A large pimple on an intimate place in women. Why do acne appear in intimate places in women and how to get rid of them

Women quite often face such a problem as acne in intimate places, since their skin is much more delicate and sensitive, which means there is a risk of developing irritations of various etiologies. A pimple on the pubic area, as well as on the labia, does not always indicate the development of a serious disease and can be the cause of a common allergy or cold. As a rule, inflammation and rash in the groin area do not cause pain and go away without outside intervention after a couple of days. At the same time, there is a possibility of developing sexually transmitted diseases, one of the signs of which is a pimple.

Possible causes and treatment methods for acne on the labia in women

Possible reasons for the formation of acne on the genitals, including the labia, include changes in hormonal levels due to malfunctions of the body, pregnancy, puberty or the onset of menopause.
In addition to this, rashes of various types can be observed due to:

Each type of acne has its own cause of formation and treatment method. To carry out correct therapy, you will need to contact your doctor to clarify the diagnosis.


Pimples are a type of rash that forms on a woman’s genitals, as well as on the pubic area. As a rule, they form pinkish pimples, 2 mm or more in size.

The causes of such a rash may be an allergy to skin contact with powders, hygiene products and linen, or a lack of hygiene. Such pimples do not cause noticeable discomfort and disappear on their own within a few days. In addition, pimples can be a sign of the development of a herpes virus infection, or simply genital herpes. In this case, they have a transparent shell with liquid inside, while causing discomfort and pain. If the rashes have a denser structure with a pointed tip, then these are papillomas caused by the virus of the same name.

Such rashes are transmitted mainly during sexual contact with carriers of viruses, and may appear several months later when immunity decreases. At the same time, the herpes virus, as well as the human papillomavirus, are incurable.

Treatment is aimed at reducing the activity of viruses and eliminating the manifestations of the disease. To treat rashes caused by the human herpes virus, it is necessary to carry out immunomodulating therapy with the additional use of acyclovir drugs. Papillomas require removal surgically or using cryodestruction, laser removal or ultrasound.


Wen are rashes that form on the labia of women and in the pubic area due to blockage of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Such formations are called lipomas and are localized directly under the skin due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, sebum accumulates and leads to blockage of the channels.

The reasons for the appearance of wen include:

  • excessive oily skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • abuse of spicy, fatty foods and sweets;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • use of unsuitable hygiene products
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the body, for example, with diabetes;
  • injury to the sebaceous gland (during depilation or active sexual intercourse).

The lipoma or wen must be removed, otherwise the formation of abscesses and even the development of oncology are possible.

As a rule, old wen is removed surgically, especially when inflammatory processes develop or suppuration occurs. The surgeon removes both the capsule itself containing purulent masses and the affected tissue around the wen. As a result, antibacterial therapy is carried out to avoid the development of secondary infection. If there is a “quiet” wen that brings only aesthetic discomfort, then it is removed using an endoscope or liposuction, or using a laser and radio waves.

White pimples (dots, spots)

White pimples on the intimate area in women are of two types - similar in appearance to “goose bumps” and with a purulent white head. The first type of rash appears due to the necrosis of the epidermal scales and their accumulation in the hair follicle. The skin becomes rough to the touch. To get rid of this problem, it is enough to carry out enhanced hygiene of the genital organs.

Whiteheads, spots and pimples with a white head can occur due to various factors. These could be:

  • irritation after unsuccessful depilation (for example, shaving the pubic area with a razor);
  • hypothermia;
  • , impervious to air and moisture, creating a sauna effect;
  • development of sexually transmitted diseases.

As a rule, such rashes go away on their own and do not require special treatment. But, if acne does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor who will conduct laboratory tests and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Red pimples

Red pimples on the labia look like a slight reddish lump located in the hair follicle. Such rashes can be caused by hair growth, and in some cases accompanied by suppuration under the skin. As a rule, acne goes away along with the sprouting of hairs and does not require treatment. If the hair does not grow and the suppuration does not go away, then you may need to see a doctor for treatment with antibacterial agents or to remove the problem.


