The body sweats quickly. Increased sweating of the armpits

Sweating is a vital process that results in thermoregulation and cleanses the body of toxins. Often your armpits sweat in hot weather or after physical activity - this is the norm, but it’s another matter when excessive sweating occurs on its own. This situation sometimes signals serious health problems, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.


The armpits cannot sweat a lot for no reason; there is a hidden problem involved. The most common causes of excessive sweating are:

Taking certain types of medications;

Constantly being in a stressful state;

Increased body weight;

Menopause in women;

Oncological diseases;

Endocrine and neurological disorders;

Cardiovascular diseases;

Kidney disease;

Acute poisoning;

Individual predisposition, inherited.

These are common culprits of excessive sweating. But do not forget that there are many hidden reasons, for the detection of which you need to seek the help of medicine. Constant excessive sweating can indicate serious illnesses in the body, so you should not wait for the sweating to go away on its own. See a doctor - health is more valuable.

Sweating in men

Thanks to the hormone testosterone, men sweat more intensely than women. This is natural and you should not be afraid of it. Males are more adapted to physical labor. Most often, profuse sweating, if a person is healthy, occurs as a result of the abuse of spicy food and alcoholic drinks and during stressful situations. Men often sweat at night, while sleeping. If sweating due to these factors is excluded, it is important to visit a doctor, since excessive sweating indicates the appearance of pathologies in the body.

Increased sweating in women

Frequent and severe sweating is rare in women. By its biological nature, in normal condition and in the absence of disease, the female body produces much less sweat than the male body. But there are situations when the female body sweats beyond normal. Often, ladies complain of increased sweating during pregnancy, menstruation or menopause, as the hormonal background of the body changes greatly.

Why do children sweat?

If excessive sweating in adults is a cause for concern, then frequent sweating in a child is not always a signal of the development of serious diseases. According to medical data, sweat glands begin to function correctly only after 14 years of age. The child may be healthy, but due to the uneven functioning of the sweat glands, he will sweat a lot. It is better to consult a doctor, but there is no need to sound the alarm. Clothing made from natural fabrics, frequent bathing, clean and dry shoes, moderate room temperature are the best helpers in the fight against childhood sweating.

Is there a treatment?

There are many ways to reduce sweating. Surgical intervention, drug treatment, therapy using folk remedies - all methods help solve the annoying problem.

The most effective method is surgical elimination of frequent sweating. Surgical intervention is prescribed for hereditary and chronic pathologies associated with this problem. There are many options for such intervention, ranging from Botox injections and liposuction to serious operations to cut off nerve endings. This type of treatment allows you to get rid of the problem for at least 6 months.

The second most effective method is conservative. Having studied the reason why the patient often sweats, the doctor individually prescribes medication in the form of drugs and medicinal antiperspirants. With the correct diagnosis of the cause of sweating and the correct prescription of medications, their regular use can quickly solve the problem.

And the last, least expensive and frequently used assistant was traditional medicine. The most popular method is the use of compresses or baths based on a decoction of birch and oak bark, with the addition of apple cider vinegar. Patients note that although such procedures are not able to eradicate the problem, they help reduce sweating for a short period.

More about hyperhidrosis:

You have excessive sweating and you don’t know what to do if you sweat a lot, in this article you will understand why this happens. Get acquainted with folk remedies that help get rid of an unpleasant problem at home.

Sweating in humans is a natural process in the body that regulates normal body temperature. Everyone is sweating. For most people this does not cause noticeable problems, but for some people the physiology is such that the function is large-scale. Doctors call high sweating in certain areas of the body “local hyperhidrosis.” Men and women are affected equally, and increased sweating occurs throughout the entire body. The head, face, forehead, feet, palms, armpits, back, and groin sweat.

By the way, in Ancient Rome the question was: “How do you sweat?” meant something like ours: “How is your health? Aren't you sick?" In those days, normal sweating indicated good health, and the question did not raise any eyebrows. So people were not always worried about this.

