Kuznetsov applicator for use in lumbar osteochondrosis. General information about the Kuznetsov applicator

Spinal diseases cause a lot of trouble and are difficult to treat. Kuznetsov's applicator for osteochondrosis helps reduce the risk of exacerbations, relieve pain syndrome, restore mobility of the musculoskeletal system.

It is difficult to judge whether the applicator helps everyone achieve results without exception. After all, the most effective drug therapy does not lead to equal treatment success. Acupuncture, on the other hand, belongs to alternative types of medicine, the effects of which have been little studied, which does not reduce their effectiveness.

The effect of the device is based on the principles of acupuncture - stimulation of biologically active points on the surface of the body, reflexively connected with all internal organs and systems of a person. The difference between the applicator and the ancient ones therapeutic techniques the fact that the use of the device does not require special skills and knowledge of the intricacies oriental medicine. It's quite easy to use.

Kuznetsov's applicator (applicator, indicator) is a set of plastic or metal segments with rows of single or double spikes. Depending on the purpose for various parts The body of the plate can be sewn onto oilcloth mats, special belts, bandages, pads or bolsters. The length of the spikes depends on the intended degree of impact and varies from 2 to 5 mm with a distance of 2–8 mm from each other. Products with short, frequent needles are most gentle; they are recommended for use by people with thin, sensitive skin. To quickly recognize differences, applicators are colored different colors. At the same time, red and green ones have the most gentle effect, yellow and blue ones are more intense - their spines are longer, white ones, unlike the others, have single, rather than double, needles.

Practice shows that the use of the device in complex therapy in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, pathology of the lumbosacral spine, relieves sharp pain, reduces the severity and frequency of exacerbations. Use in initial stage osteochondrosis helps prevent the development of degenerative processes in tissues.

While using the device

  • metabolism in the cartilaginous and bone tissue vertebrae and intervertebral discs;
  • swelling and inflammation are eliminated nerve endings, which helps reduce pain;
  • the condition and patency of the capillary network improves;
  • blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and spinal cord is stimulated.

How to use

When treating lumbosacral osteochondrosis, the instructions recommend placing the applicator mat on a flat horizontal surface, preferably on the floor, with foam rubber underneath, and carefully lie down so that the spikes are evenly and tightly pressed to the skin. First impressions may not be pleasant and may even cause painful sensations because of the unusual irritating effect thorns Then the discomfort ceases to be felt, and is replaced by a feeling of slight warmth and physical relaxation. After 1–2 minutes, you need to carefully rise and lie down on the applicator again, moving slightly - this way the device will massage more active points. Periodically, you can smoothly raise your legs, bend them at the knees, strengthening and then weakening the effect of the needles on the skin.

When exercising on a mat, the spikes actively affect a wide area of ​​the body from the buttocks to the cervical vertebrae. The recommended time for one procedure is 15–30 minutes. If desired, you can increase or decrease it, focusing on your well-being.

At the end of the session, a tingling sensation in the skin is normal. slight burning sensation or heat. After the procedure, you can slightly stretch the contact areas of the spikes with massaging movements. For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, an applicator in the form of a roller is used in a similar way, placed under back neck and collar area.

During the session every 30 seconds. you need to raise your head, slightly turn your neck to the side, do other active actions. To carry out the first procedure, 4–5 minutes are enough, after completion you need to evaluate your well-being.

Local discomfort, slight dizziness, and increased heart rate, which disappear over time, are considered normal. Negative signs such as darkening of the eyes, lack of air, severe lightheadedness are a reason to urgently stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Kuznetsov applicator with cervical osteochondrosis relieves tension, relaxes neck muscles, restores mobility vertebral region, stimulates blood supply to the brain. Thanks to this, headaches are eliminated, including migraines, problems with coordination, vision and hearing are improved, and the development of strokes is prevented.

The intensity of the device’s impact depends not only on the type of spikes, but also on body posture and pressure force. Lying on a mat may not be suitable for people with severe spinal deformity, as well as those who suffer from overweight body - in these cases the procedure may do more harm than good. As an alternative, you can use devices in the form of belts or bandages, conveniently positioning and fixing them on the body. It is also better to begin the practice of treatment by applying the applicator, controlling the force of the impact of the thorns.

