Physical inactivity and how it affects health. Harm and consequences of physical inactivity for health

Physical inactivity – dangerous condition, his negative impact enormous impact on the human body. Unfortunately, today it has become quite common. The disease is diagnosed when the load on the muscles is significantly reduced and overall motor activity decreases. And this cannot pass without leaving a trace for all organs and systems.

What effect does physical inactivity have on the human body?

Various factors can lead to physical inactivity:

  • automation of the majority production processes;
  • sedentary lifestyle life;
  • sedentary work;
  • abuse of personal transport (using it even to travel short distances);
  • predominantly passive forms of rest;
  • too much intellectual load.

How, you ask, can physical inactivity affect the entire body? Alas, it’s not difficult for her. Not only does it suffer musculoskeletal system. Very often, due to physical inactivity, the lungs shrink, which impairs pulmonary ventilation.

Physical inactivity has a detrimental effect on gastrointestinal tract. Most patients have problems with. Food simply lingers in the stomach. At the same time, the processes of decay intensify, and the intestines begin to work incorrectly. Often, disorders are accompanied by an imbalance of salts, fats, proteins, and water.

But no matter how surprising it may sound, physical inactivity has the worst effect on the cardiovascular system. Because of this, the mass of the heart may also decrease. Since muscle activity is limited, cardiovascular system"relaxes." As a result, even minor loads cause the heart to work very actively and uneconomically. It turns out that the required volume of blood is injected not by increasing the force of contractions, but by accelerating them.

Pestryakov N.N.

Just a few decades ago, physical inactivity was a rarity. But the more computerized the age, and this is the automation of labor, the abundance of gadgets, the growing more personal cars less people begins to move and spends most of his day behind the monitor or behind the wheel. According to medicine, physical inactivity is the result of freeing a person from the need to exercise. physical labor. But the most main danger This pathology is that it provokes disturbances in hematopoiesis and metabolism, which leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system.



MOBU secondary school No. 10 named after. D.G. Novopashina


on the topic:

“Hypodynamia is a disease of an immobile lifestyle”

Completed by: Pestryakov N.N.

student of 10th grade

Checked by: Takhvatullina S.Z.

physical education teacher


Physical inactivity is a decrease motor activity, which leads to dysfunction of the body, and as a result – diseases and obesity.

Physical inactivity has literally become a problem modern world. Cars, elevators, various household appliances, working at a computer and other familiar things have a negative impact on health - a person leads an inactive lifestyle, and problems with well-being arise.

The objectives of this work are:

1. Get acquainted with the concept of physical inactivity and its symptoms.

2. Find out the causes of physical inactivity.

3. Get acquainted with the effect of physical inactivity on the human body.

4. Draw the attention of schoolchildren and their parents to this problem.

  1. Main part.

The concept of physical inactivity.

Physical inactivity is a pathology during which malfunctions occur in the functioning of all the main systems of the body - respiratory, digestive, circulatory. Characteristic feature this state- decreased motor activity and, as a consequence, decreased contractility muscles.

If just a few decades ago this pathology was a rarity, now physical inactivity covers an increasing percentage of the population. The abundance of gadgets, labor automation, and the growing number of personal cars leads to the fact that people begin to move less, spending most of the day behind monitors or behind the wheel.

Doctors say that physical inactivity is the result of a person being freed from the need to engage in physical labor. But the main danger of the pathology lies not in the habit of convenience, but in the fact that physical inactivity provokes metabolic and hematopoietic disorders, which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Causes of physical inactivity.

Among the main reasons are:

1.Sedentary work

2. Sedentary lifestyle

3.Full or partial labor automation

4. Injuries and diseases that lead to difficulty moving.

Symptoms of physical inactivity





Decreased appetite


Consequences of physical inactivity

  • Decreased stamina
  • Disorders nervous system
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Decreased brain performance
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Changes in muscles due to physical inactivity

Parents' mistakes

Normal, healthy child, as a rule, restless and active. Walking is not only a pleasure for him, but also a physiological necessity. Unfortunately, parents often deprive their children of the opportunity to go for a walk if they have problems with educational activities.

