishment for those who stole your pet.

If an animal goes missing in a rural area

There are conspiracies to return the animal yourself

Unfortunately, it also happens that an animal disappears in the village, this especially often happens if the cattle are in free grazing conditions far from home. Let's look at the most popular conspiracies designed to help find a lost animal.

If a cloven-hoofed animal is missing

If you miss a cow or goat after a walk, you can immediately start reading the plot without delay:

“Lord of the forest, drive my cattle home to a warm barn.”

And the next morning, light the stove or, if the house does not have a stove heating system, light a fire in your area. As soon as the first smoke is visible, read the spell that you read the day before three times, supplementing it with the name of the cattle, if any.

If the cattle are stolen

If ill-wishers have their eyes on your farm and deprived you of one or more individuals, you should use a stronger conspiracy than the previous one. To carry out the ritual, you will need a sharp knife, with which you need to draw a large circle in the place of the animal’s usual grazing. Then stand in the middle of the circle you just drew and read the text, infected with magical meaning:

“I ask you, heaven, see what happened, stop the offenders, don’t let them take (animal’s name), force him to return it to his owner, me.”

After reading, forcefully stick the knife in the middle of the drawn circle and return home.

General rule - how to pronounce a spell

The effectiveness of the conspiracy depends on your faith

Conspiracies read for the speedy return of the animal are read in an environment so that no outsiders, including even family members, know about it. If, according to the terms of the ceremony, it must take place on the street, it is better to choose the dark time of day to avoid the presence of random witnesses.

One of the most important requirements for reading a conspiracy is your faith in the result. You must understand that the result will certainly be unsuccessful if you do not believe in magic and do not invest the necessary feelings and emotions into the conspiracy.

The best defense is prevention

Spell words are also used for prevention

In order to prevent the loss of a pet, it is better to prevent such a situation in principle by reading a plot aimed at preventing the animal from running away and returning home after grazing or walking. Let's look at the most effective ones, judging by the reviews.

Protective spell for an animal

This conspiracy is popular for the reason that it protects not only from the loss of a pet, but also from diseases characteristic of this animal. To perform the ritual you will need one church candle. Wait until your pet falls asleep, then light a candle and use it to draw a circle in the air over the animal, saying:

“God, protect your creation, don’t let it go to others and lose its way home. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

To prevent the animal from running away

If the animal is prone to frequent escapes, you can use the following plot option: hug the animal and, while stroking it, say in its ear:

“I warmed you with love and affection, don’t you dare betray it and run away. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Of course, first of all, you need to take your animal seriously in order to prevent its loss. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote, “we are responsible for those we have tamed.” But if grief has come to your home, use magical return spells to find your lost animal.

conspiracy, prayer, ritual so that a lost or stray cat finds its way home.

when my cat got lost, I read in the answers here advice to bandage the legs of the table in my house, the cat will go there. This applies to any living creature. Search if you want more details. I didn't need it. That's how I found mine. Good luck

I don’t know if it helps, but there is this: Light a candle and stand in front of an open window or vent. Looking at the candle and imagining your pet, say: “Smoke up the mountain, (pet’s name) to the house. The power of fire. Aoum! “The last word, as I once read, is a strong mantra for return. Read as often as possible. Good luck!

Prayer to the cat gods.

Save all street cats from harm!

And domestic cats, accustomed to comfort,

When they get sick for some reason,

You will heal them from pain and illness,

Wandering through landfills, singing on rooftops,

All - smoky, gray, brindle, spotted,

Egyptian sphinxes and fluffy Persians,

You bless the big-eared and the big-eyed,

Kittens grow and play with us,

Let nimble paws run everywhere

And they sharpen their claws - scratchy claws!

You will protect them all from death and wounds,

Sekhmet and Bastet, I ask you to listen!

You could protect the cats from harm.

You entrusted your pets to people.

In vain? Who knows? We won't judge you.

You give mercy to the cat world,

Bastet and Sekhmet, I ask you to listen!

Living bliss purrs nearby,

Purrs and caresses, looks out the window

Riddle, mystery, sacrament - cat!

Forgotten by people, keep the cats,

Bastet and Sekhmet, I ask you to listen!

(it’s not for nothing that felix rhymes with felis) –

Give your pets the opportunity

Taming people requires caution!

