What does an eye in a triangle tattoo mean? Meaning of eye tattoo in triangle

On many papyri Ancient Egypt you can come across an interesting symbol - a triangle with an eye, it’s called “ All Seeing Eye" Today, scientists suggest that Egypt is indeed considered the birthplace of the symbol, and it belongs to numerous Masonic signs.

The symbol drawing is an image human eye described by a triangle. The symbol is considered very famous; it can still be seen today on many Egyptian buildings, architectural monuments, jewelry, clothing, dollars, souvenirs and even on Orthodox icons. This is why it is mysterious, since it was able to independently appear in many cultures.

Origin of the Eye in a Triangle symbol

Image All Seeing Eye, also known as the Eye in a Triangle or the Radiant Delta, is associated with the image of the Great Architect of the Universe, the Creator, who in such a simple way can constantly observe what freemasons bring to life with their work.

Scientists associate the origin of the Masonic sign with the religion of the ancient Egyptians and the ciphers of a secret organization. It is believed that this particular magical symbol will help people understand the secret of the Universe, thanks to it humanity will be endowed with mental and spiritual knowledge of the world. Represents the sign of rapid prosperity, gaining strength, knowledge and development.

Scientists are inclined to believe that the magical sketch is a symbol of the Freemasons, no scientific evidence no, it is unclear what role the Illuminati played in the origin of the sign. It turns out that the mystery of the all-seeing eye has not been solved to this day and humanity can only speculate, trying to find at least some evidence of the effectiveness of its assumptions.

Types and meaning of the All-Seeing Eye

Despite the version of Egyptian origin, this image is found in different religions and cultures. Each nation drew the secret symbol in its own way, giving it its own meaning, but in general, they are all somewhat similar.

In Egyptian culture

Studying the designs of the ancient symbols of Egypt, we can conclude that the Egyptian symbol itself is significantly different in its image from all the others. Represents a glitch stylized eye. Symbolizes incredible strength, the power of knowledge.

It personifies the mystical third eye, which is capable of seeing something hidden from humanity, cognizing something secret against the background of this, thus rising above all of humanity. Differing from them primarily in supernatural intuition, the ability to know everything that exists in this world.

The sign is associated with an indispensable bright future, absolute power and might. This symbol allows its owner to develop incredible supernatural healing abilities and the ability to see the future.

In Christianity

When you come across a Masonic sign among Christians, you immediately pay attention to a more realistic depiction of the drawing. Moreover, the eye is literally inscribed in a regular triangle. It is the Orthodox scriptures that call the triangle with an eye inside the Radiant Delta.

The main meaning lies in the triangle itself. This geometric figure correct form symbolizes three equally possible facets, like three hypostases of the Lord himself: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. This defines powerful energy. The eye itself reminds us that everything is subject to the Lord God. Observing humanity, he sees not only actions, deeds, but also people’s thoughts. The eye is depicted in singular it is no coincidence, this suggests that everything that the Almighty sees cannot be dual. This is all accurate, uniform, correct.

The symbol characterizes quick insight and indicates that humanity will gradually gain spiritual wisdom and knowledge, which contributes to their greater disclosure intellectual abilities, potential. Represents blessed light, joy, the power of knowledge, creation and the existence of a higher mind.

In the countries of China and Japan

The ancient Chinese and Japanese painted the sign in a special way. The picture necessarily contained an image of heavenly sanctities - the Moon, the Sun. It was through them that the future and past of humanity were compared.

North America

American aborigines believed that the Eye of the Great Spirit could tell a lot about the past, present, and future.

Hinduism and Buddhism

According to the religions of the Indian subcontinent, the interpretation of the sign says that the eye is the eye of Shiva or Buddha himself. Characterizes spiritual development through the knowledge of wisdom. Only wise man able to ward off some kind of evil and evil spirits.

Ancient Greece

When drawing a picture of an eye, the ancient Greeks compared it with the Sun. The sign was completely associated with the powerful Gods Zeus and Apollo. They believed that the eye could protect, warm, carrying light and grace.