Everyone sweats, especially during physical activity, in summer, in the heat, and in certain diseases, causing an unpleasant odor. Moreover, the sweat itself has no odor. But there are places on the body where a large number of germs and bacteria collect. It is they that combine with sweat and begin to emit a bad aroma.

You should know that local hyperhidrosis can signal a serious illness.

Therefore, if you say: “I sweat a lot” and don’t know what to do, be sure to consult a doctor to find out why this unpleasant problem occurs. Often the causes are diseases of the thyroid gland, vegetative-vascular dystonia, diabetes, kidney and lung diseases. Look for the root cause first, friends. Anti-sweat products help eliminate the unpleasant odor, but not the cause.

What to do if you sweat a lot

The unpleasant smell of sweat and marks under the arms begin to seriously darken life. How to calm down the hardworking glands? There are great tools to help you do this.

The most common remedy for hyperhidrosis is deodorant. Most deodorants are absorbent; they absorb odors, but do not cure. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the composition - the components included in the desired deodorants should include chlorhexidine and triclosan. These two substances suppress the cause of bad odor - microbes.

A more suitable deodorant is an antiperspirant containing zinc and aluminum salts. Salts narrow the sweat ducts, which allows you to become dry for quite a long time. Keep in mind that the substances do not begin to act immediately, apply deodorant in advance.

Please note, friends, that some deodorants and aromatic oils may leave unsightly stains on clothes. Try to apply products not before going outside, but in advance.

Folk remedies for excessive sweating

Heavy sweating causes uncomfortable sensations and sometimes irritation on the skin. To treat excessive sweating at home, apply lotions and compresses to problem areas. What to do if you sweat a lot?

Folk remedies help - herbs that have astringent and tanning properties, narrowing the ducts of the sweat glands. There are herbs that can be used not only externally, but also internally.

  1. Burnet. Make lotions from the infusion. The infusion is simple to make: pour 2 tablespoons of the herb with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Helps with hyperhidrosis of the armpits, groin and feet.
  1. Chamomile. Pour 3 large spoons of chamomile with a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour and then add a spoon of soda. What’s good is that the tincture is odorless, you can carry it with you in your purse and periodically wipe problem areas.
  2. Willow and oak bark. An infusion of willow and oak bark will provide effective assistance. Add a teaspoon of vinegar. Dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1:10 and wash your face at night.
  3. Decoction of oak bark and sage for treating problem areas. Brew a tablespoon of oak and sage bark with a liter of water, let it brew, cool, and wipe problem areas several times a day. You may have noticed that there are many recipes for combating sweat with oak bark; read about other medicinal properties of this healing natural healer.
  4. Field horsetail. To prepare the tincture, you need to infuse 1 part of the herb with 10 parts of vodka. Wipe problem areas with infusion several times a day. Effective for the face, head, forehead, and back.
  5. Walnut. Walnut tincture with vodka is prepared according to a recipe from horsetail. It is used in the same way - wipe the sweating body 1-2 times a day.
  6. Lemon-oak liqueur. It’s simple to prepare: pour lemon juice into a glass of boiling water and add a spoonful of crushed oak bark. Wipe problem areas with the tincture - sweating will decrease and a pleasant lemon smell will appear instead.
  7. Lemon. Lemon juice normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands. But sometimes, as an ambulance, it is allowed to use just lemon peel. There are times when you need to quickly get yourself in order, but there are no conditions - wipe the problem areas with a lemon peel and the smell will disappear.
  8. Manganese solution. This is a method for the feet. Make a bath with a weak solution of manganese. Then gently wet your feet and lubricate them with a mixture of boric acid and talc. Instead of boric acid, you can take salicylic acid. Sometimes it is advised to wash your feet in warm salt water - this also has a positive effect.
  9. Sage, lemon balm, wild strawberry leaves and flowers. Take herbs internally for treatment. Brew 1 tbsp. spoon of any of the selected herbs with 2 cups of boiling water and drink half a glass twice a day.
  10. Baking soda. A lifesaver against unpleasant odors. Rub a mixture of baking soda into problem areas and sweating will decrease. It helps not only with sweating, find out more by clicking on the link.
  11. Tea mushroom. There is a healthy drink in the house - use it to treat hyperhidrosis. The course is designed for a month - just wipe the problem areas several times a day.

