What's best for the heart? What foods and elements are good for the heart and blood vessels? What foods strengthen blood vessels and the heart: legumes and grains

Well-being often depends on how smoothly and accurately the main “motor” of the body—the heart and blood vessels—works. Good “fuel” for them is not gasoline or oil, but healthy products that need to be included in the menu.

When building a healthy menu, you should consider some principles:

What vitamins, microelements, and minerals do the cardiovascular system need?

The basis of many diseases is an unbalanced metabolism caused by a lack of healthy food components.

The correct combination of vitamins, macro- and microelements restores this deficiency and has a good effect on the functioning of the myocardium:

Products for the heart and blood vessels

Products with the right approach can serve effective medicine, benefiting the heart and blood vessels. Combination general principles nutrition given above and individual preferences will become effective prevention possible cardiovascular pathologies and a powerful tool in the fight against existing problems.

All the products necessary for the heart and blood vessels are most fully absorbed by the “Mediterranean diet”. Its healing effect has been proven by many Western and Eastern centenarians.

The basis of the system is the use of:

Much attention is paid to fish and seafood, which are the main source polyunsaturated acids Omega-3. Olive oil containing these substances is used generously. In addition to olive oil, any type of vegetable oil can diversify the diet - the main thing is that they are unrefined and cold-pressed.

Animal meat (lamb, pork, veal) is rarely found on the menu. The protein diet is supplemented by certain types of dairy products, which the Mediterranean diet treats selectively.

These are low-fat:

Dried fruits, nuts, and honey are preferred as desserts.

The listed products will not allow cholesterol to clog blood vessels and prevent the heart from functioning properly.

The main thing is to treat the given diet not as a diet, but as a long-term collection of eating habits aimed at maintaining activity and vigor.

Foods containing magnesium and potassium for heart health

Potassium and magnesium – 2 vital minerals:

  • responsible for acid-base, water-salt balance;
  • make muscle and bone tissue stronger;
  • accelerate metabolic processes.

These elements have a primary effect on the functions of the heart and blood circulation. Potassium and magnesium are absorbed together, so it is advisable to highlight foods rich in them. The leader is wheat bran. The second position is occupied by soybeans. In 3rd position are beans.

Lots of potassium and magnesium in dried fruits and nuts. Along with minerals, sea kale will replenish the body with iodine and have a beneficial effect on the endocrine system.

At the same time they contain potassium and magnesium, they are perfectly stored at any time of the year:

  • buckwheat;
  • pistachios;
  • walnut;
  • oat and barley groats.

If you need to include minerals in your diet separately, you should use the lists below as a guide.

For potassium:

For magnesium:

The products improve myocardial contraction and prevent heart attack. They increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent angina pectoris.

Meat products

The scientific community has long been studying useful and harmful properties meat products. Containing amino acids, zinc, phosphorus, iron, meat is indispensable for the cardiovascular system.

Not all of its types have a beneficial effect on the body. Red meat (lamb, pork, chicken legs, geese, ducks) poses a health hazard: it contains large amounts dangerous cholesterol, which provokes the formation of vascular plaques.

They cause chronic disorders or acute cardiac catastrophe (stroke, heart attack). Red meat that has been processed and served in the form of sausages, pates, and cold cuts is especially harmful.

Foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels include several types of meat:

  • Chicken. Carefully home grown and free from industrial feed chicken is a source of protein. It has 2 valuable components: the amino acid taurine, which stabilizes blood pressure, and nicotinic acid, preventing heart attack.
  • Beef- an exception to the rule, it has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, including coenzyme Q10, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and zinc, which has cardioprotective properties.

In addition to lean meat, beef by-products also provide benefits. Beef heart is affordable, budget option. Its caloric content is less than that of meat, and nutritional value in some respects it is superior to beef (the content of chromium and B vitamins is several times higher).

  • Veal. Refers to dietary types of meat. When consumed, almost no cholesterol enters the body, so it is allowed for people with atherosclerosis.

For maximum benefit, it is necessary to cook boiled, stewed, baked meat dishes and avoid adding extra fat in the form of sunflower oil. And the main thing is to remember that meat is good only in moderate and reasonable quantities.

List of healthy vegetables

Vegetables are rich natural vitamins and minerals.

Among the variety for the heart and blood vessels, you should choose vegetables:


Foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels include fruits, which are as important as vegetables.


Picked from the garden or frozen, in jam or pies, berries prolong the life of the heart:


Improves the health of the cardiovascular system vegetable oils. They contain healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are easily absorbed by the body without forming cholesterol, and are mandatory component balanced nutrition. At the same time, solid vegetable fats - butter, margarine and artificial trans fats - are excluded from the diet.

Healing oils for the heart:

  • olive;
  • grape seed;
  • linen;
  • sesame;
  • walnut;
  • peanut.


Most people are accustomed to using greens as a savory addition to their dishes.

However, it is also effective as an independent remedy for strengthening the heart and blood vessels:

  • Spinach, kale. These are dark green leafy vegetables useful as a dietary and therapeutic-and-prophylactic dish due to their high content of fiber, chlorophyll, and beta-carotene. Carotenoids in the composition strengthen blood vessels and protect them from oxidative damage.
  • Chard, or Swiss chard. Beet tops are rich in substances that are good for the heart: vitamins A and E, potassium and magnesium, lutein, which forms blood cells.
  • Arugula. It is a storehouse of macro- and microelements (iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese) and B vitamins. Flavonoids in arugula strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so the product is indicated for heart problems, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis.


Sea fish is a source of protein with healthy polyunsaturated fats and important component"heart diet" Omega-3 fatty acids reduce vascular damage and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Suitable for use:

Dairy products

From birth, milk provides human vital activity. Thanks to calcium, potassium and magnesium, milk and products based on it dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, and help remove cholesterol in heart pathologies.

