What is the best way to measure temperature? Where is the best place to take the temperature?

The answer to the question: “How to measure temperature correctly?” depends on exactly how and where a person is trying to measure it. Therefore, we will consider the rules for measuring temperature in the rectum, vagina, oral cavity, armpit and external auditory canal.

Rules for measuring temperature in the armpit. It is necessary to wipe the thermometer dry. Then set the electronic thermometer to zero, and shake the mercury thermometer so that the column drops to below 35 o C. Then wipe the skin of the armpit dry with a clean napkin or cloth. Then place the thermometer in the armpit so that it is in close contact with the skin on all sides, press the shoulder to the chest and remain in this position for 10 minutes. If an electric thermometer is used, then you should leave it in the armpit for 5 to 10 minutes, not paying attention to the characteristic signal, since the latter is designed to measure rectal temperature. Then remove the thermometer and record the temperature value.

In young children, temperature measurement is carried out not in the armpit, but in the inguinal fold according to the same rules.

Rules for measuring temperature in the rectum (rectal). Rinse a mercury or electric thermometer with water, wipe dry and lubricate with Vaseline. Then shake the mercury thermometer until the value drops to below 35.0 o C. The electric thermometer simply needs to be set to zero. Lie on the bed in the fetal position and wipe the skin of the anus dry with a clean napkin. Then insert the thermometer into the rectum to a depth of 10–15 cm, carefully holding the buttocks in a compressed state, and leave for 3 minutes. The electronic thermometer should be left in the rectum until a characteristic sound signal is heard. After measuring, remove the thermometer, record the temperature readings and wipe the device with alcohol.

Rules for measuring temperature in the vagina. Rinse a mercury or electric thermometer with water, wipe dry with a clean cloth and disinfect with alcohol or an antiseptic solution. Then shake the mercury thermometer until the value drops to below 35.0 o C. The electric thermometer simply needs to be set to zero. Lie on the bed on your back, spread your legs, bend your knees, wipe your perineum with a clean napkin. Then spread the labia apart and remove any existing discharge. Then carefully insert the thermometer into the vagina to a depth of 7 cm, keeping the labia apart. Leave the mercury thermometer in the vagina for 3 minutes, and the electronic thermometer until a characteristic sound signal is heard. After measuring, remove the thermometer, record the temperature readings and wipe the device with alcohol.

Rules for measuring temperature in the oral cavity. Use an electronic thermometer with a short, rounded tip or a regular mercury thermometer. Shake the mercury thermometer so that the column drops to a value below 35.0 o C, and simply set the electronic one to zero. Thoroughly disinfect the thermometer with any available antiseptic solution, for example, alcohol, chlorhexidine, miramistin, etc. Then place the thermometer under your tongue to the right or left of the frenulum and close your mouth tightly. Measure the temperature for 5 minutes with a mercury thermometer, or until a characteristic sound signal is heard when using an electronic device. Take out the thermometer and record the temperature reading. After use, disinfect the device again. For half an hour before measuring the temperature in the oral cavity, you must refrain from hot drinks and food, as well as from smoking.

Rules for measuring temperature in the external auditory canal. To do this, you should use a special infrared thermometer. Neither a mercury thermometer nor an electric thermometer should be used to measure the temperature in the outer ear canal. So, to measure the temperature in your ear, first, turn on the thermometer and wait until the starting indicator is set. Then pull the right or left ear up and back by grasping the top of the shell. Insert the thermometer probe 0.5 - 1 cm into the ear canal like a cotton swab. Then press the “start” button and hold the thermometer in your ear until a characteristic sound signal is heard. Then take out the thermometer and record the temperature reading.

The first sign of a problem in our body is often an elevated body temperature. It is the temperature that the therapist, to whom you periodically come for appointments, is interested in. And it is its indicators and their dynamics that can lead the doctor to a diagnosis. A healthy body, despite various fluctuations in external temperature and varying physical activity during the day, maintains our body temperature with high accuracy. To take measurements, you will need a thermometer (you can, of course, touch your forehead with your lips, but this method is too subjective and cannot serve as a basis for making decisions about treating a person). The thermometer can be mercury (inexpensive, but easily broken and requiring prolonged contact with the body) or (more expensive, but fast and safe). There are also infrared thermometers that take measurements in just 3-5 seconds, but they are too expensive. There are several places on the human body where it is customary to measure temperature (in the armpit, under the tongue, on the elbow, in the rectum, in the vagina). Accordingly, the norm of temperature indicators for each place is different. The simplest, safest, most common and familiar way for everyone is to insert a thermometer into the armpit. Each of us has measured the temperature in the armpit hundreds of times, but some did not even think about the fact that there are special rules that must be followed when taking measurements. Otherwise the result will be incorrect. The following tips will help you correctly carry out this simplest at first glance, but such an important procedure.