Despite this, some Indo-European tribes, for example the Celts, associated the eye exclusively with something negative, evil, and insidious. It was this symbol that could carry human envy, plans for something bad, black bad energy.

To summarize, we can see that different religions and cultures interpret the meaning of the symbol differently and draw a sign with obvious differences. However, it is easy to notice that some interpretations are similar - the All-Seeing Eye speaks of the power of knowledge. Such a guardian will give you the ability to understand the secrets of existence, the ability to see the “invisible”, but existing in our Universe. Only with him, under his protection, will it be possible to rise above humanity, gain power over minds, and learn to control one’s consciousness.

How to use the amulet

According to ancient scriptures, the All-Seeing Eye can be used as a powerful amulet and talisman. This is precisely why it was created by ancient people, perhaps even by the Masonic organization. Today, images of a sacred symbol, full of mysticism and magic, can be seen on many products; it is still used as an amulet, protection from everything bad. It is believed that the product attracts goodness, allows you to increase your intellectual level, and discover your abilities for the supernatural.

The green triangle is used to design banknotes; its image adorns pendants, rings, and coins. The design options can be completely different; the main design often contains a pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye, a triangle, and outlines of the eye itself. The material for such talismans can be completely different, from metal, wood, fabric, to ordinary paper.

When choosing an option for the design to be applied, you need to clearly understand what the amulet will be associated with. It is advisable to choose a design that corresponds to the religious characteristics of a particular culture. Such amulets can be used to protect homes, livestock, property and people. Therefore, such things are worn on the body, many even tattoo an eye in a triangle on the body, like a tattoo. They place amulets in their homes, workplaces, and cars.

Esotericists who study in detail the effect of the magic symbol assure that proper wearing and storage of the amulet will allow a person to achieve a lot both in the workplace and in life in general. Will allow you to preserve and increase your wealth, attract into your life the right people. The main thing, perhaps, is that with such a patron will come wisdom, knowledge, understanding and development of certain abilities, talent that no one else has.

There are not many ancient religious symbols that are still used in a modern, deeply secularized society. One of them is an eye in a triangle. Its meaning is of interest to everyone who has ever encountered it in works of cinema, on the gables of buildings and in other contexts.

What does the triangle symbol mean?

An eye in a regular triangle with its apex facing upward is one of the most ancient symbols. According to experts, the following motives are clearly readable in it:

  • Pagan mythology- primarily the ancient Germans.
  • Eye of Wotan or Odin- the supreme deity of German-Scandinavian mythology, patron of victory and war. To taste life-giving moisture the key of wisdom, he sacrificed his eye. Therefore, in culture and art, Wotan appears as a one-eyed old man overseeing mere mortals. The ancient Scandinavians associated the Eye of Odin with a star that helps in sea navigation.
  • Celtic triangle, which among many peoples of Northern Europe was an integral element of Sun worship. The three directions of its peaks represented dawn, noon and sunset. As time passed, the semantic content of the image began to change. They began to associate him with the movement of the Moon, then with the element of fire, then with the patron of thunder, Thor. Celtic motifs are easily read in the symbolism of the Teutonic Order and even in a number of works of art of Ancient Rus'.
  • Biblical influence. It is in the Old Testament that the symbol of the eye is interpreted as the protection of Jehovah. Gradually, the Christian “fathers of the church” developed and honed the philosophical content of this image.

What does a triangle with an eye inside mean?

In the Christian tradition, the eye in a triangle was first included in the Middle Ages. The resulting symbol designated the so-called “All-Seeing Eye,” which for the first followers of Christianity was the incarnation of God the Father. The triangle embodies the Trinity, each of whose hypostases is equal and one. Often the “All-Seeing Eye” is depicted surrounded by rays, which is interpreted as the radiance of divine greatness.

Initially, the symbol had a threatening meaning - the inevitability of punishment, constant monitoring for petty human sins. Subsequently, in the Christian tradition, the image was reinterpreted as a symbol of hope for salvation from the constantly watching Lord.