The formation of black spots on the genitals in women can occur due to blockage of the sebaceous tubules of the epithelium of the pubic area. In addition, comedones (the medical name for blackheads on the skin) can be caused by a number of abnormalities and diseases:

  • damage to the sebaceous glands by pathogenic microflora due to excessive hygiene of the genital organs and washing out of the vaginal microflora;
  • inflammation of hair follicles due to improper depilation;
  • allergies to intimate hygiene products, lubricants, flavored condoms, etc.;
  • hypothermia and overheating can provoke the appearance of comedones;
  • hormonal imbalance, most often appear during the transition period in adolescents, as well as during menopause.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of comedones, it is forbidden to squeeze them out. Treatment will need to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in cases where the rash lasts more than 2 weeks, if discomfort, pain, dry skin and peeling occur in the area covered with comedones, and also if blackheads appear immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner. For treatment, antibacterial and antiseptic agents may be prescribed; you will also need to refrain from using soap and genital care products with fragrances and fragrances, wearing synthetic and tight underwear, and having sexual intercourse.

Internal pimple

Internal pimples often appear in the intimate area of ​​women when the skin is damaged during depilation with a razor and a secondary infection occurs, which develops in the subcutaneous layers for some time and then forms internal suppuration and, as a result, an internal pimple.

Special topical medications can be used as treatment to help fight bacteria and relieve inflammation. In some advanced cases, surgery and removal of the pimple may be required.

Purulent pimple on an intimate place in women

Rashes on the labia in women quite often bother the fair half of humanity. Particularly unpleasant can be purulent pimples that form due to exposure to external factors:

  • , for example during puberty;
  • a cold, which can lead not only to a cough, but also to the formation of purulent pimples on the genitals;
  • inflammation of the Bartholin glands provokes the appearance of a boil; this problem can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain in the inflamed area and itching;
  • staphylococci, streptococci, trichomonas, which can cause purulent rashes on the labia;
  • ulcers also appear with vulvovaginitis.

If you find a purulent pimple on the genitals, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

In many cases, treatment consists of surgically opening the pimple, or complex therapy is prescribed, including the use of immunomodulatory, disinfectant and antibacterial drugs, both external and internal.

According to the place of manifestation

Pimples differ not only in appearance and the reasons that led to their formation, but also in location. Depending on the location of the formation of the rash, special therapy may be carried out, requiring special medications and acne removal techniques. The most dangerous and difficult to diagnose are pimples located on the labia minora and in the vagina.

Pimple on the small lip in women

photo of a pimple on the small lip of a woman

Pimples on the labia minora can appear due to various factors:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene measures;
  • abuse of soap during hygiene procedures, which leads to dryness of the epithelium, irritation of tissues and cracks in the skin through which bacteria penetrate;
  • herpetic eruptions primarily affect the mucous membranes, which means that quite often they form watery pimples on the labia minora;
  • Venereal diseases can also provoke the formation of acne of various types on the labia minora.

If a pimple bothers you, causes itching, burning, or peeling, then you will need the help of a qualified specialist, since it is almost impossible to determine the type of rash on the sebaceous labia from a photo from the Internet.

Vaginal rash

A rash in the vagina is detected during an examination by a gynecologist. This problem is serious and requires careful study and treatment in the future. As a rule, a rash in the vagina in women is formed due to:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the Bartholin gland, which is localized at the entrance to the vagina. The causes of inflammation can be a history of gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and trichomoniasis.
  2. A pimple in the vagina is not a simple formation, but may be or. The causes of the formation of such growths can be a vaginal cyst, paraurethritis and urethral diverticulum.
  3. Herpes virus infection, condylomas and can even be located in the vagina. These diseases are transmitted primarily through sexual contact, which means it is necessary to avoid unprotected sexual intercourse.

There are quite a few types and causes of acne in the vagina. When a formation is detected, diagnosis and treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. For treatment, specific therapy with antibacterial drugs of local and systemic action, immune-supporting treatment is used, and antiseptics are also used.