To achieve a lasting result of improved health, it is recommended course treatment: daily procedures for 2 or 3 weeks, then a 7-day break and repeat the course.

With regular exercise, a systemic therapeutic effect is observed: it stabilizes emotional state, work improves internal organs, leaves chronic fatigue, insomnia.


Like any object that comes into contact with human skin, the applicator must be used strictly individually. For hygienic purposes, the needle segments must be thoroughly washed before and after use. warm water With detergent or wipe with alcohol-containing solutions.

The same as for other types of massage:

  • spicy infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • severe heart or pulmonary failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • dermatitis, moles, boils, papillomas, others skin changes in the contact area of ​​the applicator;
  • pregnancy;
  • blood clotting disorder.

You should not try to get the maximum benefit by lying on the applicator for hours - this practice will not bring any other result other than skin irritation.

Even with complete absence contraindications, a doctor’s consultation is required before classes.

Kuznetsov's applicator is not a panacea for diseases, replace it full treatment he cannot, but as a means of restorative action and preventative care has proven its effectiveness.

In the treatment of various diseases, including cervical osteochondrosis, good results provides reflexology. This is a method of special influence on active points and areas on the human body. With the help of reflexology, it is possible to relieve pain in the patient, improve blood circulation in problem areas, and relax muscle spasms. In the end general health the patient is improving. To work with a patient, the reflexologist uses a variety of acupuncture instruments - from special Chinese needles to modern medical electrical devices. Good healing effect is also achieved by applying a massager to problem areas using a Kuznetsov applicator.

Purpose and design of the Kuznetsov applicator

This massager consists of plastic plates with numerous spikes attached to a hard, elastic or fabric base. More modern models can be equipped with additional inserts with magnetic elements and “spines” from 2 to 5 mm long with a distance of 2-8 mm between them. The closer the spikes are to each other and the smaller they are, the softer the impact of the applicator will be.

Depending on the location and features of the application, the applicator can have a different shape and configuration and be designed as:

  • belt with fasteners (used for cervical osteochondrosis);
  • flat mat (convenient for illnesses) thoracic);
  • round cushion (for osteochondrosis and other disorders in the lumbosacral and cervical spine).

High efficiency, ease and accessibility of use, and reasonable price have brought this massager not just popularity, but truly national fame. Now Kuznetsov’s applicator is one of the indispensable home remedies for getting rid of not only neurocirculatory disorders and pain of different nature, but also effective method combating certain diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs, sexual disorders. However, this design has proven itself best for radiculitis, spinal osteochondrosis and obesity.

Effect of the applicator for osteochondrosis

On the surface of the skin there are biologically active (reflexogenic) points and zones, the stimulation of which causes various effects in the human body. When the Kuznetsov applicator acts on such points in osteochondrosis, the following occurs:

  • activation metabolic processes in the tissues of intervertebral discs and vertebrae;
  • reducing inflammation and swelling of pinched spinal nerves;
  • improvement of blood supply to the spinal cord and brain due to increased blood flow;
  • expansion of capillaries, accompanied by the appearance of a pleasant light warmth.

So, to summarize: in the treatment of osteochondrosis, the Kuznetsov applicator promotes persistent positive dynamics, which manifests itself not only in the reduction or complete disappearance of pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, but also in significant improvement general condition body. Thus, patients experience improved sensitivity various groups muscles, metabolic processes are activated, efficiency increases, irritability disappears, sleep and sexual function in men are normalized.

How to use the applicator correctly

For cervical osteochondrosis, the massager is placed on the collar area and the back of the neck. The applicator needs to be pressed down with a pillow or just with your hands so that the pain from the thorns is tolerable, and stay in this position. Every 50-60 seconds the device must be moved slightly to the side and the entire procedure repeated. The total duration of exposure should be no more than 6 minutes. The massage can be repeated several times a day until pain and other unpleasant symptoms will not weaken. Recommended courses of treatment are 15-20 days followed by a week's break. If weakness, dizziness, tachycardia, or sweating occur, the duration of procedures should be reduced to a minimum, followed by a gradual increase.