The “all-seeing eye of God” has been a popular motif in Orthodox icon painting since the beginning of the 19th century. Most often, the image includes the following elements:

  • Jesus Christ (center);
  • The circle in which the Eyes of God are inscribed, watching people;
  • Four triangle-rays emerge from the circle;
  • In the circles that are located opposite these rays, the apostles, the authors of the four canonical Gospels, are depicted.

This motif gained particular popularity among the Old Believers.

Radiant Delta in Freemasonry

The “All-Seeing Eye” acquired a completely new meaning with the advent of the 18th century, when the secret society of Freemasons appeared. The philosophical concept of Freemasonry took many sacraments and symbolism from the Christian religion, but gave them a completely new meaning.

Surrounded by a triangle human organ vision now began to be called the “Radiant Delta”. It began to be used for the first time in the documents of “free masons” in the late 1770s. “Delta” is used during Masonic rituals, and is also a recognizable element in the design of both the premises for their meetings and the clothing of members of the society.

The semantic content of the “delta” is extremely diverse and often contradictory in Masonic lodges of different states and peoples:

  1. Absolute knowledge, fight against ignorance;
  2. Victory of light over darkness;
  3. Origins of the Universe;
  4. The logical beginning of all things;
  5. Personification of the Creator;
  6. A truth that needs to be revealed.

Often "Eye" is stylized as a capital letter G Latin alphabet and is used in this form on various Masonic paraphernalia.

Where can you find an eye in a triangle?

The “All-Seeing Eye” is one of the most recognizable Christian and Masonic symbols. It is actively exploited by both supporters of all kinds of conspiracy theories and representatives of liberal professions.

Among other things, “Eye” can be found on the state symbols of the following settlements:

  • Braslav (Belarus);
  • Kalvaria (Lithuania);
  • Plunge (Lithuania);
  • Siauliai (Lithuania);
  • Wilamowice (Poland);
  • State of Colorado (USA);
  • City of Kenosha (Wisconsin, USA).

“Radiant Delta” is often used by the educational community. In particular, it is she who is depicted on the emblems of the University of Chile and the University of Mississippi. Informal student societies in America make full use of the motifs of this Christian sign.

In addition, the eye in a triangle is a popular motif in the national currencies of countries such as the USA, Estonia, Ukraine and others.

However, not only abroad can one find this mysterious symbol. He is depicted on the walls of the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon Mother of God in St. Petersburg.

Use in Ancient Egypt

The image of the human eye as the personification of the Sun and the divine plan was used long before the birth of the Christian religion. More than five thousand years ago, the population of Ancient Egypt worshiped the Eye of the supreme god Ra, which had the following meaning:

  • Strength;
  • Flame;
  • Light;
  • Attentiveness;
  • Agility.

Also had high symbolic meaning eye of Horus- a deity who patronized the rulers of Egypt, the pharaohs. His organ of vision was the embodiment of:

  • Knowledge;
  • Healings (this is why talismans with the eye of Horus were worn by almost all inhabitants of the Egyptian kingdom - from rulers to ordinary people);
  • Spirituality;
  • Wisdom;
  • Hope for life after death and miraculous healing. When embalming pharaohs, they were given a figurine of an eye, which supposedly helped them come to life in the afterlife.

The eye in the triangle, the meaning of which goes back to the Christian image of the observing God, has now lost its original content.

Video answer: what does the “all-seeing eye” mean?

In this video, Father Alexey Berezovsky will tell you why they sometimes draw a symbol with a triangle, inside of which there is an eye above the crucifixion of Jesus, in icon painting:

The All Seeing Eye tattoo consists of two symbols: a pyramid and one eye inside it. This abstract composition is a mystical and ambiguous sign. An eye tattoo in a triangle fascinates and attracts the attention of others.

This symbol can be seen on ancient Egyptian papyrus, Christian icons, architecture and even on modern banknotes.

All-Seeing Eye Tattoo in a Triangle: Meaning

Many world religions and cultures have images with the eyes of the gods.

In Ancient Egypt, the “eye of the god Horus” was a symbol of the resurrection of Osiris, a powerful sign personifying power, royal power and fertility. It was worn as a talisman by many residents of this country, including pharaohs and priests.

