Depression. Causes, symptoms, treatment of the disease

There can hardly be anything worse than depression. Depressed mood, decline vitality, hopeless pessimism, lack of desire to do anything and show at least some interest in existence... This and much more accompanies this mental disorder. When a person is immersed in such a state of mind, he becomes helpless, indifferent and “empty”. Some people manage to cope with this alone, while others do not. But in any case, you need to know how to overcome depression and depression.

First stage

When depression first begins, a person refuses to recognize this fact. He believes that he is simply not in the mood, due to fatigue at work or school, or weather changes. At the first stage initial symptoms accompanied by pronounced apathy, increased fatigue and lack of desire to do anything. Lack of appetite, problems falling asleep, as well as irritability and nervousness are often observed. Despite fatigue, a person cannot fall asleep, even if he takes sleeping pills.

In addition, there is a deterioration in concentration, decreased performance, and loss of interest in previous hobbies and interests. A mountain of tasks that previously managed to be resolved long before the deadline begins to accumulate. It becomes increasingly difficult to finish what you start. And this is not just a depressed mood and lethargic state. This is how it manifests itself initial stage depression, which subsequently develops more and more intensely.

Deterioration of condition

If a person has ignored how his mood and overall routine changes, a restructuring of the body begins. The production of serotonin, which is commonly called the hormone of happiness, stops. He doesn’t eat at all, or only consumes the bare minimum to fill up his stomach. Immunity is reduced and chronic diseases are getting worse. The body fights “with itself,” but it fails.

Prolonged insomnia sets in. A person ceases to think adequately and logically; he does not control his behavior and emotions. It’s as if he finds himself in another world, where everything is indifferent to him. To outsiders he seems strange, and as if out of touch with real world. In especially severe cases, his condition is accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations. It is at this stage, conventionally designated the second, that more than 80% of attempts to commit suicide occur. In the best cases, such people simply “close themselves” in themselves, locking themselves away where no one will touch them, and immerse themselves in philosophizing.

Losing the meaning of life

This is the last stage of depression. A person not only has no mood - he lacks the desire to live. His body still retains vitality important functions, but already works in offline mode. But pathological processes begin to occur in the mental sphere.

At best, a person will remain indifferent and detached from the world. And in the worst case, animal aggression will awaken in him. Such people are capable of harming themselves and others. Because they stop perceiving this world as something valuable, and stop identifying themselves with a Man, with a Personality. Consequences also include memory loss, schizophrenia, and depressive psychosis. This is what a long-term depressed mood transforms into. That’s why it’s so important to catch yourself at the first stage, and either seek help or get on your feet on your own.

Why does the blues occur?

Depression, depression and despondency always have prerequisites. Sometimes they are even combined into a complex. The cause may be a lack of vitamin D and sun exposure.

Even according to statistics, depression develops most often in the fall, when daylight hours are reduced. There is less sun, but it is precisely this that stimulates the production of vital energy in the body. essential vitamin D.

Health problems also often affect a person’s psychosomatic state. Depressed mood is observed during pregnancy, menopause, problems with the thyroid gland, etc.

Often the prerequisite is overwork or exhaustion of the body. Permanent job, a busy schedule, eternal preoccupation with problems - it is logical that the body begins to mope. But such cases are treated extremely simply. You just need to take a vacation and let yourself relax.

And the last popular reason is lack of physical activity. If it is not there, then endorphin stops being produced. But it is precisely this hormone that is the hormone of joy. By adding a run or a couple of hours in the gym to your regimen for a week, you can notice how much your condition improves. Both physical and psychosomatic.

What to do?

First of all, don’t give up and don’t give up. If this is the first stage, then everything can really be fixed. The main thing is to act immediately.

If a person begins to notice Bad mood in the morning, which only gets worse during the day, you need to bring into your life more movement. Physical work brings satisfaction. Even cleaning the house will help organize your feelings and thoughts. But lying on the sofa only worsens the condition.

You also need to start constantly pleasing yourself with your favorite things. It can be anything - shopping, get-togethers with friends, ordering a whole mountain delicious food home, going on vacation, dancing, drawing, swinging. You just need to forget about all your worries, your age and responsibilities, and do what you want.

Relaxation is also important. Foam hot bath, aromatherapy, soothing music, and then delicious coffee, and reading an interesting book, sitting in a soft chair under a blanket - sounds like an introvert's paradise. If a person is overtaken by the blues, then silence and such utopian comfort will help him rest and relax a little.

Finding a way out

Of course, there are people who will not leave the blues, depression and despondency only after signing up for the gym and a couple of days off. In more severe cases, you need to act more radically.

A change of environment can help. When a person is depressed, the same ceiling and walls that appear before one’s eyes in the morning, day after day, are incredibly depressing. You need to get away, and preferably closer to nature. She heals. The sounds of falling water, a babbling stream, birds singing, rustling leaves, rustling grass - this has therapeutic effect and helps reduce the level of stress hormones, as well as normalize blood pressure. This atmosphere is healing. A person who is under arrest in a noisy concrete jungle simply needs it.

In addition, one cannot fail to mention the qualitative difference between fresh natural air and the stale air that reigns indoors. Whatever one may say, in most cities it is spoiled by gases and harmful emissions. And even airing won't help. It's either forest or sea air.

And, of course, bioenergy. The city “presses” on all people and devastates them. What is it like to be in the center of the bustle for a depressed person who is overcome by depression? You can feel pure bioenergy only by coming into contact with nature. Watch the sunset, lie on the grass, walk barefoot on the sand, swim in a crystal clear pond... they say you can get rid of static electricity. Be that as it may, in the bosom of nature a person quite quickly emerges from a state of despondency and begins to feel the taste of life again.

Specialist help

Sometimes it is necessary. A constantly bad mood due to all of the above is one thing. But in reality, much more serious cases are known. Those in which you really can’t do without antidepressants, therapy and conversations with a doctor.

This refers to a psychological disorder provoked by something that destroyed a person’s life in an instant. It could be anything. Death of a loved one. Loss of all accumulated wealth. Betrayal or betrayal. The destruction of all plans, hopes and dreams without exception. Sudden changes. At such moments, you can really understand a person who loses the desire to exist in this world. Because the very purpose of his life, the reason for which he woke up in the morning, leaves his life. A man loses himself. And this is something that even an enemy would not want to wish upon.


It starts with psychotherapy. To which a person suffering from depression and a chronically depressed state comes with difficulty. People resist for various reasons. Most often, because they consider going to a psychotherapist to be “on the edge,” or they don’t want to be considered crazy, or they “dig” into their head. In such cases, the support of loved ones and motivation on their part is very important. It is extremely rare for people to go to a psychotherapist themselves. Most often, their relatives convince them, and in especially difficult cases, they even organize sessions by force.

Psychotherapy involves therapeutic effect through the psyche to the human body. The doctor helps the patient get rid of social, individual and emotional problems, first establishing deep personal contact with him through conversation. Often accompanied by cognitive, behavioral and other techniques.

Medication assistance

Medicines are also prescribed. Depressed mood, the causes of which are also determined by a doctor, is treated with antidepressants.