The use of a needle applicator for cervical osteochondrosis, despite the apparent simplicity and safety of the technique, is contraindicated if the patient has:

  • warts, birthmarks or skin diseases localized in the neck area;
  • any tumors;
  • epilepsy, pulmonary and heart failure;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • blockages of blood vessels with subsequent inflammation.

The Kuznetsov applicator is prohibited for use by pregnant women, as well as patients with elevated temperature bodies.

Even in the absence of the above contraindications, it is advisable to use the applicator after consultation with your doctor.

It must be remembered that the massager is not an alternative to other – traditional – methods of therapy that are used in the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis.

Patients are interested in whether the Kuznetsov applicator will help with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine? Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis tend to develop very quickly, which is why the disease becomes acute or chronic stage. The most common sign of osteochondrosis is severe pain in the back or neck. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe special treatment. It is not recommended to deal with the disease on your own.

Will Kuznetsov's applicator help?

The attending physician prescribes both traditional conservative treatment and physiotherapy, and in the absence of contraindications, allows the use of methods traditional therapy. For example, this could be a Kuznetsov applicator for osteochondrosis or a Lyapko applicator. These 2 devices for neck osteochondrosis are easy to use and do not cause severe pain during use.

Indications for using one or another applicator for osteochondrosis may include the following conditions observed in humans:

  1. Diseases of the respiratory system and treatment of the nervous system.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Effect on the body

This device can be used at home without special problems. The applicator, or as it is sometimes called the indicator, consists of a set of small spikes. They can be made of metal or plastic. They also differ in shape, but in the Kuznetsov apparatus the spikes are arranged so that they have a bifurcated structure. This allows you to reduce painful sensations, level of discomfort, do not damage the skin, avoid injury during the procedure. The length and density of the spikes on the applicator, which are located on the base - oilcloth or rag, are different.

The technology for improving the Kuznetsov applicator for cervical osteochondrosis, as well as the scope of application, made it possible to create other versions of the indicator:

  1. Belts that are attached to the lower back.
  2. Foot mats.
  3. Slippers with spikes.

To treat osteochondrosis of the neck, it is most convenient to use the Kuznetsov applicator, made in the form of a roller. To treat osteochondrosis in the thoracic region, you need to use a special mat.

How to use the device in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis?

The mechanism of action of the Kuznetsov applicator during exacerbation or chronic course cervical osteochondrosis is based on the following.

There are a large number of active points on the human body; if they are influenced correctly, it is possible to restore the functioning of internal organs and normalize functions life processes. This function is performed by the spikes, which are located so as to influence the points, and through them, the entire area of ​​inflammatory processes.

How gradual irritation of nerve endings occurs can be seen in the photo.

Due to the influence of the applicator on nerve endings, bones and cartilage tissue start at large quantities act nutrients, minerals, essential elements.

This is how inflammation begins to gradually decrease and blood flow normalizes.

Consequences of application and limitations

If you regularly use the Kuznetsov applicator, you can quickly achieve the following results:

  1. Recovering healthy sleep, which brings relaxation rather than pain.
  2. Relieves tension in the muscles in the cervical spine.
  3. The sensitivity of the peripheral nervous system increases.
  4. Improves concentration useful substances in tissues.
  5. Normalized psychological state sick.
  6. The pain syndrome gradually decreases, and after a while it may completely disappear.

Patient reviews of the Kuznetsov applicator are the most positive. According to the patients themselves, regular use can significantly improve their condition and improve the health of the entire body.

The Kuznetsov applicator is used only in combination with drug treatment, special physical education and general therapy. The invention is not capable of independently treating or preventing the development of osteochondrosis.

The use of the Kuznetsov applicator is prohibited if the following contraindications exist:

  1. When a patient is diagnosed with skin diseases.
  2. Presence of heart or pulmonary failure.
  3. There is an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. Epilepsy develops.
  5. During pregnancy at all stages of fetal development. Since the use of the applicator has a strong effect on all nerve endings, the effect on the fetus can be very different.
  6. The presence of tumor formations of a malignant nature, since the use of an indicator can lead to their growth.
  7. To people suffering alcohol addiction and drug addiction, it is contraindicated to use the Kuznetsov applicator. Their nervous system is in a rather depressed state, which can cause the development of unpredictable consequences and changes in the body.

The use of this indicator must be carried out in compliance with safety rules.

  1. Firstly, you cannot spend more time on the mat than provided for in the treatment schedule.
  2. Secondly, lying on the Kuznetsov indicator throughout the night is prohibited.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to combine the Kuznetsov apparatus with the passage of other medical procedures, including compliance proper nutrition, performing a set of therapeutic and preventive measures and self-massage.

How is treatment carried out using Kuznetsov and Lyapko applicators? Before using the Kuznetsov indicator, you should ask your doctor about the specifics of its use. Among the main recommendations are the following:

  1. You need to buy an applicator that has the shape of a roller or a strap.
  2. The indicator should be placed under a soft base, the thickness of which does not exceed 3 cm.
  3. Slowly lower onto the applicator. It is allowed to press it to the damaged area with elastic bandages. The most comfortable way is to lie on a cushion that is placed under your neck.
  4. The lying time should be up to 30 seconds in one position, which then needs to be changed. And they do this for 15–30 minutes.

The number of sessions is determined by the doctor, but usually the duration of therapy is about 3-4 weeks, and then there is a break for several weeks. If the skin is very sensitive, then you need to choose applicators with a high density of thorns to make sure whether the therapy helps in the treatment of osteochondrosis. If pain occurs when lying down, it is best to hold the applicator with your hands.

Massage therapists often use the Lyapko applicator for osteochondrosis, which is sold in the form of special plates, rugs, and slippers. They have metal spikes attached to soft rubber. Then the spikes are coated with copper, nickel, zinc, gold or silver. All these metals have a positive effect on the patient's body. But they use the Lyapko indicator only with an assistant who will press on the desired area.

Among the features, it is worth noting that the Lyapko applicator for cervical osteochondrosis should be used in courses and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Made in the form of a roller with a handle, the Lyapko applicator must be applied to the area that is inflamed and affected by disease. Another person must press on it for the procedure to have an effect on the nerve endings.

Intervertebral hernia is a serious disease of the spine, difficult to treat conservative treatment. Applicators Lyapko or Kuznetsov effectively act in places of pain, providing a pronounced anesthetic effect, improving blood circulation and nutrition of the spinal column.

Applicator Lyapko

Named after its creator - a scientist from Ukrainian Donetsk, candidate medical sciences and reflexologist highest category Nikolai Grigorievich Lyapko. His brainchild has been successfully helping not only with intervertebral hernias for more than 15 years, but also with milder dystrophic diseases spine – radiculitis, osteochondrosis, protrusions.


The applicator is available in numerous forms - elastic plates (mats), rollers of various diameters, insoles, healing belts. For home use You can use a regular rug measuring 10.5 x 23 cm.

The applicator is made of medical rubber using only natural rubber. 5 needles are used, useful for human body, metals: copper, iron, nickel, zinc, silver and gold. The basis of each needle is iron or copper, supplemented by two more metals.

The positive effect on the body and intervertebral hernia is, in particular, due to the galvano-electric and reflex-mechanical properties of the mat. Let's take a closer look at what happens when the patient lies on the applicator:

  1. The skin in the area of ​​pain (intervertebral hernia) comes into contact with metal needles.
  2. At this moment, a galvanic reaction begins, and metals from the needles enter the skin in microdoses (a kind of electrophoresis without connecting to the mains).
  3. In addition to relieving pain, the cumulative effect of the impact of the mat also affects internal systems body.
  4. Simultaneously with electrophoresis, acupressure occurs.

The result is normalization of metabolic processes, improved conductivity nerve impulses, restoration of sensitivity of damaged nerve endings.


Even children can be treated with the applicator. True, there is still a limitation: it is not recommended to use a mat or roller for children under 2 years of age. The use of the Lyapko applicator has several absolute contraindications:

  • Second half of pregnancy.
  • Acute infections.
  • Neoplasms (benign and malignant).
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Excessive sensitivity to electrical current.
  • Cardiovascular and/or respiratory failure in decompensation.

Relative contraindications are purulent skin rashes, boils, open wounds, scratches. Moreover, the ban on use is more associated with pain when needles get into a wound or abscess.

Treatment technique

The use of a mat helps with many diseases, not only intervertebral hernia. The fact that it can and should be used at such serious illness, speaks of efficiency and good therapeutic effect in relation to the whole organism.

The Lyapko applicator is used for spinal hernia as follows:

  1. Accurately determine the location of the hernia.
  2. Place a towel roll on the couch (it must be level and fairly rigid) if the hernia is located in the lumbar or cervical spine.
  3. Lie down and analyze whether it is comfortable for you to lie down.
  4. If comfortable, place a mat on top of the bolster, sit on the couch, then turn around with your feet flat and gently lower yourself straight onto the mat.

The first use of the applicator may seem too harsh. The needles will dig into the skin, causing a certain feeling of pain. Try to relax as much as possible. Remember, if the body is not pinched, the needles will not harm it. Approximately 3-5 minutes after the first touch of the mat, warmth will begin to spread throughout the body. There may be a tingling sensation in the affected area. After about 15 minutes, the sedative effect of the applicator will appear.

The best solution is to have 2-3 standard mats and, during treatment, lie on them with your entire spine. This will improve blood circulation not only in the area where the intervertebral hernia is located, but throughout spinal column. Duration of exposure at chronic pain– up to 2 hours. At this time, the patient can sleep peacefully.

If the feeling of discomfort does not go away after 5 minutes, remove the mat. You can use it again only after half a day. Another option is to lift yourself off the mat and gently lie down on it again. Do not fidget under any circumstances, otherwise you will scratch the skin.

Kuznetsov applicator

Named after its creator - Ivan Ivanovich Kuznetsov. The effect of this applicator is somewhat simpler, since the needles in it are plastic, so there is no electrophoresis with microdoses of metals. Flowers with petals, which are needles pointing upward, are attached at the same distance from each other.

Types of applicators

Kuznetsov's applicator is available in 16 different options, including a universal mat and rollers, and in two types of needles (different piercing ability), complemented by small magnets (the middle of the flowers).

You can find 4 types of mats/rollers on sale - green, blue, yellow, orange. Green has a gentle effect, blue is more intense (the thorns are sharper), best effect gives a yellow mat (sharp spikes, supplemented with magnetic inserts), an orange one has long, sharp, specially sharpened spikes (such a mat is intended for yogis).

Properties and contraindications

Kuznetsov's applicator has a fairly gentle effect on the body. At the same time, blood circulation in the area where the needles are located improves, muscles and skin are toned, pain in the affected area is relieved, and deep, healthy sleep can occur during the procedure. It is allowed to be used by children aged over a year old. Be sure to choose a rug with blunt spikes and a wide needle spacing.

The applicator cannot be used if:

  • Any neoplasms, including the presence of moles, warts, papillomas in the affected area; individual intolerance.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Skin diseases and skin damage – scratches, open wounds, carbuncles, boils, ulcers, pimples.

If you want to use the Kuznetsov applicator during pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist.

Treatment technique

In case of intervertebral hernia, the mat is placed in the place of greatest pain (the participation of an assistant will be required), secured elastic bandage, adjusting the pressure, and leave for 15 - 30 minutes for exposure. Lying on the Kuznetsov applicator during intervertebral protrusions is not recommended.

As a result of such treatment, oxygen supply to tissues improves, pain syndrome decreases, sensitivity of the limbs increases, spinal mobility increases, and sleep normalizes.

Rules for the procedure:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Be sure to visit the toilet. Intestines and bladder must be emptied.
  3. Use the Kuznetsov applicator either on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, or after meals one and a half to two hours.
  4. After the procedure, be sure to rest for 10 minutes.

Both applicators (Lyapko and Kuznetsova) are useful for intervertebral hernia, protrusions and other diseases of the spine and joints. Before you start using them, consult your doctor. Better yet, go ahead full examination for diseases that you don’t even know about yet.

A typical Lyapko applicator is a rubber mat that is covered with a thick layer blunt needles made from different metals or their alloys.

The distance between the needles varies from mat to mat, which allows you to choose the applicator for yourself.

Modified versions may look like pillows, bolsters and even slippers, but the essence is the same: a surface with needles.

The standard Kuznetsov applicator consists of many flat, spiked plates attached to a base made of fabric, elastic or rigid material.

Such applicators can have different shapes, depending on the place where they need to be applied:

  • In the form of a flat mat;
  • Wide belt;
  • In the form of a round or semicircular roller.

Today there are many improved modifications that have spikes different sizes or magnetic inserts and other add-ons.

The photo shows a Kuznetsov applicator in the shape of a semicircular roller, used for cervical osteochondrosis

The impact of the needle applicator will be softer if the spikes are small in size and located very close to each other.

It consists of plastic modules with sharp spikes on soft basis. There is nothing complicated in its design; anyone can assemble it.

The active elements of the applicator - plates (modules) made of medical plastic with spikes or needles, 2−5 mm high.

The distance between elements is 3−8 mm. Using the height of the spikes and the distance between them, you can adjust the force of impact.

IN present moment available for sale this device various shapes:

  • rug;
  • strip;
  • roller;
  • belt;
  • belt;
  • hemisphere;

It is produced both ready for use, of different sizes, and in disassembled form in sets of square or round modules. To treat osteochondrosis, a mat covers the entire back; it will require 300-400 modules.

They are glued or sewn independently to a soft base (for example, a towel). It is collected depending on pain sensitivity person.

If there is an increased perception of pain, the distance between the active modules should be no more than 5-6 mm. When the pain is well tolerated, the modules can be placed every 8 mm.

Photo of Kuznetsov's applicator in action:

Active elements are also divided by color:

  • blue - with normal pain sensitivity (thorns of medium sharpness);
  • green - with increased (dull spines);
  • yellow - with weak perception of pain (sharp thorns);
  • orange - used by yogis before using boards with nails (elongated and very sharp spikes).

There is also a Tibetan version of the Kuznetsov applicator (spikes with two needles) and with a magnet (additional action magnetic field). For the treatment of back diseases, it is preferable to choose the usual needle option in the form of a Kuznetsov rug.

Types - how to choose the right one?



Under the name “Tibetan” lies an ordinary Kuznetsov rug. It is called Tibetan because the idea of ​​creating such a device came to Kuznetsov in Tibet.

As in the case of the needle applicator, Kuznetsov’s Tibetan applicator for cervical osteochondrosis shows average results due to the bends of the neck.

Of course, you can fix it with an elastic bandage, but part of the effect will be missed.

  • Rug 17x28 cm: 330 RUR;
  • Rug 12x22 cm: 200 rub.


Magnetic applicators- These are modified Tibetan ones. There are two modifications:

  1. Such devices have a smaller fastener size, which makes possible use on the arm, leg and neck;
  2. They have built-in magnets, which allows you to combine acupuncture and magnetic therapy.
  • Magnetic applicator “Biomag”: 170 RUR;
  • Magnetic bandage applicator for head and neck: 350 rub.

Neck roll

The rollers are a modification to the adaptation of both Lyapko and Kuznetsov. The Lyapko roller looks like a regular massage roller.

To use it, it is advisable to find someone who will treat the patient’s neck with it (the procedure is very similar to a massage). Big plus: the pressure force can be adjusted.

Roller Lyapko is in undoubted demand.

  • Roller “Universal”, width – 7 cm: 1160 RUR;
  • Roller “Large”, width – 11 cm: 1310 rub.

The Kuznetsov neck roller is essentially a cylinder with spikes located on its periphery.

The patient uses it himself: he simply lays his neck down and lies down.

  • Kuznetsov massage roller for the neck: 630 RUR;
  • Dog-shaped massage roller: RUB 1,200.

Large applicators

The word “large” includes many types: both huge carpets and carpets that can literally be wrapped around your entire body. But when it comes to neck issues, only one type matters: Kuznetsov’s pillow-shaped applicators.

They are a continuation of the idea of ​​neck rolls.

  • Massage acupuncture pillow, 32x32x11 cm: 1050 rub.;
  • Travel neck cushion (travel pillow): RUB 1,030.


Pranamat is a company specializing in the production of mats similar to the Tibetan Kuznetsov applicator.

Application, indications and contraindications: all the same. Two interrelated differences: material and price.

Pranamat mats are made of coconut fiber, natural linen, cotton and medical plastic. Due to this, they receive several small advantages over “classic” carpets: less chance of allergies, less wear, increased comfort.

However, the price for these benefits may seem too high to some patients.

  • Pranamat Eco Lilac, rug size: 73x45 cm. Price: 8500 rub.;
  • PranaPillow. Price: 6200 rub.

Applicators are available in various modifications, although they function in exactly the same way.

But still, you should choose a massager based on the pathology that is intended to be treated.


This type of applicator is a surface with metal one-sided needles about a centimeter high. This form of massager is very convenient because it can be used for local anesthesia in certain areas.

This applicator is used to treat nervous system and cardiovascular pathologies, myositis, as well as to increase skin tone.

The metal applicator is suitable for people with normal pain threshold and without skin lesions.


The Tibetan version of the Kuznetsov applicator is made in the form of a mat, only the needles attached to it have two points. This massager is used to remove pain symptoms, to improve cardiovascular, nervous system, respiratory activity.


These applicators look like mats with needles, only they additionally have magnetic inserts. Thanks to the needles, blood vessels dilate, and magnets prevent thrombus formation and promote the activation of metabolic processes.

Neck and back cushion

This massager belongs to the variety Tibetan applicator. It is intended to eliminate symptoms characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis. In addition, it is good at relieving fatigue and tension in the neck muscles after heavy lifting. working day.

Often a massage roller is used to treat the legs or lower back. It improves tone, relieves fatigue and tension, provides sound sleep.


This massager is also called a Nirvana mat. It is often used to relieve fatigue and muscle tension and also to relieve stress. Its needles have a therapeutic effect on the entire back area, so the range of applications is quite wide.

The most commonly used applicator is a set of round pieces of spikes with needles, which are fixed to a soft base. Some massagers are equipped with magnetic inserts.

During treatment, the massager should be in close contact with the diseased part of the body using its own weight, using hands or improvised means for 1 minute to an hour or more.

Treatment method

Treatment of osteochondrosis with the Kuznetsov applicator is performed as follows:

  1. If affected cervical region You should choose a small roller or strap. For other areas, choose rugs. They are laid on foam mats - mats 2-3 cm thick.
  2. The patient carefully lies down on the mat or presses it tightly to the sore spot with an elastic bandage or manually, if we're talking about about the neck. When lying on the mat, it is important to evenly distribute your body weight. When using bolsters, they are placed at 3 points: under the knees, lower back, and neck. If one area should not be affected, place a rolled up towel. When laying on the mat and getting up, an assistant can help to ensure an even load.
  3. You need to lie quietly on the applicator for 30 seconds, then change your body position. You can roll from side to side, do simple exercises: raise your arms and legs.
  4. The procedure lasts 10 - 30 minutes.

Applicators for the treatment of osteochondrosis are used in courses. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.

The break between two courses is a week, between pairs - a month. When performing the procedure, movements cause slight pain - a temporary phenomenon.

Osteochondrosis can make itself felt at any time. Severe pain interfere with work. If you do not want to visit doctors, or for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, you should use the funds alternative medicine, which includes the Kuznetsov applicator. It is less painful to use.

An applicator or applicator is used when various diseases, including the respiratory and nervous systems. When treating the musculoskeletal system, a striking effect is visible.

The applicator is small spikes. They are made of plastic, less often metal. Forked spikes in the shape of a plum blossom are gentle on the skin and scratch less. The length of the spikes and the frequency of location vary.

The spikes are placed on a fabric or oilcloth base. Many modifications are used. They produce mats, belts with fasteners, rollers, and other forms of applicator. The Kuznetsov applicator for cervical osteochondrosis is in the form of a roller; for the thoracic region - a mat with a larger impact surface.

The applicator is small needles attached to a surface that easily follows the curves of the body (fabric). They constantly experiment with the length and shape of the spikes and select them individually.

Impact on the body

According to ancient Chinese teachings, there are points on the human body, the stimulation of which affects the human organs and ongoing processes. Areas of alternative medicine are used - acupuncture, acupuncture. Specialists act on specific points to achieve the effect. When carrying out treatment, it is worth knowing the location of the points.

The applicator for osteochondrosis has a similar effect on the body, but there is no need to look for points. Affects a larger area of ​​skin, activates nerve endings. Irritation of the points leads to stimulation of metabolic processes, damaged cartilage tissues receive essential microelements, the recovery process starts. Inflammation from nerve endings is relieved. The effect affects tissues, capillaries - they become irritated, circulation improves.

Cervical osteochondrosis causes headaches, nervous disorders, eliminated after using the applicator. Impact on the body:

  • reduction of pain or complete elimination of pain;
  • increased performance, decreased irritability, tearfulness;
  • improved sensitivity of nerve endings;
  • stretching, muscle toning;
  • normalization of sleep.

The effect is local and on the body as a whole. Due to the general improvement of the patient’s condition, the internal capabilities of the body are opened, which help in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

You should not refuse another method of treating osteochondrosis, except using the Kuznetsov applicator. Doctors abroad were unable to prove positive influence applicator for treatment, our scientists only confirmed that it does not lead to a worsening of the condition.

Contraindications for use

The iplicator is not without its drawbacks. There are cases when the use of the Kuznetsov applicator for osteochondrosis is prohibited. These include:

  • pregnancy. The effect is on the entire body, there is no guarantee of safety for the child;
  • malignant tumors. The procedure provokes their growth;
  • epilepsy;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism - there is a load on nervous system;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • tendency to bleed. The skin is exposed to sharp spikes, so punctures of thin, sensitive skin, subcutaneous bleeding due to compression of capillaries;
  • pulmonary, heart failure;
  • skin diseases, clusters of moles located in the area of ​​influence of the applicator.

It is worth following the rules of use. Patients waiting for urgent care positive effect, go to bed on mats at night every day. This is unnecessary irritation and does not provide any additional positive effect. The procedures last no more than 30 minutes and are performed in courses at certain intervals.

Additionally, it is worth using other treatment methods: taking medications, doing gymnastics, eating right. An integrated approach treats osteochondrosis.

Treatment method

Treatment of osteochondrosis with the Kuznetsov applicator is performed as follows:

  1. If the cervical spine is affected, you should choose a small cushion or strap. For other areas, choose rugs. They are laid on foam mats - mats 2-3 cm thick.
  2. The patient carefully lies down on the mat or presses it tightly to the sore spot with an elastic bandage or manually if it concerns the neck. When lying on the mat, it is important to evenly distribute your body weight. When using bolsters, they are placed at 3 points: under the knees, lower back, and neck. If one area should not be affected, place a rolled up towel. When laying on the mat and getting up, an assistant can help to ensure an even load.
  3. You need to lie quietly on the applicator for 30 seconds, then change your body position. You can roll from side to side, do simple exercises: raise your arms and legs.
  4. The procedure lasts 10 - 30 minutes.

Applicators for the treatment of osteochondrosis are used in courses. The course lasts 2-3 weeks. The break between two courses is a week, between pairs - a month. During the procedure, movements cause slight pain - a temporary phenomenon. In this case, the exposure time is reduced to a minimum and gradually increased. Over time, the pain will disappear.

If the skin sensitivity is high, you should choose an applicator with a frequent arrangement of spikes. Lying down is replaced massage treatments when rollers or mats are pressed with hands, gradually changing the force of pressure - a variant of the procedure that requires an assistant. Treatment is carried out at home.

An alternative option is the Lyapko applicator

Kuznetsov's applicator is not the only device for influencing active points. For osteochondrosis, the Lyapko applicator is used. It consists of mats, slippers, plates, rollers, and other modifications made from elastic medical rubber - natural rubber. They contain metal spikes made of iron, brass, coated with other metals, necessary for the body: nickel, silver, gold, zinc, copper.

The device affects the body in the same way. The area near the spine is rolled with rollers. The Lyapko applicator for cervical osteochondrosis is used in a small size. The helper controls the degree of pressure.

The device has the same contraindications as the Kuznetsov applicator. Treatment is carried out in courses. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieving irritation, reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings, and blocking pain. Stimulates blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes.

Applicators are best used as aids, improving absorption by the body medicines, consolidating the effects of other procedures. There is no way to quickly overcome osteochondrosis, so you should be patient and follow an integrated approach to treatment prescribed by a doctor.



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