IN North America The eye of the Great Spirit is an amulet that symbolizes victory over evil spirits.

IN Christian religion the eye in the pyramid is a sign meaning that not only our actions, but also our thoughts are visible to the Almighty. For Christians, the number three is a symbol of the Trinity.

Since the end of the 18th century, the image of the All-Seeing Eye began to appear in the paintings of Orthodox churches.

Freemasonry, which was initially associated with Protestant sects, borrowed a lot of Christian symbolism, including this sign.

The All-Seeing Eye, or another name for this sign, Radiant Delta, means among members of the secret society of free masons the Great Architect of the Universe, observing their works.

The Illuminati also had an influence on the formation of the meaning of the sign, which has become an attention-grabbing tattoo in our time. Unlike the Masons, they did not attach of great importance mysticism and religion. For them it was a symbol of enlightenment or the principle of consciousness.

In paganism, a common sign of sorcerers and shamans was the so-called “third eye,” personifying intuition, the ability to look inside the human soul and even open the door to the other world. However, in addition to the positive, it could also have the meaning of a destructive connection with dark forces.

What does an eye tattoo in a triangle mean?

To summarize the above, the main meaning of the All-Seeing Eye tattoo is the desire for enlightenment and intellectual development. This drawing also symbolizes clairvoyance and intuition.

Tattoos with this sign can be made in different styles. Realism will allow you to convey the finest details and shades, be it a monochrome version or made in color.

A tattoo on a leg or arm in the style of biomechanics will also look impressive. The back is suitable for placing a voluminous, spectacular tattoo. It is permissible to add additional elements to it.

Meaning for men

The meaning of the All-Seeing Eye tattoo may have slight gender nuances. This symbol, especially one printed in the biomechanical style, is more suitable for men. For representatives of the stronger half of humanity, it will personify the victory of Good over Evil, the acquisition of spiritual wisdom and power over oneself and the world.

Meaning for girls

In The Devils of Fyodor Dostoevsky there is such a phrase: “A woman will deceive the all-seeing eye itself.”
This suggests that the meaning of an eye tattoo in a triangle for girls is the ability for clairvoyance and intuitive vision. On female body Small tattoos made in color will look more harmonious.
Girls need to be more careful about its location. Some people can interpret a tattoo of eyes in a triangle on the wrist as a sign of an active lesbian.

Man cannot penetrate into the essence of things. His gaze is directed towards outside objects and circumstances. The causes and meaning of most phenomena are hidden from him. In an effort to understand the secrets of the universe, he turns to science, religion or esoteric teachings, looking for answers in ancient prophecies.

What does the All-Seeing Eye mean?

Thanks to vision, a person receives information about the world around him. Open eyes- a symbol of life, light and knowledge. It is no wonder that the image of an eye in an equilateral triangle is called the “All-Seeing Eye.” In Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, in Buddhism and Christianity - in many cults and religions this ancient sign has a common sacred meaning. The all-seeing eye is a symbol of comprehension of truth, divine vision, knowledge of the essence of Being and the Universe.

The all-seeing eye in Orthodoxy

The history of this symbol in Russia is divided into several periods:

  1. In the times of Peter the Great (late 17th century), Russian culture came under strong influence from the West. The Baroque style began to dominate in the architecture of temples and churches. The symbol “All-Seeing Eye” was borrowed from Catholic Christianity.
  2. In the 18th century All seeing eye in Orthodox churches was depicted on the portal, under the dome and above the altar, as a reminder to every mortal that all his thoughts and deeds, secret and open, are known to God.
  3. At the end of the 18th century. Catherine II, wanting to limit the penetration of foreign signs into the architecture, ordered to replace the image of the Eye with the inscription BGЪ (God Yahweh). However, after her death, the All-Seeing Eye regained its former power.
  4. During the reign of Nicholas I (1825 - 1855), when Russian Empire the ideology of the “official nationality” was established, the alien symbol was supplanted naturally and remained in temples only as architectural and pictorial decoration. A few icons depicting the Eye were declared non-canonical.