  1. What effect does physical inactivity have on the human body?

Long-term hypokinesia (more than 5 - 10 days) in all its forms has a multifaceted, multi-organ, pathological effect on the body, reduces its biological resistance and is serious nonspecific factor risk of various diseases.

The reason for pathological changes In case of an immobile lifestyle disease, there is a long-term decrease in the volume of muscle activity, which is accompanied by a decrease in energy consumption. Based on the above, the most significant significance for the formation pathological consequences physical inactivity causes changes in the musculoskeletal system and, above all, muscles.

Effect on the heart

With prolonged hypokinesia, a pronounced decrease in heart mass occurs. The changes concern the ultramicrostructural elements of the heart, on which oxidative processes in the myocardium and its tissue respiration depend. Heart function becomes less “economical”, which is manifested in increased heart rate, pulse lability, and a decrease in systolic volume and the force of myocardial contractions. The regulation of the functioning of the heart is disrupted, which is manifested by an increase in heart rate that is inadequate to physical activity and tachycardia even at rest. Increasing maximum pressure, decreases minimum, decreases pulse pressure, the time for complete blood circulation increases. The electrocardiogram shows signs of deterioration of myocardial trophism and slowing of intracardiac conduction of nervous excitation.

Effect on blood vessels

At the same time, significant changes in blood vessels occur. The development of atherosclerosis during physical inactivity involves a disturbance in the metabolism of serum cholesterol esters, which is combined with dysproteinemia. One of the important mechanisms of hemodynamic disturbances during hypokinesia is the weakening of auxiliary hemodynamic mechanisms - “intramuscular peripheral hearts”.

Illness of an immobile lifestyle is accompanied by impaired functioning lymphatic vessels. Thus, with insufficient physical activity in the cardiovascular system, serious violations, which are characterized by general detraining, decreased functional potential, and at later stages - atherosclerotic changes.

Effects on the respiratory system

Hypokinesia causes depression of the basal metabolism by 5-22%, which in turn is accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of gas exchange and a decrease in pulmonary ventilation.

Effect on endocrine glands

Restrictions in physical activity lead to significant changes in structure and function. Experiments on rats have shown that different terms physical inactivity, phase changes in the mass of the adrenal glands occur:

  • on the 1st and 3rd days of the experiment, the mass of the adrenal glands increased compared to the control by 30-35%;
  • from the 7th to the 20th day after restriction of physical activity, the mass of the adrenal glands progressively decreased;
  • on the 30th day it increased again and reached the initial level.

The content of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the urine during the disease of an immobile lifestyle increased significantly up to the 10th day of the study, on the 20th day it reached the control level, and on the 30th there was a decrease in the level of these hormones. A similar picture was observed when studying the content of 11-hydroxycorticosteroids secreted by the adrenal cortex in the blood of animals at various times after restriction of physical activity. The content of free and total 11-hydroxycorticosteroids increased after 1, 3, 7, 10 and 20 days of physical inactivity, and on the 30th day of the experiment their content was slightly lower control level. The amount of bound 11-hydroxycorticosteroids during all periods of hypokinesia was significantly lower than normal. Thus, with an experimental sedentary lifestyle, especially in early dates, activation of the sympathoadrenal system occurs, accompanied by an increased release into the blood of both the hormones of the adrenal medulla, catecholamines, and the hormones of the adrenal cortex - 11-hydroxycorticosteroids. With continued physical inactivity, the hormonal activity of the cortical and medulla layers of the adrenal glands decreases.

Effect on the nervous system

Due to a significant decrease in afferent and efferent impulses, changes in the central nervous system are included in the pathological process. It is known that proprioceptive impulses are a natural activator of the reticular formation and the hypothalamic-cortical system, which in turn has a tonic effect on the cerebral cortex. Under conditions of physical inactivity, a pronounced decrease in the tone of the cortex and subcortex occurs. Depending on the duration of hypokinesia, the content of endogenous opioid peptides (endorphins and enkephalins) in the brain tissue changes, the normal content and metabolism of which determine the body’s resistance to stress, a person’s performance and mood.