Turn away human cruelty from them,

Sekhmet and Bastet, I ask you to listen!

Cat children are walking and frolicking.

They are crushed by rushing cars -

After all, people have changed their world with technology.

You will protect kittens from scary wheels,

Sekhmet and Bastet, I ask you to listen!

Their souls wander along cat paths,

They understand cats' silent speeches,

Cats happily jump on their shoulders.

Don't forget them, Bastet and Sekhmet!

Let the flickering light show them the way

Will awaken the silent strings of souls,

The worlds will be reflected in the cat's pupils

Hidden grace, hidden game...

This is how every kitten sends greetings to people

Cat goddesses – Bastet and Sekhmet. "

God, you see the cat Mishka is lost, help me so that he can be found.

If you have a good connection with the animal and skill, you can simply free your head, enter a trance state and call the animal, send a message to it, maybe in the head area, or in the heart. You can also turn to the spirits of the area (again, whoever works with this has connections) - this is the most effective.

More prayers and spells to return the animal home.

It is better to make a defense, but there are also conspiracies - A conspiracy for an escaped animal. A conspiracy to return the animal to the house.

“Get ready, my dear animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, cat, dog, other type of animal), to your home every night, just as the Orthodox world gathers to the ringing of bells and church singing. Like Ant’s children to their ant king serve and obey him, and just as honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them, and as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so should you, my beast (name, color of fur). animal, breed, name someone - cat, dog, other type of animal), flowed towards my voice from all sides: from behind lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, from behind rivers, from streams, from behind forests, flowed into my house to spend the night, forever Amen."

Conspiracy and prayer for all animals.

Hear our humble prayer,

God! We pray for all our animal friends,

Especially for those who suffer,

and everyone who is hunted, who is lost,

Who has been abandoned, who is scared or hungry;

For everyone who needs to be put to sleep.

Have pity on them, be merciful!

And to those who should take care of them,

Give hearts full of compassion,

Give them kind hands, tell them kind words.

May we be true friends for animals!

May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!

Spell to treat a pet

“I, servant of God, will get up, bless myself, cross myself, I will go out into a wide field, under the red sun on the Ocean Sea. There is a church of God on the Okiyan Sea. In God's church there is a golden throne. Behind the golden throne, the Lord Jesus Christ himself sits and reprimands 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 diseases, and the Lord himself, Jesus Christ himself, takes three iron rods and beats (name the animal, coat color, species: for example, the gray cat Matryona with a white spot on the forehead) and kills 74 sorrows, 74 diseases, 74 nails, bone, brain, harness, harness, tprukal, nukal ailments. What was not said, was said. The ring finger has no name, never had a name and never will have one. Century after century from now on and forever. Amen!"

Spell for finding a missing animal

Items needed: Your pet's favorite toy or piece of paper with his name on it, long string.

If your cat, dog or rabbit goes missing, it can be very upsetting. This spell will either bring him back home or bring news of him. Take your animal's favorite toy or a piece of paper with his name on it. Sitting in the middle of the magic circle, repeat three times while holding a toy or piece of paper.

(Name of the animal), go home.

Now securely attach the string to the toy or piece of paper. After closing the circle, hang the toy or leaf out of the window and slowly pull it in. Keep it in the animal's favorite sleeping area until you find it or find out what happened to it.

So that the cat goes home

Oh, mother earth, there is a path following you, along that path there are a thousand ants, everyone goes to their holes, they don’t go astray, they meet in an anthill. So the cat doesn’t get lost, but goes to its yard, to my good. You're a cat, come. Key, lock, tongue. Amen

Place some food in the animal's bowl, light a white candle near it and say out loud

“I ask the powers of the universe to protect my animal and help me bring him home today!” - Leave the candle to burn out.

If your pet is missing

at midnight, stay in just your undershirt, take the icons out of the house, take off the cross. Then lay a black cloth on the floor and stand on it with your bare feet, putting change under your heels. Doors and windows in your home should be open. Mentally imagine the missing animal and read the following plot:

“In a green field there is a grove, in the grove the snake Skoropeya lies. Let Skoropeya sting the heart (the cat’s name), take out the soul, dry up the chest, send it to me from this day, this hour, this minute. To my doorstep is your road, there are no other roads . Amen."

The change should be thrown away or distributed the next day.