The All Seeing Eye in the Bible

To find out what the All-Seeing Eye in a triangle means, you need to consider the meaning of each sign that makes up this symbol:

  1. The eye is the waking and omniscient Providence.
  2. The triangle is the divine Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

Thus, the All-Seeing Eye in Christianity is God. The ideological basis for this image was Psalm 33:18 from the Old Testament, which speaks of the eye of the Lord, equally watching those who pray and those who fear. However, there has never been a tradition of worshiping this symbol in Christianity, and Orthodox icon painters depicted it extremely rarely.

All-seeing eye in Buddhism

Unlike Christianity, where the Eye symbolizes higher power and means observation from the outside, in Buddhism the All-Seeing Eye sign is interpreted differently. It marks an inward focus, self-knowledge, a person’s turning to his inner world. Buddhist philosophical and religious teaching preaches that deliverance from life's suffering is possible only by achieving inner enlightenment and spiritual wisdom (nirvana). Every person can open the so-called “third eye”, penetrate into the essence of things and events and gain.

All Seeing Eye - Illuminati

One of the world's political mysteries is the mysterious society of the Illuminati. For those who crave power over the world, there is no need for recognition and fame. It is more important for them to gain real power. They create secret organizations, the existence of which is confirmed by the presence of certain symbols. The All-Seeing Eye is a Masonic symbol, otherwise called the “Radiant Delta”, often located above a truncated pyramid and has a specific meaning:

  1. The eye is a creator, but not God, but the Great Architect of the Universe.
  2. The triangle is the number 3, the number of the spirit, rising above the feelings and reason.
  3. A pyramid is a hierarchy that exists in a world where the top means the center of power. The truncated pyramid with the Radiant Delta symbolizes society as a one world government.
  4. Halo and rays - power and world influence.

What does the All-Seeing Eye on a dollar mean?

Some researchers believe that the American one-dollar bill is filled with Masonic and diabolical symbols:

  1. The eye in the triangle is not the All-Seeing Eye of God, but the Radiant Delta.
  2. 13 rows in the pyramid are not 13 states, but 13 steps of the rite of initiation into Freemasons or the devil's dozen.
  3. The inscription around the Eye "Annuit Cœptis" means "blesses the deeds", although the implication is "patronizes the conspiracy."
  4. The inscription at the base of the pyramid is “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, which translates as “ new order for centuries,” can be interpreted to suit any version.

The all-seeing eye on the dollar appeared in 1935. The world order can only be changed by changing the consciousness of people. The effect on the human subconscious is effective method transformation of attitudes and internal beliefs. That is why the All-Seeing Eye is depicted openly on the dollar. World currency and banknotes of the most affordable denomination - the best way to simultaneously influence citizens completely different countries and continents.

The all-seeing eye is an ancient symbol that is very popular among many peoples. It is found in various beliefs as well as cultures. Some researchers believe that this is a Masonic symbol, but this is not entirely true. Indeed, the Masons used it in their rituals, but it arose long before the creation of this order.

The all-seeing eye is depicted in two ways. The first is an eye, which is enclosed inside a triangle with equal sides. At the same time, it is not clear which eye (right or left) is depicted on the pyramid. The rays are located around the triangle. The second method is that the eye is located at the top of the pyramid, which is separated from the base. It is believed that such a symbol has powerful magical properties. It can even be found on the US dollar. More precisely, it is a 1 dollar bill. Since this sign is depicted on the dollar, it is very popular among users.

In addition, it can be found on papyri that have come down to our times from Ancient Egypt. In addition, the all-seeing eye can be found on many Orthodox icons. Today we will talk about the meaning of this symbol and how it can be used in everyday life.

It is believed that this symbol arose more than six thousand years ago. It was discovered on ancient Egyptian scrolls. In those days it was believed that this eye was a symbol of the formidable and great god Horus. That's why it was called the Eye of Horus. It was believed that god given has unusual eyes. The left eye was the Moon and the right eye was the Sun. Therefore, Gora knew everything that was happening around him, day and night. Nothing could hide from this god. He cruelly punished sinners who violated God's laws. Therefore, the Eye of Horus was considered the all-seeing eye. Everyone revered and respected him, and many were even afraid of him. In addition, it was believed that the Eye of Horus guides the true path and bestows enlightenment on the soul. However, if the eye was drawn with an eyebrow, then the meaning of such a symbol was different. In this case, the Eye of Horus spoke of the strength and power of this god.