Rash and pimples on a girl's pussy

Girls at any age can develop pimples and rashes on the genitals, which are formed due to the influence of various factors, including the development of:

  • – is a diaper rash that appears due to prolonged interaction with the surface of the diaper, the baby’s feces and the lack of circulation of moisture and air. It looks like purulent rashes, swelling of the skin, spots, bumps and redness in the groin;
  • allergy – caused by food intake, manifested by redness and erythema of the skin;
  • overheating - has the appearance of red spots (), which form in the inguinal folds of girls and do not cause discomfort, characterized by the appearance of a red rash, spots and watery pimples on the genitals of girls;
  • – caused by a fungus of the genus Candida affects the genital area in girls, characterized by a red rash.

Treatment of rashes and pimples on the labia in girls requires medical supervision.

Disinfectants and drying agents are prescribed for affected areas of the skin. These can be ointments, creams, pastes and powders. In addition, you can use herbal decoctions of nettle, chamomile, string and other herbs.

Every dermatovenerologist knows that they are a symptom of serious diseases. The presence of a rash may be a sign of infection or skin irritation. Mostly adults face this problem. A sick person can be contagious to their sexual partners.

The presence of a rash may be a sign of infection or skin irritation

Rash in the intimate area is a common occurrence in young people. The process involves the genitals, perianal area, perineum and breasts. Pimples are the elements of the rash that are located above the skin.

Pimples include papules, pustules and vesicles.

Exanthema in a woman or man is rarely the only symptom.

Along with it, the following symptoms may be present:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • itching;
  • peeling.

In most cases, pimples are red or pink in color.

Sometimes they are white. Rashes in the intimate area are characterized by the following diseases:

  • genital herpes;
  • lice pubis;
  • allergic contact dermatitis;
  • syphilis in the 2nd period;
  • candidiasis;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • Fox-Fordyce disease.

Acne does not appear without the participation of predisposing factors. These include unprotected sexual intercourse, promiscuity in relation to partners, neglect of the barrier method of contraception, simple rules of personal hygiene, wearing tight and synthetic underwear, hyperhidrosis of the groin area, living in a hot climate, puberty, taking steroids and corticosteroids, having thick hair in intimate area.

Herpes rashes

If a pimple pops up in an intimate place in women or men, then the cause may be STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

Up to 90% of the population is infected with the herpes virus

This is a group of diseases in which the pathogen is transmitted through sexual contact. An example is genital herpes. This disease is very widespread.

Up to 90% of the population is infected with the herpes virus. Not everyone gets acne on their genitals. The cause of the rash is the active reproduction of viruses of types 1 and 2.

Contact, aerosol and vertical mechanisms of human infection are known.

Risk factors for acne in intimate areas in men and women are:

  • low socio-economic status of a person;
  • female gender;
  • young age;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • commercial sex;
  • homosexual relationships;
  • unsecured communications;
  • low immunity.

Pimples on the genitals occur when resistance decreases. Suppression of general or local immunity leads to activation of the virus.

This is possible against the background of cancer, after abortion and radiation therapy, with a lack of vitamins and animal protein, overwork, physical overload, chronic infectious diseases, HIV infection and diabetes.

Often occur in people who regularly visit solariums and beaches.

The presence of rashes in the intimate area is a sign of skin candidiasis

Genital herpes can occur in mild, moderate or severe form. In the latter case, the rash appears monthly. Primary herpes in women and men has a rapid course. The incubation period reaches 2 weeks.

Areas of redness appear in intimate places. Itching and burning appear. The skin becomes swollen. Then exanthema occurs. It is represented by bubbles (vesicles).

There is a murky secret inside them. The bubbles are located separately from each other. When the rash appears, a fever occurs. The inguinal lymph nodes are often enlarged. Within a week, the blisters burst, and in their place superficial ulcers appear.

Vesicles jump up in the perineum, genitals, anus and thighs. The urethra is often affected. The pimples are painful on palpation. Secondary herpes is characterized by a calmer course.

Acne due to candidiasis

The presence of rashes in the intimate area is a sign of skin candidiasis. This is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. In recent years, the incidence of this pathology has increased. People of all ages face this problem.

Fungi are normally present on people's skin without causing a rash. When immunity decreases, they begin to actively grow and reproduce. Acne on the genitals appears less frequently than on other parts of the body. Endogenous factors play the greatest role in the development of candidiasis.

These include:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dysproteinemia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • sweating

The general condition of a person with candidiasis is not affected

Pimples in intimate areas often appear when taking cytostatics, antibiotics and corticosteroids.

Fungi thrive in moist environments. The risk group includes people who regularly visit swimming pools, saunas, public baths, and constantly sweat.

A rash in intimate areas is possible when wearing wet underwear and when the skin is not sufficiently wiped with a towel after a shower.

A candidiasis rash has the following distinctive features:

  • occurs at the site of redness and swelling;
  • represented by pustules, papules and vesicles;
  • often localized in folds;
  • has a white coating.

Most often the groin, mammary glands, armpits and the area between the buttocks are affected. After the bubbles open, weeping erosions form. They are shiny and smooth.

Small pustules and vesicles are localized along the periphery. The general condition of a person with candidiasis is not affected. The disease can be chronic with frequent relapses. If you do not treat a person, there is a risk of generalization of the infection with damage to vital organs.

The cause is molluscum contagiosum

Pimples can appear with molluscum contagiosum. This is a chronic disease caused by a DNA virus. This is a type of STI. The virus penetrates keratinocytes and blocks T-lymphocytes. This explains the lack of immune response. Infection occurs through direct contact with the patient's skin or through objects.

Infection in adults occurs primarily through sexual contact. The skin of the perineum, thighs and external genitalia is involved.

Infection of adults occurs mainly through sexual contact

Initially, the upper half of the body may be affected, but then a person with his hands brings the pathogen to the intimate areas.

The main symptom of molluscum contagiosum is a rash on the genitals. Pimples look like dense, rounded nodules. They are pink in color and rise above the skin. Sometimes a pearlescent sheen is observed.

The nodules are painless. Their number is gradually increasing. The reason is self-infection. The size of acne most often does not exceed the size of a pea. The elements of the rash are arranged randomly.

Sometimes their number reaches several hundred. When you press on the tubercles, a white, pasty mass is released. The appearance of acne on the genitals is often accompanied by mild itching. A typical sign of the rash is a concave center.

Acne with lice pubis

The risk group includes:

  • homeless people;
  • small children;
  • military personnel;
  • bathhouse employees;
  • refugees;
  • kindergarten teachers;
  • parents of sick children;
  • prisoners;
  • people who are promiscuous.

The skin of the anus, perineum and pubis is most often affected. In such people they may appear on the genitals.

The rash consists of papules and pustules. Sometimes bluish spots appear on the skin. The rash appears at the sites of bites and scratches. There is never one purulent pimple on an intimate place.

Other etiological factors

Subcutaneous pimples in intimate areas are a sign of allergic contact dermatitis. This is an inflammatory disease. The area of ​​skin that is in direct contact with the irritant (allergen) is affected. The source of inflammation has clear boundaries.

The causes of the disease may be:

  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • skin contact with washing powder;
  • use of low-quality intimate hygiene products;
  • washing the body and genitals with soap;
  • contact with certain plants;
  • application of medications in the form of creams and gels.

Often a rash appears after depilation in the bikini area. After contact with an allergen, the skin turns red. Then papules appear, which quickly turn into blisters. The latter open up, forming erosions. Eventually crusts appear and peeling occurs. The occurrence of acne on the genitals in women and men is combined with itching.

Syphilides can be mistaken for acne. These are rashes that are caused by the presence of Treponema pallidum in the human body.

The causes and treatment of syphilis are known to every dermatovenerologist. Syphilides are represented by papules, pustules or roseola. At the early stage of development of the second period of the disease, chancre may remain.

Often a rash appears after depilation in the bikini area

White pimples on the scrotum, chest and labia are otherwise called Fordyce granules or seborrheic cysts. The reason is an increase in the sebaceous glands.

If pimples appear in an intimate area, the trigger may be a cold or an acute respiratory infection.

Examination and treatment methods

Treatment tactics are determined by the doctor after diagnosis.

If painful pimples appear in intimate places, the following studies will be needed:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • skin allergy tests;
  • dermatoscopy;
  • anticardiolipin test;
  • urine test;
  • Wasserman reaction;
  • histological analysis.

If syphilis is suspected, instrumental studies may be needed. If small ones appear after hair removal, then treatment is not required.

Contact with allergens must be completely avoided. If a painful pimple does not appear after hair removal, but as a result of infection with the herpes virus, then systemic and local antiviral drugs are prescribed.

These include Panavir, Valcicon, Valtrex, Valvir, Valacyclovir Canon, Ribavirin-SZ, Famvir, Famacivir, Familar, Minaker and Zovirax. Thus, a rash in intimate areas can occur after hair removal, shaving, contact with allergens and against the background of infectious diseases.

A pimple on an intimate place in women is a delicate problem that brings discomfort and discomfort to the fairer sex. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, and therefore they need to be solved individually for each case.

The reasons why a woman has a pimple in her intimate area vary. Only an experienced dermatologist and gynecologist can diagnose such phenomena, as well as deal with the disease that was the source of purulent formations. The most common causes are hormonal disruptions that occur during adolescence, menopause or pregnancy. Acne can also appear as a result of infection with some viral infections, which often leads to the development of serious sexually transmitted diseases. Often a rash occurs if a woman neglects her own hygiene rules. This can occur on hiking trips or long trips, when there is no way to wash properly.

Small pimples may appear as a result of injury to the bikini area. Sometimes the causes of such formations in intimate places are improper hair removal. This happens if a woman often shaves her bikini area. Regular use of wax or epilator can also cause acne. For this reason, experts recommend using laser hair removal, sugaring or other methods. Often the appearance of acne in intimate areas is associated with the formation of ingrown hairs. Therefore, scrubbing should be done before waxing. This will avoid developing a rash after the procedure.

Sometimes pimples can appear on such a part of the body due to wearing underwear made of synthetic materials. This may lead to allergic reactions. Also, such underwear fits tightly to the body and does not allow the epidermis to breathe. This leads to impaired heat exchange, sweating, irritation and hives. Pimples can also have a cold-like character - they appear during inflammation of genital herpes. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Sometimes a rash is formed as a result of primary syphilis, which also entails a trip to the gynecologist. Quite often, acne occurs as a result of severe stress or constant emotional distress.

How to deal with such formations in the bikini area?

What to do when a pimple pops up in an intimate place? If a woman understands that a painful acne is not infectious, then she can try to remove the formations herself. This is only allowed if the pimple is purulent and the head is visible. Be sure to do this with washed hands, and upon completion of the process, you must treat the affected areas with alcohol. If it was not possible to squeeze it out, then you need to try using traditional medicine or medications.

If there is a hard black pimple in the bikini area, then you can smear it with Vishnevsky or ichthyol ointment. The cream must be applied in a thick layer, and cotton wool must be placed on top, securing it with a band-aid. The compress should remain on the affected area for 12 hours, so it is usually done at night. Applications should be made until the formation is completely gone. You can treat a purulent pimple in an intimate place in women with the help of agave. You need to take a small piece of aloe leaf, cut it, apply it to the inflamed area, wrap it with gauze or bandage. It is recommended to apply the application before bedtime for 3-4 days. After this time, the purulent rash will go away on its own.

You can burn a painful pimple with iodine. To do this, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it in the preparation and apply it to the inflamed area for 1-2 minutes. A prerequisite is to apply the effect only to the affected area, because contact with healthy skin can cause burns. Acne in the intimate area is often treated with Levomekol ointment. It must be applied locally up to 3 times a day. If the unpleasant sensations are internal, this means that the formation arose in the vaginal perineum. In this case, a decoction of chamomile or calendula flowers will help. You should take one or another component (20 g), pour 250 ml of boiling water, cool to room temperature and use the solution for intimate hygiene. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations up to 4-5 times a day.

To avoid acne, you need to wear cotton or linen underwear. It is also very important to take a lot of vitamins, restorative infusions and decoctions, as well as drugs that strengthen the immune system.

This is especially important for those women who experience relapses of herpes. It is necessary to quit bad habits - smoking or addiction to alcoholic beverages. If you know what acne is like, you can prevent its occurrence. Therefore, normal hygiene of the intimate area should be established. It is allowed to use antihistamines (only if large areas of redness form).

If there is a diseased pimple in an intimate place in men, then the treatment is no different from that used by women. You can prepare one more remedy. To do this, you need to take 2 aspirin tablets, crush them and mix with glycerin until smooth. It is recommended to apply the resulting mass to the groin area 2-3 times a day. You can get rid of irritation in the intimate area with the help of a Rescuer or Healer. When inflammation is very severe, zinc ointment or Zenerite is used.

If you deal with acne in the intimate area correctly, you can quickly and effectively deal with the problem. It is best to contact specialists, because sometimes such formations indicate the emergence of serious diseases.

So, you have a pimple in your intimate area. What is the reason? As the most common factors, doctors name, firstly, conditions that are accompanied by hormonal imbalance (these include pregnancy, menopause and the so-called “adolescent age”). In addition, pimples may indicate unsuccessful epilation of the bikini area and non-compliance with hygiene rules. Think about it: are you overusing synthetic underwear? The appearance of rashes can also be triggered by poor diet, severe stress, and sexually transmitted infections.


Sebaceous glands

A pimple in an intimate area may well turn out to be enlarged. This is explained by the fact that the skin in the intimate area is thinner and more delicate than anywhere else. This is why sebaceous glands are easily mistaken for pimples. Such skin formations will not cause you the slightest harm - of course, if you do not squeeze them out. Otherwise, your skin may suffer. The best thing you can do is to train yourself to regularly treat inflamed areas with special antibacterial agents. In addition, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene (wash daily and change underwear regularly) and avoid junk food.


However, a pimple on an intimate place may not be as harmless as it seems. If in appearance it resembles this, this indicates that it looks rather unaesthetic, and besides, such pimples can be very painful and, when ripe, stain panties.

It is quite possible to remove the purulent one yourself. To do this, carefully wash the affected area with warm water, wipe dry and apply a compress of aloe pulp over the inflammation (just take a leaf, cut it in half and secure with a bandage). The compress should be left overnight. This remedy will relieve inflammation in just a few days - the very next morning you will see that the pimple has significantly decreased in size. You can also treat the abscess with hydrogen peroxide several times a day (you can buy it at the pharmacy). In order to speed up the process of pimple maturation, you can use iodine or All these remedies are quite cheap, but very effective. on an intimate place is not recommended: this will only make it worse.

If your skin in the groin area is covered with white subcutaneous tubercles, these are nothing more than cysts. Their appearance is explained quite simply: the sebaceous gland is closed by the skin, as a result of which fat accumulates under the skin. It hardens quite quickly, so it is not possible to squeeze it out. Removal of cysts is performed surgically and usually takes only a couple of minutes.

Irritation and small pimples in the intimate area are a common occurrence, especially in women, because they are more sensitive and remove hair there. But always a pimple on an intimate place in women is painful, unpleasant and dangerous. It’s good when it goes away on its own, but what if this phenomenon does not go away or even increases?

Reasons for appearance

The main reason for damage to this zone is a disruption of the body’s hormonal levels during puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

In more rare cases, acne occurs for the following reasons:

  • inflammatory process in hair follicles;
  • cold;
  • herpes;
  • allergy;
  • poor hygiene or lack thereof;
  • sexually transmitted disease, for example, primary type syphilis;
  • depression, severe stress;
  • reaction to shaving;
  • improper hair removal (with wax, sugar paste, epilator).

Characteristics of acne in the intimate area

Acne comes in different forms. To know what treatment to choose and how to behave, you need to know what type of pimple that popped up is:

  1. Purulent. Painful, takes a long time to go away. May be reddish or flesh-grey, and about the size of a match head or smaller. When pressed, a grayish or yellowish liquid comes out. Through them, a secondary infection often enters the body, aggravating the situation. If a pimple is opened intentionally or not on purpose, it should be immediately lubricated with an antiseptic.
  2. White bump. Often jumps up on the epidermis around the genitals. In fact, it is just a bump that may not differ in color from the skin. Sometimes they are painful, but not always. Most often this is a hair follicle in which a new hair grows. If everything is fine with development, it will go away on its own, but if the hair grows into the skin, then it will be painful and with pus. Less often, it is a pore clogged with keratinized epidermis, which can be easily cleaned with regular scrubbing.
  3. Red. Most often, this is an allergy to hair removal, synthetic underwear or medications. Everything around them itches, and scratching only makes the situation worse. If the irritation is removed, small pimples go away in a few days without any therapy. If there is no improvement after eliminating the allergen, it can be assumed that this is dermatitis, which can only be treated by a doctor.
  4. Watery. The most dangerous type of acne is in the intimate area. Their appearance is provoked by hormonal imbalance, allergies, prickly heat due to overheating and lack of air access, infection, venereal disease, especially if on the mucous membrane.
  5. Black. Most often, acne has this color, but sometimes a subcutaneous pimple is colored this way when pus has corroded the capillaries and blood has entered it. The surrounding skin is swollen, and the inflammation itself is hard. Sometimes women confuse blackheads with moles and warts. In each case, consultation with a dermatovenerologist is necessary.

You should seek the help of a doctor when:

  • the appearance of a pimple was preceded by unsafe sexual intercourse with a casual partner;
  • the pimple hurts a lot and does not go away for a long time, a period of 7 days should be taken as a guideline;
  • a small rash that is very itchy and has a burning sensation;
  • the groin area was covered with blisters with cloudy liquid and small ulcers.

IMPORTANT! Acne in the intimate area is not always caused by accidental sexual contact or poor hygiene; sometimes you can become infected in a public toilet, swimming pool or body of water.

Treatment of the affected area

If you are firmly convinced that the cause of acne around the genitals is non-venereal or is a cold, then they can be cured if treated correctly. For minor rashes, it is enough to use an antiseptic drug. You need to lubricate pimples until they dry out and go away. Usually two procedures per day are enough. Before the procedure, be sure to thoroughly wash your skin using soap or a special product for caring for the intimate area. For large, painful pimples, you need to take an anti-inflammatory cream or gel.

The important question remains whether it is necessary to open the abscess to remove its pathogenic contents. Such manipulations will not bring any benefit, especially if done independently, only pain. Sometimes there are medical indications for opening purulent pimples, including those on the intimate area, but this should only be done by a qualified specialist using a special tool.

At home, all acne, blackheads and pimples should be lubricated superficially. This will remove the inflammatory process and swelling.

No expensive special products are needed, just use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. In more complex cases, you can lubricate the affected area with iodine or apply a compress with Vishnevsky ointment or Levomikol-gel. In a few days they will break through on their own and the healing process will go faster. A pimple that has broken out should be lubricated with an antiseptic and this should be done until it goes away.

Video about acne in the intimate area

Preventive measures

There are no special techniques. Good hygiene, protected sex and regular examinations by a gynecologist are extremely important for the health of the intimate area. It is advisable to change all synthetic underwear to natural ones, in which the skin around the genitals will breathe. This will avoid both prickly heat and irritation after hair removal.

Women's favorite pads for daily use, especially in summer, block the access of oxygen to such a tender and delicate area. They are most often responsible for blockage of the sebaceous glands, which leads to irritation and small pimples. It is important to find a qualified specialist in waxing or sugaring to prevent ingrown hairs after the procedure. This leads to painful pimples, which sometimes only need to be opened to remove the abnormally growing hair that causes inflammation.



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