These are psychotropic medications that normalize the levels of neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin). After taking them, a person’s mood and appetite improve, melancholy, anxiety, insomnia and apathy disappear, and mental activity increases. And he is on the mend.

Release of emotions

A person who is constantly in a bad mood rarely wants to communicate with anyone. More often he is overcome by the desire to close himself off from the outside world and worry. The main thing is that no one gets into your soul. Many people feel that they cannot be understood. Someone is afraid of selfishness - to open their soul, and in return receive spit.

Well, this often actually happens. But the release of emotions is necessary. The methods by which this can be accomplished are extremely simple. Someone is trying to find sympathy on the Internet, under the guise of an anonymous person. Others take a notebook and begin to pour out their experiences on the sheets. And this makes it easier. This is better than texting with someone. There is no need to formulate words - it is enough to express what reigns in your head and soul. Often, in the process of keeping such a unique diary, good people come, right thoughts. Sometimes you manage to find out the exact reason for your problem or an idea is born on its own about how to deal with it.

Set goals and go towards them

Here's how you can “drive away” a depressed mood. What should a person do if depression has completely consumed him? You need to push off from the bottom. No matter how difficult it may be. All psychologists recommend this method. You need to set some goal for yourself. It may be insignificant. A person locked at home, for example, needs to force himself to go outside for at least 15 minutes every day. This is real. When choosing a goal, you need to focus on your own resources. After its implementation, you definitely need to reward yourself, at least with praise for a new achievement.

It is also recommended to find fellow sufferers - those who also suffer from depression. If relatives and friends do not understand a person, then such people will definitely be able to find support. After all, they know what he is experiencing. Meeting “kindred spirits” will help reduce the feeling of isolation, find understanding and even advice.

Finding Joy

Finally, I would like to point out one more thing effective recommendation. Many experts advise people suffering from depression to find new meaning life. Something you want to wake up for. The best option is to have a pet.

Even medicine confirms the importance of animals in restoring a person’s well-being and emotional state. Eat official statistics, confirming that people who have a pet are 30% less likely to seek medical help. Animals are excellent companions, bringing joy.

In addition, by starting to take care of a pretty living creature, a person will increase the energy of compassion and feel spiritual warmth. After all, there is so much unconditional love in animals that it simply cannot help but be transmitted.

If a person depression - emotional manifestations are quite difficult to hide. Even men. Although everyone knows that the stronger sex does not tend to shed tears for or without reason. This is especially true when it comes to psychological trauma.

And therefore, they quite often attribute frequent emotional breakdowns to fatigue at work, crisis, lack of time, or something else, but not to symptoms of impending depression.

Most representatives of the stronger sex are, in one way or another, hostages of the “real guys don’t complain about anything” stereotypes. Of course, who can argue that Superman is the standard of masculinity, reliability, and impeccability in everything. Whether it's health or behavior.

If you get sick, take an aspirin tablet and go on to perform great feats. Negative emotions come flooding in - pull yourself together. If you’re tired, take a week off and again go two years without a vacation.

And to the question: “How are you?” the answer should be simple and concise, even for those closest to you: “Everything is fine, no problems!” And suddenly, after being in such a “failure-free” mode for quite a long time, out of the blue, an emotional failure of the program occurs. A nightmare begins, obvious even to an outside observer.

Until recently, cold-blooded and impassive, a man becomes extremely unrestrained and touchy because of some trifles: a casual remark from the boss, a burst car tire or burnt meatballs.

He stops meeting with friends: they all suddenly turn into “rare bores” and don’t understand him at all. Has not communicated with loved ones for a long time.

He misses work without good reason or unexpectedly returns home in the middle of the week after a feast, but in a low mood. Dinner remains untouched, and sleep remains restless. Occasionally there is a phrase about unpleasant sensations in the chest. When looking for reasons on your own, the arrows again point to negative emotions received at work or fatigue that has come from inexplicably after a recent vacation.

If all these symptoms go away on their own over time, very good. And if they only get worse, the specter of a serious illness called depression may loom on the horizon.

Statistics show that women are twice as likely to suffer from this disease. Of every hundred examined, approximately twenty percent are representatives of the fairer sex and only eight to ten percent are men.

But in the latter it is more problematic to diagnose. They are accustomed to hiding their emotions from others. Even in heart-to-heart conversations with friends and family, they don’t complain about anything and don’t look for sympathy. Although they share problems, they remain cheerful.

As a result, restoration of health begins when the disease is already quite advanced. Often they don’t do this at all.

The first, which does not occur often, is endogenous, due to the specific functioning of the brain and is predetermined by heredity. The second, somatogenic, manifests itself as a result of a head injury or serious illness.

The third, psychogenic, arises during experiences associated with various excesses (loss of a job, disappointment in some ideal, midlife crisis, etc.).

We list the manifestations of depression, the presence of which should alert you:

    unpredictable headaches or heart pain, disturbances in appetite and sleep;

    disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;

    an indifferent attitude towards one’s appearance, and sometimes neglect of personal hygiene: a man stops shaving and changing his shirts on time; begins to stoop and looks older than his age;

    loss of interest in the opposite sex;

    nervousness, irritability towards everything;

    slowness in the construction of phrases and a certain clumsiness in body movements, problems with the perception of unfamiliar material;

    prolonged inactivity near the TV, aimlessly looking at patterns on the ceiling.

This may alternate with sudden, hectic behavior: a person, out of nowhere, packs a backpack and goes kayaking or starts renovating the kitchen. It would be a mistake in this case to catch your breath: short-lived initiative is replaced by apathy;

    infantility in solving current problems and a doomed look into the future;

    unexpected addiction to unusual, risky sports and alcoholic beverages;

    thoughts about death.

In addition to the violation emotional background, depression has a negative impact on physiological state body. Scientists have found that this disease seriously reduces immunity.

With depression, the activity of cells that rid the body of harmful substances. Thus, he becomes more susceptible to infections. And the man in
fifty years old blooming age the immune system can begin to work like a septuagenarian.

Studies have also shown that the amount of so-called “bad” cholesterol in the blood of men suffering from depression increases. As a result, the risk of another serious disease - atherosclerosis - increases. So one illness leads to another.

Another illness associated with depression - rheumatoid arthritis. Doctors have noticed that it often develops in humans against the background heavy losses and accompanying long-term negative emotions.

Of course, depression does not directly affect the course of the disease, but quite often it becomes the starting mechanism for its occurrence in the presence of unfavorable heredity.

Defeating depression with emotional restructuring

First aid for depression is support and positive emotions towards the sick person from family and friends. It will be very good to just spend time together. In addition, it is recommended:

The most general emotional state that colors all human behavior for a long time is called mood. It is very diverse and can be joyful or sad, cheerful or depressed, cheerful or depressed, calm or irritated, etc. Mood is an emotional reaction not to the direct consequences of certain events, but to their significance for a person’s life in the context of his general life plans, interests and expectations.


S. L. Rubinstein noted the peculiarities of mood in that it is not objective, but personal, and that the most powerful emotional reaction is affect.