Pharmacy drugs for sweat

From inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs, you can prepare a fairly effective remedy yourself: take 1 teaspoon of alum and 40% formaldehyde solution, add 50 ml. salicylic alcohol and 50 ml. water. Mix and enjoy for your health.

Inexpensive but very effective pharmaceutical preparations include Teymurov's paste and Lassar's paste. Time-tested products are no worse than modern expensive products. The preparations contain substances that block the release of sweat: lead, zinc oxide, boric and salicylic acid.

In addition to using herbs and pharmaceutical drugs, be sure to maintain personal hygiene, take a contrast shower and take baths with special additives.

Cold and hot shower

Do contrast douches daily, or better yet several times a day. First, stand under warm water for 1-2 minutes, then turn on cold water for 30 seconds. The procedure will reduce sweating and is very invigorating - a pleasant and effective procedure. If it is not possible to shower, make contrast compresses: alternately apply hot and cold compresses to the problem area. The procedure lasts 5 minutes.

Baths to reduce sweating

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of sage essential oil, and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pine oil and eucalyptus oil. Pour into a bottle and, when taking a bath in the evenings, drop a few drops into the water (3-4 drops are enough). You will soon notice that you begin to sweat less, and the smell of sweat is not so pungent and unpleasant. Important: be sure to check the oils for an allergic reaction.
  2. Bath with pine needles. Brew 250 g during the day. pine needles in 1-2 liters of hot water, and add to the bath in the evening. Water temperature 35-37 degrees. Take a bath for 20 minutes.

What to do to avoid sweating

  • Wear clothes made from natural fabrics - linen, cotton, remove synthetics.
  • Avoid foods that cause increased sweating: honey, raspberries, hot foods and drinks.
  • Include currants, red and black, horseradish, lemon, and pomegranates in your diet - they reduce the work of the sweat glands and contain a lot of useful vitamin C.
  • Control the amount of liquid you drink; excess water will definitely come out with sweat.

Increased sweating can be both local and general. The causes of the disease can be very different - from fairly mild deviations in the functioning of the body to serious and dangerous diseases. Depending on the intensity of the symptoms and the nature of the factors provoking hyperhidrosis, you can choose one or another technique to reduce or even completely eliminate the problem.

Types of hyperhidrosis and causes of its occurrence

Local forms

  • Idiomatic hyperhidrosis. It usually manifests itself as increased sweating in the palms, armpits, and feet. Symptoms first appear between the ages of 15 and 30 years. This type of disease can periodically weaken or go away without external influence. However, with prolonged symptoms, treatment is necessary, otherwise the disease will transform into a chronic form. As for the cause of the disease, some scientists see it in an increased number of regional merocrine sweat glands; others - in an overly intense emotional reaction to various stimuli (stress, fear, heat, physical activity), causing profuse sweating.
  • Hyperhidrosis due to food intake. With this form of the disease, increased sweating appears in the forehead and upper lip after a person has eaten. The causes of increased sweating in this case may be surgical operations on the salivary gland or its severe infectious lesions.
  • Also, increased sweating can occur with congenital pachyonychia or with vitiligo, psoriasis. Increased sweating is observed in the areas where spots and psoriatic plaques are located. The etymology of the disease in these cases is poorly understood.

General hyperhidrosis

In this case, excessive sweating may be due to:

  • disorders in the endocrine system; in particular, with diabetes mellitus, menopausal syndrome, hypoglycemia;
  • neurological disorders due to stroke, Parkinson's disease, syphilis and other diseases;
  • infections: tuberculosis, malaria, septicemia, etc.;
  • reaction to taking medications;
  • tumor formations: lymphomas, Hodgkin's disease;
  • psychological factors.

How to deal with hyperhidrosis

Products for external use

  • Gels and ointments against excessive sweating. They are applied to those areas of the body that are more susceptible to hyperhidrosis. So, in the past, such products as Teymurov’s paste and Formidron were very popular. But today, much more convenient and improved drugs have appeared, for example, Formagel.
  • Long-lasting sprays, whose manufacturers promise to relieve you of sweat for several days or even weeks. Doctors sharply criticize such products precisely because of their long-term effects on the sweat glands, which can cause the development of very dangerous diseases.

Oral agents

  • You can use sedatives. They will help if the cause of hyperhidrosis lies in increased nervous excitability of a person.
  • Depending on the etiology of the disease, the doctor may prescribe other drugs to treat the disease that provokes profuse sweating (for example, hormonal drugs, anti-infectives).


  • Using herbal infusions to wipe problem areas of the body. They should be prepared from oak bark, horsetail, alder cones, mint, willow bark, St. John's wort - at the rate of 1 tablespoon of herb per 0.5 liters of water. You can make baths from strong tea, burnet (2 tablespoons per 1 glass of boiling water).
  • A lotion made from lavender tincture and lemon water is good for the face.
  • To wipe the armpits, you can use a mixture of a 4% aqueous solution of boric acid, perfume or eau de toilette and table vinegar taken in equal proportions. All ingredients are mixed and the composition is wiped over the armpit area. After this, they can be treated a little with baby powder.
  • After washing your feet, you can treat them with a decoction of oak bark and then dry them well.

other methods

  • Surgical methods: endoscopic thoracoscopic sympathectomy, curettage, liposuction of the armpits (if we are talking about hyperhidrosis of this particular area of ​​the body). All these methods are low-traumatic and either eliminate the problem for a fairly long period or permanently rid the person of it. Minimally invasive laser treatment of the sweat glands can also be used.
  • Galvanization (iontophoresis).
  • Botox and Dysport injections.

You will find other tips on how to deal with this problem in the article

Starts to sweat. Everyone knows that different people produce sweat in different quantities, and its composition also differs. However, some experience excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis. Why does a person sweat a lot and how to deal with this phenomenon?

In some cases, hyperhidrosis occurs as a side effect of medications. It is best to immediately consult a doctor so that he can rule out the presence of any infection in the body and establish the real cause of excessive sweating.

By the way, infectious diseases are very often the answer to the question of why a person sweats a lot. A striking example of this is tuberculosis. Most often, it is accompanied by a frequent and severe cough, but there are also hidden forms of the disease, in which the only symptoms indicating its presence are general weakness of the body, as well as sweating. The latter can also be caused by influenza and similar viral infections. In this case, as a rule, one of the main symptoms is also an increase in temperature.

Speaking about why a person sweats a lot, it would also be useful to talk about diseases Hyperhidrosis is a concomitant symptom for many of them. First of all, this is, of course, an increased function, also popularly called “goiter” or “bulging eyes”. As a result of a sharp increase in the amount of thyroid hormones in the body, a formation similar to a bird's goiter appears on a person's neck (actually, an enlarged gland itself), and the eyes become extremely bulging. Other symptoms of organ hyperfunction are rapid heartbeat, sudden changes in emotional state. Among the endocrine diseases that lead to hyperhidrosis, diabetes mellitus is also present. By following all the recommendations of an endocrinologist, the condition can be stabilized and excessive sweating can be eliminated.

Another reason why a person sweats a lot is cancer. Many tumor processes are characterized by symptoms such as fever and the release of large amounts of sweat. This can especially apply to tumors of the intestine, as well as female genital organs (in some cases).

Considering the reasons why a person sweats a lot, it is worth saying that many women face a similar problem during pregnancy. The reason for this is changes in the body's hormonal levels. Sometimes sweating processes are normalized during pregnancy, but sometimes they persist even for some time after childbirth. It is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers to get carried away with medications, herbal infusions and even traditional hygienic deodorants, and therefore it is worth emphasizing standard activities such as showering, wiping sweaty areas with a damp towel or napkins, etc.

And finally, another probable reason why a person sweats a lot is disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. In this case, sweat can be released from the slightest excitement.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can determine the true cause of hyperhidrosis, and therefore, when faced with this problem, it is better not to delay a visit to the clinic, because it can be a symptom of very serious diseases.

Excessive sweating is a problem familiar to many. It can seriously ruin the quality of life in any area: in personal relationships, in communication with other people, at work. A person who sweats excessively sometimes evokes pity from others. But most often they treat him with disgust. Such a person is forced to move less, she avoids shaking hands. Hugs are generally taboo for her. As a result, a person loses contact with the world. To reduce the severity of their problem, people resort to various cosmetic products or folk remedies. At the same time, they don’t think at all that such a condition can be dictated by illnesses. It is important to understand what diseases cause a person to sweat a lot? After all, you can get rid of symptoms only by eliminating the pathology that provoked it.

Main reasons

The problem of this unpleasant phenomenon continues to be studied by doctors to this day. And, unfortunately, if a person knows what this means, doctors cannot always explain.

However, experts have identified several main causes of hyperhidrosis, or increased sweating:

  1. Pathology is caused by diseases that occur in a latent or open form.
  2. Taking certain medications.
  3. An individual characteristic of the body, which is most often inherited.

But often the problem is hidden in illnesses. Therefore, it is very important to understand under what diseases a person sweats a lot.

Doctors say that hyperhidrosis can be triggered by:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • tumors;
  • genetic failure;
  • kidney diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • acute poisoning;
  • withdrawal syndrome.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Endocrine diseases

Any disturbances in this system almost always provoke hyperhidrosis. For example, why do people with diabetes sweat a lot? This is due to increased metabolism, vasodilation and increased blood flow.

The most common systems are:

  1. Hyperthyroidism. The pathology is characterized by increased functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition to excessive sweating, other symptoms of the disease are often present. A person with hyperthyroidism has a tumor on his neck. Its size reaches a chicken egg, and sometimes more. A characteristic sign of the disease are protruding eyes. Increased sweating is provoked by thyroid hormones, leading to strong heat generation. As a result, the body “turns on” protection against overheating.
  2. Diabetes. A serious pathology characterized by increased levels of glucose in the blood. Sweating in diabetes manifests itself in quite a peculiar way. The upper region (face, palms, armpits) suffers from hyperhidrosis. And the lower one, on the contrary, is excessively dry. Additional symptoms indicating diabetes are: excess weight, frequent urination at night, feeling constantly thirsty, and high irritability.
  3. Obesity. In obese people, the functioning of the endocrine glands is disrupted. In addition, the basis of hyperhidrosis is lack of exercise and addiction to unhealthy diets. Spicy food and an abundance of spices can activate the work
  4. Pheochromocytoma. The underlying cause of the disease is a tumor of the adrenal glands. With the disease, hyperglycemia, weight loss and increased sweating are observed. Symptoms are accompanied by high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.

Women suffer from increased hyperhidrosis during menopause. This phenomenon is dictated by disrupted hormonal levels.

Infectious pathologies

Hyperhidrosis is very typical of such ailments. It is easy to explain why a person sweats a lot during infectious pathologies. The reasons are hidden in the heat transfer mechanism by which the body reacts to increased temperature.

Infectious diseases that increase sweat production include:

  1. Flu, ARVI. Severe sweating is characteristic of a person at the initial stage of the disease. This reaction is dictated precisely by high temperature.
  2. Bronchitis. The pathology is accompanied by severe hypothermia. Accordingly, the body tries to protect itself and normalize heat transfer.
  3. Tuberculosis. This disease is the answer to the question of what disease causes a person to sweat a lot at night. After all, hyperhidrosis during sleep is a classic symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis. However, the mechanism of development of such a trait has not yet been fully established.
  4. Brucellosis. The pathology is transmitted to humans from animals through contaminated milk. The symptom of the disease is prolonged fever. The disease affects the musculoskeletal, nervous, and reproductive systems. Leads to enlargement of lymph nodes, spleen, and liver.
  5. Malaria. The carrier of the disease is known to be the mosquito. With pathology, a person experiences: relapsing fever, profuse sweating and bouts of chills.
  6. Septicemia. This diagnosis is made to a person who has bacteria in his blood. Most often these are streptococci and staphylococci. The disease is characterized by: severe chills, fever, excessive sweating and sudden temperature rises to very high levels.
  7. Syphilis. The disease can affect the nerve fibers that are responsible for the production of sweat. Therefore, hyperhidrosis is often observed with syphilis.

Neurological diseases

Certain lesions of the central nervous system can cause a person to sweat profusely.

The causes of hyperhidrosis are sometimes hidden in diseases:

  1. Parkinsonism. In pathology, the autonomic system is damaged. As a result, the patient often experiences increased sweating in the facial area.
  2. Tabes dorsalis. The disease is characterized by destruction of the posterior columns and roots of the spinal cord. The patient loses peripheral reflexes and vibration sensitivity. A characteristic symptom is severe sweating.
  3. Stroke. The disease is based on damage to the arteries of the brain. Disturbances can affect the thermoregulation center. In this case, the patient experiences severe and persistent hyperhidrosis.

Oncological pathologies

Fever and excessive sweating are symptoms that almost always accompany these pathologies, especially at the stage of metastases.

Let's consider diseases in which hyperhidrosis is the most common symptom:

  1. Hodgkin's disease. In medicine it is called lymphogranulomatosis. The basis of the disease is tumor damage to the lymph nodes. The initial symptom of the disease is increased sweating at night.
  2. Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. This is a tumor of lymphoid tissue. Such formations lead to stimulation of the thermoregulation center in the brain. As a result, the patient experiences increased sweat production, especially at night.
  3. Compression by spinal cord metastases. In this case, the autonomic system suffers, which causes an increase in sweating.

Kidney pathologies

It is necessary to know what diseases cause a person to sweat a lot.

Doctors provide the following list of kidney pathologies:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • uremia;
  • eclampsia.

Cardiovascular diseases

Acute hyperhidrosis almost always accompanies the acute stages. What diseases cause a person to sweat a lot? As a rule, such symptoms are observed with the following ailments:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • cardiac ischemia.

Withdrawal syndrome

This phenomenon is typical for people dependent on various types of chemicals. This condition is especially pronounced in drug addicts or alcoholics. As soon as the chemical stimulant stops entering the body, a person experiences severe hyperhidrosis. In this case, the condition persists for the entire period while the “withdrawal” occurs.

Withdrawal syndrome can also be observed when stopping medications. A person reacts with increased sweating to the withdrawal of insulin or analgesic.

Acute poisoning

This is another serious cause of hyperhidrosis. If a person sweats a lot, it is necessary to analyze what food he ate or what chemicals he interacted with.

Often similar symptoms are caused by poisoning caused by:

  • mushrooms (fly agarics);
  • organophosphorus poisons, which are used to combat insects or rodents.

As a rule, a person experiences not only increased sweating, but also characteristic lacrimation and salivation. Constriction of the pupils is observed.

Psycho-emotional sphere

Very often, troubles at work and failures in your personal life can lead to such symptoms. In other words, any severe stress can cause hyperhidrosis.

Nervous tension, acute pain or fear often lead to an unpleasant symptom. It’s not for nothing that when talking about extreme emotional stress, a person emphasizes: “I broke into a cold sweat.”

It has been noticed that as soon as the problem that “keeps” the person under stress for a long time is resolved, increased hyperhidrosis disappears.

What to do?

It is very important to understand that the presence of hyperhidrosis is a serious reason to be examined in the hospital. Only after a thorough diagnosis can a doctor tell what illness a person is sweating a lot.

It is very important to answer the doctor’s following questions correctly and in detail:

  1. When did the excessive sweating start?
  2. Frequency of attacks.
  3. What circumstances provoke hyperhidrosis?

Do not forget that many of the pathologies can occur in a latent form. Therefore, a person can feel good for a long time. And only periodic attacks of sweating signal that not everything is fine in the body.



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