You will need:

  • Thermometer
  • A chair or bed where you can sit comfortably while taking measurements
  • Dry towel
  • Disinfectant solution

Step by step solution:

  1. The temperature in the room where the measurement is taking place should be between 18-25 degrees. If the room is cooler, then before you put the thermometer in your armpit, you first need to hold it in your hands for about 30-40 seconds, warming it with your palms.
  2. Before installing the thermometer, you need to wipe the skin of the armpit with a napkin or dry towel. This will significantly reduce the risk of the thermometer cooling due to sweat evaporation.
  3. Don't forget to shake the thermometer if you are using the mercury version, or turn on the electronic one.
  4. When installing a thermometer, be sure to make sure that the mercury column (or the metal tip in an electronic thermometer) hits the deepest point of the armpit, and it should be in contact on all sides with the body. The thermometer should not rest against clothing.
  5. Air should not enter the armpit. Therefore, press your shoulder and elbow towards your body, then the armpit will be closed. A tight fit to the skin must be ensured throughout the entire measurement time.
  6. Do not take your temperature immediately after coming in from outside, exercising, taking a bath or taking a warm shower. Usually, if a person (especially a child) cried or was very nervous, the temperature will be too high. An increased result will be obtained immediately after a hearty lunch rich in protein foods, as well as after drinking hot tea. In all these cases, you need to wait at least 10-15 minutes, which should be spent at rest, and only then start measuring the temperature.
  7. During the measurement, you must remain motionless, do not talk, do not sing, do not eat, do not drink.
  8. The measurement time for a mercury thermometer is a minimum of 6 minutes, a maximum of 10, and an electronic one must be kept under the arm for another 2-3 minutes after the sound signal.
  9. Take out the thermometer in a smooth motion. If you sharply pull out an electronic thermometer, due to friction with the skin, it will add a few more tenths of a degree.
  10. When you are sick, measure your temperature at least twice a day - in the morning (between 7-9 hours) and in the evening (between 19 and 21 hours). In this case, it is advisable to set the thermometer at the same time, this is how you can track the dynamics of temperature changes. In case of severe illness accompanied by high temperature, it should be measured before taking antipyretics, as well as after (30-40 minutes after taking the medicine).
  11. If several people use the thermometer, do not forget to wipe it with a disinfectant solution and wipe it dry after each use.

Please note:

  • By the way, scientists recognize the most common method (a thermometer under the arm) as the most inaccurate. In addition, the difference between armpits can be from 0.1 to 0.3°C. Therefore, if you need to obtain high measurement accuracy in order to clearly trace the dynamics, then measurements in the armpit are not suitable.
  • In a healthy person, normal temperature is considered to be from 36.3 to 36.9 degrees. In children, the normal body temperature can be several tenths of a degree higher, and in older people it can be lower. In the morning the temperature is usually two to three tenths of a degree lower than in the evening.
  • Even at normal body temperature, a person can be sick. For example, people with low body reactivity get the flu at a normal temperature, but at short intervals and with complications.
  • Thermometer nipples have been created for infants. This is very convenient for those kids who are too active: even if they manage to insert a thermometer under their arm, the child immediately pulls it out. When the baby sucks on the pacifier, the mother can easily control his body temperature. Naturally, you should not take measurements immediately after eating or drinking warm water. Pediatricians note that this type of electronic thermometer gives incorrect values ​​even during teething, and this, as we know, is a very drawn-out and protracted process.
  • It is advisable to shake the mercury thermometer immediately after measurement. If you store a thermometer with readings, especially if they were high, then over time the thermometer begins to act up.

The human body temperature does not depend on the ambient temperature. This is the most variable physiological parameter. Temperature fluctuations depend on the time of day (in the morning it is always lower than in the evening) and on age (in infants it is highest, in older people it is lowest), physical activity and other circumstances.

Temperature fluctuations reflect the state of human health: an increase of half a degree means an acute painful condition or disruption of the functioning of a vital organ, and a decrease means the presence of a chronic pathology or dysfunction.

Let's try to figure out how to measure temperature correctly.