In addition to milk, the following will benefit:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • hard cheese.


Healthy whole grain cereals:

Other foods and drinks that improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels

Products that are good for the heart and blood vessels are far from being limited to the above categories.

Additions to the “heart diet” include:

  • Dark chocolate. The cocoa content in it must be at least 70%. This sweetness increases the concentration of a compound important for blood vessels - nitric oxide, and regulates blood pressure.
  • Nuts. Walnuts, cashews, and almonds are a source of healthy fats that destroy “bad” cholesterol.
  • Chia and flax seeds. Both are rich useful substances, including omega-3 and insoluble fiber.

Table of harmful foods for women and men

Saturated animal fats Lamb, pork, pork ribs, chicken skins, fried meat, sausages, sausages (especially smoked), cold cuts, canned meat
Dairy products Completely low-fat products
Products with trans fats Confectionery, cream cakes, fast food, deep-fried dishes, margarine
Drinks Alcohol, drinks with high content Sahara

Which seasonings are allowed and which are prohibited?

Seasonings and spices containing large amounts of sodium are prohibited, as it increases blood pressure.


  • table salt (more than 1 tsp per day);
  • seasonings for dishes instant cooking;
  • soy sauce;
  • mayonnaise.

An alternative to them are natural seasonings, including:

Therapeutic diets for good functioning, strengthening the heart and blood vessels

For treatment and prevention cardiovascular diseases“Diet No. 10” is prescribed. This is a “table”, a mode and way of eating designed for a long time.

Consumption in the diet is limited:

  • fatty meat;
  • muffins;
  • strong drinks;
  • salt;
  • spicy food.

Allowed products of Diet No. 10:

Example recipes

An example of a healthy dish is a salad recipe with avocado and salmon.

You will need:

  • Avocado – 1 pc.
  • Lightly salted salmon – 150 g.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes – 4-5 pcs.
  • Arugula.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Olive oil– 1 tbsp.

You need to tear the arugula into small pieces with your hands and place it on the bottom of a deep plate. Carefully cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, peel and cut into small slices. Add salmon, cut into pieces, cherry tomatoes and bell pepper.

For dressing, squeeze garlic juice into olive oil and pour the resulting mixture over the prepared salad. This dish is suitable for both a festive and an ordinary table.

Advice from doctors and nutritionists on nutrition for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

To master the “heart menu” faster, you need to be systematic.

Stable heart function, strong elastic vessels- the body's gratitude for the choice healthy products.

Nature has endowed people with an abundance of organic medicines, and this should be used, because the contents of the plate can significantly protect life.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels

About the most important thing: nutrition and regime for the heart:

The heart is main body circulatory system, which, being a kind of natural pump, pumps blood through the vessels. An adult’s heart beats on average from 55 to 70 times per minute, pumping up to five liters of blood! The heart, despite its vital function, is a small organ. Its weight in an adult ranges from 240 to 330 grams.

Healthy foods for the heart and blood vessels

  • Avocado. Contains copper, iron, vitamins B6, B12, enzymes. Lowers cholesterol levels, improves memory.
  • Grapefruit. Contains glycosides, which give the pulp a bitter taste. In addition, it improves heart activity, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Normalizes digestion.
  • Apples . Contain potassium, malic acid, pectin (plant fiber that can bind toxic substances). Reduce the risk of neoplasms. Reduce swelling. Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Pomegranate . Contains antioxidants. Normalizes blood circulation. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Linseed oil. Contains a large amount of Omega-3. Prevents thrombus formation.
  • Herring, cod - contain Omega-3. Reduce the likelihood of myocardial infarction.
  • Chocolate. Only chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa is good for the heart. It lowers blood pressure.
  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios). Contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the heart.

To ensure proper functioning of the heart, doctors advise adhering to “ Mediterranean diet", which has a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect. The diet is rich in vegetables and fruits, nuts, herbs, fish and seafood. Bread and cereals, olive oil and fermented milk products are also included in this diet.

Important role in the prevention of heart disease, is given to regular and good nutrition. For healthy people Three or four meals a day will do. If there are some abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, doctors recommend eating split meals five times a day.

Folk remedies for normalizing the work and cleaning the blood vessels of the heart

Beetroot juice is good for the blood, and carrot juice removes toxins from the circulatory system.

  1. 1 Carrot-beet juice
    Mix ten parts of carrot juice with three parts of beet juice. Drink at least one glass a day.
  2. 2 Carrot and beet salad
    Peel and grate 2 parts carrots and 1 part beets. Add sunflower oil. Cook as often as possible.

To prevent heart disease, it is advisable to prepare a drink containing elecampane root, honey and oats. This will require 70 grams of elecampane roots, 30 grams of honey, 50 grams of oats and 0.5 liters of water.


Sort the oats, rinse, add water. Bring to a boil. Leave for 3-4 hours. Pour the crushed elecampane roots with the resulting decoction. Then, bring to a boil. Leave for two hours. Strain, add honey. Drink half a glass two to three times a day before meals.

The table shows the most useful and harmful products for the heart in case of certain disorders of its functioning.