Great goddess Bast. You protect the entire cat family. And save (name) from troubles. May he be healthy and beautiful. prankish, cheerful and playful. And if he leaves the house, it will immediately be empty. Then you find him and show him the path to the house. Tell him not to do this and not to run away.

Runescript “Returning Home”

And the history of the creation of this formula is as follows. I already wrote somewhere in the comments that my father has a crow in his room. He appeared almost immediately after being discharged from the hospital with a heart attack (in fact, because of his hospitalization, this site was created, read more on the “About the Site” page). And I believe that this crow is his payment to Odin for his recovery. Crows and ravens are traditionally considered the birds of Odin.

Well, our bird is not entirely healthy, she has sore legs, last year she was a rather emaciated chick, and she did not have normal feathers on her wings. But this year the crow moulted, and thanks to the fact that we have him on increased nutrition, he has grown large wings and a beautiful tail. But still, no one really believed that with sore paws and without training from her older crow comrades, she would be able to fly. But, nevertheless, one not very beautiful day our bird took and flew away.

It was scary to look at my father. I have already assumed that we cannot avoid a 2nd heart attack. We all went looking for her, more than once, but, alas, we did not find her. And then I decided to try magical remedies to solve this situation, and came up with this formula. I drew our crow on a piece of paper with all its features - it has a black corolla on its chest and sore legs turned inward. That's how I depicted everything. I wrote the formula below with a red marker, and on the side I wrote: “Mary the Crow is coming home.” I consecrated it according to a completely reduced ritual: using the forces of 4 elements - I carried a lit match, sprinkled it with water, sprinkled it with salt, and blew on a piece of paper with the formula - this was my element of air. The only sacrifice was my blood, with which I slightly stained a piece of paper with a runic formula. She put the runescript under her pillow, and in the morning she took it with her on her search. And our Masha was found. A very unhappy bird was sitting in a kindergarten near the fence.

I think that the “Returning Home” runescript can be used not only to search for missing animals, but also for people. Just try to do it as early as possible. This increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the situation.

Read on Thursday - 1 time. When reading, they clap their hands.

If you have lost something (or someone), it will definitely be found, and if someone stole it, they will throw it in, without even knowing how to do it, since the spell will twist the thief’s head to the point of madness.

Little devils, come here, help me search

Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas!

In the name of this, in the name of this and the other.

Take away the brains, give the thieves thoughts.

Take away the will and the share until that hour, - Until that minute, until they return what they took.

If a cat is stolen

In the middle of the yard, light the bedding from under the stolen cat and read the spell three times:

As this place burns, so let the bone, brain, and blood of the thief burn. Let fear and forty diseases attack him. It pinches and breaks, gnaws and throws, shakes and crushes, ties the veins into knots. As this fire goes out, the thief will feel bad. Amen.

  • Imagine that you look just like your animal. Say your pet's name (in your head or out loud) and send him love. This will help establish contact.
  • Ask your pet if he is okay. Please wait for an answer. It may come in the form of a feeling (such as relief and calm), a verbal message, or a mental image. If you immediately see an image of a closed space, like in your workshop or garage, maybe you accidentally locked an animal there - check. If a picture of a nearby park appears, look for your pet in it.
  • Trust your intuition and the messages the animal is giving you. If you can't see where it is but feel it, ask it to come home. Tell him you're worried and want to make sure he's okay. If your pet runs away from you, ask why.
  • Regardless of whether you feel a telepathic connection with your pet, visualize him returning home safe and sound. Imagine your meeting, the joy you will experience. Hold this mental image, because it will become the magnet that will help the animal return to you, if it is able to do so.
  • Don't be discouraged if the exercise doesn't bring results at first. Perhaps your anxiety is blocking your telepathic connection with the animal. Pay attention to your dreams.

You can turn over a glass or cup that is at hand. Experts assure that what is lost will be found instantly. It is also recommended to start “persuading” the item to return to you. For example, calling her by “name”, gently convincing her: “Where are you? Show yourself! They say it works too... Imagine the missing thing. Imagine that you are connected to her by a silver thread. Mentally wind a ball of this thread and imagine that the thing is moving closer and closer to you... If a spider catches your eye, then ask it to find your missing item. Blow lightly on the spider and let it continue to crawl about its business. It is possible that the thing will soon be found...



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