In order to get a complete picture of temperature changes, it is measured twice a day: around 8 am and 7 pm.
Body temperature reflects the temperature of the blood circulating in the vessels. When answering the question of where it is better to measure body temperature, you need to know whether it is the same in different organs and tissues, how to measure temperature correctly in order to obtain accurate data, and what instruments are used for this.

Before taking your temperature, you should not drink hot drinks, move actively, worry, or be in a hot room.

Measurement with a mercury thermometer in the armpit

The most common and correct way to measure body temperature is with a mercury thermometer in the armpit. The mercury tip of the thermometer should fit snugly against the skin, no air should enter the armpit, the armpit itself should be dry, the shoulder and elbow should be pressed very tightly to the body, and the whole process should take at least 10 minutes.
This method of measuring temperature is not the most reliable, since the measurement error is 0.1 - 0.3 C, and the temperature in the left armpit is usually higher.

Measurement with a mercury thermometer in the inguinal fold

Some children's doctors, answering the question of young mothers about where it is better to measure the temperature of children, recommend placing a thermometer in the child's inguinal fold - it is believed that this is safer. The baby is placed on his back, his bent leg is pressed against his body and a thermometer is placed between them.

Measurement with a mercury thermometer in the oral cavity

In some Western countries, a mercury thermometer is placed under the patient's tongue for three minutes to measure temperature. However, this is not suitable for every patient. This method is not used for children, mentally unbalanced people and those with a number of diseases of the ENT organs.

Measurement with a mercury thermometer in the rectum

Another way to measure temperature - through the anus - is used in young children under 5 years old, weakened patients, with thermoneuroses, in case of general hypothermia and unconscious patients. In order to correctly measure rectal temperature, the patient is placed on his side with his legs bent, the thermometer is disinfected with soap and water, shaken, the tip is lubricated with Vaseline and carefully inserted into the rectum. It should be remembered that the indicators will be a degree higher than usual. Rectal temperature measurement is not performed for diarrhea, constipation and hemorrhoids. When choosing where to measure body temperature to calculate the days of ovulation and study hormonal levels, the gynecologist recommends that a woman use this particular method.

Temperature measurement in the ear canal

This is a rather rare method, but sometimes people resort to it to measure the temperature, especially in extreme conditions, when there is no other way without harm to the victim. The method may not be reliable if there is inflammation in the ear canal.

Measurement with an electronic thermometer

Electronic thermometers can be used instead of mercury thermometers. How to correctly measure temperature with an electronic thermometer is indicated in the instructions: the method of use is almost no different from mercury, the only difference is that the result becomes visible much faster.

The downside is that the thermometer itself costs much more than a mercury thermometer, and the battery may fail at the most inopportune moment. In addition, such a thermometer is difficult to disinfect. It is better to check with your doctor about the correct way to measure temperature with an electronic thermometer for various diseases.

Measurement with an infrared thermometer

Recently, non-contact infrared thermometers have been gaining popularity. It is enough to bring them to the skin, and after a couple of seconds the result will be displayed on the display. Their convenience is that in this way you can measure the temperature of a sleeping person or in a serious condition without fear of disturbing him, but still the result can hardly be called reliable, since the influence of the surrounding temperature is great.

Differences in temperature measurement

Comparing the data obtained in one way or another, you can notice that there are inconsistencies. For example, the temperature in the mouth and under the armpit are different. Why this happens is explained simply: a change in breathing rate can change the temperature in the oral cavity by 0.5 C. Therefore, the temperature in the mouth and armpit will always be different.

In the same way, if we compare the temperature in the armpit and in the butt, whether it is the same, we will see that there is a difference of 0.5 - 1 C even in a healthy person, since in the rectum it is definitely higher than the skin temperature in the armpit. It cannot be argued that any of these indicators is more accurate, since both of them objectively reflect the temperature of different organs. A more significant difference may be associated with the development of diseases of the internal organs.

On average, a child’s temperature is higher than that of an adult, so if it is slightly elevated, this is not a reason to panic. But you need to know the baby’s current body temperature, because it can be one of the main signs of a number of problems and pathologies. And if with an electronic thermometer everything is simple, because it itself will indicate with a sound signal when you need to stop measuring, then with a mercury thermometer it is not entirely clear how many minutes to hold it in order to achieve the required accuracy. Let's try to figure it out.

How to measure temperature correctly?

To measure a child's temperature, you need to thoroughly (but gently) shake the mercury thermometer and then place it in the armpit. There are alternative placement options, for example, rectal, but usually the device is placed in the armpit. It is important to make sure that no beads of sweat fall on it, because they have a temperature that is slightly higher than the average temperature of any body.