Disease Healthy Products Products to avoid
Vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits (without coarse fiber), seafood and cottage cheese, porridge, vegetarian soups Baked goods, fatty fish, meats, smoked meats and sausages, cooking fats,
fatty dairy products.
Myocardial infarction

Angina pectoris

Fruits and vegetables (boiled, baked or finely grated), herbs, nuts, second-day bread, pasta and cereals, seafood,
fermented milk products,
rosehip decoction, tea, sweet and sour fruit juices
Fatty meat dishes, offal, salt (no more than 3-5g per day), sugar in large quantities. Fresh bread and baked goods, sausages, canned food, legumes, garlic and onions. Cocoa, coffee, grape juice.
Circulatory failure Alkalinizing the body
products: vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Dried apricots and other dried fruits, compotes made from them, herbs, nuts and salt-free bread are very useful.
Salt, pastries, broths and mushrooms. Radish, spinach, radish, onion and garlic. Pepper, horseradish and mustard. Coffee, cocoa and chocolate are also harmful.

Foods that are bad for your heart

The main reason Heart disease is the poor condition of the blood vessels, which are not sufficiently permeable for blood flow. As a result of this, blood clots occur, and then it is not far from a heart attack.

Foods that increase the risk of heart attack:

  • Pork and beef increase cholesterol levels.
  • Margarine, because it is made with trans fats.
  • Products for the preparation of which culinary technologies such as frying, smoking, and deep-frying were used.
  • Popcorn and fast food are made using solid fats.
  • Salt. Causes fluid retention in the body, which causes edema and high blood pressure, which often leads to thinning of the vessel walls and ruptures.
  • Marinades, spices, vinegar. The cardiac nerve becomes overexcited and the arteries become overfilled, which increases the risk of aortic rupture.

The information presented above is intended for people with a healthy heart. If the disease has already appeared, the diet should be more gentle, limiting fats, coarse fiber, salt and liquid.

From proper operation heart and vascular condition, our health and longevity depend primarily. Of the factors that contribute to this, nutrition comes first.

Currently, 23 million people in Russia have heart disease - vascular diseases. 40 million people suffer from hypertension. And this is only according to official indicators. In fact, almost the entire population suffers from these diseases to one degree or another. This is almost 60% of all deaths. There is a constant increase in morbidity and mortality from heart attacks and strokes.

Contents of the article:

  • what is good for us;
  • products for the heart and blood vessels
  • 10 champions

One way out in this situation is to regulate proper nutrition. Not all people think about the fact that the food they eat is their main enemy. She is either for you or against you. What should you pay attention to when buying groceries in a store? What do you need to remember? What are the healthiest foods?

What is good for us?

There are many foods that are essential in our diet. Nature intended it this way that there are no products that are useful only for one organ. Their benefits are always complex. Therefore, by buying only healthy products, you take care of your health and that of your loved ones.

Products for the heart and blood vessels.

Carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body, contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol and fat in the body. They easily undergo the process of absorption into the blood from ours. Only those carbohydrates that are difficult to digest are useful: those that have not undergone any processing, without sugar and starch. These are a variety of whole grains containing many vitamins and minerals, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Soluble dietary fiber- these are legumes, peas, lentils, pears, apples and many vegetables. Insoluble dietary fiber contains bran, whole grains, and the peels of vegetables and fruits.

Not all fats are harmful to the body. Only solids are harmful to the heart and blood vessels. saturated fats(contained in pork, beef and other types of animal and poultry meat, as well as in palm oil), and trans fats (artificial, often and actively used by the food industry). They contribute to the accumulation bad cholesterol in the vessels, forming plaques. Cholesterol is contained in the liver and organs of animals, chicken skin, egg yolks, milk fats, butter and cream. It was believed that eating too many eggs was harmful. IN at the moment It has been established that they neutralize harmful effects solid fats. Eating up to 5 - 6 eggs per week is simply necessary, despite the fact that they contain cholesterol. But heart patients should refrain from eating so many eggs.

Vitamins. The most useful ones are those that we get from food, and not their pharmaceutical “pills”. Ascorbic acid(all citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, pepper) and vitamin E (whole grains, oils, nuts, asparagus), reduce inflammation in blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots. Our body needs folic acid and B vitamins (whole grains, bananas, peanuts, fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy products) - they reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Minerals(contain bananas, citrus fruits, vegetables, potatoes) and calcium (dairy products, fish, canned fish containing bones, almonds) can prevent hypertension and stroke. Magnesium supplementation (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, seafood) is not only important for heart function, but also lowers blood sugar, helps strengthen blood vessels, and improves immunity.

Any vegetables, fruits, berries are very beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. Their effect on the body is invaluable: substances plant origin weaken inflammation in blood vessels and also have a specific effect: they prevent the formation of blood clots, lipid deposits, and help dissolve cholesterol. Carotenoids are found in colored vegetables: red, green, orange (except citrus fruits), green. They are needed for stable heart function and vascular elasticity. Carrots are especially beneficial sweet pepper, apricots, peaches, tomatoes. Tomato contains vitamins A, C, lycopene (an antioxidant) and this makes this vegetable extremely beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. In vegetables and fruits bright color contains a lot of potassium, vitamins and antioxidants that remove toxins from the body, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential in the diet. Contained in fatty fish: salmon, sardines, tuna, herring. There are a lot of them in walnuts and flax seeds, rapeseed, olive and peanut oil, and soybeans. These are monounsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats are found in sunflower, corn, and vegetable oil.

Whole grain cereals. Contained in breakfast cereals, bread, cereal bars and other products. It also includes rice, buckwheat, and unpeeled oats. Large quantity fiber in these foods fights high cholesterol, insulin and blood sugar. Whole grain bread and cereals are rich in selenium, important element for stable heart function - prevention of cardiac muscle dystrophy, hemoglobin production, red blood cell formation. B vitamins promote the process of hematopoiesis. If you eat grains every day, you will be less likely to have a stroke.

Do not eat heavy, poorly digestible foods, they contribute to the deposition of fats, disruption of integrity and clogging of blood vessels. And the health of the heart and blood vessels is, first of all, good blood flow and strong vascular walls.

10 healthiest foods for heart and vascular health.

1. Beans, red beans, soybeans.

Soy products top the list of healthy foods. They reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Oatmeal is best consumed in the morning with soy milk. But at the same time, you should control the level of salt in the product, as some of them contain an increased amount of sodium, which increases blood pressure. Beans and red beans are very beneficial foods for human health. They are rich in potassium and magnesium, iron, flavonoids, which help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and their elasticity. Are the source vegetable protein, replace meat in the diet, while reducing consumption unhealthy fats. 100-150 gr is enough. beans or beans daily to get your daily protein requirement.

2. Sea fish.

Sea fish is extremely useful. These are: salmon, mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, tuna. Fish, thanks to its Omega-3 content fatty acids, the level of harmful fats in the body decreases, has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health vascular system, reduces the risk of diabetes, relieves inflammation, improves blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. You need to eat 100 - 150 grams. fatty fish 2-3 times a week.

3. Oatmeal.

]Oats contain vitamins, fiber, manganese, selenium, and magnesium. All of them help lower cholesterol.

It's worth starting your morning with a bowl of oatmeal. Porridge contains betaglucan, which normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. It contains fiber, which promotes weight loss. Weight loss, in turn, reduces the strain on the heart muscle. Oatmeal is also an excellent prevention of diabetes. Daily small portion in the morning oatmeal with a handful of nuts, berries or fruits - and the health of your heart and blood vessels is guaranteed.

4. Cabbage.

This is one of the most important foods for the heart. The antioxidants contained in it protect the heart and the body as a whole from free radicals, and the microelements included in its composition protect against atherosclerosis and reduce the likelihood of cancer, as it removes carcinogens from the body. To do this, you should eat only 200-300 grams per day. fresh cabbage or briefly heat-treated cabbage.

5. Green leafy vegetables.

Lettuce, spinach, arugula, parsley, dill, and sorrel contain magnesium, which enriches the blood with oxygen. Eating green vegetables is essential all year round. Prevents blood pressure from rising and reduces the risk of diabetes. Spinach is especially useful - it reduces the effect of acid on our body, prevents the destruction of artery walls, and normalizes blood pressure. Every day you need to eat 30-50 grams. greenery

Extremely good for our heart. Contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids that resolve blood clots. Daily dose- 2-3 tablespoons of fresh, uncooked oil. You can drink in pure form or add to salads, ready-made main courses or soups.

7. Avocado and olives.

Contains potassium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins. Promotes the accumulation of good cholesterol in the body and fights the presence of harmful cholesterol, regulates fat metabolism, and resists atherosclerosis. The daily norm is half a fruit. This is enough to feel a surge of energy for the whole day. Olive. Contain monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Phenolic compounds, the concentration of which in olives is very high, eliminate inflammation, prevent the formation of blood clots, and protect against oxidation.

8. Apples.

They protect the heart, reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and atherosclerosis, vascular inflammation, thin the blood and resolve blood clots. . Apples strengthen the immune system, normalize digestion, and prevent the development of diseases. And pectins, which are contained in apples, bind heavy metal salts and remove toxins. One fresh apple a day is enough. Soaked and baked apples are no less useful.

Almost all berries are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. Thanks to the antioxidants included in their composition, the heart is strengthened, the aging of blood vessels is slowed down, excess cholesterol is removed, and cancer of the circulatory system is prevented. Blueberries are especially useful in this regard. One cup of berries 3-4 times a week - sufficient quantity to maintain health. Blueberries, grapes and red wine contain antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C, which help prevent blockage of blood vessels, stimulate cholesterol metabolism in the body, and reduce the number of harmful molecules. According to doctors, the benefits of blueberries can be compared to the effects of some medications.

10. Nuts and pumpkin seeds.

They contain zinc, which normalizes blood sugar, participates in and controls hematopoiesis, and removes toxins from the blood and the entire body as an antioxidant. This is a source of polyunsaturated acids necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels. The most beneficial are almonds, pine nuts and almonds containing vegetable fats that reduce bad cholesterol, improve the condition of blood vessels, monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, protein and fiber. Nuts and seeds enrich the blood with potassium, magnesium, vitamins B, C, E, PP. Helps increase the endurance of the heart and blood vessels tamiflu medicine. 20-25 gr. kernels are a sufficient daily dose.

There are no less useful products that I would also like to remember to mention in this article:

Dried fruits. They contain potassium concentration, which regulates water balance organism, the greatest. And this is the way to lower blood pressure and stimulate the diuretic effect. These processes are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Low-fat meat products: beef, chicken and liver. They contain coenzyme Q10, which stimulates the production of ATP - a source of energy for the heart and blood vessels. A deficiency of Coenzyme Q10 can cause heart failure.

The healthiest foods for heart and vascular health are available to everyone. After all, their wide variety allows you to choose ones that suit your price and taste. First of all, it is the desire to take care of your health and not give in to the temptation to eat delicious, but extremely unhealthy dishes.

Read more:

How to strengthen the heart: factors, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, folk remedies

The incidence of cardiovascular pathology in recent years not only is it growing steadily, but is also rapidly becoming “younger”. In this regard, the preventive focus of primary care physicians continues to be relevant to this day. This is achieved through adherence to the principle “it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat its consequences.”

In order to know how to strengthen the heart and prevent the development of its diseases, you should be aware of what the risk factors for their occurrence are. In that case preventive measures, aimed at preventing cardiac pathology, coupled with properly selected food products, and in some cases with medications, will have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. Otherwise, Without eliminating risk factors that a person can influence independently, none of the medicinal plants will have the expected effect on the cardiovascular system.

What are the risk factors for heart disease?

In addition to the main reasons that can cause the development of one or another cardiac disease ( genetic disorders, heart defects, kidney pathology in hypertension and others), the doctor needs to remember the development of cardiovascular diseases and assess the degree of risk in each individual patient. The patient, for his part, also needs to keep these factors in mind, and not forget that most of them can be easily corrected, and in their absence, the heart will remain healthy, strong and resilient throughout life.

The main generally accepted factors that can cause adverse consequences cardiac diseases, and, in particular, significantly increase the likelihood of developing acute heart attack myocardium and sudden cardiac death, include the following:

  • Gender and age have a direct relationship with the development of cardiac pathology - most often men over 40 years of age are susceptible to it. This group of patients should be addressed special attention on possible changes fat() and carbohydrate metabolism(diabetes).
  • Increased body mass index up to obesity (above 30 kg/m2), especially in combination with increased level(above 5.0 mmol/l) promotes deposition in inner wall arteries, which is most significant for the aorta and for the coronary (supplying the heart) arteries.
  • leads to a negative effect of excess on the intima of blood vessels, which, in combination with atherosclerosis, negatively affects the integrity vascular wall from the inside.
  • characterized increased tone vessels, which leads to disruption of blood supply internal organs and to constant hard work of the heart.
  • Bad habits- alcohol and smoking contribute to damage from the inside of the inner lining of blood vessels (intima).

What preventive measures will help strengthen your heart?

Everyone knows that healthy heart- the key to a long, happy and, importantly, quality life. In this case, quality means the existence of a person not only without unpleasant subjective symptoms, but also without the need to depend on daily medication for any heart disease. In order to strengthen the heart muscle and keep it healthy for many years, it is enough to regularly follow a number of simple rules regarding a person’s lifestyle. This is called the prevention of cardiac diseases. There are primary prevention, aimed at preventing risk factors for heart pathology, as well as secondary, aimed at preventing complications in an already developed disease.

First, let's look at the first concept:

So, primary prevention in cardiology, which allows you to strengthen the heart, is based on the following components - modification lifestyle, correct and rational nutrition, as well as adequate physical activity . It makes sense to talk about each of them in more detail.

Lifestyle correction

A person who thinks about his health in general, and about strengthening the heart in particular, must understand that giving up bad habits - the most important aspect in reducing the risk of developing cardiac pathology. Thus, smoking and alcohol cause increased heart rate, or tachycardia, and with constant tachycardia, the human heart experiences increased need in oxygen, which is delivered to them through the coronary arteries. At the same time coronary arteries may already be changed due to atherosclerosis or diabetes. Therefore, the blood supply and oxygen supply to the heart of a person who smokes and abuses alcohol suffers, which leads to and can sooner or later become the cause.

Plays a huge role in the health of the body exception stressful situations V everyday life. The modern pace of life of people, especially residents of megacities, is often accompanied by high psycho-emotional stress. Hans Selye proved that stress has an extremely negative effect on the human body. And constant stress, repeated day after day, leads not only to disruption of the adrenal glands, but also has a direct effect on the activity of the heart and blood vessels due to significant release of adrenaline and cortisol into the blood, which contribute to an increase in heart rate and, accordingly, . First - sinus, and as the myocardium weakens and there is a deficiency of microelements - more serious forms. In addition, there is high risk development of stress-induced diseases, including diabetes mellitus and some autoimmune processes. This is why many large companies psychological relief rooms are used and appointments with a full-time psychologist are conducted. If the patient does not have these activities at work, he should visit a psychologist or psychotherapist to create psychological comfort and maintain mental health.

Organization of the daily routine it was not for nothing that it was widely promoted back in Soviet era. During sleep, your heart rate slows down and your breathing rate decreases. Skeletal muscles Those who are at rest during sleep require less blood and oxygen, resulting in the heart working easier and the heart muscle experiencing less stress.

Therefore, to strengthen the heart muscle, a person must sleep at least eight hours a day. And athletes involved in physical exercise - even more, to achieve full restoration of all body systems, incl. heart muscle.

Rational nutrition

Proper nutrition should not be confused with heavy, exhausting diets, with which the patient brings himself to severe starvation, and then short time starts eating everything again. A balanced diet means eating healthy foods that are balanced in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, “junk” foods are excluded, and the eating regimen should be regular, preferably at the same time, at least four times a day. The last meal is at least 4 hours before the night's rest.

Due to the fact that excess “bad” cholesterol is deposited in the walls of blood vessels and leads to the development and blocking of their lumen, it is necessary exclude and limit following products power supply:

  • Fast food, instant food, and any other products with a high content of animal fats, sugar and a high glycemic index,
  • Fatty meats
  • Fried dishes, fried in lard, butter,
  • Saltiness, smokedness, spices,
  • Confectionery,
  • Limit your consumption of egg yolks to 2-4 per week.

The following foods are welcome:

Regarding patients with a predisposition to cardiac diseases or with an existing pathology, the limitation should be mentioned separately daily consumption table salt(no more than 5 grams) and the volume of liquid drunk (no more than 1.5-2 liters).

Of course, it will be quite difficult for many patients to immediately give up their usual diet when they want to eat richer and larger foods. But it is still necessary to rebuild, since, even despite the absence of heart symptoms, the patient himself forms a predisposition in his body to cardiological pathology. For example, patients with diabetes have long been conditioned to think that diabetes is not a disease, but a way of life. It should also be the case for patients seeking to keep their heart healthy - they must clearly understand that lifestyle correction comes down to properly organizing your daily routine and comparing it with regular meals at the same time. Moreover food should not only be healthy and wholesome, but also varied and tasty, otherwise, such events will be perceived by the patient as a painful diet.

What foods are most beneficial for the cardiovascular system?

  1. Nuts. This product contains a balanced amount of vitamins and microelements that help strengthen not only the heart and blood vessels, but the entire body as a whole. The first place is firmly occupied walnuts Almonds have the second highest content of omega-polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help normalize cholesterol metabolism. Persons with an allergic predisposition should use nuts with caution.
  2. Berries and fruits. Pomegranate, apples, grapefruit, strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries, cherries and rose hips are most beneficial for the heart. Beneficial influence juice and fruits of these plants is explained by their high content of vitamins, potassium, magnesium and iron.
  3. Lean meat and fish(cod, tuna, sardine, veal, turkey) are rich in protein and B vitamins. Fatty fish of the “noble breeds”, in particular, the salmon family, in turn, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to better absorption of so-called fatty acids . " good cholesterol" () and output " bad cholesterol"(LDL).
  4. Vegetables. Avocados and pumpkin seeds, for example, are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In turn, excess “bad” cholesterol can be leveled out within a few months from the start rational nutrition. Onions, garlic and broccoli contain microelements that help normalize vascular tone (reduce high blood pressure), as well as the correct contraction of muscle tissue cells.
  5. Cereals and grain products. Oats, buckwheat, wheat, rice, wholemeal bread are a storehouse of valuable B vitamins necessary for normal functioning all internal organs, including the heart.

Video: Channel 1 about heart-healthy foods

Physical activity

Physical activity for a healthy person should be moderate, especially if the person has not previously been involved in sports or physical activity, and suddenly decided to start doing it. The heart must be subjected to a feasible load. It is enough to start with a little exercise in the morning. Then add light jogging, swimming in the pool, game types sports As a base exercise, it is recommended to perform the following: squats, swings of arms and legs, bends to the side, push-ups, abdominal exercises, stretching.

As an optimal example, aerobic exercise training can be recommended for beginners without cardiac pathology who are starting to actively engage in sports. cardio exercise in reasonable quantities. With increasing training time based on endurance, heart rate and well-being. The best options for this are elliptical trainers, jogging, or on a treadmill. It is important that for effective training you need to choose not extreme loads, but longer, but “feasible” ones. The pulse should be in the “aerobic zone” - best between [(190 beats/min) minus (age, years)] and [(150 beats/min) minus (age, years)]. Those. for a 30-year-old person, effective and relatively safe zone to strengthen the heart muscle - from 120 to 160 beats per minute. (It is best to take low-medium values, i.e. 120 - 140 beats/min, especially if you are insufficiently trained).

For people with a healthy heart who are already exercising professionally or doing regular exercise in fitness centers or gyms, the exercise program should be drawn up individually with the help of a trainer, and increased in doses and gradually.

As for the activation of a patient with existing cardiovascular diseases, it should be carried out only after consulting a physical therapy doctor.

Video: examples of gymnastic exercises to strengthen the heart

Video: example of opinion/practical experience on heart training for athletes

Is there any point in taking pills?

Medications for primary prevention, that is, they are not necessary in principle to affect a healthy heart. However, By doctor's prescription, patients with existing chronic diseases other organs ( bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis) You can recommend taking microelements - potassium and magnesium, which are contained in the preparations Asparkam, Magnevist, Magnerot, Panangin, Magnelis Forte, etc.

A healthy person should not rely on medications; a complete diet and preventive courses of taking regular vitamins twice a year are enough (Alphabet line, Undevit, Complivit, etc.).

If there is insufficient supply of substances necessary for work, maintaining health and regeneration of the heart muscle from food (for example, amino acids), such conditions can be corrected by prescribing dietary supplements, sports and special food. However best option- Get everything you need as part of a balanced diet.

In any case, the optimal solution for healthy people who want to “strengthen their heart” with the help of vitamins, mineral supplements and dietary supplements - individual consultation with a cardiologist and laboratory determination of the level of microelements in the blood with subsequent prescription necessary substances, best of all - not in tablets, but in the form of supplementing the diet with foods rich in them.

Video: example of opinion on athletes taking more serious heart drugs

(!) We do not recommend uncontrolled use of any heart medications without a doctor’s prescription!

But certain medications for secondary prevention, that is people with existing heart disease or with aggravated premorbid background (obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, heart defects, cardiomyopathy), often must be taken. Thus, in patients with (hypercholesterolemia) even without clinical manifestations, it is mandatory to take it (! if in six months it was not possible to correct the level of cholesterol in the blood only with the help of diet).

In patients with ischemia, it is mandatory to take (bisoprolol) in order to reduce the frequency painful attacks and risk reduction. Patients with hypertension are required to take (enalapril) or sartans (losartan) for organoprotective purposes, because these drugs protect the heart itself, blood vessels from the inside, kidneys, retina and brain from negative impact high blood pressure.

How to strengthen the heart with folk remedies?

Below are some means to strengthen the heart muscle and vascular wall, known to people many decades ago. Belief in their effectiveness is a personal matter for everyone. It is important that patients with existing pathology or those at risk combine traditional methods with treatment prescribed by a doctor and with his knowledge.

Recipe 1.
Peel and mince five heads of garlic, mix with the juice of ten lemons and five hundred grams of honey. Take 4-5 teaspoons daily for about a month. (It is believed that this mixture helps remove excess bad cholesterol, including that already deposited in the arteries).

Recipe 2. Pour crushed calendula flowers (marigolds) into a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain and bring the volume to one glass. Take half a glass twice a day for about two weeks.

Recipe 3. 4 tbsp. Mix spoons of onion juice with 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Take 2 tbsp. l. x 4 times a day - 1 month. Prepare a new mixture daily. (This mixture, like the previous one, has a general strengthening effect).

Recipe 4(with the “stressful” nature of hypertension). The so-called “chatterbox” - buy at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself alcohol tinctures hawthorn, peony evasive, valerian, motherwort and corvalol, mix in a larger container and take 15 drops x 3 times a day for a month, and subsequently in stressful situations.

Video: recipe for strengthening the heart from viburnum berries

Video: recipe for a vitamin mixture to strengthen the heart and overall health

Consumption of medicinal plants and uses folk recipes both for the purpose of prevention and treatment, must be carried out with extreme caution. Unlike pharmaceuticals, which are tested in multicenter studies, the effect of plants on the human body has been little studied. In most cases, no one can distinguish active substance from the plant and study its absorption, distribution to organs and excretion. That is why uncontrolled use of various herbs, infusions, and decoctions without the knowledge of the attending physician can do more harm than good.

Video: program on comprehensive heart strengthening

The uninterrupted functioning of the heart and brain at any age, both teenage and elderly, is one of the problems that American neuroscientist Daniel Amen deals with. He considers nutrition to be the most important thing for the cardiovascular system. In his new book, Amen gives some tips and lists of healthy foods.

Balance proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates

Because my family members have problems with overweight, I have read many popular nutrition guides in America. I really liked some of them. Others were outraged to the core. You may lose weight quickly if you eat only proteins and fats and avoid grains, fruits and vegetables, but this gain will be detrimental to your heart and brain health in the long run.

The main thing to take away from smart diets is the focus on balance. Especially the balance between proteins, carbohydrates and good fats. Eating protein with every meal helps balance your blood sugar levels. In other words, eating lean meats, eggs, cheese, soy or nuts with every snack or meal interferes with the rapid absorption of carbohydrates and prevents the brain fog that occurs whenever you chew. simple carbohydrates(eg donuts).

Psychologist Kate Connors of Duke University found that when children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) ate breakfast protein products, their medications worked better. By eating only carbohydrates with a low glycemic index - nuts, apples, pears, beans (the index determines the rate at which blood sugar and insulin levels rise after eating a product) - you will extract energy and energy from carbohydrates. nutrients and use them exclusively for the fuel needs of the body, without overeating. Consuming healthy fats that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids can help balance both your psyche and your diet. At each meal, try to balance the amount of protein, fat and fiber-rich carbohydrates.

In 2000, I conducted a study on five college students with ADHD, one of whom was my son. I put them on a diet and high doses of purified fish oil. Each teenager followed this regimen for five months. We tracked their academic performance and took tomograms before and after the experiment. All the guys began to study better and became noticeably slimmer. One girl even complained that her breast size had greatly decreased (breast tissue consists primarily of fat). Their tomograms also showed positive changes. and fish oil really helped them balance their brain functions. And most importantly, in such treatment there is no side effects, unlike drugs.

When choosing fruits and vegetables, remember the rainbow: eat fruits and vegetables of all colors to get a variety of antioxidants, nourish and protect your heart, blood vessels and brain.

More antioxidants!

When cells convert oxygen into energy, tiny molecules called free radicals are created. IN normal quantities they allow you to get rid of harmful toxins. But in excess quantities they damage the mechanisms of cellular regeneration and lead to the death of cells and tissues. This process is called oxidative stress. Vitamins E, C and beta-carotene suppress the production of free radicals. Independent studies on two continents, in Rotterdam and Chicago, have found evidence to support this hypothesis.

Good sources of vitamin C are tomatoes, fruits, especially citrus and kiwi fruits, melons, fresh cabbage, green leafy vegetables, bean sprouts, and broccoli. Important sources Vitamin E includes grains, nuts, milk, egg yolk, wheat germ, vegetable oils and green leafy vegetables.

The best source of antioxidants is blueberries. Several studies on rats have found that blueberries promote learning new motor skills and protect against stroke. Rats fed blueberries were better able to learn new movements compared to the control group. Rats fed a blueberry diet that were induced to have a stroke (in the name of science) lost only 17% of neurons in their hippocampus, compared to 42% in rats that didn't eat the berries. Strawberries and spinach also had protective effects on the brain in rat models, although not as effectively as blueberries.

The best antioxidants (according to the Department of agriculture USA)

  • Blueberry
  • Blueberry
  • Cranberry
  • Strawberry
  • Spinach
  • Raspberry
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Plum
  • Broccoli
  • Beet
  • Avocado
  • Oranges
  • Red grapes
  • Red bell pepper
  • Cherry

Choose 20 healthy foods and include them in your diet every week

To stick to a heart- and brain-healthy, moderate-calorie eating plan, you need to learn how to choose your food. Each week, buy something from this list of healthy, low-calorie, antioxidant-rich, lean protein, fiber, and good fat foods.

The American Cancer Society recommends eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Make your plate a rainbow: Eat reds (strawberries, raspberries, cherries, peppers, tomatoes), yellows (pumpkins, peppers, small portions of bananas and peaches), blues (blueberries), purples (plums), oranges (oranges, tangarines and yams) ), green (peas, spinach, broccoli, etc.) fruits and vegetables.

Lean proteins

  1. Fish: salmon (especially wild Alaskan, since farmed salmon is low in Omega-3), tuna, mackerel, herring.
  2. Poultry (chicken and turkey without skin).
  3. Meat (lean beef and pork).
  4. Eggs (especially those enriched with DHA - docosahexaenoic acid).
  5. Tofu and soy products(organic if possible).
  6. Dairy products (low-fat cheeses and cottage cheese, low-fat sugar-free yogurt, skim or low-fat milk).
  7. Legumes (especially chickpeas and lentils) are also complex carbohydrates.
  8. Nuts and seeds, especially walnuts (contain healthy fats).

Here great recipe: Soak the walnuts in water overnight sea ​​salt, dry in the morning and sprinkle with cinnamon (which naturally normalizes blood sugar levels) and lightly fry in the oven at 120°C so that they are better absorbed.

Complex carbohydrates

  1. Berries - especially blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries.
  2. Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits.
  3. Cherry.
  4. Peaches, plums.
  5. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts.
  6. Oatmeal, whole wheat, wheat germ. Choose oatmeal that needs to be cooked rather than instant oatmeal, which has a high glycemic index, since manufacturers break down the fiber to reduce cooking time and produce refined carbohydrates. The same applies to bread - choose one that is rich in fiber. Remember that unbleached wheat flour also white, be guided by the label, which should indicate “unrefined flour.”
  7. Red or yellow bell peppers(they are richer in vitamin C than green ones).
  8. Pumpkin, zucchini, squash, etc.
  9. Spinach - suitable for both salads and vegetable side dishes, contains fiber and nutrients.
  10. Tomatoes.
  11. Beans (also a lean protein).


  1. Avocado.
  2. Extra virgin olive oil.
  3. Olive.
  4. Salmon (also a lean protein).
  5. Nuts and peanut butter, especially walnuts, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans and almonds (also considered lean proteins).


  1. Water.
  2. Green or black tea.

Plan your meals

I love snacks and can munch on them all day long. However, it is important to maintain a balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in any meal. Since I travel a lot, I’ve learned to take food with me so that when I’m hungry I won’t be tempted by a chocolate bar.

I really like dried fruits and vegetables, but not dried fruits from supermarkets, which are full of preservatives. There is a company in California that dries fruits and vegetables without additives: peaches (I love them), strawberries (second on my list of favorites), mangoes, apples, cherries ( great taste!), blueberries, blueberries (very tasty), persimmons and strawberries. They also make sweet, crunchy bars made from carrots, corn, bell peppers and tomatoes. They taste like an unusual, but tasty and harmless popcorn. I always keep a supply of them in my desk drawer and in my bag. If you eat some dried vegetables or fruits (carbohydrates), some low-fat Chechil cheese and a couple of nuts, you will get a balanced snack.

Here are some more healthy snack recipes:

  • Eggs stuffed with hummus (chickpea spread): cut the eggs, remove the yolk, put 1 tbsp inside. hummus. Add paprika to taste.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with a couple of almonds or macadamia nuts.
  • Low-fat yogurt and nuts.
  • Ham and apple roll with macadamia nuts or three almonds.
  • 30 g of Chechil cheese and half a cup of grapes.

Barry Sears' website contains a constructor for brain-healthy snacks (small snacks). You just need to take one ingredient from each group and mix them.


  • 1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 ounce part-skim mozzarella
  • 2 ½ ounces low-fat ricotta cheese
  • 1 ounce chopped meat (turkey, ham)
  • 1 ounce tuna, canned in water
  • 1 ounce low-fat soft cheese


  • ½ apple
  • 3 apricots
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 tangarine
  • 1/3 cup fruit smoothie
  • ½ pear
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • ¾ cup blueberries
  • ½ orange
  • ½ cup grapes
  • 8 cherries
  • ½ nectarine
  • 1 peach
  • 1 plum
  • ½ cup chopped pineapple
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ grapefruit
  • 1-2 crackers without fat


  • 3 olives
  • 1 macadamia nut
  • 1 tbsp. guacamole sauce
  • 3 almonds
  • 6 peanuts
  • 2 pecan halves
  • 1 tbsp. peanut butter.


I will include these foods in my diet! And what about already 20, and over thirty... It feels like I have to give up some positions, but I don’t want to)))

thanks for the advice

Comment on the article "Proper nutrition for the heart and brain: 4 tips and a list of products"

As for the heart, do an ultrasound first. Regarding blood pressure, you can also check your kidneys just in case, but the therapist will tell you that. And then no one demands Olympic records, walking at a comfortable pace for 40 minutes is very useful for...


To begin with, it would be good to take thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4), glucose or glycated hemoglobin(preferred) lipid profile(total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL). You can take it yourself in any laboratory. Or you can go to a therapist and ask for a referral. Based on the test results, look further to determine which specialist is needed. As for the heart, do an ultrasound first. Regarding blood pressure, you can also check your kidneys just in case, but the therapist will tell you that. After such a medical examination, it will become clear what health problems there are. In accordance with them, establish proper nutrition. It should be balanced and correspond to your state of health. Here, for example, therapeutic diet N8 for obesity[link-1]

1. stop being whiny.
2. Go to an endocrinologist, get tested and have an ultrasound
3. Go to a therapist with your heart and blood pressure and get a consultation.
4. No diets needed. Just normal healthy eating.
5. don’t lose weight for your husband, if he wants to get a divorce (and by the way, everyone has the right to do this), he will get a divorce and nothing and no one will stop him. Lose weight only for yourself and only for yourself. To make it easy, to have a good complexion, to be in a good mood.
6. find out exactly how much you weigh (the options probably seem to be around - they disappear, you need to know for sure). Buy scales, weight loss is an exact science, loves scrupulousness, accuracy and consistency.
7. Did your cardiologist determine that you have heart problems? And why physical the load is prohibited, the doctor forbade it? And then no one demands Olympic records; walking at a comfortable pace for 40 minutes is very useful for losing weight. Walking is generally good.

Food that speeds up metabolism.... ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after If you know which foods speed up your metabolism and add them to your diet, you will take the first step towards a healthy...

The diet is accompanied by a table that lists the foods that can be eaten at certain phases of the diet, so in the attack you can use vegetables - bay leaf, parsley and dill. No vegetables allowed! They're already on the cruise.



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