Affect(from Lat. affectuctus - “emotional excitement”) - a strong and relatively short-term emotional state associated with a sharp change in life circumstances that are important for the subject and accompanied by sharply expressed motor manifestations and changes in the functions of internal organs.

Affect completely takes over the human psyche. This entails a narrowing and sometimes even a shutdown of consciousness, changes in thinking and, as a consequence, inappropriate behavior. For example, with severe anger, many people lose the ability to constructively resolve conflicts. Their anger turns into aggression. The person screams, blushes, waves his arms, and may hit the enemy.

Affect occurs sharply, suddenly in the form of a flash, an impulse. Managing and coping with this condition is very difficult. Any feeling can be experienced in an affective form.

Affects have a negative impact on human activity, sharply reducing the level of its organization. In passion, a person seems to lose his head, his actions are unreasonable, committed without taking into account the situation. If objects that are not related to the cause of the affect fall into the sphere of a person’s actions, he can throw away the thing he comes across in a rage, push a chair, or slap the floor. Losing power over himself, a person gives himself entirely to experience.

It would be wrong to think that affect is completely uncontrollable. Despite the apparent suddenness, affect has certain stages of development. And if at the final stages, when a person completely loses control over himself, it is almost impossible to stop, then at the beginning any normal person can do this. Of course, this requires enormous willpower. The most important thing here is to delay the onset of affect, “extinguish” the affective outburst, restrain yourself, and not lose power over your behavior.


  • Main article: Stress

Another broad area of ​​human conditions is united by the concept of stress.

Under stress(from the English stress - “pressure”, “tension”) understand the emotional state that arises in response to all kinds of extreme influences.

No person manages to live and work without experiencing stress. Everyone experiences severe life losses, failures, trials, conflicts, and stress when performing difficult or responsible work from time to time. Some people cope with stress more easily than others, e.g. are stress-resistant.

An emotional state close to stress is the “ emotional burnout " This condition occurs in a person if, in a situation of mental or physical stress, he experiences negative emotions for a long time. At the same time, he can neither change the situation nor cope with negative emotions. Emotional burnout manifests itself in a decrease in the overall emotional background, indifference, avoidance of responsibility, negativism or cynicism towards other people, loss of interest in professional success, and limitation of one’s capabilities. As a rule, the causes of emotional burnout are monotony and monotony of work, lack of career growth, professional inconsistency, age-related changes and socio-psychological maladjustment. Internal conditions for the occurrence of emotional burnout can be accentuations of a certain type of character, high anxiety, aggressiveness, conformity, and an inadequate level of aspirations. Emotional burnout hinders professional and personal growth and, like stress, leads to psychosomatic disorders.


Close in its manifestations to stress is the emotional state of frustration.

Frustration(from Latin frustration - “deception”, “frustration”, “destruction of plans”) - a human state caused by objectively insurmountable (or subjectively perceived) difficulties that arise on the way to achieving a goal.

Frustration is accompanied by a whole set of negative emotions that can destroy consciousness and activity. In a state of frustration, a person can show anger, depression, external and internal aggression.

For example, when performing some activity a person fails, which causes him negative emotions - grief, dissatisfaction with himself. If in such a situation the people around you support you and help you correct your mistakes, the emotions you experience will remain just an episode in a person’s life. If failures are repeated and significant people at the same time they reproach, shame, call them incapable or lazy, this person usually develops an emotional state of frustration.

The level of frustration depends on the strength and intensity of the influencing factor, the person’s condition and his or her existing forms of response to life’s difficulties. Especially often the source of frustration is a negative social assessment that affects significant relationships of the individual. A person’s resistance (tolerance) to frustrating factors depends on the degree of his emotional excitability, type of temperament, and experience of interaction with such factors.

A special form of emotional experience is passion. In terms of the intensity of emotional arousal, passion approaches passion, and in terms of duration and stability it resembles mood. What is the peculiarity of passion? Passion is a strong, persistent, all-encompassing feeling that determines the direction of a person’s thoughts and actions. The causes of passion are varied - they can be determined by conscious beliefs, they can come from bodily desires, or they can have a pathological origin. In any case, passion is related to our needs and other personality traits. Passion is usually selective and objective. For example, a passion for music, for collecting, for knowledge, etc.

Passion captures all the thoughts of a person, in which all the circumstances related to the object of passion revolve, which imagines and ponders ways to achieve the need. What is not related to the object of passion seems secondary, unimportant. For example, some scientists who passionately work on a discovery do not attach importance to their appearance, often forgetting about sleep and food.

The most important characteristic of passion is its connection with the will. Since passion is one of the significant motivations for activity, because it has great strength. In reality, assessing the meaning of passion is twofold. Public opinion plays a big role in evaluation. For example, the passion for money and hoarding is condemned by some people as greed, acquisitiveness, while at the same time within the framework of another social group can be considered as economy, prudence.

Psychological self-regulation: affect, stress, emotional burnout, frustration, passion

The inability to regulate one’s emotional states and cope with affects and stress is an obstacle to effective professional activity, disrupts interpersonal relationships at work and in the family, interferes with the achievement of goals and intentions, and disrupts human health.

There are special techniques that help cope with strong emotion and prevent it from turning into passion. To do this, it is recommended to notice and realize an unwanted emotion in time, analyze its origins, release muscle tension and relax, breathe deeply and rhythmically, attract a pre-prepared “duty image” of a pleasant event in your life, and try to look at yourself from the outside. Affect can be prevented, but this requires endurance, self-control, special training, and a culture of interpersonal relationships.

A means of preventing emotional burnout is the optimization of working conditions and psychological correction for early stages emotional disturbances.

The factor of stressful time also matters. Long-term exposure to stress is especially dangerous. It has been noticed, for example, that over 10-15 years of working in extreme conditions, the human body wears out as if it had suffered a severe heart attack. And, conversely, short-term severe stress activates a person, as if “shaking” him.

So, you need to remember the following:
  • You should not strive to avoid stress at all costs and be afraid of it. It’s paradoxical, but true: the more you try to live and work “always measuredly and calmly,” the more stress will destroy you. After all, instead of gradually and patiently accumulating experience in self-management under stress, you will “run away” from it.

You can compare methods effective management stress with the actions of an experienced climber. If a person, gripped by fear, turns his back to an avalanche and runs away from it, it will overtake him and destroy him. It is necessary to face danger in order to know how to protect yourself from it.

  • In order to manage your stress, you need to use its beneficial functions and eliminate harmful ones.
  • With constructive stress, the accumulated dissatisfaction of people with each other is discharged, it is resolved important issue and mutual understanding between people improves.
  • With destructive stress, relationships deteriorate sharply to complete break, the problem remains unresolved, people experience severe feelings of guilt and hopelessness.

The most successful, both in the profession and in personal life, are people who have learned to control themselves, who have developed psychotechnics of personal self-regulation. They know their strengths and weaknesses, they know how to restrain themselves, show patience, and slow down their internal “explosions.”