As for how long it takes to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer, placing it under the child’s armpit, there is no difference with the duration of measurement in adults. It ranges from 5 to 10 minutes. If you want to be absolutely sure of the result, then wait 10 minutes. You don't really need to hold it anymore. If you feel that the thermometer readings are not very convincing, try repeating the measurement after a while.

  • If the child is sleeping, but you still need to measure the temperature, you must first warm the thermometer a little in your hands. After this, you can take measurements, they will be more accurate than if you just put a thermometer.
  • If the child is awake, he needs to remain as still as possible so as not to confuse the readings. Also, you can’t talk a lot, eat, and so on. The more neutral it sits or lies, the better.
  • When a child is at a very young age, when he is a newborn, it is worth giving preference to the rectal measurement method. But in this case, using a mercury thermometer is simply dangerous; you should give preference to an electronic one.
  • In general, monitor the progress of the measurement. A child can break a mercury thermometer - and this will be dangerous not only for his health, but also for his life, not to mention the fact that he can be injured by the glass. In modern thermometers, mercury is often replaced by other similar liquid materials, but although they are less dangerous, they are also of little use.
  • If finances allow, then there is another option - an infrared thermometer. To apply it, you need very little time - about five seconds. It is simply brought to the children's forehead - and in a matter of moments the results are ready. If your baby is often sick, it may make sense to invest in such a device.

Let's sum it up

The duration of temperature measurement, how long it takes to carry it out, often causes certain difficulties. Remember that if you forget exactly how much to measure, there is nothing wrong with exceeding the duration a little. After all, the child’s body temperature will not become higher during this time. But if you just don’t want to doubt it and want to not have to think about the duration of measurements so that you can concentrate on the health of the child, then just get a good electronic thermometer that will “tell” you when you need to take it out.

Not a single home first aid kit is complete without this small, simple device. A thermometer is necessary if you suspect that you have a cold and are getting the flu. An increase in temperature may also indicate overheating, food poisoning, inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs, kidneys, intestines and other internal organs. It is especially important to measure the temperature promptly and correctly if we are talking about a sick child. Using the readings of a thermometer, you can judge the stage of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. But which device is best to use and how exactly so that its readings are as accurate as possible?

What types of thermometers are there?

Modern pharmaceutical manufacturers today offer several types of thermometers, each of which we will consider in detail below.

So, there are thermometers:

  • mercury;
  • electronic;
  • contactless;
  • disposable.

Mercury thermometers

Still the most common type due to the accuracy of the readings. Another advantage is the ability to measure temperature in the mouth, armpit or rectum. It is inexpensive and easy to disinfect. But at the same time:

  • a mercury thermometer should be kept in the armpit for at least 8 minutes;
  • in the mouth or rectum - at least 5 minutes.

It can be quite difficult to withstand such a period of time when we are talking about small children. In addition, such thermometers are very fragile and therefore unsafe, so it is recommended to use electronic devices for children.

Electronic thermometers

They are also suitable for measuring body temperature in various ways, but are practically not subject to disinfection. They are more expensive than mercury thermometers and often have a high error and require battery replacement. Advantages:

  • ease of operation: the thermometer itself will give a signal when the temperature stops changing;
  • measurement speed: it is enough to hold it in the mouth and straight for 1-2 minutes, in the armpit - no more than 3;
  • They are even available as a pacifier for newborns.

Non-contact thermometers

Infrared thermometers come in forehead and ear thermometers, ideal for a child, since the first one just needs to be inserted into the ear for 5 seconds, and the forehead thermometer can be simply brought to the child’s head for 1-2 seconds. This makes it possible to measure temperature even when the baby is sleeping. Disadvantage: very high cost.

Disposable thermometers

Visitor question:

Tell me, how long should you keep a mercury thermometer under your arm? I can hardly hold the thermometer for the baby, literally by force and sometimes with hysterics, the child is spinning, we have already broken 3-4 thermometers since his birth. My mother says that three minutes is enough, but I measure my exact temperature in no less than 10 minutes, and if I hold it longer, then even if I feel normal I will have 37.2-3, and if as my mother advises, then 36.6.
How to measure temperature correctly with a mercury thermometer? We haven’t made friends with electronic ones at all - they show different numbers with each measurement, sometimes they shock you with a very low temperature, sometimes they don’t show that there is a temperature. I don't trust them.

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