Eyes hurt, as if they are pressing: reasons, what to do. My eyes hurt as if they were pressing and my head hurts - reasons and what to do? Why is there pressure on my right eye?

It puts an incredible strain on the eyes. Especially today, in the age of digital technology, when, if we are not looking at a computer monitor at work, we are reading an e-book or “surfing the Internet” on a smartphone, or even watching TV programs until late. No wonder your eyes get tired. In some cases, pressing pain occurs. What this is connected with and how to get rid of it, we will talk in more detail below.

Intraocular hypertension

Everyone knows what arterial hypertension is, but few have encountered the concept of increased intraocular pressure. This concept refers to the pressure that is exerted on the shell of the eye by the vitreous body and the fluid located inside the organ of vision. The pressure inside the eye can increase due to a variety of diseases:

  • acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza;
  • migraines;
  • headache;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • glaucoma;
  • inflammatory process of the organs of vision and others.

Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, prolonged work at the computer, etc. can also lead to its increase and, accordingly, pressing pain.

If constantly

In the case when eye pressure is constantly elevated, we should talk about the development of such a dangerous disease as glaucoma, in which not only a decrease in visual acuity is possible, but even blindness is possible. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that if the pressure increases slightly, the patient will not notice it, but the disease will still develop quite actively.

People who are forty or more years old are at risk - they are much more susceptible to developing glaucoma than young people. It is worth noting that if the family had relatives suffering from glaucoma, then their heir has a high probability of developing the disease.

Not necessarily pressure

However, it is worth noting that the pressing pain that occurs in the eyes is not the main symptom of increased intraocular pressure. This symptom of bark is characteristic of the following diseases:

- migraine;

- hypertensive crisis;

- hypotension;

- inflammatory processes in the organs of vision;

- already mentioned colds.

In this case, in order to get rid of the annoying pain, as if pressing inside the eye, you should eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Treatment of pressure inside the eye and pressing pain

However, to determine the true cause of eye pain, you need to visit a qualified doctor. The doctor, after conducting a diagnosis, will be able to tell whether the disease is dangerous or not.

If you suspect the development of glaucoma, then it is important to consult an experienced ophthalmologist. Initial treatment is special drops that will reduce blood pressure. In the case where the cause of high blood pressure is inflammatory processes, the drops should have an antibacterial effect that defeats the disease and relieves inflammation.

If you are constantly working at a computer or have eye fatigue, it is recommended to rest as much as possible, as well as perform certain exercises for the visual organs, which will help get rid of the syndrome.

In conclusion

As you can see, there are actually many reasons why your eyes may hurt. Identifying the true cause is extremely difficult and only an experienced doctor can do it. Therefore, if you are sure that the pain is not caused by fatigue or a cold, we still recommend visiting a qualified doctor. Perhaps your eyes are warning you about a hypertensive crisis that needs to be neutralized, or about the development of glaucoma, treatment of which at an early stage can be quick and successful.

Currently, a person has a colossal load on his eyes. The fact is that modern technologies are used in almost all areas of professional activity. In this case, a person comes home after work and relaxes at the computer or TV, which negatively affects vision. Therefore, patients often come with complaints that their eyes hurt, as if they were pressing. Let's take a closer look at the main causes and methods of treating this problem.

The most common causes of pressure on the eyes may be:

Important: If you identify the listed symptoms, you need to undergo examination by an ophthalmologist and therapist. They can refer you to other doctors if necessary.


If a person feels constant heaviness, intense headache and pressure in the eyes, he needs to contact a medical facility. The examination includes the following procedures:

A comprehensive examination helps to timely identify tumors in the head, aneurysms, degenerative processes in the cervical spine, intervertebral hernia and other pathologies.


Treatment of intraocular hypertension occurs not only with the help of medications, but also with traditional and physiotherapeutic methods.

Traditional therapy

You can relieve unpleasant symptoms with eye drops. They normalize the condition of the visual apparatus. The most effective medicines:

Traditional methods

Golden mustache tincture has a positive effect on eye pressure. To prepare it you will need:

  • Vodka or alcohol – 0.5 l;
  • Leaves of the plant.

Thoroughly soften the golden mustache and pour vodka. Leave for 12 days in a dark room, shaking occasionally. Drink 30-40 ml every day half an hour before meals.

For prevention, tea leaves are used. It is a good eye cleanser. You need to take cotton wool (cotton pad), dip it in tea, wipe your eyes. You can take a horizontal position and leave the cotton wool on your eyes for no more than half an hour. After the procedure, vision becomes better, blurriness is eliminated and a clear image appears.

You can buy chamomile infusion at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Rub your eyes similarly to tea leaves. You will need:

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! No more shortness of breath, headaches, pressure surges and other symptoms of HYPERTENSION! Find out the method our readers use to treat blood pressure... Learn the method...
  • Chamomile – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Boiling water – 1 glass.

Mix the ingredients and cook over low heat for ten minutes.

Herbal remedies are very effective in eliminating the symptom. For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • Lily of the valley flowers – 1 tsp;
  • Nettle – 0.5 cups;
  • Water – 300 ml;
  • Soda - half a teaspoon.

Mix the plants and add water. Leave for 9 hours in a cool, dark room. Then add soda. Soak cotton wool in the mixture and keep it on your eyes at least twice a day.

A collection of yarrow and hawthorn in a 1:1 ratio (2-3 tbsp each) will be useful. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into the herb mixture and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, leave for an hour, strain and drink a glass at least 3 times a day.

Glaucoma is effectively treated with aloe. To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • Aloe – 1 leaf;
  • Boiling water – 250 ml.

Chop the plant and add water. Leave for three hours, then strain. You need to wash your eyes at least three times a day.


The state during eye exercises should be relaxed and calm. Before starting, the patient must bring his breathing into a stable state.

Important: The depth of breathing increases slowly. Inhalation should be done through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth.

The complex consists of five main exercises:

  • The patient chooses territory or an unfamiliar large object. For example, you can sit in a park, looking at the area without holding your gaze. You need to pay attention to all objects, shapes and colors. You should move your gaze without stopping for about five minutes, holding it in each section of the park;
  • Blink your eyes while moving your head clockwise;
  • Close your eyes and try not to move your head. Write words mentally, try to draw geometric shapes, making movements with your eyes closed;
  • Open a book and read a few paragraphs. Then quickly turn away and hold your gaze on some object. Then return to the book and find the word where you finished reading;
  • Stretch your arms in front of you, raise your palms up, move your fingers. Concentrate your gaze on the moving fingers. Periodically bend and straighten your arms.

Gymnastics will protect the optic nerve from damage. It does not require much time, but has a beneficial effect when combined with other treatment methods - eye drops, folk recipes and proper nutrition.


Eye pressure is an unpleasant symptom that prevents a person from working. It requires mandatory treatment after identifying the cause. Let's consider what to do to prevent pathology from occurring:

There are many reasons why there is pressure on the eyes from the inside, which is why consultation with a specialist is necessary. Every person must ensure that there is no overstrain, from which the organs of vision suffer greatly.

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If pressure appears inside the eye, this indicates the presence of various diseases. You should not ignore painful sensations or self-medicate. Only timely medical help will help when your eyes hurt, as if they are pressing.

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In the eyes


  • alcohol abuse;
  • eye strain to concentrate while reading;
  • spending a long time at the computer;
  • watching TV.

If pressure on the eyes occurs constantly, this can cause glaucoma and reduce visual acuity. In the worst cases, blindness occurs.

This symptom is more common in older people. It often occurs in people with a genetic predisposition to this disease. If the first symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Such pain should especially not be ignored by people in whose family someone suffered from this disease.

Only an ophthalmologist can determine the true cause of the discomfort:

  1. When inflammatory processes develop, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drops. They are quite effective in combating this symptom.
  2. If glaucoma is confirmed, then there is a need for prompt conservative intervention. Often it is possible to cope with the problem only with surgical treatment of this disease.

Gives it to the forehead

There is no single correct answer to this question, because there are a huge number of reasons why such discomfort may occur.

Diseases that cause pain in the forehead and eyes:

With the development of the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses, this discomfort occurs. Soreness radiates to the eyes. May accompany infectious diseases. Often appears when there are problems with the roots of the teeth. If you have a persistent runny nose, you need to tilt your head and observe the sensations. If severe pressing pain occurs, then you should not postpone going to the otolaryngologist. The doctor will be able to determine the cause of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

With this form of sinusitis, the frontal sinuses become inflamed. The headache is often worse in the morning. After the sinuses are emptied, it decreases. The symptom can be eliminated with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs. If the disease is advanced, a course of intramuscular antibiotics or surgery may be required.

  1. Increased intracranial pressure in hypertensive and hypotensive patients.

It happens due to stress, overwork, weather changes, and time zone changes.

  1. Infectious diseases.

Accompanied by elevated temperature.

  1. Flu.

In addition to eye pain and soreness in the forehead, weakness, muscle discomfort, and chills are characteristic. Any eye movements become painful. There are unpleasant sensations from bright lighting.

Also accompanies the following diseases:

  • malaria;
  • dengue;
  • migraine.


Head and eye pain

Headache and pressure on the eyes for the following reasons:

  1. Increased intracranial pressure.

Characterized by sharp pain. Intensifies with any voltage. More often of a shooting nature.

  1. Hematoma inside the skull.

Develops with prolonged headache and eye pain. Last for several weeks.

Typical for older people. Occurs when changing position. Accompanied by dizziness.

  1. Aneurysm.

The throbbing pain lasts about a month. It can only be treated surgically.

  1. Infectious diseases of the head and nasopharynx.

The discomfort in the head is more intense. When changing the position of the body and head, the pain intensifies.

If your head hurts and puts pressure on your eyes, then this may simply indicate severe visual strain, or the presence of some kind of pathology. Therefore, this condition should alert you and make you think about visiting a doctor. He will help determine the cause of this pathology and prescribe effective treatment.

The following factors can provoke this condition:

  • Mental or nervous stress. In addition, excessive physical stress on the eyes can also have an effect. It is difficult to guess how long the headache attack will last in this case. But even after the attack is eliminated, the sensations can persist for a long time.
  • Migraine. This cause of headache is quite common. Moreover, unpleasant sensations can only affect the right or left temple. That is, the pain is localized in one half of the head. At the same time, it radiates into the eye or ear.

Neurologist Kirill Aleksandrovich Shlyapnikov talks about the most common factors causing headaches:

  • Increased intracranial pressure. In this case, the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted. In addition, intraocular pressure increases. This condition can be triggered by climate change, stress and even a stroke. Typically, the pain syndrome is localized in the back of the head, radiating to the ear, as well as the left and right temple.
  • Malignant or benign formation in the brain, as well as hematoma. Here treatment is mandatory, since delay can cost a person’s life.
  • Vessel aneurysm. In this case, the pain syndrome has a pulsating character. Its maximum intensity appears after a sharp movement of the head.

  • Meningitis or encephalitis, as well as other organic brain lesions. In this case, pain and pressure are felt not only in the head, but also in the eyes.
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis. These inflammatory pathologies, in which unpleasant sensations cover the forehead, can radiate to the ear and nose.

  • Dental pathologies.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Trauma to the forehead, ear, back of the head, or any other area of ​​the head that causes a concussion. However, symptoms may not appear immediately. An additional symptom is dizziness.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. The nature of the headache may be throbbing, and there is pressure in the eyes.
  • Impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. In this case, pressure arises in the eyes, and it presses as if from the inside. The headache spreads to the forehead, the back of the head, the person feels an incredible heaviness in the head.
  • Glaucoma. Intraocular pressure increases, headache appears in the forehead.

In any case, if there is pressure on the eyes, it is necessary to be examined by a therapist and an ophthalmologist. You may need to consult another specialist.

Diagnostic features

If a person feels heaviness in the head, a severe and constant headache occurs, or pressure appears in the eyes, he should definitely consult a doctor. He, in turn, will prescribe a comprehensive examination, which includes the following procedures:

  1. MRI or CT. These research methods are the most modern and informative. However, they are not always indicated, so it is better to consult a doctor before the examination.
  2. Tomography of the cervical spine, which will determine the presence of osteochondrosis, which often provokes headaches.

  1. Angiography. When used, contrast agents are injected into the vessels.
  2. Fundus examination. This procedure is performed by an ophthalmologist.

Thanks to a comprehensive examination, it is possible to determine the presence of tumors in the head area, degenerative phenomena of the cervical spine, aneurysm, intervertebral hernia and other pathologies.

First aid

In any case, the following recipes may be useful:

  1. A herbal decoction containing valerian, chamomile, plantain, and lemon balm. All components must be taken in equal quantities (1 tablespoon each). To this mixture you need to add 2 more large spoons of yarrow herb. All raw materials should be thoroughly ground using a coffee grinder. Next, pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture into 700 ml of boiling water, cover and leave to steep for 12 hours. You need to take 1/3 cup of liquid every 2 hours for 3 days. In this case, the infusion should be warm. This folk medicine will help relieve heaviness in the head, pain and pressure in the eyes, which is bursting from the inside.
  2. Regular freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables help a lot. Juice made from raw potatoes, strawberries and rose hips is very effective against headaches and pressure in the eyes. You should drink 100 ml of this juice every day.

You will find more recipes if you watch our video:

  1. If the headache is not very severe, and it is not felt constantly, you can use essential oils to eliminate it. Marjoram, lavender, menthol and basil are very useful. They can eliminate headaches in the right or left temple and calm the nervous system. In this case, the oil can be poured into an aroma lamp or used for massage.
  2. Lemon peel. It quickly relieves headaches, as well as pressure that is bursting the skull from the inside. The peel should be applied on top to the place where the discomfort is felt the most.
  3. Bath based on medicinal herbs or sea salt.
  4. It's good to drink a glass of warm milk with honey at night. This recipe has a calming effect.

Folk remedies are not a panacea. It is better to consult a doctor first.

Prevention of pathological condition

Pressure on the eyes from the inside is an unpleasant sensation that prevents a person from working normally. If it appears, then it is necessary to begin treatment of the pathological condition, but only after the cause of the disease has been established. However, its occurrence can be prevented:

  • It is important to give up bad habits: alcohol abuse, smoking, eating fast food.
  • Eliminate all those factors that can provoke a situation where there is pressure on both eyes: unpleasant odors, exposure to chemicals, bright light.
  • It is better to get rid of excess weight, which causes hormonal imbalance.

  • Have regular medical examinations.
  • Treat pathologies of the nose, throat, teeth, as well as infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in a timely manner.
  • Normal and complete rest. Night sleep should be 6-8 hours. In addition, you should not neglect daytime rest.

These are all the features of the pathological condition, in which there seems to be pressure on both eyes. Naturally, one cannot lose sight of it. Consultation with an experienced specialist will provide an opportunity to receive comprehensive and effective assistance.

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It puts pressure on the eyes, there is a feeling of fullness in the eyeballs, heaviness on the eyelids, dizziness and headache - all these are symptoms of overwork, stress or ophthalmological, vascular, neurological diseases. Unpleasant sensations have different intensity and frequency, which depend on the pathological processes in the body.

To determine why there is pressure on the eyes, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct an examination.

Causes of pressing pain in the eye area

Pain in the eyes with sensations as if there is pressure on them from the inside, has a viral, infectious nature, and is a consequence of diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, injuries or excessive fatigue.

Table “What causes pressing pain in the eyes and the nature of the discomfort”

Causes: diseases and external factors Description of painful discomfort
Increased (glaucoma) Severe pain in the eyes from the inside, a feeling of fullness. Vision deteriorates, everything becomes blurry, nausea and vomiting occur
High blood pressure Heavy head, pressing and throbbing pain above the eyes, in the temples and the back of the head. Additionally, there may be ringing in the ears, goosebumps before the eyes
Jumps in intracranial pressure caused by a tumor, stroke, cyst development, or impaired blood outflow The head is spinning, the forehead hurts, there is a feeling of pressure above the eyes and on the side of the top of the head, goosebumps appear before the eyes, pulsation in the eyes is possible, drowsiness, heaviness in the eyelids, sometimes there are hallucinations
Cervical osteochondrosis Violation of the outflow of venous blood due to compression of the nerve roots leads to aching pain in the back of the head, which radiates into the eyes - a stinging sensation appears, a feeling of pressure inside the eyeballs
Migraine Pressing pain radiating to the eyes, temples, crown, forehead, shooting into the ear. The person feels nauseous, discomfort increases with sharp sounds and smells, eyes sting from bright light
Anemia A decrease in the number of red blood cells causes oxygen starvation of the brain, resulting in bursting pain in the frontal part of the head with pressure on the eyes, temples and back of the head
Sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis Feeling of fullness and tightness inside the head, above or below the eyes. Pathogenic mucus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses and puts pressure on swollen tissues
Viral pathologies (flu, sore throat, colds) The headache is observed on top of the skull and in the frontal area. Toxins released by pathogenic flora poison the body, resulting in an immune response, increased work of protective cells, swelling of the walls of blood vessels, and compression of them by surrounding tissues.
Meningitis Severe headache with a feeling of heaviness in the eyes. Unpleasant sensations are accompanied by nausea and chills. The meninges are inflamed, which irritates the nerve fibers and creates a feeling of heaviness and constriction in the head and eyes
Overwork Long-term work that requires eye strain (typing, viewing programs on a computer, working with a tablet) causes swelling and spasm of blood vessels, provokes a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids, pain in the eyes, tearing, drowsiness appears, the eyes close, the person wants to sleep
Head and eye injuries Aching and pressing pain in the eye area
Hypothermia Prolonged exposure to cold on the body provokes a sharp spasm of the vascular walls, and, as a result, the eyes, frontal lobes, and the back of the head hurt
Incorrect selection of glasses and lenses to improve vision Pressing discomfort in the eyes, pain, blurred vision. Incorrectly selected accessories irritate the mucous membrane and affect the normal functioning of the visual system

Pressing pain in the eyes lasting 2 to 3 days, or occurring at regular intervals, should not go unnoticed.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have eye pain, you should first consult an ophthalmologist



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