During the times of Ancient Egypt, the image of an eye enclosed in a pyramid was used only by priests to perform various rituals. People were forbidden to wear the Eye of Horus on their bodies.

If we talk about what the eye in a triangle means among other peoples, then among the Indians, for example, it meant the Eye of the Great Spirit. It was believed that with his help he observed everything that happened among people.

In the countries of the East, the eye, a sign enclosed in a triangle, symbolized the Sun and Moon. The Sun observes what is happening on Earth during the day, and the Moon, accordingly, at night.

In Buddhism, the All-Seeing Eye has the meaning of wisdom and true knowledge, the path to which this amulet opened. This is where the expression “third eye” comes from. It was believed that with its help one could see the future.

IN Ancient Greece The all-seeing eye was a symbol of Apollo and Zeus. In this case it means true knowledge, divine light and omniscience. In addition, an amulet with this image was used to protect against evil witchcraft.

The meaning of the symbol among the Celts is an evil eye. He personifies evil and a bad conscience.

The pyramid with the all-seeing eye is very popular in Christianity. The triangle in this case represents the Holy Trinity. His sides are God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The eye itself symbolizes the eye of God. With its help, he monitors everything that is happening on Earth. In addition, he can look into the soul of every person and find out all his thoughts. With this eye God sees the whole essence, without distortion. Thanks to him, on the day of the Great Judgment, every person will receive what he deserves. As for the rays that are depicted next to the pyramid, in this case they symbolize the divine radiance.

The meaning of the eye amulet in the triangle

The all-seeing eye is one of the most powerful amulets. Its main meaning is to protect people from evil forces. He grants protection from various diseases. In addition, it is believed that the All-Seeing Eye can heal ailments.

This amulet promotes the development of the gift of clairvoyance and intuition. With its help, you can predict the occurrence of certain situations.

In addition, this amulet helps to reveal any deception. In addition, the All-Seeing Eye gives a person a charge of positive energy, as well as vitality. A triangle with an eye gives the owner good luck and success in all endeavors.

This amulet helps a person to know his true purpose, opens the most shortcut to knowledge and makes it possible to avoid false truths. In addition, the talisman helps to accept right decision even in the most difficult situations.

How to use the All-Seeing Eye amulet

The all-seeing eye is a talisman for personal use. It can be worn on yourself in the form of jewelry. Most often, a pendant or pendant with the image of this symbol is used. In addition, it can be embroidered on clothes. The image of this eye can also be hung on the walls of the house or above front door to protect housing from evil forces. However, it will not have the same power as an amulet for personal use.

In addition, you can get a tattoo with the image of the All-Seeing Eye. The Eye tattoo in a triangle has the following meaning - wisdom, knowledge and strength. In addition, such an image symbolizes a connection with the other world. That is why it is often done by shamans and magicians.

This tattoo is very popular among both the stronger sex and the fair sex. If we talk about what the All-Seeing Eye tattoo means for men, then in this case, with its help, a person declares himself as a strong personality. In addition, a tattoo serves to protect against evil forces.

If we talk about what an eye tattoo enclosed in a triangle means for girls, then with its help the fair sex declares themselves as a mysterious person. In addition, such an image suggests that the girl has highly developed intuition.

However, ladies should get such a tattoo with great caution. If it is performed on the wrist, the girl will indicate that she has a non-traditional sexual orientation.

A pyramid with an eye tattoo is most often performed on the shoulder, back, and for men also on the wrist.

The all-seeing eye is one of the most mysterious and magically powerful symbols. It opens the way to true knowledge and helps a person understand his true purpose. An eye enclosed in a pyramid gives connection with other worlds. That is why it is often used by magicians and shamans to perform various rituals.



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