People with developed personal psychotechnics implement four main actions:
  • Action one: they do not blame anyone: neither themselves nor others. They do not suffer from “reproaches of conscience” and do not “dump” their stressful energy on others.
  • Action two: they strive to master themselves at the first stage of stress development, when self-control is still preserved and the “stressful element” has not completely taken over. They strive to stop themselves in time. One leading specialist at a large commercial bank expressed this idea this way: “It’s important not to hit point B.”
  • Act three: they study themselves. People with developed self-regulation know well how a stressful state begins to develop in them. In other words, they become aware in time of a change in their internal sense of self during the first stage of stress development.
  • Act four and most important. People with developed self-regulation intuitively find the optimal strategy in stress. Those who successfully master stress are those who understand that “dumping” dark stressful energy on others is uncivilized and, in a certain sense, unprofitable. There is a loss of necessary business connections, personal relationships are destroyed. They also understand that directing destructive stress energy at themselves by blaming themselves for their mistakes is not constructive. Really, what changes from this? The matter is still pending, and the problem is not being solved.
To remove emotional stress, need to:
  • correctly assess the significance of events;
  • in case of defeat, act according to the principle “it didn’t hurt, that’s what I wanted”;
  • increase physical activity(many women begin to do laundry or other heavy housework);
  • form a new dominant, i.e. get distracted;
  • speak out, cry;
  • listen to music;
  • cause a smile, laughter, humor is necessary in order to
  • to perceive as comic what pretends to be serious;
  • achieve relaxation.

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Depression is inherently heterogeneous, as it manifests itself with extensive symptoms accompanied by functional disorders. Unfortunately, some of them are quite difficult to identify. In particular, this applies to anesthetic depression, which is characterized by “painful” insensibility.

The symptoms of this mental disorder (“melancholia anaesthetica”) were first described by A. Schafer back in 1880. Patients noted a pronounced lack of mental and bodily sensations, loss of interest in everything.

How to identify depersonalization depression? Is this disease treatable? Let's try to understand these issues.

You will need:

Differences from other disorders

Painful alienation of emotions and insensitivity are the main differences between depersonalization depression and other types of depression. Its “core” is dulling of feelings, alienation, mental anesthesia.

Anergic symptoms (excessive sadness, a feeling of hopelessness), as well as (gloomy and melancholy mood with the experience of boredom, attacks of irritability from external factors) have similar symptoms.

The phenomena of depersonalization are usually part of the structure of melancholy depression and manifest themselves in melancholic states. Most often, this dissociative disorder is secondary and develops against the background of some other disorder.

Depersonalization occurs in approximately 2% of the population. As a secondary pathology, it is detected in 80% of patients in psychiatric hospitals. Anesthetic depression is most often characterized by chronic course and are difficult to treat.

Reasons for appearance

Almost always the root cause is stressful situation, difficult emotionally. Worrying mental trauma, a person is faced with the problem of realizing his own personality, his “I”.

His emotional sphere becomes dull and no feelings arise, which is why the depersonalized mechanism turns on.

Among the causes of the syndrome are also called:

  1. History of mental disorders.
  2. Neurological and biochemical disorders in the body (failures in the production of cortisol, modifications of receptor proteins, disturbances in the interaction of neurotransmitters).
  3. Organic diseases nervous system.
  4. Somatic and neurological diseases.
  5. Pathologies of the endocrine system.
  6. Neoplasms in the brain.
  7. Epilepsy.
  8. Traumatic brain injuries.
  9. Drug addiction and alcoholism.
  10. Psychotraumatic situations.

Against the background of severe emotional shock, especially impressionable people develop depersonalization depression syndromes: depressed mood and emotions, derealization, vital melancholy. Feelings become dull and the person withdraws into himself. In severe form, this pathology can lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts to commit suicide.

Accompanying disorders

Anesthetic depression comparable to a phenomenon similar to local anesthesia.

The patient sees, hears and understands what is happening around him, but his sensations (both physical and emotional) are muted or completely absent.

The triad of main symptoms consists of hypothymia, andegonia and asthenergy - typical depressive symptoms.


Depressed mood that occurs over a long period of time (more than 2 weeks). The occurrence of such a phenomenon is preceded by stress, various forms of addiction, borderline mental states and psychological problems. A person experiences hopelessness, slight sadness, and is difficult to cheer up. Even the most joyful event will not be able to evoke emotions in him. The clinic consists of the following symptoms:

  • Decreased physical activity;
  • loss of interest and meaning in life;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • low self-esteem, self-blame;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia);
  • loss of appetite.

The etiology of pathological depression in mood is not fully understood. Hypotymia can develop against the background of chronic somatic diseases. The hereditary factor plays an important role.


Or a partial loss of enjoying life. One of the main symptoms of anhedonia is loss of activity and motivation to perform activities. What previously brought a person satisfaction (hobbies, communication with friends, career, sexual relations), becomes unnecessary.

The causes of the disease are:

  • Depression;
  • schizophrenia;
  • depersonalization;
  • overestimation of a person’s own strengths ().

A person suffering from this disorder is unable to experience joyful emotions. He minimizes communication with people (social isolation), he is not touched by the care and love of others.


That's what it's called increased fatigue, which is characteristic of depressive states. Man feels constant fatigue, lethargy, apathy. It is difficult for him to find the strength to do his usual housework. Concentration decreases, there is literally not enough energy for anything (it’s difficult to even get out of bed).


A person painfully experiences the absence of any emotions and feelings: love, joy, compassion, affection. Such painful “unfeeling” is accompanied by apathy, sad mood, anxiety, psychomotor retardation or fussiness. Other symptoms include:

  1. A feeling of “numbness” in the soul (spiritual emptiness);
  2. Dulling of tactile sensations, taste and smell;
  3. Anesthesia of vital emotions (feeling of bodily changes);
  4. Alienation of thoughts and feelings;
  5. Feeling of aching melancholy in the chest;
  6. Confusion, lack of understanding of what is happening;
  7. The state of “already seen” (deja vu);
  8. Automaticity of actions;
  9. Decreased response to pain;
  10. Lack of natural needs (hunger, need for sleep, etc.);
  11. Lifelessness and dullness of the surrounding world;
  12. Darkened perception of reality (everything seems to be “in a veil”);
  13. Emotional discomfort against the background of the listed symptoms.

The patient feels like an “observer”, not taking part in life. Often he cannot adequately assess time and space, and therefore experiences increased anxiety. In addition, the patient may experience a decrease intellectual abilities, a feeling of one’s own insignificance and helplessness. A person experiences emotional indifference to loved ones and people around him.

Traditional treatment

Therapy should begin with research and identification of the factors that caused the pathology. The doctor needs to explain to the patient information about the nature of the disease and methods of combating it.

The motivator technique of suggestion and auto-training sessions will help reduce the intensity of the manifestation of depersonalization syndrome.

These methods are aimed at ensuring that a person, when attacks occur, can switch his attention to the world around him.

Remedies for mild stage

  • Antioxidants;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • nootropics (Cavinton, Mexidol, Cytoflavin);
  • psychostimulant drugs.

Treatment of severe forms

The use of electroconvulsive and atropinocomatous therapy is required. Patients with panic attacks and anxiety need medications:

  • Tranquilizers (Diazepam, Adaptol, Bellataminal, etc.);
  • neuroleptics (Aminazin, Fluanxol, Sonapax, etc.);
  • antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Maprotiline, Fluoxetine, Sertraline).

Adjuvant therapy

  • Acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage course;
  • phytotherapy.

The effectiveness of treatment increases when positive emotions are involved. Improving the patient's condition during therapy is an emotional stimulus and increases his desire to get rid of the disease. In the vast majority of cases, antidepressants provide significant relief within 2-3 weeks of use.

Folk remedies

At home you can prepare teas based on medicinal herbs with a calming effect (St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, etc.).

The patient needs proper nutrition. It is important to include in your diet foods that strengthen the immune system and increase the tone of the nervous system: natural honey, nuts, dried apricots, fresh fruit, berries, vegetables, etc.

    St. John's wort

    Contains hyperforin (biologically active substance), increasing the production of serotonin – the hormone of happiness.

    Valerian officinalis

Most women experience special trepidation before future motherhood. They perceive pregnancy as a kind of blessing and try to follow all the rules of nutrition during this period, avoid stress and physical overload.

But the female body is designed in such a way that pregnancy can be terminated suddenly, i.e. a miscarriage occurs. The situation is quite difficult, requiring physical and moral recovery. Depression after a miscarriage develops in almost every woman who has experienced such a loss.

Psychological state^

The psychological state after termination of pregnancy is severe, colored by negative thoughts and an unstable emotional background.

A woman at this moment tends to torment herself with endless conversations and thoughts about what she did something wrong.

The first time after the incident, melancholy and sadness are expressed in visiting forums dedicated to motherhood, going to children's stores and looking at small children in parks.

After a miscarriage, a woman’s emotions and feelings become dull, and blaming herself for what happened and despair come to the fore. It seems that life is over and will never be the same again. The woman feels lonely and driven into a dead end.

This state of affairs negatively affects the course of physiological processes, when there is simply no appetite, and normal rest and basic sleep are out of the question.

Recovering from a miscarriage is much more difficult mentally than physically. This is a difficult path that requires persistence, perseverance and support from family and friends.

How to cope with depression after a miscarriage^

It is quite difficult to restore emotional balance, but there are several techniques that can help alleviate your condition.

  • Give vent to emotions. There is no need to hush up your experiences. All people experience loss in accordance with their individual characteristics, but the state of shock at the first stage is characteristic of everyone. Numbness and detachment from everything that is happening around, a hysterical attack is normal reaction human body in the first minutes and even hours after the incident.
  • Realize the loss. After the first shock, there comes a period of awareness when it is necessary to accept what happened. At this time, you should not make serious decisions that could radically change the future. It is much more important to carry out difficult period next to a loved one whom the woman trusts. He will be able to provide the necessary support and care, because the awareness of loss is the most difficult and painful condition when depression reaches its peak.
  • Talk through your emotions and feelings. You can't isolate yourself. It is imperative to talk about your grief, and it does not matter with whom. The main thing is that this person is ready to listen. Such a conversation is often accompanied by tears, but you should not be ashamed of this, because this is a kind of act of healing and liberation from heavy shackles.
  • Communicate with those who have experienced a similar tragedy. Support from women who have experienced sudden pregnancy loss can have a positive impact. The experience of overcoming a difficult condition and having children in the future has a beneficial effect on a woman’s moral recovery.
  • Work on yourself. At a certain stage, you need to pull yourself together, cry and accept the fact of what happened, as well as the fact that grief can happen to anyone, but life goes on and requires efforts from a person to improve themselves and restore justice. The tragic stage of life must end, otherwise returning to a full life is simply impossible, because it is not only time that heals, but also working on your experiences and emotions.
  • Take care of your physical and mental health. Miscarriage can be caused by certain diseases, so there is a need for a comprehensive examination. Consultations with specialists and following their recommendations will help prevent a recurrence of the tragedy in the future and fully prepare for new pregnancy.
  • Monitor your diet. At first, after the incident, a woman may simply forget about eating, but this is wrong, because the body needs strength to recover. Food should be varied and of high quality, and its intake should be regular. Caffeine and alcohol are contraindicated, but consumption clean water in large quantities is welcome.
  • Stick to your normal daily routine and avoid taking addictive sleeping pills.
  • Observe your emotional state. To do this, it is convenient to keep a diary in which you can daily record the main events, meetings, experiences, changes in thoughts and feelings, plan future achievements, in general, everything that a woman considers necessary, and which will allow her to observe her experiences and note a certain dynamics.
  • Master relaxation skills and meditation techniques. There are various breathing exercises that are highly effective and help relieve tension: starting position - lying on your back, a cushion is located under your knees and lower back, eyes closed; exhale, on the count of four - inhale, and first the stomach is filled, then chest; on the count of four - exhale (the stomach is released, and then the chest).
  • Make a dramatic change. As soon as the desire arises, you can update your wardrobe or make cosmetic repairs in your apartment.
  • How to get rid of alcoholic depression? Read on.

    Find out about the best books for depression in our article.

    After a miscarriage, thoughts of a new pregnancy will be scary, but over time they will begin to appear more and more often, and the fear will begin to go away. In order to properly prepare for a new stage in your life, it is important to understand and realize the tragedy that happened. Only in this case can we talk about meaningful work on oneself.

    A woman will never be able to forget about her loss, but even in such grief one can see the creative beginning contained in gaining strength and wisdom for a further full life.

    Stroke: psychosomatics and consequences

    Psychosomatics of stroke are two words that at first glance do not have much in common. The fact is that in traditional medicine, a stroke is considered to be a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. From a physiological point of view, the occurrence of disease is so. However, doctors are increasingly coming to the conclusion that stroke develops under a huge number of different factors, one of which is psychosomatics or psychological state person. Due to similar problems patients suffer from psychosis and a host of other psychological disorders. To understand psychosomatic reasons and the consequences of an attack, it is necessary to consider the situation from different angles.

    What is psychosomatics?

    The word psychosomatics in the medical community means the development of diseases, psychosis, and other pathological conditions, developing under the influence of human psychological perception. We can say that all ailments in the body come from incorrect thinking; we ourselves attract them and contribute to their development. In fact, an experienced rehabilitation psychologist will say that many diseases occur not so much from an emotional state, but from mental health.

    A person who is often subject to stress, depression, and easily moves into a state of aggression harms his body by subjecting it to constant “shocks.”

    First of all, such manifestations of emotionality affect the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and brain, but if a person has a disturbed psyche, damage is caused to the entire body as a whole. Moreover, there are many cases proving that psychosomatic disorders increase the chance of psychological complications after a stroke. In such cases, in addition to functional problems caused by poor circulation, a person faces the following troubles:

  • dementia after stroke;
  • depression;
  • aggressive conditions;
  • emotional imbalance.
  • Such complications not only complicate the rehabilitation process, but the very issue of recovery is jeopardized.

    Due to the fact that the patient’s psyche is disturbed, his emotional state affects not only his health, it becomes a real test for loved ones, because they are the ones who experience the patient’s depressive, aggressive or other states.

    Psychosomatic causes of stroke

    Dizziness, headaches, deterioration of memory, vision, hearing, and so on - all these are signs of problems with blood circulation in the brain and precursors of a stroke. In most cases, the causes of “brain stroke” are pathologies of the cardiovascular system and concomitant diseases. But if we associate a stroke with a person’s psychological conditions and psychosomatics, the reasons contributing to its development will be the following:

    1. Constant stress - problems at work, frequent worries and worries.
    2. Jealousy - discord in the family, groundless or justified jealousy, results in serious mental disorders.
    3. Anger and hatred are so strong feelings, even if they are pathological manifestations, also contribute to the development of an attack.
    4. Success race - we are talking about competition with oneself to achieve some goals or the desire to surpass others. Such states are emotionally exhausting.
    5. Depression – this state abnormal for healthy person, only its manifestation or state of psychosis can indicate problems in the head.

    All the factors described indicate that the person has a mental disorder. Constant exposure to such conditions provokes health problems, increasing the likelihood of developing a stroke; they cannot be ignored.

    Psychosomatic consequences of stroke

    As mentioned earlier, a person who has experienced a stroke also faces psychosomatic problems. This is not only due to pathological disorders caused in certain areas of the brain or manifestations of dementia. Loss of motor functions, inability to perform tasks that previously seemed simple, to take care of oneself, etc. All this makes the patient feel inferior, hence the following psychological problems appear.

    Aggression after stroke

    Often these behaviors are caused by lesions in the temporal lobe involving the parahippocampal or anterior cingulate cortex. In this case, patients experience psychosis and emotional imbalance. To get rid of similar complications, sedatives may be required, but the most important thing is the understanding attitude of others and tolerance.

    Depression after stroke

    Another severe disorder, which is a certain type of psychosomatic complication. The reasons for its development are the same, but now, in addition to psychosis and anger, it is noticeable that the patient has become depressed, detached, there is a general deterioration of not only psychological, but also physical condition, dizziness. In such situations, in addition to the main treatment, the patient is prescribed antidepressants.

    Dementia after stroke

    This manifestation is difficult to consider as a consequence of psychotic problems; rather, it is a direct consequence of certain disorders caused by extensive damage. It is difficult to cure a person with such a diagnosis; means are used aimed at activating the work of brain neurons and stimulating mental activity, as well as a long course of therapy.

    Psychogenic dizziness

    Such dizziness is direct evidence of certain disorders directly related to psychological and mental state. Depending on the nature of the problem, both antidepressants and sedatives are used.

    Mental disorders after a stroke are much broader in nature; the common pathological behavioral disorders of patients who have suffered an attack are listed above. In addition, if the patient was susceptible to certain psychosomatic problems before the stroke, the likelihood of their occurrence after the “stroke” increases significantly. What to do and how to act in such situations is decided by the attending physician, however, for full treatment, the help of more specialized specialists may be required, among whom should be a rehabilitation psychologist.

    If a person’s psyche is noticeably “shaken” after a stroke, there is depression, anger, grumpiness, aggressiveness, etc., he requires not only a standard course of treatment, but also psychological help, and possibly therapy with appropriate medications.

    In the treatment of all kinds of psychosomatic disorders, psychostimulants are used, therapy is carried out with antidepressants, some kind of sedative, and antipsychotics. In any case, each medicine is taken only as prescribed by a specialist; the course and dosage of its administration is prescribed by the attending physician and a rehabilitation psychologist. Before prescribing treatment and during its process, the patient may require a number of diagnostic measures aimed at assessing the condition and extent of damage caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain, as well as the dynamics of improvement.

    Often, only relatives can understand that a person’s psyche is disturbed after a blow. It is for this reason that the person who has experienced such a shock should have a special attitude from the people around him. It is necessary to help the patient in every possible way to cope with the misfortune that has befallen him and be patient, because treatment can last for months.

    Post-alcohol depression

    Post-alcohol depression is an emotional and psychological state that develops against the background alcohol addiction. In terms of its symptoms, it is similar to withdrawal syndrome, but these conditions have fundamental differences.

    If a severe hangover is often accompanied by physiological symptoms, then depression is characterized by psychological problems.

    The relief that comes with drinking more alcohol is deceptive. It is temporary and after a short period of time the unpleasant symptoms return. For this reason, experts note that post-alcohol depression turns into chronic form more often than other forms of disease.

    Mechanism of the disease

    It has long been proven that drinking alcohol disrupts the functioning of human internal organs. The most serious damage is caused to the nervous system and brain. Regular toxic exposure weakens the protective functions of the nervous system, which leads to mental disorders.

    Each new dose of alcoholic beverages allows a person to feel joy, a sense of euphoria, and satisfaction. Psychological barriers to behavior are removed, fear goes away. In some cases, aggression towards others increases. But after a few hours this condition passes. In its place comes fatigue and emptiness. Symptoms of withdrawal syndrome occur. As a result, any conflict leads to anger and the desire to drink a new portion of alcohol.

    Post-alcohol depression occurs not only after drinking alcohol, but also as a result of its abrupt cessation. For a person who has stopped drinking:

  • the meaning of life is lost;
  • the world around us becomes gray and monotonous, there are no bright colors in it.
  • Gradually, a person develops a chronic depressive state. At first glance, there may be no signs of the disease. The man will live everyday life, do everyday things. The disease will begin to progress and classic symptoms depressive state.

    Symptoms of depression

    Symptoms psychological depression easily confused with a hangover syndrome. The latter usually occurs within 5–10 hours after drinking alcohol. Its symptoms are mainly related to the physical condition of the patient. They manifest themselves in the form of headache, nausea, photophobia, general weakness. Post-alcohol depression affects the psychological state, so its symptoms are associated specifically with psychological health person. It affects your emotional state, outlook on life, attitude towards yourself and the world around you.

    Experts identify a number of main signs of post-alcohol depression:

    • Feeling depressed. It manifests itself in a feeling of guilt towards oneself and others.
    • Slowing down the pace of life. A depressed person refuses to participate in social life.
    • The pace of his vital activity slows down. A person spends more time alone, sitting in front of a TV or computer monitor.
    • Slowdown psychological reaction. A patient in a state of depression reacts slowly to the environment. A feeling of joy or other emotions does not appear on the face immediately, but gradually. The patient seems detached and thoughtful.
    • Decreased self-preservation instinct. Against the background of depression, a person begins to have difficulty discerning danger. He reacts inattentively to his surroundings and can provoke an accident.
    • Thoughts about suicide. At prolonged depression against the background of chronic alcohol dependence, suicidal tendencies arise. They are associated with the fact that the patient excludes himself from social life, loses connections, and becomes unclaimed professionally.
    • Loss of meaning in life. In the background constant need in alcohol, everything around you becomes uninteresting, boring, monotonous. Patients do not feel joy. Satisfaction comes only after drinking a new portion of alcohol.

    The latter signs (lack of self-preservation, loss of meaning in life, suicidal tendencies) are signs of chronic depression and severe alcoholism. When they appear, immediate medical and psychological assistance is indicated. In such a situation, the patient is not able to cope with the problem on his own.

    Types of depression

    Post-alcohol depression is divided into two types according to its condition:

  • short-term disorder, mild form;
  • severe long-term depression.
  • The first occurs as a complication hangover syndrome. It is associated with serious poisoning of the body with alcohol. Severe form psychological disorder occurs with alcoholism of the II or III degree.

    SENSATION! Doctors are dumbfounded! ALCOHOLISM goes away FOREVER! You just need it every day after meals. Read more—>

    A mild form of depression occurs when withdrawal syndrome. The pathology is typical for males and females prone to hangovers. Experts attribute the deterioration in emotional state to developing hypoglycemia. It occurs against the background of a decrease in blood sugar levels. It is required for processing large quantities ethyl alcohol, entered the body. The main signs of hypoglycemia are:

  • muscle weakness;
  • decreased concentration;
  • fatigue;
  • apathy;
  • sadness.
  • To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is often enough for a person to administer a glucose solution. In addition to a lack of glucose, with a mild depressive state there is a deficiency of magnesium and potassium in the blood. Characteristic features Deficiency of these substances is irritability, tremors of the limbs, rapid heartbeat, and convulsions. The problem can be solved by introducing solutions of calcium and magnesium.

    Against the background of general malaise, a feeling of shame for inappropriate behavior, remorse, anxiety, and self-flagellation develops. Normally, symptoms go away within 2–3 days. With drug treatment, the syndrome is relieved much faster.

    Severe post-alcohol depression occurs when a person suddenly quits drinking alcohol. Its characteristic features are severe symptoms manifestations and duration of the course. In the first stages, the disorder passes in the form of withdrawal syndrome - a feeling of anxiety, depression, and apathy develops. If you give up alcohol and lack proper treatment, these feelings turn into a deep emotional crisis. The feeling of insignificance is aggravated by the lack of satisfaction from new portions of alcohol. In search of positive emotions, there is a need for strong sensations: drugs, gambling. It becomes very difficult to get out of this state. Treatment of severe forms of post-alcohol depression requires an integrated approach. It consists of timely support from family and friends, drug therapy, psychological assistance specialist

    Methods to combat depression

    The effectiveness of combating post-alcohol depression is associated with psychological readiness patient. When refusing to drink alcohol, the patient should prepare for a general deterioration in health. With the development of severe forms of depression, patients require medication support. For isolated emotional disorders, gentle therapy is sufficient.

    In the absence of chronic forms of the disease, a fundamental change in lifestyle allows you to relieve the depressed state. It is important to find activities that will allow you to feel joy and satisfaction again without the use of alcohol. Mild forms of depression are treated:

  • changing work and rest schedules;
  • normalization of diet and sleep.
  • The freed up time needs to be filled as much as possible with new hobbies and establishing social connections, which do not contain alcoholic beverages. Preference should be given active pursuits. These could be:

  • fishing;
  • tourism;
  • swimming, running, cycling or other sports activities;
  • visiting the theater, art exhibitions and other cultural events.
  • In situations where depression takes a chronic form, patients are prescribed comprehensive treatment. It includes 3 main areas:

  • Drug therapy. The doctor prescribes antidepressants to the patient, which relieve depression, stress, and normalize sleep.
  • Psychotherapy. Communication in a group or individual sessions with a psychologist allows patients to realize the depth of the problem and understand that they are not alone. Thanks to psychological help, the guilt complex decreases and the view of the world around us changes.
  • Assistive therapy. Methods of auxiliary therapy include physiotherapy, a course manual therapy, acupuncture. Treatment is aimed at normalizing metabolism in the body, reducing chronic fatigue, strengthening the immune system.
  • An important role in the treatment of post-alcohol depression is played by timely diagnosis of the disease and competent treatment. For this reason, the patient’s close relatives should provide him with maximum support during rehabilitation and help establish normal image life.

    It is impossible to cure alcoholism.

  • Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps?
  • Another coding turned out to be ineffective?
  • Is alcoholism destroying your family?
  • Psychotherapy for menopause: when is it necessary?

    The article describes the types of psychological state of women during menopause, indications and directions of psychotherapy.

    Menopause is physiological changes in the body of women 40-50 years old caused by hormonal changes. It is characterized by a gradual cessation of menstruation until the complete extinction of the cycle. The duration of the period is up to 10 years. The condition may be accompanied by vegetative - vascular, endocrine and psychological disorders, in severe cases - mental disorders. Translated from Greek, “klimax” is a ladder, meaning the stepwise development of a woman.

    Psychological state of women during menopause

    Manifestation psychological characteristics women during menopause depend on personality type, health status (chronic diseases), age and factors environment(attitude of relatives and colleagues, nature of work, presence of stress).

    Due to hormonal changes During menopause, the following picture is observed:

    • the skin becomes dry and wrinkled;
    • hair turns gray and falls out;
    • heartbeat and pulse increase;
    • feeling of “flushes” of heat, thirst;
    • frequent headaches, digestive problems;
    • sleep is disturbed, appetite and libido decrease.
    • All this leads to a woman’s depressed mood; she often imagines herself old and useless to anyone. In the absence of support from loved ones; interesting, all-consuming work or activity; with the help of a specialist, the following psychological disorders are formed.

      a) With elements of depression:

    • decreased self-esteem;
    • anxiety;
    • tearfulness over minor issues;
    • various fears (phobias);
    • loss of the ability to enjoy something, to enjoy life;
    • loss of interest in oneself, one’s appearance, work, favorite activities.
    • Depressive symptoms may deepen and lead to suicidal thoughts and actions.

      b) With a tendency to excitability:

    • sudden outbursts of unmotivated aggression;
    • constant dissatisfaction with oneself and/or the behavior of others;
    • provoking conflict situations at home and at work;
    • mood is unpredictable, changes quickly for no apparent reason.
    • inability to concentrate;
    • weakening of memory;
    • in advanced cases - a violation of thinking in the form of ideas of self-deprecation, hypochondria (confidence in the presence of an incurable disease), obsessive overvalued ideas.
    • The manifestation of certain psychological characteristics depends on the woman’s personality type. During menopause, character traits sharpen and manifest themselves in extreme forms- the thrifty ones become greedy, the anxious ones become fearful, the cautious ones become suspicious.

      But there are also paradoxical reactions: a previously shy, shy person suddenly “disinhibits”, becomes active to the point of obsession, strives to be the center of attention, changes his appearance to a catchy, bright one, and his behavior becomes demonstrative. A woman is afraid of growing old, becoming unattractive, and being abandoned, so she subconsciously strives to prove the opposite, first of all, to herself.

      Menopausal fears

      Let's talk separately about fears during menopause. They are varied and manifest themselves with different intensities. Women are afraid:

    • for your life and the lives of loved ones;
    • get sick with an incurable disease;
    • lose a loved one (due to your changed appearance and condition);
    • loneliness - due to a change in character, a woman is afraid that not only her husband, but also her children will leave her;
    • lose your job (memory and attention decrease, uncertainty appears in own strength), often - lack of desire to do something;
    • lose property;
    • a new stage in their lives, which fills them with horror.
    • If fears are constant, they develop into obsessions (phobias), which are no longer possible to get rid of on your own. The types of phobias are expanding - women cannot:

    • get into an elevator (claustrophobia);
    • ride public transport (amaxophobia);
    • being among people in open spaces (agarophobia).
    • They are terrified of getting infected, neatness becomes pathological (they repeatedly clean the house), the feeling of disgust reaches the point of absurdity (they cannot eat, drink outside the house, or take anything with their bare hands without gloves). Common symptom- constant hand washing.

      The development of phobias can be prevented by promptly contacting a psychologist, and, if necessary, a psychiatrist.

      Help with menopause: psychologist or psychotherapist?

      In order to menopause proceeded painlessly both physically and psychologically, the woman needs comprehensive medical and psychological support. Doctors will provide treatment aimed at maintaining hormonal balance and symptomatic therapy to correct dysfunction of internal organs. For mental disorders, psychiatric treatment will be prescribed.

      Psychological support includes a consultation at which a range of psychological problems will be identified. If a woman has unstable emotional disturbances, a favorable family climate, there are good resources for quick recovery - 1-2 sessions of short-term psychotherapy, which can be conducted by a psychologist, are enough.

      Indications for long-term psychotherapy are profound disorders mental sphere. The following directions apply:

    • Cognitive behavioral therapy. The goal is to help a woman realize that menopause is a natural physiological stage in a person’s life. During the sessions, a woman learns about the causes of her condition and ways to overcome it. She will have a desire to get rid of negative symptoms- anxiety, aggression, fears. She will be able to increase her self-esteem and learn ways to deal with stress.
    • Interpersonal - helps to normalize relationships with others, teaches how to avoid conflict situations and how to get out of them. It is carried out both individually and in group form.
    • Family - aimed at stabilizing family relationships, improving the “psychological climate” in the family. The effect will be achieved only with the participation of all family members.
    • The standard course of therapy is six months with a frequency of 1-2 times a week. If necessary, the course is extended.

      The results depend not so much on the qualifications of the psychotherapist, but on the woman herself. She should try to communicate more often with family and friends, not hide her problems to herself, find time to take care of herself, and, ultimately, love herself in a new state.

      Only with joint efforts is complete success of therapy possible.

      Psychological state depression

      - characterized by a feeling of loss of orientation in life;

      - arising when an individual is faced with the need to fulfill norms that contradict each other.

      Autism is a painful mental condition; the individual’s withdrawal from contacts with the surrounding reality and orientation towards the world of his own experiences. Autism leads to a loss of the ability to understand the surrounding reality and to inappropriate behavior of the individual in society. There are Kanner's early childhood autism, Asperger's autistic psychopathy, organic autism, etc.

      Autistic type of behavior - immersion in the world of personal experiences with weakening or loss of contact with reality, loss of interest in reality, lack of communication with other people, poverty of emotional experiences.

      Personal disorganization

      Personality disintegration

      Disintegration of personality

      Personality disorganization is a condition in which an individual is unable to function effectively due to internal confusion resulting from accepting conflicting standards of behavior and loyalties to different groups.

      From Latin Depressio - depression

      Depression is a painful state of depression and lethargy mental activity; a state of frustration leading to anemia.

      Children's pathological fantasies

      Childhood pathological fantasies

      Children's pathological fantasies are a component of autism, obsessive or delusional ideas, manifested in the imagination of children suffering from neuroses and psychoses, during games and in statements.
      Childhood autism - uneven development mental functions in children. Childhood autism is accompanied by difficulties in establishing relationships with people, weak emotional response, “closedness in oneself,” fear of novelty, sleep disturbances, phobias, avoidance of contacts with other people and with the outside world in general.

      Inertia of inclusion

      Inertia of inclusion is a psychological state of a person, characterized by the absence of liberation of consciousness from feelings and thoughts associated with certain past events or life facts.

      Cognitive dissonance

      Cognitive dissonance

      Cognitive dissonance, according to L. Festinger, is a state characterized by a collision in the mind of an individual of contradictory knowledge, beliefs, and behavioral attitudes regarding some object or phenomenon. A person seeks to overcome cognitive dissonance by changing one of the conflicting knowledge and establishing correspondence between knowledge and behavioral attitudes.

      Cognitive consonance

      Cognitive consonance

      Cognitive consonance is mutual consistency, a balanced state of the elements of the cognitive system; state of correspondence between expected and received information.

      From the Greek Melaina chole - black bile

      Melancholy - in psychiatry - deep endogenous depression, sometimes leading to suicidal mania.
      Mental conflict - in social psychology - mental conflict,

      - characterized by a state of frustration and indecision;

      - resulting from the individual’s inability to act due to fear of increasing adverse consequences(when all possible alternatives are equally undesirable).

      The basis of mental conflict is the inconsistency of role expectations and values, which increases significantly during periods of dramatic social change.
      Tension is an emotional state of an individual or group, characterized by disturbed internal balance, anxiety, restlessness, and agitation. The voltage is:

      - or the result of mobilizing all the forces of the individual before committing meaningful action;

      - or the result of frustration, conflicting motives, inability or inability to act in a manner adequate for a given situation.

      Irresponsibility; Insanity

      Insanity is a mental state of a person, characterized by his inability to account for and control his actions due to chronic illness or temporary mental disorder, dementia, etc.

      From Latin Passivus - inactive

      Passivity - inactivity, indifference to the environment. Passivity results from:

      - social and individual mental factors;

      — the simultaneous presence of incentives inducing oppositely directed actions.

      Personification - in psychology - the desire of an individual to shift blame for events or situations that cause frustration onto another person.
      Need is an internal state of psychological or functional feeling of insufficiency of something. Needs manifest themselves differently depending on situational factors. The needs are distinguished:

      — by areas of activity: the needs of labor, knowledge, communication, recreation;

      - by object of needs: material, spiritual, ethical, aesthetic and other needs;

      — by functional role: dominant/minor, central/peripheral, stable/situational needs;

      — by subject of needs: group, individual, collective, public.

      From Latin Prostratio - decline

      Prostration is a state of complete physical and neuropsychic relaxation of the body, which occurs after serious illnesses, severe overwork, nervous shock, and starvation.

      From lat.Relaxatio - weakening

      Relaxation - relieving mental stress. Relaxation occurs as an involuntary or voluntary reaction as a result of a person’s special work on his own mental state and is associated with the ability to escape from unpleasant thoughts and emotions through a combination of physical and mental relaxation.
      Happiness is a human state that corresponds to:

      — the greatest internal satisfaction with the conditions of one’s existence;

      - fullness and meaningfulness of life;

      - fulfillment of one's human purpose.

      Fatigue is a complex subjective experiences accompanying the development of a state of fatigue. Fatigue is characterized by:

      - weakness, lethargy, impotence;

      - a feeling of physiological discomfort;

      - awareness of disturbances in the course of mental processes;

      - loss of interest in work,

      — predominance of motivation to terminate activities;

      - negative emotional reactions.

      Tiredness; Weariness; Fatigue

      Fatigue - in psychology - a state of temporary decline functionality human body due to intense or prolonged activity.

      From lat. Frustratio - destruction of plans

      Frustration is a psychological state of an individual characterized by the presence of a stimulated need that has not found its satisfaction. Frustration is accompanied by negative emotions: anger, irritation, guilt, etc. There are:

      — frustrator — the cause causing frustration;



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