Physical inactivity is accompanied by changes in the autonomic nervous system. Many researchers have paid attention to the undulation and lability autonomic dysfunctions with a decrease in physical activity. In this state, there is a change in periods of sympatho- and vagotonia. Sympathetic and parasympathetic functions are upset at the integrative level of central regulation. The revealed symmetry, globality and polymorphism of the phenomena that occur during hypokinesia indicate their hypothalamic genesis. There is a pronounced parallelism in the nature and dynamics of both vegetative and accompanying emotional disorders.

Effects on the liver

Physical inactivity negatively affects the condition of the liver, the main biochemical laboratory of the body. Experimental reproduction of the limitation of motor activity in rats allowed us to conclude that under conditions of prolonged hypokinesia, the processes responsible for the physiological renewal and growth of the liver are inhibited. Degree of expression established violations is different and depends on the duration of exposure of the body to the factor being analyzed. Inhibition of mitotic activity and reduction in cell size indicate a breakdown of adaptation mechanisms.

Impact on the immune system

Physical inactivity leads to severe disturbances in the body's nonspecific defense mechanisms. This is manifested in the activation of opportunistic and saprophytic autoflora present in the body, and increased activity infectious agents, brought in from outside.


We all know that a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Drug treatment there is no provision for physical inactivity, and doctors are forced to resort to medications and other procedures in cases where certain diseases have developed against the background of lack of movement.

Worth giving up bad habits, the most common of which is smoking. In addition to smoking, the nature of the diet also aggravates the situation, so it is also advisable to balance the diet, saturating it with vitamins, protein in the form of vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, refusing a heavy dinner late in the evening, a glass of beer or other alcohol.

You should determine the time for physical exercise - morning exercises, evening going to the gym, day walk in the park. Running is very useful for activating all muscle groups.

You can improve your health and “pump up” your muscles at home. To help - dumbbells, expander, jump rope, exercise bike, home horizontal bar. Push-ups and squats, which do not require any sports equipment at all, are useful.

A very good activity for those who decide to fight physical inactivity would be to visit the pool. Swimming stimulates blood flow, hardens, strengthens muscles, prevents osteochondrosis and, at the same time, is very safe, because the risk of injury when swimming is minimal.

The passion for cycling is gradually spreading. Many people even get to work this way, while developing muscles and increasing overall tone.

An excellent way to combat physical inactivity is to visit a fitness club, gym or outdoor areas. Children with early childhood you need to get involved in morning exercises, exercises in sports sections, swimming pools, walks on the fresh air and active games.



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Completed by: Pestryakov N.N. student of 10th grade "B" MOBU Secondary School No. 10 named after. D.G. Novopashina

The impact of physical inactivity on healthperson.

Movement - natural need human body. Excess or lack of movement is the cause of many diseases. It shapes the structure and functions of the human body. During the period of human growth and development, movement stimulates metabolism in the body, improves the activity of the heart and breathing, as well as some functions of other organs that play important role in human adaptation to constantly changing conditions external environment. Some researchers claim that in our 21st century, physical activity has decreased 100 times compared to previous centuries. What are the dangers of lack of movement?

Hypodynamia is a very common condition that can be observed not just in more people, but in huge amount people. Physical inactivity means a decrease in the load on the muscles, which in turn leads to an excessive decrease in the overall motor performance of the human body. Physical inactivity is dangerous because it has a negative effect on the entire human body as a whole.

Causes of physical inactivity:

    Excessive amount of industrial automation and mechanization;

    Sedentary lifestyle;

    Irrational use of transport;

    Forced bed rest.

In schoolchildren and students, the reasons for the development of the disease may be excessive loads. Physical inactivity has a negative impact on work musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, metabolic processes, blood circulation. The strength of heart contractions decreases, and the mass of the heart also decreases. All these phenomena inevitably lead to a serious deterioration in the supply of oxygen to tissues, that is, to hypoxia. It is quite possible that there is an imbalance in the balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as salts and water. Working capacity decreases, appears general weakness, insomnia. May decrease muscle mass, posture will be disrupted, which will lead to displacement internal organs.

Greater mobility has a beneficial effect on the brain and promotes the development of mental activity. Physical activity, regular exercises physical culture and sports - prerequisite healthy image life. Minimum value daily energy expenditure required for normal life body, is 12-16 MJ, which corresponds to 2880-3840 kcal. Physical activity is closely related to three aspects of health: physical, mental and social. The body's need for physical activity is largely determined by hereditary and genetic traits. Great value physical exercises is that they increase the body’s resistance to the effects of a number of different unfavorable factors. For example, such as reduced atmospheric pressure, overheating, some poisons, radiation, etc.

Sufficient physical activity is a necessary condition harmonious development of personality. For the functioning of the human body and maintaining health, a certain “dose” of physical activity is necessary. The most resistant to the development of hypodynamic signs are muscles of an anti-gravity nature (neck, back). The abdominal muscles atrophy relatively quickly, which adversely affects the function of the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive organs.

A sedentary lifestyle is particularly troubling office workers. The reason for concern is quite serious, since the consequences of physical inactivity may not be comforting... Scientists from many countries have come to this conclusion. In particular, Australian researchers are informing the public that if your working hours associated with a monitor for more than eleven hours a day, the quality of life deteriorates by forty percent compared to those people who are less involved in this process.

According to scientists, a sedentary lifestyle is the reason for increasing medical risks for the human body. The situation is aggravated if a sedentary lifestyle is accompanied by access to unwanted products nutrition and bad habits in food. This results in significant medical risks.

Today, experts say that a sedentary lifestyle poses a greater threat to health than smoking. It is important to pay attention to the lifestyle of children. A particularly important period of childhood is from six to eight years and from twelve to fifteen years. Statistics warn that 95 percent of cases of scoliosis in children are an acquired disease. Which doctor should you contact in case of poor posture? This is a neurologist, orthopedist, surgeon. Modern medicine recommends that not only teenagers, but also their parents after 40 years of age consult a neurologist for ongoing consultations, and especially those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The effect of physical inactivity on the human body

Negative consequences sedentary image life is that the most important mechanisms regulation of the human body are not fully included. For example, a sedentary lifestyle leads to an increase in visceral fat. It tends to quickly accumulate on the abdomen, around the internal organs.

Lack of load can cause that nasty ballast to increase by 80 percent in 7 months. Due to fat accumulation in the body, favorable conditions for the occurrence of cardiac vascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis. It follows from this: if working time is associated with a sedentary regime, then it makes sense to think about it and take real steps to bring more dynamics into your life. Otherwise, the muscles atrophy without physical activity and our body begins to work intermittently... Let us recall the well-known rule: the function determines the organ.


Daily work at the computer is the cause of vision-related diseases.


In a sedentary lifestyle, the pancreas works in an enhanced mode, which cannot but affect the insulin imbalance in the body.


The intestines suffer significantly from minimal physical activity. This is a direct path to his illness.


The processes of oxygen supply to the brain also slow down, resulting in worsening neurological status person.

Shoulders - neck

The neck and shoulders are subject to strain while working with the monitor and keyboard, which causes chronic pain.


Constantly being in a hunched position often affects formations intervertebral hernia V lumbar region, as a result of which the gracefulness of gait, sense of balance and other negative manifestations at work are disrupted vestibular apparatus.


Blood circulation in the legs slows down sitting position. Poor circulation leads to varicose veins. In the absence of physical activity, bones cannot remain strong and weaken, which causes osteoporosis. That’s why it’s so important to have reasonable physical activity at any age!


If the heart and lungs are left without exercise, then the cardiovascular system comes under attack. Heart diseases that occur as a result of poor physical activity cause death in 52% of men and 28% of women. Remember that a trained heart always provides better circulation blood.

Physical inactivity accounts for 20% of all deaths among people aged 35 and over. Men feel the lack of physical activity especially acutely. Statistics say that this circumstance is the cause of death from cancer in 45% of the male population and 28% of the female population. Defective physical component of life modern man leads to death from respiratory diseases 90% men and 75% women.

How can we help ourselves?

Do physical activity a constant factor in your life and always be healthy. Walking or cycling is fine. Walk during lunch break. You can do whatever you can physical exercise of your choice. All this will remove toxins from the body.

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle can be overcome. Go to healthy diet nutrition! Fermented milk products, milk, vitamin D-3 - these are your allies in preventing the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. A vacation at sea is a small compensation for the harm caused to the body! What's the conclusion? Moving more means living better and appreciating every moment of life!



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs