What to do if there is an unpleasant odor from the vagina during sex. Rotten odor from the vagina: causes, treatment and recommendations

Each person has a unique, individual body odor. If the latter has become unpleasant, this indicates certain changes in the body. In extreme cases, such a symptom may indicate the development of a disease. The causes of unpleasant odor from a person’s body can be different, it is important to know about them in order to eliminate the problem in a timely manner.

Why does my body smell bad?

Sweating in the body occurs through sweat glands, of which there are more than 2.5 million. They are located throughout the body and according to the type of secretion they are divided into eccrine and apocrine. The former occupy almost the entire surface of the skin, providing thermoregulation of the body. With their help, the body cools in hot weather and during physical labor. This sweat consists of salt and water.

Apocrine glands are located in hair follicles in the armpits and genital area. A small number of them are located near the ear canal. Apocrine glands secrete a secretion that determines how a person smells. They emit a whitish liquid into the hair, which when in contact with bacteria on the body creates an unpleasant odor.

Many different microorganisms live on human skin, including harmful bacteria and microflora, without which the existence of the body is impossible. A huge number of such microbes absorb components released along with sweat and leave the products of their vital activity on the surface of the skin. This creates a specific, unpleasant body odor.

Stressful conditions

If your own smell makes you nervous, then the situation only gets worse. Stress causes your body to produce more smelly sweat, so it's important to try to calm yourself down. Under stress, sweat is secreted by apocrine glands, which are characterized by the creation of an unpleasant odor. If you take steroids, your discharge will always smell like stress.

Foods that cause unpleasant body odor

When body temperature rises, during physical activity, stress, heat, the sweat glands are activated. However, sweat itself does not smell. The stench that a person fights with deodorants and soap is the result of the activity of bacteria that are constantly present on the skin. Why does the smell sometimes become so unpleasant and pungent? Food may be the culprit. These include:

  1. Cabbage. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower contain sulfur, an unpleasant-smelling substance that becomes more intensely odorous when exposed to sweat and bacteria.
  2. Asparagus. Consumption of the product causes the acrid, “ammonia” stench of urine. Although this effect does not last longer than a couple of hours, the odor emanating from the body may deteriorate for a short time. This is due to the fact that when asparagus is digested, a foul-smelling gas called methanithiol is released. It is formed during the decay of proteins and is part of intestinal gases.
  3. Eggs. The product is rich in choline and is not recommended for people with trimethylaminuria, a genetic syndrome in which trimethylamine accumulates in the body. As a result of this pathology, the skin smells like fish.
  4. Garlic, onion, curry. These spices contain sulfur, and when it enters the bloodstream, its compounds are released through sweat and breathing. The body smells unpleasantly of acid after eating spices.

Low Carb Diets

Low-carb nutrition systems are famous for their ability to quickly lose weight. When the body stops receiving the usual amount of bread, pasta and other carbohydrate foods to convert them into energy, the body begins to burn fat reserves. At the same time, it produces a substance that gives sweat the smell of acetone, which persists throughout the period of following the diet.

When carbohydrates are removed from the diet, the body produces ketone bodies as an alternative fuel option. If the level of the latter in the blood rises sharply, ketosis develops, a characteristic condition for diabetics. This explains why the breath of people suffering from this disease smells like acetone. Doctors do not recommend removing all carbohydrates from the menu, even for diabetics. Instead, you need to choose the healthiest carbohydrate foods.

Insufficient hygiene and untimely washing of clothes

Many people wear trousers and jeans much longer than they should. At the same time, you need to wash them more often if you want to prevent the appearance of stench. The same goes for bras: some women get so used to the 1-2 most comfortable ones that they wear them for a long time without washing them, even though this item of clothing is in direct contact with the body. Sweat is absorbed into the fabric, and after a while the bra begins to smell unpleasant. Fungi and bacteria make the situation worse. To avoid the problem, it is recommended:

  • wash linens and clothes regularly;
  • Shower daily using antibacterial soap to prevent sweat from creating a stink;
  • choose items that are suitable in size from natural materials such as cotton, silk, linen, etc. (synthetics do not allow the skin to breathe and promote the active development of bacteria);
  • monitor the level of hair on the skin (shaving your armpits significantly reduces the intensity of the smell of sweat).

Taking vitamins and certain types of medications

Many types of medications and even vitamin supplements have a long list of side effects, including increased sweating. If you are concerned about this problem, carefully read the instructions for the drug before taking it. Examples of the effect of medications on body odor:

  • Birth control pills cause dry mouth, resulting in plaque and bad breath.
  • Painkillers and antidepressants often increase sweating.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs stimulate more active production of foul-smelling sweat.

Poor quality teeth cleaning

When bad breath appears, there is reason to suspect the active proliferation of anaerobic bacteria. The latter can live in an environment without oxygen. During their life, they release sulfur compounds, which cause bad breath. Bacteria can multiply due to the following factors:

  • tooth or gum disease;
  • improper or insufficient oral hygiene;
  • poor cleaning of the prosthesis.

In addition to brushing your teeth twice a day (in the morning and before bed), you should rinse your mouth after every meal and use dental floss at least once a day. Even the wrong choice of toothpaste can cause a bad odor. Cheap products contain a lot of alcohol, which dries out the oral cavity, creating a favorable environment for pathogenic microbes. It is better to give preference to proven chlorine-based antiseptic pastes.

Sinusitis and rhinitis of various natures

An unpleasant odor is a common symptom that appears in people with purulent nasal congestion. The stench can appear with an allergic or chronic form of respiratory tract pathology, which is due to increased bacterial activity. The most common cause of stink is sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Mucus accumulates in the upper respiratory tract, which later turns into pus.

The disease develops due to the spread of infection inside the mucous membrane, which often happens with prolonged nasal congestion or an incompletely cured cold. At the same time, stench does not always appear, but is observed, as a rule, with purulent and chronic sinusitis. In some cases, the symptom also occurs in allergic pathology, when a beneficial environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes is formed in the mouth. With sinusitis, the stench appears and disappears, but therapeutic measures must be taken in any case.

The stench can come from both the nose and the mouth. As long as the rotting process continues, the problem will remain unresolved. In addition to sinusitis, there are other causes of stench. These include:

  1. Rhinitis. In its acute form, the disease leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and the appearance of purulent discharge. The atrophic form of rhinitis is ozena - congestion of the nasal passages, accompanied by the appearance of dry crusts. With this form of runny nose, patients experience partial loss of smell, burning, drying of the mucous membrane in the nostrils, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the nose. The pathology is caused by the constant use of vasoconstrictors, and it can also be hereditary.
  2. ARVI. As a rule, a cold can cause a purulent stench from the nose only in children, and its intensity will be low. To prevent complications, it is extremely important to immediately begin treatment for ARVI.
  3. Sinusitis. The pathology is caused by a fungus, viral infection and various pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae or pneumococcal streptococcus. In addition, facial injury can stimulate the development of sinusitis. The disease is characterized by nasal congestion due to the accumulation of thick yellow or green mucus, bad odor from the nasopharynx and mouth.

Refusal to wear socks

You should not wear closed shoes, be it shoes or sneakers, without socks. If you neglect this rule, your foot will heat up and begin to actively sweat. Since there is no ventilation, the odor remains on the skin of the feet and in the shoes. For this reason, a stench occurs. If you wear sneakers or shoes on bare feet for a long time, mold may appear in them, and the feet and nails themselves will suffer from fungus, which will further aggravate the problem.

Alcohol abuse

When drinking alcohol excessively, a person begins to smell bad. This is explained by the fact that in the body alcohol is metabolized into acetic acid and then comes out through the pores. In addition, alcohol intoxication negatively affects the freshness of breath. The more alcohol you drank the day before, the longer the pungent, unpleasant odor will persist.

Significant amounts of red meat in the diet

The product does not have the best effect on the way a person smells: while slowly digesting, meat uses a number of digestive enzymes and reagents. The products of its breakdown, including amino acids, are absorbed by the intestines and enter the blood, then into sweat. When in contact with bacteria, the stench of the discharge intensifies. The negative effect lasts for at least 2 hours after eating red meat.

Pregnancy and menopause

While pregnant, a woman's body begins to smell differently. This is due to the increase in metabolic rate and blood circulation in all parts of the body. In addition, the changes are associated with hormonal changes, which often lead to bad breath. The last factor is also characteristic of menopause, when women experience hot flashes, problems sleeping, and their natural aroma changes. Under the influence of hormones, the internal temperature rises and, as a result, more profuse sweating occurs.

Wrong choice of antiperspirant

Among the variety of funds presented, it is difficult to find a suitable option. There are two main types - antiperspirants and deodorants. The latter are made on the basis of alcohol, they mask the odor and prevent the growth of bacteria on the skin. Antiperspirants tend to block the pores through which sweat escapes, so the skin remains dry. It is recommended to choose a product that combines these two properties.

Causes of unpleasant body odor that indicate health problems

Scientists say that people choose a partner based on body odor, and the sense of smell makes it possible to find a person with the most suitable set of genes. Each organism secretes pheromones - substances that arouse interest among members of the opposite sex. However, situations arise when the body smells unpleasant and this is a kind of distress signal, since this sign sometimes indicates the presence of a serious illness. Doctors believe that some diseases have their own individual “flavor”:

Body odor


  • endocrine diseases;
  • digestive problems;
  • human infection with bacteria, viruses;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Ammonia odor for kidney and liver problems

Such a sign in a person of any age indicates certain diseases of such internal organs as the kidneys and liver. Urine breath appears from saliva mixed with ammonia released from urea. In this case, the taste of metal may be felt in the mouth. A common cause of such bad breath is kidney failure or other kidney pathologies. Thanks to this organ, the body removes toxins and waste products, so it is extremely important to promptly diagnose and eliminate the problem that led to the ammonia stench. Major kidney diseases include:

  • organ failure;
  • urolithiasis;
  • dystrophy;
  • pyelonephritis.

Ammonia breath, in addition, sometimes accompanies cystitis. If the skin smells of ammonia, this indicates the inability of the kidneys and liver to process excess nitrogen, so the body removes it through the pores. To do this, he needs a large amount of water, and the first thing the symptom indicates is a possible lack of fluid in the body. Ammonia sweat may be a sign of excess protein. This problem is faced by people who prefer low-carb diets. To stop the breakdown of proteins, it is necessary to introduce the right amount of carbohydrates into the diet.

Acetic for endocrine disorders or infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lungs

The body may smell like vinegar, and the person often sweats profusely. Reasons that can cause such symptoms include endocrine disorders, deficiency of vitamins B and D, and infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the lungs. If the problem is at the hormonal level, the body often experiences iodine deficiency, which immediately leads to the appearance of stench. If vinegar sweat is accompanied by a cough, weakness, or high body temperature, this indicates the possible presence of tuberculosis.


An unpleasant odor from the vagina can be either a consequence of non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules or a symptom of a developing infection. Treatment at home will not bring a positive result, but will cause the progression of the inflammatory process and the gradual development of new clinical manifestations. To solve a delicate problem, you should seek qualified medical help. The doctor will prescribe the patient a series of laboratory and, if necessary, instrumental studies to determine the species of the infectious agent. An adequately designed therapeutic regimen, taking into account the stage of the pathology and test results, will help you get rid of the disease.

Main causes and provoking factors

In a woman in normal health, a small amount of mucous secretion is released from the vagina. If it gradually becomes unpleasant, then in the vast majority of cases this indicates an activated opportunistic microflora. Various internal and external unfavorable factors can provoke dysbiosis of the female genital organs:

  • frequent washing with the use of hygiene products containing fragrances, dyes, preservatives, stabilizers;
  • carrying out long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • the use of contraceptives that contain compounds with antiseptic activity;
  • frequent use of condoms with bactericidal lubricant by the sexual partner;
  • use for the treatment of gynecological diseases or intrauterine device contraception;
  • death of beneficial microflora of the vagina and intestines of various etiologies;
  • decreased body resistance to bacterial, viral, fungal infectious agents;
  • changes in hormonal levels (natural or pathological).

The smell of rotten meat from the vagina is characteristic of pathologies occurring against the background of metabolic disorders. Distorted metabolism provokes excessive production of trimethylamine. When there is a rotten smell, gynecologists first of all suspect the presence of this tertiary amine in the tissues, so an endocrinologist is often involved in therapy, who begins the diagnosis by measuring the level of glucose in the systemic bloodstream to exclude diabetes mellitus.

An alarming symptom of the development of a bacterial or fungal disease can occur in women during menopause or menstruation, after childbirth or while pregnant. As a rule, during the diagnostic process, no E. coli or gardnirelella are detected in the patient’s smear. In this case, the smell from the genitals is explained by changed hormonal levels, quantitative fluctuations in the systemic blood flow of estrogens and progesterones.

Warning: Using underwear made from synthetic fabrics leads to increased sweating. This is a favorable environment for the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of dysbiosis of the female genital organs.

It appears from the vagina with an overactive bladder, excess weight, acute or chronic cystitis. It is so strong that even urological pads cannot help hide it. If your underwear often smells like urine, then you need to visit not only a gynecologist, but also a urologist. This is a characteristic clinical manifestation of a decrease in the functional activity of the organs of the urinary system. A small amount of urine is released when women cough, sneeze, or laugh during natural menopause due to a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin in smooth muscle tissues. But still, the main causes of unpleasant odor are diseases of the female reproductive system.

Vaginal dysbiosis

A putrid odor from the vagina is a symptom of a multiplying opportunistic microbiocenosis. In a normal state of health, it is populated by lactobacilli, which, during their growth and active reproduction, release products that create an acidic environment. This situation is extremely unfavorable for opportunistic microorganisms, so their numbers are negligible.

When a woman’s immunity sharply decreases due to prolonged exposure to dampness or exacerbation of chronic pathologies, the death of lactobacilli occurs. Their place is quickly taken by enterococci, E. coli, and staphylococci. They are the cause of unpleasant odors from the female genital organs. Dysbacteriosis can also be diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of gray-white vaginal discharge;
  • absence of inflammation, pain and other severe discomfort.

If previously doctors considered this condition to be natural, capable of normalizing after a certain time, now they strongly advise women to go to a gynecologist for adequate therapy. The fact is that a relationship has been established between dysbiosis and the subsequent possible development of chronic inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.


An unpleasant odor from the vagina often appears as a result of inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane, which is caused by various microorganisms. Infectious pathogens of colpitis include E. coli, staphylococci, Proteus and streptococci. In the absence of medical intervention, the pathology can provoke more serious gynecological diseases, so a woman should contact a hospital if the following concomitant symptoms develop:

  • feeling of dryness, burning, itching in the genitals;
  • constant secretion of purulent mucus;
  • pain when urinating;
  • nagging pain and tension in the lower abdomen.

The doctor will conduct a thorough differential diagnosis of the disease from cystitis and sexually transmitted infections. Indirect confirmation of the development of colpitis is an unpleasant odor, swollen and reddened vaginal mucosa. A woman complains of bleeding and pain during sexual intercourse. Most often, acute or chronic pathology is triggered by a sharp decrease in the body's resistance to bacterial infectious agents.

Specific infections

The appearance of a foul odor from the vagina may indicate a developed infection. Gonorrhea, gardnerellosis, and trichomoniasis are always accompanied by specific symptoms, so venereologists rarely have difficulty making a preliminary diagnosis. Women should not look for far-fetched causes of the pathological condition and self-medicate. This tactic will lead to infection not only of the sexual partner, but also of family members. If there is a strong smell from the genitals, then you should pay attention to other clinical manifestations of a sexually transmitted infection, which depend on the type of pathogenic pathogen:

  • trichomoniasis - liquid greenish-yellow in color;
  • gonorrhea - regular yellow mucous discharge in small quantities;
  • gardnerellosis - copious cream-colored discharge with.

The most harmless specific infection is vaginal candidiasis, caused by multiplied yeast fungi. All of the above diseases are accompanied by hyperemia of the mucous membranes, their swelling, itching and burning in the vagina. Extremely unpleasant aromas from a woman’s genitals are felt with chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, and ureaplasmosis. Some of them are not characterized by pronounced clinical manifestations, and in the remission stage they are completely asymptomatic. Gynecology has accumulated a wealth of experience in treating specific infections, so when the first negative signs appear, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

Gynecological pathologies

If the inflammatory process occurs in the internal genital organs of a woman, then a small amount of cheesy mucus with an unpleasant odor begins to be released from them. This is a symptom of a disease of the uterus and appendages, which often cause decreased fertility and sometimes an obstacle to conceiving a child. Chronic inflammatory pathologies of the pelvic organs include:

  • cervicitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • vulvovaginitis.

The discharge also smells bad in cases of uterine fibroids complicated by a bacterial infection. In this case, the nature of the odor determines the type of pathogenic microorganisms that predominate in the microflora. It may be metallic if the vagina has been eroded, and a small amount of blood is released from it, regardless of the period of the menstrual cycle. The presence of hemoglobin in it is explained by iron. When gynecological pathologies recur, acute or nagging pain in the lower abdomen occurs, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and body temperature may suddenly increase. Female diseases of the reproductive system require immediate treatment due to the high likelihood of complications.

Basic principles of drug therapy

How to get rid of unpleasant vaginal odor is well known only to highly specialized doctors - gynecologists and venereologists. First of all, women should take into account that treatment begun at the initial stage of a pathological process of any etiology will lead to a rapid recovery and help avoid the development of irreversible consequences.

Recommendation: During therapy, doctors advise patients to drink a lot of clean still water, rosehip infusion, and chamomile tea. This helps to remove toxic end and intermediate products of the inflammatory process from the body.

In order for a woman to quickly and effectively get rid of unpleasant odors from the genitals, it is necessary to eliminate its immediate cause - a gynecological disease. Treatment is aimed at destroying infectious pathogens, eliminating the negative consequences of the inflammatory process, regenerating mucous membranes and strengthening defenses. In the treatment of many pathologies of the female reproductive organs, for example, endometriosis and uterine fibroids, oral contraceptives Janine, Yarina, Klaira are used to correct hormonal levels. Since relapses of chronic diseases are easier to prevent than to treat, gynecologists prescribe the following medications to patients:

  • vitamins - Selmevit, Centrum, Supradin, Makrovit, Vitrum;
  • adaptogens - Immunal, tinctures of ginseng, echinacea, aralia, eleutherococcus.

Before removing an unpleasant odor, laboratory tests are used to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibacterial and antimicrobial agents. Taking into account their results, a therapeutic regimen is drawn up. The most commonly used are Trichopolum or its domestic analog Metronidazole, antibiotics from the group of lincosamides (Clindamycin), macrolides (Azithromycin), and cephalosporins (Suprax). Treatment can also be carried out with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve intense pain and eliminate swelling - Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen.

Any antimycotic and (or) antibacterial drug for topical use will quickly and effectively remove an unpleasant odor from the vagina:

  • Terzhinan;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Polygynax;
  • Iodoxide;
  • Klion-D;
  • Fluomizin;
  • Gynoflor.

Treatment of an inflammatory or infectious process with local agents allows you to directly influence pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, this method of therapy helps to avoid oral antibiotics, which often causes dysbiosis. But local medications are also prone to side effects, so you should definitely consult your doctor before using them.

Every woman has a natural vaginal odor. But sometimes it happens that it intensifies and begins to irritate. An unpleasant odor often accompanies vaginal discharge. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary, first of all, to accurately establish the reasons that triggered its occurrence.


Most often, the symptom occurs due to excessive proliferation of bacterial flora - bacterial vaginosis. In this case, the vagina may smell fishy, ​​rotten, sour, etc. Sometimes additional symptoms may occur - irritation and itching.

In addition, vaginal stench is accompanied by many sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes of the genital organs, thrush, as well as some rare pathologies. For example, rectovaginal fistula.

The reason may be quite primitive - poor genital hygiene.

If the smell is accompanied by vaginal discharge, this indicates the presence of an infection.

Normally, the environment in the vagina is acidic, as a result of which bacteria are not able to grow and develop. But some conditions (for example, frequent douching, insufficient hygiene or, conversely, excessive cleanliness, etc.) can disrupt acidity.

As a result, the number of pathological bacteria increases. If the vaginal microflora is disrupted, a cheesy discharge with a sour odor appears.

A fishy smell can occur with various diseases that are sexually transmitted - trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, chlamydia, etc.

Urogenital candidiasis may be accompanied by the aroma of onions.

Vaginal discharge with a rotten odor most often occurs when a pathogen such as gardnerella is present in the female body.

Treatment methods

Any manifestation - putrid, fishy, ​​rotten, sour and other odors from the vagina - is a “bell” that urgent action is needed.

Many women are embarrassed by such an unpleasant symptom and begin to look for ways to get rid of it on their own.

If the problem arose due to basic lack of hygiene, it really can be dealt with.

Be sure to use special hygiene products or baby soap for washing. Toilet your genitals at least 1-2 times a day.

It is advisable to choose underwear from natural fabrics. After all, synthetic fabrics only retain air, and this contributes to the rapid proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Also, never wear underwear that is too tight.

During menstrual periods, it is necessary to change tampons or sanitary pads as often as possible (at least once every 3-4 hours).

It is not advisable to use scented tampons, as they can cause irritation.

Use daily sanitary pads. They will help keep laundry dry, preventing the possibility of pathogenic flora reproducing.

Eating citrus fruits, which are rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and limits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, is very beneficial. Fresh yogurt normalizes vaginal microflora. Garlic has long been known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Therefore, it is worth adding a small amount of this product to your diet.

Drink enough water (at least 1.5 liters per day). Drinking plenty of fluids will help get rid of pathological bacteria by flushing them out. In addition, water will remove excess sugar from the body, which contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora.

If, thanks to all these methods, the smell does not go away, you should definitely contact a gynecologist who will conduct a diagnosis and then recommend adequate treatment. If an unpleasant odor occurs as a result of an illness, the patient must take medication. There is no way to do without this.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Sometimes this can only cause harm. Take good care of your body and always be healthy!

The cause of gardnerellosis is infection with gardrenella vaginalis. The vast majority of transmission of this bacterium occurs through sexual contact. This is evidenced by the extremely low number of patients who are not sexually active. The disease can be transmitted not only directly through sexual contact, but also indirectly through personal hygiene items, that is, through household means. The route of transmission through sexual contact is only genital. Gardnerellosis is not transmitted through oral-genital contact.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis

The main symptom of gardrellosis, regardless of the form of its occurrence (vaginosis or vaginitis), is the appearance unpleasant vaginal odor and characteristic “fishy” odor of vaginal discharge. A particularly sharply unpleasant odor from the vagina appears during sexual intercourse, since sperm has an alkaline environment. When interacting with alkali, the discharge from gardnerellosis begins to emit an unpleasant odor especially intensely. For the same reason, an increase in odor may occur when using soap for hygiene purposes. Soap foam also has an alkaline reaction and increases the unpleasant odor from the vagina.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women depend on the form of this disease. With vaginosis, a woman may not be bothered by anything except an unpleasant odor from the vagina. In this case, there are no signs of inflammation in the vagina. With vaginitis, in addition to the smell, vaginal discharge appears, which is most often gray in color and may be accompanied by itching of the genitals and burning.

There are usually no symptoms of gardnerellosis in men. The fact is that gardnerella is a bacteria that specifically affects squamous epithelium. The squamous epithelium is located in the vagina. In the urethra in men, flat epithelium lines only the first five centimeters - the scaphoid fossa. Therefore, in the male urethra, gardnerella are simply deprived of conditions for normal life activity. Occasionally, if gardnerellosis in men is accompanied by any other STDs, gardnerellosis can also be diagnosed in men. Gardnerellosis in men can occur in the form of balanoposthitis. As a rule, there are no pronounced symptoms, but an unpleasant odor emanating from the surface of the head and foreskin may occur. Due to the fact that gardnerellosis in men is most often asymptomatic, the main initiators of testing for gardnerellosis are women, involving in the examination men with whom they are in a partnership.

The danger of gardnerellosis

Gardnerellosis This is a disease that is certainly less dangerous than any other sexually transmitted diseases. The main problem with it is the presence of an extremely unpleasant odor from the vagina. However, this symptom can significantly affect a woman’s quality of life. Due to the fact that gardnerella affects only the squamous epithelium of the vagina, its spread to the cervical canal, uterine cavity and fallopian tubes is unlikely.

For men, apparently, gardnerellosis does not pose a danger. The only thing that should be taken into account is the danger of being a carrier of this disease.

Diagnosis of gardnerellosis

Diagnosis of this disease is quite simple. The most common and cheapest method is smear microscopy. The material for the smear in women is vaginal discharge, and in men, discharge from the urethra (urethra). Microscopy reveals “key cells.” Key cells have such a characteristic appearance that their detection makes it possible to diagnose gardnerellosis with 100% accuracy. Such signs are called pathognomonic, that is, inherent only to this disease. It is very difficult to diagnose gardnerellosis in a man using smear microscopy. This is only possible if the man also has another sexually transmitted disease.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), bacterial culture and alkali test are also used for diagnosis.

Treatment of gardnerellosis

Treatment must be carried out simultaneously for two partners. Considering that in the vast majority of cases, nothing really bothers men, it is necessary to properly motivate your partner. If one woman undergoes treatment, the disease will inevitably return again.

Treatment for gardnerellosis is quite simple. Currently, there are various treatment methods, both local and with antibiotics. Specific treatment can only be prescribed in person, since it is necessary to take into account various factors affecting the patient’s body.

As a rule, women with gardnerellosis have deep disturbances in the vaginal microflora, which can contribute to a decrease in the protective forces of the mucous membrane and a decrease in resistance to pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, after a cure has occurred, confirmed by control, the vaginal microflora is repopulated with normal lactobacilli. During the restoration of microflora, it is necessary to follow a special diet, which is selected individually by the attending physician.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in men is relatively simple, but there is a problem of monitoring cure rates. The fact is that even in a carrier it is impossible to detect gardnerella in smears. Therefore, appointments are based on theoretical reasoning. Fortunately, modern drugs can cure gardnerellosis in men in almost all cases. The only thing that is required for the success of treatment is strict adherence to the instructions of the attending physician.

Often gardnerellosis in women and men is detected simultaneously with ureaplasmosis. In this case, no special treatment for gardnerellosis is required. It is treated simultaneously with ureaplasmosis and controls are also carried out simultaneously, using the same material.

In obstetrics and gynecology we work in the following areas:

  • Vaginal discharge in women, discharge during pregnancy
  • Ultrasound diagnosis of Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities

We treat such problems.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in an intimate place cannot always be associated with insufficient hygiene. During the day, a woman leads an active lifestyle - she works, moves, plays sports or does household chores.

The natural microflora in the vagina produces a secretion with a specific aroma, but it is not repulsive. The appearance of odor is always associated with a change in secretions. In order to combat such manifestations, it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence.


  • Inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs
  • Insufficient intimate hygiene
  • Infections of the vagina and cervix

In most cases, an unpleasant odor from the vagina appears due to the proliferation of microorganisms of bacterial origin. Against this background, discharge with a different color and smell may appear. Their consistency and quantity also changes.

Some vaginal infections are quite difficult to deal with if they are chronic, so if such symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. Self-medication with folk remedies or with the help of advice from others can lead to negative consequences.

Causes of pathogenic microflora

  • hormonal changes;
  • long-term use of broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents;
  • frequent douching;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner;
  • hypothermia, causing inflammation;
  • inactive lifestyle, abuse of alcohol, flour and sweet foods;
  • non-venereal infections.

1. Candidiasis

or thrush is one of the fungal diseases that occurs most often in pregnant and postpartum women. The fungus quickly develops in the vagina, causing severe discomfort. In some cases, thrush may not appear for a long time. Itching, burning, and cheesy discharge with a pungent sour odor appear.

Even frequent washing cannot relieve a woman of such symptoms. The smell may become intense after the end of menstruation or in the morning. Almost always during sexual intercourse a woman becomes uncomfortable, the itching intensifies and active hyperemia (redness) begins.

Candidiasis in most cases is treated with drugs that are freely sold in pharmacies. To rule out other diseases, you need to visit a gynecologist and take smears. To treat candidiasis, medications are used in various forms - tablets, suppositories, ointments and gels.

2. Bacterial vaginosis

Previously, bacterial vaginosis was considered a disease caused by an infection in the vagina. After numerous studies, this pathology is not considered an independent disease. The etiology of vaginosis is based on the intensive development of bacteria that disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina. As a result, there is an unpleasant odor, a feeling of uncleanliness and discomfort in everyday life.

The reasons for the appearance of a bacterial surge in the microflora are sperm entering the vagina, douching, changing sexual partners, wearing tight and synthetic underwear (as a result of an allergic reaction), intestinal dysbiosis, diseases of the endocrine system, decreased immunity and cervical infections.

In most cases, the damaged microflora recovers itself over time. But to speed up this process, you can use special women's probiotics:

If bacterial vaginosis is accompanied by a sexually transmitted disease or other infectious pathology, they are treated together.

3. Sexually transmitted diseases

By the way

Write in the comments what tools you used in this awkward situation.

The degree of complications from sexually transmitted diseases can be quite high if there is no timely treatment. In addition to the unpleasant odor and itching, a woman develops a copious secretion with a greenish, brown or gray tint.

Gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis over time affect not only the reproductive system, but also have a negative impact on many internal organs. If there is an unpleasant odor from the vagina, pain when urinating or a change in the color of the discharge, you need to contact a venereologist. A comprehensive examination will help identify the pathogen, and antibiotics and comprehensive treatment will help eliminate the disease.

4. The period after menstruation

During bleeding, women actively produce hormones and reject the inner uterine layer, so during this period, with insufficient hygiene, an unpleasant odor may emanate from the woman.

During this period, the main thing is hygiene.

In some cases, in the first days after menstruation, the smell intensifies when there is endometrial disease. Brown discharge has a dirty appearance and a persistent unpleasant odor, which is quite difficult to remove even with douching. A woman needs to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

5. Colpitis

Inflammatory changes in the vaginal mucosa can cause an unpleasant odor and other symptoms similar to vaginitis and vaginosis. When examining discharge using a smear, the secretion may contain E. coli, Trichomonas and other microbes, which cause an unpleasant odor.

In most cases, a woman with colpitis emits a smell reminiscent of rotten fish. Colpitis is a frequent companion of pregnant women, so it must be treated at an early stage to eliminate the risk of infection of the baby’s mucosa during childbirth.


If the unpleasant odor persists for a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to undergo treatment from the attending gynecologist.

The doctor prescribes medications on an individual basis, taking into account the clinical picture, age category, chronic diseases or pregnancy. According to indications for the treatment of inflammation, therapy can be carried out on an inpatient basis under the supervision of medical personnel.

The use of folk remedies to eliminate unpleasant odor is possible if such a symptom is not complicated by infection. If you are healthy, then vaginal douching is not recommended more than once a week. It is enough to wash the perineum with a decoction of antiseptic herbs -



2024 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs