Yellow circles before the eyes. “Floaters” before the eyes, flashes and vision of a rainbow halo

Black spots before the eyes, dark dots, floating spots - these strange objects are sometimes seen by each of us. If you move your gaze, the dots also move and then slowly float. This visual defect is not a hallucination at all; ophthalmologists say that similar violations normal phenomenon, and are only rarely associated with eye diseases.

Ophthalmologists advise making several rotational movements with your eyes, and then looking up and down several times. If there are foreign particles floating in the vitreous body of the eye, this will help get rid of them. Such exercises will relieve spasm of the eye muscles caused by strain on the eyes (for example, working at a computer).

If dark circles appeared before your eyes when you stood up suddenly, then you just have to freeze for a few seconds - the pressure will return to normal, and your vision will normalize. If dark circles start dancing during physical activity or walking, the cause may be low level blood glucose. Take a break and eat something sweet.

Dark circles before the eyes are one of the symptoms high pressure, so it wouldn’t hurt to measure it. With a sharp change in lighting, when looking at objects that are too bright, or with a sudden change in body position, even a completely healthy person can see circles before the eyes.

In what cases is it necessary to consult an ophthalmologist?

If dark circles are not in a hurry to disappear or appear frequently, go to an ophthalmologist. Only he can cure eye inflammation and retinal damage. And the appearance of dark spots before the eyes may indicate destruction vitreous.

What is vitreous destruction

Vitreous humor is a gel that fills the space between the retina and the lens of the eye. This body is in in good condition completely transparent. When disturbances occur in its composition, fragments appear that differ in transparency from the vitreous body itself. A decrease in the volume of the vitreous body is called destruction. New opaque fragments interfere with the transmission of images to the retina, hence the floating dark circles before the eyes.

Causes of changes in the vitreous body:

  • aging: after 50 years this is a normal phenomenon;
  • myopia: myopic people are particularly prone to such changes; in their case, dark circles may appear even in adolescence;
  • eye injuries: if blood particles enter the vitreous body, they will create a shadow on the retina;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • high blood pressure;
  • other factors.

If the cause of visual impairment is not destruction of the vitreous body, then vision problems may go away on their own, but a visit to an ophthalmologist will not be superfluous.

Here is a list of things that can change your vision.

Veil before the eyes.

Spots before the eyes.

Rainbow circles when you look at a lit object, such as a street lamp or the headlights of an approaching car.

Loss of peripheral vision: You can see, but only narrowly straight ahead, not to the sides.

Double vision.

Flashes of light or zigzag lines.

Blind spots.

Intolerance to bright light.

Poor central vision - you see better on the sides.

The causes of these symptoms - and many others - usually fall into one of the following categories:

1. Local violations in one eye or both.

2. Weakness of the muscles that control eye movements.

3. Neurological problem inside the brain.

4. Disease not related to the eyes or brain.

5. Reaction to medications.

6. Trauma.

To "fish out" exact reason, first, let's take a look at your home medicine cabinet.

Clouds before the eyes, spots and rainbow circles can be caused by medications. Certain medications, including antidepressants, cortisone, anti-anxiety medications (haldol), contraceptive pills, heart medications, and medications used for Parkinson's disease impair vision by increasing pressure in the eye. This can worsen existing low-grade glaucoma and cause blurred vision, loss of peripheral vision, rainbow circles when looking at lights, and overall decreased visual acuity.

If you have double vision (doctors call it diplopia), it's important to know whether it's happening in one eye or both. (This Maybe- see everything double with only one eye.) To determine this, close one eye for a while. If you still see double, the problem is local to that eye. However, if ghosting is observed only when both eyes are open, then something affects eye muscles, the most common causes are vascular disorders of the brain: usually stroke, myasthenia gravis, increased function thyroid gland, diabetes or brain tumor.

If you are 40 years of age or older and have begun to see spots or floating objects in front of your eyes, don't worry. This is a very common phenomenon in completely healthy elderly people, it indicates the presence of intermediate metabolic products. Are you with more likely You will see these spots if you are nearsighted. Over time they will bother you less. If However, if there are so many spots or they are so large that they interfere with your vision, see an eye doctor (though, frankly, I don't know what he can do for you).

If suddenly you see what appears to be a downpour, a shower of sparks through a veil in front of your eye, you may have experienced retinal detachment. This often happens in older people with myopia. As the lens of the eye curved, retina behind him it wrapped up and separated. Contact your doctor immediately, because... laser treatment on the early stage can work wonders for this previously incurable disease.

Are bright lights suddenly annoying you? Many people with thin skin are unable to tolerate bright lighting. However, if this symptom is new to you, it may indicate infections, inflammation or injury eye. It also occurs in glaucoma and some types of cataracts. Find out.

If you suddenly notice a blind spot when you look straight ahead and it lasts for several days, see your doctor. It could happen to you hemorrhage inside the eye. If you see bright spots, rainbow circles, zigzag lines, or lost peripheral vision followed by severe headache, you had migraine attack. These visual disturbances will soon pass.

If you are a diabetic and suddenly notice occasional or constant double vision, your eye muscles have been weakened by the disease. This symptom is usually temporary.

If you are 60 or 70 years old and have been seeing double for several minutes or hours, it is likely due to a spasm ( transient ischemic attack) or blockage of one of the arteries of the brain ( stroke), especially if you have high blood pressure. Contact your doctor immediately.

If you are under 40 years old and suddenly begin to see double or blurred vision and also notice that you have an unsteady gait, the most probable cause, at least according to statistics, is early multiple sclerosis. Although victims of this disease long time may feel well, multiple sclerosis usually progresses over the years.

If you are a woman between 30 and 40 years old and taking birth control pills, smoke and you have blurry or double vision, the cause is vascular disorder in the brain. While some of this is due to hormones, the main culprit lies with cigarettes.

If you have diabetes, you may find that some days your glasses are good, but other days your vision through them is blurry. These changes are associated with fluctuations in blood sugar. Don't waste money on new glasses because nothing will change until you stabilize your blood sugar.

If you suddenly become blind in one eye and your vision does not return quickly, it is possible that central retinal artery there is a blockage behind the eye or blood clot or arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). This is a case that requires emergency care . Contact us immediately eye doctor. It can save your vision if you get to it quickly enough.

Here are a few other options to keep in mind.

You are over 50, every muscle in your body is sore and tense for days, you slight fever, your appetite has disappeared and you feel weak. Suddenly, as if all this was not enough, you go blind in one eye. You almost certainly temporal arteritis , inflammation of certain arteries of the head. The diagnosis requires a biopsy and, if confirmed, immediate treatment with cortisone. The alternative is blindness!

If you are 60 years of age or older, have glaucoma, diabetes, or high blood pressure and begin to notice gradual decreased vision in one eye, probably blocked central retinal vein(not an artery). Again this is a case requiring immediate assistance, and you must consult a doctor as quickly as possible.

If you are a pre-menopausal woman taking birth control pills and experience flashes of sparkling lights in your eyes followed by periods of temporary blindness, this is a migraine.

If you are over 60, you lose central vision and see better on one side, you have senile degeneration macular spot eyes. It is part of the aging process and there is no way to prevent it or cure it nowadays.

Vision is a priceless gift, the loss of which is a tragedy. If you experience any of the symptoms described above, consult your doctor immediately.

March 6th is World Glaucoma Day. Doctors are sounding the alarm, because last year 45 million (!) people in the world lost their sight due to this eye disease, and in 2020 there will already be 76 million...

Why is the disease dangerous and how can it be recognized? Tatyana Smal, an ophthalmologist in the city, talks about this medical center eye microsurgery eighth clinical hospital Lvov.

- What are the symptoms of this disease?

To begin with, doctors distinguish between two types of glaucoma. There are open and closed angle glaucoma. More often the first option is very insidious, because a person for a long time doesn't feel the increase eye pressure and some visual changes. And after a while he begins to see worse in one eye. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise vision loss is guaranteed. With closed angle glaucoma, when you look at the light, you see rainbow circles, there is cloudiness, blurred vision, pain in the head.

- How dangerous is this disease?

Glaucoma is chronic disease, which is characterized by constant or periodic increase eye pressure. As a consequence, a decrease in visual acuity develops, and in end result- optic nerve atrophy and blindness. This disease develops over two to three years.

- Who does the disease affect?

Glaucoma often affects patients who are already in their fifties.

- What are the causes of glaucoma?

Specific age-related changes in the corner of the anterior chamber of the eye cause a deterioration in the outflow of fluid and an increase in intraocular pressure. Unfortunately, doctors still have not figured out why this happens.

- What should it be normal level intraocular pressure?

It is individual for each patient, but in general this pressure in adults is 16-26 millimeters of mercury. Anyone can get glaucoma. Therefore, if you are over 40 years old, you must systematically measure fundus pressure. And if someone in your family has glaucoma, you are at risk. People with diabetes mellitus, vascular pathologies, migraines, a tendency to vascular spasms, I advise smokers to check the fundus at least once a year. The same applies to those who have ever had eye injuries or surgical interventions on it. It is not difficult to identify glaucoma - at the appointment, the ophthalmologist must measure intraocular pressure, inspect optic nerve, check the field of view. The most important thing is to do it on time.

- What to do when glaucoma has already been detected?

First they prescribe drug treatment. The operation is carried out only in extreme cases. In addition, if open angle glaucoma is detected in a timely manner, vision can be maintained at the level at which it already exists and preserved.

Floaters before the eyes: causes, treatment, what to do, connection with diseases

Each of us has at one time or another seen spots before our eyes. Their appearance in a healthy person, as a rule, associated with a sharp change in body position, rapid throwing back of the head, and then returning it to initial state, strong tension when coughing, sneezing, vomiting. In such cases, everything is restored quickly - a few seconds and the flies disappear. It’s another matter if the appearance of various objects or a veil before the eyes is difficult to explain, since it was not noticed no provoking circumstances: no squats, no throwing back, no sharp turns to the side, no somersaults on the horizontal bar, no tension for any other reason. In addition, e If these symptoms persistently do not go away, then most likely there is only one way out - visiting a doctor.

Usually, with such problems, people first go to an ophthalmologist, assuming pathological changes in the organ of vision. However, in other cases, visual disturbances are caused by reasons that are not directly related to eye diseases, simply, as ophthalmologists say: “the eye is the same brain, only brought to the periphery, so it is the first to begin to see what is going on in the head.”

First - see an ophthalmologist

The appearance of black dots before the eyes or other unidentified objects often has a cause arising from disturbances in the organ of vision. Most often similar clinical manifestations gives a pathology called destruction of the vitreous body of the eye, which represents the destruction of gel-like proteins that, together with water, make up the structure of this vitreous body. The destroyed proteins do not disappear anywhere, but continue to exist in the form of clumps, freely floating in the liquid medium of the eye and creating an obstacle to the passage of light to the retina. If this really happens, then it is not at all necessary that the objects appearing before the eyes be black flies; they can be white with a dark-colored rim or floating in the form of ribbons and strings. And, moreover, it is not necessary to see them with both eyes; pathological changes in the vitreous body can occur only in one eye.

The reason is in the eye itself

The cause of floaters before the eyes may be the destruction of the proteins of the vitreous body or the adverse effects of some factors directly on the organ of vision:

  • Age– everything ages and wears out during use. People having good eyesight and those who do not know problems with it, usually tend to believe that it will always be like this, however, the years take their toll and the eyes begin to feel it, sometimes much earlier than other organs, however, destruction of the vitreous body does not apply to early symptoms visual impairment resulting from age-related changes.
  • Damage to the walls blood vessel, which caused microscopic effects for the whole organism, but significant for the eye, hemorrhage.
  • Mechanical damage directly affecting the organ of vision.
  • Everything floats before your eyes in equal measure and in farsighted people, And nearsighted people, if they try to look at the world without the help of optics, and if they suddenly accidentally change glasses, then visual impairment will increase headache and dizziness. This suggests that glasses should be selected individually in an ophthalmology office, and not purchased somewhere on the market or rented.
  • Floaters that create a solid black veil before the eyes may be a sign retinal detachment.

On visual acuity and the patient’s condition in general, age-related disorders somehow they don’t have much of an impact, people get used to it, resign themselves and don’t bother the doctor with such questions. Other reasons not related to age, on the contrary, require the intervention of a specialist. And the sooner the better. People who have depended on optics for many years know what to do. As a rule, they have long been included in the group of regular visitors to the ophthalmologist. In case of injuries and retinal detachment, you need to be treated by an ophthalmologist, and with a burst vessel, if this happened without visible reasons, you need to go to another doctor. In this case, the appearance of flying objects before the eyes is most likely not associated with pathology of the visual organs, and therefore falls within the competence of a completely different doctor, for example, a therapist or neurologist.

Video: about floaters in front of those provoked by the eye itself

Where else could the reason be hidden?

It often happens that black spots, flickering zigzags or a veil before the eyes appear in people who do not notice any visual impairment, but suspect another pathology. As a rule, in such cases there are complaints not only about constantly or periodically interfering with any activity, non-existent real life objects, but also for other signs of trouble, also temporary or permanent. This may include a feeling of nausea, speech impairment, or general discomfort.

These conditions can cause various pathological changes in the body that have already been established as a diagnosis, or for the time being are hidden and therefore often unknown to the patient:

How to drive away annoying flies?

Most likely, nothing will work if you just try to get rid of floaters in front of your eyes; there is no cure for them themselves. The reader may be disappointed, but the treatment folk remedies special effect will not work, it can only be used in combination with therapy prescribed by a specialist. So you will have to go to the doctor, find out the cause and use specific means to influence it:

  • Have your vision organs treated by an ophthalmologist if they are pathological condition caused the movement of non-existent objects in front of the eyes;
  • Take a closer look at the lifestyle and daily routine with NDC, without ignoring general strengthening procedures, walks around fresh air and physical education classes;
  • Monitor your diet, work and rest schedule, and consume sufficient quantity vitamins and microelements, walk in the fresh air, do not be nervous or overworked during pregnancy, and during the slightest sign development of gestosis - do not try to hide your “visions” from the doctor;
  • Take migraine medications prescribed by your doctor that can prevent attacks;
  • Carry out vitamin and ferrotherapy in case of iron deficiency anemia;
  • Strictly follow all doctor's instructions for diabetes;
  • Prevent exacerbations cervical osteochondrosis (special gymnastics, massage, Shants collar, visiting the pool, physiotherapeutic procedures, remedies recommended by traditional medicine);
  • Fight factors that provoke development vascular pathology, and if it already occurs, take medications that “clear your head.”

The last piece of advice may be useful to everyone: both patients who see floaters before their eyes and young healthy people, while smiling ironically on this score.

Bad habits, nutrition that predisposes to the development of the atherosclerotic process, physical inactivity, hypoxia, vitamin deficiency - all this may not be very noticeable in at a young age when the body is able to withstand various unfavorable factors and quickly restore your strength. However, years pass in this mode, and in certain age a person already notices increased frequency of headaches, dizziness, dizziness, black spots, and much more that begins to irritate and hinder normal life And labor activity. So, maybe it’s worth thinking about while the flickering zigzags only make you smile?

Video: spots before the eyes - “Live Healthy” program

Here is the list phenomena, which may change your vision:

  • Veil before the eyes.
  • Spots before the eyes.
  • Rainbow circles when you look at a lit object such as a street lamp or the headlights of an approaching car.
  • Loss of peripheral vision: You can see, but only narrowly straight ahead, not to the sides.
  • Double vision.
  • Flashes of light or zigzag lines.
  • Blind spots.
  • Intolerance to bright light.
  • Poor central vision - you see better on the sides.

Reasons These symptoms—and many others—usually fall into one of the following categories:

  • Local disorders in one eye or both.
  • Weakness of the muscles that control eye movements.
  • Neurological problem inside the brain.
  • A disease not related to the eyes or brain.
  • Reaction to medications.
  • Injury.

To “find out” the exact cause, let’s first look in your home medicine cabinet.

Clouds before the eyes, spots and rainbow circles can be caused by medications. Some medications, including antidepressants, cortisone, anti-anxiety medications (haldol), birth control pills, heart medications, and medications used for Parkinson's disease, impair vision by increasing pressure in the eye. This can worsen existing low-grade glaucoma and cause blurred vision, loss of peripheral vision, rainbow circles when looking at lights, and overall decreased visual acuity.

If you have double vision (doctors call it diplopia), it's important to know whether it's happening in one eye or both. (This Maybe- see everything double with only one eye.) To determine this, close one eye for a while. If you still see double, the problem is local to that eye. However, if ghosting is observed only when both the eyes are open, then something affects the eye muscles, the most common causes for this are vascular disorders of the brain: usually stroke, myasthenia gravis, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or brain tumor.

If you are 40 years of age or older and have begun to see spots or floating objects in front of your eyes, don't worry. This is a very common phenomenon in completely healthy elderly people, it indicates the presence of intermediate metabolic products. You are more likely to see these spots if you are nearsighted. Over time they will bother you less. If However, if there are so many spots or they are so large that they interfere with vision, visit your eye doctor.

If suddenly you see what appears to be a downpour, a shower of sparks through a veil before your eyes, you may have experienced retinal detachment. This often happens in older people with myopia. As the lens of the eye curved, the retina behind it curled up and separated. Contact your doctor immediately, because... Laser treatment at a very early stage can work wonders for this previously incurable disease.

Are bright lights suddenly annoying you? Many people with thin skin cannot tolerate bright light. However, if this symptom is new to you, it may indicate infections, inflammation or eye injury. It also occurs when glaucoma and some types cataract. Find out.

If you suddenly notice a blind spot when you look straight ahead and it lasts for several days, see your doctor. It could happen to you hemorrhage inside the eye.

If you see bright spots, rainbow circles, zigzag lines, or have lost peripheral vision followed by a severe headache, you have migraine attack. These visual disturbances will soon pass.

If you diabetic and suddenly notice periodic or constant double vision, your eye muscles are weakened by illness. This symptom is usually temporary.

If you are 60 or 70 years old and have been seeing double for several minutes or hours, it is likely due to a spasm ( transient ischemic attack) or blockage of one of the arteries of the brain ( stroke), especially if you have high blood pressure. Contact your doctor immediately.

If you are under 40 and suddenly experience double vision or blurred vision and notice an unsteady gait, the most likely cause, at least statistically, is early multiple sclerosis. Although victims of this disease may feel well for a long time, multiple sclerosis usually progresses over the years.

If you are a woman between 30 and 40 years of age and are taking birth control pills, smoke and develop blurry or double vision, the cause is vascular disorder in the brain. While some of this is due to hormones, the main culprit lies with cigarettes.

If you have diabetes, you may find that some days your glasses are good, but other days your vision through them is blurry. These changes are associated with fluctuations in blood sugar. Don't waste money on new glasses because nothing will change until you stabilize your blood sugar.

If you suddenly become blind in one eye and your vision does not return quickly, it is possible that central retinal artery behind the eye is blocked either by a blood clot or arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). This is a case that requires emergency care. Contact your eye doctor right away. It can save your vision if you get to it quickly enough.

Here are a few other options to keep in mind.

You're over 50, every muscle in your body has been sore and tense for days, you have a slight fever, you've lost your appetite, and you feel weak. Suddenly, as if all this was not enough, you go blind in one eye. You almost certainly temporal arteritis, inflammation of certain arteries of the head. The diagnosis requires a biopsy and, if confirmed, immediate treatment with cortisone. The alternative is blindness!

If you are 60 years of age or older, have glaucoma, diabetes, or high blood pressure and begin to notice gradual decreased vision in one eye, probably blocked central retinal vein(not an artery). Again, this is a case that requires immediate attention and you must see a doctor as quickly as possible.

If you are a woman before menopause, accept birth control pills and you begin to experience flashes of sparkling lights in your eyes followed by periods of temporary blindness - this migraine.

If you are over 60, you lose central vision and see better on one side, you have senile macular degeneration eyes. It is part of the aging process and there is no way to prevent it or cure it nowadays.

Vision is a priceless gift, the loss of which is a tragedy. If you experience any of the symptoms described above, consult your doctor immediately.

Symptom: vision changes

What could it mean? What to do with it?
Aging process. Nice glasses.
Cataract. Operation.
Reaction to medication. Check the dose or change it.
Stroke or transient ischemic attack. Supportive treatment, anticoagulants, aspirin.
Brain tumor. Surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.
Floating spots. Harmless. No treatment.
Retinal detachment. Laser therapy or scleral suturing.
Infection, inflammation or injury to the eye. Antibiotics or local treatment.
Glaucoma. Medicines or surgery.
Bleeding in the eye. Determine the cause and stop the bleeding.
Migraine. Vision will recover on its own.
Complication of diabetes. Sugar level control.
Multiple sclerosis. There is no treatment.
Vascular disorders of the brain. Medicines, surgery.
Blockage central artery retina. Immediate medical attention.
Temporal arteritis. Same.
Blockage central vein retina. Same.
Macular degeneration. A laser may help.



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